X-Git-Url: https://git.saurik.com/apple/xnu.git/blobdiff_plain/0c530ab8987f0ae6a1a3d9284f40182b88852816..94ff46dc2849db4d43eaaf144872decc522aafb4:/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp

diff --git a/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp b/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp
index 66e271062..5cdc56a78 100644
--- a/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp
+++ b/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp
@@ -1,4968 +1,8983 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * 
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- * 
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- * 
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
 #include <IOKit/assert.h>
-#include <IOKit/IOCommandGate.h>
 #include <IOKit/IOKitDebug.h>
 #include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
 #include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
 #include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
 #include <IOKit/IOService.h>
-#include <IOKit/IOTimerEventSource.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOEventSource.h>
 #include <IOKit/IOWorkLoop.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOCommand.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOTimeStamp.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOReportMacros.h>
+#include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>
-#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMchangeNoteList.h>
+#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMlog.h>
 #include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMinformee.h>
 #include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMinformeeList.h>
-#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMlog.h>
 #include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPowerConnection.h>
 #include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/RootDomain.h>
+#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMPrivate.h>
+#include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <libkern/OSDebug.h>
+#include <kern/thread.h>
 // Required for notification instrumentation
 #include "IOServicePrivate.h"
-#define super IORegistryEntry
-#define OUR_PMLog(t, a, b) \
-    do { pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName, t, a, b); } while(0)
-static void ack_timer_expired(thread_call_param_t);
-static void settle_timer_expired(thread_call_param_t);
-static void PM_idle_timer_expired(OSObject *, IOTimerEventSource *);
-void tellAppWithResponse ( OSObject * object, void * context);
-void tellClientWithResponse ( OSObject * object, void * context);
-void tellClient ( OSObject * object, void * context);
-IOReturn serializedAllowPowerChange ( OSObject *, void *, void *, void *, void *);
-IOReturn serializedCancelPowerChange ( OSObject *, void *, void *, void *, void *);
-extern const IORegistryPlane * gIOPowerPlane;
-// and there's 1000 nanoseconds in a microsecond:
-#define ns_per_us 1000
-// The current change note is processed by a state machine.
-// Inputs are acks from interested parties, ack from the controlling driver,
-// ack timeouts, settle timeout, and powerStateDidChange from the parent.
-// These are the states:
-enum {
-    kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown = 1,
-    kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown,
-    kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange,
-    kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState,
-    kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle,
-    kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange,
-    kIOPM_OurChangeFinish,
-    kIOPM_ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Immediate,
-    kIOPM_ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Delayed,
-    kIOPM_ParentDownWaitForPowerSettleAndNotifyDidChange_Immediate,
-    kIOPM_ParentDownNotifyDidChangeAndAcknowledgeChange_Delayed,
-    kIOPM_ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed,
-    kIOPM_ParentDownWaitForPowerSettle_Delayed,
-    kIOPM_ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed,
-    kIOPM_ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed,
-    kIOPM_ParentUpSetPowerState_Immediate,
-    kIOPM_ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Delayed,
-    kIOPM_ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Delayed,
-    kIOPM_ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed,
-    kIOPM_Finished
-// values of outofbandparameter
-enum {
-	kNotifyApps,
-	kNotifyPriority
+#include "IOServicePMPrivate.h"
+#include "IOKitKernelInternal.h"
-// used for applyToInterested
-struct context {
-    OSArray *	responseFlags;
-    UInt16	serialNumber;
-    UInt16 	counter;
-    UInt32	maxTimeRequested;
-    int		msgType;
-    IOService *	us;
-    IOLock *	flags_lock;
-    unsigned long stateNumber;
-    IOPMPowerFlags stateFlags;
-// five minutes in microseconds
-#define FIVE_MINUTES 5*60*1000000
-#define k30seconds 30*1000000
+static void settle_timer_expired(thread_call_param_t, thread_call_param_t);
+static void idle_timer_expired(thread_call_param_t, thread_call_param_t);
+static void tellKernelClientApplier(OSObject * object, void * arg);
+static void tellAppClientApplier(OSObject * object, void * arg);
- There are two different kinds of power state changes.  One is initiated by a subclassed device object which has either
- decided to change power state, or its controlling driver has suggested it, or some other driver wants to use the
- idle device and has asked it to become usable.  The second kind of power state change is initiated by the power
- domain parent.  The two are handled slightly differently.
-There is a queue of so-called change notifications, or change notes for short.  Usually the queue is empty, and when
- it isn't, usually there is one change note in it, but since it's possible to have more than one power state change pending
- at one time, a queue is implemented.  Example:  the subclass device decides it's idle and initiates a change to a lower
- power state.  This causes interested parties to be notified, but they don't all acknowledge right away.  This causes the
- change note to sit in the queue until all the acks are received.  During this time, the device decides it isn't idle anymore and
- wants to raise power back up again.  This change can't be started, however, because the previous one isn't complete yet,
- so the second one waits in the queue.  During this time, the parent decides to lower or raise the power state of the entire
- power domain and notifies the device, and that notification goes into the queue, too, and can't be actioned until the
- others are.
- This is how a power change initiated by the subclass device is handled:
- First, all interested parties are notified of the change via their powerStateWillChangeTo method.  If they all don't
- acknowledge via return code, then we have to wait.  If they do, or when they finally all acknowledge via our
- acknowledgePowerChange method, then we can continue.  We call the controlling driver, instructing it to change to
- the new state.  Then we wait for power to settle.  If there is no settling-time, or after it has passed, we notify
- interested parties again, this time via their powerStateDidChangeTo methods.  When they have all acked, we're done.
- If we lowered power and don't need the power domain to be in its current power state, we suggest to the parent that
- it lower the power domain state.
- This is how a change to a lower power domain state initiated by the parent is handled:
- First, we figure out what power state we will be in when the new domain state is reached.  Then all interested parties are
- notified that we are moving to that new state.  When they have acknowledged, we call the controlling driver to assume
- that state and we wait for power to settle.  Then we acknowledge our preparedness to our parent.  When all its interested
- parties have acknowledged, it lowers power and then notifies its interested parties again.  When we get this call, we notify
- our interested parties that the power state has changed, and when they have all acknowledged, we're done.
- This is how a change to a higher power domain state initiated by the parent is handled:
- We figure out what power state we will be in when the new domain state is reached.  If it is different from our current
- state we acknowledge the parent.  When all the parent's interested parties have acknowledged, it raises power in the
-domain and waits for power to settle.  Then it  notifies everyone that the new state has been reached.  When we get this call,
- we call the controlling driver, instructing it  to assume the new state, and wait for power to settle.  Then we notify our interested
- parties.  When they all acknowledge  we are done.
- In either of the two cases above, it is possible that we will not be changing state even though the domain is.  Examples:
- A change to a lower domain state may not affect us because we are already in a low enough state, and
- We will not take advantage of a change to a higher domain state, because we have no need of the higher power.
- In such a case, there is nothing to do but acknowledge the parent.  So when the parent calls our powerDomainWillChange
- method, and we decide that we will not be changing state, we merely acknowledge the parent, via return code, and wait.
- When the parent subsequently calls powerStateDidChange, we acknowledge again via return code, and the change is complete.
- Power state changes are processed in a state machine, and since there are four varieties of power state changes, there are
- four major paths through the state machine:
- The fourth is nearly trivial.  In this path, the parent is changing the domain state, but we are not changing the device state.
- The change starts when the parent calls powerDomainWillChange.  All we do is acknowledge the parent.
-When the parent calls powerStateDidChange, we acknowledge the parent again, and we're done.
- The first is fairly simple.  It starts when a power domain child calls requestPowerDomainState and we decide to change power states
- to accomodate the child, or if our power-controlling driver calls changePowerStateTo, or if some other driver which is using our
- device calls makeUsable, or if a subclassed object calls changePowerStateToPriv.  These are all power changes initiated by us, not
- forced upon us by the parent.  We start by notifying interested parties.  If they all acknowledge via return code, we can go
- on to state "OurChangeSetPowerState".  Otherwise, we start the ack timer and wait for the stragglers to acknowlege by calling
- acknowledgePowerChange.  We move on to state "OurChangeSetPowerState" when all the stragglers have acknowledged,
- or when the ack timer expires on all those which didn't acknowledge.  In "OurChangeSetPowerState" we call the power-controlling
- driver to change the power state of the hardware.  If it returns saying it has done so, we go on to state "OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle".
- Otherwise, we have to wait for it, so we set the ack timer and wait.  When it calls acknowledgeSetPowerState, or when the
- ack timer expires, we go on.  In "OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle", we look in the power state array to see if there is any settle time required
- when changing from our current state to the new state.  If not, we go right away to "OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange".  Otherwise, we
- set the settle timer and wait.  When it expires, we move on.  In "OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange" state, we notify all our interested parties
- via their powerStateDidChange methods that we have finished changing power state.  If they all acknowledge via return
- code, we move on to "OurChangeFinish".  Otherwise we set the ack timer and wait.  When they have all acknowledged, or
- when the ack timer has expired for those that didn't, we move on to "OurChangeFinish", where we remove the used
- change note from the head of the queue and start the next one if one exists.
- Parent-initiated changes are more complex in the state machine.  First, power going up and power going down are handled
- differently, so they have different paths throught the state machine.  Second, we can acknowledge the parent's notification
- in two different ways, so each of the parent paths is really two.
- When the parent calls our powerDomainWillChange method, notifying us that it will lower power in the domain, we decide
- what state that will put our device in.  Then we embark on the state machine path "IOPMParentDownSetPowerState_Immediate"
- and "kIOPM_ParentDownWaitForPowerSettleAndNotifyDidChange_Immediate", in which we notify interested parties of the upcoming change,  instruct our driver to make
- the change, check for settle time, and notify interested parties of the completed change.   If we get to the end of this path without
- stalling due to an interested party which didn't acknowledge via return code, due to the controlling driver not able to change
- state right away, or due to a non-zero settling time, then we return IOPMAckImplied to the parent, and we're done with the change.
- If we do stall in any of those states, we return IOPMWillAckLater to the parent and enter the parallel path "kIOPM_ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed"
- "kIOPM_ParentDownWaitForPowerSettle_Delayed", and "kIOPM_ParentDownNotifyDidChangeAndAcknowledgeChange_Delayed", where we continue with the same processing, except that at the end we
- acknowledge the parent explicitly via acknowledgePowerChange, and we're done with the change.
-Then when the parent calls us at powerStateDidChange we acknowledging via return code, because we have already made
- the power change.  In any case, when we are done we remove the used change note from the head of the queue and start on the next one.
- The case of the parent raising power in the domain is handled similarly in that there are parallel paths, one for no-stall
- that ends in implicit acknowleging the parent, and one that has stalled at least once that ends in explicit acknowledging
- the parent.  This case is different, though in that our device changes state in the second half, after the parent calls
- powerStateDidChange rather than before, as in the power-lowering case.
- When the parent calls our powerDomainWillChange method, notifying us that it will raise power in the domain, we acknowledge
- via return code, because there's really nothing we can do until the power is actually raised in the domain.
- When the parent calls us at powerStateDidChange, we start by notifying our interested parties.  If they all acknowledge via return code,
- we go on to" kIOPM_ParentUpSetPowerState_Immediate" to instruct the driver to raise its power level. After that, we check for any
- necessary settling time in "IOPMParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Immediate", and we notify all interested parties that power has changed
- in "IOPMParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Immediate".  If none of these operations stall, we acknowledge the parent via return code, release
- the change note, and start the next, if there is one.  If one of them does stall, we enter the parallel path  "kIOPM_ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed",
- "kIOPM_ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Delayed", "kIOPM_ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Delayed", and "kIOPM_ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed", which ends with
- our explicit acknowledgement to the parent.
-const char priv_key[ ] = "Power Management private data";
-const char prot_key[ ] = "Power Management protected data";
-void IOService::PMinit ( void )
-    if ( ! initialized ) {
-        // make space for our variables
-        pm_vars =  new IOPMprot;					
-        priv = new IOPMpriv;
-        pm_vars->init();
-        priv->init();
-        // add pm_vars & priv to the properties
-        setProperty(prot_key, (OSObject *) pm_vars);			
-        setProperty(priv_key, (OSObject *) priv);
-        // then initialize them
-        priv->owner = this;
-        pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates = 0;				
-        priv->we_are_root = false;
-        pm_vars->theControllingDriver = NULL;
-        priv->our_lock = IOLockAlloc();
-        priv->flags_lock = IOLockAlloc();
-        priv->queue_lock = IOLockAlloc();
-        pm_vars->childLock = IOLockAlloc();
-        pm_vars->parentLock = IOLockAlloc();
-        priv->interestedDrivers = new IOPMinformeeList;
-        priv->interestedDrivers->initialize();
-        priv->changeList = new IOPMchangeNoteList;
-        priv->changeList->initialize();
-        pm_vars->aggressiveness = 0;
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= kMaxType; i++) 
-        {
-	        pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_values[i] = 0;
-	        pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_valid[i] = false;
-        }
-        pm_vars->myCurrentState =  0;
-        priv->imminentState = 0;
-        priv->ourDesiredPowerState = 0;
-        pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags = 0;
-        pm_vars->maxCapability = 0;
-        priv->driverDesire = 0;
-        priv->deviceDesire = 0;
-        priv->initial_change = true;
-        priv->need_to_become_usable = false;
-        priv->previousRequest = 0;
-        priv->device_overrides = false;
-        priv->machine_state = kIOPM_Finished;
-        priv->timerEventSrc = NULL;
-        priv->clampTimerEventSrc = NULL;
-        pm_vars->PMworkloop = NULL;
-        priv->activityLock = NULL;
-        pm_vars->ourName = getName();
-        pm_vars->thePlatform = getPlatform();
-        pm_vars->parentsKnowState = false;
-        assert( pm_vars->thePlatform != 0 );
-        priv->clampOn = false;
-        pm_vars->serialNumber = 0;
-        pm_vars->responseFlags = NULL;
-        pm_vars->doNotPowerDown = true;
-        pm_vars->PMcommandGate = NULL;
-        priv->ackTimer = thread_call_allocate(
-                        (thread_call_func_t)ack_timer_expired, 
-                        (thread_call_param_t)this);
-        priv->settleTimer = thread_call_allocate(
-                        (thread_call_func_t)settle_timer_expired, 
-                        (thread_call_param_t)this);
-        initialized = true;
-    }
-// PMfree
-// Free up the data created in PMinit, if it exists.
-void IOService::PMfree ( void )
-    if ( priv ) {
-        if (  priv->clampTimerEventSrc != NULL ) {
-            getPMworkloop()->removeEventSource(priv->clampTimerEventSrc);
-            priv->clampTimerEventSrc->release();
-            priv->clampTimerEventSrc = NULL;
-        }
-        if (  priv->timerEventSrc != NULL ) {
-            pm_vars->PMworkloop->removeEventSource(priv->timerEventSrc);
-            priv->timerEventSrc->release();
-            priv->timerEventSrc = NULL;
-        }
-        if ( priv->settleTimer ) {
-            thread_call_cancel(priv->settleTimer);
-            thread_call_free(priv->settleTimer);
-            priv->settleTimer = NULL;
-        }
-        if ( priv->ackTimer ) {
-            thread_call_cancel(priv->ackTimer);
-            thread_call_free(priv->ackTimer);
-            priv->ackTimer = NULL;
-        }
-        if ( priv->our_lock ) {
-            IOLockFree(priv->our_lock);
-            priv->our_lock = NULL;
-        }
-        if ( priv->flags_lock ) {
-            IOLockFree(priv->flags_lock);
-            priv->flags_lock = NULL;
-        }
-        if ( priv->activityLock ) {
-            IOLockFree(priv->activityLock);
-            priv->activityLock = NULL;
-        }
-        priv->interestedDrivers->release();
-        priv->changeList->release();
-        // remove instance variables
-        priv->release();				
-    }
-    if ( pm_vars ) {
-        if ( pm_vars->PMcommandGate ) {
-            if(pm_vars->PMworkloop)
-                pm_vars->PMworkloop->removeEventSource(pm_vars->PMcommandGate);
-            pm_vars->PMcommandGate->release();
-            pm_vars->PMcommandGate = NULL;
-        }
-        if ( pm_vars->PMworkloop ) {
-            // The work loop object returned from getPMworkLoop() is
-            // never retained, therefore it should not be released.
-            // pm_vars->PMworkloop->release();
-            pm_vars->PMworkloop = NULL;
-        }
-        if ( pm_vars->responseFlags ) {
-            pm_vars->responseFlags->release();
-            pm_vars->responseFlags = NULL;
-        }
-        // remove instance variables
-        pm_vars->release();				
-    }
-// PMstop
-// Disconnect the node from its parents and children in the Power Plane.
-void IOService::PMstop ( void )
-    OSIterator *	iter;
-    OSObject *		next;
-    IOPowerConnection *	connection;
-    IOService *		theChild;
-    IOService *		theParent;
-    // remove the properties
-    removeProperty(prot_key);			
-    removeProperty(priv_key);
-    // detach parents
-    iter = getParentIterator(gIOPowerPlane);	
-    if ( iter ) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                theParent = (IOService *)connection->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-                if ( theParent ) 
-                {
-                    theParent->removePowerChild(connection);
-                    theParent->release();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-    }
-    // detach IOConnections   
-    detachAbove( gIOPowerPlane );		
-    if ( pm_vars )
-    {
-        // no more power state changes
-        pm_vars->parentsKnowState = false;		
-    }
-    // detach children
-    iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);	
-    if ( iter ) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                theChild = ((IOService *)(connection->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane)));
-                if ( theChild ) 
-                {
-                    // detach nub from child
-                    connection->detachFromChild(theChild,gIOPowerPlane);	
-                    theChild->release();
-                }
-                // detach us from nub
-                detachFromChild(connection,gIOPowerPlane);			
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-    }
-    // Remove all interested drivers from the list, including the power
-    // controlling driver.
-    //
-    // Usually, the controlling driver and the policy-maker functionality
-    // are implemented by the same object, and without the deregistration,
-    // the object will be holding an extra retain on itself, and cannot
-    // be freed.
-    if ( priv && priv->interestedDrivers )
-    {
-        IOPMinformee * informee;
-        while (( informee = priv->interestedDrivers->firstInList() ))
-            deRegisterInterestedDriver( informee->whatObject );
-    }
-// joinPMtree
-// A policy-maker calls its nub here when initializing, to be attached into
-// the power management hierarchy.  The default function is to call the
-// platform expert, which knows how to do it.  This method is overridden
-// by a nub subclass which may either know how to do it, or may need
-// to take other action.
-// This may be the only "power management" method used in a nub,
-// meaning it may not be initialized for power management.
-void IOService::joinPMtree ( IOService * driver )
+static uint64_t
+computeTimeDeltaNS( const AbsoluteTime * start )
-    IOPlatformExpert * thePlatform;
+	AbsoluteTime    now;
+	uint64_t        nsec;
-    thePlatform = getPlatform();
-    assert(thePlatform != 0 );
-    thePlatform->PMRegisterDevice(this,driver);
+	clock_get_uptime(&now);
+	SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, start);
+	absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nsec);
+	return nsec;
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOPMprot, OSObject)
+// Globals
-// youAreRoot
-// Power Managment is informing us that we are the root power domain.
-// The only difference between us and any other power domain is that
-// we have no parent and therefore never call it.
-IOReturn IOService::youAreRoot ( void )
-    priv-> we_are_root = true;
-    pm_vars->parentsKnowState = true;
-    attachToParent( getRegistryRoot(),gIOPowerPlane );
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+static bool                  gIOPMInitialized       = false;
+static uint32_t              gIOPMBusyRequestCount  = 0;
+static uint32_t              gIOPMWorkInvokeCount   = 0;
+static uint32_t              gIOPMTickleGeneration  = 0;
+static IOWorkLoop *          gIOPMWorkLoop          = NULL;
+static IOPMRequestQueue *    gIOPMRequestQueue      = NULL;
+static IOPMRequestQueue *    gIOPMReplyQueue        = NULL;
+static IOPMWorkQueue *       gIOPMWorkQueue         = NULL;
+static IOPMCompletionQueue * gIOPMCompletionQueue   = NULL;
+static IOPMRequest *         gIOPMRequest           = NULL;
+static IOService *           gIOPMRootNode          = NULL;
+static IOPlatformExpert *    gPlatform              = NULL;
+const OSSymbol *             gIOPMPowerClientDevice     = NULL;
+const OSSymbol *             gIOPMPowerClientDriver     = NULL;
+const OSSymbol *             gIOPMPowerClientChildProxy = NULL;
+const OSSymbol *             gIOPMPowerClientChildren   = NULL;
+const OSSymbol *             gIOPMPowerClientRootDomain = NULL;
+static const OSSymbol *      gIOPMPowerClientAdvisoryTickle = NULL;
+static bool                  gIOPMAdvisoryTickleEnabled = true;
+static thread_t              gIOPMWatchDogThread        = NULL;
+uint32_t                     gCanSleepTimeout           = 0;
+static uint32_t
+getPMRequestType( void )
+	uint32_t type = kIOPMRequestTypeInvalid;
+	if (gIOPMRequest) {
+		type = gIOPMRequest->getType();
+	}
+	return type;
-// setPowerParent
-// Power Management is informing us who our parent is.
-// If we have a controlling driver, find out, given our newly-informed
-// power domain state, what state it would be in, and then tell it
-// to assume that state.
-IOReturn IOService::setPowerParent ( IOPowerConnection * theParent, bool stateKnown, IOPMPowerFlags currentState )
-    OSIterator *			iter;
-    OSObject *			next;
-    IOPowerConnection *	connection;
-    unsigned long		tempDesire;
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogSetParent,stateKnown,currentState);
-    IOLockLock(pm_vars->parentLock);
-    if ( stateKnown && ((pm_vars->PMworkloop == NULL) || (pm_vars->PMcommandGate == NULL)) ) 
-    {
-        // we have a path to the root
-        // find out the workloop
-        getPMworkloop();
-        if ( pm_vars->PMworkloop != NULL ) 
-        {
-            if ( pm_vars->PMcommandGate == NULL ) 
-            {	
-                // and make our command gate
-                pm_vars->PMcommandGate = IOCommandGate::commandGate((OSObject *)this);
-                if ( pm_vars->PMcommandGate != NULL ) 
-                {
-                    pm_vars->PMworkloop->addEventSource(pm_vars->PMcommandGate);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    IOLockUnlock(pm_vars->parentLock);
-    // set our connection data
-    theParent->setParentCurrentPowerFlags(currentState);	
-    theParent->setParentKnowsState(stateKnown);
-    // combine parent knowledge
-    pm_vars->parentsKnowState = true;				
-    pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags = 0;
-    iter = getParentIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
-    if ( iter ) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                pm_vars->parentsKnowState &= connection->parentKnowsState();
-                pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags |= connection->parentCurrentPowerFlags();
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-    }
-    if ( (pm_vars->theControllingDriver != NULL) &&
-         (pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) 
-    {
-        pm_vars->maxCapability = pm_vars->theControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags);
-        // initially change into the state we are already in
-        tempDesire = priv->deviceDesire;			
-        priv->deviceDesire = pm_vars->theControllingDriver->initialPowerStateForDomainState(pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags);
-        computeDesiredState();
-        priv->previousRequest = 0xffffffff;
-        changeState();
-        // put this back like before
-        priv->deviceDesire = tempDesire;    
-    }
-   return IOPMNoErr;
-// addPowerChild
-// Power Management is informing us who our children are.
-IOReturn IOService::addPowerChild ( IOService * theChild )
-    IOPowerConnection                       *connection;
-    unsigned int                            i;
-    if ( ! initialized ) 
-    {
-        // we're not a power-managed IOService
-        return IOPMNotYetInitialized;	
-    }
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogAddChild,0,0);
-    // Put ourselves into a usable power state.
-    // We must be in an "on" power state, as our children must be able to access
-    // our hardware after joining the power plane.
-    temporaryMakeUsable();
-    // make a nub
-    connection = new IOPowerConnection;			
-    connection->init();
-    connection->start(this);
-    connection->setAwaitingAck(false);
-    // connect it up
-    attachToChild( connection,gIOPowerPlane );			
-    connection->attachToChild( theChild,gIOPowerPlane );
-    connection->release();
-    // tell it the current state of the power domain
-    if ( (pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL) ||		
-            ! (inPlane(gIOPowerPlane)) ||
-            ! (pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) 
-    {
-        theChild->setPowerParent(connection,false,0);
-        if ( inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) ) 
-        {
-            for (i = 0; i <= kMaxType; i++) {
-                if ( pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_valid[i] ) 
-                {
-                    theChild->setAggressiveness (i, pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_values[i]);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        theChild->setPowerParent(connection,true,pm_vars->thePowerStates[pm_vars->myCurrentState].outputPowerCharacter);
-        for (i = 0; i <= kMaxType; i++) 
-        {
-            if ( pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_valid[i] )
-            {
-                theChild->setAggressiveness (i, pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_values[i]);
-            }
-        }
-        // catch it up if change is in progress
-        add_child_to_active_change(connection);							
-    }
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+static IOPMRequestTag
+getPMRequestTag( void )
+	IOPMRequestTag tag = 0;
+	if (gIOPMRequest &&
+	    (gIOPMRequest->getType() == kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride)) {
+		tag = gIOPMRequest->fRequestTag;
+	}
+	return tag;
+SYSCTL_UINT(_kern, OID_AUTO, pmtimeout, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &gCanSleepTimeout, 0, "Power Management Timeout");
-// removePowerChild
+// Macros
-IOReturn IOService::removePowerChild ( IOPowerConnection * theNub )
-    IORegistryEntry                         *theChild;
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogRemoveChild,0,0);
-    theNub->retain();
-    // detach nub from child
-    theChild = theNub->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);			
-    if ( theChild ) 
-    {
-        theNub->detachFromChild(theChild, gIOPowerPlane);
-        theChild->release();
-    }
-    // detach from the nub
-    detachFromChild(theNub,gIOPowerPlane);				
-    // are we awaiting an ack from this child?
-    if ( theNub->getAwaitingAck() ) 
-    {
-        // yes, pretend we got one
-        theNub->setAwaitingAck(false);
-        if ( acquire_lock() ) 
-        {
-            if (priv->head_note_pendingAcks != 0 ) 
-            {
-                // that's one fewer ack to worry about
-                OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-                // is that the last?
-                if ( priv->head_note_pendingAcks == 0 ) 
-                {
-                    // yes, stop the timer
-                    stop_ack_timer();
-                    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                    // and now we can continue our power change
-                    all_acked();
-                } else {
-                    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                }
-            } else {
-                IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    theNub->release();
-    // if not fully initialized
-    if ( (pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL) ||
-                !(inPlane(gIOPowerPlane)) ||
-                !(pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) 
-    {
-        // we can do no more
-        return IOPMNoErr;				
-    }
-    // Perhaps the departing child was holding up idle or system sleep - we 
-    // need to re-evaluate our childrens' requests. 
-    // Clear and re-calculate our kIOPMChildClamp and kIOPMChildClamp2 bits.
-    rebuildChildClampBits();
-    // Change state if we can now tolerate lower power
-    computeDesiredState();
-    changeState();
-    return IOPMNoErr;
-// registerPowerDriver
-// A driver has called us volunteering to control power to our device.
-// If the power state array it provides is richer than the one we already
-// know about (supplied by an earlier volunteer), then accept the offer.
-// Notify all interested parties of our power state, which we now know.
-IOReturn IOService::registerPowerDriver ( IOService * controllingDriver, IOPMPowerState* powerStates, unsigned long numberOfStates  )
-    unsigned long                           i;
-    unsigned long                           tempDesire;
-    if ( (numberOfStates > pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates) 
-                    && (numberOfStates > 1) ) 
-    {
-        if (  priv->changeList->currentChange() == -1 ) 
-        {
-            if ( controllingDriver != NULL ) 
-            {
-                if ( numberOfStates <= IOPMMaxPowerStates ) 
-                {
-                    switch ( powerStates[0].version  ) 
-                    {
-                        case 1:
-                            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogControllingDriver,
-                                            (unsigned long)numberOfStates, (unsigned long)powerStates[0].version);
-                            for ( i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++ ) 
-                            {
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i] = powerStates[i];
-                            }
-                                break;
-                        case 2:
-                            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogControllingDriver,
-                                            (unsigned long) numberOfStates,(unsigned long) powerStates[0].version);
-                            for ( i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++ ) 
-                            {
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].version = powerStates[i].version;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].capabilityFlags = powerStates[i].capabilityFlags;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].outputPowerCharacter = powerStates[i].outputPowerCharacter;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].inputPowerRequirement = powerStates[i].inputPowerRequirement;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].staticPower = powerStates[i].staticPower;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].unbudgetedPower = powerStates[i].unbudgetedPower;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].powerToAttain = powerStates[i].powerToAttain;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].timeToAttain = powerStates[i].timeToAttain;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].settleUpTime = powerStates[i].settleUpTime;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].timeToLower = powerStates[i].timeToLower;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].settleDownTime = powerStates[i].settleDownTime;
-                                pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].powerDomainBudget = powerStates[i].powerDomainBudget;
-                            }
-                                break;
-                        default:
-                            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogControllingDriverErr1,
-                                                                    (unsigned long)powerStates[0].version,0);
-                            return IOPMNoErr;
-                    }
-                    // make a mask of all the character bits we know about
-                    pm_vars->myCharacterFlags = 0;	
-                    for ( i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++ ) {
-                        pm_vars->myCharacterFlags |= pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].outputPowerCharacter;
-                    }
-                   pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates = numberOfStates;
-                    pm_vars->theControllingDriver = controllingDriver;
-                    if ( priv->interestedDrivers->findItem(controllingDriver) == NULL ) 
-                    {
-                        // register it as interested, unless already done
-                        registerInterestedDriver (controllingDriver );
-                    }
-                    if ( priv->need_to_become_usable ) {
-                        priv->need_to_become_usable = false;
-                        priv->deviceDesire = pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates - 1;
-                    }
-                    if ( inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) &&
-                         (pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) {
-                        pm_vars->maxCapability = pm_vars->theControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags);
-                        // initially change into the state we are already in
-                        tempDesire = priv->deviceDesire;
-                        priv->deviceDesire = pm_vars->theControllingDriver->initialPowerStateForDomainState(pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags);
-                        computeDesiredState();
-                        changeState();
-                        // put this back like before
-                        priv->deviceDesire = tempDesire;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogControllingDriverErr2,(unsigned long)numberOfStates,0);
-                }
-            } else {
-                pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogControllingDriverErr4,0,0);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogControllingDriverErr5,(unsigned long)numberOfStates,0);
-    }
-    return IOPMNoErr;
-// registerInterestedDriver
-// Add the caller to our list of interested drivers and return our current
-// power state.  If we don't have a power-controlling driver yet, we will
-// call this interested driver again later when we do get a driver and find
-// out what the current power state of the device is.
-IOPMPowerFlags IOService::registerInterestedDriver ( IOService * theDriver )
-    IOPMinformee                            *newInformee;
-    IOPMPowerFlags                          futureCapability;
+#define PM_ERROR(x...)              do { kprintf(x);IOLog(x); \
+	                            } while (false)
+#define PM_LOG(x...)                do { kprintf(x); } while (false)
-    if (theDriver == NULL ) {
-        return 0;
-    }
+#define PM_LOG1(x...)               do {  \
+	                            if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) \
+	                                kprintf(x); } while (false)
-    // make new driver node
-    newInformee = new IOPMinformee;
-    newInformee->initialize(theDriver);
-    // add it to list of drivers
-    priv->interestedDrivers->addToList(newInformee);
+#define PM_LOG2(x...)               do {  \
+	                            if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) \
+	                                kprintf(x); } while (false)
-    if ( (pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL) ||
-                    !(inPlane(gIOPowerPlane)) ||
-                    !(pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) 
-    {
-        // can't tell it a state yet
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogInterestedDriver,IOPMNotPowerManaged,0);
-        return IOPMNotPowerManaged;
-    }
+#if 0
+#define PM_LOG3(x...)               do { kprintf(x); } while (false)
+#define PM_LOG3(x...)
-    // can we notify new driver of a change in progress?
-    switch (priv->machine_state) {
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState:
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeFinish:
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed:
-            // yes, remember what we tell it
-            futureCapability = priv->head_note_capabilityFlags;
-            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogInterestedDriver,(unsigned long)futureCapability,1);
-            // notify it
-            add_driver_to_active_change(newInformee);
-            // and return the same thing
-            return futureCapability;
-    }
+#define RD_LOG(x...)                do { \
+	                            if ((kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) && \
+	                                (getPMRootDomain() == this)) { \
+	                                kprintf("PMRD: " x); \
+	                            }} while (false)
+#define PM_ASSERT_IN_GATE(x)          \
+do {                                  \
+    assert(gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate());  \
+} while(false)
+#define PM_LOCK()                   IOLockLock(fPMLock)
+#define PM_UNLOCK()                 IOLockUnlock(fPMLock)
+#define PM_LOCK_SLEEP(event, dl)    IOLockSleepDeadline(fPMLock, event, dl, THREAD_UNINT)
+#define PM_LOCK_WAKEUP(event)       IOLockWakeup(fPMLock, event, false)
+#define us_per_s                    1000000
+#define ns_per_us                   1000
+#define k30Seconds                  (30*us_per_s)
+#define k5Seconds                   ( 5*us_per_s)
+#define kCanSleepMaxTimeReq         k5Seconds
+#define kCanSleepMaxTimeReq         k30Seconds
+#define kMaxTimeRequested           k30Seconds
+#define kMinAckTimeoutTicks         (10*1000000)
+#define kIOPMTardyAckSPSKey         "IOPMTardyAckSetPowerState"
+#define kIOPMTardyAckPSCKey         "IOPMTardyAckPowerStateChange"
+#define kPwrMgtKey                  "IOPowerManagement"
+#define OUR_PMLog(t, a, b) do {                 \
+    if (pwrMgt) {                               \
+	if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogPower)          \
+	    pwrMgt->pmPrint(t, a, b);           \
+	if (gIOKitTrace & kIOTracePowerMgmt)    \
+	    pwrMgt->pmTrace(t, DBG_FUNC_NONE, a, b);        \
+    }                                           \
+    } while(0)
+#define OUR_PMLogFuncStart(t, a, b) do {        \
+    if (pwrMgt) {                               \
+	if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogPower)          \
+	    pwrMgt->pmPrint(t, a, b);           \
+	if (gIOKitTrace & kIOTracePowerMgmt)    \
+	    pwrMgt->pmTrace(t, DBG_FUNC_START, a, b);       \
+    }                                           \
+    } while(0)
+#define OUR_PMLogFuncEnd(t, a, b) do {          \
+    if (pwrMgt) {                               \
+	if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogPower)          \
+	    pwrMgt->pmPrint(-t, a, b);          \
+	if (gIOKitTrace & kIOTracePowerMgmt)    \
+	    pwrMgt->pmTrace(t, DBG_FUNC_END, a, b);        \
+    }                                           \
+    } while(0)
+#define NS_TO_MS(nsec)              ((int)((nsec) / 1000000ULL))
+#define NS_TO_US(nsec)              ((int)((nsec) / 1000ULL))
+#define SUPPORT_IDLE_CANCEL         1
+#define kIOPMPowerStateMax          0xFFFFFFFF
+#define kInvalidTicklePowerState    kIOPMPowerStateMax
+#define kNoTickleCancelWindow       (60ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL)
+#define IS_PM_ROOT                  (this == gIOPMRootNode)
+#define IS_ROOT_DOMAIN              (getPMRootDomain() == this)
+#define IS_POWER_DROP               (StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState) < StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState))
+#define IS_POWER_RISE               (StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState) > StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState))
+// log setPowerStates longer than (ns):
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+#define LOG_SETPOWER_TIMES          (300ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL)
+#define LOG_SETPOWER_TIMES          (50ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL)
+// log app responses longer than (ns):
+#define LOG_APP_RESPONSE_TIMES      (100ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL)
+// use message tracer to log messages longer than (ns):
+#define LOG_APP_RESPONSE_MSG_TRACER (3 * 1000ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL)
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogInterestedDriver,
-                    (unsigned long) pm_vars->thePowerStates[pm_vars->myCurrentState].capabilityFlags,2);
+// log kext responses longer than (ns):
+#define LOG_KEXT_RESPONSE_TIMES     (100ULL * 1000ULL * 1000ULL)
-    // no, return current capability
-    return  pm_vars->thePowerStates[pm_vars->myCurrentState].capabilityFlags;	
+enum {
+	kReserveDomainPower = 1
+#define MS_PUSH(n)  \
+    do { assert(kIOPM_BadMachineState == fSavedMachineState); \
+	 assert(kIOPM_BadMachineState != n); \
+	 fSavedMachineState = n; } while (false)
-// deRegisterInterestedDriver
-IOReturn IOService::deRegisterInterestedDriver ( IOService * theDriver )
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogRemoveDriver,0,0);
+#define MS_POP()    \
+    do { assert(kIOPM_BadMachineState != fSavedMachineState); \
+	 fMachineState = fSavedMachineState; \
+	 fSavedMachineState = kIOPM_BadMachineState; } while (false)
-    // remove the departing driver
-    priv->interestedDrivers->removeFromList(theDriver);
+#define PM_ACTION_0(a) \
+    do { if (fPMActions.a) { \
+	 (fPMActions.a)(fPMActions.target, this, &fPMActions); } \
+	 } while (false)
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+#define PM_ACTION_2(a, x, y) \
+    do { if (fPMActions.a) { \
+	 (fPMActions.a)(fPMActions.target, this, &fPMActions, x, y, \
+	    getPMRequestTag()); } \
+	 } while (false)
+#define PM_ACTION_3(a, x, y, z) \
+    do { if (fPMActions.a) { \
+	 (fPMActions.a)(fPMActions.target, this, &fPMActions, x, y, z); } \
+	 } while (false)
+static OSNumber * copyClientIDForNotification(
+	OSObject *object,
+	IOPMInterestContext *context);
+static void logClientIDForNotification(
+	OSObject *object,
+	IOPMInterestContext *context,
+	const char *logString);
-// acknowledgePowerChange
+// PM machine states
-// After we notified one of the interested drivers or a power-domain child
-// of an impending change in power, it has called to say it is now
-// prepared for the change.  If this object is the last to
-// acknowledge this change, we take whatever action we have been waiting
-// for.
-// That may include acknowledging to our parent.  In this case, we do it
-// last of all to insure that this doesn't cause the parent to call us some-
-// where else and alter data we are relying on here (like the very existance
-// of a "current change note".)
+// Check kgmacros after modifying machine states.
-IOReturn IOService::acknowledgePowerChange ( IOService * whichObject )
-    IOPMinformee                                *ackingObject;
-    unsigned long	                            childPower = kIOPMUnknown;
-    IOService                                   *theChild;
-    // one of our interested drivers?
-    ackingObject =  priv->interestedDrivers->findItem(whichObject);
-    if ( ackingObject == NULL ) 
-    {
-        if ( ! isChild(whichObject,gIOPowerPlane) ) 
-        {
-             pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogAcknowledgeErr1,0,0);
-             //kprintf("errant driver: %s\n",whichObject->getName());
-             // no, just return
-            return IOPMNoErr;
-        } else {
-            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogChildAcknowledge,priv->head_note_pendingAcks,0);
-        }
-    } else {
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogDriverAcknowledge,priv->head_note_pendingAcks,0);
-    }
-    if (! acquire_lock() ) 
-    {
-        return IOPMNoErr;
-    }
-    if (priv->head_note_pendingAcks != 0 ) 
-    {
-         // yes, make sure we're expecting acks
-        if ( ackingObject != NULL ) 
-        {
-            // it's an interested driver
-            // make sure we're expecting this ack
-            if ( ackingObject->timer != 0 ) 
-            {
-                // mark it acked
-                ackingObject->timer = 0;
-                // that's one fewer to worry about
-                OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-                // is that the last?
-                if ( priv->head_note_pendingAcks == 0 ) 
-                {
-                    // yes, stop the timer
-                    stop_ack_timer();
-                    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                    // and now we can continue
-                    all_acked();
-                    return IOPMNoErr;
-                }
-            } else {
-                // this driver has already acked
-                pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogAcknowledgeErr2,0,0);
-                //kprintf("errant driver: %s\n",whichObject->getName());
-            }
-        } else {
-            // it's a child
-            // make sure we're expecting this ack
-            if ( ((IOPowerConnection *)whichObject)->getAwaitingAck() ) 
-            {
-                // that's one fewer to worry about
-                OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-                ((IOPowerConnection *)whichObject)->setAwaitingAck(false);
-                theChild = (IOService *)whichObject->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-                if ( theChild ) 
-                {
-                    childPower = theChild->currentPowerConsumption();
-                    theChild->release();
-                }
-                if ( childPower == kIOPMUnknown ) 
-                {
-                    pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].staticPower = kIOPMUnknown;
-                } else {
-                    if ( pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].staticPower != kIOPMUnknown ) 
-                    {
-                        pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].staticPower += childPower;
-                    }
-                }
-                // is that the last?
-                if ( priv->head_note_pendingAcks == 0 ) {
-                    // yes, stop the timer
-                    stop_ack_timer();
-                    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                    // and now we can continue
-                    all_acked();
-                    return IOPMNoErr;
-                }
-            }
-	    }
-    } else {
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogAcknowledgeErr3,0,0);	// not expecting anybody to ack
-        //kprintf("errant driver: %s\n",whichObject->getName());
-    }
-    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    return IOPMNoErr;
-// acknowledgeSetPowerState
+enum {
+	kIOPM_Finished                                      = 0,
+	kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown                 = 1,
+	kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown            = 2,
+	kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown         = 3,
+	kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange    = 4,
+	kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState                        = 5,
+	kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle                   = 6,
+	kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange     = 7,
+	kIOPM_OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange              = 8,
+	kIOPM_OurChangeFinish                               = 9,
+	kIOPM_ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown      = 10,
+	kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange = 11,
+	kIOPM_ParentChangeSetPowerState                     = 12,
+	kIOPM_ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle                = 13,
+	kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange  = 14,
+	kIOPM_ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange           = 15,
+	kIOPM_ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange            = 16,
+	kIOPM_NotifyChildrenStart                           = 17,
+	kIOPM_NotifyChildrenOrdered                         = 18,
+	kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed                         = 19,
+	kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown                      = 20,
+	kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown              = 21,
+	kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange                          = 22,
+	kIOPM_SyncNotifyDidChange                           = 23,
+	kIOPM_SyncTellCapabilityDidChange                   = 24,
+	kIOPM_SyncFinish                                    = 25,
+	kIOPM_TellCapabilityChangeDone                      = 26,
+	kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone                          = 27,
+	kIOPM_BadMachineState                               = 0xFFFFFFFF
+// [public] PMinit
-// After we instructed our controlling driver to change power states,
-// it has called to say it has finished doing so.
-// We continue to process the power state change.
+// Initialize power management.
-IOReturn IOService::acknowledgeSetPowerState ( void )
-    if (!acquire_lock()) 
-        return IOPMNoErr;
-    IOReturn timer = priv->driver_timer;
-    if ( timer == -1 ) {
-        // driver is acking instead of using return code
-	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogDriverAcknowledgeSet, (UInt32) this, timer);
-        priv->driver_timer = 0;
-    }
-    else if ( timer > 0 ) {	// are we expecting this?
-	// yes, stop the timer
-	stop_ack_timer();
-	priv->driver_timer = 0;
-	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogDriverAcknowledgeSet, (UInt32) this, timer);
-	IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-	driver_acked();
-	return IOPMNoErr;
-    } else {
-	// not expecting this
-	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAcknowledgeErr4, (UInt32) this, 0);
-    }
+IOService::PMinit( void )
+	if (!initialized) {
+		if (!gIOPMInitialized) {
+			gPlatform = getPlatform();
+			gIOPMWorkLoop = IOWorkLoop::workLoop();
+			if (gIOPMWorkLoop) {
+				gIOPMRequestQueue = IOPMRequestQueue::create(
+					this, OSMemberFunctionCast(IOPMRequestQueue::Action,
+					this, &IOService::actionPMRequestQueue));
+				gIOPMReplyQueue = IOPMRequestQueue::create(
+					this, OSMemberFunctionCast(IOPMRequestQueue::Action,
+					this, &IOService::actionPMReplyQueue));
+				gIOPMWorkQueue = IOPMWorkQueue::create(this,
+				    OSMemberFunctionCast(IOPMWorkQueue::Action, this,
+				    &IOService::actionPMWorkQueueInvoke),
+				    OSMemberFunctionCast(IOPMWorkQueue::Action, this,
+				    &IOService::actionPMWorkQueueRetire));
+				gIOPMCompletionQueue = IOPMCompletionQueue::create(
+					this, OSMemberFunctionCast(IOPMCompletionQueue::Action,
+					this, &IOService::actionPMCompletionQueue));
+				if (gIOPMWorkLoop->addEventSource(gIOPMRequestQueue) !=
+				    kIOReturnSuccess) {
+					gIOPMRequestQueue->release();
+					gIOPMRequestQueue = NULL;
+				}
+				if (gIOPMWorkLoop->addEventSource(gIOPMReplyQueue) !=
+				    kIOReturnSuccess) {
+					gIOPMReplyQueue->release();
+					gIOPMReplyQueue = NULL;
+				}
+				if (gIOPMWorkLoop->addEventSource(gIOPMWorkQueue) !=
+				    kIOReturnSuccess) {
+					gIOPMWorkQueue->release();
+					gIOPMWorkQueue = NULL;
+				}
+				// Must be added after the work queue, which pushes request
+				// to the completion queue without signaling the work loop.
