/* Allocate input grammar variables for bison,
- Copyright 1984, 1986, 1989, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Copyright (C) 1984, 1986, 1989, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
#include "system.h"
-#include "gram.h"
+#include "quotearg.h"
#include "symtab.h"
+#include "gram.h"
+#include "reduce.h"
#include "reader.h"
-/* comments for these variables are in gram.h */
+/* Comments for these variables are in gram.h. */
+item_number_t *ritem = NULL;
+unsigned int nritems = 0;
+rule_t *rules = NULL;
+rule_number_t nrules = 0;
+symbol_t **symbols = NULL;
+int nsyms = 0;
+int ntokens = 1;
+int nvars = 0;
+symbol_number_t *token_translations = NULL;
+int max_user_token_number = 256;
+int glr_parser = 0;
+int pure_parser = 0;
+| Return true IFF the rule has a `number' smaller than NRULES. |
+rule_useful_p (rule_t *r)
+ return r->number < nrules;
+| Return true IFF the rule has a `number' higher than NRULES. |
+rule_useless_p (rule_t *r)
+ return r->number >= nrules;
+| Return true IFF the rule is not flagged as useful *and* is useful. |
+| In other words, it was discarded because of conflicts. |
-int nitems;
-int nrules;
-int nsyms;
-int ntokens;
-int nvars;
+rule_never_reduced_p (rule_t *r)
+ return !r->useful && r->number < nrules;
+| Print this RULE's number and lhs on OUT. If a PREVIOUS_LHS was |
+| already displayed (by a previous call for another rule), avoid |
+| useless repetitions. |
+rule_lhs_print (rule_t *rule, symbol_t *previous_lhs, FILE *out)
+ fprintf (out, " %3d ", rule->number);
+ if (previous_lhs != rule->lhs)
+ {
+ fprintf (out, "%s:", rule->lhs->tag);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int n;
+ for (n = strlen (previous_lhs->tag); n > 0; --n)
+ fputc (' ', out);
+ fputc ('|', out);
+ }
-short *ritem = NULL;
-int nritems;
-rule_t *rule_table = NULL;
-short *rprec = NULL;
-short *rprecsym = NULL;
+| Return the number of symbols in RHS. |
+rule_rhs_length (rule_t *rule)
+ int res = 0;
+ item_number_t *rhsp;
+ for (rhsp = rule->rhs; *rhsp >= 0; ++rhsp)
+ ++res;
+ return res;
-struct bucket **symbols = NULL;
-short *sprec = NULL;
-short *rassoc = NULL;
-short *sassoc = NULL;
-short *token_translations = NULL;
-int start_symbol;
+| Print this RULE's RHS on OUT. |
-int max_user_token_number;
+rule_rhs_print (rule_t *rule, FILE *out)
+ if (*rule->rhs >= 0)
+ {
+ item_number_t *r;
+ for (r = rule->rhs; *r >= 0; r++)
+ fprintf (out, " %s", symbols[*r]->tag);
+ fputc ('\n', out);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf (out, " /* %s */\n", _("empty"));
+ }
-int semantic_parser;
-int pure_parser;
+| Print this RULE on OUT. |
-int error_token_number;
+rule_print (rule_t *rule, FILE *out)
+ fprintf (out, "%s:", rule->lhs->tag);
+ rule_rhs_print (rule, out);
ritem_print (FILE *out)
- int i;
+ unsigned int i;
fputs ("RITEM\n", out);
for (i = 0; i < nritems; ++i)
if (ritem[i] >= 0)
- fprintf (out, " %s", tags[ritem[i]]);
+ fprintf (out, " %s", symbols[ritem[i]]->tag);
- fprintf (out, " (rule %d)\n", -ritem[i] - 1);
+ fprintf (out, " (rule %d)\n", item_number_as_rule_number (ritem[i]));
fputs ("\n\n", out);
ritem_longest_rhs (void)
- int length;
- int max;
- int i;
+ int max = 0;
+ rule_number_t r;
- length = 0;
- max = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nritems; ++i)
