# Checking the output filenames. -*- Autotest -*- # Copyright (C) 2004-2005, 2007-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . AT_BANNER([[C++ Features.]]) ## ---------- ## ## Variants. ## ## ---------- ## # AT_CHECK_VARIANTS([DIRECTIVES]) # ------------------------------- # Check the support of variants in C++, with the additional DIRECTIVES. m4_define([AT_CHECK_VARIANTS], [AT_SETUP([Variants $1]) # Store strings and integers in a list of strings. AT_DATA_GRAMMAR([list.yy], [[%debug %skeleton "lalr1.cc" %defines %define variant %locations ]m4_bpatsubst([$1], [\\n], [ ])[ %code requires // code for the .hh file { #include #include typedef std::list strings_type; } %code // code for the .cc file { #include #include static #if defined USE_LEX_SYMBOL yy::parser::symbol_type yylex (); #else yy::parser::token_type yylex (yy::parser::semantic_type* yylval, yy::parser::location_type* yylloc); #endif // Printing a list of strings (for %printer). // Koening look up will look into std, since that's an std::list. namespace std { std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const strings_type& s) { o << '('; for (strings_type::const_iterator i = s.begin(); i != s.end (); ++i) { if (i != s.begin ()) o << ", "; o << *i; } return o << ')'; } } // Conversion to string. template inline std::string string_cast (const T& t) { std::ostringstream o; o << t; return o.str(); } } %token <::std::string> TEXT; %token NUMBER; %token END_OF_FILE 0; %type <::std::string> item; // Using the template type to exercize its parsing. // Starting with :: to ensure we don't output "<::" which starts by the // digraph for the left square bracket. %type <::std::list> list result; %printer { debug_stream() << $][$; } <::std::string> <::std::list<::std::string>>; %% result: list { std::cout << $][1 << std::endl; } ; list: /* nothing */ { /* Generates an empty string list */ } | list item { std::swap($][$,$][1); $$.push_back($][2); } | list error { std::swap($][$,$][1); } ; item: TEXT { std::swap($][$,$][1); } | NUMBER { if ($][1 == 3) YYERROR; else $][$ = string_cast($][1); } ; %% #define STAGE_MAX 5 static #if defined USE_LEX_SYMBOL yy::parser::symbol_type yylex() #else yy::parser::token_type yylex(yy::parser::semantic_type* yylval, yy::parser::location_type* yylloc) #endif { typedef yy::parser::token token; typedef yy::parser::location_type location_type; static int stage = -1; ++stage; if (stage == STAGE_MAX) { #if defined USE_LEX_SYMBOL return yy::parser::make_END_OF_FILE (location_type ()); #else *yylloc = location_type (); return token::END_OF_FILE; #endif } else if (stage % 2) { #if defined USE_LEX_SYMBOL return yy::parser::make_NUMBER (stage, location_type ()); #else # if defined ONE_STAGE_BUILD yylval->build(stage); # else yylval->build() = stage; # endif *yylloc = location_type (); return token::NUMBER; #endif } else { #if defined USE_LEX_SYMBOL return yy::parser::make_TEXT (string_cast (stage), location_type ()); #else # if defined ONE_STAGE_BUILD yylval->build (string_cast (stage)); # else yylval->build() = string_cast (stage); # endif *yylloc = location_type (); return token::TEXT; #endif } abort(); } void yy::parser::error(const yy::parser::location_type&, const std::string& message) { std::cerr << message << std::endl; } int main (void) { yy::parser p; p.set_debug_level(!!getenv("YYDEBUG")); return p.parse(); } ]]) AT_BISON_CHECK([-o list.cc list.yy]) AT_COMPILE_CXX([list]) AT_CHECK([./list], 0, [(0, 1, 2, 4) ]) AT_CLEANUP ]) AT_CHECK_VARIANTS([]) AT_CHECK_VARIANTS([%define parse.assert]) AT_CHECK_VARIANTS([[%define parse.assert %code {\n#define ONE_STAGE_BUILD\n}]]) AT_CHECK_VARIANTS([[%define parse.assert %define lex_symbol %code {\n#define USE_LEX_SYMBOL\n}]]) AT_CHECK_VARIANTS([[%define parse.assert %define lex_symbol %code {\n#define USE_LEX_SYMBOL\n} %define api.tokens.prefix "TOK_"]]) ## ----------------------- ## ## Doxygen Documentation. ## ## ----------------------- ## m4_define([AT_CHECK_DOXYGEN], [m4_case([$1], [Public], [m4_pushdef([AT_DOXYGEN_PRIVATE], [NO])], [Private], [m4_pushdef([AT_DOXYGEN_PRIVATE], [YES])], [m4_fatal([invalid argument: $1])]) AT_SETUP([Doxygen $1 Documentation]) AT_DATA([input.yy], [[%skeleton "lalr1.cc" %locations %debug %defines %% exp:; %% yy::parser::error (const location& l, const std::string& m) { std::cerr << l << s << std::endl; } ]]) AT_BISON_CHECK([-o input.cc input.yy], 0) AT_DATA([Doxyfile], [# The PROJECT_NAME tag is a single word (or a sequence of words # surrounded by quotes) that should identify the project. PROJECT_NAME = "Bison C++ Parser" # The QUIET tag can be used to turn on/off the messages that are # generated by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If left blank # NO is used. QUIET = YES # The WARNINGS tag can be used to turn on/off the warning messages # that are generated by doxygen. Possible values are YES and NO. If # left blank NO is used. WARNINGS = YES # If WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED is set to YES, then doxygen will generate # warnings for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then # this flag will automatically be disabled. WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED = YES # If WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings # for potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting # some parameters in a