+				if (gIOPMWorkLoop->addEventSource(gIOPMCompletionQueue) !=
+				    kIOReturnSuccess) {
+					gIOPMCompletionQueue->release();
+					gIOPMCompletionQueue = NULL;
+				}
+				gIOPMPowerClientDevice =
+				    OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "DevicePowerState" );
+				gIOPMPowerClientDriver =
+				    OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "DriverPowerState" );
+				gIOPMPowerClientChildProxy =
+				    OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "ChildProxyPowerState" );
+				gIOPMPowerClientChildren =
+				    OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "ChildrenPowerState" );
+				gIOPMPowerClientAdvisoryTickle =
+				    OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "AdvisoryTicklePowerState" );
+				gIOPMPowerClientRootDomain =
+				    OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "RootDomainPower" );
+			}
+			if (gIOPMRequestQueue && gIOPMReplyQueue && gIOPMCompletionQueue) {
+				gIOPMInitialized = true;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!gIOPMInitialized) {
+			return;
+		}
+		pwrMgt = new IOServicePM;
+		pwrMgt->init();
+		setProperty(kPwrMgtKey, pwrMgt);
+		queue_init(&pwrMgt->WorkChain);
+		queue_init(&pwrMgt->RequestHead);
+		queue_init(&pwrMgt->PMDriverCallQueue);
+		fOwner                      = this;
+		fPMLock                     = IOLockAlloc();
+		fInterestedDrivers          = new IOPMinformeeList;
+		fInterestedDrivers->initialize();
+		fDesiredPowerState          = kPowerStateZero;
+		fDeviceDesire               = kPowerStateZero;
+		fInitialPowerChange         = true;
+		fInitialSetPowerState       = true;
+		fPreviousRequestPowerFlags  = 0;
+		fDeviceOverrideEnabled      = false;
+		fMachineState               = kIOPM_Finished;
+		fSavedMachineState          = kIOPM_BadMachineState;
+		fIdleTimerMinPowerState     = kPowerStateZero;
+		fActivityLock               = IOLockAlloc();
+		fStrictTreeOrder            = false;
+		fActivityTicklePowerState   = kInvalidTicklePowerState;
+		fAdvisoryTicklePowerState   = kInvalidTicklePowerState;
+		fControllingDriver          = NULL;
+		fPowerStates                = NULL;
+		fNumberOfPowerStates        = 0;
+		fCurrentPowerState          = kPowerStateZero;
+		fParentsCurrentPowerFlags   = 0;
+		fMaxPowerState              = kPowerStateZero;
+		fName                       = getName();
+		fParentsKnowState           = false;
+		fSerialNumber               = 0;
+		fResponseArray              = NULL;
+		fNotifyClientArray          = NULL;
+		fCurrentPowerConsumption    = kIOPMUnknown;
+		fOverrideMaxPowerState      = kIOPMPowerStateMax;
+		if (!gIOPMRootNode && (getParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane) == getRegistryRoot())) {
+			gIOPMRootNode = this;
+			fParentsKnowState = true;
+		} else if (getProperty(kIOPMResetPowerStateOnWakeKey) == kOSBooleanTrue) {
+			fResetPowerStateOnWake = true;
+		}
+		if (IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+			fWatchdogTimer = thread_call_allocate(
+				&IOService::watchdog_timer_expired, (thread_call_param_t)this);
+			fWatchdogLock = IOLockAlloc();
+			fBlockedArray =  OSArray::withCapacity(4);
+		}
+		fAckTimer = thread_call_allocate(
+			&IOService::ack_timer_expired, (thread_call_param_t)this);
+		fSettleTimer = thread_call_allocate(
+			&settle_timer_expired, (thread_call_param_t)this);
+		fIdleTimer = thread_call_allocate(
+			&idle_timer_expired, (thread_call_param_t)this);
+		fDriverCallEntry = thread_call_allocate(
+			(thread_call_func_t) &IOService::pmDriverCallout, this);
+		assert(fDriverCallEntry);
+		// Check for powerChangeDone override.
+		if (OSMemberFunctionCast(void (*)(void),
+		    getResourceService(), &IOService::powerChangeDone) !=
+		    OSMemberFunctionCast(void (*)(void),
+		    this, &IOService::powerChangeDone)) {
+			fPCDFunctionOverride = true;
+		}
+		IOPMprot * prot = new IOPMprot;
+		if (prot) {
+			prot->init();
+			prot->ourName = fName;
+			prot->thePlatform = gPlatform;
+			fPMVars = prot;
+			pm_vars = prot;
+		}
+		pm_vars = (void *) (uintptr_t) true;
-    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+		initialized = true;
+	}
-// driver_acked
+// [private] PMfree
-// Either the controlling driver has called acknowledgeSetPowerState
-// or the acknowledgement timer has expired while waiting for that.
-// We carry on processing the current change note.
+// Free the data created by PMinit. Only called from IOService::free().
-void IOService::driver_acked ( void )
+IOService::PMfree( void )
+	initialized = false;
+	pm_vars = NULL;
+	if (pwrMgt) {
+		assert(fMachineState == kIOPM_Finished);
+		assert(fInsertInterestSet == NULL);
+		assert(fRemoveInterestSet == NULL);
+		assert(fNotifyChildArray == NULL);
+		assert(queue_empty(&pwrMgt->RequestHead));
+		assert(queue_empty(&fPMDriverCallQueue));
+		if (fWatchdogTimer) {
+			thread_call_cancel(fWatchdogTimer);
+			thread_call_free(fWatchdogTimer);
+			fWatchdogTimer = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fWatchdogLock) {
+			IOLockFree(fWatchdogLock);
+			fWatchdogLock = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fBlockedArray) {
+			fBlockedArray->release();
+			fBlockedArray = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fSettleTimer) {
+			thread_call_cancel(fSettleTimer);
+			thread_call_free(fSettleTimer);
+			fSettleTimer = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fAckTimer) {
+			thread_call_cancel(fAckTimer);
+			thread_call_free(fAckTimer);
+			fAckTimer = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fIdleTimer) {
+			thread_call_cancel(fIdleTimer);
+			thread_call_free(fIdleTimer);
+			fIdleTimer = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fDriverCallEntry) {
+			thread_call_free(fDriverCallEntry);
+			fDriverCallEntry = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fPMLock) {
+			IOLockFree(fPMLock);
+			fPMLock = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fActivityLock) {
+			IOLockFree(fActivityLock);
+			fActivityLock = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fInterestedDrivers) {
+			fInterestedDrivers->release();
+			fInterestedDrivers = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fDriverCallParamSlots && fDriverCallParamPtr) {
+			IODelete(fDriverCallParamPtr, DriverCallParam, fDriverCallParamSlots);
+			fDriverCallParamPtr = NULL;
+			fDriverCallParamSlots = 0;
+		}
+		if (fResponseArray) {
+			fResponseArray->release();
+			fResponseArray = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fNotifyClientArray) {
+			fNotifyClientArray->release();
+			fNotifyClientArray = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fPowerStates && fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+			IODelete(fPowerStates, IOPMPSEntry, fNumberOfPowerStates);
+			fNumberOfPowerStates = 0;
+			fPowerStates = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fPowerClients) {
+			fPowerClients->release();
+			fPowerClients = NULL;
+		}
+		if (fPMVars) {
+			fPMVars->release();
+			fPMVars = NULL;
+		}
-    switch (priv->machine_state) {
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle:
-            OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle();
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownWaitForPowerSettle_Delayed:
-            ParentDownWaitForPowerSettle_Delayed();
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Delayed:
-            ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Delayed();
-            break;
-    }
+		pwrMgt->release();
+		pwrMgt = NULL;
+	}
+IOService::PMDebug( uint32_t event, uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2 )
+	OUR_PMLog(event, param1, param2);
-// powerDomainWillChangeTo
+// [public] joinPMtree
-// Called by the power-hierarchy parent notifying of a new power state
-// in the power domain.
-// We enqueue a parent power-change to our queue of power changes.
-// This may or may not cause us to change power, depending on what
-// kind of change is occuring in the domain.
-IOReturn IOService::powerDomainWillChangeTo ( IOPMPowerFlags newPowerStateFlags, IOPowerConnection * whichParent )
-    OSIterator                      *iter;
-    OSObject                        *next;
-    IOPowerConnection               *connection;
-    unsigned long                   newStateNumber;
-    IOPMPowerFlags                  combinedPowerFlags;
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogWillChange,(unsigned long)newPowerStateFlags,0);
-    if ( ! inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) ) 
-    {
-        // somebody goofed
-        return IOPMAckImplied;
-    }
-    IOLockLock(pm_vars->parentLock);
-    if ( (pm_vars->PMworkloop == NULL) || (pm_vars->PMcommandGate == NULL) ) 
-    {
-        // we have a path to the root
-        getPMworkloop();
-        // so find out the workloop
-        if ( pm_vars->PMworkloop != NULL ) 
-        {
-            // and make our command gate
-            if ( pm_vars->PMcommandGate == NULL ) 
-            {
-                pm_vars->PMcommandGate = IOCommandGate::commandGate((OSObject *)this);
-                if ( pm_vars->PMcommandGate != NULL ) 
-                {
-                    pm_vars->PMworkloop->addEventSource(pm_vars->PMcommandGate);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    IOLockUnlock(pm_vars->parentLock);
-    // combine parents' power states
-    // to determine our maximum state within the new power domain
-    combinedPowerFlags = 0;
-    iter = getParentIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
-    if ( iter ) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                if ( connection == whichParent ){
-                    combinedPowerFlags |= newPowerStateFlags;
-                } else {
-                    combinedPowerFlags |= connection->parentCurrentPowerFlags();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-    }
-    if  ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL ) 
-    {
-        // we can't take any more action
-        return IOPMAckImplied;
-    }
-    newStateNumber = pm_vars->theControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(combinedPowerFlags);
-    // make the change
-    return enqueuePowerChange(IOPMParentInitiated | IOPMDomainWillChange,
-                            newStateNumber,combinedPowerFlags,whichParent,newPowerStateFlags);
-// powerDomainDidChangeTo
+// A policy-maker calls its nub here when initializing, to be attached into
+// the power management hierarchy.  The default function is to call the
+// platform expert, which knows how to do it.  This method is overridden
+// by a nub subclass which may either know how to do it, or may need to
+// take other action.
-// Called by the power-hierarchy parent after the power state of the power domain
-// has settled at a new level.
-// We enqueue a parent power-change to our queue of power changes.
-// This may or may not cause us to change power, depending on what
-// kind of change is occuring in the domain.
+// This may be the only "power management" method used in a nub,
+// meaning it may not be initialized for power management.
-IOReturn IOService::powerDomainDidChangeTo ( IOPMPowerFlags newPowerStateFlags, IOPowerConnection * whichParent )
+IOService::joinPMtree( IOService * driver )
-    unsigned long newStateNumber;
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogDidChange,newPowerStateFlags,0);
-    setParentInfo(newPowerStateFlags,whichParent);
-    if ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL ) {
-        return IOPMAckImplied;
-    }
+	IOPlatformExpert *  platform;
-    newStateNumber = pm_vars->theControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags);
-    // tell interested parties about it
-    return enqueuePowerChange(IOPMParentInitiated | IOPMDomainDidChange,
-                    newStateNumber,pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags,whichParent,0);
+	platform = getPlatform();
+	assert(platform != NULL);
+	platform->PMRegisterDevice(this, driver);
-// setParentInfo
-// Set our connection data for one specific parent, and then combine all the parent
-// data together.
+#ifndef __LP64__
-void IOService::setParentInfo ( IOPMPowerFlags newPowerStateFlags, IOPowerConnection * whichParent )
-    OSIterator                      *iter;
-    OSObject                        *next;
-    IOPowerConnection               *connection;
-    // set our connection data
-    whichParent->setParentCurrentPowerFlags(newPowerStateFlags);
-    whichParent->setParentKnowsState(true);
-    IOLockLock(pm_vars->parentLock);
-    // recompute our parent info
-    pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags = 0;
-    pm_vars->parentsKnowState = true;
-    iter = getParentIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
-    if ( iter ) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                pm_vars->parentsKnowState &= connection->parentKnowsState();
-                pm_vars->parentsCurrentPowerFlags |= connection->parentCurrentPowerFlags();
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-    }
-    IOLockUnlock(pm_vars->parentLock);
-// rebuildChildClampBits
-// The ChildClamp bits (kIOPMChildClamp & kIOPMChildClamp2) in our capabilityFlags
-// indicate that one of our children (or grandchildren or great-grandchildren or ...)
-// doesn't support idle or system sleep in its current state. Since we don't track the
-// origin of each bit, every time any child changes state we have to clear these bits 
-// and rebuild them.
-void IOService::rebuildChildClampBits(void)
-    unsigned long                       i;
-    OSIterator                          *iter;
-    OSObject                            *next;
-    IOPowerConnection                   *connection;
-    // A child's desires has changed.  We need to rebuild the child-clamp bits in our
-    // power state array.  Start by clearing the bits in each power state.
-    for ( i = 0; i < pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates; i++ ) 
-    {
-        pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].capabilityFlags &= ~(kIOPMChildClamp | kIOPMChildClamp2);
-    }
-    // Now loop through the children.  When we encounter the calling child, save
-    // the computed state as this child's desire.  And while we're at it, set the ChildClamp bits
-    // in any of our states that some child has requested with clamp on.
-    iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
-    if ( iter ) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                if ( connection->getPreventIdleSleepFlag() )
-                    pm_vars->thePowerStates[connection->getDesiredDomainState()].capabilityFlags |= kIOPMChildClamp;
-                if ( connection->getPreventSystemSleepFlag() )
-                    pm_vars->thePowerStates[connection->getDesiredDomainState()].capabilityFlags |= kIOPMChildClamp2;
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-    }
-// requestPowerDomainState
-// The kIOPMPreventIdleSleep and/or kIOPMPreventIdleSleep bits may be be set in the parameter.
-// It is not considered part of the state specification.
-IOReturn IOService::requestPowerDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags desiredState, IOPowerConnection * whichChild, unsigned long specification )
-    unsigned long                           i;
-    unsigned long                           computedState;
-    unsigned long                           theDesiredState = desiredState & ~(kIOPMPreventIdleSleep | kIOPMPreventSystemSleep);
-    OSIterator                              *iter;
-    OSObject                                *next;
-    IOPowerConnection                       *connection;
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogRequestDomain,
-                                (unsigned long)desiredState,(unsigned long)specification);
-    if ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL) 
-    {
-        return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
-    }
-    switch (specification) {
-        case IOPMLowestState:
-            i = 0;
-            while ( i < pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates ) 
-            {
-                if ( ( pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].outputPowerCharacter & theDesiredState) == (theDesiredState & pm_vars->myCharacterFlags) ) 
-                {
-                    break;
-                }
-                i++;
-            }
-            if ( i >= pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates ) 
-            {
-                return IOPMNoSuchState;
-            }
-            break;
-        case IOPMNextLowerState:
-            i = pm_vars->myCurrentState - 1;
-            while ( (int) i >= 0 ) 
-            {
-                if ( ( pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].outputPowerCharacter & theDesiredState) == (theDesiredState & pm_vars->myCharacterFlags) ) 
-                {
-                    break;
-                }
-                i--;
-            }
-            if ( (int) i < 0 ) 
-            {
-                return IOPMNoSuchState;
-            }
-            break;
-        case IOPMHighestState:
-            i = pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates;
-            while ( (int) i >= 0 ) 
-            {
-                i--;
-                if ( ( pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].outputPowerCharacter & theDesiredState) == (theDesiredState & pm_vars->myCharacterFlags) ) 
-                {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if ( (int) i < 0 ) 
-            {
-                return IOPMNoSuchState;
-            }
-            break;
-        case IOPMNextHigherState:
-            i = pm_vars->myCurrentState + 1;
-            while ( i < pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates ) 
-            {
-                if ( ( pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].outputPowerCharacter & theDesiredState) == (theDesiredState & pm_vars->myCharacterFlags) ) 
-                {
-                    break;
-                }
-                i++;
-            }
-            if ( i == pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates ) 
-            {
-                return IOPMNoSuchState;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            return IOPMBadSpecification;
-    }
-    computedState = i;
-    IOLockLock(pm_vars->childLock);
-    // Now loop through the children.  When we encounter the calling child, save
-    // the computed state as this child's desire.
-    iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
-    if ( iter ) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                if ( connection == whichChild ) 
-                {
-                    connection->setDesiredDomainState(computedState);
-                    connection->setPreventIdleSleepFlag(desiredState & kIOPMPreventIdleSleep);
-                    connection->setPreventSystemSleepFlag(desiredState & kIOPMPreventSystemSleep);
-                    connection->setChildHasRequestedPower();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-    }
-    // Since a child's power requirements may have changed, clear and rebuild 
-    // kIOPMChildClamp and kIOPMChildClamp2 (idle and system sleep clamps)
-    rebuildChildClampBits();
-    IOLockUnlock(pm_vars->childLock);
-    // this may be different now
-    computeDesiredState();
-    if ( inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) &&
-         (pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) {
-         // change state if all children can now tolerate lower power
-        changeState();
-    }
-    // are we clamped on, waiting for this child?
-    if ( priv->clampOn ) {
-        // yes, remove the clamp
-        priv->clampOn = false;
-        changePowerStateToPriv(0);
-    }
-   return IOPMNoErr;
-// temporaryPowerClampOn
-// A power domain wants to clamp its power on till it has children which
-// will thendetermine the power domain state.
+// [deprecated] youAreRoot
-// We enter the highest state until addPowerChild is called.
+// Power Managment is informing us that we are the root power domain.
-IOReturn IOService::temporaryPowerClampOn ( void )
+IOService::youAreRoot( void )
-    priv->clampOn = true;
-    makeUsable();
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+	return IOPMNoErr;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
-// makeUsable
-// Some client of our device is asking that we become usable.  Although
-// this has not come from a subclassed device object, treat it exactly
-// as if it had.  In this way, subsequent requests for lower power from
-// a subclassed device object will pre-empt this request.
+// [public] PMstop
-// We treat this as a subclass object request to switch to the
-// highest power state.
+// Immediately stop driver callouts. Schedule an async stop request to detach
+// from power plane.
-IOReturn IOService::makeUsable ( void )
+IOService::PMstop( void )
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogMakeUsable,0,0);
+	IOPMRequest * request;
-    if ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL ) 
-    {
-        priv->need_to_become_usable = true;
-        return IOPMNoErr;
-    }
-    priv->deviceDesire = pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates - 1;
-    computeDesiredState();
-    if ( inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) && (pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) 
-    {
-        return changeState();
-    }
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return;
+	}
-// temporaryMakeUsable
-// Private function, called by IOService::addPowerChild to ensure that the
-// device is temporarily in a usable power state so that attached power  
-// children may properly initialize.
+	PM_LOCK();
-IOReturn IOService::temporaryMakeUsable ( void )
-    IOReturn        ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
-    unsigned long   tempDesire;
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog( pm_vars->ourName,
-                                 PMlogMakeUsable,
-                                 PMlogMakeUsable,
-                                 priv->deviceDesire);
+	if (fLockedFlags.PMStop) {
+		PM_LOG2("%s: PMstop() already stopped\n", fName);
+		return;
+	}
-    if ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL ) 
-    {
-        priv->need_to_become_usable = true;
-        return IOPMNoErr;
-    }
-    tempDesire = priv->deviceDesire;
-    priv->deviceDesire = pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates - 1;
-    computeDesiredState();
-    if ( inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) && (pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) 
-    {
-        ret = changeState();
-    }
-    priv->deviceDesire = tempDesire;
-    return ret;
+	// Inhibit future driver calls.
+	fLockedFlags.PMStop = true;
+	// Wait for all prior driver calls to finish.
+	waitForPMDriverCall();
-// currentCapability
-IOPMPowerFlags IOService::currentCapability ( void )
-    if ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL ) 
-    {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        return   pm_vars->thePowerStates[pm_vars->myCurrentState].capabilityFlags;
-    }
+	// The rest of the work is performed async.
+	request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypePMStop );
+	if (request) {
+		PM_LOG2("%s: %p PMstop\n", getName(), OBFUSCATE(this));
+		submitPMRequest( request );
+	}
-// changePowerStateTo
+// [private] handlePMstop
-// For some reason, our power-controlling driver has decided it needs to change
-// power state.  We enqueue the power change so that appropriate parties
-// will be notified, and then we will instruct the driver to make the change.
+// Disconnect the node from all parents and children in the power plane.
-IOReturn IOService::changePowerStateTo ( unsigned long ordinal )
+IOService::handlePMstop( IOPMRequest * request )
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogChangeStateTo,ordinal,0);
+	OSIterator *        iter;
+	OSObject *          next;
+	IOPowerConnection * connection;
+	IOService *         theChild;
+	IOService *         theParent;
+	PM_LOG2("%s: %p %s start\n", getName(), OBFUSCATE(this), __FUNCTION__);
+	// remove driver from prevent system sleep lists
+	getPMRootDomain()->updatePreventIdleSleepList(this, false);
+	getPMRootDomain()->updatePreventSystemSleepList(this, false);
+	// remove the property
+	removeProperty(kPwrMgtKey);
+	// detach parents
+	iter = getParentIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (iter) {
+		while ((next = iter->getNextObject())) {
+			if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, next))) {
+				theParent = (IOService *)connection->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+				if (theParent) {
+					theParent->removePowerChild(connection);
+					theParent->release();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		iter->release();
+	}
-    if ( ordinal >= pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates ) 
-    {
-        return IOPMParameterError;
-    }
-    priv->driverDesire = ordinal;
-    computeDesiredState();
-    if ( inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) && (pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) 
-    {
-        return changeState();
-    }
+	// detach IOConnections
+	detachAbove( gIOPowerPlane );
+	// no more power state changes
+	fParentsKnowState = false;
+	// detach children
+	iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (iter) {
+		while ((next = iter->getNextObject())) {
+			if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, next))) {
+				theChild = ((IOService *)(connection->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane)));
+				if (theChild) {
+					// detach nub from child
+					connection->detachFromChild(theChild, gIOPowerPlane);
+					theChild->release();
+				}
+				// detach us from nub
+				detachFromChild(connection, gIOPowerPlane);
+			}
+		}
+		iter->release();
+	}
+	// Remove all interested drivers from the list, including the power
+	// controlling driver.
+	//
+	// Usually, the controlling driver and the policy-maker functionality
+	// are implemented by the same object, and without the deregistration,
+	// the object will be holding an extra retain on itself, and cannot
+	// be freed.
+	if (fInterestedDrivers) {
+		IOPMinformeeList *  list = fInterestedDrivers;
+		IOPMinformee *      item;
+		PM_LOCK();
+		while ((item = list->firstInList())) {
+			list->removeFromList(item->whatObject);
+		}
+	}
+	// Clear idle period to prevent idleTimerExpired() from servicing
+	// idle timer expirations.
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+	fIdleTimerPeriod = 0;
+	if (fIdleTimer && thread_call_cancel(fIdleTimer)) {
+		release();
+	}
+	PM_LOG2("%s: %p %s done\n", getName(), OBFUSCATE(this), __FUNCTION__);
-// changePowerStateToPriv
+// [public] addPowerChild
-// For some reason, a subclassed device object has decided it needs to change
-// power state.  We enqueue the power change so that appropriate parties
-// will be notified, and then we will instruct the driver to make the change.
+// Power Management is informing us who our children are.
-IOReturn IOService::changePowerStateToPriv ( unsigned long ordinal )
+IOService::addPowerChild( IOService * child )
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogChangeStateToPriv,ordinal,0);
+	IOPowerConnection * connection  = NULL;
+	IOPMRequest *       requests[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
+	OSIterator *        iter;
+	bool                ok = true;
+	if (!child) {
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
-    if ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL) 
-    {
-        return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
-    }
-    if ( ordinal >= pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates ) 
-    {
-        return IOPMParameterError;
-    }
-    priv->deviceDesire = ordinal;
-    computeDesiredState();
-    if ( inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) && (pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) 
-    {
-        return changeState();
-    }
+	if (!initialized || !child->initialized) {
+		return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+	OUR_PMLog( kPMLogAddChild, (uintptr_t) child, 0 );
+	do {
+		// Is this child already one of our children?
+		iter = child->getParentIterator( gIOPowerPlane );
+		if (iter) {
+			IORegistryEntry *   entry;
+			OSObject *          next;
+			while ((next = iter->getNextObject())) {
+				if ((entry = OSDynamicCast(IORegistryEntry, next)) &&
+				    isChild(entry, gIOPowerPlane)) {
+					ok = false;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			iter->release();
+		}
+		if (!ok) {
+			PM_LOG2("%s: %s (%p) is already a child\n",
+			    getName(), child->getName(), OBFUSCATE(child));
+			break;
+		}
+		// Add the child to the power plane immediately, but the
+		// joining connection is marked as not ready.
+		// We want the child to appear in the power plane before
+		// returning to the caller, but don't want the caller to
+		// block on the PM work loop.
+		connection = new IOPowerConnection;
+		if (!connection) {
+			break;
+		}
+		// Create a chain of PM requests to perform the bottom-half
+		// work from the PM work loop.
+		requests[0] = acquirePMRequest(
+			/* target */ this,
+			/* type */ kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild1 );
+		requests[1] = acquirePMRequest(
+			/* target */ child,
+			/* type */ kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild2 );
+		requests[2] = acquirePMRequest(
+			/* target */ this,
+			/* type */ kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild3 );
+		if (!requests[0] || !requests[1] || !requests[2]) {
+			break;
+		}
+		requests[0]->attachNextRequest( requests[1] );
+		requests[1]->attachNextRequest( requests[2] );
+		connection->init();
+		connection->start(this);
+		connection->setAwaitingAck(false);
+		connection->setReadyFlag(false);
+		attachToChild( connection, gIOPowerPlane );
+		connection->attachToChild( child, gIOPowerPlane );
+		// connection needs to be released
+		requests[0]->fArg0 = connection;
+		requests[1]->fArg0 = connection;
+		requests[2]->fArg0 = connection;
+		submitPMRequests( requests, 3 );
+		return kIOReturnSuccess;
+	}while (false);
+	if (connection) {
+		connection->release();
+	}
+	if (requests[0]) {
+		releasePMRequest(requests[0]);
+	}
+	if (requests[1]) {
+		releasePMRequest(requests[1]);
+	}
+	if (requests[2]) {
+		releasePMRequest(requests[2]);
+	}
+	// Silent failure, to prevent platform drivers from adding the child
+	// to the root domain.
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
-// computeDesiredState
+// [private] addPowerChild1
+// Step 1/3 of adding a power child. Called on the power parent.
-void IOService::computeDesiredState ( void )
+IOService::addPowerChild1( IOPMRequest * request )
-    OSIterator                      *iter;
-    OSObject                        *next;
-    IOPowerConnection               *connection;
-    unsigned long                   newDesiredState = 0;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex tempDesire = kPowerStateZero;
-    // Compute the maximum  of our children's desires, our controlling driver's desire, and the subclass device's desire.
-    if ( !  priv->device_overrides ) 
-    {
-        iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+	// Make us temporary usable before adding the child.
-        if ( iter ) 
-        {
-            while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-            {
-                if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-                {
-                    if ( connection->getDesiredDomainState() > newDesiredState ) 
-                    {
-                        newDesiredState = connection->getDesiredDomainState();
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            iter->release();
-        }
-        if (  priv->driverDesire > newDesiredState ) 
-        {
-            newDesiredState =  priv->driverDesire;
-        }
-    }
+	OUR_PMLog( kPMLogMakeUsable, kPMLogMakeUsable, 0 );
-    if ( priv->deviceDesire > newDesiredState ) 
-    {
-        newDesiredState = priv->deviceDesire;
-    }
+	if (fControllingDriver && inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) && fParentsKnowState) {
+		tempDesire = fHighestPowerState;
+	}
-    priv->ourDesiredPowerState = newDesiredState;
+	if ((tempDesire != kPowerStateZero) &&
+	    (IS_PM_ROOT || (StateOrder(fMaxPowerState) >= StateOrder(tempDesire)))) {
+		adjustPowerState(tempDesire);
+	}
-// changeState
+// [private] addPowerChild2
-// A subclass object, our controlling driver, or a power domain child
-// has asked for a different power state.  Here we compute what new
-// state we should enter and enqueue the change (or start it).
+// Step 2/3 of adding a power child. Called on the joining child.
+// Execution blocked behind addPowerChild1.
-IOReturn IOService::changeState ( void )
+IOService::addPowerChild2( IOPMRequest * request )
-    // if not fully initialized
-    if ( (pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL) ||
-                    !(inPlane(gIOPowerPlane)) ||
-                    !(pm_vars->parentsKnowState) ) 
-    {
-        // we can do no more
-        return IOPMNoErr;
-    }
-    return enqueuePowerChange(IOPMWeInitiated,priv->ourDesiredPowerState,0,0,0);
+	IOPowerConnection * connection = (IOPowerConnection *) request->fArg0;
+	IOService *         parent;
+	IOPMPowerFlags      powerFlags;
+	bool                knowsState;
+	unsigned long       powerState;
+	unsigned long       tempDesire;
+	parent = (IOService *) connection->getParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (!parent || !inPlane(gIOPowerPlane)) {
+		PM_LOG("%s: addPowerChild2 not in power plane\n", getName());
+		return;
+	}
+	// Parent will be waiting for us to complete this stage.
+	// It is safe to directly access parent's vars.
-// currentPowerConsumption
+	knowsState = (parent->fPowerStates) && (parent->fParentsKnowState);
+	powerState = parent->fCurrentPowerState;
-unsigned long IOService::currentPowerConsumption ( void )
-    if ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL ) 
-    {
-        return kIOPMUnknown;
-    }
-    if ( pm_vars->thePowerStates[pm_vars->myCurrentState].capabilityFlags & kIOPMStaticPowerValid ) 
-    {
-        return  pm_vars->thePowerStates[pm_vars->myCurrentState].staticPower;
-    }
-    return kIOPMUnknown;
+	if (knowsState) {
+		powerFlags = parent->fPowerStates[powerState].outputPowerFlags;
+	} else {
+		powerFlags = 0;
+	}
-// activityTickle
-// The activity tickle with parameter kIOPMSubclassPolicyis not handled
-// here and should have been intercepted by the subclass.
-// The tickle with parameter kIOPMSuperclassPolicy1 causes the activity
-// flag to be set, and the device state checked.  If the device has been
-// powered down, it is powered up again.
+	// Set our power parent.
-bool IOService::activityTickle ( unsigned long type, unsigned long stateNumber )
-    IOPMrootDomain                      *pmRootDomain;
-    AbsoluteTime                        uptime;
-    if ( type == kIOPMSuperclassPolicy1 ) 
-    {
-        if ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver == NULL ) 
-        {
-            return true;
-        }
-        if( priv->activityLock == NULL )
-        {
-            priv->activityLock = IOLockAlloc();
-        }
-        IOTakeLock(priv->activityLock);
-        priv->device_active = true;
-        clock_get_uptime(&uptime);
-        priv->device_active_timestamp = uptime;
-        if ( pm_vars->myCurrentState >= stateNumber) 
-        {
-            IOUnlock(priv->activityLock);
-            return true;
-        }
-        IOUnlock(priv->activityLock);
-        // Transfer execution to the PM workloop
-        if( (pmRootDomain = getPMRootDomain()) )
-            pmRootDomain->unIdleDevice(this, stateNumber);
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-// getPMworkloop
-// A child is calling to get a pointer to the Power Management workloop.
-// We got it or get it from one of our parents.
-IOWorkLoop * IOService::getPMworkloop ( void )
-    IOService                       *nub;
-    IOService                       *parent;
-    if ( ! inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) ) 
-    {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    // we have no workloop yet
-    if ( pm_vars->PMworkloop == NULL ) 
-    {
-        nub = (IOService *)copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-        if ( nub ) 
-        {
-            parent = (IOService *)nub->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-            nub->release();
-            // ask one of our parents for the workloop
-            if ( parent ) 
-            {
-                pm_vars->PMworkloop = parent->getPMworkloop();
-                parent->release();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return  pm_vars->PMworkloop;
-// setIdleTimerPeriod
-// A subclass policy-maker is going to use our standard idleness
-// detection service.  Make a command queue and an idle timer and
-// connect them to the power management workloop.  Finally,
-// start the timer.
-IOReturn  IOService::setIdleTimerPeriod ( unsigned long period )
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMsetIdleTimerPeriod,period, 0);
-    priv->idle_timer_period = period;
-    if ( period > 0 ) 
-    {
-        if ( getPMworkloop() == NULL ) 
-        {
-            return kIOReturnError;
-        }
-       	// make the timer event
-        if (  priv->timerEventSrc == NULL ) 
-        {
-            priv->timerEventSrc = IOTimerEventSource::timerEventSource(this,
-                                                    PM_idle_timer_expired);
-            if ((!priv->timerEventSrc) ||
-                    (pm_vars->PMworkloop->addEventSource(priv->timerEventSrc) != kIOReturnSuccess) ) 
-            {
-                return kIOReturnError;
-            }
-        }
-        if ( priv->activityLock == NULL ) 
-        {
-            priv->activityLock = IOLockAlloc();
-        }
-        start_PM_idle_timer();
-    }
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogSetParent, knowsState, powerFlags);
-// nextIdleTimeout
-// Returns how many "seconds from now" the device should idle into its
-// next lowest power state.
-SInt32 IOService::nextIdleTimeout(
-    AbsoluteTime currentTime,
-    AbsoluteTime lastActivity, 
-    unsigned int powerState)
-    AbsoluteTime                        delta;
-    UInt64                              delta_ns;
-    SInt32                              delta_secs;
-    SInt32                              delay_secs;
-    // Calculate time difference using funky macro from clock.h.
-    delta = currentTime;
-    SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&delta, &lastActivity);
-    // Figure it in seconds.
-    absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(delta, &delta_ns);
-    delta_secs = (SInt32)(delta_ns / NSEC_PER_SEC);
-    // Be paranoid about delta somehow exceeding timer period.
-    if (delta_secs < (int) priv->idle_timer_period ) 
-        delay_secs = (int) priv->idle_timer_period - delta_secs;
-    else
-        delay_secs = (int) priv->idle_timer_period;
-    return (SInt32)delay_secs;
+	setParentInfo( powerFlags, connection, knowsState );
-// start_PM_idle_timer
-// The parameter is a pointer to us.  Use it to call our timeout method.
-void IOService::start_PM_idle_timer ( void )
-    static const int                    maxTimeout = 100000;
-    static const int                    minTimeout = 1;
-    AbsoluteTime                        uptime;
-    SInt32                              idle_in = 0;
+	connection->setReadyFlag(true);
-    IOLockLock(priv->activityLock);
+	if (fControllingDriver && fParentsKnowState) {
+		fMaxPowerState = fControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(fParentsCurrentPowerFlags);
+		// initially change into the state we are already in
+		tempDesire = fControllingDriver->initialPowerStateForDomainState(fParentsCurrentPowerFlags);
+		fPreviousRequestPowerFlags = (IOPMPowerFlags)(-1);
+		adjustPowerState(tempDesire);
+	}
-    clock_get_uptime(&uptime);
-    // Subclasses may modify idle sleep algorithm
-    idle_in = nextIdleTimeout(uptime, 
-        priv->device_active_timestamp,
-        pm_vars->myCurrentState);
+	getPMRootDomain()->tagPowerPlaneService(this, &fPMActions);
-    // Check for out-of range responses
-    if(idle_in > maxTimeout)
-    {
-        // use standard implementation
-        idle_in = IOService::nextIdleTimeout(uptime,
-                        priv->device_active_timestamp,
-                        pm_vars->myCurrentState);
-    } else if(idle_in < minTimeout) {
-        // fire immediately
-        idle_in = 0;
-    }
+// [private] addPowerChild3
+// Step 3/3 of adding a power child. Called on the parent.
+// Execution blocked behind addPowerChild2.
-    priv->timerEventSrc->setTimeout(idle_in, NSEC_PER_SEC);
+IOService::addPowerChild3( IOPMRequest * request )
+	IOPowerConnection * connection = (IOPowerConnection *) request->fArg0;
+	IOService *         child;
+	IOPMrootDomain *    rootDomain = getPMRootDomain();
+	child = (IOService *) connection->getChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (child && inPlane(gIOPowerPlane)) {
+		if ((this != rootDomain) && child->getProperty("IOPMStrictTreeOrder")) {
+			PM_LOG1("%s: strict PM order enforced\n", getName());
+			fStrictTreeOrder = true;
+		}
+		if (rootDomain) {
+			rootDomain->joinAggressiveness( child );
+		}
+	} else {
+		PM_LOG("%s: addPowerChild3 not in power plane\n", getName());
+	}
-    IOLockUnlock(priv->activityLock);
-    return;
+	connection->release();
+#ifndef __LP64__
-// PM_idle_timer_expired
+// [deprecated] setPowerParent
-// The parameter is a pointer to us.  Use it to call our timeout method.
+// Power Management is informing us who our parent is.
+// If we have a controlling driver, find out, given our newly-informed
+// power domain state, what state it would be in, and then tell it
+// to assume that state.
-void PM_idle_timer_expired(OSObject * ourSelves, IOTimerEventSource *)
+	IOPowerConnection * theParent, bool stateKnown, IOPMPowerFlags powerFlags )
-    ((IOService *)ourSelves)->PM_idle_timer_expiration();
+	return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
-// PM_idle_timer_expiration
+// [public] removePowerChild
-// The idle timer has expired.  If there has been activity since the last
-// expiration, just restart the timer and return.  If there has not been
-// activity, switch to the next lower power state and restart the timer.
+// Called on a parent whose child is being removed by PMstop().
-void IOService::PM_idle_timer_expiration ( void )
+IOService::removePowerChild( IOPowerConnection * theNub )
-    if ( ! initialized ) 
-    {
-        // we're unloading
-        return;
-    }
+	IORegistryEntry *   theChild;
-    if (  priv->idle_timer_period > 0 ) 
-    {
-        IOTakeLock(priv->activityLock);
-        if ( priv->device_active ) 
-        {
-            priv->device_active = false;
-            IOUnlock(priv->activityLock);
-            start_PM_idle_timer();
-            return;
-        }
-        if ( pm_vars->myCurrentState > 0 ) 
-        {
-        	unsigned long	newState = pm_vars->myCurrentState - 1;
-            IOUnlock(priv->activityLock);
-            changePowerStateToPriv(newState);
-            if ( newState >= priv->ourDesiredPowerState )
-            	start_PM_idle_timer();
-            return;
-        }
-        IOUnlock(priv->activityLock);
-        start_PM_idle_timer();
-    }
+	OUR_PMLog( kPMLogRemoveChild, 0, 0 );
+	theNub->retain();
-// **********************************************************************************
-// command_received
-// We are un-idling a device due to its activity tickle. This routine runs on the
-// PM workloop, and is initiated by IOService::activityTickle.
-// We process all activityTickle state requests on the list.
-// **********************************************************************************
-void IOService::command_received ( void *statePtr , void *, void * , void * )
-    unsigned long                       stateNumber;
+	// detach nub from child
+	theChild = theNub->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (theChild) {
+		theNub->detachFromChild(theChild, gIOPowerPlane);
+		theChild->release();
+	}
+	// detach from the nub
+	detachFromChild(theNub, gIOPowerPlane);
+	// Are we awaiting an ack from this child?
+	if (theNub->getAwaitingAck()) {
+		// yes, pretend we got one
+		theNub->setAwaitingAck(false);
+		if (fHeadNotePendingAcks != 0) {
+			// that's one fewer ack to worry about
+			fHeadNotePendingAcks--;
+			// is that the last?
+			if (fHeadNotePendingAcks == 0) {
+				stop_ack_timer();
+				getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, 0);
+				// This parent may have a request in the work queue that is
+				// blocked on fHeadNotePendingAcks=0. And removePowerChild()
+				// is called while executing the child's PMstop request so they
+				// can occur simultaneously. IOPMWorkQueue::checkForWork() must
+				// restart and check all request queues again.
+				gIOPMWorkQueue->incrementProducerCount();
+			}
+		}
+	}
-    stateNumber = (unsigned long)statePtr;
+	theNub->release();
-    // If not initialized, we're unloading
-    if ( ! initialized ) return;					
+	// A child has gone away, re-scan children desires and clamp bits.
+	// The fPendingAdjustPowerRequest helps to reduce redundant parent work.
-    if ( (pm_vars->myCurrentState < stateNumber) &&
-            (priv->imminentState < stateNumber) ) 
-    {
-        changePowerStateToPriv(stateNumber);
+	if (!fAdjustPowerScheduled) {
+		IOPMRequest * request;
+		request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeAdjustPowerState );
+		if (request) {
+			submitPMRequest( request );
+			fAdjustPowerScheduled = true;
+		}
+	}
-        // After we raise our state, re-schedule the idle timer.
-        if(priv->timerEventSrc)
-            start_PM_idle_timer();
-    }
+	return IOPMNoErr;
-// setAggressiveness
+// [public] registerPowerDriver
-// Pass on the input parameters to all power domain children. All those which are
-// power domains will pass it on to their children, etc.
+// A driver has called us volunteering to control power to our device.
-IOReturn IOService::setAggressiveness ( unsigned long type, unsigned long newLevel )
+	IOService *         powerDriver,
+	IOPMPowerState *    powerStates,
+	unsigned long       numberOfStates )
-    OSIterator                          *iter;
-    OSObject                            *next;
-    IOPowerConnection                   *connection;
-    IOService                           *child;
+	IOPMRequest *       request;
+	IOPMPSEntry *       powerStatesCopy = NULL;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex stateOrder;
+	IOReturn            error = kIOReturnSuccess;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogSetAggressiveness,type, newLevel);
+	if (!powerStates || (numberOfStates < 2)) {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogControllingDriverErr5, numberOfStates, 0);
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
-    if ( type <= kMaxType ) 
-    {
-        pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_values[type] = newLevel;
-        pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_valid[type] = true;
-    }
+	if (!powerDriver || !powerDriver->initialized) {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogControllingDriverErr4, 0, 0);
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
-    iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (powerStates[0].version > kIOPMPowerStateVersion2) {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogControllingDriverErr1, powerStates[0].version, 0);
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
-    if ( iter ) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                child = ((IOService *)(connection->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane)));
-                if ( child ) 
-                {
-                    child->setAggressiveness(type, newLevel);
-                    child->release();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-    }
+	do {
+		// Make a copy of the supplied power state array.
+		powerStatesCopy = IONew(IOPMPSEntry, numberOfStates);
+		if (!powerStatesCopy) {
+			error = kIOReturnNoMemory;
+			break;
+		}
+		// Initialize to bogus values
+		for (IOPMPowerStateIndex i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++) {
+			powerStatesCopy[i].stateOrderToIndex = kIOPMPowerStateMax;
+		}
+		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++) {
+			powerStatesCopy[i].capabilityFlags  = powerStates[i].capabilityFlags;
+			powerStatesCopy[i].outputPowerFlags = powerStates[i].outputPowerCharacter;
+			powerStatesCopy[i].inputPowerFlags  = powerStates[i].inputPowerRequirement;
+			powerStatesCopy[i].staticPower      = powerStates[i].staticPower;
+			powerStatesCopy[i].settleUpTime     = powerStates[i].settleUpTime;
+			powerStatesCopy[i].settleDownTime   = powerStates[i].settleDownTime;
+			if (powerStates[i].version >= kIOPMPowerStateVersion2) {
+				stateOrder = powerStates[i].stateOrder;
+			} else {
+				stateOrder = i;
+			}
+			if (stateOrder < numberOfStates) {
+				powerStatesCopy[i].stateOrder = stateOrder;
+				powerStatesCopy[stateOrder].stateOrderToIndex = i;
+			}
+		}
+		for (IOPMPowerStateIndex i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++) {
+			if (powerStatesCopy[i].stateOrderToIndex == kIOPMPowerStateMax) {
+				// power state order missing
+				error = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (kIOReturnSuccess != error) {
+			break;
+		}
+		request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeRegisterPowerDriver );
+		if (!request) {
+			error = kIOReturnNoMemory;
+			break;
+		}
+		powerDriver->retain();
+		request->fArg0 = (void *) powerDriver;
+		request->fArg1 = (void *) powerStatesCopy;
+		request->fArg2 = (void *) numberOfStates;
+		submitPMRequest( request );
+		return kIOReturnSuccess;
+	}while (false);
+	if (powerStatesCopy) {
+		IODelete(powerStatesCopy, IOPMPSEntry, numberOfStates);
+	}
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+	return error;
-// getAggressiveness
-// Called by the user client.
