- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the
+ * License may not be used to create, or enable the creation or
+ * redistribution of, unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating
+ * system, or to circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or
+ * violation of, any terms of an Apple operating system software license
+ * agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+#include <mach/message.h>
#include <mach/i386/fp_reg.h>
#include <mach/i386/thread_state.h>
-#include <architecture/i386/frame.h> /* FIXME */
-#include <architecture/i386/fpu.h> /* FIXME */
+#include <i386/eflags.h>
- * i386_thread_state this is the structure that is exported
- * to user threads for use in status/mutate
- * calls. This structure should never
- * change.
+ * the i386_xxxx form is kept for legacy purposes since these types
+ * are externally known... eventually they should be deprecated.
+ * our internal implementation has moved to the following naming convention
- * i386_float_state exported to use threads for access to
- * floating point registers. Try not to
- * change this one, either.
- *
- * i386_isa_port_map_state exported to user threads to allow
- * selective in/out operations
- *
- * i386_v86_assist_state
- *
- * thread_syscall_state
+ * x86_xxxx32 names are used to deal with 32 bit states
+ * x86_xxxx64 names are used to deal with 64 bit states
+ * x86_xxxx names are used to deal with either 32 or 64 bit states
+ * via a self-describing mechanism
-#define i386_NEW_THREAD_STATE 1 /* used to be i386_THREAD_STATE */
-#define i386_FLOAT_STATE 2
-#define i386_ISA_PORT_MAP_STATE 3
-#define i386_V86_ASSIST_STATE 4
-#define i386_REGS_SEGS_STATE 5
-#define i386_SAVED_STATE 8
+ * these are the legacy names which should be deprecated in the future
+ * they are externally known which is the only reason we don't just get
+ * rid of them
+ */
+#define i386_THREAD_STATE 1
+#define i386_FLOAT_STATE 2
+#define i386_EXCEPTION_STATE 3
+ * these are the supported flavors
+ */
+#define x86_THREAD_STATE32 1
+#define x86_FLOAT_STATE32 2
+#define x86_EXCEPTION_STATE32 3
+#define x86_THREAD_STATE64 4
+#define x86_FLOAT_STATE64 5
+#define x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64 6
+#define x86_THREAD_STATE 7
+#define x86_FLOAT_STATE 8
+#define x86_EXCEPTION_STATE 9
+#define x86_DEBUG_STATE32 10
+#define x86_DEBUG_STATE64 11
+#define x86_DEBUG_STATE 12
+ * Largest state on this machine:
+ * (be sure mach/machine/thread_state.h matches!)
+ */
* platform. The macro must be manually updated to include all of the valid
* exception flavors as defined above.
- ((x == i386_NEW_THREAD_STATE) || \
- (x == i386_FLOAT_STATE) || \
- (x == i386_ISA_PORT_MAP_STATE) || \
- (x == i386_V86_ASSIST_STATE) || \
- (x == i386_REGS_SEGS_STATE) || \
- (x == THREAD_STATE_NONE) || \
- (x == i386_SAVED_STATE))
+ ((x == x86_THREAD_STATE32) || \
+ (x == x86_FLOAT_STATE32) || \
+ (x == x86_EXCEPTION_STATE32) || \
+ (x == x86_DEBUG_STATE32) || \
+ (x == x86_THREAD_STATE64) || \
+ (x == x86_FLOAT_STATE64) || \
+ (x == x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64) || \
+ (x == x86_DEBUG_STATE64) || \
+ (x == x86_THREAD_STATE) || \
+ (x == x86_FLOAT_STATE) || \
+ (x == x86_EXCEPTION_STATE) || \
+ (x == x86_DEBUG_STATE) || \
+struct x86_state_hdr {
+ int flavor;
+ int count;
+typedef struct x86_state_hdr x86_state_hdr_t;
- * This structure is used for both
+ * Main thread state consists of
+ * general registers, segment registers,
+ * eip and eflags.
