/* Bison Action Scanner                             -*- C -*-

   Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */

%option debug nodefault noinput nounput noyywrap never-interactive
%option prefix="code_" outfile="lex.yy.c"

/* Work around a bug in flex 2.5.31.  See Debian bug 333231
   <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=333231>.  */
#undef code_wrap
#define code_wrap() 1

#define FLEX_PREFIX(Id) code_ ## Id
#include <src/flex-scanner.h>

#include <src/complain.h>
#include <src/reader.h>
#include <src/getargs.h>
#include <src/muscle-tab.h>
#include <src/scan-code.h>
#include <src/symlist.h>

#include <c-ctype.h>
#include <get-errno.h>
#include <quote.h>

/* The current calling start condition: SC_RULE_ACTION or
# define YY_DECL static char *code_lex (code_props *self, int sc_context)

#define YY_USER_ACTION  location_compute (loc, &loc->end, yytext, yyleng);

static char *fetch_type_name (char *cp, char const **type_name,
                              location dollar_loc);

static void handle_action_dollar (symbol_list *rule, char *cp,
                                  location dollar_loc);
static void handle_action_at (symbol_list *rule, char *cp, location at_loc);

/* A string to be pushed to obstack after dollar/at has been handled. */
static char *ref_tail_fields;

static location the_location;
static location *loc = &the_location;

/* A string representing the most recent translation.  */
static char *last_string;

/* True if an untyped $$ or $n was seen.  */
static bool untyped_var_seen;

 /* C and C++ comments in code. */
 /* Strings and characters in code. */
 /* Whether in a rule or symbol action.  Specifies the translation
    of $ and @.  */

/* POSIX says that a tag must be both an id and a C union member, but
   historically almost any character is allowed in a tag.  We disallow
   NUL and newline, as this simplifies our implementation.  */
tag      [^\0\n>]+

/* Zero or more instances of backslash-newline.  Following GCC, allow
   white space between the backslash and the newline.  */
splice   (\\[ \f\t\v]*\n)*

/* C style identifier. Must start with letter. Will be used for
   named symbol references. Shall be kept synchronized with
   scan-gram.l "letter" and "id". */
letter    [.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_]
id        {letter}({letter}|[-0-9])*
ref      -?[0-9]+|{id}|"["{id}"]"|"$"


  /* Nesting level of the current code in braces.  */
  int braces_level = 0;

  /* Whether a semicolon is probably needed.

     The heuristic is that a semicolon is not needed after '{', '}',
     ';', or a C preprocessor directive, and that whitespaces and
     comments do not affect this flag.  Note that '{' does not need a
     semicolon because of '{}'.  A semicolon may be needed before a
     cpp directive, but don't bother.

     While it is maintained in several start-conditions (factoring
     opportunities), it is meaningful only for SC_RULE_ACTION. */
  bool need_semicolon = false;

  /* Whether in a C preprocessor directive.  Don't use a start condition
     for this because, at the end of strings and comments, we still need
     to know whether we're in a directive.  */
  bool in_cpp = false;

  /* This scanner is special: it is invoked only once, henceforth
     is expected to return only once.  This initialization is
     therefore done once per action to translate. */
  aver (sc_context == SC_SYMBOL_ACTION
        || sc_context == SC_RULE_ACTION
        || sc_context == INITIAL);
  BEGIN sc_context;

  | Scanning a C comment.  The initial '/ *' is already eaten.  |

  "*"{splice}"/"  STRING_GROW; BEGIN sc_context;

  | Scanning a line comment.  The initial '//' is already eaten.  |

  "\n"           STRING_GROW; BEGIN sc_context;
  {splice}       STRING_GROW;

  | Scanning user-code characters and strings.  |

  {splice}|\\{splice}.  STRING_GROW;

  "'"           STRING_GROW; BEGIN sc_context;

  "\""          STRING_GROW; BEGIN sc_context;

  "'" {
    need_semicolon = true;
  "\"" {
    need_semicolon = true;
  "/"{splice}"*" {
  "/"{splice}"/" {
  [$@]  {
    complain (loc, Wother, _("stray '%s'"), yytext);
    obstack_escape (&obstack_for_string, yytext);
    need_semicolon = true;
  [\[\]]  {
    obstack_escape (&obstack_for_string, yytext);
    need_semicolon = true;

  "$"("<"{tag}">")?{ref}  {
    ref_tail_fields = NULL;
    handle_action_dollar (self->rule, yytext, *loc);
    if (ref_tail_fields)
      obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, ref_tail_fields);
    need_semicolon = true;
  "@"{ref} {
    ref_tail_fields = NULL;
    handle_action_at (self->rule, yytext, *loc);
    if (ref_tail_fields)
      obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, ref_tail_fields);
    need_semicolon = true;