+// [private] handleRegisterPowerDriver
-IOReturn IOService::getAggressiveness ( unsigned long type, unsigned long * currentLevel )
+IOService::handleRegisterPowerDriver( IOPMRequest * request )
-    if ( type > kMaxType ) 
-        return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	IOService *     powerDriver    = (IOService *)   request->fArg0;
+	IOPMPSEntry *   powerStates    = (IOPMPSEntry *) request->fArg1;
+	unsigned long   numberOfStates = (unsigned long) request->fArg2;
+	unsigned long   i, stateIndex;
+	unsigned long   lowestPowerState;
+	IOService *     root;
+	OSIterator *    iter;
+	assert(powerStates);
+	assert(powerDriver);
+	assert(numberOfStates > 1);
+	if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogControllingDriver,
+		    (unsigned long) numberOfStates,
+		    (unsigned long) kIOPMPowerStateVersion1);
+		fPowerStates            = powerStates;
+		fNumberOfPowerStates    = numberOfStates;
+		fControllingDriver      = powerDriver;
+		fCurrentCapabilityFlags = fPowerStates[0].capabilityFlags;
+		lowestPowerState   = fPowerStates[0].stateOrderToIndex;
+		fHighestPowerState = fPowerStates[numberOfStates - 1].stateOrderToIndex;
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+		{
+			uint32_t        aotFlags;
+			IOService *     service;
+			OSObject *      object;
+			OSData *        data;
+			// Disallow kIOPMAOTPower states unless device tree enabled
+			aotFlags = 0;
+			service  = this;
+			while (service && !service->inPlane(gIODTPlane)) {
+				service = service->getProvider();
+			}
+			if (service) {
+				object = service->copyProperty(kIOPMAOTPowerKey, gIODTPlane);
+				data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, object);
+				if (data && (data->getLength() >= sizeof(uint32_t))) {
+					aotFlags = ((uint32_t *)data->getBytesNoCopy())[0];
+				}
+				OSSafeReleaseNULL(object);
+			}
+			if (!aotFlags) {
+				for (i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++) {
+					if (kIOPMAOTPower & fPowerStates[i].inputPowerFlags) {
+						fPowerStates[i].inputPowerFlags  = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+						fPowerStates[i].capabilityFlags  = 0;
+						fPowerStates[i].outputPowerFlags = 0;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+		// OR'in all the output power flags
+		fMergedOutputPowerFlags = 0;
+		fDeviceUsablePowerState = lowestPowerState;
+		for (i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++) {
+			fMergedOutputPowerFlags |= fPowerStates[i].outputPowerFlags;
+			stateIndex = fPowerStates[i].stateOrderToIndex;
+			assert(stateIndex < numberOfStates);
+			if ((fDeviceUsablePowerState == lowestPowerState) &&
+			    (fPowerStates[stateIndex].capabilityFlags & IOPMDeviceUsable)) {
+				// The minimum power state that the device is usable
+				fDeviceUsablePowerState = stateIndex;
+			}
+		}
+		// Register powerDriver as interested, unless already done.
+		// We don't want to register the default implementation since
+		// it does nothing. One ramification of not always registering
+		// is the one fewer retain count held.
+		root = getPlatform()->getProvider();
+		assert(root);
+		if (!root ||
+		    ((OSMemberFunctionCast(void (*)(void),
+		    root, &IOService::powerStateDidChangeTo)) !=
+		    ((OSMemberFunctionCast(void (*)(void),
+		    this, &IOService::powerStateDidChangeTo)))) ||
+		    ((OSMemberFunctionCast(void (*)(void),
+		    root, &IOService::powerStateWillChangeTo)) !=
+		    ((OSMemberFunctionCast(void (*)(void),
+		    this, &IOService::powerStateWillChangeTo))))) {
+			if (fInterestedDrivers->findItem(powerDriver) == NULL) {
+				PM_LOCK();
+				fInterestedDrivers->appendNewInformee(powerDriver);
+				PM_UNLOCK();
+			}
+		}
+		// Examine all existing power clients and perform limit check.
+		if (fPowerClients &&
+		    (iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(fPowerClients))) {
+			const OSSymbol * client;
+			while ((client = (const OSSymbol *) iter->getNextObject())) {
+				IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState = getPowerStateForClient(client);
+				if (powerState >= numberOfStates) {
+					updatePowerClient(client, fHighestPowerState);
+				}
+			}
+			iter->release();
+		}
+		if (inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) && fParentsKnowState) {
+			IOPMPowerStateIndex tempDesire;
+			fMaxPowerState = fControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(fParentsCurrentPowerFlags);
+			// initially change into the state we are already in
+			tempDesire = fControllingDriver->initialPowerStateForDomainState(fParentsCurrentPowerFlags);
+			adjustPowerState(tempDesire);
+		}
+	} else {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogControllingDriverErr2, numberOfStates, 0);
+		IODelete(powerStates, IOPMPSEntry, numberOfStates);
+	}
-    if ( !pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_valid[type] )
-        return kIOReturnInvalid;
-    *currentLevel = pm_vars->current_aggressiveness_values[type];
-    return kIOReturnSuccess;
+	powerDriver->release();
-// systemWake
+// [public] registerInterestedDriver
-// Pass this to all power domain children. All those which are
-// power domains will pass it on to their children, etc.
+// Add the caller to our list of interested drivers and return our current
+// power state.  If we don't have a power-controlling driver yet, we will
+// call this interested driver again later when we do get a driver and find
+// out what the current power state of the device is.
-IOReturn IOService::systemWake ( void )
+IOService::registerInterestedDriver( IOService * driver )
-    OSIterator                          *iter;
-    OSObject                            *next;
-    IOPowerConnection                   *connection;
-    IOService                           *theChild;
+	IOPMRequest *   request;
+	bool            signal;
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogSystemWake,0, 0);
+	if (!driver || !initialized || !fInterestedDrivers) {
+		return 0;
+	}
-    iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+	PM_LOCK();
+	signal = (!fInsertInterestSet && !fRemoveInterestSet);
+	if (fInsertInterestSet == NULL) {
+		fInsertInterestSet = OSSet::withCapacity(4);
+	}
+	if (fInsertInterestSet) {
+		fInsertInterestSet->setObject(driver);
+		if (fRemoveInterestSet) {
+			fRemoveInterestSet->removeObject(driver);
+		}
+	}
-    if ( iter ) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                theChild = (IOService *)connection->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-                if ( theChild ) 
-                {
-                	theChild->systemWake();
-                    theChild->release();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-    }
+	if (signal) {
+		request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeInterestChanged );
+		if (request) {
+			submitPMRequest( request );
+		}
+	}
-    if ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver != NULL ) 
-    {
-        if ( pm_vars->theControllingDriver->didYouWakeSystem() ) 
-        {
-            makeUsable();
-        }
-    }
+	// This return value cannot be trusted, but return a value
+	// for those clients that care.
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogInterestedDriver, kIOPMDeviceUsable, 2);
+	return kIOPMDeviceUsable;
-// temperatureCriticalForZone
+// [public] deRegisterInterestedDriver
-IOReturn IOService::temperatureCriticalForZone ( IOService * whichZone )
+IOService::deRegisterInterestedDriver( IOService * driver )
-    IOService                       *theParent;
-    IOService                       *theNub;
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogCriticalTemp,0,0);
+	IOPMinformee *      item;
+	IOPMRequest *       request;
+	bool                signal;
-    if ( inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) && !(priv->we_are_root) ) 
-    {
-        theNub = (IOService *)copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-        if ( theNub ) 
-        {
-            theParent = (IOService *)theNub->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-            theNub->release();
-            if ( theParent ) 
-            {
-                theParent->temperatureCriticalForZone(whichZone);
-                theParent->release();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+	if (!driver) {
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
+	if (!initialized || !fInterestedDrivers) {
+		return IOPMNotPowerManaged;
+	}
+	PM_LOCK();
+	if (fInsertInterestSet) {
+		fInsertInterestSet->removeObject(driver);
+	}
-// powerOverrideOnPriv
+	item = fInterestedDrivers->findItem(driver);
+	if (!item) {
+		return kIOReturnNotFound;
+	}
+	signal = (!fRemoveInterestSet && !fInsertInterestSet);
+	if (fRemoveInterestSet == NULL) {
+		fRemoveInterestSet = OSSet::withCapacity(4);
+	}
+	if (fRemoveInterestSet) {
+		fRemoveInterestSet->setObject(driver);
+		if (item->active) {
+			item->active = false;
+			waitForPMDriverCall( driver );
+		}
+	}
-IOReturn IOService::powerOverrideOnPriv ( void )
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogOverrideOn,0,0);
+	if (signal) {
+		request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeInterestChanged );
+		if (request) {
+			submitPMRequest( request );
+		}
+	}
-    // turn on the override
-    priv->device_overrides = true;
-    computeDesiredState();
-    // change state if that changed something
-    return changeState();
+	return IOPMNoErr;
-// powerOverrideOffPriv
+// [private] handleInterestChanged
+// Handle interest added or removed.
-IOReturn IOService::powerOverrideOffPriv ( void )
+IOService::handleInterestChanged( IOPMRequest * request )
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogOverrideOff,0,0);
+	IOService *         driver;
+	IOPMinformee *      informee;
+	IOPMinformeeList *  list = fInterestedDrivers;
+	PM_LOCK();
+	if (fInsertInterestSet) {
+		while ((driver = (IOService *) fInsertInterestSet->getAnyObject())) {
+			if (list->findItem(driver) == NULL) {
+				informee = list->appendNewInformee(driver);
+			}
+			fInsertInterestSet->removeObject(driver);
+		}
+		fInsertInterestSet->release();
+		fInsertInterestSet = NULL;
+	}
-    // turn off the override
-    priv->device_overrides = false;
-    computeDesiredState();
-    if( priv->clampOn)
-    {
-        return makeUsable();
-    } else {
-        // change state if that changed something
-        return changeState();
-    }
+	if (fRemoveInterestSet) {
+		while ((driver = (IOService *) fRemoveInterestSet->getAnyObject())) {
+			informee = list->findItem(driver);
+			if (informee) {
+				// Clean-up async interest acknowledgement
+				if (fHeadNotePendingAcks && informee->timer) {
+					informee->timer = 0;
+					fHeadNotePendingAcks--;
+				}
+				list->removeFromList(driver);
+			}
+			fRemoveInterestSet->removeObject(driver);
+		}
+		fRemoveInterestSet->release();
+		fRemoveInterestSet = NULL;
+	}
-// enqueuePowerChange
-// Allocate a new state change notification, initialize it with fields from the
-// caller, and add it to the tail of the list of pending power changes.
+// [public] acknowledgePowerChange
-// If it is early enough in the list, and almost all the time it is the only one in
-// the list, start the power change.
-// In rare instances, this change will preempt the previous change in the list.
-// If the previous change is un-actioned in any way (because we are still
-// processing an even earlier power change), and if both the previous change
-// in the list and this change are initiated by us (not the parent), then we
-// needn't perform the previous change, so we collapse the list a little.
+// After we notified one of the interested drivers or a power-domain child
+// of an impending change in power, it has called to say it is now
+// prepared for the change.  If this object is the last to
+// acknowledge this change, we take whatever action we have been waiting
+// for.
+// That may include acknowledging to our parent.  In this case, we do it
+// last of all to insure that this doesn't cause the parent to call us some-
+// where else and alter data we are relying on here (like the very existance
+// of a "current change note".)
-IOReturn IOService::enqueuePowerChange ( 
-    unsigned long flags,  
-    unsigned long whatStateOrdinal, 
-    unsigned long domainState, 
-    IOPowerConnection * whichParent, 
-    unsigned long singleParentState )
+IOService::acknowledgePowerChange( IOService * whichObject )
-    long                            newNote;
-    long                            previousNote;
+	IOPMRequest * request;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
+	if (!whichObject) {
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
-    // Create and initialize the new change note
+	request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeAckPowerChange );
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
-    IOLockLock(priv->queue_lock);
-    newNote = priv->changeList->createChangeNote();
-    if ( newNote == -1 ) {
-        // uh-oh, our list is full
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->queue_lock);
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogEnqueueErr,0,0);
-        return IOPMAckImplied;
-    }
+	whichObject->retain();
+	request->fArg0 = whichObject;
-    priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].newStateNumber = whatStateOrdinal;
-    priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].outputPowerCharacter = pm_vars->thePowerStates[whatStateOrdinal].outputPowerCharacter;
-    priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].inputPowerRequirement = pm_vars->thePowerStates[whatStateOrdinal].inputPowerRequirement;
-    priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].capabilityFlags = pm_vars->thePowerStates[whatStateOrdinal].capabilityFlags;
-    priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].flags = flags;
-    priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].parent = NULL;
-    if (flags & IOPMParentInitiated ) 
-    {
-        priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].domainState = domainState;
-        priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].parent = whichParent;
-        whichParent->retain();
-        priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].singleParentState = singleParentState;
-    }
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return IOPMNoErr;
-    previousNote = priv->changeList->previousChangeNote(newNote);
+// [private] handleAcknowledgePowerChange
-    if ( previousNote == -1 ) 
-    {
+IOService::handleAcknowledgePowerChange( IOPMRequest * request )
+	IOPMinformee *      informee;
+	unsigned long       childPower = kIOPMUnknown;
+	IOService *         theChild;
+	IOService *         whichObject;
+	bool                all_acked  = false;
+	whichObject = (IOService *) request->fArg0;
+	assert(whichObject);
+	// one of our interested drivers?
+	informee = fInterestedDrivers->findItem( whichObject );
+	if (informee == NULL) {
+		if (!isChild(whichObject, gIOPowerPlane)) {
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAcknowledgeErr1, 0, 0);
+			goto no_err;
+		} else {
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogChildAcknowledge, fHeadNotePendingAcks, 0);
+		}
+	} else {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogDriverAcknowledge, fHeadNotePendingAcks, 0);
+	}
-        // Queue is empty, we can start this change.
+	if (fHeadNotePendingAcks != 0) {
+		assert(fPowerStates != NULL);
+		// yes, make sure we're expecting acks
+		if (informee != NULL) {
+			// it's an interested driver
+			// make sure we're expecting this ack
+			if (informee->timer != 0) {
+				if (informee->timer > 0) {
+					uint64_t nsec = computeTimeDeltaNS(&informee->startTime);
+					if (nsec > LOG_SETPOWER_TIMES) {
+						getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+							gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow, informee->whatObject->getName(),
+							fDriverCallReason, NS_TO_MS(nsec), informee->whatObject->getRegistryEntryID(),
+							NULL, fHeadNotePowerState);
+					}
+				}
+				// mark it acked
+				informee->timer = 0;
+				// that's one fewer to worry about
+				fHeadNotePendingAcks--;
+			} else {
+				// this driver has already acked
+				OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAcknowledgeErr2, 0, 0);
+			}
+		} else {
+			// it's a child
+			// make sure we're expecting this ack
+			if (((IOPowerConnection *)whichObject)->getAwaitingAck()) {
+				// that's one fewer to worry about
+				fHeadNotePendingAcks--;
+				((IOPowerConnection *)whichObject)->setAwaitingAck(false);
+				theChild = (IOService *)whichObject->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+				if (theChild) {
+					childPower = theChild->currentPowerConsumption();
+					theChild->release();
+				}
+				if (childPower == kIOPMUnknown) {
+					fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower = kIOPMUnknown;
+				} else {
+					if (fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower != kIOPMUnknown) {
+						fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower += childPower;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (fHeadNotePendingAcks == 0) {
+			// yes, stop the timer
+			stop_ack_timer();
+			// and now we can continue
+			all_acked = true;
+			getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, 0);
+		}
+	} else {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAcknowledgeErr3, 0, 0); // not expecting anybody to ack
+	}
-        if (flags & IOPMWeInitiated ) 
-        {
-            IOLockUnlock(priv->queue_lock);
-            start_our_change(newNote);
-            return 0;
-        } else {
-            IOLockUnlock(priv->queue_lock);
-            return start_parent_change(newNote);
-        }
-    }
-    // The queue is not empty.  Try to collapse this new change and the previous one in queue into one change.
-    // This is possible only if both changes are initiated by us, and neither has been started yet.
-    // Do this more than once if possible.
-    // (A change is started iff it is at the head of the queue)
-    while ( (previousNote != priv->head_note) &&  (previousNote != -1) &&
-            (priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].flags &  priv->changeList->changeNote[previousNote].flags &  IOPMWeInitiated)  ) 
-    {
-        priv->changeList->changeNote[previousNote].outputPowerCharacter = priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].outputPowerCharacter;
-        priv->changeList->changeNote[previousNote].inputPowerRequirement = priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].inputPowerRequirement;
-        priv->changeList->changeNote[previousNote].capabilityFlags =priv-> changeList->changeNote[newNote].capabilityFlags;
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogCollapseQueue,priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].newStateNumber,
-                                                                    priv->changeList->changeNote[previousNote].newStateNumber);
-        priv->changeList->changeNote[previousNote].newStateNumber = priv->changeList->changeNote[newNote].newStateNumber;
-        priv->changeList->releaseTailChangeNote();
-        newNote = previousNote;
-        previousNote = priv->changeList->previousChangeNote(newNote);
-    }
-    IOLockUnlock(priv->queue_lock);
-    // in any case, we can't start yet
-    return IOPMWillAckLater;
-// notifyAll
-// Notify all interested parties either that a change is impending or that the
-// previously-notified change is done and power has settled.
-// The parameter identifies whether this is the
-// pre-change notification or the post-change notification.
-IOReturn IOService::notifyAll ( bool is_prechange )
-    IOPMinformee *		nextObject;
-    OSIterator *			iter;
-    OSObject *			next;
-    IOPowerConnection *	connection;
-    // To prevent acknowledgePowerChange from finishing the change note and 
-    // removing it from the queue if
-    // some driver calls it, we inflate the number of pending acks so it 
-    // cannot become zero.  We'll fix it later.
-    if(!acquire_lock()) return IOPMAckImplied;
-    OSAddAtomic(1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-    // OK, we will go through the lists of interested drivers and 
-    // power domain children and notify each one of this change.
-    nextObject =  priv->interestedDrivers->firstInList();
-    while (  nextObject != NULL ) {
-        OSAddAtomic(1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-        IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        inform(nextObject, is_prechange);
-        if(!acquire_lock())
-        {
-            goto exit;
-        }
-        nextObject  =  priv->interestedDrivers->nextInList(nextObject);
-    }
-    // did they all ack?
-    if ( priv->head_note_pendingAcks > 1 ) {
-        // no
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogStartAckTimer,0,0);
-        start_ack_timer();
-    }
-    // either way
-    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    // notify children
-    iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
-    // summing their power consumption
-    pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].staticPower = 0;
-    if ( iter && acquire_lock()) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                OSAddAtomic(1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-                IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                notifyChild(connection, is_prechange);
-                if(!acquire_lock())
-                {
-                    goto exit;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-        IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    }
-    if (! acquire_lock() ) {
-        return IOPMNoErr;
-    }
-    // now make this real
-    OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-    // is it all acked?
-    if (priv->head_note_pendingAcks == 0 ) {
-        // yes, all acked
-        IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        // return ack to parent
-        return IOPMAckImplied;
-    }
+	if (whichObject) {
+		whichObject->release();
+	}
-    // not all acked
-    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
+	return all_acked;
-exit:           // unable to acquire_lock exit case
-    return IOPMWillAckLater;
-// notifyChild
-// Notify a power domain child of an upcoming power change.
-// If the object acknowledges the current change, we return TRUE.
-bool IOService::notifyChild ( IOPowerConnection * theNub, bool is_prechange )
-    IOReturn                            k = IOPMAckImplied;
-    unsigned long                       childPower;
-    IOService                           *theChild;
-    theChild = (IOService *)(theNub->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane));
-    if(!theChild) 
-    {
-        // The child has been detached since we grabbed the child iterator.
-        // Decrement pending_acks, already incremented in notifyAll,
-        // to account for this unexpected departure.
-        if( acquire_lock() ) 
-        {
-            OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock); 
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    // Unless the child handles the notification immediately and returns
-    // kIOPMAckImplied, we'll be awaiting their acknowledgement later.
-    theNub->setAwaitingAck(true);
-    if ( is_prechange ) 
-    {
-        k = theChild->powerDomainWillChangeTo(priv->head_note_outputFlags,theNub);
-    } else {
-        k = theChild->powerDomainDidChangeTo(priv->head_note_outputFlags,theNub);
-    }
-    // did the return code ack?
-    if ( k == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        // yes
-        if( acquire_lock() ) 
-        {
-            OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock); 
-        }
-        theNub->setAwaitingAck(false);
-        childPower = theChild->currentPowerConsumption();
-        if ( childPower == kIOPMUnknown ) 
-        {
-            pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].staticPower = kIOPMUnknown;
-        } else {
-            if ( pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].staticPower != kIOPMUnknown ) 
-            {
-                pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].staticPower += childPower;
-            }
-        }
-        theChild->release();
-        return true;
-    }
-    theChild->release();
-    return false;
-// inform
-// Notify an interested driver of an upcoming power change.
+// [public] acknowledgeSetPowerState
-// If the object acknowledges the current change, we return TRUE.
+// After we instructed our controlling driver to change power states,
+// it has called to say it has finished doing so.
+// We continue to process the power state change.
-bool IOService::inform ( IOPMinformee * nextObject, bool is_prechange )
+IOService::acknowledgeSetPowerState( void )
-    IOReturn                            k = IOPMAckImplied;
+	IOPMRequest * request;
-    // initialize this
-    nextObject->timer = -1;
-    if ( is_prechange ) 
-    {
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog (pm_vars->ourName,PMlogInformDriverPreChange,
-                                    (unsigned long)priv->head_note_capabilityFlags,(unsigned long)priv->head_note_state);
-        k = nextObject->whatObject->powerStateWillChangeTo( priv->head_note_capabilityFlags,priv->head_note_state,this);
-    } else {
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogInformDriverPostChange,
-                                    (unsigned long)priv->head_note_capabilityFlags,(unsigned long)priv->head_note_state);
-        k = nextObject->whatObject->powerStateDidChangeTo(priv->head_note_capabilityFlags,priv->head_note_state,this);
-    }
-    // did it ack behind our back?
-    if ( nextObject->timer == 0 ) 
-    {
-        // yes
-        return true;
-    }
-    if ( (k ==IOPMAckImplied)   // no, did the return code ack?
-      || (k < 0) )              // somebody goofed
-    {
-        // yes
-        nextObject->timer = 0;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
-        if( acquire_lock() ) 
-        {
-            OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock); 
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    // no, it's a timer
-    nextObject->timer = (k / (ACK_TIMER_PERIOD / ns_per_us)) + 1;
+	request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeAckSetPowerState );
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
-    return false;
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
-// OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown
-// All registered applications and kernel clients have positively acknowledged our
-// intention of lowering power.  Here we notify them all that we will definitely
-// lower the power.  If we don't have to wait for any of them to acknowledge, we
-// carry on by notifying interested drivers.  Otherwise, we do wait.
+// [private] adjustPowerState
-void IOService::OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown ( void )
+IOService::adjustPowerState( uint32_t clamp )
-    // next state
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown;
-    // are we waiting for responses?
-    if ( tellChangeDown1(priv->head_note_state) ) 
-    {
-        // no, notify priority clients
-        OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown();
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // allowCancelCommon() or ack timeout    
+	computeDesiredState(clamp, false);
+	if (fControllingDriver && fParentsKnowState && inPlane(gIOPowerPlane)) {
+		IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags = kIOPMSelfInitiated;
+		// Indicate that children desires must be ignored, and do not ask
+		// apps for permission to drop power. This is used by root domain
+		// for demand sleep.
+		if (getPMRequestType() == kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride) {
+			changeFlags |= (kIOPMIgnoreChildren | kIOPMSkipAskPowerDown);
+		}
+		startPowerChange(
+			/* flags        */ changeFlags,
+			/* power state  */ fDesiredPowerState,
+			/* domain flags */ 0,
+			/* connection   */ NULL,
+			/* parent flags */ 0);
+	}
-// OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown
-// All registered applications and kernel clients have positively acknowledged our
-// intention of lowering power.  Here we notify "priority" clients that we are
-// lowering power.  If we don't have to wait for any of them to acknowledge, we
-// carry on by notifying interested drivers.  Otherwise, we do wait.
+// [public] synchronizePowerTree
-void IOService::OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown ( void )
+	IOOptionBits    options,
+	IOService *     notifyRoot )
-    // next state
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange;
-    // are we waiting for responses?
-    if ( tellChangeDown2(priv->head_note_state) ) 
-    {
-        // no, notify interested drivers
-        return OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // allowCancelCommon() or ack timeout    
+	IOPMRequest *   request_c = NULL;
+	IOPMRequest *   request_s;
+	if (this != getPMRootDomain()) {
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return kIOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
-// OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange
-// All registered applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our notification
-// that we are lowering power.  Here we notify interested drivers.  If we don't have
-// to wait for any of them to acknowledge, we instruct our power driver to make the change.
-// Otherwise, we do wait.
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogCSynchronizePowerTree, options, (notifyRoot != NULL));
-void IOService::OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange ( void )
-    // no, in case they don't all ack
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState;
-    if ( notifyAll(true) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        // not waiting for responses
-        OurChangeSetPowerState();
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // all_acked() or ack timeout
+	if (notifyRoot) {
+		IOPMRequest * nr;
+		// Cancels don't need to be synchronized.
+		nr = acquirePMRequest(notifyRoot, kIOPMRequestTypeChildNotifyDelayCancel);
+		if (nr) {
+			submitPMRequest(nr);
+		}
+		nr = acquirePMRequest(getPMRootDomain(), kIOPMRequestTypeChildNotifyDelayCancel);
+		if (nr) {
+			submitPMRequest(nr);
+		}
+	}
+	request_s = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeSynchronizePowerTree );
+	if (!request_s) {
+		goto error_no_memory;
+	}
-// OurChangeSetPowerState
-// All interested drivers have acknowledged our pre-change notification of a power
-// change we initiated.  Here we instruct our controlling driver to make
-// the change to the hardware.  If it does so, we continue processing
-// (waiting for settle and notifying interested parties post-change.)
-// If it doesn't, we have to wait for it to acknowledge and then continue.
+	if (options & kIOPMSyncCancelPowerDown) {
+		request_c = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeIdleCancel );
+	}
+	if (request_c) {
+		request_c->attachNextRequest( request_s );
+		submitPMRequest(request_c);
+	}
-void IOService::OurChangeSetPowerState ( void )
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle;
+	request_s->fArg0 = (void *)(uintptr_t) options;
+	submitPMRequest(request_s);
-    IOLockLock(priv->our_lock);
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
-    if ( instruct_driver(priv->head_note_state) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        // it's done, carry on
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle();
-    } else {
-        // it's not, wait for it
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogStartAckTimer,0,0);
-        start_ack_timer();
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        // execution will resume via ack_timer_ticked()
-    }
+	if (request_c) {
+		releasePMRequest(request_c);
+	}
+	if (request_s) {
+		releasePMRequest(request_s);
+	}
+	return kIOReturnNoMemory;
-// OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle
-// Our controlling driver has changed power state on the hardware
-// during a power change we initiated.  Here we see if we need to wait
-// for power to settle before continuing.  If not, we continue processing
-// (notifying interested parties post-change).  If so, we wait and
-// continue later.
+// [private] handleSynchronizePowerTree
-void IOService::OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle ( void )
+IOService::handleSynchronizePowerTree( IOPMRequest * request )
-    priv->settle_time = compute_settle_time();
-    if ( priv->settle_time == 0 ) 
-    {
-       OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange();
-    } else {
-        priv->machine_state = kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange;
-        startSettleTimer(priv->settle_time);
-    }
+	if (fControllingDriver && fParentsKnowState && inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) &&
+	    (fCurrentPowerState == fHighestPowerState)) {
+		IOOptionBits options = (uintptr_t) request->fArg0;
+		startPowerChange(
+			/* flags        */ kIOPMSelfInitiated | kIOPMSynchronize |
+			(options & kIOPMSyncNoChildNotify),
+			/* power state  */ fCurrentPowerState,
+			/* domain flags */ 0,
+			/* connection   */ NULL,
+			/* parent flags */ 0);
+	}
+#ifndef __LP64__
-// OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange
+// [deprecated] powerDomainWillChangeTo
-// Power has settled on a power change we initiated.  Here we notify
-// all our interested parties post-change.  If they all acknowledge, we're
-// done with this change note, and we can start on the next one.
-// Otherwise we have to wait for acknowledgements and finish up later.
+// Called by the power-hierarchy parent notifying of a new power state
+// in the power domain.
+// We enqueue a parent power-change to our queue of power changes.
+// This may or may not cause us to change power, depending on what
+// kind of change is occuring in the domain.
-void IOService::OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange ( void )
+	IOPMPowerFlags      newPowerFlags,
+	IOPowerConnection * whichParent )
-    // in case they don't all ack
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_OurChangeFinish;
-    if ( notifyAll(false) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        // not waiting for responses
-        OurChangeFinish();
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // all_acked() or ack timeout
+	assert(false);
+	return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
-// OurChangeFinish
-// Power has settled on a power change we initiated, and
-// all our interested parties have acknowledged.  We're
-// done with this change note, and we can start on the next one.
+// [private] handlePowerDomainWillChangeTo
-void IOService::OurChangeFinish ( void )
+IOService::handlePowerDomainWillChangeTo( IOPMRequest * request )
-    all_done();
+	IOPMPowerFlags       parentPowerFlags = (IOPMPowerFlags) request->fArg0;
+	IOPowerConnection *  whichParent = (IOPowerConnection *) request->fArg1;
+	IOPMPowerChangeFlags parentChangeFlags = (IOPMPowerChangeFlags)(uintptr_t) request->fArg2;
+	IOPMPowerChangeFlags myChangeFlags;
+	OSIterator *         iter;
+	OSObject *           next;
+	IOPowerConnection *  connection;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex  maxPowerState;
+	IOPMPowerFlags       combinedPowerFlags;
+	bool                 savedParentsKnowState;
+	IOReturn             result = IOPMAckImplied;
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogWillChange, parentPowerFlags, 0);
+	if (!inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) || !whichParent || !whichParent->getAwaitingAck()) {
+		PM_LOG("%s::%s not in power tree\n", getName(), __FUNCTION__);
+		goto exit_no_ack;
+	}
+	savedParentsKnowState = fParentsKnowState;
-// ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Immediate
-// All applications and kernel clients have been notified of a power lowering
-// initiated by the parent and we didn't have to wait for any responses.  Here
-// we notify any priority clients.  If they all ack, we continue with the power change.
-// If at least one doesn't, we have to wait for it to acknowledge and then continue.
+	// Combine parents' output power flags.
-IOReturn IOService::ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Immediate ( void )
-    // in case they don't all ack
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Delayed;
-    // are we waiting for responses?
-    if ( tellChangeDown2(priv->head_note_state) ) 
-    {
-        // no, notify interested drivers
-        return ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Immediate();
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // allowCancelCommon() or ack timeout
-    return IOPMWillAckLater;
+	combinedPowerFlags = 0;
+	iter = getParentIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (iter) {
+		while ((next = iter->getNextObject())) {
+			if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, next))) {
+				if (connection == whichParent) {
+					combinedPowerFlags |= parentPowerFlags;
+				} else {
+					combinedPowerFlags |= connection->parentCurrentPowerFlags();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		iter->release();
+	}
+	// If our initial change has yet to occur, then defer the power change
+	// until after the power domain has completed its power transition.
+	if (fControllingDriver && !fInitialPowerChange) {
+		maxPowerState = fControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(
+			combinedPowerFlags);
+		if (parentChangeFlags & kIOPMDomainPowerDrop) {
+			// fMaxPowerState set a limit on self-initiated power changes.
+			// Update it before a parent power drop.
+			fMaxPowerState = maxPowerState;
+		}
+		// Use kIOPMSynchronize below instead of kIOPMRootBroadcastFlags
+		// to avoid propagating the root change flags if any service must
+		// change power state due to root's will-change notification.
+		// Root does not change power state for kIOPMSynchronize.
+		myChangeFlags = kIOPMParentInitiated | kIOPMDomainWillChange |
+		    (parentChangeFlags & kIOPMSynchronize);
+		result = startPowerChange(
+			/* flags        */ myChangeFlags,
+			/* power state  */ maxPowerState,
+			/* domain flags */ combinedPowerFlags,
+			/* connection   */ whichParent,
+			/* parent flags */ parentPowerFlags);
+	}
+	// If parent is dropping power, immediately update the parent's
+	// capability flags. Any future merging of parent(s) combined
+	// power flags should account for this power drop.
+	if (parentChangeFlags & kIOPMDomainPowerDrop) {
+		setParentInfo(parentPowerFlags, whichParent, true);
+	}
+	// Parent is expecting an ACK from us. If we did not embark on a state
+	// transition, i.e. startPowerChange() returned IOPMAckImplied. We are
+	// still required to issue an ACK to our parent.
+	if (IOPMAckImplied == result) {
+		IOService * parent;
+		parent = (IOService *) whichParent->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+		assert(parent);
+		if (parent) {
+			parent->acknowledgePowerChange( whichParent );
+			parent->release();
+		}
+	}
+	// Drop the retain from notifyChild().
+	if (whichParent) {
+		whichParent->release();
+	}
+#ifndef __LP64__
-// ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Immediate2
+// [deprecated] powerDomainDidChangeTo
-// All priority kernel clients have been notified of a power lowering
-// initiated by the parent and we didn't have to wait for any responses.  Here
-// we notify any interested drivers and power domain children.  If they all ack,
-// we continue with the power change.
-// If at least one doesn't, we have to wait for it to acknowledge and then continue.
+// Called by the power-hierarchy parent after the power state of the power domain
+// has settled at a new level.
+// We enqueue a parent power-change to our queue of power changes.
+// This may or may not cause us to change power, depending on what
+// kind of change is occuring in the domain.
-IOReturn IOService::ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Immediate ( void )
+	IOPMPowerFlags      newPowerFlags,
+	IOPowerConnection * whichParent )
-    // in case they don't all ack
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed;
-    if ( notifyAll(true) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        // they did
-        return ParentDownSetPowerState_Immediate();
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // all_acked() or ack timeout
-    return IOPMWillAckLater;
+	assert(false);
+	return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
-// ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Immediate4
-// All applications and kernel clients have been notified of a power lowering
-// initiated by the parent and we had to wait for responses.  Here
-// we notify any priority clients.  If they all ack, we continue with the power change.
-// If at least one doesn't, we have to wait for it to acknowledge and then continue.
+// [private] handlePowerDomainDidChangeTo
-void IOService::ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Delayed ( void )
+IOService::handlePowerDomainDidChangeTo( IOPMRequest * request )
-    // in case they don't all ack
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Delayed;
+	IOPMPowerFlags       parentPowerFlags = (IOPMPowerFlags) request->fArg0;
+	IOPowerConnection *  whichParent = (IOPowerConnection *) request->fArg1;
+	IOPMPowerChangeFlags parentChangeFlags = (IOPMPowerChangeFlags)(uintptr_t) request->fArg2;
+	IOPMPowerChangeFlags myChangeFlags;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex  maxPowerState;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex  initialDesire = kPowerStateZero;
+	bool                 computeDesire = false;
+	bool                 desireChanged = false;
+	bool                 savedParentsKnowState;
+	IOReturn             result = IOPMAckImplied;
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogDidChange, parentPowerFlags, 0);
+	if (!inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) || !whichParent || !whichParent->getAwaitingAck()) {
+		PM_LOG("%s::%s not in power tree\n", getName(), __FUNCTION__);
+		goto exit_no_ack;
+	}
-    // are we waiting for responses?
-    if ( tellChangeDown2(priv->head_note_state) ) 
-    {
-        // no, notify interested drivers
-        ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Delayed();
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // allowCancelCommon() or ack timeout
+	savedParentsKnowState = fParentsKnowState;
+	setParentInfo(parentPowerFlags, whichParent, true);
+	if (fControllingDriver) {
+		maxPowerState = fControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(
+			fParentsCurrentPowerFlags);
+		if ((parentChangeFlags & kIOPMDomainPowerDrop) == 0) {
+			// fMaxPowerState set a limit on self-initiated power changes.
+			// Update it after a parent power rise.
+			fMaxPowerState = maxPowerState;
+		}
+		if (fInitialPowerChange) {
+			computeDesire = true;
+			initialDesire = fControllingDriver->initialPowerStateForDomainState(
+				fParentsCurrentPowerFlags);
+		} else if (parentChangeFlags & kIOPMRootChangeUp) {
+			if (fAdvisoryTickleUsed) {
+				// On system wake, re-compute the desired power state since
+				// gIOPMAdvisoryTickleEnabled will change for a full wake,
+				// which is an input to computeDesiredState(). This is not
+				// necessary for a dark wake because powerChangeDone() will
+				// handle the dark to full wake case, but it does no harm.
+				desireChanged = true;
+			}
+			if (fResetPowerStateOnWake) {
+				// Query the driver for the desired power state on system wake.
+				// Default implementation returns the lowest power state.
+				IOPMPowerStateIndex wakePowerState =
+				    fControllingDriver->initialPowerStateForDomainState(
+					kIOPMRootDomainState | kIOPMPowerOn );
+				// fDesiredPowerState was adjusted before going to sleep
+				// with fDeviceDesire at min.
+				if (StateOrder(wakePowerState) > StateOrder(fDesiredPowerState)) {
+					// Must schedule a power adjustment if we changed the
+					// device desire. That will update the desired domain
+					// power on the parent power connection and ping the
+					// power parent if necessary.
+					updatePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientDevice, wakePowerState);
+					desireChanged = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (computeDesire || desireChanged) {
+			computeDesiredState(initialDesire, false);
+		}
+		// Absorb and propagate parent's broadcast flags
+		myChangeFlags = kIOPMParentInitiated | kIOPMDomainDidChange |
+		    (parentChangeFlags & kIOPMRootBroadcastFlags);
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+		if (kIOPMAOTPower & fPowerStates[maxPowerState].inputPowerFlags) {
+			IOLog("aotPS %s0x%qx[%ld]\n", getName(), getRegistryEntryID(), maxPowerState);
+		}
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+		result = startPowerChange(
+			/* flags        */ myChangeFlags,
+			/* power state  */ maxPowerState,
+			/* domain flags */ fParentsCurrentPowerFlags,
+			/* connection   */ whichParent,
+			/* parent flags */ 0);
+	}
+	// Parent is expecting an ACK from us. If we did not embark on a state
+	// transition, i.e. startPowerChange() returned IOPMAckImplied. We are
+	// still required to issue an ACK to our parent.
+	if (IOPMAckImplied == result) {
+		IOService * parent;
+		parent = (IOService *) whichParent->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+		assert(parent);
+		if (parent) {
+			parent->acknowledgePowerChange( whichParent );
+			parent->release();
+		}
+	}
+	// If the parent registers its power driver late, then this is the
+	// first opportunity to tell our parent about our desire. Or if the
+	// child's desire changed during a parent change notify.
+	if (fControllingDriver &&
+	    ((!savedParentsKnowState && fParentsKnowState) || desireChanged)) {
+		PM_LOG1("%s::powerDomainDidChangeTo parentsKnowState %d\n",
+		    getName(), fParentsKnowState);
+		requestDomainPower( fDesiredPowerState );
+	}
+	// Drop the retain from notifyChild().
+	if (whichParent) {
+		whichParent->release();
+	}
-// ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Immediate5
+// [private] setParentInfo
-// All applications and kernel clients have been notified of a power lowering
-// initiated by the parent and we had to wait for their responses.  Here we notify
-// any interested drivers and power domain children.  If they all ack, we continue
-// with the power change.
-// If at least one doesn't, we have to wait for it to acknowledge and then continue.
+// Set our connection data for one specific parent, and then combine all the parent
+// data together.
-void IOService::ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Delayed ( void )
+	IOPMPowerFlags      newPowerFlags,
+	IOPowerConnection * whichParent,
+	bool                knowsState )
-    // in case they don't all ack
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed;
-    if ( notifyAll(true) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        // they did
-        ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed();
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // all_acked() or ack timeout
+	OSIterator *        iter;
+	OSObject *          next;
+	IOPowerConnection * conn;
+	// set our connection data
+	whichParent->setParentCurrentPowerFlags(newPowerFlags);
+	whichParent->setParentKnowsState(knowsState);
+	// recompute our parent info
+	fParentsCurrentPowerFlags = 0;
+	fParentsKnowState = true;
+	iter = getParentIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (iter) {
+		while ((next = iter->getNextObject())) {
+			if ((conn = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, next))) {
+				fParentsKnowState &= conn->parentKnowsState();
+				fParentsCurrentPowerFlags |= conn->parentCurrentPowerFlags();
+			}
+		}
+		iter->release();
+	}
+// [private] trackSystemSleepPreventers
-// ParentDownSetPowerState_Immediate
-// All parties have acknowledged our pre-change notification of a power
-// lowering initiated by the parent.  Here we instruct our controlling driver
-// to put the hardware in the state it needs to be in when the domain is
-// lowered.  If it does so, we continue processing
-// (waiting for settle and acknowledging the parent.)
-// If it doesn't, we have to wait for it to acknowledge and then continue.
-IOReturn IOService::ParentDownSetPowerState_Immediate ( void )
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex     oldPowerState,
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex     newPowerState,
+	IOPMPowerChangeFlags    changeFlags __unused )
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownWaitForPowerSettle_Delayed;
+	IOPMPowerFlags  oldCapability, newCapability;
-    IOLockLock(priv->our_lock);
+	oldCapability = fPowerStates[oldPowerState].capabilityFlags &
+	    (kIOPMPreventIdleSleep | kIOPMPreventSystemSleep);
+	newCapability = fPowerStates[newPowerState].capabilityFlags &
+	    (kIOPMPreventIdleSleep | kIOPMPreventSystemSleep);
-    if ( instruct_driver(priv->head_note_state) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        // it's done, carry on
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        return ParentDownWaitForPowerSettleAndNotifyDidChange_Immediate();
-    }
-    // it's not, wait for it
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogStartAckTimer,0,0);
-    start_ack_timer();
-    IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    return IOPMWillAckLater;
+	if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMInitialPowerChange) {
+		oldCapability = 0;
+	}
+	if (oldCapability == newCapability) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if ((oldCapability ^ newCapability) & kIOPMPreventIdleSleep) {
+		bool enablePrevention  = ((oldCapability & kIOPMPreventIdleSleep) == 0);
+		bool idleCancelAllowed = getPMRootDomain()->updatePreventIdleSleepList(
+			this, enablePrevention);
+		if (idleCancelAllowed && enablePrevention) {
+			IOPMRequest *   cancelRequest;
+			cancelRequest = acquirePMRequest( getPMRootDomain(), kIOPMRequestTypeIdleCancel );
+			if (cancelRequest) {
+				submitPMRequest( cancelRequest );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ((oldCapability ^ newCapability) & kIOPMPreventSystemSleep) {
+		getPMRootDomain()->updatePreventSystemSleepList(this,
+		    ((oldCapability & kIOPMPreventSystemSleep) == 0));
+	}
-// ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed
+// [public] requestPowerDomainState
-// We had to wait for it, but all parties have acknowledged our pre-change
-// notification of a power lowering initiated by the parent.
-// Here we instruct our controlling driver
-// to put the hardware in the state it needs to be in when the domain is
-// lowered.  If it does so, we continue processing
-// (waiting for settle and acknowledging the parent.)
-// If it doesn't, we have to wait for it to acknowledge and then continue.
+// Called on a power parent when a child's power requirement changes.
-void IOService::ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed ( void )
+	IOPMPowerFlags      childRequestPowerFlags,
+	IOPowerConnection * childConnection,
+	unsigned long       specification )
-    priv-> machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownWaitForPowerSettle_Delayed;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex order, powerState;
+	IOPMPowerFlags      outputPowerFlags;
+	IOService *         child;
+	IOPMRequest *       subRequest;
+	bool                adjustPower = false;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
-    IOLockLock(priv->our_lock);
+	if (gIOPMWorkLoop->onThread() == false) {
+		PM_LOG("%s::requestPowerDomainState\n", getName());
+		return kIOReturnSuccess;
+	}
-    if ( instruct_driver(priv->head_note_state) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        // it's done, carry on
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        ParentDownWaitForPowerSettle_Delayed();
-    } else {
-        // it's not, wait for it
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogStartAckTimer,0,0);
-        start_ack_timer();
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    }
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogRequestDomain, childRequestPowerFlags, specification);
+	if (!isChild(childConnection, gIOPowerPlane)) {
+		return kIOReturnNotAttached;
+	}
+	if (!fControllingDriver || !fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		return kIOReturnNotReady;
+	}
+	child = (IOService *) childConnection->getChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+	assert(child);
+	// Remove flags from child request which we can't possibly supply
+	childRequestPowerFlags &= fMergedOutputPowerFlags;
+	// Merge in the power flags contributed by this power parent
+	// at its current or impending power state.
+	outputPowerFlags = fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState].outputPowerFlags;
+	if (fMachineState != kIOPM_Finished) {
+			// Use the lower power state when dropping power.
+			// Must be careful since a power drop can be cancelled
+			// from the following states:
+			// - kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown
+			// - kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown
+			//
+			// The child must not wait for this parent to raise power
+			// if the power drop was cancelled. The solution is to cancel
+			// the power drop if possible, then schedule an adjustment to
+			// re-evaluate the parent's power state.
+			//
+			// Root domain is excluded to avoid idle sleep issues. And allow
+			// root domain children to pop up when system is going to sleep.
+			if ((fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown) ||
+			    (fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown)) {
+				fDoNotPowerDown = true; // cancel power drop
+				adjustPower     = true;// schedule an adjustment
+				PM_LOG1("%s: power drop cancelled in state %u by %s\n",
+				    getName(), fMachineState, child->getName());
+			} else {
+				// Beyond cancellation point, report the impending state.