-struct i386_new_thread_state {
- unsigned int gs;
- unsigned int fs;
- unsigned int es;
- unsigned int ds;
- unsigned int edi;
- unsigned int esi;
- unsigned int ebp;
- unsigned int esp;
- unsigned int ebx;
- unsigned int edx;
- unsigned int ecx;
- unsigned int eax;
+struct i386_thread_state {
+ unsigned int eax;
+ unsigned int ebx;
+ unsigned int ecx;
+ unsigned int edx;
+ unsigned int edi;
+ unsigned int esi;
+ unsigned int ebp;
+ unsigned int esp;
+ unsigned int ss;
+ unsigned int eflags;
+ unsigned int eip;
+ unsigned int cs;
+ unsigned int ds;
+ unsigned int es;
+ unsigned int fs;
+ unsigned int gs;
+} ;
+ * to be depecrated in the future
+ */
+typedef struct i386_thread_state i386_thread_state_t;
+#define i386_THREAD_STATE_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (i386_thread_state_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+typedef struct i386_thread_state x86_thread_state32_t;
+#define x86_THREAD_STATE32_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (x86_thread_state32_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+struct x86_thread_state64 {
+ uint64_t rax;
+ uint64_t rbx;
+ uint64_t rcx;
+ uint64_t rdx;
+ uint64_t rdi;
+ uint64_t rsi;
+ uint64_t rbp;
+ uint64_t rsp;
+ uint64_t r8;
+ uint64_t r9;
+ uint64_t r10;
+ uint64_t r11;
+ uint64_t r12;
+ uint64_t r13;
+ uint64_t r14;
+ uint64_t r15;
+ uint64_t rip;
+ uint64_t rflags;
+ uint64_t cs;
+ uint64_t fs;
+ uint64_t gs;
+} ;
+typedef struct x86_thread_state64 x86_thread_state64_t;
+#define x86_THREAD_STATE64_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (x86_thread_state64_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+struct x86_thread_state {
+ x86_state_hdr_t tsh;
+ union {
+ x86_thread_state32_t ts32;
+ x86_thread_state64_t ts64;
+ } uts;
+} ;
+typedef struct x86_thread_state x86_thread_state_t;
+#define x86_THREAD_STATE_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (x86_thread_state_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+ * Default segment register values.
+ */
+#define USER_CODE_SELECTOR 0x0017
+#define USER_DATA_SELECTOR 0x001f
+#define KERN_CODE_SELECTOR 0x0008
+#define KERN_DATA_SELECTOR 0x0010
+typedef struct fp_control {
+ unsigned short invalid :1,
+ denorm :1,
+ zdiv :1,
+ ovrfl :1,
+ undfl :1,
+ precis :1,
+ :2,
+ pc :2,
+#define FP_PREC_24B 0
+#define FP_PREC_53B 2
+#define FP_PREC_64B 3
+ rc :2,
+#define FP_RND_NEAR 0
+#define FP_RND_DOWN 1
+#define FP_RND_UP 2
+#define FP_CHOP 3
+ /*inf*/ :1,
+ :3;
+} fp_control_t;
+ * Status word.
+ */
+typedef struct fp_status {
+ unsigned short invalid :1,
+ denorm :1,
+ zdiv :1,
+ ovrfl :1,
+ undfl :1,
+ precis :1,
+ stkflt :1,
+ errsumm :1,
+ c0 :1,
+ c1 :1,
+ c2 :1,
+ tos :3,
+ c3 :1,
+ busy :1;
+} fp_status_t;
+/* defn of 80bit x87 FPU or MMX register */
+struct mmst_reg {
+ char mmst_reg[10];
+ char mmst_rsrv[6];
+/* defn of 128 bit XMM regs */
+struct xmm_reg {
+ char xmm_reg[16];
+ * Floating point state.
