buildsimplenativepackage 'apt' 'all' '1.0' 'stable'
buildsimplenativepackage 'apt' 'all' '2.0' 'unstable'
+insertinstalledpackage 'vrms' 'all' '1.0'
testdownload() {
- msgtest 'Test download of package file' $1
- if [ -z "$3" ]; then
- aptget download ${2}
- else
- aptget download ${2}/${3}
+ local APT="$2"
+ if [ -n "$3" ]; then
+ APT="${APT}/${3}"
- test -f $1 && msgpass || msgfail
+ msgtest "Test download of package file $1 with" "$APT"
+ testsuccess --nomsg aptget download ${APT}
+ testsuccess test -f $1
+ rm $1
testdownload apt_1.0_all.deb apt stable
testdownload apt_2.0_all.deb apt
DEBFILE="$(readlink -f aptarchive)/pool/apt_2.0_all.deb"
-testequal "'file://${DEBFILE}' apt_2.0_all.deb $(stat -c%s $DEBFILE) sha256:$(sha256sum $DEBFILE | cut -d' ' -f 1)" aptget download apt --print-uris
+testequal "'file://${DEBFILE}' apt_2.0_all.deb $(stat -c%s $DEBFILE) SHA512:$(sha512sum $DEBFILE | cut -d' ' -f 1)" aptget download apt --print-uris
+# deb:677887
+testequal "E: Can't find a source to download version '1.0' of 'vrms:i386'" aptget download vrms