#!/usr/bin/perl -0777 -pi # Update b4_copyright invocations or b4_copyright_years definitions to # include the current year. # Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use warnings; my $margin = 72; my $this_year = $ENV{UPDATE_COPYRIGHT_YEAR}; if (!$this_year || $this_year !~ m/^\d{4}$/) { my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year) = localtime (time ()); $this_year = $year + 1900; } my $old_re = <<'EOF' ( (?:^|\n) #BEFORE (?: b4_copyright\(\[[^][]*] | m4_(?:push|pop)def\(\[b4_copyright_years] ) #AFTER ) (?: ,\s* ( \[\s* (?:\d{4}(?:,\s*|-))* (\d{4}) \s*] ) )? \) EOF ; while (/($old_re)/gx) { my $start = pos() - length ($1); my $b4_copyright_line = $2; my $year_lines = $3; my $final_year = $4; $year_lines .= ')'; # If there was a second argument, it contains years, so update them. if ($final_year) { $b4_copyright_line .= ','; if ($final_year != $this_year) { # Update the year. $year_lines =~ s/$final_year/$final_year, $this_year/; } # Normalize all whitespace. $year_lines =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Put spaces after commas. $year_lines =~ s/, ?/, /g; # Compress to intervals. $year_lines =~ s/ (\d{4}) (?: (,\ |-) ((??{ if ($2 eq '-') { '\d{4}'; } elsif (!$3) { $1 + 1; } else { $3 + 1; } })) )+ /$1-$3/gx; # Format within margin. my $year_lines_new; my $indent = index ($b4_copyright_line, '['); --$indent if ($b4_copyright_line =~ m/^\n/); while (length $year_lines) { my $text_margin = $margin - $indent; if (($year_lines =~ s/^(.{1,$text_margin})(?: |$)//) || ($year_lines =~ s/^([\S]+)(?: |$)//)) { my $line = "\n" . (' 'x$indent) . $1; ++$indent if (!$year_lines_new); $year_lines_new .= $line; } else { # Should be unreachable, but we don't want an infinite # loop if it can be reached. die; } } # Replace the old invocation. Should never die. die if (!s/$old_re\G/$b4_copyright_line$year_lines_new/x); # Prepare for the next search. pos () = $start + length ("$b4_copyright_line$year_lines_new"); } } while (/(\bb4_copyright\()/g) { my $start = pos () - length ($1); my $end = pos (); my $re = $old_re; pos () = $start; $re =~ s/\#BEFORE/\\G/; if (!/$re/x) { my $line = (substr ($_, 0, $start) =~ s/\n/\n/g) + 1; print STDERR "$ARGV:$line: warning: failed to update a b4_copyright\n"; } pos () = $end; } while (/(\[b4_copyright_years])/g) { my $start = pos () - length ($1); my $end = pos (); my $re = $old_re; $re =~ s/\#AFTER/\\G/; if (!/$re/x) { # The substr operation blows away pos (), so restoring pos () # at the end is necessary. my $line = (substr ($_, 0, $start) =~ s/\n/\n/g) + 1; print STDERR "$ARGV:$line: warning: failed to update a" . " b4_copyright_years\n"; } pos () = $end; }