/* -*- C -*- */ /* Parse Bison Skeletons. Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler. Bison is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Bison is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Bison; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ %debug %defines %verbose %locations %name-prefix="skel_" %pure-parser %{ #include "system.h" #include "obstack.h" #include "quotearg.h" #include "files.h" #include "getargs.h" #include "output.h" #include "skeleton.h" #include "muscle_tab.h" #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 /* Pass the control structure to YYPARSE but not YYLEX (yet?). */ #define YYPARSE_PARAM skel_control /* YYPARSE receives SKEL_CONTROL as a void *. Provide a correctly typed access to it. */ #define yycontrol ((skel_control_t *) skel_control) FILE* parser = NULL; size_t output_line; size_t skeleton_line; static void merror PARAMS ((const char* error)); /* Request detailed parse error messages, and pass them to YLEVAL_ERROR. */ #undef yyerror #define yyerror(Msg) \ skel_error (yycontrol, &yylloc, Msg) /* When debugging our pure parser, we want to see values and locations of the tokens. */ #define YYPRINT(File, Type, Value) \ yyprint (File, &yylloc, Type, &Value) static void yyprint (FILE *file, const yyltype *loc, int type, const yystype *value); %} %union { char *string; char character; int boolean; } /* Name of a muscle. */ %token <string> MUSCLE /* A string dedicated to Bison (%%"foo"). */ %token <string> STRING /* Raw data, to output directly. */ %token <string> RAW /* Spaces. */ %token <string> BLANKS /* Raw data, but char by char. */ %token <character> CHARACTER %token LINE %token SLINE %token SECTION %token GUARDS %token TOKENS %token ACTIONS %type <string> string.1 string %start input %% input: { LOCATION_RESET (yylloc) } skeleton ; skeleton : /* Empty. */ { } | section skeleton { } ; section : section.header section.body { } ; section.header : SECTION BLANKS string '\n' { char *name = $3; /* Close the previous parser. */ if (parser) parser = (xfclose (parser), NULL); /* Prepare the next parser to be output. */ parser = xfopen (name, "w"); MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING ("parser-file-name", name); XFREE (name); ++skeleton_line; } ; /* Either a literal string, or a muscle value. */ string.1: STRING { $$ = $1; } | MUSCLE { $$ = xstrdup (muscle_find ($1)); } ; /* Either a literal string, or a muscle value, or the concatenation of them. */ string: string.1 { $$ = $1; } | string BLANKS string.1 { $$ = stringappend ($1, $3); free ($1); free ($3); } ; section.body : /* Empty. */ { } | section.body '\n' { fputc ('\n', parser); ++output_line; ++skeleton_line; } | section.body LINE { fprintf (parser, "%d", output_line); } | section.body SLINE { fprintf (parser, "%d", skeleton_line); } | section.body GUARDS { guards_output (parser, &output_line); } | section.body TOKENS { token_definitions_output (parser, &output_line); } | section.body ACTIONS { actions_output (parser, &output_line); } | section.body CHARACTER { fputc ($2, parser); } | section.body RAW { fputs ($2, parser); } | section.body BLANKS { fputs ($2, parser); } | section.body MUSCLE { const char* value = muscle_find ($2); if (value) { fputs (value, parser); output_line += get_lines_number (value); } else { fprintf (parser, "%%{%s}", $2); merror ($2); } } ; %% /*------------------------------------------------------------------. | When debugging the parser, display tokens' locations and values. | `------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void yyprint (FILE *file, const yyltype *loc, int type, const yystype *value) { fputs (" (", file); LOCATION_PRINT (file, *loc); fputs (")", file); switch (type) { case MUSCLE: case STRING: case RAW: case BLANKS: fprintf (file, " = %s", quotearg_style (c_quoting_style, value->string)); break; case CHARACTER: fprintf (file, " = '%c'", value->character); break; } } static void merror (const char* error) { printf ("line %d: %%{%s} undeclared.\n", skeleton_line, error); } void skel_error (skel_control_t *control, const yyltype *loc, const char *msg) { /* Neutralize GCC warnings for unused parameters. */ skel_control_t *c = control; c++; LOCATION_PRINT (stderr, *loc); fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", msg); } void process_skeleton (const char* skel) { /* Prepare a few things. */ output_line = 1; skeleton_line = 1; /* Output. */ skel_in = fopen (skel, "r"); /* FIXME: This is not acceptable for a release. */ skel__flex_debug = getenv ("BISON_TRACE_SCAN") ? 1 : 0; skel_debug = getenv ("BISON_TRACE_PARSE") ? 1 : 0; skel_parse (NULL); /* Close the last parser. */ if (parser) parser = (xfclose (parser), NULL); }