+ */
+#define FP_STATE_BYTES 512 /* number of chars worth of data from fpu_fcw */
+/* For legacy reasons we need to leave the hw_state as char bytes */
+struct i386_float_state {
+ int fpu_reserved[2];
+ fp_control_t fpu_fcw; /* x87 FPU control word */
+ fp_status_t fpu_fsw; /* x87 FPU status word */
+ uint8_t fpu_ftw; /* x87 FPU tag word */
+ uint8_t fpu_rsrv1; /* reserved */
+ uint16_t fpu_fop; /* x87 FPU Opcode */
+ uint32_t fpu_ip; /* x87 FPU Instruction Pointer offset */
+ uint16_t fpu_cs; /* x87 FPU Instruction Pointer Selector */
+ uint16_t fpu_rsrv2; /* reserved */
+ uint32_t fpu_dp; /* x87 FPU Instruction Operand(Data) Pointer offset */
+ uint16_t fpu_ds; /* x87 FPU Instruction Operand(Data) Pointer Selector */
+ uint16_t fpu_rsrv3; /* reserved */
+ uint32_t fpu_mxcsr; /* MXCSR Register state */
+ uint32_t fpu_mxcsrmask; /* MXCSR mask */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm0; /* ST0/MM0 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm1; /* ST1/MM1 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm2; /* ST2/MM2 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm3; /* ST3/MM3 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm4; /* ST4/MM4 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm5; /* ST5/MM5 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm6; /* ST6/MM6 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm7; /* ST7/MM7 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm0; /* XMM 0 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm1; /* XMM 1 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm2; /* XMM 2 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm3; /* XMM 3 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm4; /* XMM 4 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm5; /* XMM 5 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm6; /* XMM 6 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm7; /* XMM 7 */
+ char fpu_rsrv4[14*16]; /* reserved */
+ int fpu_reserved1;
+ * to be depecrated in the future
+ */
+typedef struct i386_float_state i386_float_state_t;
+#define i386_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof(i386_float_state_t)/sizeof(unsigned int)))
+typedef struct i386_float_state x86_float_state32_t;
+#define x86_FLOAT_STATE32_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof(x86_float_state32_t)/sizeof(unsigned int)))
+struct x86_float_state64 {
+ int fpu_reserved[2];
+ fp_control_t fpu_fcw; /* x87 FPU control word */
+ fp_status_t fpu_fsw; /* x87 FPU status word */
+ uint8_t fpu_ftw; /* x87 FPU tag word */
+ uint8_t fpu_rsrv1; /* reserved */
+ uint16_t fpu_fop; /* x87 FPU Opcode */
+ uint32_t fpu_ip; /* x87 FPU Instruction Pointer offset */
+ uint16_t fpu_cs; /* x87 FPU Instruction Pointer Selector */
+ uint16_t fpu_rsrv2; /* reserved */
+ uint32_t fpu_dp; /* x87 FPU Instruction Operand(Data) Pointer offset */
+ uint16_t fpu_ds; /* x87 FPU Instruction Operand(Data) Pointer Selector */
+ uint16_t fpu_rsrv3; /* reserved */
+ uint32_t fpu_mxcsr; /* MXCSR Register state */
+ uint32_t fpu_mxcsrmask; /* MXCSR mask */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm0; /* ST0/MM0 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm1; /* ST1/MM1 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm2; /* ST2/MM2 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm3; /* ST3/MM3 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm4; /* ST4/MM4 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm5; /* ST5/MM5 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm6; /* ST6/MM6 */
+ struct mmst_reg fpu_stmm7; /* ST7/MM7 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm0; /* XMM 0 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm1; /* XMM 1 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm2; /* XMM 2 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm3; /* XMM 3 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm4; /* XMM 4 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm5; /* XMM 5 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm6; /* XMM 6 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm7; /* XMM 7 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm8; /* XMM 8 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm9; /* XMM 9 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm10; /* XMM 10 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm11; /* XMM 11 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm12; /* XMM 12 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm13; /* XMM 13 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm14; /* XMM 14 */
+ struct xmm_reg fpu_xmm15; /* XMM 15 */
+ char fpu_rsrv4[6*16]; /* reserved */
+ int fpu_reserved1;
+typedef struct x86_float_state64 x86_float_state64_t;
+#define x86_FLOAT_STATE64_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof(x86_float_state64_t)/sizeof(unsigned int)))
+struct x86_float_state {
+ x86_state_hdr_t fsh;
+ union {
+ x86_float_state32_t fs32;
+ x86_float_state64_t fs64;
+ } ufs;
+} ;
+typedef struct x86_float_state x86_float_state_t;
+#define x86_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (x86_float_state_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+ * Extra state that may be
+ * useful to exception handlers.