  ";"  STRING_GROW;                 need_semicolon = false;
  "{"  STRING_GROW; ++braces_level; need_semicolon = false;
  "}"  {
    bool outer_brace = --braces_level == 0;

    /* As an undocumented Bison extension, append ';' before the last
       brace in braced code, so that the user code can omit trailing
       ';'.  But do not append ';' if emulating Yacc, since Yacc does
       not append one.  This is deprecated since release 2.4.1.  */
    if (outer_brace && !yacc_flag && language_prio == default_prio
        && skeleton_prio == default_prio && need_semicolon && ! in_cpp)
        unsigned int indent = 0;
        complain_indent (loc, Wdeprecated, &indent,
                         _("a ';' might be needed at the end of action code"));
        indent += SUB_INDENT;
        complain_indent (loc, Wdeprecated | silent, &indent,
                         _("future versions of Bison will not add the ';'"));
        obstack_1grow (&obstack_for_string, ';');

    need_semicolon = false;

  /* Preprocessing directives should only be recognized at the beginning
     of lines, allowing whitespace including comments, but in C/C++,
     '#' can only be the start of preprocessor directives or within
     '#define' directives anyway, so don't bother with begin of line.  */
  "#"       STRING_GROW; in_cpp = true;

  {splice}  STRING_GROW;
  [\n\r]    STRING_GROW; if (in_cpp) in_cpp = need_semicolon = false;
  [ \t\f]   STRING_GROW;
  .         STRING_GROW; need_semicolon = true;

  "$"("<"{tag}">")?"$" {
    const char *type_name = NULL;
    fetch_type_name (yytext + 1, &type_name, *loc)[-1] = 0;
    obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "]b4_dollar_dollar(");
    obstack_quote (&obstack_for_string, type_name);
    obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, ")[");
    self->is_value_used = true;
  "@$" {
    obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "]b4_at_dollar[");
    muscle_percent_define_ensure("locations", the_location, true);

  /* Escape M4 quoting characters in C code.  */
  [$@\[\]]    obstack_escape (&obstack_for_string, yytext);

  /* By default, grow the string obstack with the input.  */
  .|\n        STRING_GROW;

 /* End of processing. */
  <<EOF>>     STRING_FINISH; return last_string;


static inline bool
is_dot_or_dash (char ch)
  return ch == '.' || ch == '-';

static inline bool
contains_dot_or_dash (const char* p)
  for (; *p; ++p)
    if (is_dot_or_dash (*p))
      return true;
  return false;

/* Defines a variant of a symbolic name resolution. */
typedef struct
  /* Index in symbol list. */
  unsigned symbol_index;

  /* Matched symbol id and loc. */
  uniqstr id;
  location loc;

  /* Hiding named reference. */
  named_ref* hidden_by;

  /* Error flags. May contain zero (no errors) or
     a combination of VARIANT_* values. */
  unsigned err;
} variant;

/* Set when the variant refers to a symbol hidden
   by an explicit symbol reference. */
#define VARIANT_HIDDEN (1 << 0)

/* Set when the variant refers to a symbol containing
   dots or dashes. Will require explicit bracketing. */

/* Set when the variant refers to a symbol which is
   not visible from current midrule. */

static variant *variant_table = NULL;
static unsigned variant_table_size = 0;
static unsigned variant_count = 0;

static variant *
variant_table_grow (void)
  if (variant_count > variant_table_size)
      while (variant_count > variant_table_size)
        variant_table_size = 2 * variant_table_size + 3;
      variant_table = xnrealloc (variant_table, variant_table_size,
                                 sizeof *variant_table);
  return &variant_table[variant_count - 1];

static void
variant_table_free (void)
  free (variant_table);
  variant_table = NULL;
  variant_table_size = variant_count = 0;

static char *
find_prefix_end (const char *prefix, char *begin, char *end)
  char *ptr = begin;

  for (; *prefix && ptr != end; ++prefix, ++ptr)
    if (*prefix != *ptr)
      return 0;

  if (*prefix)
    return 0;

  return ptr;

static variant *
variant_add (uniqstr id, location id_loc, unsigned symbol_index,
             char *cp, char *cp_end, bool explicit_bracketing)
  char *prefix_end;

  prefix_end = find_prefix_end (id, cp, cp_end);
  if (prefix_end &&
      (prefix_end == cp_end ||
       (!explicit_bracketing && is_dot_or_dash (*prefix_end))))
      variant *r = variant_table_grow ();
      r->symbol_index = symbol_index;
      r->id = id;
      r->loc = id_loc;
      r->hidden_by = NULL;
      r->err = 0;
      return r;
    return NULL;

