+ (sizeof (thread_qos_policy_data_t) / sizeof (integer_t)))
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * Internal bitfields are privately exported for revlocked tracing tools like msa to decode tracepoints.
+ *
+ * These struct definitions *will* change in the future.
+ * When they do, we will update THREAD_POLICY_INTERNAL_STRUCT_VERSION.
+ */
+// legacy names
+#define thrp_qos_ipc_override thrp_qos_kevent_override
+struct thread_requested_policy {
+ uint64_t thrp_int_darwinbg :1, /* marked as darwinbg via setpriority */
+ thrp_ext_darwinbg :1,
+ thrp_int_iotier :2, /* IO throttle tier */
+ thrp_ext_iotier :2,
+ thrp_int_iopassive :1, /* should IOs cause lower tiers to be throttled */
+ thrp_ext_iopassive :1,
+ thrp_latency_qos :3, /* Timer latency QoS */
+ thrp_through_qos :3, /* Computation throughput QoS */
+ thrp_pidbind_bg :1, /* task i'm bound to is marked 'watchbg' */
+ thrp_qos :3, /* thread qos class */
+ thrp_qos_relprio :4, /* thread qos relative priority (store as inverse, -10 -> 0xA) */
+ thrp_qos_override :3, /* thread qos class override */
+ thrp_qos_promote :3, /* thread qos class from promotion */
+ thrp_qos_kevent_override:3, /* thread qos class from kevent override */
+ thrp_terminated :1, /* heading for termination */
+ thrp_qos_sync_ipc_override:3, /* now unused */
+ thrp_qos_workq_override :3, /* thread qos class override (workq) */
+ thrp_qos_wlsvc_override :3, /* workloop servicer qos class override */
+ thrp_reserved :23;
+struct thread_effective_policy {
+ uint64_t thep_darwinbg :1, /* marked as 'background', and sockets are marked bg when created */
+ thep_io_tier :2, /* effective throttle tier */
+ thep_io_passive :1, /* should IOs cause lower tiers to be throttled */
+ thep_all_sockets_bg :1, /* All existing sockets in process are marked as bg (thread: all created by thread) */
+ thep_new_sockets_bg :1, /* Newly created sockets should be marked as bg */
+ thep_terminated :1, /* all throttles have been removed for quick exit or SIGTERM handling */
+ thep_qos_ui_is_urgent :1, /* bump UI-Interactive QoS up to the urgent preemption band */
+ thep_latency_qos :3, /* Timer latency QoS level */
+ thep_through_qos :3, /* Computation throughput QoS level */
+ thep_qos :3, /* thread qos class */
+ thep_qos_relprio :4, /* thread qos relative priority (store as inverse, -10 -> 0xA) */
+ thep_qos_promote :3, /* thread qos class used for promotion */
+ thep_reserved :40;