-# set the proxy based on the admin users gconf settings
-set_apt_proxy_from_gconf() {
- # try SUDO_USER first
- if [ -n "$SUDO_USER" ]; then
- admin_user="$SUDO_USER"
- else
- admin_user=$(getent group admin|cut -d: -f4|cut -d, -f1)
- fi
- # test if the user actually exists, getent returns "+" for e.g.
- # LDAP
- if ! id -u "$admin_user" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- return
- fi
- # get the settings from gconf
- if [ -n "$admin_user" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/sudo ] && [ -z "$http_proxy" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/gconftool ]; then
- use=$(sudo -u "$admin_user" gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/use_http_proxy 2>/dev/null)
- host=$(sudo -u "$admin_user" gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/host 2>/dev/null)
- port=$(sudo -u "$admin_user" gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/port 2>/dev/null)
- if [ "$use" = "true" ] && [ -n "$host" ] && [ -n "$port" ]; then
- eval $(apt-config shell APT_CONF_PROXY Acquire::http::proxy)
- if [ -z "$APT_CONF_PROXY" ]; then
- echo "Acquire::http::proxy \"http://$host:$port/\";" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf
- fi
- fi
- fi