+				outputPowerFlags =
+				    fPowerStates[fHeadNotePowerState].outputPowerFlags;
+			}
+		} else if (IS_POWER_RISE) {
+			// When raising power, must report the output power flags from
+			// child's perspective. A child power request may arrive while
+			// parent is transitioning upwards. If a request arrives after
+			// setParentInfo() has already recorded the output power flags
+			// for the next power state, then using the power supplied by
+			// fCurrentPowerState is incorrect, and might cause the child
+			// to wait when it should not.
+			outputPowerFlags = childConnection->parentCurrentPowerFlags();
+		}
+	}
+	child->fHeadNoteDomainTargetFlags |= outputPowerFlags;
+	// Map child's requested power flags to one of our power state.
+	for (order = 0; order < fNumberOfPowerStates; order++) {
+		powerState = fPowerStates[order].stateOrderToIndex;
+		if ((fPowerStates[powerState].outputPowerFlags & childRequestPowerFlags)
+		    == childRequestPowerFlags) {
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (order >= fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		powerState = kPowerStateZero;
+	}
+	// Conditions that warrants a power adjustment on this parent.
+	// Adjust power will also propagate any changes to the child's
+	// prevent idle/sleep flags towards the root domain.
+	if (!childConnection->childHasRequestedPower() ||
+	    (powerState != childConnection->getDesiredDomainState())) {
+		adjustPower = true;
+	}
+	if (adjustPower) {
+		PM_LOG("requestPowerDomainState[%s]: %s, init %d, %u->%u\n",
+		    getName(), child->getName(),
+		    !childConnection->childHasRequestedPower(),
+		    (uint32_t) childConnection->getDesiredDomainState(),
+		    (uint32_t) powerState);
+	}
+	// Record the child's desires on the connection.
+	childConnection->setChildHasRequestedPower();
+	childConnection->setDesiredDomainState( powerState );
+	// Schedule a request to re-evaluate all children desires and
+	// adjust power state. Submit a request if one wasn't pending,
+	// or if the current request is part of a call tree.
+	if (adjustPower && !fDeviceOverrideEnabled &&
+	    (!fAdjustPowerScheduled || gIOPMRequest->getRootRequest())) {
+		subRequest = acquirePMRequest(
+			this, kIOPMRequestTypeAdjustPowerState, gIOPMRequest );
+		if (subRequest) {
+			submitPMRequest( subRequest );
+			fAdjustPowerScheduled = true;
+		}
+	}
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
-// ParentDownWaitForPowerSettleAndNotifyDidChange_Immediate
+// [public] temporaryPowerClampOn
+// A power domain wants to clamp its power on till it has children which
+// will thendetermine the power domain state.
-// Our controlling driver has changed power state on the hardware
-// during a power change initiated by our parent.  Here we see if we need
-// to wait for power to settle before continuing.  If not, we continue
-// processing (acknowledging our preparedness to the parent).
-// If so, we wait and continue later.
+// We enter the highest state until addPowerChild is called.
-IOReturn IOService::ParentDownWaitForPowerSettleAndNotifyDidChange_Immediate ( void )
+IOService::temporaryPowerClampOn( void )
-    IOService * nub;
-    priv->settle_time = compute_settle_time();
-    if ( priv->settle_time == 0 ) 
-    {
-        // store current state in case they don't all ack
-        priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed;
-        if ( notifyAll(false) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-        {
-            // not waiting for responses
-            nub = priv->head_note_parent;
-            nub->retain();
-            all_done();
-            nub->release();
-            return IOPMAckImplied;
-        }
-        // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-        // all_acked() or ack timeout        
-        return IOPMWillAckLater;
-   } else {
-        // let settle time elapse, then notify interest drivers of our power state change in ParentDownNotifyDidChangeAndAcknowledgeChange_Delayed
-        priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownNotifyDidChangeAndAcknowledgeChange_Delayed;
-        startSettleTimer(priv->settle_time);
-        return IOPMWillAckLater;
-   }
+	return requestPowerState( gIOPMPowerClientChildProxy, kIOPMPowerStateMax );
-// ParentDownWaitForPowerSettle_Delayed
+// [public] makeUsable
+// Some client of our device is asking that we become usable.  Although
+// this has not come from a subclassed device object, treat it exactly
+// as if it had.  In this way, subsequent requests for lower power from
+// a subclassed device object will pre-empt this request.
-// Our controlling driver has changed power state on the hardware
-// during a power change initiated by our parent.  We have had to wait
-// for acknowledgement from interested parties, or we have had to wait
-// for the controlling driver to change the state.  Here we see if we need
-// to wait for power to settle before continuing.  If not, we continue
-// processing (acknowledging our preparedness to the parent).
-// If so, we wait and continue later.
+// We treat this as a subclass object request to switch to the
+// highest power state.
-void IOService::ParentDownWaitForPowerSettle_Delayed ( void )
+IOService::makeUsable( void )
-    priv->settle_time = compute_settle_time();
-    if ( priv->settle_time == 0 ) 
-    {
-        ParentDownNotifyDidChangeAndAcknowledgeChange_Delayed();
-   } else {
-       priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownNotifyDidChangeAndAcknowledgeChange_Delayed;
-       startSettleTimer(priv->settle_time);
-   }
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogMakeUsable, 0, 0);
+	return requestPowerState( gIOPMPowerClientDevice, kIOPMPowerStateMax );
-// ParentDownNotifyDidChangeAndAcknowledgeChange_Delayed
-// Power has settled on a power change initiated by our parent.  Here we
-// notify interested parties.
+// [public] currentCapability
-void IOService::ParentDownNotifyDidChangeAndAcknowledgeChange_Delayed ( void )
+IOService::currentCapability( void )
-    IORegistryEntry                         *nub;
-    IOService                               *parent;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return IOPMNotPowerManaged;
+	}
-    // in case they don't all ack
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed;
-    if ( notifyAll(false) == IOPMAckImplied ) {
-        nub = priv->head_note_parent;
-        nub->retain();
-        all_done();
-        parent = (IOService *)nub->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-        if ( parent ) {
-            parent->acknowledgePowerChange((IOService *)nub);
-            parent->release();
-        }
-        nub->release();
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // all_acked() or ack timeout in ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed.
-    // Notice the duplication of code just above and in ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed.
+	return fCurrentCapabilityFlags;
-// ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed
+// [public] changePowerStateTo
-// We had to wait for it, but all parties have acknowledged our post-change
-// notification of a power  lowering initiated by the parent.
-// Here we acknowledge the parent.
-// We are done with this change note, and we can start on the next one.
+// Called by our power-controlling driver to change power state. The new desired
+// power state is computed and compared against the current power state. If those
+// power states differ, then a power state change is initiated.
-void IOService::ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed ( void )
+IOService::changePowerStateTo( unsigned long ordinal )
-    IORegistryEntry                         *nub;
-    IOService                               *parent;
-    nub = priv->head_note_parent;
-    nub->retain();
-    all_done();
-    parent = (IOService *)nub->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-    if ( parent ) 
-    {
-        parent->acknowledgePowerChange((IOService *)nub);
-        parent->release();
-    }
-    nub->release();
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogChangeStateTo, ordinal, 0);
+	return requestPowerState( gIOPMPowerClientDriver, ordinal );
-// ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed
+// [protected] changePowerStateToPriv
-// Our parent has informed us via powerStateDidChange that it has
-// raised the power in our power domain, and we have had to wait
-// for some interested party to acknowledge our notification.
-//   Here we instruct our controlling
-// driver to program the hardware to take advantage of the higher domain
-// power.  If it does so, we continue processing
-// (waiting for settle and notifying interested parties post-change.)
-// If it doesn't, we have to wait for it to acknowledge and then continue.
+// Called by our driver subclass to change power state. The new desired power
+// state is computed and compared against the current power state. If those
+// power states differ, then a power state change is initiated.
-void IOService::ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed ( void )
+IOService::changePowerStateToPriv( unsigned long ordinal )
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Delayed;
-    IOLockLock(priv->our_lock);
-    if ( instruct_driver(priv->head_note_state) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        // it did it, carry on
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Delayed();
-    } else {
-        // it didn't, wait for it
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogStartAckTimer,0,0);
-        start_ack_timer();
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    }
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogChangeStateToPriv, ordinal, 0);
+	return requestPowerState( gIOPMPowerClientDevice, ordinal );
-// ParentUpSetPowerState_Immediate
+// [public] changePowerStateWithOverrideTo
-// Our parent has informed us via powerStateDidChange that it has
-// raised the power in our power domain.  Here we instruct our controlling
-// driver to program the hardware to take advantage of the higher domain
-// power.  If it does so, we continue processing
-// (waiting for settle and notifying interested parties post-change.)
-// If it doesn't, we have to wait for it to acknowledge and then continue.
+// Called by our driver subclass to change power state. The new desired power
+// state is computed and compared against the current power state. If those
+// power states differ, then a power state change is initiated.
+// Override enforced - Children and Driver desires are ignored.
-IOReturn IOService::ParentUpSetPowerState_Immediate ( void )
+IOService::changePowerStateWithOverrideTo( IOPMPowerStateIndex ordinal,
+    IOPMRequestTag tag )
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Delayed;
+	IOPMRequest * request;
-    IOLockLock(priv->our_lock);
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return kIOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
-    if ( instruct_driver(priv->head_note_state) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        // it did it, carry on
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        return ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Immediate();
-    }
-    else {
-        // it didn't, wait for it
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogStartAckTimer,0,0);
-        start_ack_timer();
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        return IOPMWillAckLater;
-    }
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogChangeStateToPriv, ordinal, 0);
+	request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride );
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
-// ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Immediate
-// Our controlling driver has changed power state on the hardware
-// during a power raise initiated by the parent.  Here we see if we need to wait
-// for power to settle before continuing.  If not, we continue processing
-// (notifying interested parties post-change).  If so, we wait and
-// continue later.
+	gIOPMPowerClientDevice->retain();
+	request->fRequestTag = tag;
+	request->fArg0 = (void *) ordinal;
+	request->fArg1 = (void *) gIOPMPowerClientDevice;
+	request->fArg2 = NULL;
+	if (action) {
+		request->installCompletionAction( action, target, param );
+	}
-IOReturn IOService::ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Immediate ( void )
-    priv->settle_time = compute_settle_time();
-    if ( priv->settle_time == 0 ) 
-    {
-        return ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Immediate();
-    } else {
-        priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Delayed;
-        startSettleTimer(priv->settle_time);
-        return IOPMWillAckLater;
-    }
+	// Prevent needless downwards power transitions by clamping power
+	// until the scheduled request is executed.
+	if (gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate() && (ordinal < fNumberOfPowerStates)) {
+		fTempClampPowerState = StateMax(fTempClampPowerState, ordinal);
+		fTempClampCount++;
+		fOverrideMaxPowerState = ordinal;
+		request->fArg2 = (void *) (uintptr_t) true;
+	}
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return IOPMNoErr;
-// ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Delayed
+// [public] changePowerStateForRootDomain
-// Our controlling driver has changed power state on the hardware
-// during a power raise initiated by the parent, but we had to wait for it.
-// Here we see if we need to wait for power to settle before continuing.
-// If not, we continue processing  (notifying interested parties post-change).
-// If so, we wait and continue later.
+// Adjust the root domain's power desire on the target
-void IOService::ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Delayed ( void )
+IOService::changePowerStateForRootDomain( IOPMPowerStateIndex ordinal )
-    priv->settle_time = compute_settle_time();
-    if ( priv->settle_time == 0 ) 
-    {
-        ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Delayed();
-    } else {
-        priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Delayed;
-        startSettleTimer(priv->settle_time);
-    }
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogChangeStateForRootDomain, ordinal, 0);
+	return requestPowerState( gIOPMPowerClientRootDomain, ordinal );
-// ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Immediate
+// [public for PMRD] quiescePowerTree
-// No power settling was required on a power raise initiated by the parent.
-// Here we notify all our interested parties post-change.  If they all acknowledge,
-// we're done with this change note, and we can start on the next one.
-// Otherwise we have to wait for acknowledgements and finish up later.
+// For root domain to issue a request to quiesce the power tree.
+// Supplied callback invoked upon completion.
-IOReturn IOService::ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Immediate ( void )
+	void * target, IOPMCompletionAction action, void * param )
-    IOService * nub;
-    // in case they don't all ack
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed;
-    if ( notifyAll(false) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        nub = priv->head_note_parent;
-        nub->retain();
-        all_done();
-        nub->release();
-        return IOPMAckImplied;
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // all_acked() or ack timeout in ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed.
-    return IOPMWillAckLater;
+	IOPMRequest * request;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return kIOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
+	if (!target || !action) {
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
-// ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Delayed
-// Power has settled on a power raise initiated by the parent.
-// Here we notify all our interested parties post-change.  If they all acknowledge,
-// we're done with this change note, and we can start on the next one.
-// Otherwise we have to wait for acknowledgements and finish up later.
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogQuiescePowerTree, 0, 0);
-void IOService::ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Delayed ( void )
-    // in case they don't all ack
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed;
-    if ( notifyAll(false) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed();
-    }
-    // If we are waiting for responses, execution will resume via 
-    // all_acked() or ack timeout in ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed.
+	// Target the root node instead of root domain. This is to avoid blocking
+	// the quiesce request behind an existing root domain request in the work
+	// queue. Root parent and root domain requests in the work queue must not
+	// block the completion of the quiesce request.
+	request = acquirePMRequest(gIOPMRootNode, kIOPMRequestTypeQuiescePowerTree);
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
-// ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed
-// All parties have acknowledged our post-change notification of a power
-// raising initiated by the parent.  Here we acknowledge the parent.
-// We are done with this change note, and we can start on the next one.
-void IOService::ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed ( void )
-    IORegistryEntry                         *nub;
-    IOService                               *parent;
-    nub = priv->head_note_parent;
-    nub->retain();
-    all_done();
-    parent = (IOService *)nub->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-    if ( parent ) 
-    {
-        parent->acknowledgePowerChange((IOService *)nub);
-        parent->release();
-    }
-    nub->release();
-// all_done
-// A power change is complete, and the used post-change note is at
-// the head of the queue.  Remove it and set myCurrentState to the result
-// of the change.  Start up the next change in queue.
-void IOService::all_done ( void )
-    unsigned long                           previous_state;
-    IORegistryEntry                         *nub;
-    IOService                               *parent;
-    priv->machine_state = kIOPM_Finished;
-    // our power change
-    if ( priv->head_note_flags & IOPMWeInitiated ) 
-    {
-        // could our driver switch to the new state?
-        if ( !( priv->head_note_flags & IOPMNotDone) ) 
-        {
-            // yes, did power raise?
-            if ( pm_vars->myCurrentState < priv->head_note_state ) 
-            {
-                // yes, inform clients and apps
-                tellChangeUp (priv->head_note_state);
-            } else {
-                // no, if this lowers our
-                if ( !  priv->we_are_root ) 
-                {
-                    // power requirements, tell the parent
-                    ask_parent(priv->head_note_state);
-                }
-            }
-            previous_state = pm_vars->myCurrentState;
-            // either way
-            pm_vars->myCurrentState = priv->head_note_state;
-            priv->imminentState = pm_vars->myCurrentState;
-            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogChangeDone,(unsigned long)pm_vars->myCurrentState,0);
-            // inform subclass policy-maker
-            powerChangeDone(previous_state);
-        }
-    }
-    // parent's power change
-    if ( priv->head_note_flags & IOPMParentInitiated) 
-    {
-        if ( ((priv->head_note_flags & IOPMDomainWillChange) && (pm_vars->myCurrentState >= priv->head_note_state)) ||
-                 ((priv->head_note_flags & IOPMDomainDidChange) && (pm_vars->myCurrentState < priv->head_note_state)) ) 
-        {
-            // did power raise?
-            if ( pm_vars->myCurrentState < priv->head_note_state ) 
-            {
-                // yes, inform clients and apps
-                tellChangeUp (priv->head_note_state);
-            }
-            // either way
-            previous_state = pm_vars->myCurrentState;
-            pm_vars->myCurrentState = priv->head_note_state;
-            priv->imminentState = pm_vars->myCurrentState;
-            pm_vars->maxCapability = pm_vars->theControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(priv->head_note_domainState);
-            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogChangeDone,(unsigned long)pm_vars->myCurrentState,0);
-            // inform subclass policy-maker
-            powerChangeDone(previous_state);
-        }
-    }
-    IOLockLock(priv->queue_lock);
-    // we're done with this
-    priv->changeList->releaseHeadChangeNote();
-    // start next one in queue
-    priv->head_note = priv->changeList->currentChange();
-    if ( priv->head_note != -1 ) 
-    {
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->queue_lock);
-        if (priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].flags & IOPMWeInitiated ) 
-        {
-            start_our_change(priv->head_note);
-        } else {
-            nub = priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].parent;
-            if (nub) nub->retain(); // might be released by start_parent_change()
-            if ( start_parent_change(priv->head_note) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-            {
-                parent = (IOService *)nub->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-                if ( parent ) 
-                {
-                    parent->acknowledgePowerChange((IOService *)nub);
-                    parent->release();
-                }
-            }
-            if (nub) nub->release();
-        }
-    } else {
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->queue_lock);
-    }
-// all_acked
-// A driver or child has acknowledged our notification of an upcoming power
-// change, and this acknowledgement is the last one pending
-// before we change power or after changing power.
-void IOService::all_acked( void )
-    switch (priv->machine_state) {
-       case kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState:
-           OurChangeSetPowerState();
-           break;
-       case kIOPM_OurChangeFinish:
-           OurChangeFinish();
-           break;
-       case kIOPM_ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed:
-           ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed();	
-           break;
-       case kIOPM_ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed:
-           ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed();
-           break;
-       case kIOPM_ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed:
-           ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed();
-           break;
-       case kIOPM_ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed:
-           ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed();
-           break;
-   }
-// settleTimerExpired
-// Power has settled after our last change.  Notify interested parties that
-// there is a new power state.
+	request->installCompletionAction(target, action, param);
-void IOService::settleTimerExpired ( void )
-    if ( ! initialized ) 
-    {
-        // we're unloading
-        return;
-    }
+	// Submit through the normal request flow. This will make sure any request
+	// already in the request queue will get pushed over to the work queue for
+	// execution. Any request submitted after this request may not be serviced.
-    switch (priv->machine_state) {
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange:
-            OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange();
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownNotifyDidChangeAndAcknowledgeChange_Delayed:
-            ParentDownNotifyDidChangeAndAcknowledgeChange_Delayed();
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Delayed:
-            ParentUpNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange_Delayed();
-            break;
-    }
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
-// compute_settle_time
-// Compute the power-settling delay in microseconds for the
-// change from myCurrentState to head_note_state.
+// [private] requestPowerState
-unsigned long IOService::compute_settle_time ( void )
+	const OSSymbol *      client,
+	uint32_t              state )
-    unsigned long                           totalTime;
-    unsigned long                           i;
+	IOPMRequest * request;
+	if (!client) {
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return kIOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
-    // compute total time to attain the new state
-    totalTime = 0;
-    i = pm_vars->myCurrentState;
+	request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerState );
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
-    // we're lowering power
-    if ( priv->head_note_state < pm_vars->myCurrentState ) 
-    {
-        while ( i > priv->head_note_state ) 
-        {
-            totalTime +=  pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].settleDownTime;
-            i--;
-        }
-    }
+	client->retain();
+	request->fArg0 = (void *)(uintptr_t) state;
+	request->fArg1 = (void *)            client;
+	request->fArg2 = NULL;
+	if (action) {
+		request->installCompletionAction( action, target, param );
+	}
-    // we're raising power
-    if ( priv->head_note_state > pm_vars->myCurrentState ) 
-    {
-        while ( i < priv->head_note_state ) 
-        {
-            totalTime +=  pm_vars->thePowerStates[i+1].settleUpTime;
-            i++;
-        }
-    }
+	// Prevent needless downwards power transitions by clamping power
+	// until the scheduled request is executed.
-    return totalTime;
+	if (gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate() && (state < fNumberOfPowerStates)) {
+		fTempClampPowerState = StateMax(fTempClampPowerState, state);
+		fTempClampCount++;
+		request->fArg2 = (void *) (uintptr_t) true;
+	}
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return IOPMNoErr;
-// startSettleTimer
-// Enter with a power-settling delay in microseconds and start a nano-second
-// timer for that delay.
+// [private] handleRequestPowerState
-IOReturn IOService::startSettleTimer ( unsigned long delay )
+IOService::handleRequestPowerState( IOPMRequest * request )
-    AbsoluteTime	deadline;
-    clock_interval_to_deadline(delay, kMicrosecondScale, &deadline);
-    thread_call_enter_delayed(priv->settleTimer, deadline);
+	const OSSymbol * client = (const OSSymbol *)    request->fArg1;
+	uint32_t         state  = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) request->fArg0;
+	if (request->fArg2) {
+		assert(fTempClampCount != 0);
+		if (fTempClampCount) {
+			fTempClampCount--;
+		}
+		if (!fTempClampCount) {
+			fTempClampPowerState = kPowerStateZero;
+		}
+	}
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+	if (fNumberOfPowerStates && (state >= fNumberOfPowerStates)) {
+		state = fHighestPowerState;
+	}
-// ack_timer_ticked
-// The acknowledgement timeout periodic timer has ticked.
-// If we are awaiting acks for a power change notification,
-// we decrement the timer word of each interested driver which hasn't acked.
-// If a timer word becomes zero, we pretend the driver aknowledged.
-// If we are waiting for the controlling driver to change the power
-// state of the hardware, we decrement its timer word, and if it becomes
-// zero, we pretend the driver acknowledged.
+	// The power suppression due to changePowerStateWithOverrideTo() expires
+	// upon the next "device" power request - changePowerStateToPriv().
-void IOService::ack_timer_ticked ( void )
-    IOPMinformee * nextObject;
-    if ( ! initialized ) 
-    {
-        // we're unloading
-        return;
-    }
-    if (! acquire_lock() ) 
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    switch (priv->machine_state) {
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle:
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownWaitForPowerSettle_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpWaitForSettleTime_Delayed:
-            // are we waiting for our driver to make its change?
-            if ( priv->driver_timer != 0 ) {
-                // yes, tick once
-                priv->driver_timer -= 1;
-                // it's tardy, we'll go on without it
-                if ( priv->driver_timer == 0 ) 
-                {
-                    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogCtrlDriverTardy,0,0);
-                    driver_acked();
-                } else {
-                    // still waiting, set timer again
-                    start_ack_timer();
-                    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            }
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState:
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeFinish:
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed:
-            // are we waiting for interested parties to acknowledge?
-            if (priv->head_note_pendingAcks != 0 ) 
-            {
-                // yes, go through the list of interested drivers
-                nextObject =  priv->interestedDrivers->firstInList();
-                // and check each one
-                while (  nextObject != NULL ) 
-                {
-                    if ( nextObject->timer > 0 ) 
-                    {
-                        nextObject->timer -= 1;
-                        // this one should have acked by now
-                        if ( nextObject->timer == 0 ) 
-                        {
-                            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogIntDriverTardy,0,0);
-                            //kprintf("interested driver tardy: %s\n",nextObject->whatObject->getName());
-                            OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    nextObject  =  priv->interestedDrivers->nextInList(nextObject);
-                }
-                // is that the last?
-                if ( priv->head_note_pendingAcks == 0 ) 
-                {
-                    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                    // yes, we can continue
-                    all_acked();
-                } else {
-                    // no, set timer again
-                    start_ack_timer();
-                    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                }
-            } else {
-                IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            }
-            break;
-        // apps didn't respond to parent-down notification
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Immediate:
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-            if (pm_vars->responseFlags) 
-            {
-                // get rid of this stuff
-                pm_vars->responseFlags->release();
-                pm_vars->responseFlags = NULL;
-            }
-            IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogClientTardy,0,5);
-            // carry on with the change
-            ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Delayed();
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Delayed:
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-            if (pm_vars->responseFlags) 
-            {
-                // get rid of this stuff
-                pm_vars->responseFlags->release();
-                pm_vars->responseFlags = NULL;
-            }
-            IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogClientTardy,0,1);
-            // carry on with the change
-            ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Delayed();
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown:
-            // apps didn't respond to our power-down request
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-            if (pm_vars->responseFlags) 
-            {
-                // get rid of this stuff
-                pm_vars->responseFlags->release();
-                pm_vars->responseFlags = NULL;
-            }
-            IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogClientTardy,0,2);
-            // rescind the request
-            tellNoChangeDown(priv->head_note_state);
-            // mark the change note un-actioned
-            priv->head_note_flags |= IOPMNotDone;
-            // and we're done
-            all_done();
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
-            // clients didn't respond to our power-down note
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-            if (pm_vars->responseFlags) 
-            {
-                // get rid of this stuff
-                pm_vars->responseFlags->release();
-                pm_vars->responseFlags = NULL;
-            }
-            IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogClientTardy,0,4);
-            // carry on with the change
-            OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown();
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange:
-             // apps didn't respond to our power-down notification
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-            if (pm_vars->responseFlags) 
-            {
-                // get rid of this stuff
-                pm_vars->responseFlags->release();
-                pm_vars->responseFlags = NULL;
-            }
-            IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogClientTardy,0,3);
-            // carry on with the change
-            OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
-            break;
-        default:
-            // not waiting for acks
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            break;
-    }
-// start_ack_timer
-void IOService::start_ack_timer ( void )
-    AbsoluteTime                            deadline;
-    clock_interval_to_deadline(ACK_TIMER_PERIOD, kNanosecondScale, &deadline);
-    thread_call_enter_delayed(priv->ackTimer, deadline);
-// stop_ack_timer
-void IOService::stop_ack_timer ( void )
-    thread_call_cancel(priv->ackTimer);
-// c-language timer expiration functions
-static void ack_timer_expired ( thread_call_param_t us)
-    ((IOService *)us)->ack_timer_ticked();
-static void settle_timer_expired ( thread_call_param_t us)
-    ((IOService *)us)->settleTimerExpired();
-// add_child_to_active_change
-// A child has just registered with us.  If there is
-// currently a change in progress, get the new party involved: if we
-// have notified all parties and are waiting for acks, notify the new
-// party.
-IOReturn IOService::add_child_to_active_change ( IOPowerConnection * newObject )
-    if (! acquire_lock() ) 
-    {
-        return IOPMNoErr;
-    }
-    switch (priv->machine_state) 
-    {
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState:
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed:
-            // one for this child and one to prevent
-            OSAddAtomic(2, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            // incoming acks from changing our state
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            notifyChild(newObject, true);
-            if (! acquire_lock() ) 
-            {
-                // put it back
-                OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-                return IOPMNoErr;
-            }
-            // are we still waiting for acks?
-            OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            if ( priv->head_note_pendingAcks == 0 ) 
-            {
-                // no, stop the timer
-                stop_ack_timer();
-                IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                // and now we can continue
-                all_acked();
-                return IOPMNoErr;
-            }
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeFinish:
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed:
-            // one for this child and one to prevent
-            OSAddAtomic(2, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            // incoming acks from changing our state
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            notifyChild(newObject, false);
-            if (! acquire_lock() ) 
-            {
-                // put it back
-                OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-                return IOPMNoErr;
-            }
-            // are we still waiting for acks?
-            OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            if ( priv->head_note_pendingAcks == 0 ) 
-            {
-                // no, stop the timer
-                stop_ack_timer();
-                IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                // and now we can continue
-                all_acked();
-                return IOPMNoErr;
-            }
-            break;
-    }
-    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    return IOPMNoErr;
-// add_driver_to_active_change
-// An interested driver has just registered with us.  If there is
-// currently a change in progress, get the new party involved: if we
-// have notified all parties and are waiting for acks, notify the new
-// party.
-IOReturn IOService::add_driver_to_active_change ( IOPMinformee * newObject )
-    if (! acquire_lock() ) 
-    {
-        return IOPMNoErr;
-    }
-    switch (priv->machine_state) {
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState:
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownSetPowerState_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed:
-            // one for this driver and one to prevent
-            OSAddAtomic(2, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            // incoming acks from changing our state
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            // inform the driver
-            inform(newObject, true);
-            if (! acquire_lock() ) 
-            {
-                // put it back
-                OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-                return IOPMNoErr;
-            }
-            // are we still waiting for acks?
-            OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            if ( priv->head_note_pendingAcks == 0 ) 
-            {
-                // no, stop the timer
-                stop_ack_timer();
-                IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                // and now we can continue
-                all_acked();
-                return IOPMNoErr;
-            }
-            break;
-        case kIOPM_OurChangeFinish:
-        case kIOPM_ParentDownAcknowledgeChange_Delayed:
-        case kIOPM_ParentUpAcknowledgePowerChange_Delayed:
-            // one for this driver and one to prevent
-            OSAddAtomic(2, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            // incoming acks from changing our state
-            IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-            // inform the driver
-            inform(newObject, false);
-            if (! acquire_lock() ) {
-                // put it back
-                OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-                return IOPMNoErr;
-            }
-            // are we still waiting for acks?
-            OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32*)&priv->head_note_pendingAcks);
-            if ( priv->head_note_pendingAcks == 0 ) {
-                // no, stop the timer
-                stop_ack_timer();
-                IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-                // and now we can continue
-                all_acked();
-                return IOPMNoErr;
-            }
-            break;
-    }
-    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    return IOPMNoErr;
-// start_parent_change
-// Here we begin the processing of a change note  initiated by our parent
-// which is at the head of the queue.
-// It is possible for the change to be processed to completion and removed from the queue.
-// There are several possible interruptions to the processing, though, and they are:
-// we may have to wait for interested parties to acknowledge our pre-change notification,
-// we may have to wait for our controlling driver to change the hardware power state,
-// there may be a settling time after changing the hardware power state,
-// we may have to wait for interested parties to acknowledge our post-change notification,
-// we may have to wait for the acknowledgement timer expiration to substitute for the
-// acknowledgement from a failing driver.
-IOReturn IOService::start_parent_change ( unsigned long queue_head )
-    priv->head_note = queue_head;
-    priv->head_note_flags = priv-> changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].flags;
-    priv->head_note_state =  priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].newStateNumber;
-    priv->imminentState = priv->head_note_state;
-    priv->head_note_outputFlags =  priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].outputPowerCharacter;
-    priv->head_note_domainState = priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].domainState;
-    priv->head_note_parent = priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].parent;
-    priv->head_note_capabilityFlags =  priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].capabilityFlags;
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogStartParentChange,
-                    (unsigned long)priv->head_note_state,(unsigned long)pm_vars->myCurrentState);
-    // if we need something and haven't told the parent, do so
-    ask_parent( priv->ourDesiredPowerState);
-    // power domain is lowering
-    if ( priv->head_note_state < pm_vars->myCurrentState ) 
-    {
-        setParentInfo(priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].singleParentState,priv->head_note_parent);
-    	priv->initial_change = false;
-    	// tell apps and kernel clients
-        priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Immediate;
-        // are we waiting for responses?
-        if ( tellChangeDown1(priv->head_note_state) ) 
-        {
-            // no, notify priority clients
-            return ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Immediate();
-        }
-        // yes
-        return IOPMWillAckLater;
-    }
-    // parent is raising power, we may or may not
-    if ( priv->head_note_state > pm_vars->myCurrentState ) 
-    {
-        if ( priv->ourDesiredPowerState > pm_vars->myCurrentState ) 
-        {
-            if ( priv->ourDesiredPowerState < priv->head_note_state ) 
-            {
-                // we do, but not all the way
-                priv->head_note_state = priv->ourDesiredPowerState;
-                priv->imminentState = priv->head_note_state;
-                priv->head_note_outputFlags =   pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].outputPowerCharacter;
-                priv->head_note_capabilityFlags =   pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].capabilityFlags;
-                pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogAmendParentChange,(unsigned long)priv->head_note_state,0);
-             }
-        } else {
-            // we don't
-            priv->head_note_state = pm_vars->myCurrentState;
-            priv->imminentState = priv->head_note_state;
-            priv->head_note_outputFlags =   pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].outputPowerCharacter;
-            priv->head_note_capabilityFlags =   pm_vars->thePowerStates[priv->head_note_state].capabilityFlags;
-            pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogAmendParentChange,(unsigned long)priv->head_note_state,0);
-        }
-    }
-    if ( (priv->head_note_state > pm_vars->myCurrentState) &&
-                    (priv->head_note_flags & IOPMDomainDidChange) ) 
-    {
-        // changing up
-        priv->initial_change = false;
-        priv->machine_state = kIOPM_ParentUpSetPowerState_Delayed;
-        if (  notifyAll(true) == IOPMAckImplied ) {
-            return ParentUpSetPowerState_Immediate();
-        }
-        // they didn't all ack
-        return IOPMWillAckLater;
-    }
-    all_done();
-    // a null change or power will go up
-    return IOPMAckImplied;
-// start_our_change
-// Here we begin the processing of a change note  initiated by us
-// which is at the head of the queue.
-// It is possible for the change to be processed to completion and removed from the queue.
-// There are several possible interruptions to the processing, though, and they are:
-// we may have to wait for interested parties to acknowledge our pre-change notification,
-// changes initiated by the parent will wait in the middle for powerStateDidChange,
-// we may have to wait for our controlling driver to change the hardware power state,
-// there may be a settling time after changing the hardware power state,
-// we may have to wait for interested parties to acknowledge our post-change notification,
-// we may have to wait for the acknowledgement timer expiration to substitute for the
-// acknowledgement from a failing driver.
-void IOService::start_our_change ( unsigned long queue_head )
-    priv->head_note = queue_head;
-    priv->head_note_flags =  priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].flags;
-    priv->head_note_state =  priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].newStateNumber;
-    priv->imminentState = priv->head_note_state;
-    priv->head_note_outputFlags =  priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].outputPowerCharacter;
-    priv->head_note_capabilityFlags =  priv->changeList->changeNote[priv->head_note].capabilityFlags;
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogStartDeviceChange,
-                (unsigned long)priv->head_note_state,(unsigned long)pm_vars->myCurrentState);
-    // can our driver switch to the new state?
-    if ( priv->head_note_capabilityFlags & IOPMNotAttainable ) 
-    {
-        // no, ask the parent to do it then
-        if ( !  priv->we_are_root )
-        {
-            ask_parent(priv->head_note_state);
-        }
-        // mark the change note un-actioned
-        priv-> head_note_flags |= IOPMNotDone;
-        // and we're done
-        all_done();
-        return;
-    }
-    // is there enough power in the domain?
-    if ( (pm_vars->maxCapability < priv->head_note_state) && (!  priv->we_are_root) ) 
-    {
-        // no, ask the parent to raise it
-        if ( !  priv->we_are_root ) 
-        {
-            ask_parent(priv->head_note_state);
-        }
-        // no, mark the change note un-actioned
-        priv->head_note_flags |= IOPMNotDone;
-        // and we're done
-        // till the parent raises power
-        all_done();
-        return;
-    }
-    if ( !  priv->initial_change ) 
-    {
-        if ( priv->head_note_state == pm_vars->myCurrentState ) 
-        {
-            // we initiated a null change; forget it
-            all_done();
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    priv->initial_change = false;
-    // dropping power?
-    if ( priv->head_note_state < pm_vars->myCurrentState ) 
-    {
-        // yes, in case we have to wait for acks
-        priv->machine_state = kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown;
-        pm_vars->doNotPowerDown = false;
-        // ask apps and kernel clients if we can drop power
-        pm_vars->outofbandparameter = kNotifyApps;
-        if ( askChangeDown(priv->head_note_state) ) 
-        {
-            // don't have to wait, did any clients veto?
-            if ( pm_vars->doNotPowerDown ) 
-            {
-                // yes, rescind the warning
-                tellNoChangeDown(priv->head_note_state);
-                // mark the change note un-actioned
-                priv-> head_note_flags |= IOPMNotDone;
-                // and we're done
-                all_done();
-            } else {
-                // no, tell'em we're dropping power
-                OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown();
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        // we are raising power
-        if ( !  priv->we_are_root ) 
-        {
-            // if this changes our power requirement, tell the parent
-            ask_parent(priv->head_note_state);
-        }
-        // in case they don't all ack
-        priv->machine_state = kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState;
-        // notify interested drivers and children
-        if ( notifyAll(true) == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-        {
-            OurChangeSetPowerState();
-        }
-    }
-// ask_parent
-// Call the power domain parent to ask for a higher power state in the domain
-// or to suggest a lower power state.
-IOReturn IOService::ask_parent ( unsigned long requestedState )
-    OSIterator                          *iter;
-    OSObject                            *next;
-    IOPowerConnection                   *connection;
-    IOService                           *parent;
-    unsigned long                       ourRequest = pm_vars->thePowerStates[requestedState].inputPowerRequirement;
-    if ( pm_vars->thePowerStates[requestedState].capabilityFlags & (kIOPMChildClamp | kIOPMPreventIdleSleep) ) 
-    {
-        ourRequest |= kIOPMPreventIdleSleep;
-    }
-    if ( pm_vars->thePowerStates[requestedState].capabilityFlags & (kIOPMChildClamp2 | kIOPMPreventSystemSleep) ) 
-    {
-        ourRequest |= kIOPMPreventSystemSleep;
-    }
-    // is this a new desire?
-    if ( priv->previousRequest == ourRequest )
-    {	
-        // no, the parent knows already, just return
-        return IOPMNoErr;				
-    }
-    if (  priv->we_are_root ) 
-    {
-        return IOPMNoErr;
-    }
-    priv->previousRequest =  ourRequest;
-    iter = getParentIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
-    if ( iter ) 
-    {
-        while ( (next = iter->getNextObject()) ) 
-        {
-            if ( (connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection,next)) ) 
-            {
-                parent = (IOService *)connection->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
-                if ( parent ) {
-                    if ( parent->requestPowerDomainState(ourRequest,connection,IOPMLowestState)!= IOPMNoErr ) 
-                    {
-                        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogRequestDenied,
-                                                                (unsigned long)priv->previousRequest,0);
-                    }
-                    parent->release();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        iter->release();
-    }
-    return IOPMNoErr;
-// instruct_driver
-// Call the controlling driver and have it change the power state of the
-// hardware.  If it returns IOPMAckImplied, the change is complete, and
-// we return IOPMAckImplied.  Otherwise, it will ack when the change
-// is done; we return IOPMWillAckLater.
-IOReturn IOService::instruct_driver ( unsigned long newState )
-    IOReturn delay;
-    // can our driver switch to the desired state?
-    if (  pm_vars->thePowerStates[newState].capabilityFlags & IOPMNotAttainable ) 
-    {
-        // no, so don't try
-        return IOPMAckImplied;
-    }
-    priv->driver_timer = -1;
+	if ((getPMRequestType() != kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride) &&
+	    (client == gIOPMPowerClientDevice)) {
+		fOverrideMaxPowerState = kIOPMPowerStateMax;
+	}
-    // yes, instruct it
-    IOLockUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    OUR_PMLog(          kPMLogProgramHardware, (UInt32) this, newState);
-    delay = pm_vars->theControllingDriver->setPowerState( newState,this );
-    OUR_PMLog((UInt32) -kPMLogProgramHardware, (UInt32) this, (UInt32) delay);
-    IOLockLock(priv->our_lock);
+	if ((state == kPowerStateZero) &&
+	    (client != gIOPMPowerClientDevice) &&
+	    (client != gIOPMPowerClientDriver) &&
+	    (client != gIOPMPowerClientChildProxy)) {
+		removePowerClient(client);
+	} else {
+		updatePowerClient(client, state);
+	}
-    // it finished
-    if ( delay == IOPMAckImplied ) 
-    {
-        priv->driver_timer = 0;
-        return IOPMAckImplied;
-    }
+	adjustPowerState();
+	client->release();
-    // it acked behind our back
-    if ( priv->driver_timer == 0 ) 
-    {
-        return IOPMAckImplied;
-    }
-    // somebody goofed
-    if ( delay < 0 ) 
-    {
-        return IOPMAckImplied;
-    }
-    // it didn't finish
-    priv->driver_timer = (delay / ( ACK_TIMER_PERIOD / ns_per_us )) + 1;
-    return IOPMWillAckLater;
-// acquire_lock
-// We are acquiring the lock we use to protect our queue head from
-// simutaneous access by a thread which calls acknowledgePowerStateChange
-// or acknowledgeSetPowerState and the ack timer expiration thread.
-// Return TRUE if we acquire the lock, and the queue head didn't change
-// while we were acquiring the lock (and maybe blocked).
-// If there is no queue head, or it changes while we are blocked,
-// return FALSE with the lock unlocked.
+// [private] Helper functions to update/remove power clients.
-bool IOService::acquire_lock ( void )
+IOService::updatePowerClient( const OSSymbol * client, uint32_t powerState )
-    long current_change_note;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex oldPowerState = kPowerStateZero;
-    current_change_note = priv->head_note;
-    if ( current_change_note == -1 ) {
-        return FALSE;
-    }
+	if (!fPowerClients) {
+		fPowerClients = OSDictionary::withCapacity(4);
+	}
+	if (fPowerClients && client) {
+		OSNumber * num = (OSNumber *) fPowerClients->getObject(client);
+		if (num) {
+			oldPowerState = num->unsigned32BitValue();
+			num->setValue(powerState);
+		} else {
+			num = OSNumber::withNumber(powerState, 32);
+			if (num) {
+				fPowerClients->setObject(client, num);
+				num->release();
+			}
+		}
+		PM_ACTION_3(actionUpdatePowerClient, client, oldPowerState, powerState);
+	}
-    IOTakeLock(priv->our_lock);
-    if ( current_change_note == priv->head_note ) 
-    {
-        return TRUE;
-    } else {
-        // we blocked and something changed radically
-        // so there's nothing to do any more
-        IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        return FALSE;
-    }
+IOService::removePowerClient( const OSSymbol * client )
+	if (fPowerClients && client) {
+		fPowerClients->removeObject(client);
+	}
+IOService::getPowerStateForClient( const OSSymbol * client )
+	uint32_t powerState = kPowerStateZero;
+	if (fPowerClients && client) {
+		OSNumber * num = (OSNumber *) fPowerClients->getObject(client);
+		if (num) {
+			powerState = num->unsigned32BitValue();
+		}
+	}
+	return powerState;
-// askChangeDown
-// Ask registered applications and kernel clients if we can change to a lower
-// power state.
-// Subclass can override this to send a different message type.  Parameter is
-// the destination state number.
-// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+// [protected] powerOverrideOnPriv
-bool IOService::askChangeDown ( unsigned long stateNum )
+IOService::powerOverrideOnPriv( void )
-    return tellClientsWithResponse(kIOMessageCanDevicePowerOff);
+	IOPMRequest * request;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
+	if (gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate()) {
+		fDeviceOverrideEnabled = true;
+		return IOPMNoErr;
+	}
+	request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOnPriv );
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return IOPMNoErr;
-// tellChangeDown1
-// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are definitely
-// dropping power.
-// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+// [protected] powerOverrideOffPriv
-bool IOService::tellChangeDown1 ( unsigned long stateNum )
+IOService::powerOverrideOffPriv( void )
-    pm_vars->outofbandparameter = kNotifyApps;
-    return tellChangeDown(stateNum);
+	IOPMRequest * request;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
+	if (gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate()) {
+		fDeviceOverrideEnabled = false;
+		return IOPMNoErr;
+	}
+	request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOffPriv );
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return IOPMNoErr;
-// tellChangeDown2
-// Notify priority clients that we are definitely dropping power.
-// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+// [private] handlePowerOverrideChanged
-bool IOService::tellChangeDown2 ( unsigned long stateNum )
+IOService::handlePowerOverrideChanged( IOPMRequest * request )
-    pm_vars->outofbandparameter = kNotifyPriority;
-    return tellChangeDown(stateNum);
+	if (request->getType() == kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOnPriv) {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogOverrideOn, 0, 0);
+		fDeviceOverrideEnabled = true;
+	} else {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogOverrideOff, 0, 0);
+		fDeviceOverrideEnabled = false;
+	}
+	adjustPowerState();
-// tellChangeDown
-// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are definitely
-// dropping power.
-// Subclass can override this to send a different message type.  Parameter is
-// the destination state number.
-// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+// [private] computeDesiredState
-bool IOService::tellChangeDown ( unsigned long stateNum )
+IOService::computeDesiredState( unsigned long localClamp, bool computeOnly )
-    return tellClientsWithResponse(kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff);
+	OSIterator *        iter;
+	OSObject *          next;
+	IOPowerConnection * connection;
+	uint32_t            desiredState  = kPowerStateZero;
+	uint32_t            newPowerState = kPowerStateZero;
+	bool                hasChildren   = false;
+	// Desired power state is always 0 without a controlling driver.
+	if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		fDesiredPowerState = kPowerStateZero;
+		return;
+	}
+	// Examine the children's desired power state.
+	iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (iter) {
+		while ((next = iter->getNextObject())) {
+			if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, next))) {
+				if (connection->getReadyFlag() == false) {
+					PM_LOG3("[%s] %s: connection not ready\n",
+					    getName(), __FUNCTION__);
+					continue;
+				}
+				if (connection->childHasRequestedPower()) {
+					hasChildren = true;
+				}
+				desiredState = StateMax(connection->getDesiredDomainState(), desiredState);
+			}
+		}
+		iter->release();
+	}
+	if (hasChildren) {
+		updatePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientChildren, desiredState);
+	} else {
+		removePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientChildren);
+	}
+	// Iterate through all power clients to determine the min power state.
+	iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(fPowerClients);
+	if (iter) {
+		const OSSymbol * client;
+		while ((client = (const OSSymbol *) iter->getNextObject())) {
+			// Ignore child and driver when override is in effect.