+ */
+struct i386_exception_state {
+ unsigned int trapno;
+ unsigned int err;
+ unsigned int faultvaddr;
+ * to be depecrated in the future
+ */
+typedef struct i386_exception_state i386_exception_state_t;
+#define i386_EXCEPTION_STATE_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (i386_exception_state_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+typedef struct i386_exception_state x86_exception_state32_t;
+#define x86_EXCEPTION_STATE32_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (x86_exception_state32_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+struct x86_debug_state32 {
+ unsigned int dr0;
+ unsigned int dr1;
+ unsigned int dr2;
+ unsigned int dr3;
+ unsigned int dr4;
+ unsigned int dr5;
+ unsigned int dr6;
+ unsigned int dr7;
+typedef struct x86_debug_state32 x86_debug_state32_t;
+#define x86_DEBUG_STATE32_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (x86_debug_state32_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+struct x86_exception_state64 {
+ unsigned int trapno;
+ unsigned int err;
+ uint64_t faultvaddr;
+typedef struct x86_exception_state64 x86_exception_state64_t;
+#define x86_EXCEPTION_STATE64_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (x86_exception_state64_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+struct x86_debug_state64 {
+ uint64_t dr0;
+ uint64_t dr1;
+ uint64_t dr2;
+ uint64_t dr3;
+ uint64_t dr4;
+ uint64_t dr5;
+ uint64_t dr6;
+ uint64_t dr7;
+typedef struct x86_debug_state64 x86_debug_state64_t;
+#define x86_DEBUG_STATE64_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (x86_debug_state64_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+struct x86_exception_state {
+ x86_state_hdr_t esh;
+ union {
+ x86_exception_state32_t es32;
+ x86_exception_state64_t es64;
+ } ues;
+} ;
+typedef struct x86_exception_state x86_exception_state_t;
+#define x86_EXCEPTION_STATE_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ ( sizeof (x86_exception_state_t) / sizeof (int) ))
+struct x86_debug_state {
+ x86_state_hdr_t dsh;
+ union {
+ x86_debug_state32_t ds32;
+ x86_debug_state64_t ds64;
+ } uds;
+typedef struct x86_debug_state x86_debug_state_t;
+#define x86_DEBUG_STATE_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof(x86_debug_state_t)/sizeof(unsigned int)))
+ * Machine-independent way for servers and Mach's exception mechanism to
+ * choose the most efficient state flavor for exception RPC's:
+ */
+#define OLD_i386_THREAD_STATE -1
+ * when reloading the segment registers on
+ * a return out of the kernel, we may take
+ * a GeneralProtection or SegmentNotPresent
+ * fault if one or more of the segment
+ * registers in the saved state was improperly
+ * specified via an x86_THREAD_STATE32 call
+ * the frame we push on top of the existing
+ * save area looks like this... we need to
+ * carry this as part of the save area
+ * in case we get hit so that we have a big
+ * enough stack
+ */
+struct x86_seg_load_fault32 {
+ unsigned int trapno;
+ unsigned int err;
unsigned int eip;
unsigned int cs;
unsigned int efl;
- unsigned int uesp;
- unsigned int ss;
-#define i386_NEW_THREAD_STATE_COUNT \
- (sizeof (struct i386_new_thread_state)/sizeof(unsigned int))
* Subset of saved state stored by processor on kernel-to-kernel
* trap. (Used by ddb to examine state guaranteed to be present
* on all traps into debugger.)