documented function, or documenting parameters # that don't exist or using markup commands wrongly. WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR = YES # The WARN_FORMAT tag determines the format of the warning messages # that doxygen can produce. The string should contain the $file, # $line, and $text tags, which will be replaced by the file and line # number from which the warning originated and the warning text. WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text" # If the EXTRACT_ALL tag is set to YES doxygen will assume all # entities in documentation are documented, even if no documentation # was available. Private class members and static file members will # be hidden unless the EXTRACT_PRIVATE and EXTRACT_STATIC tags are set # to YES EXTRACT_ALL = YES # If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to YES all private members of a # class will be included in the documentation. EXTRACT_PRIVATE = AT_DOXYGEN_PRIVATE # If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES all static members of a file # will be included in the documentation. EXTRACT_STATIC = AT_DOXYGEN_PRIVATE ]) AT_CHECK([doxygen --version || exit 77], 0, ignore) AT_CHECK([doxygen], 0, [], [ignore]) AT_CLEANUP m4_popdef([AT_DOXYGEN_PRIVATE]) ])# AT_CHECK_DOXYGEN AT_CHECK_DOXYGEN([Public]) AT_CHECK_DOXYGEN([Private]) ## ------------ ## ## Namespaces. ## ## ------------ ## # AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE(NAMESPACE-DECL, [COMPILE-ERROR]) # --------------------------------------------------- # See if Bison can handle %define namespace "NAMESPACE-DECL". If COMPILE-ERROR # is specified, then Bison should accept the input, but compilation will fail, # so don't check compilation. m4_define([AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE], [ AT_DATA_GRAMMAR([[input.y]], [[%language "C++" %defines %define api.namespace "]$1[" %union { int i; } %define global_tokens_and_yystype %locations %code { // YYSTYPE contains a namespace reference. int yylex (YYSTYPE *lval, const ]$1[::parser::location_type*) { lval->i = 3; return 0; } } %% start: ; %% void ]$1[::parser::error (const ]$1[::parser::location_type &loc, const std::string &msg) { std::cerr << "At " << loc << ": " << msg << std::endl; } int main (void) { ]$1[::parser p; return p.parse (); } ]]) AT_BISON_CHECK([[-o input.cc input.y]]) m4_if([$#], [1], [AT_COMPILE_CXX([[input]], [[input.cc]]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./input]])]) ]) AT_SETUP([[Relative namespace references]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[foo]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[foo::bar]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[foo::bar::baz]]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([[Absolute namespace references]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[::foo]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[::foo::bar]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[::foo::bar::baz]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[ ::foo]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[ ::foo::bar]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[ ::foo::bar::baz]]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([[Syntactically invalid namespace references]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[:foo:bar]], [[-]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[foo: :bar]], [[-]]) # This one is interesting because `[3]' is encoded as `@<:@3@:>@', which # contains single occurrences of `:'. AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[foo[3]::bar::baz]], [[-]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[foo::bar,baz]], [[-]]) AT_CHECK_NAMESPACE([[foo::bar::(baz /* Pacify Emacs ) */]], [[-]]) AT_CLEANUP ## -------------------------------------- ## ## Syntax error discarding no lookahead. ## ## -------------------------------------- ## # After a syntax error, lalr1.cc used to not check whether there # actually is a lookahead before discarding the lookahead. As a result, # it mistakenly invoked the destructor for the previous lookahead. AT_SETUP([[Syntax error discarding no lookahead]]) AT_DATA_GRAMMAR([[input.yy]], [[%skeleton "lalr1.cc" %code { #include int yylex (yy::parser::semantic_type *, yy::location *); #define USE(Args) } %defines %locations %define parse.error verbose %nonassoc 'a' ; %destructor { std::cerr << "Discarding 'a'." << std::endl; } 'a' %% start: error-reduce consistent-error 'a' { USE ($3); }; error-reduce: 'a' 'a' consistent-error 'a' { USE (($1, $2, $4)); } | 'a' error { std::cerr << "Reducing 'a'." << std::endl; USE ($1); } ; consistent-error: 'a' | /*empty*/ %prec 'a' ; // Provide another context in which all rules are useful so that this // test case looks a little more realistic. start: 'b' consistent-error ; %% int yylex (yy::parser::semantic_type *, yy::location *) { static char const *input = "aa"; return *input++; } void yy::parser::error (const location_type &, const std::string &m) { std::cerr << m << std::endl; } int main (void) { yy::parser parser; return parser.parse (); } ]]) AT_BISON_CHECK([[-o input.cc input.yy]]) AT_COMPILE_CXX([[input]]) # This used to print "Discarding 'a'." again at the end. AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./input]], [[1]], [[]], [[syntax error Discarding 'a'. Reducing 'a'. ]]) AT_CLEANUP