+			if ((fDeviceOverrideEnabled ||
+			    (getPMRequestType() == kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride)) &&
+			    ((client == gIOPMPowerClientChildren) ||
+			    (client == gIOPMPowerClientDriver))) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Ignore child proxy when children are present.
+			if (hasChildren && (client == gIOPMPowerClientChildProxy)) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Advisory tickles are irrelevant unless system is in full wake
+			if (client == gIOPMPowerClientAdvisoryTickle &&
+			    !gIOPMAdvisoryTickleEnabled) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			desiredState = getPowerStateForClient(client);
+			assert(desiredState < fNumberOfPowerStates);
+			PM_LOG1("  %u %s\n",
+			    desiredState, client->getCStringNoCopy());
+			newPowerState = StateMax(newPowerState, desiredState);
+			if (client == gIOPMPowerClientDevice) {
+				fDeviceDesire = desiredState;
+			}
+		}
+		iter->release();
+	}
+	// Factor in the temporary power desires.
+	newPowerState = StateMax(newPowerState, localClamp);
+	newPowerState = StateMax(newPowerState, fTempClampPowerState);
+	// Limit check against max power override.
+	newPowerState = StateMin(newPowerState, fOverrideMaxPowerState);
+	// Limit check against number of power states.
+	if (newPowerState >= fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		newPowerState = fHighestPowerState;
+	}
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+	if (getPMRootDomain()->isAOTMode()) {
+		if ((kIOPMPreventIdleSleep & fPowerStates[newPowerState].capabilityFlags)
+		    && !(kIOPMPreventIdleSleep & fPowerStates[fDesiredPowerState].capabilityFlags)) {
+			getPMRootDomain()->claimSystemWakeEvent(this, kIOPMWakeEventAOTExit, getName(), NULL);
+		}
+	}
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+	fDesiredPowerState = newPowerState;
+	PM_LOG1("  temp %u, clamp %u, current %u, new %u\n",
+	    (uint32_t) localClamp, (uint32_t) fTempClampPowerState,
+	    (uint32_t) fCurrentPowerState, newPowerState);
+	if (!computeOnly) {
+		// Restart idle timer if possible when device desire has increased.
+		// Or if an advisory desire exists.
+		if (fIdleTimerPeriod && fIdleTimerStopped) {
+			restartIdleTimer();
+		}
+		// Invalidate cached tickle power state when desires change, and not
+		// due to a tickle request. In case the driver has requested a lower
+		// power state, but the tickle is caching a higher power state which
+		// will drop future tickles until the cached value is lowered or in-
+		// validated. The invalidation must occur before the power transition
+		// to avoid dropping a necessary tickle.
+		if ((getPMRequestType() != kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle) &&
+		    (fActivityTicklePowerState != kInvalidTicklePowerState)) {
+			IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
+			fActivityTicklePowerState = kInvalidTicklePowerState;
+			IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+		}
+	}
-// tellClientsWithResponse
-// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are definitely
-// dropping power.
+// [public] currentPowerConsumption
-// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
-bool IOService::tellClientsWithResponse ( int messageType )
-    struct context                          theContext;
-    AbsoluteTime                            deadline;
-    OSBoolean                               *aBool;
-    pm_vars->responseFlags = OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
-    pm_vars->serialNumber += 1;
-    theContext.responseFlags = pm_vars->responseFlags;
-    theContext.serialNumber = pm_vars->serialNumber;
-    theContext.flags_lock = priv->flags_lock;
-    theContext.counter = 1;
-    theContext.msgType = messageType;
-    theContext.us = this;
-    theContext.maxTimeRequested = 0;
-    theContext.stateNumber = priv->head_note_state;
-    theContext.stateFlags = priv->head_note_capabilityFlags;
-    IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-    // position zero is false to
-    // prevent allowCancelCommon from succeeding
-    aBool = OSBoolean::withBoolean(false);
-    theContext.responseFlags->setObject(0,aBool);
-    aBool->release();
-    IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-    switch ( pm_vars->outofbandparameter ) {
-        case kNotifyApps:
-            applyToInterested(gIOAppPowerStateInterest,tellAppWithResponse,(void *)&theContext);
-            applyToInterested(gIOGeneralInterest,tellClientWithResponse,(void *)&theContext);
-            break;
-        case kNotifyPriority:
-            applyToInterested(gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest,tellClientWithResponse,(void *)&theContext);
-            break;
-    }
-    if (! acquire_lock() ) 
-    {
-        return true;
-    }
-    IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-    // now fix position zero
-    aBool = OSBoolean::withBoolean(true);
-    theContext.responseFlags->replaceObject(0,aBool);
-    aBool->release();
-    IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-    // do we have to wait for somebody?
-    if ( ! checkForDone() ) 
-    {
-        // yes, start the ackTimer
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogStartAckTimer,theContext.maxTimeRequested,0);
-        clock_interval_to_deadline(theContext.maxTimeRequested / 1000, kMillisecondScale, &deadline);
-        thread_call_enter_delayed(priv->ackTimer, deadline);
-        IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);			
-        return false;
-    }
-    IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-    // everybody responded
-    pm_vars->responseFlags->release();
-    pm_vars->responseFlags = NULL;
-    IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-    return true;
-// tellAppWithResponse
-// We send a message to an application, and we expect a response, so we compute a
-// cookie we can identify the response with.
+unsigned long
+IOService::currentPowerConsumption( void )
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return kIOPMUnknown;
+	}
+	return fCurrentPowerConsumption;
-void tellAppWithResponse ( OSObject * object, void * context)
-    struct context                      *theContext = (struct context *)context;
-    OSBoolean                           *aBool;
-    IOPMprot 				*pm_vars = theContext->us->pm_vars;
-    if( OSDynamicCast( IOService, object) ) 
-    {
-	// Automatically 'ack' in kernel clients
-        IOLockLock(theContext->flags_lock);
-        aBool = OSBoolean::withBoolean(true);
-        theContext->responseFlags->setObject(theContext->counter,aBool);
-        aBool->release();
-        IOLockUnlock(theContext->flags_lock);
-	const char *who = ((IOService *) object)->getName();
-	pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(who,
-	    kPMLogClientAcknowledge, theContext->msgType, * (UInt32 *) object);
-    } else {
-        UInt32 refcon = ((theContext->serialNumber & 0xFFFF)<<16)
-	              +  (theContext->counter & 0xFFFF);
-        IOLockLock(theContext->flags_lock);
-        aBool = OSBoolean::withBoolean(false);
-        theContext->responseFlags->setObject(theContext->counter,aBool);
-        aBool->release();
-        IOLockUnlock(theContext->flags_lock);
-	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAppNotify, theContext->msgType, refcon);
-        theContext->us->messageClient(theContext->msgType,object,(void *)refcon);
-        if ( theContext->maxTimeRequested < k30seconds ) 
-        {
-            theContext->maxTimeRequested = k30seconds;
-        }
-    }
-    theContext->counter += 1;
-// tellClientWithResponse
-// We send a message to an in-kernel client, and we expect a response, so we compute a
-// cookie we can identify the response with.
-// If it doesn't understand the notification (it is not power-management savvy)
-// we won't wait for it to prepare for sleep.  If it tells us via a return code
-// in the passed struct that it is currently ready, we won't wait for it to prepare.
-// If it tells us via the return code in the struct that it does need time, we will chill.
-void tellClientWithResponse ( OSObject * object, void * context)
-    struct context                          *theContext = (struct context *)context;
-    IOPowerStateChangeNotification          notify;
-    UInt32                                  refcon;
-    IOReturn                                retCode;
-    OSBoolean                               *aBool;
-    OSObject                                *theFlag;
-    refcon = ((theContext->serialNumber & 0xFFFF)<<16) + (theContext->counter & 0xFFFF);
-    IOLockLock(theContext->flags_lock);
-    aBool = OSBoolean::withBoolean(false);
-    theContext->responseFlags->setObject(theContext->counter,aBool);
-    aBool->release();
-    IOLockUnlock(theContext->flags_lock);
-    IOPMprot *pm_vars = theContext->us->pm_vars;
-    if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogPower) {
-	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientNotify, refcon, (UInt32) theContext->msgType);
-	if (OSDynamicCast(IOService, object)) {
-	    const char *who = ((IOService *) object)->getName();
-	    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(who,
-		    kPMLogClientNotify, * (UInt32 *) object, (UInt32) object);
-	} else if (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object)) {
-	    _IOServiceInterestNotifier *n = (_IOServiceInterestNotifier *) object;
-	    OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientNotify, (UInt32) n->handler, 0);
-	}
-    }
-    notify.powerRef = (void *)refcon;
-    notify.returnValue = 0;
-    notify.stateNumber = theContext->stateNumber;
-    notify.stateFlags = theContext->stateFlags;
-    retCode = theContext->us->messageClient(theContext->msgType,object,(void *)&notify);
-    if ( retCode == kIOReturnSuccess ) 
-    {
-        if ( notify.returnValue == 0 ) 
-        {
-            // client doesn't want time to respond
-            IOLockLock(theContext->flags_lock);
-            aBool = OSBoolean::withBoolean(true);
-            // so set its flag true
-            theContext->responseFlags->replaceObject(theContext->counter,aBool);
-            aBool->release();
-            IOLockUnlock(theContext->flags_lock);
-	    OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientAcknowledge, refcon, (UInt32) object);
-        } else {
-            IOLockLock(theContext->flags_lock);
-            // it does want time, and it hasn't responded yet
-            theFlag = theContext->responseFlags->getObject(theContext->counter);
-            if ( theFlag != 0 ) 
-            {
-                if ( ((OSBoolean *)theFlag)->isFalse() ) 
-                {
-                    // so note its time requirement
-                    if ( theContext->maxTimeRequested < notify.returnValue ) 
-                    {
-                        theContext->maxTimeRequested = notify.returnValue;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            IOLockUnlock(theContext->flags_lock);
-        }
-    } else {
-	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientAcknowledge, refcon, 0);
-        // not a client of ours
-        IOLockLock(theContext->flags_lock);
-        // so we won't be waiting for response
-        aBool = OSBoolean::withBoolean(true);
-        theContext->responseFlags->replaceObject(theContext->counter,aBool);
-        aBool->release();
-        IOLockUnlock(theContext->flags_lock);
-    }
-    theContext->counter += 1;
-// tellNoChangeDown
-// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are not
-// dropping power.
-// Subclass can override this to send a different message type.  Parameter is
-// the aborted destination state number.
+// [deprecated] getPMworkloop
-void IOService::tellNoChangeDown ( unsigned long )
+#ifndef __LP64__
+IOWorkLoop *
+IOService::getPMworkloop( void )
-    return tellClients(kIOMessageDeviceWillNotPowerOff);
+	return gIOPMWorkLoop;
+#if NOT_YET
-// tellChangeUp
-// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are raising power.
-// Subclass can override this to send a different message type.  Parameter is
-// the aborted destination state number.
+// Power Parent/Children Applier
-void IOService::tellChangeUp ( unsigned long )
+static void
+	IOService *               service,
+	IOServiceApplierFunction  applier,
+	void *                    context,
+	IOOptionBits              options )
+	IORegistryEntry *       entry;
+	IORegistryIterator *    iter;
+	IOPowerConnection *     connection;
+	IOService *             child;
+	iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver(service, gIOPowerPlane, options);
+	if (iter) {
+		while ((entry = iter->getNextObject())) {
+			// Get child of IOPowerConnection objects
+			if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, entry))) {
+				child = (IOService *) connection->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+				if (child) {
+					(*applier)(child, context);
+					child->release();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		iter->release();
+	}
+static void
+	IOService *               service,
+	IOServiceApplierFunction  applier,
+	void *                    context,
+	IOOptionBits              options )
-    return tellClients(kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn);
+	IORegistryEntry *       entry;
+	IORegistryIterator *    iter;
+	IOPowerConnection *     connection;
+	IOService *             parent;
+	iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver(service, gIOPowerPlane,
+	    options | kIORegistryIterateParents);
+	if (iter) {
+		while ((entry = iter->getNextObject())) {
+			// Get child of IOPowerConnection objects
+			if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, entry))) {
+				parent = (IOService *) connection->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+				if (parent) {
+					(*applier)(parent, context);
+					parent->release();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		iter->release();
+	}
+#endif /* NOT_YET */
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Activity Tickle & Idle Timer
+IOService::setAdvisoryTickleEnable( bool enable )
+	gIOPMAdvisoryTickleEnabled = enable;
-// tellClients
+// [public] activityTickle
-// Notify registered applications and kernel clients of something.
+// The tickle with parameter kIOPMSuperclassPolicy1 causes the activity
+// flag to be set, and the device state checked.  If the device has been
+// powered down, it is powered up again.
+// The tickle with parameter kIOPMSubclassPolicy is ignored here and
+// should be intercepted by a subclass.
-void IOService::tellClients ( int messageType )
-    struct context theContext;
-    theContext.msgType = messageType;
-    theContext.us = this;
-    theContext.stateNumber = priv->head_note_state;
-    theContext.stateFlags = priv->head_note_capabilityFlags;
-    applyToInterested(gIOAppPowerStateInterest,tellClient,(void *)&theContext);
-    applyToInterested(gIOGeneralInterest,tellClient,(void *)&theContext);
-// tellClient
-// Notify a registered application or kernel client of something.
-void tellClient ( OSObject * object, void * context)
+IOService::activityTickle( unsigned long type, unsigned long stateNumber )
-    struct context                              *theContext = (struct context *)context;
-    IOPowerStateChangeNotification              notify;
+	IOPMRequest *   request;
+	bool            noPowerChange = true;
+	uint32_t        tickleFlags;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return true; // no power change
+	}
+	if ((type == kIOPMSuperclassPolicy1) && StateOrder(stateNumber)) {
+		IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
+		// Record device activity for the idle timer handler.
+		fDeviceWasActive = true;
+		fActivityTickleCount++;
+		clock_get_uptime(&fDeviceActiveTimestamp);
+		PM_ACTION_0(actionActivityTickle);
+		// Record the last tickle power state.
+		// This helps to filter out redundant tickles as
+		// this function may be called from the data path.
+		if ((fActivityTicklePowerState == kInvalidTicklePowerState)
+		    || StateOrder(fActivityTicklePowerState) < StateOrder(stateNumber)) {
+			fActivityTicklePowerState = stateNumber;
+			noPowerChange = false;
+			tickleFlags = kTickleTypeActivity | kTickleTypePowerRise;
+			request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle );
+			if (request) {
+				request->fArg0 = (void *)            stateNumber;
+				request->fArg1 = (void *)(uintptr_t) tickleFlags;
+				request->fArg2 = (void *)(uintptr_t) gIOPMTickleGeneration;
+				submitPMRequest(request);
+			}
+		}
+		IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+	} else if ((type == kIOPMActivityTickleTypeAdvisory) &&
+	    ((stateNumber = fDeviceUsablePowerState) != kPowerStateZero)) {
+		IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
+		fAdvisoryTickled = true;
+		if (fAdvisoryTicklePowerState != stateNumber) {
+			fAdvisoryTicklePowerState = stateNumber;
+			noPowerChange = false;
+			tickleFlags = kTickleTypeAdvisory | kTickleTypePowerRise;
+			request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle );
+			if (request) {
+				request->fArg0 = (void *)            stateNumber;
+				request->fArg1 = (void *)(uintptr_t) tickleFlags;
+				request->fArg2 = (void *)(uintptr_t) gIOPMTickleGeneration;
+				submitPMRequest(request);
+			}
+		}
+		IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+	}
-    notify.powerRef	= (void *) 0;
-    notify.returnValue	= 0;
-    notify.stateNumber	= theContext->stateNumber;
-    notify.stateFlags	= theContext->stateFlags;
+	// Returns false if the activityTickle might cause a transition to a
+	// higher powered state, true otherwise.
-    theContext->us->messageClient(theContext->msgType,object, &notify);
+	return noPowerChange;
+// [private] handleActivityTickle
-// **********************************************************************************
-// checkForDone
-// **********************************************************************************
-bool IOService::checkForDone ( void )
+IOService::handleActivityTickle( IOPMRequest * request )
-    int                                         i = 0;
-    OSObject                                    *theFlag;
+	uint32_t ticklePowerState   = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) request->fArg0;
+	uint32_t tickleFlags        = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) request->fArg1;
+	uint32_t tickleGeneration   = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) request->fArg2;
+	bool     adjustPower        = false;
+	if (fResetPowerStateOnWake && (tickleGeneration != gIOPMTickleGeneration)) {
+		// Drivers that don't want power restored on wake will drop any
+		// tickles that pre-dates the current system wake. The model is
+		// that each wake is a fresh start, with power state depressed
+		// until a new tickle or an explicit power up request from the
+		// driver. It is possible for the PM work loop to enter the
+		// system sleep path with tickle requests queued.
+		return;
+	}
-    IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-    if ( pm_vars->responseFlags == NULL ) 
-    {
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-        return true;
-    }
-    for ( i = 0; ; i++ ) 
-    {
-        theFlag = pm_vars->responseFlags->getObject(i);
-        if ( theFlag == NULL ) 
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-        if ( ((OSBoolean *)theFlag)->isFalse() ) 
-        {
-            IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-    return true;
+	if (tickleFlags & kTickleTypeActivity) {
+		IOPMPowerStateIndex deviceDesireOrder = StateOrder(fDeviceDesire);
+		uint32_t idleTimerGeneration = ticklePowerState; // kTickleTypePowerDrop
+		if (tickleFlags & kTickleTypePowerRise) {
+			if ((StateOrder(ticklePowerState) > deviceDesireOrder) &&
+			    (ticklePowerState < fNumberOfPowerStates)) {
+				fIdleTimerMinPowerState = ticklePowerState;
+				updatePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientDevice, ticklePowerState);
+				adjustPower = true;
+			}
+		} else if ((deviceDesireOrder > StateOrder(fIdleTimerMinPowerState)) &&
+		    (idleTimerGeneration == fIdleTimerGeneration)) {
+			// Power drop due to idle timer expiration.
+			// Do not allow idle timer to reduce power below tickle power.
+			// This prevents the idle timer from decreasing the device desire
+			// to zero and cancelling the effect of a pre-sleep tickle when
+			// system wakes up to doze state, while the device is unable to
+			// raise its power state to satisfy the tickle.
+			deviceDesireOrder--;
+			if (deviceDesireOrder < fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+				ticklePowerState = fPowerStates[deviceDesireOrder].stateOrderToIndex;
+				updatePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientDevice, ticklePowerState);
+				adjustPower = true;
+			}
+		}
+	} else { // advisory tickle
+		if (tickleFlags & kTickleTypePowerRise) {
+			if ((ticklePowerState == fDeviceUsablePowerState) &&
+			    (ticklePowerState < fNumberOfPowerStates)) {
+				updatePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientAdvisoryTickle, ticklePowerState);
+				fHasAdvisoryDesire = true;
+				fAdvisoryTickleUsed = true;
+				adjustPower = true;
+			} else {
+				IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
+				fAdvisoryTicklePowerState = kInvalidTicklePowerState;
+				IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+			}
+		} else if (fHasAdvisoryDesire) {
+			removePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientAdvisoryTickle);
+			fHasAdvisoryDesire = false;
+			adjustPower = true;
+		}
+	}
+	if (adjustPower) {
+		adjustPowerState();
+	}
-// **********************************************************************************
-// responseValid
-// **********************************************************************************
-bool IOService::responseValid ( unsigned long x )
-    UInt16 serialComponent;
-    UInt16 ordinalComponent;
-    OSObject * theFlag;
-    unsigned long refcon = (unsigned long)x;
-    OSBoolean * aBool;
-    serialComponent = (refcon>>16) & 0xFFFF;
-    ordinalComponent = refcon & 0xFFFF;
-    if ( serialComponent != pm_vars->serialNumber ) 
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-    if ( pm_vars->responseFlags == NULL ) 
-    {
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-        return false;
-    }
-    theFlag = pm_vars->responseFlags->getObject(ordinalComponent);
-    if ( theFlag == 0 ) 
-    {
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-        return false;
-    }
-    if ( ((OSBoolean *)theFlag)->isFalse() ) 
-    {
-        aBool = OSBoolean::withBoolean(true);
-        pm_vars->responseFlags->replaceObject(ordinalComponent,aBool);
-        aBool->release();
-    }
-    IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-    return true;
-// **********************************************************************************
-// allowPowerChange
-// Our power state is about to lower, and we have notified applications
-// and kernel clients, and one of them has acknowledged.  If this is the last to do
-// so, and all acknowledgements are positive, we continue with the power change.
+// [public] setIdleTimerPeriod
-// We serialize this processing with timer expiration with a command gate on the
-// power management workloop, which the timer expiration is command gated to as well.
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOService::allowPowerChange ( unsigned long refcon )
+// A subclass policy-maker is using our standard idleness detection service.
+// Start the idle timer. Period is in seconds.
+IOService::setIdleTimerPeriod( unsigned long period )
-    if ( ! initialized ) 
-    {
-        // we're unloading
-        return kIOReturnSuccess;
-    }
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogSetIdleTimerPeriod, period, fIdleTimerPeriod);
-    return pm_vars->PMcommandGate->runAction(serializedAllowPowerChange,(void *)refcon);
+	IOPMRequest * request =
+	    acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeSetIdleTimerPeriod );
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
+	request->fArg0 = (void *) period;
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
-IOReturn serializedAllowPowerChange ( OSObject *owner, void * refcon, void *, void *, void *)
+IOService::setIgnoreIdleTimer( bool ignore )
-    return ((IOService *)owner)->serializedAllowPowerChange2((unsigned long)refcon);
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return IOPMNotYetInitialized;
+	}
+	OUR_PMLog(kIOPMRequestTypeIgnoreIdleTimer, ignore, 0);
+	IOPMRequest * request =
+	    acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeIgnoreIdleTimer );
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
+	request->fArg0 = (void *) ignore;
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
-IOReturn IOService::serializedAllowPowerChange2 ( unsigned long refcon )
+// [public] nextIdleTimeout
+// Returns how many "seconds from now" the device should idle into its
+// next lowest power state.
+	AbsoluteTime currentTime,
+	AbsoluteTime lastActivity,
+	unsigned int powerState)
-    // response valid?
-    if ( ! responseValid(refcon) ) 
-    {
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogAcknowledgeErr5,refcon,0);
-        // no, just return
-        return kIOReturnSuccess;
-    }
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogClientAcknowledge,refcon,0);
+	AbsoluteTime        delta;
+	UInt64              delta_ns;
+	SInt32              delta_secs;
+	SInt32              delay_secs;
+	// Calculate time difference using funky macro from clock.h.
+	delta = currentTime;
+	SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&delta, &lastActivity);
+	// Figure it in seconds.
+	absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(delta, &delta_ns);
+	delta_secs = (SInt32)(delta_ns / NSEC_PER_SEC);
+	// Be paranoid about delta somehow exceeding timer period.
+	if (delta_secs < (int) fIdleTimerPeriod) {
+		delay_secs = (int) fIdleTimerPeriod - delta_secs;
+	} else {
+		delay_secs = (int) fIdleTimerPeriod;
+	}
-    return allowCancelCommon();
+	return (SInt32)delay_secs;
+// [public] start_PM_idle_timer
-// **********************************************************************************
-// cancelPowerChange
-// Our power state is about to lower, and we have notified applications
-// and kernel clients, and one of them has vetoed the change.  If this is the last
-// client to respond, we abandon the power change.
-// We serialize this processing with timer expiration with a command gate on the
-// power management workloop, which the timer expiration is command gated to as well.
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOService::cancelPowerChange ( unsigned long refcon )
-    if ( ! initialized ) 
-    {
-        // we're unloading
-        return kIOReturnSuccess;
-    }
-    return pm_vars->PMcommandGate->runAction(serializedCancelPowerChange,(void *)refcon);
-IOReturn serializedCancelPowerChange ( OSObject *owner, void * refcon, void *, void *, void *)
-    return ((IOService *)owner)->serializedCancelPowerChange2((unsigned long)refcon);
-IOReturn IOService::serializedCancelPowerChange2 ( unsigned long refcon )
-    // response valid?
-    if ( ! responseValid(refcon) ) 
-    {
-        pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogAcknowledgeErr5,refcon,0);
-        // no, just return
-        return kIOReturnSuccess;
-    }
-    pm_vars->thePlatform->PMLog(pm_vars->ourName,PMlogClientCancel,refcon,0);
-    pm_vars->doNotPowerDown = true;
-    return allowCancelCommon();
-// **********************************************************************************
-// allowCancelCommon
-// **********************************************************************************
-IOReturn IOService::allowCancelCommon ( void )
-    if (! acquire_lock() ) 
-    {
-        return kIOReturnSuccess;
-    }
-    // is this the last response?
-    if ( checkForDone() ) 
-    {
-        // yes, stop the timer
-        stop_ack_timer();
-        IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-        IOLockLock(priv->flags_lock);
-        if ( pm_vars->responseFlags ) 
-        {
-            pm_vars->responseFlags->release();
-            pm_vars->responseFlags = NULL;
-        }
-        IOLockUnlock(priv->flags_lock);
-        switch (priv->machine_state) {
-            case kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown:
-                // our change, was it vetoed?
-                if ( ! pm_vars->doNotPowerDown ) 
-                {
-                    // no, we can continue
-                    OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown();
-                } else {
-                    // yes, rescind the warning
-                    tellNoChangeDown(priv->head_note_state);
-                    // mark the change note un-actioned
-                    priv->head_note_flags |= IOPMNotDone;
-                    // and we're done
-                    all_done();
-                }
-                break;
-            case kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
-                OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown();  
-                break;
-            case kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange:
-                // our change, continue
-                OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
-                break;
-            case kIOPM_ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Immediate:
-                // parent change, continue
-                ParentDownTellPriorityClientsPowerDown_Delayed();
-                break;
-            case kIOPM_ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Delayed:
-                // parent change, continue
-                ParentDownNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange_Delayed();
-                break;
-        }
-    } else {
-        // not done yet
-        IOUnlock(priv->our_lock);
-    }
-    return kIOReturnSuccess;
+IOService::start_PM_idle_timer( void )
+	static const int    maxTimeout = 100000;
+	static const int    minTimeout = 1;
+	AbsoluteTime        uptime, deadline;
+	SInt32              idle_in = 0;
+	boolean_t           pending;
+	if (!initialized || !fIdleTimerPeriod) {
+		return;
+	}
+	IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
+	clock_get_uptime(&uptime);
+	// Subclasses may modify idle sleep algorithm
+	idle_in = nextIdleTimeout(uptime, fDeviceActiveTimestamp, fCurrentPowerState);
+	// Check for out-of range responses
+	if (idle_in > maxTimeout) {
+		// use standard implementation
+		idle_in = IOService::nextIdleTimeout(uptime,
+		    fDeviceActiveTimestamp,
+		    fCurrentPowerState);
+	} else if (idle_in < minTimeout) {
+		idle_in = fIdleTimerPeriod;
+	}
+	IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+	fNextIdleTimerPeriod = idle_in;
+	fIdleTimerStartTime = uptime;
+	retain();
+	clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(idle_in, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+	ADD_ABSOLUTETIME(&deadline, &uptime);
+	pending = thread_call_enter_delayed(fIdleTimer, deadline);
+	if (pending) {
+		release();
+	}
-#if 0
-// c_PM_clamp_Timer_Expired (C Func)
-// Called when our clamp timer expires...we will call the object method.
+// [private] restartIdleTimer
-static void c_PM_Clamp_Timer_Expired (OSObject * client, IOTimerEventSource *)
+IOService::restartIdleTimer( void )
-    if (client)
-        ((IOService *)client)->PM_Clamp_Timer_Expired ();
+	if (fDeviceDesire != kPowerStateZero) {
+		fIdleTimerStopped = false;
+		fActivityTickleCount = 0;
+		start_PM_idle_timer();
+	} else if (fHasAdvisoryDesire) {
+		fIdleTimerStopped = false;
+		start_PM_idle_timer();
+	} else {
+		fIdleTimerStopped = true;
+	}
-// PM_Clamp_Timer_Expired
-// called when clamp timer expires...set power state to 0.
+// idle_timer_expired
-void IOService::PM_Clamp_Timer_Expired (void)
+static void
+	thread_call_param_t arg0, thread_call_param_t arg1 )
-#if 0
-    if ( ! initialized ) 
-    {
-        // we're unloading
-        return;
-    }
+	IOService * me = (IOService *) arg0;
-  changePowerStateToPriv (0);
+	if (gIOPMWorkLoop) {
+		gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+			OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, me,
+			&IOService::idleTimerExpired),
+			me);
+	}
+	me->release();
-// clampPowerOn
+// [private] idleTimerExpired
-// Set to highest available power state for a minimum of duration milliseconds
-#define kFiveMinutesInNanoSeconds (300 * NSEC_PER_SEC)
+// The idle timer has expired. If there has been activity since the last
+// expiration, just restart the timer and return.  If there has not been
+// activity, switch to the next lower power state and restart the timer.
-void IOService::clampPowerOn (unsigned long duration)
+IOService::idleTimerExpired( void )
-#if 0
-  changePowerStateToPriv (pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates-1);
+	IOPMRequest *   request;
+	bool            restartTimer = true;
+	uint32_t        tickleFlags;
-  if (  priv->clampTimerEventSrc == NULL ) {
-    priv->clampTimerEventSrc = IOTimerEventSource::timerEventSource(this,
-                                                    c_PM_Clamp_Timer_Expired);
+	if (!initialized || !fIdleTimerPeriod || fIdleTimerStopped ||
+	    fLockedFlags.PMStop) {
+		return;
+	}
-    IOWorkLoop * workLoop = getPMworkloop ();
+	fIdleTimerStartTime = 0;
-    if ( !priv->clampTimerEventSrc || !workLoop ||
-       ( workLoop->addEventSource(  priv->clampTimerEventSrc) != kIOReturnSuccess) ) {
+	IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
-    }
-  }
+	// Check for device activity (tickles) over last timer period.
-   priv->clampTimerEventSrc->setTimeout(300*USEC_PER_SEC, USEC_PER_SEC);
+	if (fDeviceWasActive) {
+		// Device was active - do not drop power, restart timer.
+		fDeviceWasActive = false;
+	} else if (!fIdleTimerIgnored) {
+		// No device activity - drop power state by one level.
+		// Decrement the cached tickle power state when possible.
+		// This value may be kInvalidTicklePowerState before activityTickle()
+		// is called, but the power drop request must be issued regardless.
+		if ((fActivityTicklePowerState != kInvalidTicklePowerState) &&
+		    (fActivityTicklePowerState != kPowerStateZero)) {
+			fActivityTicklePowerState--;
+		}
+		tickleFlags = kTickleTypeActivity | kTickleTypePowerDrop;
+		request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle );
+		if (request) {
+			request->fArg0 = (void *)(uintptr_t) fIdleTimerGeneration;
+			request->fArg1 = (void *)(uintptr_t) tickleFlags;
+			request->fArg2 = (void *)(uintptr_t) gIOPMTickleGeneration;
+			submitPMRequest( request );
+			// Do not restart timer until after the tickle request has been
+			// processed.
+			restartTimer = false;
+		}
+	}
+	if (fAdvisoryTickled) {
+		fAdvisoryTickled = false;
+	} else if (fHasAdvisoryDesire) {
+		// Want new tickles to turn into pm request after we drop the lock
+		fAdvisoryTicklePowerState = kInvalidTicklePowerState;
+		tickleFlags = kTickleTypeAdvisory | kTickleTypePowerDrop;
+		request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle );
+		if (request) {
+			request->fArg0 = (void *)(uintptr_t) fIdleTimerGeneration;
+			request->fArg1 = (void *)(uintptr_t) tickleFlags;
+			request->fArg2 = (void *)(uintptr_t) gIOPMTickleGeneration;
+			submitPMRequest( request );
+			// Do not restart timer until after the tickle request has been
+			// processed.
+			restartTimer = false;
+		}
+	}
+	IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+	if (restartTimer) {
+		start_PM_idle_timer();
+	}
+#ifndef __LP64__
-// setPowerState
-// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+// [deprecated] PM_idle_timer_expiration
-IOReturn IOService::setPowerState ( unsigned long powerStateOrdinal, IOService* whatDevice )
+IOService::PM_idle_timer_expiration( void )
-    return IOPMNoErr;
-// maxCapabilityForDomainState
-// Finds the highest power state in the array whose input power
-// requirement is equal to the input parameter.  Where a more intelligent
-// decision is possible, override this in the subclassed driver.
+// [deprecated] command_received
-unsigned long IOService::maxCapabilityForDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
+IOService::command_received( void *statePtr, void *, void *, void * )
-   int i;
-   if (pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates == 0 ) 
-   {
-       return 0;
-   }
-   for ( i = (pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates)-1; i >= 0; i-- ) 
-   {
-       if (  (domainState & pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].inputPowerRequirement) == pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].inputPowerRequirement ) 
-       {
-           return i;
-       }
-   }
-   return 0;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
-// initialPowerStateForDomainState
+// [public] setAggressiveness
-// Finds the highest power state in the array whose input power
-// requirement is equal to the input parameter.  Where a more intelligent
-// decision is possible, override this in the subclassed driver.
+// Pass on the input parameters to all power domain children. All those which are
+// power domains will pass it on to their children, etc.
-unsigned long IOService::initialPowerStateForDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
+IOService::setAggressiveness( unsigned long type, unsigned long newLevel )
-    int i;
-    if (pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates == 0 ) 
-    {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    for ( i = (pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates)-1; i >= 0; i-- ) 
-    {
-        if (  (domainState & pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].inputPowerRequirement) == pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].inputPowerRequirement ) 
-        {
-            return i;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
-// powerStateForDomainState
+// [public] getAggressiveness
-// Finds the highest power state in the array whose input power
-// requirement is equal to the input parameter.  Where a more intelligent
-// decision is possible, override this in the subclassed driver.
+// Called by the user client.
-unsigned long IOService::powerStateForDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
+IOService::getAggressiveness( unsigned long type, unsigned long * currentLevel )
-    int i;
+	IOPMrootDomain *    rootDomain = getPMRootDomain();
-    if (pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates == 0 ) 
-    {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    for ( i = (pm_vars->theNumberOfPowerStates)-1; i >= 0; i-- ) 
-    {
-        if (  (domainState & pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].inputPowerRequirement) == pm_vars->thePowerStates[i].inputPowerRequirement ) 
-        {
-            return i;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
+	if (!rootDomain) {
+		return kIOReturnNotReady;
+	}
+	return rootDomain->getAggressiveness( type, currentLevel );
-// didYouWakeSystem
+// [public] getPowerState
-// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
-bool IOService::didYouWakeSystem  ( void )
+IOService::getPowerState( void )
-    return false;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return kPowerStateZero;
+	}
+	return fCurrentPowerState;
+#ifndef __LP64__
-// powerStateWillChangeTo
+// [deprecated] systemWake
-// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+// Pass this to all power domain children. All those which are
+// power domains will pass it on to their children, etc.
-IOReturn IOService::powerStateWillChangeTo ( IOPMPowerFlags, unsigned long, IOService*)
+IOService::systemWake( void )
-    return 0;
+	OSIterator *        iter;
+	OSObject *          next;
+	IOPowerConnection * connection;
+	IOService *         theChild;
+	iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (iter) {
+		while ((next = iter->getNextObject())) {
+			if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, next))) {
+				if (connection->getReadyFlag() == false) {
+					PM_LOG3("[%s] %s: connection not ready\n",
+					    getName(), __FUNCTION__);
+					continue;
+				}
+				theChild = (IOService *)connection->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+				if (theChild) {
+					theChild->systemWake();
+					theChild->release();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		iter->release();
+	}
+	if (fControllingDriver != NULL) {
+		if (fControllingDriver->didYouWakeSystem()) {
+			makeUsable();
+		}
+	}
+	return IOPMNoErr;
-// powerStateDidChangeTo
-// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+// [deprecated] temperatureCriticalForZone
-IOReturn IOService::powerStateDidChangeTo ( IOPMPowerFlags, unsigned long, IOService*)
+IOService::temperatureCriticalForZone( IOService * whichZone )
-    return 0;
+	IOService * theParent;
+	IOService * theNub;
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogCriticalTemp, 0, 0);
+	if (inPlane(gIOPowerPlane) && !IS_PM_ROOT) {
+		theNub = (IOService *)copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+		if (theNub) {
+			theParent = (IOService *)theNub->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+			theNub->release();
+			if (theParent) {
+				theParent->temperatureCriticalForZone(whichZone);
+				theParent->release();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return IOPMNoErr;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Power Change (Common)
-// powerChangeDone
+// [private] startPowerChange
-// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass policy-maker.
+// All power state changes starts here.
-void IOService::powerChangeDone ( unsigned long )
+	IOPMPowerChangeFlags    changeFlags,
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex     powerState,
+	IOPMPowerFlags          domainFlags,
+	IOPowerConnection *     parentConnection,
+	IOPMPowerFlags          parentFlags )
+	uint32_t savedPMActionsParam;
+	assert( fMachineState == kIOPM_Finished );
+	assert( powerState < fNumberOfPowerStates );
+	if (powerState >= fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		return IOPMAckImplied;
+	}
+	fIsPreChange = true;
+	savedPMActionsParam = fPMActions.parameter;
+	PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeOverride, &powerState, &changeFlags);
+	// rdar://problem/55040032
+	// Schedule a power adjustment after removing the power clamp
+	// to inform our power parent(s) about our latest desired domain
+	// power state. For a self-initiated change, let OurChangeStart()
+	// automatically request parent power when necessary.
+	if (!fAdjustPowerScheduled &&
+	    ((changeFlags & kIOPMSelfInitiated) == 0) &&
+	    ((fPMActions.parameter & kPMActionsFlagLimitPower) == 0) &&
+	    ((savedPMActionsParam  & kPMActionsFlagLimitPower) != 0)) {
+		IOPMRequest * request = acquirePMRequest(this, kIOPMRequestTypeAdjustPowerState);
+		if (request) {
+			submitPMRequest(request);
+			fAdjustPowerScheduled = true;
+		}
+	}
+	if (changeFlags & kIOPMExpireIdleTimer) {
+		// Root domain requested removal of tickle influence
+		if (StateOrder(fDeviceDesire) > StateOrder(powerState)) {
+			// Reset device desire down to the clamped power state
+			updatePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientDevice, powerState);
+			computeDesiredState(kPowerStateZero, true);
+			// Invalidate tickle cache so the next tickle will issue a request
+			IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
+			fDeviceWasActive = false;
+			fActivityTicklePowerState = kInvalidTicklePowerState;
+			IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+			fIdleTimerMinPowerState = kPowerStateZero;
+		}
+	}
+	// Root domain's override handler may cancel the power change by
+	// setting the kIOPMNotDone flag.
+	if (changeFlags & kIOPMNotDone) {
+		return IOPMAckImplied;
+	}
+	// Forks to either Driver or Parent initiated power change paths.
+	fHeadNoteChangeFlags      = changeFlags;
+	fHeadNotePowerState       = powerState;
+	fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry  = &fPowerStates[powerState];
+	fHeadNoteParentConnection = NULL;
+	if (changeFlags & kIOPMSelfInitiated) {
+		if (changeFlags & kIOPMSynchronize) {
+			OurSyncStart();
+		} else {
+			OurChangeStart();
+		}
+		return 0;
+	} else {
+		assert(changeFlags & kIOPMParentInitiated);
+		fHeadNoteDomainFlags = domainFlags;
+		fHeadNoteParentFlags = parentFlags;
+		fHeadNoteParentConnection = parentConnection;
+		return ParentChangeStart();
+	}
-// newTemperature
-// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+// [private] notifyInterestedDrivers
-IOReturn IOService::newTemperature ( long currentTemp, IOService * whichZone )
+IOService::notifyInterestedDrivers( void )
-    return IOPMNoErr;
+	IOPMinformee *      informee;
+	IOPMinformeeList *  list = fInterestedDrivers;
+	DriverCallParam *   param;
+	IOItemCount         count;
+	IOItemCount         skipCnt = 0;
+	assert( fDriverCallParamCount == 0 );
+	assert( fHeadNotePendingAcks == 0 );
-#undef super
-#define super OSObject
+	fHeadNotePendingAcks = 0;
+	count = list->numberOfItems();
+	if (!count) {
+		goto done; // no interested drivers
+	}
+	// Allocate an array of interested drivers and their return values
+	// for the callout thread. Everything else is still "owned" by the
+	// PM work loop, which can run to process acknowledgePowerChange()
+	// responses.
+	param = (DriverCallParam *) fDriverCallParamPtr;
+	if (count > fDriverCallParamSlots) {
+		if (fDriverCallParamSlots) {
+			assert(fDriverCallParamPtr);
+			IODelete(fDriverCallParamPtr, DriverCallParam, fDriverCallParamSlots);
+			fDriverCallParamPtr = NULL;
+			fDriverCallParamSlots = 0;
+		}
+		param = IONew(DriverCallParam, count);
+		if (!param) {
+			goto done; // no memory
+		}
+		fDriverCallParamPtr   = (void *) param;
+		fDriverCallParamSlots = count;
+	}
+	informee = list->firstInList();
+	assert(informee);
+	for (IOItemCount i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+		if (fInitialSetPowerState || (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMInitialPowerChange)) {
+			// Skip notifying self, if 'kIOPMInitialDeviceState' is set and
+			// this is the initial power state change
+			if ((this == informee->whatObject) &&
+			    (fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags & kIOPMInitialDeviceState)) {
+				skipCnt++;
+				continue;
+			}
+		}
+		informee->timer = -1;
+		param[i].Target = informee;
+		informee->retain();
+		informee = list->nextInList( informee );
+	}
+	count -= skipCnt;
+	if (!count) {
+		goto done;
+	}
+	fDriverCallParamCount = count;
+	fHeadNotePendingAcks  = count;
+	// Block state machine and wait for callout completion.
+	assert(!fDriverCallBusy);
+	fDriverCallBusy = true;
+	thread_call_enter( fDriverCallEntry );
+	return true;
+	// Return false if there are no interested drivers or could not schedule
+	// callout thread due to error.
+	return false;
-OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOPMprot, OSObject)
-// serialize
-// Serialize protected instance variables for debug output.
+// [private] notifyInterestedDriversDone
-bool IOPMprot::serialize(OSSerialize *s) const
+IOService::notifyInterestedDriversDone( void )
-    OSString * theOSString;
-    char * buffer;
-    char * ptr;
-    int     buf_size;
-    int i;
-    bool	rtn_code;
+	IOPMinformee *      informee;
+	IOItemCount         count;
+	DriverCallParam *   param;
+	IOReturn            result;
+	int                 maxTimeout = 0;
+	assert( fDriverCallBusy == false );
+	assert( fMachineState == kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone );
+	param = (DriverCallParam *) fDriverCallParamPtr;
+	count = fDriverCallParamCount;
+	if (param && count) {
+		for (IOItemCount i = 0; i < count; i++, param++) {
+			informee = (IOPMinformee *) param->Target;
+			result   = param->Result;
+			if ((result == IOPMAckImplied) || (result < 0)) {
+				// Interested driver return IOPMAckImplied.
+				// If informee timer is zero, it must have de-registered
+				// interest during the thread callout. That also drops
+				// the pending ack count.
+				if (fHeadNotePendingAcks && informee->timer) {
+					fHeadNotePendingAcks--;
+				}
+				informee->timer = 0;
+			} else if (informee->timer) {
+				assert(informee->timer == -1);
+				// Driver has not acked, and has returned a positive result.
+				// Enforce a minimum permissible timeout value.
+				// Make the min value large enough so timeout is less likely
+				// to occur if a driver misinterpreted that the return value
+				// should be in microsecond units.  And make it large enough
+				// to be noticeable if a driver neglects to ack.
+				if (result < kMinAckTimeoutTicks) {
+					result = kMinAckTimeoutTicks;
+				}
+				informee->timer = (result / (ACK_TIMER_PERIOD / ns_per_us)) + 1;
+				if (result > maxTimeout) {
+					maxTimeout = result;
+				}
+			}
+			// else, child has already acked or driver has removed interest,
+			// and head_note_pendingAcks decremented.
+			// informee may have been removed from the interested drivers list,
+			// thus the informee must be retained across the callout.
+			informee->release();
+		}
+		fDriverCallParamCount = 0;
+		if (fHeadNotePendingAcks) {
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogStartAckTimer, 0, 0);
+			start_ack_timer();
+			getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, maxTimeout / USEC_PER_SEC + 1);
+		}
+	}
-    // estimate how many bytes we need to present all power states
-    buf_size = 150      // beginning and end of string
-                + (275 * (int)theNumberOfPowerStates) // size per state
-                + 100;   // extra room just for kicks
+	MS_POP(); // pop the machine state passed to notifyAll()
-    buffer = ptr = IONew(char, buf_size);
-    if(!buffer)
-        return false;
+	// If interest acks are outstanding, block the state machine until
+	// fHeadNotePendingAcks drops to zero before notifying root domain.
+	// Otherwise notify root domain directly.