-struct i386_saved_state_from_kernel {
+struct x86_saved_state32_from_kernel {
unsigned int gs;
unsigned int fs;
unsigned int es;
unsigned int edi;
unsigned int esi;
unsigned int ebp;
- unsigned int esp; /* kernel esp stored by pusha -
- we save cr2 here later */
+ unsigned int cr2; /* kernel esp stored by pusha - we save cr2 here later */
unsigned int ebx;
unsigned int edx;
unsigned int ecx;
* state flavor is most efficient for exception RPC's to kernel-loaded
* servers, because copying can be avoided:
-struct i386_saved_state {
+struct x86_saved_state32 {
unsigned int gs;
unsigned int fs;
unsigned int es;
unsigned int edi;
unsigned int esi;
unsigned int ebp;
- unsigned int esp; /* kernel esp stored by pusha -
- we save cr2 here later */
+ unsigned int cr2; /* kernel esp stored by pusha - we save cr2 here later */
unsigned int ebx;
unsigned int edx;
unsigned int ecx;
unsigned int efl;
unsigned int uesp;
unsigned int ss;
- struct v86_segs {
- unsigned int v86_es; /* virtual 8086 segment registers */
- unsigned int v86_ds;
- unsigned int v86_fs;
- unsigned int v86_gs;
- } v86_segs;
-#define i386_SAVED_ARGV_COUNT 7
- unsigned int argv_status; /* Boolean flag indicating whether or
- * not Mach copied in the args */
- unsigned int argv[i386_SAVED_ARGV_COUNT];
- /* The return address, and the first several
- * function call args from the stack, for
- * efficient syscall exceptions */
-#define i386_SAVED_STATE_COUNT (sizeof (struct i386_saved_state)/sizeof(unsigned int))
+typedef struct x86_saved_state32 x86_saved_state32_t;
- * Machine-independent way for servers and Mach's exception mechanism to
- * choose the most efficient state flavor for exception RPC's:
- */
+#define x86_SAVED_STATE32_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof (x86_saved_state32_t)/sizeof(unsigned int)))
- * Largest state on this machine:
- * (be sure mach/machine/thread_state.h matches!)
- */
- * Floating point state.
- *
- * fpkind tells in what way floating point operations are supported.
- * See the values for fp_kind in <mach/i386/fp_reg.h>.
- *
- * If the kind is FP_NO, then calls to set the state will fail, and
- * thread_getstatus will return garbage for the rest of the state.
- * If "initialized" is false, then the rest of the state is garbage.
- * Clients can set "initialized" to false to force the coprocessor to
- * be reset.
- * "exc_status" is non-zero if the thread has noticed (but not
- * proceeded from) a coprocessor exception. It contains the status
- * word with the exception bits set. The status word in "fp_status"
- * will have the exception bits turned off. If an exception bit in
- * "fp_status" is turned on, then "exc_status" should be zero. This
- * happens when the coprocessor exception is noticed after the system
- * has context switched to some other thread.
- *
- * If kind is FP_387, then "state" is a i387_state. Other kinds might
- * also use i387_state, but somebody will have to verify it (XXX).
- * Note that the registers are ordered from top-of-stack down, not
- * according to physical register number.
