+%type <list> symbols.1 symbols.prec generic_symlist generic_symlist_item
+%type <named_ref> named_ref.opt
+| %param. |
+%code requires
+# ifndef PARAM_TYPE
+# define PARAM_TYPE
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ param_none = 0,
+ param_lex = 1 << 0,
+ param_parse = 1 << 1,
+ param_both = param_lex | param_parse
+ } param_type;
+# endif
+ /** Add a lex-param and/or a parse-param.
+ *
+ * \param type where to push this formal argument.
+ * \param decl the formal argument. Destroyed.
+ * \param loc the location in the source.
+ */
+ static void add_param (param_type type, char *decl, location loc);
+ static param_type current_param = param_none;
+ param_type param;
+%token <param> PERCENT_PARAM "%param";
+ switch ($$)
+ {
+#define CASE(In, Out) \
+ case param_ ## In: fputs ("%" #Out, stderr); break
+ CASE(lex, lex-param);
+ CASE(parse, parse-param);
+ CASE(both, param);
+#undef CASE
+ case param_none: aver (false); break;
+ }
+} <param>;
+ /*==========\
+ | Grammar. |
+ \==========*/