static const char *
get_at_spec(unsigned symbol_index)
  static char at_buf[20];
  if (symbol_index == 0)
    strcpy (at_buf, "$$");
    snprintf (at_buf, sizeof at_buf, "$%u", symbol_index);
  return at_buf;

static void
show_sub_message (warnings warning,
                  const char* cp, bool explicit_bracketing,
                  int midrule_rhs_index, char dollar_or_at,
                  unsigned indent, const variant *var)
  const char *at_spec = get_at_spec (var->symbol_index);

  if (var->err == 0)
    complain_indent (&var->loc, warning, &indent,
                     _("refers to: %c%s at %s"), dollar_or_at,
                     var->id, at_spec);
      static struct obstack msg_buf;
      const char *tail = explicit_bracketing ? "" : cp + strlen (var->id);
      const char *id = var->hidden_by ? var->hidden_by->id : var->id;
      location id_loc = var->hidden_by ? var->hidden_by->loc : var->loc;

      /* Create the explanation message. */
      obstack_init (&msg_buf);

      obstack_printf (&msg_buf, _("possibly meant: %c"), dollar_or_at);
      if (contains_dot_or_dash (id))
        obstack_printf (&msg_buf, "[%s]", id);
        obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, id);
      obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, tail);

      if (var->err & VARIANT_HIDDEN)
          obstack_printf (&msg_buf, _(", hiding %c"), dollar_or_at);
          if (contains_dot_or_dash (var->id))
            obstack_printf (&msg_buf, "[%s]", var->id);
            obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, var->id);
          obstack_sgrow (&msg_buf, tail);

      obstack_printf (&msg_buf, _(" at %s"), at_spec);

        obstack_printf (&msg_buf,
                        _(", cannot be accessed from mid-rule action at $%d"),

      complain_indent (&id_loc, warning, &indent, "%s",
                        obstack_finish0 (&msg_buf));
      obstack_free (&msg_buf, 0);

static void
show_sub_messages (warnings warning,
                   const char* cp, bool explicit_bracketing,
                   int midrule_rhs_index, char dollar_or_at,
                   unsigned indent)
  unsigned i;

  for (i = 0; i < variant_count; ++i)
    show_sub_message (warning | silent,
                      cp, explicit_bracketing,
                      midrule_rhs_index, dollar_or_at,
                      indent, &variant_table[i]);

/* Returned from "parse_ref" when the reference
   is inappropriate. */

/* Returned from "parse_ref" when the reference
   points to LHS ($$) of the current rule or midrule. */
#define LHS_REF (INT_MIN + 1)

/* Parse named or positional reference. In case of positional
   references, can return negative values for $-n "deep" stack
   accesses. */
static long int
parse_ref (char *cp, symbol_list *rule, int rule_length,
           int midrule_rhs_index, char *text, location text_loc,
           char dollar_or_at)
  symbol_list *l;
  char *cp_end;
  bool explicit_bracketing;
  unsigned i;
  unsigned valid_variants = 0;
  unsigned valid_variant_index = 0;

  if ('$' == *cp)
    return LHS_REF;

  if (c_isdigit (*cp) || (*cp == '-' && c_isdigit (* (cp + 1))))
      long int num = strtol (cp, &cp, 10);
      if (1 - INT_MAX + rule_length <= num && num <= rule_length)
        return num;
          complain (&text_loc, complaint, _("integer out of range: %s"),
                    quote (text));
          return INVALID_REF;

  if ('[' == *cp)
      /* Ignore the brackets. */
      char *p;
      for (p = ++cp; *p != ']'; ++p)
      cp_end = p;

      explicit_bracketing = true;
      /* Take all characters of the name. */
      char* p;
      for (p = cp; *p; ++p)
        if (is_dot_or_dash (*p))
            ref_tail_fields = p;
      for (p = cp; *p; ++p)
      cp_end = p;

      explicit_bracketing = false;

  /* Add all relevant variants. */
    unsigned symbol_index;
    variant_count = 0;
    for (symbol_index = 0, l = rule; !symbol_list_null (l);
         ++symbol_index, l = l->next)
        variant *var;
        if (l->content_type != SYMLIST_SYMBOL)

        var = variant_add (l->content.sym->tag, l->sym_loc,
                           symbol_index, cp, cp_end, explicit_bracketing);
        if (var && l->named_ref)
          var->hidden_by = l->named_ref;

        if (l->named_ref)
          variant_add (l->named_ref->id, l->named_ref->loc,
                       symbol_index, cp, cp_end, explicit_bracketing);

