+ /** \brief Structure counts
+ These indicate the number of each structure contained in the cache.
+ PackageCount is especially useful for generating user state structures.
+ See Package::Id for more info. */
+ map_id_t GroupCount;
+ map_id_t PackageCount;
+ map_id_t VersionCount;
+ map_id_t DescriptionCount;
+ map_id_t DependsCount;
+ map_fileid_t PackageFileCount;
+ map_fileid_t VerFileCount;
+ map_fileid_t DescFileCount;
+ map_id_t ProvidesCount;
+ /** \brief index of the first PackageFile structure
+ The PackageFile structures are singly linked lists that represent
+ all package files that have been merged into the cache. */
+ map_pointer_t FileList;
+ /** \brief index of the first StringItem structure
+ The cache contains a list of all the unique strings (StringItems).
+ The parser reads this list into memory so it can match strings
+ against it.*/
+ map_pointer_t StringList;
+ /** \brief String representing the version system used */
+ map_pointer_t VerSysName;
+ /** \brief native architecture the cache was built against */
+ map_pointer_t Architecture;
+ /** \brief all architectures the cache was built against */
+ map_pointer_t Architectures;
+ /** \brief The maximum size of a raw entry from the original Package file */
+ map_filesize_t MaxVerFileSize;
+ /** \brief The maximum size of a raw entry from the original Translation file */
+ map_filesize_t MaxDescFileSize;
+ /** \brief The Pool structures manage the allocation pools that the generator uses
+ Start indicates the first byte of the pool, Count is the number of objects
+ remaining in the pool and ItemSize is the structure size (alignment factor)
+ of the pool. An ItemSize of 0 indicates the pool is empty. There should be
+ the same number of pools as there are structure types. The generator
+ stores this information so future additions can make use of any unused pool
+ blocks. */
+ DynamicMMap::Pool Pools[9];
+ /** \brief hash tables providing rapid group/package name lookup
+ Each group/package name is inserted into a hash table using pkgCache::Hash(const &string)
+ By iterating over each entry in the hash table it is possible to iterate over
+ the entire list of packages. Hash Collisions are handled with a singly linked
+ list of packages based at the hash item. The linked list contains only
+ packages that match the hashing function.
+ In the PkgHashTable is it possible that multiple packages have the same name -
+ these packages are stored as a sequence in the list.
+ The size of both tables is the same. */
+ unsigned int HashTableSize;
+ map_pointer_t * PkgHashTable() const { return (map_pointer_t*) (this + 1); }
+ map_pointer_t * GrpHashTable() const { return PkgHashTable() + HashTableSize; }
+ /** \brief Size of the complete cache file */
+ unsigned long long CacheFileSize;
+ bool CheckSizes(Header &Against) const APT_PURE;