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,"{ theNumberOfPowerStates = %d, ",(unsigned int)theNumberOfPowerStates);
+	if (!fHeadNotePendingAcks) {
+		notifyRootDomain();
+	} else {
+		MS_PUSH(fMachineState);
+		fMachineState = kIOPM_NotifyChildrenStart;
+	}
-    if ( theNumberOfPowerStates != 0 ) {
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"version %d, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[0].version);
-    }
+// [private] notifyRootDomain
-    if ( theNumberOfPowerStates != 0 ) {
-        for ( i = 0; i < (int)theNumberOfPowerStates; i++ ) {
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr, "power state %d = { ",i);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"capabilityFlags %08x, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].capabilityFlags);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"outputPowerCharacter %08x, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].outputPowerCharacter);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"inputPowerRequirement %08x, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].inputPowerRequirement);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"staticPower %d, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].staticPower);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"unbudgetedPower %d, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].unbudgetedPower);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"powerToAttain %d, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].powerToAttain);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"timeToAttain %d, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].timeToAttain);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"settleUpTime %d, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].settleUpTime);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"timeToLower %d, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].timeToLower);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"settleDownTime %d, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].settleDownTime);
-            ptr += sprintf(ptr,"powerDomainBudget %d }, ",(unsigned int)thePowerStates[i].powerDomainBudget);
-        }
-    }
+IOService::notifyRootDomain( void )
+	assert( fDriverCallBusy == false );
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,"aggressiveness = %d, ",(unsigned int)aggressiveness);
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,"myCurrentState = %d, ",(unsigned int)myCurrentState);
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,"parentsCurrentPowerFlags = %08x, ",(unsigned int)parentsCurrentPowerFlags);
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,"maxCapability = %d }",(unsigned int)maxCapability);
+	// Only for root domain in the will-change phase
+	if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN || (fMachineState != kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState)) {
+		notifyChildren();
+		return;
+	}
-    theOSString = OSString::withCString(buffer);
-    rtn_code = theOSString->serialize(s);
-    theOSString->release();
-    IODelete(buffer, char, buf_size);
+	MS_PUSH(fMachineState); // push notifyAll() machine state
+	fMachineState = kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone;
-    return rtn_code;
+	// Call IOPMrootDomain::willNotifyPowerChildren() on a thread call
+	// to avoid a deadlock.
+	fDriverCallReason = kRootDomainInformPreChange;
+	fDriverCallBusy   = true;
+	thread_call_enter( fDriverCallEntry );
+IOService::notifyRootDomainDone( void )
+	assert( fDriverCallBusy == false );
+	assert( fMachineState == kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone );
-#undef super
-#define super OSObject
+	MS_POP(); // pop notifyAll() machine state
+	notifyChildren();
+// [private] notifyChildren
+IOService::notifyChildren( void )
+	OSIterator *        iter;
+	OSObject *          next;
+	IOPowerConnection * connection;
+	OSArray *           children = NULL;
+	IOPMrootDomain *    rootDomain;
+	bool                delayNotify = false;
+	if ((fHeadNotePowerState != fCurrentPowerState) &&
+	    (IS_POWER_DROP == fIsPreChange) &&
+	    ((rootDomain = getPMRootDomain()) == this)) {
+		rootDomain->tracePoint( IS_POWER_DROP ?
+		    kIOPMTracePointSleepPowerPlaneDrivers :
+		    kIOPMTracePointWakePowerPlaneDrivers  );
+	}
+	if (fStrictTreeOrder) {
+		children = OSArray::withCapacity(8);
+	}
+	// Sum child power consumption in notifyChild()
+	fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower = 0;
+	iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (iter) {
+		while ((next = iter->getNextObject())) {
+			if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, next))) {
+				if (connection->getReadyFlag() == false) {
+					PM_LOG3("[%s] %s: connection not ready\n",
+					    getName(), __FUNCTION__);
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Mechanism to postpone the did-change notification to
+				// certain power children to order those children last.
+				// Cannot be used together with strict tree ordering.
+				if (!fIsPreChange &&
+				    connection->delayChildNotification &&
+				    getPMRootDomain()->shouldDelayChildNotification(this)) {
+					if (!children) {
+						children = OSArray::withCapacity(8);
+						if (children) {
+							delayNotify = true;
+						}
+					}
+					if (delayNotify) {
+						children->setObject( connection );
+						continue;
+					}
+				}
+				if (!delayNotify && children) {
+					children->setObject( connection );
+				} else {
+					notifyChild( connection );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		iter->release();
+	}
+	if (children && (children->getCount() == 0)) {
+		children->release();
+		children = NULL;
+	}
+	if (children) {
+		assert(fNotifyChildArray == NULL);
+		fNotifyChildArray = children;
+		MS_PUSH(fMachineState);
+		if (delayNotify) {
+			// Block until all non-delayed children have acked their
+			// notification. Then notify the remaining delayed child
+			// in the array. This is used to hold off graphics child
+			// notification while the rest of the system powers up.
+			// If a hid tickle arrives during this time, the delayed
+			// children are immediately notified and root domain will
+			// not clamp power for dark wake.
+			fMachineState = kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed;
+			PM_LOG2("%s: %d children in delayed array\n",
+			    getName(), children->getCount());
+		} else {
+			// Child array created to support strict notification order.
+			// Notify children in the array one at a time.
+			fMachineState = kIOPM_NotifyChildrenOrdered;
+		}
+	}
+// [private] notifyChildrenOrdered
+IOService::notifyChildrenOrdered( void )
+	assert(fNotifyChildArray);
+	assert(fMachineState == kIOPM_NotifyChildrenOrdered);
+	// Notify one child, wait for it to ack, then repeat for next child.
+	// This is a workaround for some drivers with multiple instances at
+	// the same branch in the power tree, but the driver is slow to power
+	// up unless the tree ordering is observed. Problem observed only on
+	// system wake, not on system sleep.
+	//
+	// We have the ability to power off in reverse child index order.
+	// That works nicely on some machines, but not on all HW configs.
+	if (fNotifyChildArray->getCount()) {
+		IOPowerConnection * connection;
+		connection = (IOPowerConnection *) fNotifyChildArray->getObject(0);
+		notifyChild( connection );
+		fNotifyChildArray->removeObject(0);
+	} else {
+		fNotifyChildArray->release();
+		fNotifyChildArray = NULL;
+		MS_POP(); // pushed by notifyChildren()
+	}
+// [private] notifyChildrenDelayed
+IOService::notifyChildrenDelayed( void )
+	IOPowerConnection * connection;
+	assert(fNotifyChildArray);
+	assert(fMachineState == kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed);
+	// Wait after all non-delayed children and interested drivers have ack'ed,
+	// then notify all delayed children. If notify delay is canceled, child
+	// acks may be outstanding with PM blocked on fHeadNotePendingAcks != 0.
+	// But the handling for either case is identical.
+	for (int i = 0;; i++) {
+		connection = (IOPowerConnection *) fNotifyChildArray->getObject(i);
+		if (!connection) {
+			break;
+		}
+		notifyChild( connection );
+	}
+	PM_LOG2("%s: notified delayed children\n", getName());
+	fNotifyChildArray->release();
+	fNotifyChildArray = NULL;
+	MS_POP(); // pushed by notifyChildren()
+// [private] notifyAll
+IOService::notifyAll( uint32_t nextMS )
+	// Save the machine state to be restored by notifyInterestedDriversDone()
+	MS_PUSH(nextMS);
+	fMachineState     = kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone;
+	fDriverCallReason = fIsPreChange ?
+	    kDriverCallInformPreChange : kDriverCallInformPostChange;
+	if (!notifyInterestedDrivers()) {
+		notifyInterestedDriversDone();
+	}
+	return IOPMWillAckLater;
+// [private, static] pmDriverCallout
+// Thread call context
+	OSObject * target,
+	void * arg0, void * arg1,
+	void * arg2, void * arg3 )
+	IOServicePM * pwrMgt = (IOServicePM *) arg0;
+	assert( fDriverCallBusy );
+	fDriverCallBusy = false;
+	assert(gIOPMWorkQueue);
+	gIOPMWorkQueue->signalWorkAvailable();
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
+IOService::pmDriverCallout( IOService * from )
+	assert(from);
+	switch (from->fDriverCallReason) {
+	case kDriverCallSetPowerState:
+		from->driverSetPowerState();
+		break;
+	case kDriverCallInformPreChange:
+	case kDriverCallInformPostChange:
+		from->driverInformPowerChange();
+		break;
+	case kRootDomainInformPreChange:
+		getPMRootDomain()->willNotifyPowerChildren(from->fHeadNotePowerState);
+		break;
+	default:
+		panic("IOService::pmDriverCallout bad machine state %x",
+		    from->fDriverCallReason);
+	}
+	gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(actionDriverCalloutDone,
+	    /* target */ from,
+	    /* arg0   */ (void *) from->pwrMgt );
+// [private] driverSetPowerState
+// Thread call context
+IOService::driverSetPowerState( void )
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState;
+	DriverCallParam *   param;
+	IOPMDriverCallEntry callEntry;
+	AbsoluteTime        end;
+	IOReturn            result;
+	uint32_t            oldPowerState = getPowerState();
+	assert( fDriverCallBusy );
+	assert( fDriverCallParamPtr );
+	assert( fDriverCallParamCount == 1 );
+	param = (DriverCallParam *) fDriverCallParamPtr;
+	powerState = fHeadNotePowerState;
+	if (assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry, kIOPMDriverCallMethodSetPowerState)) {
+		OUR_PMLogFuncStart(kPMLogProgramHardware, (uintptr_t) this, powerState);
+		clock_get_uptime(&fDriverCallStartTime);
+		result = fControllingDriver->setPowerState( powerState, this );
+		clock_get_uptime(&end);
+		OUR_PMLogFuncEnd(kPMLogProgramHardware, (uintptr_t) this, (UInt32) result);
+		deassertPMDriverCall(&callEntry);
+		// Record the most recent max power state residency timings.
+		// Use with DeviceActiveTimestamp to diagnose tickle issues.
+		if (powerState == fHighestPowerState) {
+			fMaxPowerStateEntryTime = end;
+		} else if (oldPowerState == fHighestPowerState) {
+			fMaxPowerStateExitTime = end;
+		}
+		if (result < 0) {
+			PM_LOG("%s::setPowerState(%p, %lu -> %lu) returned 0x%x\n",
+			    fName, OBFUSCATE(this), fCurrentPowerState, powerState, result);
+		}
+		if ((result == IOPMAckImplied) || (result < 0)) {
+			uint64_t    nsec;
+			SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&end, &fDriverCallStartTime);
+			absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(end, &nsec);
+			if (nsec > LOG_SETPOWER_TIMES) {
+				getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+					gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow,
+					fName, kDriverCallSetPowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec), getRegistryEntryID(),
+					NULL, powerState);
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		result = kIOPMAckImplied;
+	}
+	param->Result = result;
+// [private] driverInformPowerChange
+// Thread call context
+IOService::driverInformPowerChange( void )
+	IOPMinformee *      informee;
+	IOService *         driver;
+	DriverCallParam *   param;
+	IOPMDriverCallEntry callEntry;
+	IOPMPowerFlags      powerFlags;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState;
+	AbsoluteTime        end;
+	IOReturn            result;
+	IOItemCount         count;
+	IOOptionBits        callMethod = (fDriverCallReason == kDriverCallInformPreChange) ?
+	    kIOPMDriverCallMethodWillChange : kIOPMDriverCallMethodDidChange;
+	assert( fDriverCallBusy );
+	assert( fDriverCallParamPtr );
+	assert( fDriverCallParamCount );
+	param = (DriverCallParam *) fDriverCallParamPtr;
+	count = fDriverCallParamCount;
+	powerFlags = fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags;
+	powerState = fHeadNotePowerState;
+	for (IOItemCount i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+		informee = (IOPMinformee *) param->Target;
+		driver   = informee->whatObject;
+		if (assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry, callMethod, informee)) {
+			if (fDriverCallReason == kDriverCallInformPreChange) {
+				OUR_PMLogFuncStart(kPMLogInformDriverPreChange, (uintptr_t) this, powerState);
+				clock_get_uptime(&informee->startTime);
+				result = driver->powerStateWillChangeTo(powerFlags, powerState, this);
+				clock_get_uptime(&end);
+				OUR_PMLogFuncEnd(kPMLogInformDriverPreChange, (uintptr_t) this, result);
+			} else {
+				OUR_PMLogFuncStart(kPMLogInformDriverPostChange, (uintptr_t) this, powerState);
+				clock_get_uptime(&informee->startTime);
+				result = driver->powerStateDidChangeTo(powerFlags, powerState, this);
+				clock_get_uptime(&end);
+				OUR_PMLogFuncEnd(kPMLogInformDriverPostChange, (uintptr_t) this, result);
+			}
+			deassertPMDriverCall(&callEntry);
+			if ((result == IOPMAckImplied) || (result < 0)) {
+				uint64_t nsec;
+				SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&end, &informee->startTime);
+				absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(end, &nsec);
+				if (nsec > LOG_SETPOWER_TIMES) {
+					getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+						gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow, driver->getName(),
+						fDriverCallReason, NS_TO_MS(nsec), driver->getRegistryEntryID(),
+						NULL, powerState);
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			result = kIOPMAckImplied;
+		}
+		param->Result = result;
+		param++;
+	}
+// [private] notifyChild
+// Notify a power domain child of an upcoming power change.
+// If the object acknowledges the current change, we return TRUE.
+IOService::notifyChild( IOPowerConnection * theNub )
+	IOReturn                ret = IOPMAckImplied;
+	unsigned long           childPower;
+	IOService *             theChild;
+	IOPMRequest *           childRequest;
+	IOPMPowerChangeFlags    requestArg2;
+	int                     requestType;
+	theChild = (IOService *)(theNub->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane));
+	if (!theChild) {
+		return true;
+	}
+	// Unless the child handles the notification immediately and returns
+	// kIOPMAckImplied, we'll be awaiting their acknowledgement later.
+	fHeadNotePendingAcks++;
+	theNub->setAwaitingAck(true);
+	requestArg2 = fHeadNoteChangeFlags;
+	if (StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState) < StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState)) {
+		requestArg2 |= kIOPMDomainPowerDrop;
+	}
+	requestType = fIsPreChange ?
+	    kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainWillChange :
+	    kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainDidChange;
+	childRequest = acquirePMRequest( theChild, requestType );
+	if (childRequest) {
+		theNub->retain();
+		childRequest->fArg0 = (void *) fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->outputPowerFlags;
+		childRequest->fArg1 = (void *) theNub;
+		childRequest->fArg2 = (void *)(uintptr_t) requestArg2;
+		theChild->submitPMRequest( childRequest );
+		ret = IOPMWillAckLater;
+	} else {
+		ret = IOPMAckImplied;
+		fHeadNotePendingAcks--;
+		theNub->setAwaitingAck(false);
+		childPower = theChild->currentPowerConsumption();
+		if (childPower == kIOPMUnknown) {
+			fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower = kIOPMUnknown;
+		} else {
+			if (fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower != kIOPMUnknown) {
+				fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower += childPower;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	theChild->release();
+	return IOPMAckImplied == ret;
+// [private] notifyControllingDriver
+IOService::notifyControllingDriver( void )
+	DriverCallParam *   param;
+	assert( fDriverCallParamCount == 0  );
+	assert( fControllingDriver );
+	if (fInitialSetPowerState) {
+		fInitialSetPowerState = false;
+		fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMInitialPowerChange;
+		// Driver specified flag to skip the inital setPowerState()
+		if (fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags & kIOPMInitialDeviceState) {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	param = (DriverCallParam *) fDriverCallParamPtr;
+	if (!param) {
+		param = IONew(DriverCallParam, 1);
+		if (!param) {
+			return false; // no memory
+		}
+		fDriverCallParamPtr   = (void *) param;
+		fDriverCallParamSlots = 1;
+	}
+	param->Target = fControllingDriver;
+	fDriverCallParamCount = 1;
+	fDriverTimer = -1;
+	// Block state machine and wait for callout completion.
+	assert(!fDriverCallBusy);
+	fDriverCallBusy = true;
+	thread_call_enter( fDriverCallEntry );
+	return true;
+// [private] notifyControllingDriverDone
+IOService::notifyControllingDriverDone( void )
+	DriverCallParam *   param;
+	IOReturn            result;
+	param = (DriverCallParam *) fDriverCallParamPtr;
+	assert( fDriverCallBusy == false );
+	assert( fMachineState == kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone );
+	if (param && fDriverCallParamCount) {
+		assert(fDriverCallParamCount == 1);
+		// the return value from setPowerState()
+		result = param->Result;
+		if ((result == IOPMAckImplied) || (result < 0)) {
+			fDriverTimer = 0;
+		} else if (fDriverTimer) {
+			assert(fDriverTimer == -1);
+			// Driver has not acked, and has returned a positive result.
+			// Enforce a minimum permissible timeout value.
+			// Make the min value large enough so timeout is less likely
+			// to occur if a driver misinterpreted that the return value
+			// should be in microsecond units.  And make it large enough
+			// to be noticeable if a driver neglects to ack.
+			if (result < kMinAckTimeoutTicks) {
+				result = kMinAckTimeoutTicks;
+			}
+			fDriverTimer = (result / (ACK_TIMER_PERIOD / ns_per_us)) + 1;
+		}
+		// else, child has already acked and driver_timer reset to 0.
+		fDriverCallParamCount = 0;
+		if (fDriverTimer) {
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogStartAckTimer, 0, 0);
+			start_ack_timer();
+			getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, result / USEC_PER_SEC + 1);
+		}
+	}
+	MS_POP(); // pushed by OurChangeSetPowerState()
+	fIsPreChange  = false;
+// [private] all_done
+// A power change is done.
+IOService::all_done( void )
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex     prevPowerState;
+	const IOPMPSEntry *     powerStatePtr;
+	IOPMDriverCallEntry     callEntry;
+	uint32_t                prevMachineState = fMachineState;
+	bool                    actionCalled = false;
+	uint64_t                ts;
+	fMachineState = kIOPM_Finished;
+	if ((fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMSynchronize) &&
+	    ((prevMachineState == kIOPM_Finished) ||
+	    (prevMachineState == kIOPM_SyncFinish))) {
+		// Sync operation and no power change occurred.
+		// Do not inform driver and clients about this request completion,
+		// except for the originator (root domain).
+		PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeDone,
+		    fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+		if (getPMRequestType() == kIOPMRequestTypeSynchronizePowerTree) {
+			powerChangeDone(fCurrentPowerState);
+		} else if (fAdvisoryTickleUsed) {
+			// Not root domain and advisory tickle target.
+			// Re-adjust power after power tree sync at the 'did' pass
+			// to recompute desire and adjust power state between dark
+			// and full wake transitions. Root domain is responsible
+			// for calling setAdvisoryTickleEnable() before starting
+			// the kIOPMSynchronize power change.
+			if (!fAdjustPowerScheduled &&
+			    (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMDomainDidChange)) {
+				IOPMRequest * request;
+				request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeAdjustPowerState );
+				if (request) {
+					submitPMRequest( request );
+					fAdjustPowerScheduled = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	// our power change
+	if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMSelfInitiated) {
+		// power state changed
+		if ((fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMNotDone) == 0) {
+			trackSystemSleepPreventers(
+				fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+			// we changed, tell our parent
+			requestDomainPower(fHeadNotePowerState);
+			// yes, did power raise?
+			if (StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState) < StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState)) {
+				// yes, inform clients and apps
+				tellChangeUp(fHeadNotePowerState);
+			}
+			prevPowerState = fCurrentPowerState;
+			// either way
+			fCurrentPowerState = fHeadNotePowerState;
+			PM_LOCK();
+			if (fReportBuf) {
+				ts = mach_absolute_time();
+				STATEREPORT_SETSTATE(fReportBuf, fCurrentPowerState, ts);
+			}
+			PM_UNLOCK();
+			fPMVars->myCurrentState = fCurrentPowerState;
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogChangeDone, fCurrentPowerState, prevPowerState);
+			PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeDone,
+			    fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+			actionCalled = true;
+			powerStatePtr = &fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState];
+			fCurrentCapabilityFlags = powerStatePtr->capabilityFlags;
+			if (fCurrentCapabilityFlags & kIOPMStaticPowerValid) {
+				fCurrentPowerConsumption = powerStatePtr->staticPower;
+			}
+			if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMRootChangeDown) {
+				// Bump tickle generation count once the entire tree is down
+				gIOPMTickleGeneration++;
+			}
+			// inform subclass policy-maker
+			if (fPCDFunctionOverride && fParentsKnowState &&
+			    assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry, kIOPMDriverCallMethodChangeDone, NULL, kIOPMDriverCallNoInactiveCheck)) {
+				powerChangeDone(prevPowerState);
+				deassertPMDriverCall(&callEntry);
+			}
+		} else if (getPMRequestType() == kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride) {
+			// changePowerStateWithOverrideTo() was cancelled
+			fOverrideMaxPowerState = kIOPMPowerStateMax;
+		}
+	}
+	// parent-initiated power change
+	if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMParentInitiated) {
+		if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMRootChangeDown) {
+			ParentChangeRootChangeDown();
+		}
+		// power state changed
+		if ((fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMNotDone) == 0) {
+			trackSystemSleepPreventers(
+				fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+			// did power raise?
+			if (StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState) < StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState)) {
+				// yes, inform clients and apps
+				tellChangeUp(fHeadNotePowerState);
+			}
+			// either way
+			prevPowerState = fCurrentPowerState;
+			fCurrentPowerState = fHeadNotePowerState;
+			PM_LOCK();
+			if (fReportBuf) {
+				ts = mach_absolute_time();
+				STATEREPORT_SETSTATE(fReportBuf, fCurrentPowerState, ts);
+			}
+			PM_UNLOCK();
+			fPMVars->myCurrentState = fCurrentPowerState;
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogChangeDone, fCurrentPowerState, prevPowerState);
+			PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeDone,
+			    fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+			actionCalled = true;
+			powerStatePtr = &fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState];
+			fCurrentCapabilityFlags = powerStatePtr->capabilityFlags;
+			if (fCurrentCapabilityFlags & kIOPMStaticPowerValid) {
+				fCurrentPowerConsumption = powerStatePtr->staticPower;
+			}
+			// inform subclass policy-maker
+			if (fPCDFunctionOverride && fParentsKnowState &&
+			    assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry, kIOPMDriverCallMethodChangeDone, NULL, kIOPMDriverCallNoInactiveCheck)) {
+				powerChangeDone(prevPowerState);
+				deassertPMDriverCall(&callEntry);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// When power rises enough to satisfy the tickle's desire for more power,
+	// the condition preventing idle-timer from dropping power is removed.
+	if (StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState) >= StateOrder(fIdleTimerMinPowerState)) {
+		fIdleTimerMinPowerState = kPowerStateZero;
+	}
+	if (!actionCalled) {
+		PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeDone,
+		    fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+	}
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Power Change Initiated by Driver
+// [private] OurChangeStart
+// Begin the processing of a power change initiated by us.
+IOService::OurChangeStart( void )
+	OUR_PMLog( kPMLogStartDeviceChange, fHeadNotePowerState, fCurrentPowerState );
+	// fMaxPowerState is our maximum possible power state based on the current
+	// power state of our parents.  If we are trying to raise power beyond the
+	// maximum, send an async request for more power to all parents.
+	if (!IS_PM_ROOT && (StateOrder(fMaxPowerState) < StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState))) {
+		fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+		requestDomainPower(fHeadNotePowerState);
+		OurChangeFinish();
+		return;
+	}
+	// Redundant power changes skips to the end of the state machine.
+	if (!fInitialPowerChange && (fHeadNotePowerState == fCurrentPowerState)) {
+		OurChangeFinish();
+		return;
+	}
+	fInitialPowerChange = false;
+	// Change started, but may not complete...
+	// Can be canceled (power drop) or deferred (power rise).
+	PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeStart, fHeadNotePowerState, &fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+	// Two separate paths, depending if power is being raised or lowered.
+	// Lowering power is subject to approval by clients of this service.
+	if (IS_POWER_DROP) {
+		fDoNotPowerDown = false;
+		// Ask for persmission to drop power state
+		fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown;
+		fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyApps;
+		askChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+	} else {
+		// This service is raising power and parents are able to support the
+		// new power state. However a parent may have already committed to
+		// drop power, which might force this object to temporarily drop power.
+		// This results in "oscillations" before the state machines converge
+		// to a steady state.
+		//
+		// To prevent this, a child must make a power reservation against all
+		// parents before raising power. If the reservation fails, indicating
+		// that the child will be unable to sustain the higher power state,
+		// then the child will signal the parent to adjust power, and the child
+		// will defer its power change.
+		IOReturn ret;
+		// Reserve parent power necessary to achieve fHeadNotePowerState.
+		ret = requestDomainPower( fHeadNotePowerState, kReserveDomainPower );
+		if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+			// Reservation failed, defer power rise.
+			fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+			OurChangeFinish();
+			return;
+		}
+		OurChangeTellCapabilityWillChange();
+	}
+// [private] requestDomainPowerApplier
+// Call requestPowerDomainState() on all power parents.
+struct IOPMRequestDomainPowerContext {
+	IOService *     child;          // the requesting child
+	IOPMPowerFlags  requestPowerFlags;// power flags requested by child
+static void
+	IORegistryEntry *   entry,
+	void *              inContext )
+	IOPowerConnection *             connection;
+	IOService *                     parent;
+	IOPMRequestDomainPowerContext * context;
+	if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, entry)) == NULL) {
+		return;
+	}
+	parent = (IOService *) connection->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (!parent) {
+		return;
+	}
+	assert(inContext);
+	context = (IOPMRequestDomainPowerContext *) inContext;
+	if (connection->parentKnowsState() && connection->getReadyFlag()) {
+		parent->requestPowerDomainState(
+			context->requestPowerFlags,
+			connection,
+			IOPMLowestState);
+	}
+	parent->release();
+// [private] requestDomainPower
+// Called by a power child to broadcast its desired power state to all parents.
+// If the child self-initiates a power change, it must call this function to
+// allow its parents to adjust power state.
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex ourPowerState,
+	IOOptionBits        options )
+	IOPMPowerFlags                  requestPowerFlags;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex             maxPowerState;
+	IOPMRequestDomainPowerContext   context;
+	assert(ourPowerState < fNumberOfPowerStates);
+	if (ourPowerState >= fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
+	if (IS_PM_ROOT) {
+		return kIOReturnSuccess;
+	}
+	// Fetch our input power flags for the requested power state.
+	// Parent request is stated in terms of required power flags.
+	requestPowerFlags = fPowerStates[ourPowerState].inputPowerFlags;
+	// Disregard the "previous request" for power reservation.
+	if (((options & kReserveDomainPower) == 0) &&
+	    (fPreviousRequestPowerFlags == requestPowerFlags)) {
+		// skip if domain already knows our requirements
+		goto done;
+	}
+	fPreviousRequestPowerFlags = requestPowerFlags;
+	// The results will be collected by fHeadNoteDomainTargetFlags
+	context.child              = this;
+	context.requestPowerFlags  = requestPowerFlags;
+	fHeadNoteDomainTargetFlags = 0;
+	applyToParents(requestDomainPowerApplier, &context, gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (options & kReserveDomainPower) {
+		maxPowerState = fControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(
+			fHeadNoteDomainTargetFlags );
+		if (StateOrder(maxPowerState) < StateOrder(ourPowerState)) {
+			PM_LOG1("%s: power desired %u:0x%x got %u:0x%x\n",
+			    getName(),
+			    (uint32_t) ourPowerState, (uint32_t) requestPowerFlags,
+			    (uint32_t) maxPowerState, (uint32_t) fHeadNoteDomainTargetFlags);
+			return kIOReturnNoPower;
+		}
+	}
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// [private] OurSyncStart
+IOService::OurSyncStart( void )
+	if (fInitialPowerChange) {
+		return;
+	}
+	PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeStart, fHeadNotePowerState, &fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+	if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMNotDone) {
+		OurChangeFinish();
+		return;
+	}
+	if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMSyncTellPowerDown) {
+		fDoNotPowerDown = false;
+		// Ask for permission to drop power state
+		fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown;
+		fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyApps;
+		askChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+	} else {
+		// Only inform capability app and clients.
+		tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange );
+	}
+// [private] OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our permission to drop
+// power. Here we notify them that we will lower the power and wait for acks.
+IOService::OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown( void )
+	if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+		fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown;
+	} else {
+		fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown;
+	}
+	tellChangeDown1(fHeadNotePowerState);
+// [private] OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our permission to drop
+// power. Here we notify power management policy in user-space and wait for acks
+// one last time before we lower power
+IOService::OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown( void )
+	fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown;
+	fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyApps;
+	tellClientsWithResponse(kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep);
+// [private] OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our intention to drop
+// power.  Here we notify "priority" clients that we are lowering power.
+IOService::OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown( void )
+	fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange;
+	tellChangeDown2(fHeadNotePowerState);
+// [private] OurChangeTellCapabilityWillChange
+// Extra stage for root domain to notify apps and drivers about the
+// system capability change when raising power state.
+IOService::OurChangeTellCapabilityWillChange( void )
+	if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+		return OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
+	}
+	tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange );
+// [private] OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our power state change.
+// Here we notify interested drivers pre-change.
+IOService::OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange( void )
+	IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain;
+	if ((rootDomain = getPMRootDomain()) == this) {
+		if (IS_POWER_DROP) {
+			rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepWillChangeInterests );
+		} else {
+			rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointWakeWillChangeInterests );
+		}
+	}
+	notifyAll( kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState );
+// [private] OurChangeSetPowerState
+// Instruct our controlling driver to program the hardware for the power state
+// change. Wait for async completions.
+IOService::OurChangeSetPowerState( void )
+	MS_PUSH( kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle );
+	fMachineState     = kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone;
+	fDriverCallReason = kDriverCallSetPowerState;
+	if (notifyControllingDriver() == false) {
+		notifyControllingDriverDone();
+	}
+// [private] OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle
+// Our controlling driver has completed the power state change we initiated.
+// Wait for the driver specified settle time to expire.
+IOService::OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle( void )
+	fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange;
+	startSettleTimer();
+// [private] OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange
+// Power has settled on a power change we initiated. Here we notify
+// all our interested drivers post-change.
+IOService::OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange( void )
+	IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain;
+	if ((rootDomain = getPMRootDomain()) == this) {
+		rootDomain->tracePoint( IS_POWER_DROP ?
+		    kIOPMTracePointSleepDidChangeInterests :
+		    kIOPMTracePointWakeDidChangeInterests  );
+	}
+	notifyAll( kIOPM_OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange );
+// [private] OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange
+// For root domain to notify capability power-change.
+IOService::OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange( void )
+	if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+		return OurChangeFinish();
+	}
+	getPMRootDomain()->tracePoint( IS_POWER_DROP ?
+	    kIOPMTracePointSleepCapabilityClients :
+	    kIOPMTracePointWakeCapabilityClients  );
+	tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_OurChangeFinish );
+// [private] OurChangeFinish
+// Done with this self-induced power state change.
+IOService::OurChangeFinish( void )
+	all_done();
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Power Change Initiated by Parent
+// [private] ParentChangeStart
+// Here we begin the processing of a power change initiated by our parent.
+IOService::ParentChangeStart( void )
+	OUR_PMLog( kPMLogStartParentChange, fHeadNotePowerState, fCurrentPowerState );
+	// Root power domain has transitioned to its max power state
+	if ((fHeadNoteChangeFlags & (kIOPMDomainDidChange | kIOPMRootChangeUp)) ==
+	    (kIOPMDomainDidChange | kIOPMRootChangeUp)) {
+		// Restart the idle timer stopped by ParentChangeRootChangeDown()
+		if (fIdleTimerPeriod && fIdleTimerStopped) {
+			restartIdleTimer();
+		}
+	}
+	// Power domain is forcing us to lower power
+	if (StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState) < StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState)) {
+		PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeStart, fHeadNotePowerState, &fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+		// Tell apps and kernel clients
+		fInitialPowerChange = false;
+		fMachineState = kIOPM_ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown;
+		tellChangeDown1(fHeadNotePowerState);
+		return IOPMWillAckLater;
+	}
+	// Power domain is allowing us to raise power up to fHeadNotePowerState
+	if (StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState) > StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState)) {
+		if (StateOrder(fDesiredPowerState) > StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState)) {
+			if (StateOrder(fDesiredPowerState) < StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState)) {
+				// We power up, but not all the way
+				fHeadNotePowerState = fDesiredPowerState;
+				fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry = &fPowerStates[fDesiredPowerState];
+				OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAmendParentChange, fHeadNotePowerState, 0);
+			}
+		} else {
+			// We don't need to change
+			fHeadNotePowerState = fCurrentPowerState;
+			fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry = &fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState];
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAmendParentChange, fHeadNotePowerState, 0);
+		}
+	}
+	if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMDomainDidChange) {
+		if (StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState) > StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState)) {
+			PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeStart,
+			    fHeadNotePowerState, &fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+			// Parent did change up - start our change up
+			fInitialPowerChange = false;
+			ParentChangeTellCapabilityWillChange();
+			return IOPMWillAckLater;
+		} else if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMRootBroadcastFlags) {
+			// No need to change power state, but broadcast change
+			// to our children.
+			fMachineState     = kIOPM_SyncNotifyDidChange;
+			fDriverCallReason = kDriverCallInformPreChange;
+			fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+			notifyChildren();
+			return IOPMWillAckLater;
+		}
+	}
+	// No power state change necessary
+	fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+	all_done();
+	return IOPMAckImplied;
+// [private] ParentChangeRootChangeDown
+// Root domain has finished the transition to the system sleep state. And all
+// drivers in the power plane should have powered down. Cancel the idle timer,
+// and also reset the device desire for those drivers that don't want power
+// automatically restored on wake.
+IOService::ParentChangeRootChangeDown( void )
+	// Always stop the idle timer before root power down
+	if (fIdleTimerPeriod && !fIdleTimerStopped) {
+		fIdleTimerStopped = true;
+		if (fIdleTimer && thread_call_cancel(fIdleTimer)) {
+			release();
+		}
+	}
+	if (fResetPowerStateOnWake) {
+		// Reset device desire down to the lowest power state.
+		// Advisory tickle desire is intentionally untouched since
+		// it has no effect until system is promoted to full wake.
+		if (fDeviceDesire != kPowerStateZero) {
+			updatePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientDevice, kPowerStateZero);
+			computeDesiredState(kPowerStateZero, true);
+			requestDomainPower( fDesiredPowerState );
+			PM_LOG1("%s: tickle desire removed\n", fName);
+		}
+		// Invalidate tickle cache so the next tickle will issue a request
+		IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
+		fDeviceWasActive = false;
+		fActivityTicklePowerState = kInvalidTicklePowerState;
+		IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+		fIdleTimerMinPowerState = kPowerStateZero;
+	} else if (fAdvisoryTickleUsed) {
+		// Less aggressive mechanism to accelerate idle timer expiration
+		// before system sleep. May not always allow the driver to wake
+		// up from system sleep in the min power state.
+		AbsoluteTime    now;
+		uint64_t        nsec;
+		bool            dropTickleDesire = false;
+		if (fIdleTimerPeriod && !fIdleTimerIgnored &&
+		    (fIdleTimerMinPowerState == kPowerStateZero) &&
+		    (fDeviceDesire != kPowerStateZero)) {
+			IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
+			if (!fDeviceWasActive) {
+				// No tickles since the last idle timer expiration.
+				// Safe to drop the device desire to zero.
+				dropTickleDesire = true;
+			} else {
+				// Was tickled since the last idle timer expiration,
+				// but not in the last minute.
+				clock_get_uptime(&now);
+				SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &fDeviceActiveTimestamp);
+				absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nsec);
+				if (nsec >= kNoTickleCancelWindow) {
+					dropTickleDesire = true;
+				}
+			}
+			if (dropTickleDesire) {
+				// Force the next tickle to raise power state
+				fDeviceWasActive = false;
+				fActivityTicklePowerState = kInvalidTicklePowerState;
+			}
+			IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+		}
+		if (dropTickleDesire) {
+			// Advisory tickle desire is intentionally untouched since
+			// it has no effect until system is promoted to full wake.
+			updatePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientDevice, kPowerStateZero);
+			computeDesiredState(kPowerStateZero, true);
+			PM_LOG1("%s: tickle desire dropped\n", fName);
+		}
+	}
+// [private] ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our intention to drop
+// power.  Here we notify "priority" clients that we are lowering power.
+IOService::ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown( void )
+	fMachineState = kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange;
+	tellChangeDown2(fHeadNotePowerState);
+// [private] ParentChangeTellCapabilityWillChange
+// All (legacy) applications and kernel clients have acknowledged, extra stage for
+// root domain to notify apps and drivers about the system capability change.
+IOService::ParentChangeTellCapabilityWillChange( void )
+	if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+		return ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
+	}
+	tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange );
+// [private] ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our power state change.
+// Here we notify interested drivers pre-change.
+IOService::ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange( void )
+	notifyAll( kIOPM_ParentChangeSetPowerState );
+// [private] ParentChangeSetPowerState
+// Instruct our controlling driver to program the hardware for the power state
+// change. Wait for async completions.
+IOService::ParentChangeSetPowerState( void )
+	MS_PUSH( kIOPM_ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle );
+	fMachineState     = kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone;
+	fDriverCallReason = kDriverCallSetPowerState;
+	if (notifyControllingDriver() == false) {
+		notifyControllingDriverDone();
+	}
+// [private] ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle
+// Our controlling driver has completed the power state change initiated by our
+// parent. Wait for the driver specified settle time to expire.
+IOService::ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle( void )
+	fMachineState = kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange;
+	startSettleTimer();
+// [private] ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange
+// Power has settled on a power change initiated by our parent. Here we notify
+// all our interested drivers post-change.
+IOService::ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange( void )
+	notifyAll( kIOPM_ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange );
+// [private] ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange
+// For root domain to notify capability power-change.
+IOService::ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange( void )
+	if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+		return ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange();
+	}
+	tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange );
+// [private] ParentAcknowledgePowerChange
+// Acknowledge our power parent that our power change is done.
+IOService::ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange( void )
+	IORegistryEntry *   nub;
+	IOService *         parent;
+	nub = fHeadNoteParentConnection;
+	nub->retain();
+	all_done();
+	parent = (IOService *)nub->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+	if (parent) {
+		parent->acknowledgePowerChange((IOService *)nub);
+		parent->release();
+	}
+	nub->release();
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Ack and Settle timers
+// [private] settleTimerExpired
+// Power has settled after our last change.  Notify interested parties that
+// there is a new power state.
+IOService::settleTimerExpired( void )
+	fSettleTimeUS = 0;
+	gIOPMWorkQueue->signalWorkAvailable();
+// settle_timer_expired
+// Holds a retain while the settle timer callout is in flight.
+static void
+settle_timer_expired( thread_call_param_t arg0, thread_call_param_t arg1 )
+	IOService * me = (IOService *) arg0;
+	if (gIOPMWorkLoop && gIOPMWorkQueue) {
+		gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+			OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, me, &IOService::settleTimerExpired),
+			me);
+	}
+	me->release();
+// [private] startSettleTimer
+// Calculate a power-settling delay in microseconds and start a timer.
+IOService::startSettleTimer( void )
+	// This function is broken and serves no useful purpose since it never
+	// updates fSettleTimeUS to a non-zero value to stall the state machine,
+	// yet it starts a delay timer. It appears no driver relies on a delay
+	// from settleUpTime and settleDownTime in the power state table.
+	AbsoluteTime        deadline;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex stateIndex;
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex currentOrder, newOrder, i;
+	uint32_t            settleTime = 0;
+	boolean_t           pending;
+	currentOrder = StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState);
+	newOrder     = StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState);
+	i = currentOrder;
+	// lowering power
+	if (newOrder < currentOrder) {
+		while (i > newOrder) {
+			stateIndex = fPowerStates[i].stateOrderToIndex;
+			settleTime += (uint32_t) fPowerStates[stateIndex].settleDownTime;
+			i--;
+		}
+	}
+	// raising power
+	if (newOrder > currentOrder) {
+		while (i < newOrder) {
+			stateIndex = fPowerStates[i + 1].stateOrderToIndex;
+			settleTime += (uint32_t) fPowerStates[stateIndex].settleUpTime;
+			i++;
+		}
+	}
+	if (settleTime) {
+		retain();
+		clock_interval_to_deadline(settleTime, kMicrosecondScale, &deadline);
+		pending = thread_call_enter_delayed(fSettleTimer, deadline);
+		if (pending) {
+			release();
+		}
+	}
+// [private] ackTimerTick
+// The acknowledgement timeout periodic timer has ticked.
+// If we are awaiting acks for a power change notification,
+// we decrement the timer word of each interested driver which hasn't acked.
+// If a timer word becomes zero, we pretend the driver aknowledged.
+// If we are waiting for the controlling driver to change the power
+// state of the hardware, we decrement its timer word, and if it becomes
+// zero, we pretend the driver acknowledged.
+// Returns true if the timer tick made it possible to advance to the next
+// machine state, false otherwise.
+#ifndef __LP64__
+IOService::ack_timer_ticked( void )
+	assert(false);
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+IOService::ackTimerTick( void )
+	IOPMinformee *      nextObject;
+	bool                done = false;
+	switch (fMachineState) {
+	case kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle:
+	case kIOPM_ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle:
+		// are we waiting for controlling driver to acknowledge?
+		if (fDriverTimer > 0) {
+			// yes, decrement timer tick
+			fDriverTimer--;
+			if (fDriverTimer == 0) {
+				// controlling driver is tardy
+				uint64_t nsec = computeTimeDeltaNS(&fDriverCallStartTime);
+				OUR_PMLog(kPMLogCtrlDriverTardy, 0, 0);
+				setProperty(kIOPMTardyAckSPSKey, kOSBooleanTrue);
+				PM_ERROR("%s::setPowerState(%p, %lu -> %lu) timed out after %d ms\n",
+				    fName, OBFUSCATE(this), fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+				uint32_t panic_allowed = -1;
+				PE_parse_boot_argn("setpowerstate_panic", &panic_allowed, sizeof(panic_allowed));
+				if (panic_allowed != 0) {
+					// rdar://problem/48743340 - excluding AppleSEPManager from panic
+					const char *whitelist = "AppleSEPManager";
+					if (strncmp(fName, whitelist, strlen(whitelist))) {
+						panic("%s::setPowerState(%p, %lu -> %lu) timed out after %d ms",
+						    fName, this, fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+					}
+				} else {
+					PM_ERROR("setPowerState panic disabled by setpowerstate_panic boot-arg\n");
+				}
+				if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogDebugPower) {
+					panic("%s::setPowerState(%p, %lu -> %lu) timed out after %d ms",
+					    fName, this, fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+				} else {
+					// panic for first party kexts
+					const void *function_addr = NULL;
+					OSKext *kext = NULL;
+					function_addr = OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, fControllingDriver, &IOService::setPowerState);
+					kext = OSKext::lookupKextWithAddress((vm_address_t)function_addr);
+					if (kext) {
+						const char *bundleID = kext->getIdentifierCString();
+						const char *apple_prefix = "com.apple";
+						const char *kernel_prefix = "__kernel__";
+						if (strncmp(bundleID, apple_prefix, strlen(apple_prefix)) == 0 || strncmp(bundleID, kernel_prefix, strlen(kernel_prefix)) == 0) {
+							// first party client
+							panic("%s::setPowerState(%p : %p, %lu -> %lu) timed out after %d ms",
+							    fName, this, function_addr, fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+						}
+						kext->release();
+					}
+					// Unblock state machine and pretend driver has acked.
+					done = true;
+				}
+				getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, 0);
+			} else {
+				// still waiting, set timer again
+				start_ack_timer();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case kIOPM_NotifyChildrenStart:
+		// are we waiting for interested parties to acknowledge?
+		if (fHeadNotePendingAcks != 0) {
+			// yes, go through the list of interested drivers
+			nextObject = fInterestedDrivers->firstInList();
+			// and check each one
+			while (nextObject != NULL) {
+				if (nextObject->timer > 0) {
+					nextObject->timer--;
+					// this one should have acked by now
+					if (nextObject->timer == 0) {
+						uint64_t nsec = computeTimeDeltaNS(&nextObject->startTime);
+						OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIntDriverTardy, 0, 0);
+						nextObject->whatObject->setProperty(kIOPMTardyAckPSCKey, kOSBooleanTrue);
+						PM_ERROR("%s::powerState%sChangeTo(%p, %s, %lu -> %lu) timed out after %d ms\n",
+						    nextObject->whatObject->getName(),
+						    (fDriverCallReason == kDriverCallInformPreChange) ? "Will" : "Did",
+						    OBFUSCATE(nextObject->whatObject), fName, fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState,
+						    NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+						// Pretend driver has acked.
+						fHeadNotePendingAcks--;
+					}
+				}
+				nextObject = fInterestedDrivers->nextInList(nextObject);
+			}
+			// is that the last?