  /* Check errors. */
  for (i = 0; i < variant_count; ++i)
      variant *var = &variant_table[i];
      unsigned symbol_index = var->symbol_index;

      /* Check visibility from mid-rule actions. */
      if (midrule_rhs_index != 0
          && (symbol_index == 0 || midrule_rhs_index < symbol_index))

      /* Check correct bracketing. */
      if (!explicit_bracketing && contains_dot_or_dash (var->id))
        var->err |= VARIANT_BAD_BRACKETING;

      /* Check using of hidden symbols. */
      if (var->hidden_by)
        var->err |= VARIANT_HIDDEN;

      if (!var->err)
          valid_variant_index = i;

  switch (valid_variants)
    case 0:
        unsigned len = (explicit_bracketing || !ref_tail_fields) ?
          cp_end - cp : ref_tail_fields - cp;
        unsigned indent = 0;

        complain_indent (&text_loc, complaint, &indent,
                         _("invalid reference: %s"), quote (text));
        indent += SUB_INDENT;
        if (len == 0)
            location sym_loc = text_loc;
            sym_loc.start.column += 1;
            sym_loc.end = sym_loc.start;
            complain_indent (&sym_loc, complaint, &indent,
                             _("syntax error after '%c', expecting integer, "
                               "letter, '_', '[', or '$'"),
        else if (midrule_rhs_index)
          complain_indent (&rule->location, complaint, &indent,
                           _("symbol not found in production before $%d: "
                           midrule_rhs_index, len, cp);
          complain_indent (&rule->location, complaint, &indent,
                           _("symbol not found in production: %.*s"),
                           len, cp);

        if (variant_count > 0)
          show_sub_messages (complaint,
                             cp, explicit_bracketing, midrule_rhs_index,
                             dollar_or_at, indent);
        return INVALID_REF;
    case 1:
        unsigned indent = 0;
        if (variant_count > 1)
            complain_indent (&text_loc, Wother, &indent,
                             _("misleading reference: %s"), quote (text));
            show_sub_messages (Wother,
                               cp, explicit_bracketing, midrule_rhs_index,
                               dollar_or_at, indent + SUB_INDENT);
          unsigned symbol_index =
          return (symbol_index == midrule_rhs_index) ? LHS_REF : symbol_index;
    case 2:
        unsigned indent = 0;
        complain_indent (&text_loc, complaint, &indent,
                         _("ambiguous reference: %s"), quote (text));
        show_sub_messages (complaint,
                           cp, explicit_bracketing, midrule_rhs_index,
                           dollar_or_at, indent + SUB_INDENT);
        return INVALID_REF;

  /* Not reachable. */
  return INVALID_REF;

/* Keeps track of the maximum number of semantic values to the left of
   a handle (those referenced by $0, $-1, etc.) are required by the
   semantic actions of this grammar. */
int max_left_semantic_context = 0;

/* If CP points to a typename (i.e., <.*?>), set TYPE_NAME to its
   beginning (i.e., after the opening "<", and return the pointer
   immediately after it.  */

char *
fetch_type_name (char *cp, char const **type_name,
                 location dollar_loc)
  if (*cp == '<')
      *type_name = ++cp;
      while (*cp != '>')

      /* The '>' symbol will be later replaced by '\0'. Original
         'text' is needed for error messages. */
      if (untyped_var_seen)
        complain (&dollar_loc, complaint,
                  _("explicit type given in untyped grammar"));
      tag_seen = true;
  return cp;

| TEXT is pointing to a wannabee semantic value (i.e., a '$').      |
|                                                                   |
| Possible inputs: $[<TYPENAME>]($|integer)                         |
|                                                                   |
| Output to OBSTACK_FOR_STRING a reference to this semantic value.  |

static void
handle_action_dollar (symbol_list *rule, char *text, location dollar_loc)
  char const *type_name = NULL;
  char *cp = text + 1;
  symbol_list *effective_rule;
  int effective_rule_length;
  int n;

  if (rule->midrule_parent_rule)
      effective_rule = rule->midrule_parent_rule;
      effective_rule_length = rule->midrule_parent_rhs_index - 1;
      effective_rule = rule;
      effective_rule_length = symbol_list_length (rule->next);

  /* Get the type name if explicit. */
  cp = fetch_type_name (cp, &type_name, dollar_loc);

  n = parse_ref (cp, effective_rule, effective_rule_length,
                 rule->midrule_parent_rhs_index, text, dollar_loc, '$');