- */
-#define FP_STATE_BYTES 512
-struct i386_float_state {
- int fpkind; /* FP_NO..FP_387 (readonly) */
- int initialized;
- unsigned char hw_state[FP_STATE_BYTES]; /* actual "hardware" state */
- int exc_status; /* exception status (readonly) */
+struct x86_saved_state32_tagged {
+ uint32_t tag;
+ struct x86_saved_state32 state;
-#define i386_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT \
- (sizeof(struct i386_float_state)/sizeof(unsigned int))
-#define FP_old_STATE_BYTES \
- (sizeof (struct i386_fp_save) + sizeof (struct i386_fp_regs))
-struct i386_old_float_state {
- int fpkind; /* FP_NO..FP_387 (readonly) */
- int initialized;
- unsigned char hw_state[FP_old_STATE_BYTES]; /* actual "hardware" state */
- int exc_status; /* exception status (readonly) */
+typedef struct x86_saved_state32_tagged x86_saved_state32_tagged_t;
+struct x86_sframe32 {
+ /*
+ * in case we throw a fault reloading
+ * segment registers on a return out of
+ * the kernel... the 'slf' state is only kept
+ * long enough to rejigger (i.e. restore
+ * the save area to its original state)
+ * the save area and throw the appropriate
+ * kernel trap pointing to the 'ssf' state
+ */
+ struct x86_seg_load_fault32 slf;
+ struct x86_saved_state32_tagged ssf;
-#define i386_old_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT \
- (sizeof(struct i386_old_float_state)/sizeof(unsigned int))
+typedef struct x86_sframe32 x86_sframe32_t;
-#define PORT_MAP_BITS 0x400
-struct i386_isa_port_map_state {
- unsigned char pm[PORT_MAP_BITS>>3];
-#define i386_ISA_PORT_MAP_STATE_COUNT \
- (sizeof(struct i386_isa_port_map_state)/sizeof(unsigned int))
- * V8086 assist supplies a pointer to an interrupt
- * descriptor table in task space.
+ * This is the state pushed onto the 64-bit interrupt stack
+ * on any exception/trap/interrupt.
-struct i386_v86_assist_state {
- unsigned int int_table; /* interrupt table address */
- int int_count; /* interrupt table size */
+struct x86_64_intr_stack_frame {
+ uint32_t trapno;
+ uint32_t trapfn;
+ uint64_t err;
+ uint64_t rip;
+ uint64_t cs;
+ uint64_t rflags;
+ uint64_t rsp;
+ uint64_t ss;
-struct v86_interrupt_table {
- unsigned int count; /* count of pending interrupts */
- unsigned short mask; /* ignore this interrupt if true */
- unsigned short vec; /* vector to take */
-#define i386_V86_ASSIST_STATE_COUNT \
- (sizeof(struct i386_v86_assist_state)/sizeof(unsigned int))
-struct thread_syscall_state {
- unsigned eax;
- unsigned edx;
- unsigned efl;
- unsigned eip;
- unsigned esp;
- (sizeof(struct thread_syscall_state) / sizeof(unsigned int))
+typedef struct x86_64_intr_stack_frame x86_64_intr_stack_frame_t;
- * Main thread state consists of
- * general registers, segment registers,
- * eip and eflags.
+ * This defines the state saved before entry into compatibility mode.
+ * The machine state is pushed automatically and the compat state is
+ * synthethized in the exception handling code.
+struct x86_saved_state_compat32 {
+ struct x86_saved_state32_tagged iss32;
+ uint32_t pad_for_16byte_alignment[2];
+ struct x86_64_intr_stack_frame isf64;
+typedef struct x86_saved_state_compat32 x86_saved_state_compat32_t;
-#define i386_THREAD_STATE -1
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int eax;
- unsigned int ebx;
- unsigned int ecx;
- unsigned int edx;
- unsigned int edi;
- unsigned int esi;
- unsigned int ebp;
- unsigned int esp;
- unsigned int ss;
- unsigned int eflags;
- unsigned int eip;
- unsigned int cs;
- unsigned int ds;
- unsigned int es;
- unsigned int fs;
- unsigned int gs;
-} i386_thread_state_t;
-#define i386_THREAD_STATE_COUNT \
- ( sizeof (i386_thread_state_t) / sizeof (int) )
- * Default segment register values.
- */
-#define USER_CODE_SELECTOR 0x0017
-#define USER_DATA_SELECTOR 0x001f
-#define KERN_CODE_SELECTOR 0x0008
-#define KERN_DATA_SELECTOR 0x0010
- * Thread floating point state
- * includes FPU environment as
- * well as the register stack.