+			if (fHeadNotePendingAcks == 0) {
+				// yes, we can continue
+				done = true;
+				getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, 0);
+			} else {
+				// no, set timer again
+				start_ack_timer();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	// TODO: aggreggate this
+	case kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown:
+	case kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown:
+	case kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+	case kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange:
+	case kIOPM_ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+	case kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange:
+	case kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown:
+	case kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+	case kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange:
+	case kIOPM_TellCapabilityChangeDone:
+		// apps didn't respond in time
+		cleanClientResponses(true);
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientTardy, 0, 1);
+		// tardy equates to approval
+		done = true;
+		break;
+	default:
+		PM_LOG1("%s: unexpected ack timer tick (state = %d)\n",
+		    getName(), fMachineState);
+		break;
+	}
+	return done;
+// [private] start_watchdog_timer
+IOService::start_watchdog_timer( void )
+	int             timeout;
+	uint64_t        deadline;
+	if (!fWatchdogTimer || (kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	IOLockLock(fWatchdogLock);
+	timeout = getPMRootDomain()->getWatchdogTimeout();
+	clock_interval_to_deadline(timeout, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+	fWatchdogDeadline = deadline;
+	start_watchdog_timer(deadline);
+	IOLockUnlock(fWatchdogLock);
+IOService::start_watchdog_timer(uint64_t deadline)
+	IOLockAssert(fWatchdogLock, kIOLockAssertOwned);
+	if (!thread_call_isactive(fWatchdogTimer)) {
+		thread_call_enter_delayed(fWatchdogTimer, deadline);
+	}
+// [private] stop_watchdog_timer
+IOService::stop_watchdog_timer( void )
+	if (!fWatchdogTimer || (kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	IOLockLock(fWatchdogLock);
+	thread_call_cancel(fWatchdogTimer);
+	fWatchdogDeadline = 0;
+	while (fBlockedArray->getCount()) {
+		IOService *obj = OSDynamicCast(IOService, fBlockedArray->getObject(0));
+		if (obj) {
+			PM_ERROR("WDOG:Object %s unexpected in blocked array\n", obj->fName);
+			fBlockedArray->removeObject(0);
+		}
+	}
+	IOLockUnlock(fWatchdogLock);
+// reset_watchdog_timer
+IOService::reset_watchdog_timer(IOService *blockedObject, int pendingResponseTimeout)
+	unsigned int i;
+	uint64_t    deadline;
+	IOService *obj;
+	if (!fWatchdogTimer || (kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	IOLockLock(fWatchdogLock);
+	if (!fWatchdogDeadline) {
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	i = fBlockedArray->getNextIndexOfObject(blockedObject, 0);
+	if (pendingResponseTimeout == 0) {
+		blockedObject->fPendingResponseDeadline = 0;
+		if (i == (unsigned int)-1) {
+			goto exit;
+		}
+		fBlockedArray->removeObject(i);
+	} else {
+		// Set deadline 2secs after the expected response timeout to allow
+		// ack timer to handle the timeout.
+		clock_interval_to_deadline(pendingResponseTimeout + 2, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+		if (i != (unsigned int)-1) {
+			PM_ERROR("WDOG:Object %s is already blocked for responses. Ignoring timeout %d\n",
+			    fName, pendingResponseTimeout);
+			goto exit;
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < fBlockedArray->getCount(); i++) {
+			obj = OSDynamicCast(IOService, fBlockedArray->getObject(i));
+			if (obj && (obj->fPendingResponseDeadline < deadline)) {
+				blockedObject->fPendingResponseDeadline = deadline;
+				fBlockedArray->setObject(i, blockedObject);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (i == fBlockedArray->getCount()) {
+			blockedObject->fPendingResponseDeadline = deadline;
+			fBlockedArray->setObject(blockedObject);
+		}
+	}
+	obj = OSDynamicCast(IOService, fBlockedArray->getObject(0));
+	if (!obj) {
+		int timeout = getPMRootDomain()->getWatchdogTimeout();
+		clock_interval_to_deadline(timeout, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+	} else {
+		deadline = obj->fPendingResponseDeadline;
+	}
+	thread_call_cancel(fWatchdogTimer);
+	start_watchdog_timer(deadline);
+	IOLockUnlock(fWatchdogLock);
+// [static] watchdog_timer_expired
+// Inside PM work loop's gate.
+IOService::watchdog_timer_expired( thread_call_param_t arg0, thread_call_param_t arg1 )
+	IOService * me = (IOService *) arg0;
+	gIOPMWatchDogThread = current_thread();
+	getPMRootDomain()->sleepWakeDebugTrig(true);
+	gIOPMWatchDogThread = NULL;
+	thread_call_free(me->fWatchdogTimer);
+	me->fWatchdogTimer = NULL;
+	return;
+IOWorkLoop *
+IOService::getIOPMWorkloop( void )
+	return gIOPMWorkLoop;
+// [private] start_ack_timer
+IOService::start_ack_timer( void )
+	start_ack_timer( ACK_TIMER_PERIOD, kNanosecondScale );
+IOService::start_ack_timer( UInt32 interval, UInt32 scale )
+	AbsoluteTime    deadline;
+	boolean_t       pending;
+	clock_interval_to_deadline(interval, scale, &deadline);
+	retain();
+	pending = thread_call_enter_delayed(fAckTimer, deadline);
+	if (pending) {
+		release();
+	}
+// [private] stop_ack_timer
+IOService::stop_ack_timer( void )
+	boolean_t   pending;
+	pending = thread_call_cancel(fAckTimer);
+	if (pending) {
+		release();
+	}
+// [static] actionAckTimerExpired
+// Inside PM work loop's gate.
+	OSObject * target,
+	void * arg0, void * arg1,
+	void * arg2, void * arg3 )
+	IOService * me = (IOService *) target;
+	bool        done;
+	// done will be true if the timer tick unblocks the machine state,
+	// otherwise no need to signal the work loop.
+	done = me->ackTimerTick();
+	if (done && gIOPMWorkQueue) {
+		gIOPMWorkQueue->signalWorkAvailable();
+	}
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// ack_timer_expired
+// Thread call function. Holds a retain while the callout is in flight.
+IOService::ack_timer_expired( thread_call_param_t arg0, thread_call_param_t arg1 )
+	IOService * me = (IOService *) arg0;
+	if (gIOPMWorkLoop) {
+		gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(&actionAckTimerExpired, me);
+	}
+	me->release();
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Client Messaging
+// [private] tellSystemCapabilityChange
+IOService::tellSystemCapabilityChange( uint32_t nextMS )
+	MS_PUSH( nextMS );
+	fMachineState       = kIOPM_TellCapabilityChangeDone;
+	fOutOfBandMessage   = kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange;
+	if (fIsPreChange) {
+		// Notify app first on pre-change.
+		fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps;
+	} else {
+		// Notify kernel clients first on post-change.
+		fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority;
+	}
+	tellClientsWithResponse( fOutOfBandMessage );
+// [public] askChangeDown
+// Ask registered applications and kernel clients if we can change to a lower
+// power state.
+// Subclass can override this to send a different message type.  Parameter is
+// the destination state number.
+// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+IOService::askChangeDown( unsigned long stateNum )
+	return tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageCanDevicePowerOff );
+// [private] tellChangeDown1
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are definitely
+// dropping power.
+// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+IOService::tellChangeDown1( unsigned long stateNum )
+	fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyApps;
+	return tellChangeDown(stateNum);
+// [private] tellChangeDown2
+// Notify priority clients that we are definitely dropping power.
+// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+IOService::tellChangeDown2( unsigned long stateNum )
+	fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyPriority;
+	return tellChangeDown(stateNum);
+// [public] tellChangeDown
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are definitely
+// dropping power.
+// Subclass can override this to send a different message type.  Parameter is
+// the destination state number.
+// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+IOService::tellChangeDown( unsigned long stateNum )
+	return tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff );
+// cleanClientResponses
+static void
+logAppTimeouts( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+	IOPMInterestContext *   context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+	OSObject *              flag;
+	unsigned int            clientIndex;
+	int                     pid = 0;
+	char                    name[128];
+	if (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object)) {
+		// Discover the 'counter' value or index assigned to this client
+		// when it was notified, by searching for the array index of the
+		// client in an array holding the cached interested clients.
+		clientIndex = context->notifyClients->getNextIndexOfObject(object, 0);
+		if ((clientIndex != (unsigned int) -1) &&
+		    (flag = context->responseArray->getObject(clientIndex)) &&
+		    (flag != kOSBooleanTrue)) {
+			OSNumber *clientID = copyClientIDForNotification(object, context);
+			name[0] = '\0';
+			if (clientID) {
+				pid = clientID->unsigned32BitValue();
+				proc_name(pid, name, sizeof(name));
+				clientID->release();
+			}
+			PM_ERROR(context->errorLog, pid, name);
+			// TODO: record message type if possible
+			IOService::getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+				gIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut,
+				name, 0, (30 * 1000), pid, object);
+		}
+	}
+IOService::cleanClientResponses( bool logErrors )
+	if (logErrors && fResponseArray) {
+		switch (fOutOfBandParameter) {
+		case kNotifyApps:
+		case kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps:
+			if (fNotifyClientArray) {
+				IOPMInterestContext context;
+				context.responseArray    = fResponseArray;
+				context.notifyClients    = fNotifyClientArray;
+				context.serialNumber     = fSerialNumber;
+				context.messageType      = kIOMessageCopyClientID;
+				context.notifyType       = kNotifyApps;
+				context.isPreChange      = fIsPreChange;
+				context.enableTracing    = false;
+				context.us               = this;
+				context.maxTimeRequested = 0;
+				context.stateNumber      = fHeadNotePowerState;
+				context.stateFlags       = fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags;
+				context.changeFlags      = fHeadNoteChangeFlags;
+				context.errorLog         = "PM notification timeout (pid %d, %s)\n";
+				applyToInterested(gIOAppPowerStateInterest, logAppTimeouts, (void *) &context);
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			// kNotifyPriority, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority
+			// TODO: identify the priority client that has not acked
+			PM_ERROR("PM priority notification timeout\n");
+			if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogDebugPower) {
+				panic("PM priority notification timeout");
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+		getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, 0);
+	}
+	if (fResponseArray) {
+		fResponseArray->release();
+		fResponseArray = NULL;
+	}
+	if (fNotifyClientArray) {
+		fNotifyClientArray->release();
+		fNotifyClientArray = NULL;
+	}
+// [protected] tellClientsWithResponse
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are definitely
+// dropping power.
+// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+IOService::tellClientsWithResponse( int messageType )
+	IOPMInterestContext     context;
+	bool                    isRootDomain = IS_ROOT_DOMAIN;
+	uint32_t                maxTimeOut = kMaxTimeRequested;
+	assert( fResponseArray == NULL );
+	assert( fNotifyClientArray == NULL );
+	if (messageType == (int)kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep) {
+		RD_LOG("tellClientsWithResponse( kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep, %d )\n",
+		    fOutOfBandParameter);
+	} else {
+		RD_LOG("tellClientsWithResponse( %s, %d )\n",
+		    getIOMessageString(messageType), fOutOfBandParameter);
+	}
+	fResponseArray = OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
+	if (!fResponseArray) {
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	fResponseArray->setCapacityIncrement(8);
+	if (++fSerialNumber == 0) {
+		fSerialNumber++;
+	}
+	context.responseArray    = fResponseArray;
+	context.notifyClients    = NULL;
+	context.serialNumber     = fSerialNumber;
+	context.messageType      = messageType;
+	context.notifyType       = fOutOfBandParameter;
+	context.skippedInDark    = 0;
+	context.notSkippedInDark = 0;
+	context.isPreChange      = fIsPreChange;
+	context.enableTracing    = false;
+	context.us               = this;
+	context.maxTimeRequested = 0;
+	context.stateNumber      = fHeadNotePowerState;
+	context.stateFlags       = fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags;
+	context.changeFlags      = fHeadNoteChangeFlags;
+	context.messageFilter    = (isRootDomain) ?
+	    OSMemberFunctionCast(
+		IOPMMessageFilter,
+		this,
+		&IOPMrootDomain::systemMessageFilter) : NULL;
+	switch (fOutOfBandParameter) {
+	case kNotifyApps:
+		applyToInterested( gIOAppPowerStateInterest,
+		    pmTellAppWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+		if (isRootDomain &&
+		    (fMachineState != kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown) &&
+		    (fMachineState != kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown) &&
+		    (context.messageType != kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep)) {
+			// Notify capability app for tellChangeDown1()
+			// but not for askChangeDown().
+			context.notifyType  = kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps;
+			context.messageType = kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange;
+			applyToInterested( gIOAppPowerStateInterest,
+			    pmTellCapabilityAppWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+			context.notifyType  = fOutOfBandParameter;
+			context.messageType = messageType;
+		}
+		if (context.messageType == kIOMessageCanSystemSleep) {
+			maxTimeOut = kCanSleepMaxTimeReq;
+			if (gCanSleepTimeout) {
+				maxTimeOut = (gCanSleepTimeout * us_per_s);
+			}
+		}
+		context.maxTimeRequested = maxTimeOut;
+		context.enableTracing = isRootDomain;
+		applyToInterested( gIOGeneralInterest,
+		    pmTellClientWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+		break;
+	case kNotifyPriority:
+		context.enableTracing = isRootDomain;
+		applyToInterested( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest,
+		    pmTellClientWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+		if (isRootDomain) {
+			// Notify capability clients for tellChangeDown2().
+			context.notifyType  = kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority;
+			context.messageType = kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange;
+			applyToInterested( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest,
+			    pmTellCapabilityClientWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+		}
+		break;
+	case kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps:
+		applyToInterested( gIOAppPowerStateInterest,
+		    pmTellCapabilityAppWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+		if (context.messageType == kIOMessageCanSystemSleep) {
+			maxTimeOut = kCanSleepMaxTimeReq;
+			if (gCanSleepTimeout) {
+				maxTimeOut = (gCanSleepTimeout * us_per_s);
+			}
+		}
+		context.maxTimeRequested = maxTimeOut;
+		break;
+	case kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority:
+		context.enableTracing = isRootDomain;
+		applyToInterested( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest,
+		    pmTellCapabilityClientWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+		break;
+	}
+	fNotifyClientArray = context.notifyClients;
+	if (context.skippedInDark) {
+		IOLog("tellClientsWithResponse(%s, %d) %d of %d skipped in dark\n",
+		    getIOMessageString(messageType), fOutOfBandParameter,
+		    context.skippedInDark, context.skippedInDark + context.notSkippedInDark);
+	}
+	// do we have to wait for somebody?
+	if (!checkForDone()) {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogStartAckTimer, context.maxTimeRequested, 0);
+		if (context.enableTracing) {
+			getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(context.messageType, 0, context.maxTimeRequested / 1000);
+			getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, context.maxTimeRequested / USEC_PER_SEC + 1);
+		}
+		start_ack_timer( context.maxTimeRequested / 1000, kMillisecondScale );
+		return false;
+	}
+	// everybody responded
+	if (fResponseArray) {
+		fResponseArray->release();
+		fResponseArray = NULL;
+	}
+	if (fNotifyClientArray) {
+		fNotifyClientArray->release();
+		fNotifyClientArray = NULL;
+	}
+	return true;
+// [static private] pmTellAppWithResponse
+// We send a message to an application, and we expect a response, so we compute a
+// cookie we can identify the response with.
+IOService::pmTellAppWithResponse( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+	IOPMInterestContext *   context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+	IOServicePM *           pwrMgt = context->us->pwrMgt;
+	uint32_t                msgIndex, msgRef, msgType;
+	OSNumber                *clientID = NULL;
+	proc_t                  proc = NULL;
+	boolean_t               proc_suspended = FALSE;
+	OSObject *              waitForReply = kOSBooleanTrue;
+	AbsoluteTime            now;
+	if (!OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (context->us == getPMRootDomain()) {
+		if ((clientID = copyClientIDForNotification(object, context))) {
+			uint32_t clientPID = clientID->unsigned32BitValue();
+			clientID->release();
+			proc = proc_find(clientPID);
+			if (proc) {
+				proc_suspended = get_task_pidsuspended((task_t) proc->task);
+				if (proc_suspended) {
+					logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "PMTellAppWithResponse - Suspended");
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+				} else if (getPMRootDomain()->isAOTMode() && get_task_suspended((task_t) proc->task)) {
+					proc_suspended = true;
+					context->skippedInDark++;
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+				}
+				proc_rele(proc);
+				if (proc_suspended) {
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (context->messageFilter &&
+	    !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, NULL, &waitForReply)) {
+		if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+			logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "DROP App");
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	context->notSkippedInDark++;
+	// Create client array (for tracking purposes) only if the service
+	// has app clients. Usually only root domain does.
+	if (NULL == context->notifyClients) {
+		context->notifyClients = OSArray::withCapacity( 32 );
+	}
+	msgType  = context->messageType;
+	msgIndex = context->responseArray->getCount();
+	msgRef   = ((context->serialNumber & 0xFFFF) << 16) + (msgIndex & 0xFFFF);
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAppNotify, msgType, msgRef);
+	if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+		logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "MESG App");
+	}
+	if (waitForReply == kOSBooleanTrue) {
+		OSNumber * num;
+		clock_get_uptime(&now);
+		num = OSNumber::withNumber(AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&now), sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
+		if (num) {
+			context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, num);
+			num->release();
+		} else {
+			context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, kOSBooleanFalse);
+		}
+	} else {
+		context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, kOSBooleanTrue);
+		if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+			logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "App response ignored");
+		}
+	}
+	if (context->notifyClients) {
+		context->notifyClients->setObject(msgIndex, object);
+	}
+	context->us->messageClient(msgType, object, (void *)(uintptr_t) msgRef);
+// [static private] pmTellClientWithResponse
+// We send a message to an in-kernel client, and we expect a response,
+// so we compute a cookie we can identify the response with.
+IOService::pmTellClientWithResponse( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+	IOPowerStateChangeNotification  notify;
+	IOPMInterestContext *           context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+	OSObject *                      replied = kOSBooleanTrue;
+	_IOServiceInterestNotifier *    notifier;
+	uint32_t                        msgIndex, msgRef, msgType;
+	IOReturn                        retCode;
+	AbsoluteTime                    start, end;
+	uint64_t                        nsec;
+	if (context->messageFilter &&
+	    !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, NULL, NULL)) {
+		if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) &&
+		    (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object))) {
+			_IOServiceInterestNotifier *n = (_IOServiceInterestNotifier *) object;
+			PM_LOG("%s DROP Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+			    context->us->getName(),
+			    getIOMessageString(context->messageType),
+			    OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(n->handler));
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	notifier = OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object);
+	msgType  = context->messageType;
+	msgIndex = context->responseArray->getCount();
+	msgRef   = ((context->serialNumber & 0xFFFF) << 16) + (msgIndex & 0xFFFF);
+	IOServicePM * pwrMgt = context->us->pwrMgt;
+	if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogPower) {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientNotify, msgRef, msgType);
+		if (OSDynamicCast(IOService, object)) {
+			const char *who = ((IOService *) object)->getName();
+			gPlatform->PMLog(who, kPMLogClientNotify, (uintptr_t) object, 0);
+		} else if (notifier) {
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientNotify, (uintptr_t) notifier->handler, 0);
+		}
+	}
+	if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) && notifier) {
+		PM_LOG("%s MESG Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+		    context->us->getName(),
+		    getIOMessageString(msgType),
+		    OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler));
+	}
+	if (NULL == context->notifyClients) {
+		context->notifyClients = OSArray::withCapacity( 32 );
+	}
+	notify.powerRef    = (void *)(uintptr_t) msgRef;
+	notify.returnValue = 0;
+	notify.stateNumber = context->stateNumber;
+	notify.stateFlags  = context->stateFlags;
+	if (context->enableTracing && (notifier != NULL)) {
+		getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(notifier, true);
+	}
+	clock_get_uptime(&start);
+	retCode = context->us->messageClient(msgType, object, (void *) &notify, sizeof(notify));
+	clock_get_uptime(&end);
+	if (context->enableTracing && (notifier != NULL)) {
+		getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(notifier, false);
+	}
+	if (kIOReturnSuccess == retCode) {
+		if (0 == notify.returnValue) {
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientAcknowledge, msgRef, (uintptr_t) object);
+			context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+		} else {
+			replied = kOSBooleanFalse;
+			if (notify.returnValue > context->maxTimeRequested) {
+				if (notify.returnValue > kPriorityClientMaxWait) {
+					context->maxTimeRequested = kPriorityClientMaxWait;
+					PM_ERROR("%s: client %p returned %llu for %s\n",
+					    context->us->getName(),
+					    notifier ? (void *)  OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler) : OBFUSCATE(object),
+					    (uint64_t) notify.returnValue,
+					    getIOMessageString(msgType));
+				} else {
+					context->maxTimeRequested = notify.returnValue;
+				}
+			}
+			//
+			// Track time taken to ack, by storing the timestamp of
+			// callback completion
+			OSNumber * num;
+			num = OSNumber::withNumber(AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&end), sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
+			if (num) {
+				context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, num);
+				num->release();
+			} else {
+				context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+			}
+		}
+		if (context->enableTracing) {
+			SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&end, &start);
+			absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(end, &nsec);
+			if ((nsec > LOG_KEXT_RESPONSE_TIMES) || (notify.returnValue != 0)) {
+				getPMRootDomain()->traceAckDelay(notifier, notify.returnValue / 1000, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		// not a client of ours
+		// so we won't be waiting for response
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientAcknowledge, msgRef, 0);
+		context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+	}
+	if (context->notifyClients) {
+		context->notifyClients->setObject(msgIndex, object);
+	}
+// [static private] pmTellCapabilityAppWithResponse
+IOService::pmTellCapabilityAppWithResponse( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+	IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters msgArg;
+	IOPMInterestContext *       context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+	OSObject *                  replied = kOSBooleanTrue;
+	IOServicePM *               pwrMgt = context->us->pwrMgt;
+	uint32_t                    msgIndex, msgRef, msgType;
+	AbsoluteTime                now;
+	if (!OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	memset(&msgArg, 0, sizeof(msgArg));
+	if (context->messageFilter &&
+	    !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, &msgArg, &replied)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (context->us == getPMRootDomain() &&
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+	    getPMRootDomain()->isAOTMode()
+#else /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+	    false
+#endif /* (defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+	    ) {
+		OSNumber                *clientID = NULL;
+		boolean_t               proc_suspended = FALSE;
+		proc_t                proc = NULL;
+		if ((clientID = copyClientIDForNotification(object, context))) {
+			uint32_t clientPID = clientID->unsigned32BitValue();
+			clientID->release();
+			proc = proc_find(clientPID);
+			if (proc) {
+				proc_suspended = get_task_pidsuspended((task_t) proc->task);
+				if (proc_suspended) {
+					logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "PMTellCapablityAppWithResponse - Suspended");
+				} else if (get_task_suspended((task_t) proc->task)) {
+					proc_suspended = true;
+					context->skippedInDark++;
+				}
+				proc_rele(proc);
+				if (proc_suspended) {
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	context->notSkippedInDark++;
+	// Create client array (for tracking purposes) only if the service
+	// has app clients. Usually only root domain does.
+	if (NULL == context->notifyClients) {
+		context->notifyClients = OSArray::withCapacity( 32 );
+	}
+	msgType  = context->messageType;
+	msgIndex = context->responseArray->getCount();
+	msgRef   = ((context->serialNumber & 0xFFFF) << 16) + (msgIndex & 0xFFFF);
+	OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAppNotify, msgType, msgRef);
+	if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+		// Log client pid/name and client array index.
+		OSNumber * clientID = NULL;
+		OSString * clientIDString = NULL;;
+		context->us->messageClient(kIOMessageCopyClientID, object, &clientID);
+		if (clientID) {
+			clientIDString = IOCopyLogNameForPID(clientID->unsigned32BitValue());
+		}
+		PM_LOG("%s MESG App(%u) %s, wait %u, %s\n",
+		    context->us->getName(),
+		    msgIndex, getIOMessageString(msgType),
+		    (replied != kOSBooleanTrue),
+		    clientIDString ? clientIDString->getCStringNoCopy() : "");
+		if (clientID) {
+			clientID->release();
+		}
+		if (clientIDString) {
+			clientIDString->release();
+		}
+	}
+	msgArg.notifyRef = msgRef;
+	msgArg.maxWaitForReply = 0;
+	if (replied == kOSBooleanTrue) {
+		msgArg.notifyRef = 0;
+		context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, kOSBooleanTrue);
+		if (context->notifyClients) {
+			context->notifyClients->setObject(msgIndex, kOSBooleanTrue);
+		}
+	} else {
+		OSNumber * num;
+		clock_get_uptime(&now);
+		num = OSNumber::withNumber(AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&now), sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
+		if (num) {
+			context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, num);
+			num->release();
+		} else {
+			context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, kOSBooleanFalse);
+		}
+		if (context->notifyClients) {
+			context->notifyClients->setObject(msgIndex, object);
+		}
+	}
+	context->us->messageClient(msgType, object, (void *) &msgArg, sizeof(msgArg));
+// [static private] pmTellCapabilityClientWithResponse
+	OSObject * object, void * arg )
+	IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters msgArg;
+	IOPMInterestContext *           context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+	OSObject *                      replied = kOSBooleanTrue;
+	_IOServiceInterestNotifier *    notifier;
+	uint32_t                        msgIndex, msgRef, msgType;
+	IOReturn                        retCode;
+	AbsoluteTime                    start, end;
+	uint64_t                        nsec;
+	memset(&msgArg, 0, sizeof(msgArg));
+	if (context->messageFilter &&
+	    !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, &msgArg, NULL)) {
+		if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) &&
+		    (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object))) {
+			_IOServiceInterestNotifier *n = (_IOServiceInterestNotifier *) object;
+			PM_LOG("%s DROP Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+			    context->us->getName(),
+			    getIOMessageString(context->messageType),
+			    OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(n->handler));
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	if (NULL == context->notifyClients) {
+		context->notifyClients = OSArray::withCapacity( 32 );
+	}
+	notifier = OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object);
+	msgType  = context->messageType;
+	msgIndex = context->responseArray->getCount();
+	msgRef   = ((context->serialNumber & 0xFFFF) << 16) + (msgIndex & 0xFFFF);
+	IOServicePM * pwrMgt = context->us->pwrMgt;
+	if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogPower) {
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientNotify, msgRef, msgType);
+		if (OSDynamicCast(IOService, object)) {
+			const char *who = ((IOService *) object)->getName();
+			gPlatform->PMLog(who, kPMLogClientNotify, (uintptr_t) object, 0);
+		} else if (notifier) {
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientNotify, (uintptr_t) notifier->handler, 0);
+		}
+	}
+	if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) && notifier) {
+		PM_LOG("%s MESG Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+		    context->us->getName(),
+		    getIOMessageString(msgType),
+		    OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler));
+	}
+	msgArg.notifyRef = msgRef;
+	msgArg.maxWaitForReply = 0;
+	if (context->enableTracing && (notifier != NULL)) {
+		getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(notifier, true);
+	}
+	clock_get_uptime(&start);
+	retCode = context->us->messageClient(
+		msgType, object, (void *) &msgArg, sizeof(msgArg));
+	clock_get_uptime(&end);
+	if (context->enableTracing && (notifier != NULL)) {
+		getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(notifier, false);
+	}
+	if (kIOReturnSuccess == retCode) {
+		if (0 == msgArg.maxWaitForReply) {
+			// client doesn't want time to respond
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientAcknowledge, msgRef, (uintptr_t) object);
+			context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+		} else {
+			replied = kOSBooleanFalse;
+			if (msgArg.maxWaitForReply > context->maxTimeRequested) {
+				if (msgArg.maxWaitForReply > kCapabilityClientMaxWait) {
+					context->maxTimeRequested = kCapabilityClientMaxWait;
+					PM_ERROR("%s: client %p returned %u for %s\n",
+					    context->us->getName(),
+					    notifier ? (void *) OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler) : OBFUSCATE(object),
+					    msgArg.maxWaitForReply,
+					    getIOMessageString(msgType));
+				} else {
+					context->maxTimeRequested = msgArg.maxWaitForReply;
+				}
+			}
+			// Track time taken to ack, by storing the timestamp of
+			// callback completion
+			OSNumber * num;
+			num = OSNumber::withNumber(AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&end), sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
+			if (num) {
+				context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, num);
+				num->release();
+			} else {
+				context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+			}
+		}
+		if (context->enableTracing) {
+			SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&end, &start);
+			absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(end, &nsec);
+			if ((nsec > LOG_KEXT_RESPONSE_TIMES) || (msgArg.maxWaitForReply != 0)) {
+				getPMRootDomain()->traceAckDelay(notifier, msgArg.maxWaitForReply / 1000, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		// not a client of ours
+		// so we won't be waiting for response
+		OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientAcknowledge, msgRef, 0);
+		context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+	}
+	if (context->notifyClients) {
+		context->notifyClients->setObject(msgIndex, object);
+	}
+// [public] tellNoChangeDown
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are not
+// dropping power.
+// Subclass can override this to send a different message type.  Parameter is
+// the aborted destination state number.
+IOService::tellNoChangeDown( unsigned long )
+	return tellClients( kIOMessageDeviceWillNotPowerOff );
+// [public] tellChangeUp
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are raising power.
+// Subclass can override this to send a different message type.  Parameter is
+// the aborted destination state number.
+IOService::tellChangeUp( unsigned long )
+	return tellClients( kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn );
+// [protected] tellClients
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients of something.
+IOService::tellClients( int messageType )
+	IOPMInterestContext     context;
+	RD_LOG("tellClients( %s )\n", getIOMessageString(messageType));
+	memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context));
+	context.messageType   = messageType;
+	context.isPreChange   = fIsPreChange;
+	context.us            = this;
+	context.stateNumber   = fHeadNotePowerState;
+	context.stateFlags    = fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags;
+	context.changeFlags   = fHeadNoteChangeFlags;
+	context.enableTracing = IS_ROOT_DOMAIN;
+	context.messageFilter = (IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) ?
+	    OSMemberFunctionCast(
+		IOPMMessageFilter,
+		this,
+		&IOPMrootDomain::systemMessageFilter) : NULL;
+	context.notifyType    = kNotifyPriority;
+	applyToInterested( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest,
+	    tellKernelClientApplier, (void *) &context );
+	context.notifyType    = kNotifyApps;
+	applyToInterested( gIOAppPowerStateInterest,
+	    tellAppClientApplier, (void *) &context );
+	applyToInterested( gIOGeneralInterest,
+	    tellKernelClientApplier, (void *) &context );
+// [private] tellKernelClientApplier
+// Message a kernel client.
+static void
+tellKernelClientApplier( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+	IOPowerStateChangeNotification  notify;
+	IOPMInterestContext *           context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+	if (context->messageFilter &&
+	    !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, NULL, NULL)) {
+		if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) &&
+		    (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object))) {
+			_IOServiceInterestNotifier *n = (_IOServiceInterestNotifier *) object;
+			PM_LOG("%s DROP Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+			    context->us->getName(),
+			    IOService::getIOMessageString(context->messageType),
+			    OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(n->handler));
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	notify.powerRef     = (void *) NULL;
+	notify.returnValue  = 0;
+	notify.stateNumber  = context->stateNumber;
+	notify.stateFlags   = context->stateFlags;
+	if (context->enableTracing && object) {
+		IOService::getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(object, true);
+	}
+	context->us->messageClient(context->messageType, object, &notify, sizeof(notify));
+	if (context->enableTracing && object) {
+		IOService::getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(object, false);
+	}
+	if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) &&
+	    (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object))) {
+		_IOServiceInterestNotifier *n = (_IOServiceInterestNotifier *) object;
+		PM_LOG("%s MESG Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+		    context->us->getName(),
+		    IOService::getIOMessageString(context->messageType),
+		    OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(n->handler));
+	}
+static OSNumber *
+	OSObject *object,
+	IOPMInterestContext *context)
+	OSNumber *clientID = NULL;
+	context->us->messageClient(kIOMessageCopyClientID, object, &clientID);
+	return clientID;
+static void
+	OSObject *object,
+	IOPMInterestContext *context,
+	const char *logString)
+	OSString *logClientID = NULL;
+	OSNumber *clientID = copyClientIDForNotification(object, context);
+	if (logString) {
+		if (clientID) {
+			logClientID = IOCopyLogNameForPID(clientID->unsigned32BitValue());
+		}
+		PM_LOG("%s %s %s, %s\n",
+		    context->us->getName(), logString,
+		    IOService::getIOMessageString(context->messageType),
+		    logClientID ? logClientID->getCStringNoCopy() : "");
+		if (logClientID) {
+			logClientID->release();
+		}
+	}
+	if (clientID) {
+		clientID->release();
+	}
+	return;
+static void
+tellAppClientApplier( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+	IOPMInterestContext * context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+	OSNumber            * clientID = NULL;
+	proc_t                proc = NULL;
+	boolean_t             proc_suspended = FALSE;
+	if (context->us == IOService::getPMRootDomain()) {
+		if ((clientID = copyClientIDForNotification(object, context))) {
+			uint32_t clientPID = clientID->unsigned32BitValue();
+			clientID->release();
+			proc = proc_find(clientPID);
+			if (proc) {
+				proc_suspended = get_task_pidsuspended((task_t) proc->task);
+				if (proc_suspended) {
+					logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "tellAppClientApplier - Suspended");
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+				} else if (IOService::getPMRootDomain()->isAOTMode() && get_task_suspended((task_t) proc->task)) {
+					proc_suspended = true;
+					context->skippedInDark++;
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+				}
+				proc_rele(proc);
+				if (proc_suspended) {
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (context->messageFilter &&
+	    !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, NULL, NULL)) {
+		if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+			logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "DROP App");
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	context->notSkippedInDark++;
+	if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+		logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "MESG App");
+	}
+	context->us->messageClient(context->messageType, object, NULL);
+// [private] checkForDone
+IOService::checkForDone( void )
+	int         i = 0;
+	OSObject *  theFlag;
+	if (fResponseArray == NULL) {
+		return true;
+	}
+	for (i = 0;; i++) {
+		theFlag = fResponseArray->getObject(i);
+		if (NULL == theFlag) {
+			break;
+		}
+		if (kOSBooleanTrue != theFlag) {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	return true;
+// [public] responseValid
+IOService::responseValid( uint32_t refcon, int pid )
+	UInt16          serialComponent;
+	UInt16          ordinalComponent;
+	OSObject *      theFlag;
+	OSObject        *object = NULL;
+	serialComponent  = (refcon >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
+	ordinalComponent = (refcon & 0xFFFF);
+	if (serialComponent != fSerialNumber) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	if (fResponseArray == NULL) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	theFlag = fResponseArray->getObject(ordinalComponent);
+	if (theFlag == NULL) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	if (fNotifyClientArray) {
+		object = fNotifyClientArray->getObject(ordinalComponent);
+	}
+	OSNumber * num;
+	if ((num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, theFlag))) {
+		AbsoluteTime    now;
+		AbsoluteTime    start;
+		uint64_t        nsec;
+		char            name[128];
+		clock_get_uptime(&now);
+		AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&start) = num->unsigned64BitValue();
+		SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &start);
+		absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nsec);
+		if (pid != 0) {
+			name[0] = '\0';
+			proc_name(pid, name, sizeof(name));
+			if (nsec > LOG_APP_RESPONSE_TIMES) {
+				IOLog("PM response took %d ms (%d, %s)\n", NS_TO_MS(nsec),
+				    pid, name);
+			}
+				// TODO: populate the messageType argument
+				getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+					gIOPMStatsResponseSlow,
+					name, 0, NS_TO_MS(nsec), pid, object);
+			} else {
+				getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+					gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt,
+					name, 0, NS_TO_MS(nsec), pid, object);
+			}
+		} else {
+			getPMRootDomain()->traceAckDelay(object, 0, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+		}
+		if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+			PM_LOG("Ack(%u) %u ms\n",
+			    (uint32_t) ordinalComponent,
+			    NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+		}
+		theFlag = kOSBooleanFalse;
+	} else if (object) {
+		getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+			gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt,
+			NULL, 0, 0, pid, object);
+	}
+	if (kOSBooleanFalse == theFlag) {
+		fResponseArray->replaceObject(ordinalComponent, kOSBooleanTrue);
+	}
+	return true;
+// [public] allowPowerChange
+// Our power state is about to lower, and we have notified applications
+// and kernel clients, and one of them has acknowledged.  If this is the last to do
+// so, and all acknowledgements are positive, we continue with the power change.
+IOService::allowPowerChange( unsigned long refcon )
+	IOPMRequest * request;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		// we're unloading
+		return kIOReturnSuccess;
+	}
+	request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeAllowPowerChange );
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
+	request->fArg0 = (void *)            refcon;
+	request->fArg1 = (void *)(uintptr_t) proc_selfpid();
+	request->fArg2 = (void *)            NULL;
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
+#ifndef __LP64__
+IOService::serializedAllowPowerChange2( unsigned long refcon )
+	// [deprecated] public
+	return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+// [public] cancelPowerChange
+// Our power state is about to lower, and we have notified applications
+// and kernel clients, and one of them has vetoed the change.  If this is the last
+// client to respond, we abandon the power change.
+IOService::cancelPowerChange( unsigned long refcon )
+	IOPMRequest *   request;
+	char            name[128];
+	pid_t           pid = proc_selfpid();
+	if (!initialized) {
+		// we're unloading
+		return kIOReturnSuccess;
+	}
+	name[0] = '\0';
+	proc_name(pid, name, sizeof(name));
+	PM_ERROR("PM notification cancel (pid %d, %s)\n", pid, name);
+	request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeCancelPowerChange );
+	if (!request) {
+		return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+	}
+	request->fArg0 = (void *)            refcon;
+	request->fArg1 = (void *)(uintptr_t) proc_selfpid();
+	request->fArg2 = (void *)            OSString::withCString(name);
+	submitPMRequest( request );
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// cancelIdlePowerDown
+// Internal method to trigger an idle cancel or revert
+IOService::cancelIdlePowerDown( IOService * service )
+	IOPMRequest * request;
+	request = acquirePMRequest(service, kIOPMRequestTypeIdleCancel);
+	if (request) {
+		submitPMRequest(request);
+	}
+#ifndef __LP64__
+IOService::serializedCancelPowerChange2( unsigned long refcon )
+	// [deprecated] public
+	return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+// PM_Clamp_Timer_Expired
+// called when clamp timer expires...set power state to 0.
+IOService::PM_Clamp_Timer_Expired( void )
+// clampPowerOn
+// Set to highest available power state for a minimum of duration milliseconds
+IOService::clampPowerOn( unsigned long duration )
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+//  configurePowerStateReport
+//  Configures the IOStateReport for kPMPowerStateChannel
+IOService::configurePowerStatesReport( IOReportConfigureAction action, void *result )
+	IOReturn rc = kIOReturnSuccess;
+	size_t  reportSize;
+	unsigned long i;
+	uint64_t                ts;
+	if (!pwrMgt) {
+		return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+	}
+	if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		return kIOReturnSuccess; // For drivers which are in power plane, but haven't called registerPowerDriver()
+	}
+	PM_LOCK();
+	switch (action) {
+	case kIOReportEnable:
+		if (fReportBuf) {
+			fReportClientCnt++;
+			break;
+		}
+		reportSize = STATEREPORT_BUFSIZE(fNumberOfPowerStates);
+		fReportBuf = IOMalloc(reportSize);
+		if (!fReportBuf) {
+			rc = kIOReturnNoMemory;
+			break;
+		}
+		memset(fReportBuf, 0, reportSize);
+		STATEREPORT_INIT(fNumberOfPowerStates, fReportBuf, reportSize,
+		    getRegistryEntryID(), kPMPowerStatesChID, kIOReportCategoryPower);
+		for (i = 0; i < fNumberOfPowerStates; i++) {
+			unsigned bits = 0;
+			if (fPowerStates[i].capabilityFlags & kIOPMPowerOn) {
+				bits |= kPMReportPowerOn;
+			}
+			if (fPowerStates[i].capabilityFlags & kIOPMDeviceUsable) {
+				bits |= kPMReportDeviceUsable;
+			}
+			if (fPowerStates[i].capabilityFlags & kIOPMLowPower) {
+				bits |= kPMReportLowPower;
+			}
+			STATEREPORT_SETSTATEID(fReportBuf, i, ((bits & 0xff) << 8) |
+			    ((StateOrder(fMaxPowerState) & 0xf) << 4) | (StateOrder(i) & 0xf));
+		}
+		ts = mach_absolute_time();
+		STATEREPORT_SETSTATE(fReportBuf, fCurrentPowerState, ts);
+		break;
+	case kIOReportDisable:
+		if (fReportClientCnt == 0) {
+			rc = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (fReportClientCnt == 1) {
+			IOFree(fReportBuf, STATEREPORT_BUFSIZE(fNumberOfPowerStates));
+			fReportBuf = NULL;
+		}
+		fReportClientCnt--;
+		break;
+	case kIOReportGetDimensions:
+		if (fReportBuf) {
+			STATEREPORT_UPDATERES(fReportBuf, kIOReportGetDimensions, result);
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	return rc;
+//  updatePowerStateReport
+//  Updates the IOStateReport for kPMPowerStateChannel
+IOService::updatePowerStatesReport( IOReportConfigureAction action, void *result, void *destination )
+	uint32_t size2cpy;
+	void *data2cpy;
+	uint64_t ts;
+	IOReturn rc = kIOReturnSuccess;
+	IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *dest = OSDynamicCast(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor, (OSObject *)destination);
+	if (!pwrMgt) {
+		return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+	}
+	if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		return kIOReturnSuccess;
+	}
+	if (!result || !dest) {
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
+	PM_LOCK();
+	switch (action) {
+	case kIOReportCopyChannelData:
+		if (!fReportBuf) {
+			rc = kIOReturnNotOpen;
+			break;
+		}
+		ts = mach_absolute_time();
+		STATEREPORT_UPDATEPREP(fReportBuf, ts, data2cpy, size2cpy);
+		if (size2cpy > (dest->getCapacity() - dest->getLength())) {
+			rc = kIOReturnOverrun;
+			break;
+		}
+		STATEREPORT_UPDATERES(fReportBuf, kIOReportCopyChannelData, result);
+		dest->appendBytes(data2cpy, size2cpy);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	return rc;
+//  configureSimplePowerReport
+//  Configures the IOSimpleReport for given channel id
+IOService::configureSimplePowerReport(IOReportConfigureAction action, void *result )
+	IOReturn rc = kIOReturnSuccess;
+	if (!pwrMgt) {
+		return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+	}
+	if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		return rc;
+	}
+	switch (action) {
+	case kIOReportEnable:
+	case kIOReportDisable:
+		break;
+	case kIOReportGetDimensions:
+		SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATERES(kIOReportGetDimensions, result);
+		break;
+	}
+	return rc;
+//  updateSimplePowerReport
+//  Updates the IOSimpleReport for the given chanel id
+IOService::updateSimplePowerReport( IOReportConfigureAction action, void *result, void *destination )
+	uint32_t size2cpy;
+	void *data2cpy;
+	uint64_t buf[SIMPLEREPORT_BUFSIZE / sizeof(uint64_t) + 1]; // Force a 8-byte alignment
+	IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *dest = OSDynamicCast(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor, (OSObject *)destination);
+	IOReturn rc = kIOReturnSuccess;
+	unsigned bits = 0;
+	if (!pwrMgt) {
+		return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+	}
+	if (!result || !dest) {
+		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+	}
+	if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		return rc;
+	}
+	PM_LOCK();
+	switch (action) {
+	case kIOReportCopyChannelData:
+		SIMPLEREPORT_INIT(buf, sizeof(buf), getRegistryEntryID(), kPMCurrStateChID, kIOReportCategoryPower);
+		if (fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState].capabilityFlags & kIOPMPowerOn) {
+			bits |= kPMReportPowerOn;
+		}
+		if (fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState].capabilityFlags & kIOPMDeviceUsable) {
+			bits |= kPMReportDeviceUsable;
+		}
+		if (fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState].capabilityFlags & kIOPMLowPower) {
+			bits |= kPMReportLowPower;
+		}
+		SIMPLEREPORT_SETVALUE(buf, ((bits & 0xff) << 8) | ((StateOrder(fMaxPowerState) & 0xf) << 4) |
+		    (StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState) & 0xf));
+		SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATEPREP(buf, data2cpy, size2cpy);
+		if (size2cpy > (dest->getCapacity() - dest->getLength())) {
+			rc = kIOReturnOverrun;
+			break;
+		}
+		SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATERES(kIOReportCopyChannelData, result);
+		dest->appendBytes(data2cpy, size2cpy);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Driver Overrides
+// [public] setPowerState
+// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+	unsigned long powerStateOrdinal, IOService * whatDevice )
+	return IOPMNoErr;
+// [public] maxCapabilityForDomainState
+// Finds the highest power state in the array whose input power requirement
+// is equal to the input parameter. Where a more intelligent decision is
+// possible, override this in the subclassed driver.
+IOService::getPowerStateForDomainFlags( IOPMPowerFlags flags )
+	IOPMPowerStateIndex stateIndex;
+	if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+		return kPowerStateZero;
+	}
+	for (int order = fNumberOfPowerStates - 1; order >= 0; order--) {
+		stateIndex = fPowerStates[order].stateOrderToIndex;
+		if ((flags & fPowerStates[stateIndex].inputPowerFlags) ==
+		    fPowerStates[stateIndex].inputPowerFlags) {
+			return stateIndex;
+		}
+	}
+	return kPowerStateZero;
+unsigned long
+IOService::maxCapabilityForDomainState( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
+	return getPowerStateForDomainFlags(domainState);
+// [public] initialPowerStateForDomainState
+// Called to query the power state for the initial power transition.
+unsigned long
+IOService::initialPowerStateForDomainState( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
+	if (fResetPowerStateOnWake && (domainState & kIOPMRootDomainState)) {
+		// Return lowest power state for any root power domain changes
+		return kPowerStateZero;
+	}
+	return getPowerStateForDomainFlags(domainState);
+// [public] powerStateForDomainState
+// This method is not called from PM.
