# Checking GLR Parsing. -*- Autotest -*- # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008-2009 Free # Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. AT_BANNER([[C++ Type Syntax (GLR).]]) # _AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES(DECL, RESOLVE1, RESOLVE2) # ----------------------------------------------- # Store into types.y the calc program, with DECL inserted as a declaration, # and with RESOLVE1 and RESOLVE2 as annotations on the conflicted rule for # stmt. Then compile the result. m4_define([_AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES], [ AT_BISON_OPTION_PUSHDEFS([$1]) AT_DATA_GRAMMAR([types.y], [[/* Simplified C++ Type and Expression Grammar. */ $1 %{ #include <stdio.h> union Node { struct { int isNterm; int parents; } nodeInfo; struct { int isNterm; /* 1 */ int parents; char const *form; union Node *children[3]; } nterm; struct { int isNterm; /* 0 */ int parents; char *text; } term; }; typedef union Node Node; static Node *new_nterm (char const *, Node *, Node *, Node *); static Node *new_term (char *); static void free_node (Node *); static char *node_to_string (Node *); #define YYSTYPE Node * ]m4_bmatch([$2], [stmtMerge], [ static YYSTYPE stmtMerge (YYSTYPE x0, YYSTYPE x1);])[ #define YYINITDEPTH 10 #define YYSTACKEXPANDABLE 1 struct YYLTYPE; #if YYPURE # if YYLSP_NEEDED # define LEX_PARAMETERS YYSTYPE *lvalp, struct YYLTYPE *llocp # define ERROR_PARAMETERS struct YYLTYPE *llocp, char const *s # else # define LEX_PARAMETERS YYSTYPE *lvalp # endif #endif #ifndef LEX_PARAMETERS # define LEX_PARAMETERS void #endif #ifndef ERROR_PARAMETERS # define ERROR_PARAMETERS char const *s #endif int yylex (LEX_PARAMETERS); void yyerror (ERROR_PARAMETERS); %} %token TYPENAME ID %right '=' %left '+' %glr-parser %destructor { free_node ($$); } stmt expr decl declarator TYPENAME ID %% prog : | prog stmt { char *output;]AT_LOCATION_IF([ printf ("%d.%d-%d.%d: ", @2.first_line, @2.first_column, @2.last_line, @2.last_column);])[ output = node_to_string (]$[2); printf ("%s\n", output); free (output); free_node (]$[2); } ; stmt : expr ';' $2 { $$ = ]$[1; } | decl $3 | error ';' { $$ = new_nterm ("<error>", 0, 0, 0); } | '@' { YYACCEPT; } ; expr : ID | TYPENAME '(' expr ')' { $$ = new_nterm ("<cast>(%s,%s)", ]$[3, ]$[1, 0); } | expr '+' expr { $$ = new_nterm ("+(%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[3, 0); } | expr '=' expr { $$ = new_nterm ("=(%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[3, 0); } ; decl : TYPENAME declarator ';' { $$ = new_nterm ("<declare>(%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[2, 0); } | TYPENAME declarator '=' expr ';' { $$ = new_nterm ("<init-declare>(%s,%s,%s)", ]$[1, ]$[2, ]$[4); } ; declarator : ID | '(' declarator ')' { $$ = ]$[2; } ; %% #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> int main (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) abort (); if (!freopen (argv[1], "r", stdin)) return 3; return yyparse (); } int yylex (LEX_PARAMETERS) { char buffer[256]; int c; unsigned int i; static int lineNum = 1; static int colNum = 0; #if YYPURE # undef yylloc # define yylloc (*llocp) # undef yylval # define yylval (*lvalp) #endif while (1) { if (feof (stdin)) abort (); c = getchar (); switch (c) { case EOF: return 0; case '\t': colNum = (colNum + 7) & ~7; break; case ' ': case '\f': colNum += 1; break; case '\n': lineNum += 1; colNum = 0; break; default: { int tok; #if YYLSP_NEEDED yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line = lineNum; yylloc.first_column = colNum; #endif if (isalpha (c)) { i = 0; do { buffer[i++] = c; colNum += 1; if (i == sizeof buffer - 1) abort (); c = getchar (); } while (isalnum (c) || c == '_'); ungetc (c, stdin); buffer[i++] = 0; tok = isupper ((unsigned char) buffer[0]) ? TYPENAME : ID; yylval = new_term (strcpy ((char *) malloc (i), buffer)); } else { colNum += 1; tok = c; yylval = 0; } #if YYLSP_NEEDED yylloc.last_column = colNum-1; #endif return tok; } } } } void yyerror (ERROR_PARAMETERS) { #if YYPURE && YYLSP_NEEDED /* Pacify GCC by using llocp. */ if (! llocp) abort (); #endif fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s); } static Node * new_nterm (char const *form, Node *child0, Node *child1, Node *child2) { Node *node = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node)); node->nterm.isNterm = 1; node->nterm.parents = 0; node->nterm.form = form; node->nterm.children[0] = child0; if (child0) child0->nodeInfo.parents += 1; node->nterm.children[1] = child1; if (child1) child1->nodeInfo.parents += 1; node->nterm.children[2] = child2; if (child2) child2->nodeInfo.parents += 1; return node; } static Node * new_term (char *text) { Node *node = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node)); node->term.isNterm = 0; node->term.parents = 0; node->term.text = text; return node; } static void free_node (Node *node) { if (!node) return; node->nodeInfo.parents -= 1; /* Free only if 0 (last parent) or -1 (no parents). */ if (node->nodeInfo.parents > 0) return; if (node->nodeInfo.isNterm == 1) { free_node (node->nterm.children[0]); free_node (node->nterm.children[1]); free_node (node->nterm.children[2]); } else free (node->term.text); free (node); } static char * node_to_string (Node *node) { char *child0; char *child1; char *child2; char *buffer; if (!node) { buffer = (char *) malloc (1); buffer[0] = 0; } else if (node->nodeInfo.isNterm == 1) { child0 = node_to_string (node->nterm.children[0]); child1 = node_to_string (node->nterm.children[1]); child2 = node_to_string (node->nterm.children[2]); buffer = (char *) malloc (strlen (node->nterm.form) + strlen (child0) + strlen (child1) + strlen (child2) + 1); sprintf (buffer, node->nterm.form, child0, child1, child2); free (child0); free (child1); free (child2); } else buffer = strdup (node->term.text); return buffer; } ]] m4_bmatch([$2], [stmtMerge], [[static YYSTYPE stmtMerge (YYSTYPE x0, YYSTYPE x1) { return new_nterm ("<OR>(%s,%s)", x0, x1, 0); } ]]) ) AT_DATA([test-input], [[ z + q; T x; T x = y; x = y; T (x) + y; T (x); T (y) = z + q; T (y y) = z + q; z + q; @ This is total garbage, but it should be ignored. ]]) AT_BISON_CHECK([-o types.c types.y], 0, [], ignore) AT_COMPILE([types]) AT_BISON_OPTION_POPDEFS ]) m4_define([_AT_RESOLVED_GLR_OUTPUT], [[[+(z,q) <declare>(T,x) <init-declare>(T,x,y) =(x,y) +(<cast>(x,T),y) <declare>(T,x) <init-declare>(T,y,+(z,q)) <error> +(z,q) ]]]) m4_define([_AT_RESOLVED_GLR_OUTPUT_WITH_LOC], [[[3.0-3.5: +(z,q) 5.0-5.3: <declare>(T,x) 7.0-7.7: <init-declare>(T,x,y) 9.0-9.5: =(x,y) 11.0-11.9: +(<cast>(x,T),y) 13.0-13.5: <declare>(T,x) 15.0-15.13: <init-declare>(T,y,+(z,q)) 17.0-17.15: <error> 19.0-19.5: +(z,q) ]]]) m4_define([_AT_AMBIG_GLR_OUTPUT], [[[+(z,q) <declare>(T,x) <init-declare>(T,x,y) =(x,y) +(<cast>(x,T),y) <OR>(<declare>(T,x),<cast>(x,T)) <OR>(<init-declare>(T,y,+(z,q)),=(<cast>(y,T),+(z,q))) <error> +(z,q) ]]]) m4_define([_AT_AMBIG_GLR_OUTPUT_WITH_LOC], [[[3.0-3.5: +(z,q) 5.0-5.3: <declare>(T,x) 7.0-7.7: <init-declare>(T,x,y) 9.0-9.5: =(x,y) 11.0-11.9: +(<cast>(x,T),y) 13.0-13.5: <OR>(<declare>(T,x),<cast>(x,T)) 15.0-15.13: <OR>(<init-declare>(T,y,+(z,q)),=(<cast>(y,T),+(z,q))) 17.0-17.15: <error> 19.0-19.5: +(z,q) ]]]) m4_define([_AT_GLR_STDERR], [[[syntax error ]]]) m4_define([_AT_VERBOSE_GLR_STDERR], [[[syntax error, unexpected ID, expecting '=' or '+' or ')' ]]]) ## ---------------------------------------------------- ## ## Compile the grammar described in the documentation. ## ## ---------------------------------------------------- ## AT_SETUP([GLR: Resolve ambiguity, impure, no locations]) _AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([], [%dprec 1], [%dprec 2]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0, _AT_RESOLVED_GLR_OUTPUT, _AT_GLR_STDERR) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([GLR: Resolve ambiguity, impure, locations]) _AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([%locations],[%dprec 1],[%dprec 2]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0, _AT_RESOLVED_GLR_OUTPUT_WITH_LOC, _AT_GLR_STDERR) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([GLR: Resolve ambiguity, pure, no locations]) _AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([%define api.pure], [%dprec 1], [%dprec 2]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0, _AT_RESOLVED_GLR_OUTPUT, _AT_GLR_STDERR) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([GLR: Resolve ambiguity, pure, locations]) _AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([%define api.pure %locations], [%dprec 1], [%dprec 2]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0, _AT_RESOLVED_GLR_OUTPUT_WITH_LOC, _AT_GLR_STDERR) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([GLR: Merge conflicting parses, impure, no locations]) _AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([], [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0, _AT_AMBIG_GLR_OUTPUT, _AT_GLR_STDERR) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([GLR: Merge conflicting parses, impure, locations]) _AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([%locations], [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0, _AT_AMBIG_GLR_OUTPUT_WITH_LOC, _AT_GLR_STDERR) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([GLR: Merge conflicting parses, pure, no locations]) _AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([%define api.pure], [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0, _AT_AMBIG_GLR_OUTPUT, _AT_GLR_STDERR) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([GLR: Merge conflicting parses, pure, locations]) _AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([%define api.pure %locations], [%merge <stmtMerge>],[%merge <stmtMerge>]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0, _AT_AMBIG_GLR_OUTPUT_WITH_LOC, _AT_GLR_STDERR) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([GLR: Verbose messages, resolve ambiguity, impure, no locations]) _AT_TEST_GLR_CXXTYPES([%error-verbose], [%merge <stmtMerge>], [%merge <stmtMerge>]) AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./types test-input]], 0, _AT_AMBIG_GLR_OUTPUT, _AT_VERBOSE_GLR_STDERR) AT_CLEANUP