X-Git-Url: https://git.saurik.com/apt.git/blobdiff_plain/4fc6b7570c3e97b65c118b58cdf6729fa94c9b03..d29d27b5513735bdb0f77505f5124b1bed390a17:/prepare-release

diff --git a/prepare-release b/prepare-release
index 8a3743ad7..89d5feae9 100755
--- a/prepare-release
+++ b/prepare-release
@@ -11,17 +11,18 @@ VERSION=$(dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n -e '/^Version:/s/^Version: //p')
 DISTRIBUTION=$(dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n -e '/^Distribution:/s/^Distribution: //p')
 LIBAPTPKGVERSION="$(awk -v ORS='.' '/^\#define APT_PKG_M/ {print $3}' apt-pkg/contrib/macros.h | sed 's/\.$//')"
-LIBAPTINSTVERSION="$(egrep '^MAJOR=' apt-inst/makefile |cut -d '=' -f 2)"
+LIBAPTINSTVERSION="$(grep '^MAJOR=' apt-inst/makefile |cut -d '=' -f 2)"
 librarysymbolsfromfile() {
 	local MISSING="$(grep '^+#MISSING' "$1")"
+	local SYMVER="$2"
 	echo '=== Missing optional symbols:'
 	echo -n "$MISSING" | grep '|optional=' || true
 	echo '=== Missing required symbols:'
 	echo -n "$MISSING" | grep -v '|optional=' || true
 	echo '=== New symbols:'
 	grep '^+ ' "$1" | cut -d' ' -f 2 | cut -d'@' -f 1 | c++filt | while read line; do
-		echo " (c++)\"${line}@Base\" $VERSION"
+		echo " (c++)\"${line}@${SYMVER}\" $VERSION"
 	done | sort -u
@@ -55,14 +56,34 @@ if [ "$1" = 'pre-export' ]; then
 	sed -i -e "s/^PACKAGE_VERSION=\".*\"$/PACKAGE_VERSION=\"${VERSION}\"/" configure.ac
 	sed -i -e "s/^<!ENTITY apt-product-version \".*\">$/<!ENTITY apt-product-version \"${VERSION}\">/" doc/apt-verbatim.ent
+	# update the last-modification field of manpages based on git changes
+	grep --files-with-matches '<date>' doc/*.xml | while read file; do \
+		LASTMOD="$(date -d "@$(git log --format='%at' --max-count=1 --invert-grep --fixed-strings --grep 'review
+Git-Dch: Ignore' "$file")" '+%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00Z')"
+		sed -i -e "s#^\([ ]\+\)<date>.*</date>\$#\1<date>$LASTMOD</date>#" "$file"
+	done
 	if [ "$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" != "$(grep --max-count=1 '^"POT-Creation-Date: .*\n"$' po/apt-all.pot | cut -d' ' -f 2)" -o \
 	     "$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" != "$(grep --max-count=1 '^"POT-Creation-Date: .*\n"$' doc/po/apt-doc.pot | cut -d' ' -f 2)" ]; then
 		echo >&2 'POT files are not up-to-date. Execute »make update-po« for you…'
 		make update-po
+elif [ "$1" = 'pre-build' ]; then
+	if [ "$DISTRIBUTION" = "UNRELEASED" ]; then
+	else
+		CONFVERSION="$(sed -ne "s/^PACKAGE_VERSION=\"\(.*\)\"$/\1/p" configure.ac)"
+		if [ "$VERSION" != "$CONFVERSION" ]; then
+			echo "changelog (${VERSION}) and configure (${CONFVERSION}) talk about different versions!"
+			echo "You probably want to run »./prepare-release pre-export« to fix this."
+			exit 1
+		fi
+	fi
 elif [ "$1" = 'post-build' ]; then
 	if [ "$DISTRIBUTION" != "UNRELEASED" ]; then
-		echo >&2 "REMEMBER: Tag this release with »git tag ${VERSION}« if you are satisfied"
+		echo >&2 "REMEMBER: Tag this release with »git tag -s ${VERSION}« if you are satisfied"
 		echo >&2 'REMEMBER: Change to a valid distribution before release'
@@ -109,7 +130,7 @@ elif [ "$1" = 'library' ]; then
 		echo "Checking $1 in version $2"
 		local tmpfile=$(mktemp)
 		dpkg-gensymbols -p${1}${2} -ebuild/bin/${1}.so.${2} -Idebian/${1}${2}.symbols -O/dev/null 2> /dev/null > $tmpfile || true
-		librarysymbolsfromfile "$tmpfile"
+		librarysymbolsfromfile "$tmpfile" "$(echo "${1}" | cut -c 4- | tr -d '-' | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')_${2}"
 		rm -f $tmpfile
 	librarysymbols 'libapt-pkg' "${LIBAPTPKGVERSION}"
@@ -117,12 +138,12 @@ elif [ "$1" = 'library' ]; then
 	librarysymbols 'libapt-inst' "${LIBAPTINSTVERSION}"
 elif [ "$1" = 'buildlog' ]; then
 	while [ -n "$2" ]; do
-		librarysymbolsfromfile "$2"
+		librarysymbolsfromfile "$2" 'UNKNOWN'
 elif [ "$1" = 'travis-ci' ]; then
-	apt-get install -q --no-install-recommends $(sed -n -e '/^Build-Depends: /,/^Build-Depends-Indep: / {p}' debian/control | sed -e 's#([^)]*)##g' -e 's#^Build-Depends\(-Indep\)\?: ##' | tr -d ',')
-	apt-get install -q --no-install-recommends $(sed -n 's#^Depends: .*@, \(.*\)$#\1#p' debian/tests/control | tr -d ',')
+	apt-get install -qy --no-install-recommends $(sed -n -e '/^Build-Depends: /,/^Build-Depends-Indep: / {p}' debian/control | sed -e 's#([^)]*)##g' -e 's#^Build-Depends\(-Indep\)\?: ##' | tr -d ',')
+	apt-get install -qy --no-install-recommends $(sed -n 's#^Depends: .*@, \(.*\)$#\1#p' debian/tests/control | tr -d ',')
 elif [ "$1" = 'coverage' ]; then
 	git clean -dfX # remove ignored build artefacts for a clean start
@@ -157,12 +178,14 @@ elif [ "$1" = 'coverage' ]; then
 	genhtml --output-directory "${DIR}" "${DIR}/apt.coverage.fixed" ${LCOVRC}
 	echo >&1 "Usage:\t$0 pre-export
+\t$0 pre-build
 \t$0 post-build
-If you use »git buildpackage« you can leave these alone as they will
-be run at the right places auto-magically. Otherwise you should use
-»pre-export« to update po and pot files as well as version numbering.
-»post-build« can be used to run some more or less useful checks later on.
+Updating po-files and versions as well as some basic checks are done
+by »pre-export« which needs to be run before package building.
+If you use »gbp buildpackage« you will be notified if you forget.
+»pre-build« and »post-build« can be used to run some more or less
+useful checks automatically run by »gbp« otherwise.
 \t$0 library
 \t$0 buildlog filename…