- */
-#define i386_THREAD_FPSTATE -2
+struct x86_sframe_compat32 {
+ struct x86_64_intr_stack_frame slf;
+ uint32_t pad_for_16byte_alignment[2];
+ struct x86_saved_state_compat32 ssf;
+ uint32_t empty[4];
+typedef struct x86_sframe_compat32 x86_sframe_compat32_t;
-typedef struct {
- fp_env_t environ;
- fp_stack_t stack;
-} i386_thread_fpstate_t;
-#define i386_THREAD_FPSTATE_COUNT \
- ( sizeof (i386_thread_fpstate_t) / sizeof (int) )
- * Extra state that may be
- * useful to exception handlers.
+ * thread state format for task running in 64bit long mode
+ * in long mode, the same hardware frame is always pushed regardless
+ * of whether there was a change in privlege level... therefore, there
+ * is no need for an x86_saved_state64_from_kernel variant
-#define i386_THREAD_EXCEPTSTATE -3
+struct x86_saved_state64 {
+ /*
+ * saved state organized to reflect the
+ * system call ABI register convention
+ * so that we can just pass a pointer
+ * to the saved state when calling through
+ * to the actual system call functions
+ * the ABI limits us to 6 args passed in
+ * registers... I've add v_arg6 - v_arg8
+ * to accomodate our most 'greedy' system
+ * calls (both BSD and MACH)... the individual
+ * system call handlers will fill these in
+ * via copyin if needed...
+ */
+ uint64_t rdi; /* arg0 for system call */
+ uint64_t rsi;
+ uint64_t rdx;
+ uint64_t r10;
+ uint64_t r8;
+ uint64_t r9; /* arg5 for system call */
+ uint64_t v_arg6;
+ uint64_t v_arg7;
+ uint64_t v_arg8;
+ uint64_t cr2;
+ uint64_t r15;
+ uint64_t r14;
+ uint64_t r13;
+ uint64_t r12;
+ uint64_t r11;
+ uint64_t rbp;
+ uint64_t rbx;
+ uint64_t rcx;
+ uint64_t rax;
+ uint32_t gs;
+ uint32_t fs;
+ struct x86_64_intr_stack_frame isf;
+typedef struct x86_saved_state64 x86_saved_state64_t;
+#define x86_SAVED_STATE64_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
+ (sizeof (struct x86_saved_state64)/sizeof(unsigned int)))
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int trapno;
- err_code_t err;
-} i386_thread_exceptstate_t;
+struct x86_saved_state64_tagged {
+ uint32_t tag;
+ x86_saved_state64_t state;
+typedef struct x86_saved_state64_tagged x86_saved_state64_tagged_t;
- ( sizeof (i386_thread_exceptstate_t) / sizeof (int) )
+struct x86_sframe64 {
+ struct x86_64_intr_stack_frame slf;
+ uint32_t pad_for_16byte_alignment[3];
+ struct x86_saved_state64_tagged ssf;
+typedef struct x86_sframe64 x86_sframe64_t;
+extern uint32_t get_eflags_exportmask(void);
- * Per-thread variable used
- * to store 'self' id for cthreads.
+ * Unified, tagged saved state:
-#define i386_THREAD_CTHREADSTATE -4
typedef struct {
- unsigned int self;
-} i386_thread_cthreadstate_t;
- ( sizeof (i386_thread_cthreadstate_t) / sizeof (int) )
+ uint32_t flavor;
+ union {
+ x86_saved_state32_t ss_32;
+ x86_saved_state64_t ss_64;
+ } uss;
+} x86_saved_state_t;
+#define ss_32 uss.ss_32
+#define ss_64 uss.ss_64
+static inline boolean_t
+is_saved_state64(x86_saved_state_t *iss)
+ return (iss->flavor == x86_SAVED_STATE64);
+static inline boolean_t
+is_saved_state32(x86_saved_state_t *iss)
+ return (iss->flavor == x86_SAVED_STATE32);
+static inline x86_saved_state32_t *
+saved_state32(x86_saved_state_t *iss)
+ return &iss->ss_32;
+static inline x86_saved_state64_t *
+saved_state64(x86_saved_state_t *iss)
+ return &iss->ss_64;
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* _MACH_I386_THREAD_STATUS_H_ */