- if (ritem[i] >= 0)
+ for (r = 0; r < nrules; ++r)
+ {
+ int length = rule_rhs_length (&rules[r]);
+ if (length > max)
+ max = length;
+ }
+ return max;
+| Print the grammar's rules that match FILTER on OUT under TITLE. |
+grammar_rules_partial_print (FILE *out, const char *title,
+ rule_filter_t filter)
+ int r;
+ bool first = true;
+ symbol_t *previous_lhs = NULL;
+ /* rule # : LHS -> RHS */
+ for (r = 0; r < nrules + nuseless_productions; r++)
+ {
+ if (filter && !filter (&rules[r]))
+ continue;
+ if (first)
+ fprintf (out, "%s\n\n", title);
+ else if (previous_lhs && previous_lhs != rules[r].lhs)
+ fputc ('\n', out);
+ first = false;
+ rule_lhs_print (&rules[r], previous_lhs, out);
+ rule_rhs_print (&rules[r], out);
+ previous_lhs = rules[r].lhs;
+ }
+ if (!first)
+ fputs ("\n\n", out);
+| Print the grammar's useful rules on OUT. |
+grammar_rules_print (FILE *out)
+ grammar_rules_partial_print (out, _("Grammar"), rule_useful_p);
+| Dump the grammar. |
+grammar_dump (FILE *out, const char *title)
+ fprintf (out, "%s\n\n", title);
+ fprintf (out,
+ "ntokens = %d, nvars = %d, nsyms = %d, nrules = %d, nritems = %d\n\n",
+ ntokens, nvars, nsyms, nrules, nritems);
+ fprintf (out, "Variables\n---------\n\n");
+ {
+ symbol_number_t i;
+ fprintf (out, "Value Sprec Sassoc Tag\n");
+ for (i = ntokens; i < nsyms; i++)
+ fprintf (out, "%5d %5d %5d %s\n",
+ i,
+ symbols[i]->prec, symbols[i]->assoc,
+ symbols[i]->tag);
+ fprintf (out, "\n\n");
+ }
+ fprintf (out, "Rules\n-----\n\n");
+ {
+ rule_number_t i;
+ fprintf (out, "Num (Prec, Assoc, Useful, Ritem Range) Lhs -> Rhs (Ritem range) [Num]\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < nrules + nuseless_productions; i++)
- length++;
+ rule_t *rule = &rules[i];
+ item_number_t *r = NULL;
+ unsigned int rhs_itemno = rule->rhs - ritem;
+ unsigned int rhs_count = 0;
+ /* Find the last RHS index in ritems. */
+ for (r = rule->rhs; *r >= 0; ++r)
+ ++rhs_count;
+ fprintf (out, "%3d (%2d, %2d, %2d, %2u-%2u) %2d ->",
+ i,
+ rule->prec ? rule->prec->prec : 0,
+ rule->prec ? rule->prec->assoc : 0,
+ rule->useful,
+ rhs_itemno,
+ rhs_itemno + rhs_count - 1,
+ rule->lhs->number);
+ /* Dumped the RHS. */
+ for (r = rule->rhs; *r >= 0; r++)
+ fprintf (out, " %3d", *r);
+ fprintf (out, " [%d]\n", item_number_as_rule_number (*r));
- else
+ }
+ fprintf (out, "\n\n");
+ fprintf (out, "Rules interpreted\n-----------------\n\n");
+ {
+ rule_number_t r;
+ for (r = 0; r < nrules + nuseless_productions; r++)
- if (length > max)
- max = length;
- length = 0;
+ fprintf (out, "%-5d ", r);
+ rule_print (&rules[r], out);
+ }
+ fprintf (out, "\n\n");
- return max;
+| Report on STDERR the rules that are not flagged USEFUL, using the |
+| MESSAGE (which can be `useless rule' when invoked after grammar |
+| reduction, or `never reduced' after conflicts were taken into |
+| account). |
+grammar_rules_never_reduced_report (const char *message)
+ rule_number_t r;
+ for (r = 0; r < nrules ; ++r)
+ if (!rules[r].useful)
+ {
+ location_print (stderr, rules[r].location);
+ fprintf (stderr, ": %s: %s: ",
+ _("warning"), message);
+ rule_print (&rules[r], stderr);
+ }
+grammar_free (void)
+ XFREE (ritem);
+ free (rules);
+ XFREE (token_translations);
+ /* Free the symbol table data structure. */
+ symbols_free ();
+ free_merger_functions ();