  /* End type_name. */
  if (type_name)
    cp[-1] = '\0';

  switch (n)
    case INVALID_REF:

    case LHS_REF:
      if (!type_name)
        type_name = symbol_list_n_type_name_get (rule, dollar_loc, 0);

      if (!type_name)
          if (union_seen | tag_seen)
              if (rule->midrule_parent_rule)
                complain (&dollar_loc, complaint,
                             _("$$ for the midrule at $%d of %s"
                               " has no declared type"),
                             quote (effective_rule->content.sym->tag));
                complain (&dollar_loc, complaint,
                          _("$$ of %s has no declared type"),
                          quote (rule->content.sym->tag));
            untyped_var_seen = true;

      obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "]b4_lhs_value(");
      obstack_quote (&obstack_for_string, type_name);
      obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, ")[");
      rule->action_props.is_value_used = true;

      if (max_left_semantic_context < 1 - n)
        max_left_semantic_context = 1 - n;
      if (!type_name && 0 < n)
        type_name =
          symbol_list_n_type_name_get (effective_rule, dollar_loc, n);
      if (!type_name)
          if (union_seen | tag_seen)
            complain (&dollar_loc, complaint,
                      _("$%s of %s has no declared type"), cp,
                      quote (effective_rule->content.sym->tag));
            untyped_var_seen = true;

      obstack_printf (&obstack_for_string,
                      "]b4_rhs_value(%d, %d, ", effective_rule_length, n);
      obstack_quote (&obstack_for_string, type_name);
      obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, ")[");
      if (n > 0)
        symbol_list_n_get (effective_rule, n)->action_props.is_value_used =

| TEXT is a location token (i.e., a '@...').  Output to |
| OBSTACK_FOR_STRING a reference to this location.      |

static void
handle_action_at (symbol_list *rule, char *text, location at_loc)
  char *cp = text + 1;
  symbol_list *effective_rule;
  int effective_rule_length;
  int n;

  if (rule->midrule_parent_rule)
      effective_rule = rule->midrule_parent_rule;
      effective_rule_length = rule->midrule_parent_rhs_index - 1;
      effective_rule = rule;
      effective_rule_length = symbol_list_length (rule->next);

  muscle_percent_define_ensure("locations", at_loc, true);

  n = parse_ref (cp, effective_rule, effective_rule_length,
                       rule->midrule_parent_rhs_index, text, at_loc, '@');
  switch (n)
    case INVALID_REF:

    case LHS_REF:
      obstack_sgrow (&obstack_for_string, "]b4_lhs_location[");

      obstack_printf (&obstack_for_string, "]b4_rhs_location(%d, %d)[",
                      effective_rule_length, n);

| Initialize the scanner.  |

/* Translate the dollars and ats in \a self, in the context \a sc_context

static char const *
translate_action (code_props *self, int sc_context)
  char *res;
  static bool initialized = false;
  if (!initialized)
      obstack_init (&obstack_for_string);
      yy_flex_debug = 0;
      initialized = true;

  loc->start = loc->end = self->location.start;
  yy_switch_to_buffer (yy_scan_string (self->code));
  res = code_lex (self, sc_context);
  yy_delete_buffer (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);

  return res;

| Implementation of the public interface as documented in "scan-code.h".  |

code_props_none_init (code_props *self)
  *self = code_props_none;

code_props code_props_none = CODE_PROPS_NONE_INIT;

code_props_plain_init (code_props *self, char const *code,
                       location code_loc)
  code_props_none_init (self);
  self->kind = CODE_PROPS_PLAIN;
  self->code = code;
  self->location = code_loc;

code_props_symbol_action_init (code_props *self, char const *code,
                               location code_loc)
  code_props_none_init (self);
  self->code = code;
  self->location = code_loc;

code_props_rule_action_init (code_props *self, char const *code,
                             location code_loc, symbol_list *rule,
                             named_ref *name, bool is_predicate)
  code_props_none_init (self);
  self->kind = CODE_PROPS_RULE_ACTION;
  self->code = code;
  self->location = code_loc;
  self->rule = rule;
  self->named_ref = name;
  self->is_predicate = is_predicate;

code_props_translate_code (code_props *self)
  switch (self->kind)
      case CODE_PROPS_NONE:
      case CODE_PROPS_PLAIN:
        self->code = translate_action (self, INITIAL);
        self->code = translate_action (self, SC_SYMBOL_ACTION);
        self->code = translate_action (self, SC_RULE_ACTION);

code_scanner_last_string_free (void)

code_scanner_free (void)
  obstack_free (&obstack_for_string, 0);
  variant_table_free ();

  /* Reclaim Flex's buffers.  */
  yylex_destroy ();