+unsigned long
+IOService::powerStateForDomainState( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
+	return getPowerStateForDomainFlags(domainState);
+#ifndef __LP64__
+// [deprecated] didYouWakeSystem
+// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+IOService::didYouWakeSystem( void )
+	return false;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+// [public] powerStateWillChangeTo
+// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+IOService::powerStateWillChangeTo( IOPMPowerFlags, unsigned long, IOService * )
+	return kIOPMAckImplied;
+// [public] powerStateDidChangeTo
+// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+IOService::powerStateDidChangeTo( IOPMPowerFlags, unsigned long, IOService * )
+	return kIOPMAckImplied;
+// [protected] powerChangeDone
+// Called from PM work loop thread.
+// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass policy-maker.
+IOService::powerChangeDone( unsigned long )
+#ifndef __LP64__
+// [deprecated] newTemperature
+// Does nothing here.  This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+IOService::newTemperature( long currentTemp, IOService * whichZone )
+	return IOPMNoErr;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+// [public] systemWillShutdown
+// System shutdown and restart notification.
+IOService::systemWillShutdown( IOOptionBits specifier )
+	IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain = IOService::getPMRootDomain();
+	if (rootDomain) {
+		rootDomain->acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown( this );
+	}
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: PM State Machine
+// [private static] acquirePMRequest
+IOPMRequest *
+IOService::acquirePMRequest( IOService * target, IOOptionBits requestType,
+    IOPMRequest * active )
+	IOPMRequest * request;
+	assert(target);
+	request = IOPMRequest::create();
+	if (request) {
+		request->init( target, requestType );
+		if (active) {
+			IOPMRequest * root = active->getRootRequest();
+			if (root) {
+				request->attachRootRequest(root);
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		PM_ERROR("%s: No memory for PM request type 0x%x\n",
+		    target->getName(), (uint32_t) requestType);
+	}
+	return request;
+// [private static] releasePMRequest
+IOService::releasePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request )
+	if (request) {
+		request->reset();
+		request->release();
+	}
+// [private static] submitPMRequest
+IOService::submitPMRequest( IOPMRequest * request )
+	assert( request );
+	assert( gIOPMReplyQueue );
+	assert( gIOPMRequestQueue );
+	PM_LOG1("[+ %02lx] %p [%p %s] %p %p %p\n",
+	    (long)request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+	    OBFUSCATE(request->getTarget()), request->getTarget()->getName(),
+	    OBFUSCATE(request->fArg0),
+	    OBFUSCATE(request->fArg1), OBFUSCATE(request->fArg2));
+	if (request->isReplyType()) {
+		gIOPMReplyQueue->queuePMRequest( request );
+	} else {
+		gIOPMRequestQueue->queuePMRequest( request );
+	}
+IOService::submitPMRequests( IOPMRequest ** requests, IOItemCount count )
+	assert( requests );
+	assert( count > 0 );
+	assert( gIOPMRequestQueue );
+	for (IOItemCount i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+		IOPMRequest * req = requests[i];
+		PM_LOG1("[+ %02lx] %p [%p %s] %p %p %p\n",
+		    (long)req->getType(), OBFUSCATE(req),
+		    OBFUSCATE(req->getTarget()), req->getTarget()->getName(),
+		    OBFUSCATE(req->fArg0),
+		    OBFUSCATE(req->fArg1), OBFUSCATE(req->fArg2));
+	}
+	gIOPMRequestQueue->queuePMRequestChain( requests, count );
+// [private] actionPMRequestQueue
+// IOPMRequestQueue::checkForWork() passing a new request to the request target.
+	IOPMRequest *       request,
+	IOPMRequestQueue *  queue )
+	bool more;
+	if (initialized) {
+		// Work queue will immediately execute the request if the per-service
+		// request queue is empty. Note pwrMgt is the target's IOServicePM.
+		more = gIOPMWorkQueue->queuePMRequest(request, pwrMgt);
+	} else {
+		// Calling PM without PMinit() is not allowed, fail the request.
+		// Need to signal more when completing attached requests.
+		PM_LOG("%s: PM not initialized\n", getName());
+		PM_LOG1("[- %02x] %p [%p %s] !initialized\n",
+		    request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+		    OBFUSCATE(this), getName());
+		more = gIOPMCompletionQueue->queuePMRequest(request);
+		if (more) {
+			gIOPMWorkQueue->incrementProducerCount();
+		}
+	}
+	return more;
+// [private] actionPMCompletionQueue
+// IOPMCompletionQueue::checkForWork() passing a completed request to the
+// request target.
+	IOPMRequest *         request,
+	IOPMCompletionQueue * queue )
+	bool            more = (request->getNextRequest() != NULL);
+	IOPMRequest *   root = request->getRootRequest();
+	if (root && (root != request)) {
+		more = true;
+	}
+	if (more) {
+		gIOPMWorkQueue->incrementProducerCount();
+	}
+	releasePMRequest( request );
+	return more;
+// [private] actionPMWorkQueueRetire
+// IOPMWorkQueue::checkForWork() passing a retired request to the request target.
+IOService::actionPMWorkQueueRetire( IOPMRequest * request, IOPMWorkQueue * queue )
+	assert(request && queue);
+	PM_LOG1("[- %02x] %p [%p %s] state %d, busy %d\n",
+	    request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+	    OBFUSCATE(this), getName(),
+	    fMachineState, gIOPMBusyRequestCount);
+	// Catch requests created by idleTimerExpired()
+	if (request->getType() == kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle) {
+		uint32_t tickleFlags = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) request->fArg1;
+		if ((tickleFlags & kTickleTypePowerDrop) && fIdleTimerPeriod) {
+			restartIdleTimer();
+		} else if (tickleFlags == (kTickleTypeActivity | kTickleTypePowerRise)) {
+			// Invalidate any idle power drop that got queued while
+			// processing this request.
+			fIdleTimerGeneration++;
+		}
+	}
+	// When the completed request is linked, tell work queue there is
+	// more work pending.
+	return gIOPMCompletionQueue->queuePMRequest( request );
+// [private] isPMBlocked
+// Check if machine state transition is blocked.
+IOService::isPMBlocked( IOPMRequest * request, int count )
+	int reason = 0;
+	do {
+		if (kIOPM_Finished == fMachineState) {
+			break;
+		}
+		if (kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone == fMachineState) {
+			// 5 = kDriverCallInformPreChange
+			// 6 = kDriverCallInformPostChange
+			// 7 = kDriverCallSetPowerState
+			// 8 = kRootDomainInformPreChange
+			if (fDriverCallBusy) {
+				reason = 5 + fDriverCallReason;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		// Waiting on driver's setPowerState() timeout.
+		if (fDriverTimer) {
+			reason = 1; break;
+		}
+		// Child or interested driver acks pending.
+		if (fHeadNotePendingAcks) {
+			reason = 2; break;
+		}
+		// Waiting on apps or priority power interest clients.
+		if (fResponseArray) {
+			reason = 3; break;
+		}
+		// Waiting on settle timer expiration.
+		if (fSettleTimeUS) {
+			reason = 4; break;
+		}
+	} while (false);
+	fWaitReason = reason;
+	if (reason) {
+		if (count) {
+			PM_LOG1("[B %02x] %p [%p %s] state %d, reason %d\n",
+			    request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+			    OBFUSCATE(this), getName(),
+			    fMachineState, reason);
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+// [private] actionPMWorkQueueInvoke
+// IOPMWorkQueue::checkForWork() passing a request to the
+// request target for execution.
+IOService::actionPMWorkQueueInvoke( IOPMRequest * request, IOPMWorkQueue * queue )
+	bool    done = false;
+	int     loop = 0;
+	assert(request && queue);
+	while (isPMBlocked(request, loop++) == false) {
+		PM_LOG1("[W %02x] %p [%p %s] state %d\n",
+		    request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+		    OBFUSCATE(this), getName(), fMachineState);
+		gIOPMRequest = request;
+		gIOPMWorkInvokeCount++;
+		// Every PM machine states must be handled in one of the cases below.
+		switch (fMachineState) {
+		case kIOPM_Finished:
+			start_watchdog_timer();
+			executePMRequest( request );
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown:
+			// Root domain might self cancel due to assertions.
+			if (IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+				bool cancel = (bool) fDoNotPowerDown;
+				getPMRootDomain()->askChangeDownDone(
+					&fHeadNoteChangeFlags, &cancel);
+				fDoNotPowerDown = cancel;
+			}
+			// askChangeDown() done, was it vetoed?
+			if (!fDoNotPowerDown) {
+				// no, we can continue
+				OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown();
+			} else {
+				OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+				PM_ERROR("%s: idle cancel, state %u\n", fName, fMachineState);
+				if (IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+					// RootDomain already sent "WillSleep" to its clients
+					tellChangeUp(fCurrentPowerState);
+				} else {
+					tellNoChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+				}
+				// mark the change note un-actioned
+				fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+				// and we're done
+				OurChangeFinish();
+			}
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown:
+			// PMRD: tellChangeDown/kNotifyApps done, was it cancelled?
+			if (fDoNotPowerDown) {
+				OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+				PM_ERROR("%s: idle cancel, state %u\n", fName, fMachineState);
+				if (IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+					// RootDomain already sent "WillSleep" to its clients
+					tellChangeUp(fCurrentPowerState);
+				} else {
+					tellNoChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+				}
+				// mark the change note un-actioned
+				fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+				// and we're done
+				OurChangeFinish();
+			} else {
+				OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown();
+			}
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+			// PMRD:     LastCallBeforeSleep notify done
+			// Non-PMRD: tellChangeDown/kNotifyApps done
+			if (fDoNotPowerDown) {
+				OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+				PM_ERROR("%s: idle revert, state %u\n", fName, fMachineState);
+				// no, tell clients we're back in the old state
+				tellChangeUp(fCurrentPowerState);
+				// mark the change note un-actioned
+				fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+				// and we're done
+				OurChangeFinish();
+			} else {
+				// yes, we can continue
+				OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown();
+			}
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange:
+			OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState:
+			OurChangeSetPowerState();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle:
+			OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange:
+			OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange:
+			OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_OurChangeFinish:
+			OurChangeFinish();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+			ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange:
+			ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_ParentChangeSetPowerState:
+			ParentChangeSetPowerState();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle:
+			ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange:
+			ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange:
+			ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange:
+			ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone:
+			switch (fDriverCallReason) {
+			case kDriverCallInformPreChange:
+			case kDriverCallInformPostChange:
+				notifyInterestedDriversDone();
+				break;
+			case kDriverCallSetPowerState:
+				notifyControllingDriverDone();
+				break;
+			case kRootDomainInformPreChange:
+				notifyRootDomainDone();
+				break;
+			default:
+				panic("%s: bad call reason %x",
+				    getName(), fDriverCallReason);
+			}
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_NotifyChildrenOrdered:
+			notifyChildrenOrdered();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed:
+			notifyChildrenDelayed();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_NotifyChildrenStart:
+			// pop notifyAll() state saved by notifyInterestedDriversDone()
+			MS_POP();
+			notifyRootDomain();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown:
+			// Root domain might self cancel due to assertions.
+			if (IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+				bool cancel = (bool) fDoNotPowerDown;
+				getPMRootDomain()->askChangeDownDone(
+					&fHeadNoteChangeFlags, &cancel);
+				fDoNotPowerDown = cancel;
+			}
+			if (!fDoNotPowerDown) {
+				fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown;
+				fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyApps;
+				tellChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+			} else {
+				// Cancelled by IOPMrootDomain::askChangeDownDone() or
+				// askChangeDown/kNotifyApps
+				OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+				PM_ERROR("%s: idle cancel, state %u\n", fName, fMachineState);
+				tellNoChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+				fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+				OurChangeFinish();
+			}
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+			// PMRD: tellChangeDown/kNotifyApps done, was it cancelled?
+			if (!fDoNotPowerDown) {
+				fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange;
+				fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyPriority;
+				tellChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+			} else {
+				OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+				PM_ERROR("%s: idle revert, state %u\n", fName, fMachineState);
+				tellChangeUp(fCurrentPowerState);
+				fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+				OurChangeFinish();
+			}
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange:
+			if (kIOPMSyncNoChildNotify & fHeadNoteChangeFlags) {
+				fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncFinish;
+				continue;
+			}
+			fMachineState     = kIOPM_SyncNotifyDidChange;
+			fDriverCallReason = kDriverCallInformPreChange;
+			notifyChildren();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_SyncNotifyDidChange:
+			fIsPreChange = false;
+			if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMParentInitiated) {
+				fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncFinish;
+			} else {
+				assert(IS_ROOT_DOMAIN);
+				fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncTellCapabilityDidChange;
+			}
+			fDriverCallReason = kDriverCallInformPostChange;
+			notifyChildren();
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_SyncTellCapabilityDidChange:
+			tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_SyncFinish );
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_SyncFinish:
+			if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMParentInitiated) {
+				ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange();
+			} else {
+				OurChangeFinish();
+			}
+			break;
+		case kIOPM_TellCapabilityChangeDone:
+			if (fIsPreChange) {
+				if (fOutOfBandParameter == kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority) {
+					MS_POP(); // tellSystemCapabilityChange()
+					continue;
+				}
+				fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority;
+			} else {
+				if (fOutOfBandParameter == kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps) {
+					MS_POP(); // tellSystemCapabilityChange()
+					continue;
+				}
+				fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps;
+			}
+			tellClientsWithResponse( fOutOfBandMessage );
+			break;
+		default:
+			panic("PMWorkQueueInvoke: unknown machine state %x",
+			    fMachineState);
+		}
+		gIOPMRequest = NULL;
+		if (fMachineState == kIOPM_Finished) {
+			stop_watchdog_timer();
+			done = true;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return done;
+// [private] executePMRequest
+IOService::executePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request )
+	assert( kIOPM_Finished == fMachineState );
+	switch (request->getType()) {
+	case kIOPMRequestTypePMStop:
+		handlePMstop( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild1:
+		addPowerChild1( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild2:
+		addPowerChild2( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild3:
+		addPowerChild3( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeRegisterPowerDriver:
+		handleRegisterPowerDriver( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeAdjustPowerState:
+		fAdjustPowerScheduled = false;
+		adjustPowerState();
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainWillChange:
+		handlePowerDomainWillChangeTo( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainDidChange:
+		handlePowerDomainDidChangeTo( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerState:
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride:
+		handleRequestPowerState( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOnPriv:
+	case kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOffPriv:
+		handlePowerOverrideChanged( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle:
+		handleActivityTickle( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeSynchronizePowerTree:
+		handleSynchronizePowerTree( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeSetIdleTimerPeriod:
+	{
+		fIdleTimerPeriod = (uintptr_t) request->fArg0;
+		fNextIdleTimerPeriod = fIdleTimerPeriod;
+		if ((false == fLockedFlags.PMStop) && (fIdleTimerPeriod > 0)) {
+			restartIdleTimer();
+		}
+	}
+	break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeIgnoreIdleTimer:
+		fIdleTimerIgnored = request->fArg0 ? 1 : 0;
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeQuiescePowerTree:
+		gIOPMWorkQueue->finishQuiesceRequest(request);
+		break;
+	default:
+		panic("executePMRequest: unknown request type %x", request->getType());
+	}
+// [private] actionPMReplyQueue
+// IOPMRequestQueue::checkForWork() passing a reply-type request to the
+// request target.
+IOService::actionPMReplyQueue( IOPMRequest * request, IOPMRequestQueue * queue )
+	bool more = false;
+	assert( request && queue );
+	assert( request->isReplyType());
+	PM_LOG1("[A %02x] %p [%p %s] state %d\n",
+	    request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+	    OBFUSCATE(this), getName(), fMachineState);
+	switch (request->getType()) {
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeAllowPowerChange:
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeCancelPowerChange:
+		// Check if we are expecting this response.
+		if (responseValid((uint32_t)(uintptr_t) request->fArg0,
+		    (int)(uintptr_t) request->fArg1)) {
+			if (kIOPMRequestTypeCancelPowerChange == request->getType()) {
+				// Clients are not allowed to cancel when kIOPMSkipAskPowerDown
+				// flag is set. Only root domain will set this flag.
+				// However, there is one exception to this rule. User-space PM
+				// policy may choose to cancel sleep even after all clients have
+				// been notified that we will lower power.
+				if ((fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown)
+				    || (fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown)
+				    || ((fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMSkipAskPowerDown) == 0)) {
+					fDoNotPowerDown = true;
+					OSString * name = (OSString *) request->fArg2;
+					getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+						gIOPMStatsResponseCancel,
+						name ? name->getCStringNoCopy() : "", 0,
+						0, (int)(uintptr_t) request->fArg1, NULL);
+				}
+			}
+			if (checkForDone()) {
+				stop_ack_timer();
+				cleanClientResponses(false);
+				more = true;
+			}
+		}
+		// OSString containing app name in Arg2 must be released.
+		if (request->getType() == kIOPMRequestTypeCancelPowerChange) {
+			OSObject * obj = (OSObject *) request->fArg2;
+			if (obj) {
+				obj->release();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeAckPowerChange:
+		more = handleAcknowledgePowerChange( request );
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeAckSetPowerState:
+		if (fDriverTimer == -1) {
+			// driver acked while setPowerState() call is in-flight.
+			// take this ack, return value from setPowerState() is irrelevant.
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogDriverAcknowledgeSet,
+			    (uintptr_t) this, fDriverTimer);
+			fDriverTimer = 0;
+		} else if (fDriverTimer > 0) {
+			// expected ack, stop the timer
+			stop_ack_timer();
+			getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, 0);
+			uint64_t nsec = computeTimeDeltaNS(&fDriverCallStartTime);
+			if (nsec > LOG_SETPOWER_TIMES) {
+				getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+					gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow,
+					fName, kDriverCallSetPowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec), getRegistryEntryID(),
+					NULL, fHeadNotePowerState);
+			}
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogDriverAcknowledgeSet, (uintptr_t) this, fDriverTimer);
+			fDriverTimer = 0;
+			more = true;
+		} else {
+			// unexpected ack
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAcknowledgeErr4, (uintptr_t) this, 0);
+		}
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeInterestChanged:
+		handleInterestChanged( request );
+		more = true;
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeIdleCancel:
+		if ((fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown)
+		    || (fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown)
+		    || (fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown)
+		    || (fMachineState == kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown)
+		    || (fMachineState == kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown)) {
+			OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+			PM_LOG2("%s: cancel from machine state %d\n",
+			    getName(), fMachineState);
+			fDoNotPowerDown = true;
+			// Stop waiting for app replys.
+			if ((fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown) ||
+			    (fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown) ||
+			    (fMachineState == kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown) ||
+			    (fMachineState == kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown)) {
+				cleanClientResponses(false);
+			}
+			more = true;
+		}
+		break;
+	case kIOPMRequestTypeChildNotifyDelayCancel:
+		if (fMachineState == kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed) {
+			PM_LOG2("%s: delay notify cancelled\n", getName());
+			notifyChildrenDelayed();
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		panic("PMReplyQueue: unknown reply type %x", request->getType());
+	}
+	more |= gIOPMCompletionQueue->queuePMRequest(request);
+	if (more) {
+		gIOPMWorkQueue->incrementProducerCount();
+	}
+	return more;
+// [private] assertPMDriverCall / deassertPMDriverCall
+	IOPMDriverCallEntry *   entry,
+	IOOptionBits            method,
+	const IOPMinformee *    inform,
+	IOOptionBits            options )
+	IOService * target = NULL;
+	bool        ok = false;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	PM_LOCK();
+	if (fLockedFlags.PMStop) {
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	if (((options & kIOPMDriverCallNoInactiveCheck) == 0) && isInactive()) {
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	if (inform) {
+		if (!inform->active) {
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		target = inform->whatObject;
+		if (target->isInactive()) {
+			goto fail;
+		}
+	}
+	// Record calling address for sleep failure diagnostics
+	switch (method) {
+	case kIOPMDriverCallMethodSetPowerState:
+		entry->callMethod = OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, fControllingDriver, &IOService::setPowerState);
+		break;
+	case kIOPMDriverCallMethodWillChange:
+		entry->callMethod = OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, target, &IOService::powerStateWillChangeTo);
+		break;
+	case kIOPMDriverCallMethodDidChange:
+		entry->callMethod = OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, target, &IOService::powerStateDidChangeTo);
+		break;
+	case kIOPMDriverCallMethodUnknown:
+	case kIOPMDriverCallMethodSetAggressive:
+	default:
+		entry->callMethod = NULL;
+		break;
+	}
+	entry->thread = current_thread();
+	entry->target = target;
+	queue_enter(&fPMDriverCallQueue, entry, IOPMDriverCallEntry *, link);
+	ok = true;
+	return ok;
+IOService::deassertPMDriverCall( IOPMDriverCallEntry * entry )
+	bool wakeup = false;
+	PM_LOCK();
+	assert( !queue_empty(&fPMDriverCallQueue));
+	queue_remove(&fPMDriverCallQueue, entry, IOPMDriverCallEntry *, link);
+	if (fLockedFlags.PMDriverCallWait) {
+		wakeup = true;
+	}
+	if (wakeup) {
+		PM_LOCK_WAKEUP(&fPMDriverCallQueue);
+	}
+IOService::getBlockingDriverCall(thread_t *thread, const void **callMethod)
+	const IOPMDriverCallEntry * entry = NULL;
+	bool    blocked = false;
+	if (!initialized) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	if (current_thread() != gIOPMWatchDogThread) {
+		// Meant to be accessed only from watchdog thread
+		return false;
+	}
+	PM_LOCK();
+	entry = qe_queue_first(&fPMDriverCallQueue, IOPMDriverCallEntry, link);
+	if (entry) {
+		*thread = entry->thread;
+		*callMethod = entry->callMethod;
+		blocked = true;
+	}
+	return blocked;
+IOService::waitForPMDriverCall( IOService * target )
+	const IOPMDriverCallEntry * entry;
+	thread_t                    thread = current_thread();
+	AbsoluteTime                deadline;
+	int                         waitResult;
+	bool                        log = true;
+	bool                        wait;
+	do {
+		wait = false;
+		queue_iterate(&fPMDriverCallQueue, entry, const IOPMDriverCallEntry *, link)
+		{
+			// Target of interested driver call
+			if (target && (target != entry->target)) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			if (entry->thread == thread) {
+				if (log) {
+					PM_LOG("%s: %s(%s) on PM thread\n",
+					    fName, __FUNCTION__, target ? target->getName() : "");
+					OSReportWithBacktrace("%s: %s(%s) on PM thread\n",
+					    fName, __FUNCTION__, target ? target->getName() : "");
+					log = false;
+				}
+				continue;
+			}
+			wait = true;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (wait) {
+			fLockedFlags.PMDriverCallWait = true;
+			clock_interval_to_deadline(15, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+			waitResult = PM_LOCK_SLEEP(&fPMDriverCallQueue, deadline);
+			fLockedFlags.PMDriverCallWait = false;
+			if (THREAD_TIMED_OUT == waitResult) {
+				PM_ERROR("%s: waitForPMDriverCall timeout\n", fName);
+				wait = false;
+			}
+		}
+	} while (wait);
+// [private] Debug helpers
+const char *
+IOService::getIOMessageString( uint32_t msg )
+#define MSG_ENTRY(x)    {(int) x, #x}
+	static const IONamedValue msgNames[] = {
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageCanDevicePowerOff      ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff     ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageDeviceWillNotPowerOff  ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn     ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageCanSystemPowerOff      ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff     ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillNotPowerOff  ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageCanSystemSleep         ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillSleep        ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep     ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn     ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillRestart      ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn      ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep  ),
+		MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemPagingOff        ),
+		{ 0, NULL }
+	};
+	return IOFindNameForValue(msg, msgNames);
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IOPMRequest
+// IOPMRequest Class
+// Requests from PM clients, and also used for inter-object messaging within PM.
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOPMRequest, IOCommand );
+IOPMRequest *
+IOPMRequest::create( void )
+	IOPMRequest * me = OSTypeAlloc(IOPMRequest);
+	if (me && !me->init(NULL, kIOPMRequestTypeInvalid)) {
+		me->release();
+		me = NULL;
+	}
+	return me;
+IOPMRequest::init( IOService * target, IOOptionBits type )
+	if (!IOCommand::init()) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	fRequestType = type;
+	fTarget = target;
+	if (fTarget) {
+		fTarget->retain();
+	}
+	// Root node and root domain requests does not prevent the power tree from
+	// becoming quiescent.
+	fIsQuiesceBlocker = ((fTarget != gIOPMRootNode) &&
+	    (fTarget != IOService::getPMRootDomain()));
+	return true;
+IOPMRequest::reset( void )
+	assert( fWorkWaitCount == 0 );
+	assert( fFreeWaitCount == 0 );
+	detachNextRequest();
+	detachRootRequest();
+	if (fCompletionAction && (fRequestType == kIOPMRequestTypeQuiescePowerTree)) {
+		// Call the completion on PM work loop context
+		fCompletionAction(fCompletionTarget, fCompletionParam);
+		fCompletionAction = NULL;
+	}
+	fRequestType = kIOPMRequestTypeInvalid;
+	if (fTarget) {
+		fTarget->release();
+		fTarget = NULL;
+	}
+IOPMRequest::attachNextRequest( IOPMRequest * next )
+	bool ok = false;
+	if (!fRequestNext) {
+		// Postpone the execution of the next request after
+		// this request.
+		fRequestNext = next;
+		fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount++;
+		PM_LOG("Attached next: %p [0x%x] -> %p [0x%x, %u] %s\n",
+		    OBFUSCATE(this), fRequestType, OBFUSCATE(fRequestNext),
+		    fRequestNext->fRequestType,
+		    (uint32_t) fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount,
+		    fTarget->getName());
+		ok = true;
+	}
+	return ok;
+IOPMRequest::detachNextRequest( void )
+	bool ok = false;
+	if (fRequestNext) {
+		assert(fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount);
+		if (fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount) {
+			fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount--;
+		}
+		PM_LOG("Detached next: %p [0x%x] -> %p [0x%x, %u] %s\n",
+		    OBFUSCATE(this), fRequestType, OBFUSCATE(fRequestNext),
+		    fRequestNext->fRequestType,
+		    (uint32_t) fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount,
+		    fTarget->getName());
+		fRequestNext = NULL;
+		ok = true;
+	}
+	return ok;
+IOPMRequest::attachRootRequest( IOPMRequest * root )
+	bool ok = false;
+	if (!fRequestRoot) {
+		// Delay the completion of the root request after
+		// this request.
+		fRequestRoot = root;
+		fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount++;
+		PM_LOG("Attached root: %p [0x%x] -> %p [0x%x, %u] %s\n",
+		    OBFUSCATE(this), (uint32_t) fType, OBFUSCATE(fRequestRoot),
+		    (uint32_t) fRequestRoot->fType,
+		    (uint32_t) fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount,
+		    fTarget->getName());
+		ok = true;
+	}
+	return ok;
+IOPMRequest::detachRootRequest( void )
+	bool ok = false;
+	if (fRequestRoot) {
+		assert(fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount);
+		if (fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount) {
+			fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount--;
+		}
+		PM_LOG("Detached root: %p [0x%x] -> %p [0x%x, %u] %s\n",
+		    OBFUSCATE(this), (uint32_t) fType, OBFUSCATE(fRequestRoot),
+		    (uint32_t) fRequestRoot->fType,
+		    (uint32_t) fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount,
+		    fTarget->getName());
+		fRequestRoot = NULL;
+		ok = true;
+	}
+	return ok;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IOPMRequestQueue
+// IOPMRequestQueue Class
+// Global queues. Queues are created once and never released.
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOPMRequestQueue, IOEventSource );
+IOPMRequestQueue *
+IOPMRequestQueue::create( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction )
+	IOPMRequestQueue * me = OSTypeAlloc(IOPMRequestQueue);
+	if (me && !me->init(inOwner, inAction)) {
+		me->release();
+		me = NULL;
+	}
+	return me;
+IOPMRequestQueue::init( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction )
+	if (!inAction || !IOEventSource::init(inOwner, (IOEventSourceAction)inAction)) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	queue_init(&fQueue);
+	fLock = IOLockAlloc();
+	return fLock != NULL;
+IOPMRequestQueue::free( void )
+	if (fLock) {
+		IOLockFree(fLock);
+		fLock = NULL;
+	}
+	return IOEventSource::free();
+IOPMRequestQueue::queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request )
+	assert(request);
+	IOLockLock(fLock);
+	queue_enter(&fQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+	IOLockUnlock(fLock);
+	if (workLoop) {
+		signalWorkAvailable();
+	}
+IOPMRequestQueue::queuePMRequestChain( IOPMRequest ** requests, IOItemCount count )
+	IOPMRequest * next;
+	assert(requests && count);
+	IOLockLock(fLock);
+	while (count--) {
+		next = *requests;
+		requests++;
+		queue_enter(&fQueue, next, typeof(next), fCommandChain);
+	}
+	IOLockUnlock(fLock);
+	if (workLoop) {
+		signalWorkAvailable();
+	}
+IOPMRequestQueue::checkForWork( void )
+	Action          dqAction = (Action) action;
+	IOPMRequest *   request;
+	IOService *     target;
+	int             dequeueCount = 0;
+	bool            more = false;
+	IOLockLock( fLock );
+	while (!queue_empty(&fQueue)) {
+		if (dequeueCount++ >= kMaxDequeueCount) {
+			// Allow other queues a chance to work
+			more = true;
+			break;
+		}
+		queue_remove_first(&fQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+		IOLockUnlock(fLock);
+		target = request->getTarget();
+		assert(target);
+		more |= (*dqAction)( target, request, this );
+		IOLockLock( fLock );
+	}
+	IOLockUnlock( fLock );
+	return more;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IOPMWorkQueue
+// IOPMWorkQueue Class
+// Queue of IOServicePM objects, each with a queue of IOPMRequest sharing the
+// same target.
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOPMWorkQueue, IOEventSource );
+IOPMWorkQueue *
+IOPMWorkQueue::create( IOService * inOwner, Action invoke, Action retire )
+	IOPMWorkQueue * me = OSTypeAlloc(IOPMWorkQueue);
+	if (me && !me->init(inOwner, invoke, retire)) {
+		me->release();
+		me = NULL;
+	}
+	return me;
+IOPMWorkQueue::init( IOService * inOwner, Action invoke, Action retire )
+	if (!invoke || !retire ||
+	    !IOEventSource::init(inOwner, (IOEventSourceAction)NULL)) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	queue_init(&fWorkQueue);
+	fInvokeAction  = invoke;
+	fRetireAction  = retire;
+	fConsumerCount = fProducerCount = 0;
+	return true;
+IOPMWorkQueue::queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request, IOServicePM * pwrMgt )
+	queue_head_t *  requestQueue;
+	bool            more  = false;
+	bool            empty;
+	assert( request );
+	assert( pwrMgt );
+	assert( onThread());
+	assert( queue_next(&request->fCommandChain) ==
+	    queue_prev(&request->fCommandChain));
+	gIOPMBusyRequestCount++;
+	if (request->isQuiesceType()) {
+		if ((request->getTarget() == gIOPMRootNode) && !fQuiesceStartTime) {
+			// Attach new quiesce request to all quiesce blockers in the queue
+			fQuiesceStartTime = mach_absolute_time();
+			attachQuiesceRequest(request);
+			fQuiesceRequest = request;
+		}
+	} else if (fQuiesceRequest && request->isQuiesceBlocker()) {
+		// Attach the new quiesce blocker to the blocked quiesce request
+		request->attachNextRequest(fQuiesceRequest);
+	}
+	// Add new request to the tail of the per-service request queue.
+	// Then immediately check the request queue to minimize latency
+	// if the queue was empty.
+	requestQueue = &pwrMgt->RequestHead;
+	empty = queue_empty(requestQueue);
+	queue_enter(requestQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+	if (empty) {
+		more = checkRequestQueue(requestQueue, &empty);
+		if (!empty) {
+			// Request just added is blocked, add its target IOServicePM
+			// to the work queue.
+			assert( queue_next(&pwrMgt->WorkChain) ==
+			    queue_prev(&pwrMgt->WorkChain));
+			queue_enter(&fWorkQueue, pwrMgt, typeof(pwrMgt), WorkChain);
+			fQueueLength++;
+			PM_LOG3("IOPMWorkQueue: [%u] added %s@%p to queue\n",
+			    fQueueLength, pwrMgt->Name, OBFUSCATE(pwrMgt));
+		}
+	}
+	return more;
+IOPMWorkQueue::checkRequestQueue( queue_head_t * requestQueue, bool * empty )
+	IOPMRequest *   request;
+	IOService *     target;
+	bool            more = false;
+	bool            done = false;
+	assert(!queue_empty(requestQueue));
+	do {
+		request = (typeof(request))queue_first(requestQueue);
+		if (request->isWorkBlocked()) {
+			break; // request dispatch blocked on attached request
+		}
+		target = request->getTarget();
+		if (fInvokeAction) {
+			done = (*fInvokeAction)( target, request, this );
+		} else {
+			PM_LOG("PM request 0x%x dropped\n", request->getType());
+			done = true;
+		}
+		if (!done) {
+			break; // PM state machine blocked
+		}
+		assert(gIOPMBusyRequestCount > 0);
+		if (gIOPMBusyRequestCount) {
+			gIOPMBusyRequestCount--;
+		}
+		if (request == fQuiesceRequest) {
+			fQuiesceRequest = NULL;
+		}
+		queue_remove_first(requestQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+		more |= (*fRetireAction)( target, request, this );
+		done = queue_empty(requestQueue);
+	} while (!done);
+	*empty = done;
+	if (more) {
+		// Retired a request that may unblock a previously visited request
+		// that is still waiting on the work queue. Must trigger another
+		// queue check.
+		fProducerCount++;
+	}
+	return more;
+IOPMWorkQueue::checkForWork( void )
+	IOServicePM *   entry;
+	IOServicePM *   next;
+	bool            more = false;
+	bool            empty;
+	fStatCheckForWork++;
+	// Iterate over all IOServicePM entries in the work queue,
+	// and check each entry's request queue.
+	while (fConsumerCount != fProducerCount) {
+		PM_LOG3("IOPMWorkQueue: checkForWork %u %u\n",
+		    fProducerCount, fConsumerCount);
+		fConsumerCount = fProducerCount;
+		if (queue_empty(&fWorkQueue)) {
+			fStatQueueEmpty++;
+			break;
+		}
+		fStatScanEntries++;
+		uint32_t cachedWorkCount = gIOPMWorkInvokeCount;
+		__IGNORE_WCASTALIGN(entry = (typeof(entry))queue_first(&fWorkQueue));
+		while (!queue_end(&fWorkQueue, (queue_entry_t) entry)) {
+			more |= checkRequestQueue(&entry->RequestHead, &empty);
+			// Get next entry, points to head if current entry is last.
+			__IGNORE_WCASTALIGN(next = (typeof(next))queue_next(&entry->WorkChain));
+			// if request queue is empty, remove IOServicePM from work queue.
+			if (empty) {
+				assert(fQueueLength);
+				if (fQueueLength) {
+					fQueueLength--;
+				}
+				PM_LOG3("IOPMWorkQueue: [%u] removed %s@%p from queue\n",
+				    fQueueLength, entry->Name, OBFUSCATE(entry));
+				queue_remove(&fWorkQueue, entry, typeof(entry), WorkChain);
+			}
+			entry = next;
+		}
+		if (cachedWorkCount == gIOPMWorkInvokeCount) {
+			fStatNoWorkDone++;
+		}
+	}
+	return more;
+IOPMWorkQueue::signalWorkAvailable( void )
+	fProducerCount++;
+	IOEventSource::signalWorkAvailable();
+IOPMWorkQueue::incrementProducerCount( void )
+	fProducerCount++;
+IOPMWorkQueue::attachQuiesceRequest( IOPMRequest * quiesceRequest )
+	IOServicePM *   entry;
+	IOPMRequest *   request;
+	if (queue_empty(&fWorkQueue)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	queue_iterate(&fWorkQueue, entry, typeof(entry), WorkChain)
+	{
+		queue_iterate(&entry->RequestHead, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain)
+		{
+			// Attach the quiesce request to any request in the queue that
+			// is not linked to a next request. These requests will block
+			// the quiesce request.
+			if (request->isQuiesceBlocker()) {
+				request->attachNextRequest(quiesceRequest);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+IOPMWorkQueue::finishQuiesceRequest( IOPMRequest * quiesceRequest )
+	if (fQuiesceRequest && (quiesceRequest == fQuiesceRequest) &&
+	    (fQuiesceStartTime != 0)) {
+		fInvokeAction = NULL;
+		fQuiesceFinishTime = mach_absolute_time();
+	}
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IOPMCompletionQueue
+// IOPMCompletionQueue Class
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOPMCompletionQueue, IOEventSource );
+IOPMCompletionQueue *
+IOPMCompletionQueue::create( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction )
+	IOPMCompletionQueue * me = OSTypeAlloc(IOPMCompletionQueue);
+	if (me && !me->init(inOwner, inAction)) {
+		me->release();
+		me = NULL;
+	}
+	return me;
+IOPMCompletionQueue::init( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction )
+	if (!inAction || !IOEventSource::init(inOwner, (IOEventSourceAction)inAction)) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	queue_init(&fQueue);
+	return true;
+IOPMCompletionQueue::queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request )
+	bool more;
+	assert(request);
+	// unblock dependent request
+	more = request->detachNextRequest();
+	queue_enter(&fQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+	return more;
+IOPMCompletionQueue::checkForWork( void )
+	Action          dqAction = (Action) action;
+	IOPMRequest *   request;
+	IOPMRequest *   next;
+	IOService *     target;
+	bool            more = false;
+	request = (typeof(request))queue_first(&fQueue);
+	while (!queue_end(&fQueue, (queue_entry_t) request)) {
+		next = (typeof(next))queue_next(&request->fCommandChain);
+		if (!request->isFreeBlocked()) {
+			queue_remove(&fQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+			target = request->getTarget();
+			assert(target);
+			more |= (*dqAction)( target, request, this );
+		}
+		request = next;
+	}
+	return more;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IOServicePM
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOServicePM, OSObject)
-OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOPMpriv, OSObject)
 // serialize
-// Serialize private instance variables for debug output.
-bool IOPMpriv::serialize(OSSerialize *s) const
-    OSString *			theOSString;
-    bool			rtn_code;
-    char * 			buffer;
-    char * 			ptr;
-    IOPMinformee * 		nextObject;
-    buffer = ptr = IONew(char, 2000);
-    if(!buffer)
-        return false;
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,"{ this object = %08x",(unsigned int)owner);
-    if ( we_are_root ) {
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr," (root)");
-    }
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,", ");
-    nextObject = interestedDrivers->firstInList();			// display interested drivers
-    while (  nextObject != NULL ) {
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"interested driver = %08x, ",(unsigned int)nextObject->whatObject);
-        nextObject  =  interestedDrivers->nextInList(nextObject);
-    }
-    if ( machine_state != kIOPM_Finished ) {
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"machine_state = %d, ",(unsigned int)machine_state);
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"driver_timer = %d, ",(unsigned int)driver_timer);
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"settle_time = %d, ",(unsigned int)settle_time);
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"head_note_flags = %08x, ",(unsigned int)head_note_flags);
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"head_note_state = %d, ",(unsigned int)head_note_state);
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"head_note_outputFlags = %08x, ",(unsigned int)head_note_outputFlags);
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"head_note_domainState = %08x, ",(unsigned int)head_note_domainState);
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"head_note_capabilityFlags = %08x, ",(unsigned int)head_note_capabilityFlags);
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"head_note_pendingAcks = %d, ",(unsigned int)head_note_pendingAcks);
-    }
-    if ( device_overrides ) {
-        ptr += sprintf(ptr,"device overrides, ");
-    }
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,"driverDesire = %d, ",(unsigned int)driverDesire);
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,"deviceDesire = %d, ",(unsigned int)deviceDesire);
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,"ourDesiredPowerState = %d, ",(unsigned int)ourDesiredPowerState);
-    ptr += sprintf(ptr,"previousRequest = %d }",(unsigned int)previousRequest);
-    theOSString =  OSString::withCString(buffer);
-    rtn_code = theOSString->serialize(s);
-    theOSString->release();
-    IODelete(buffer, char, 2000);
-    return rtn_code;
+// Serialize IOServicePM for debugging.
+static void
+setPMProperty( OSDictionary * dict, const char * key, uint64_t value )
+	OSNumber * num = OSNumber::withNumber(value, sizeof(value) * 8);
+	if (num) {
+		dict->setObject(key, num);
+		num->release();
+	}
+IOServicePM::gatedSerialize( OSSerialize * s  ) const
+	OSDictionary *  dict;
+	bool            ok = false;
+	int             powerClamp = -1;
+	int             dictSize = 6;
+	if (IdleTimerPeriod) {
+		dictSize += 4;
+	}
+	if (PMActions.parameter & kPMActionsFlagLimitPower) {
+		dictSize += 1;
+		powerClamp = 0;
+		if (PMActions.parameter &
+		    (kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler | kPMActionsFlagIsGraphicsDevice)) {
+			powerClamp++;
+		}
+	}
+	if (gIOPMRootNode == ControllingDriver) {
+		dictSize += 4;
+	}
+	if (PowerClients) {
+		dict = OSDictionary::withDictionary(
+			PowerClients, PowerClients->getCount() + dictSize);
+	} else {
+		dict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(dictSize);
+	}
+	if (dict) {
+		setPMProperty(dict, "CurrentPowerState", CurrentPowerState);
+		setPMProperty(dict, "CapabilityFlags", CurrentCapabilityFlags);
+		if (NumberOfPowerStates) {
+			setPMProperty(dict, "MaxPowerState", NumberOfPowerStates - 1);
+		}
+		if (DesiredPowerState != CurrentPowerState) {
+			setPMProperty(dict, "DesiredPowerState", DesiredPowerState);
+		}
+		if (kIOPM_Finished != MachineState) {
+			setPMProperty(dict, "MachineState", MachineState);
+		}
+		if (DeviceOverrideEnabled) {
+			dict->setObject("PowerOverrideOn", kOSBooleanTrue);
+		}
+		if (powerClamp >= 0) {
+			setPMProperty(dict, "PowerClamp", powerClamp);
+		}
+		if (IdleTimerPeriod) {
+			AbsoluteTime    now;
+			AbsoluteTime    delta;
+			uint64_t        nsecs;
+			clock_get_uptime(&now);
+			// The idle timer period in milliseconds
+			setPMProperty(dict, "IdleTimerPeriod", NextIdleTimerPeriod * 1000ULL);
+			// Number of tickles since the last idle timer expiration
+			setPMProperty(dict, "ActivityTickles", ActivityTickleCount);
+			if (AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&DeviceActiveTimestamp)) {
+				// Milliseconds since the last activity tickle
+				delta = now;
+				SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&delta, &DeviceActiveTimestamp);
+				absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(delta, &nsecs);
+				setPMProperty(dict, "TimeSinceLastTickle", NS_TO_MS(nsecs));
+			}
+			if (!IdleTimerStopped && AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&IdleTimerStartTime)) {
+				// Idle timer elapsed time in milliseconds
+				delta = now;
+				SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&delta, &IdleTimerStartTime);
+				absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(delta, &nsecs);
+				setPMProperty(dict, "IdleTimerElapsedTime", NS_TO_MS(nsecs));
+			}
+		}
+		if (gIOPMRootNode == Owner) {
+			setPMProperty(dict, "WQ-CheckForWork",
+			    gIOPMWorkQueue->fStatCheckForWork);
+			setPMProperty(dict, "WQ-ScanEntries",
+			    gIOPMWorkQueue->fStatScanEntries);
+			setPMProperty(dict, "WQ-QueueEmpty",
+			    gIOPMWorkQueue->fStatQueueEmpty);
+			setPMProperty(dict, "WQ-NoWorkDone",
+			    gIOPMWorkQueue->fStatNoWorkDone);
+		}
+		if (HasAdvisoryDesire && !gIOPMAdvisoryTickleEnabled) {
+			// Don't report advisory tickle when it has no influence
+			dict->removeObject(gIOPMPowerClientAdvisoryTickle);
+		}
+		ok = dict->serialize(s);
+		dict->release();
+	}
+	return ok ? kIOReturnSuccess : kIOReturnNoMemory;
+IOServicePM::serialize( OSSerialize * s ) const
+	IOReturn ret = kIOReturnNotReady;
+	if (gIOPMWatchDogThread == current_thread()) {
+		// Calling without lock as this data is collected for debug purpose, before reboot.
+		// The workloop is probably already hung in state machine.
+		ret = gatedSerialize(s);
+	} else if (gIOPMWorkLoop) {
+		ret = gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+			OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this, &IOServicePM::gatedSerialize),
+			(OSObject *) this, (void *) s);
+	}
+	return kIOReturnSuccess == ret;
+	uint32_t        event,
+	uintptr_t       param1,
+	uintptr_t       param2 ) const
+	gPlatform->PMLog(Name, event, param1, param2);
+	uint32_t        event,
+	uint32_t        eventFunc,
+	uintptr_t       param1,
+	uintptr_t       param2 ) const
+	uintptr_t nameAsArg = 0;
+	assert(event < KDBG_CODE_MAX);
+	assert((eventFunc & ~KDBG_FUNC_MASK) == 0);
+	// Copy the first characters of the name into an uintptr_t.
+	// NULL termination is not required.
+	strncpy((char*)&nameAsArg, Name, sizeof(nameAsArg));
+	IOTimeStampConstant(IODBG_POWER(event) | eventFunc, nameAsArg, (uintptr_t)Owner->getRegistryEntryID(), (uintptr_t)(OBFUSCATE(param1)), (uintptr_t)(OBFUSCATE(param2)));