# Checking skeleton support. -*- Autotest -*- # Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. AT_BANNER([[Skeleton Support.]]) ## ------------------------------ ## ## Relative skeleton file names. ## ## ------------------------------ ## AT_SETUP([[Relative skeleton file names]]) AT_CHECK([[mkdir tmp]]) AT_DATA([[tmp/skel.c]], [[m4@&t@_divert_push(0)d@&t@nl @output(b4_parser_file_name@)d@&t@nl b4_percent_define_get([[test]]) m4@&t@_divert_pop(0) ]]) AT_DATA([[skel.c]], [[m4@&t@_divert_push(0)d@&t@nl @output(b4_parser_file_name@)d@&t@nl b4_percent_define_get([[test]]) -- Local m4@&t@_divert_pop(0) ]]) AT_DATA([[tmp/input-gram.y]], [[%skeleton "./skel.c" %define test "Hello World" %% start: ; ]]) AT_DATA([[input-gram.y]], [[%skeleton "./skel.c" %define test "Hello World" %% start: ; ]]) AT_DATA([[tmp/input-cmd-line.y]], [[%define test "Hello World" %% start: ; ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison tmp/input-gram.y]]) AT_CHECK([[cat input-gram.tab.c]], [[0]], [[Hello World ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison input-gram.y]]) AT_CHECK([[cat input-gram.tab.c]], [[0]], [[Hello World -- Local ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison --skeleton=tmp/skel.c tmp/input-cmd-line.y]]) AT_CHECK([[cat input-cmd-line.tab.c]], [[0]], [[Hello World ]]) AT_CLEANUP ## ------------------------------- ## ## Installed skeleton file names. ## ## ------------------------------- ## AT_SETUP([[Installed skeleton file names]]) m4_pushdef([AT_GRAM], [[%{ #include <stdio.h> void yyerror (char const *msg); int yylex (void); %} %error-verbose %token 'a' %% start: ; %% void yyerror (char const *msg) { fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg); } int yylex (void) { return 'a'; } int main (void) { return yyparse (); } ]]) AT_DATA([[input-cmd-line.y]], [AT_GRAM]) AT_DATA([[input-gram.y]], [[%skeleton "yacc.c"] AT_GRAM]) AT_CHECK([[bison --skeleton=yacc.c -o input-cmd-line.c input-cmd-line.y]]) AT_COMPILE([[input-cmd-line]]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./input-cmd-line]], [[1]], [], [[syntax error, unexpected 'a', expecting $end ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison -o input-gram.c input-gram.y]]) AT_COMPILE([[input-gram]]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./input-gram]], [[1]], [], [[syntax error, unexpected 'a', expecting $end ]]) m4_popdef([AT_GRAM]) AT_CLEANUP ## ------------------------------------------------------ ## ## %define Boolean variables: invalid skeleton defaults. ## ## ------------------------------------------------------ ## AT_SETUP([[%define Boolean variables: invalid skeleton defaults]]) AT_DATA([[skel.c]], [[b4_percent_define_default([[foo]], [[bogus value]]) b4_percent_define_flag_if([[foo]]) ]]) AT_DATA([[input.y]], [[%skeleton "./skel.c" %% start: ; ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison input.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[[Bison:b4_percent_define_default]:1.0: invalid value for %define Boolean variable `foo' ]]) AT_CLEANUP ## --------------------------------------------- ## ## Complaining during macro argument expansion. ## ## --------------------------------------------- ## AT_SETUP([[Complaining during macro argument expansion]]) AT_DATA([[skel1.c]], [[m4@&t@_define([foow], [b4_warn([[foow fubar]])]) m4@&t@_define([foowat], [b4_warn_at([[foow.y:2.3]], [[foow.y:5.4]], [[foowat fubar]])]) m4@&t@_define([fooc], [b4_complain([[fooc fubar]])]) m4@&t@_define([foocat], [b4_complain_at([[fooc.y:1.1]], [[fooc.y:10.6]], [[foocat fubar]])]) m4@&t@_define([foof], [b4_fatal([[foof fubar]])]) m4@&t@_if(foow, [1], [yes]) m4@&t@_if(foowat, [1], [yes]) m4@&t@_if(fooc, [1], [yes]) m4@&t@_if(foocat, [1], [yes]) m4@&t@_if(foof, [1], [yes]) ]]) AT_DATA([[input1.y]], [[%skeleton "./skel1.c" %% start: ; ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison input1.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[input1.y: warning: foow fubar foow.y:2.3-5.3: warning: foowat fubar input1.y: fooc fubar fooc.y:1.1-10.5: foocat fubar input1.y: fatal error: foof fubar ]]) AT_DATA([[skel2.c]], [[m4@&t@_define([foofat], [b4_fatal_at([[foof.y:12.11]], [[foof.y:100.123]], [[foofat fubar]])]) m4@&t@_if(foofat, [1], [yes]) ]]) AT_DATA([[input2.y]], [[%skeleton "./skel2.c" %% start: ; ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison input2.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[foof.y:12.11-100.122: fatal error: foofat fubar ]]) AT_DATA([[skel3.c]], [[b4_complain_at(b4_percent_define_get_loc([[bogus]]), [[bad value]]) ]]) AT_DATA([[input3.y]], [[%skeleton "./skel3.c" %% start: ; ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison input3.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[input3.y: fatal error: undefined %define variable `bogus' passed to b4_percent_define_get_loc ]]) AT_DATA([[skel4.c]], [[b4_warn_at(b4_percent_define_get_syncline([[bogus]]), [[bad value]]) ]]) AT_DATA([[input4.y]], [[%skeleton "./skel4.c" %% start: ; ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison input4.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[input4.y: fatal error: undefined %define variable `bogus' passed to b4_percent_define_get_syncline ]]) AT_CLEANUP ## --------------------------------------- ## ## Fatal errors make M4 exit immediately. ## ## --------------------------------------- ## AT_SETUP([[Fatal errors make M4 exit immediately]]) AT_DATA([[skel1.c]], [[b4_complain([[non-fatal error]]) b4_fatal([[M4 should exit immediately here]]) m4@&t@_fatal([this should never be evaluated]) ]]) AT_DATA([[input1.y]], [[%skeleton "./skel1.c" %% start: ; ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison input1.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[input1.y: non-fatal error input1.y: fatal error: M4 should exit immediately here ]]) AT_DATA([[skel2.c]], [[b4_warn([[morning]]) b4_fatal_at([[foo.y:1.5]], [[foo.y:1.7]], [[M4 should exit immediately here]]) m4@&t@_fatal([this should never be evaluated]) ]]) AT_DATA([[input2.y]], [[%skeleton "./skel2.c" %% start: ; ]]) AT_CHECK([[bison input2.y]], [[1]], [[]], [[input2.y: warning: morning foo.y:1.5-6: fatal error: M4 should exit immediately here ]]) AT_CLEANUP