- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
* Utah $Hdr: model_dep.c 1.34 94/12/14$
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by McAfee Research in 2004 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
+ */
#include <debug.h>
#include <mach_kdb.h>
#include <mach_kdp.h>
#include <db_machine_commands.h>
-#include <cpus.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <machine/pmap.h>
-#include <machine/mach_param.h>
#include <device/device_types.h>
+#include <libkern/OSKextLibPrivate.h>
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
#include <mach/clock_types.h>
#include <mach/machine.h>
#include <ppc/low_trace.h>
#include <ppc/mappings.h>
#include <ppc/FirmwareCalls.h>
-#include <ppc/setjmp.h>
+#include <ppc/cpu_internal.h>
#include <ppc/exception.h>
+#include <ppc/hw_perfmon.h>
+#include <ppc/lowglobals.h>
+#include <ppc/machine_cpu.h>
+#include <ppc/db_machdep.h>
#include <kern/clock.h>
#include <kern/debug.h>
#include <machine/trap.h>
#include <kern/spl.h>
#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
-#include <ppc/mp.h>
+#include <kern/sched.h>
+#include <kern/task.h>
+#include <kern/machine.h>
+#include <vm/vm_map.h>
#include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
#include <mach/vm_prot.h>
#include <vm/pmap.h>
#include <mach/time_value.h>
+#include <mach/mach_types.h>
+#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
#include <machine/machparam.h> /* for btop */
hw_lock_data_t debugger_lock; /* debugger lock */
hw_lock_data_t pbtlock; /* backtrace print lock */
-int debugger_cpu = -1; /* current cpu running debugger */
+unsigned int debugger_cpu = (unsigned)-1; /* current cpu running debugger */
int debugger_debug = 0; /* Debug debugger */
-int debugger_is_slave[NCPUS]; /* Show that we were entered via sigp */
-int debugger_active[NCPUS]; /* Debugger active on CPU */
-int debugger_pending[NCPUS]; /* Debugger entry pending on CPU (this is a HACK) */
-int debugger_holdoff[NCPUS]; /* Holdoff debugger entry on this CPU (this is a HACK) */
int db_run_mode; /* Debugger run mode */
unsigned int debugger_sync = 0; /* Cross processor debugger entry sync */
extern unsigned int NMIss; /* NMI debounce switch */
unsigned int lastTrace; /* Value of low-level exception trace controls */
volatile unsigned int cpus_holding_bkpts; /* counter for number of cpus holding
breakpoints (ie: cpus that did not
insert back breakpoints) */
void unlock_debugger(void);
void lock_debugger(void);
-void dump_backtrace(unsigned int stackptr, unsigned int fence);
-void dump_savearea(savearea *sv, unsigned int fence);
+void dump_backtrace(struct savearea *sv,
+ unsigned int stackptr,
+ unsigned int fence);
+void dump_savearea(struct savearea *sv,
+ unsigned int fence);
boolean_t db_breakpoints_inserted = TRUE;
-jmp_buf_t *db_recover = 0;
+jmp_buf_t *db_recover;
#define KDP_READY 0x1
-boolean_t db_im_stepping = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Remember if we were stepping */
+unsigned int db_im_stepping = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Remember if we were stepping */
-char *failNames[] = {
+const char *failNames[] = {
"Debugging trap", /* failDebug */
"Corrupt stack", /* failStack */
"Corrupt mapping tables", /* failMapping */
"No saveareas", /* failNoSavearea */
"Savearea corruption", /* failSaveareaCorr */
"Invalid live context", /* failBadLiveContext */
+ "Corrupt skip lists", /* failSkipLists */
+ "Unaligned stack", /* failUnalignedStk */
+ "Invalid pmap", /* failPmap */
+ "Lock timeout", /* failTimeout */
"Unknown failure code" /* Unknown failure code - must always be last */
-char *invxcption = "Unknown code";
+const char *invxcption = "Unknown code";
-extern const char version[];
-extern char *trap_type[];
-extern vm_offset_t mem_actual;
+static unsigned commit_paniclog_to_nvram;
-void kdb_trap(int type, struct savearea *regs);
-void kdb_trap(int type, struct savearea *regs) {
- return;
+void kdb_trap(__unused int type, __unused struct savearea *regs) {}
+#endif /* !MACH_KDB */
-void kdp_trap(int type, struct savearea *regs);
-void kdp_trap(int type, struct savearea *regs) {
- return;
+void kdp_trap(__unused int type, __unused struct savearea *regs) {}
+#endif /* !MACH_KDP */
+extern int default_preemption_rate;
+extern int max_unsafe_quanta;
+extern int max_poll_quanta;
-machine_startup(boot_args *args)
int boot_arg;
+ unsigned int wncpu;
- if (PE_parse_boot_arg("cpus", &wncpu)) {
- if (!((wncpu > 0) && (wncpu < NCPUS)))
- wncpu = NCPUS;
- } else
- wncpu = NCPUS;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("cpus", &wncpu, sizeof (wncpu))) {
+ if ((wncpu > 0) && (wncpu < MAX_CPUS))
+ max_ncpus = wncpu;
+ }
if( PE_get_hotkey( kPEControlKey ))
halt_in_debugger = halt_in_debugger ? 0 : 1;
- if (PE_parse_boot_arg("debug", &boot_arg)) {
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("debug", &boot_arg, sizeof (boot_arg))) {
if (boot_arg & DB_HALT) halt_in_debugger=1;
- if (boot_arg & DB_PRT) disableDebugOuput=FALSE;
+ if (boot_arg & DB_PRT) disable_debug_output=FALSE;
if (boot_arg & DB_SLOG) systemLogDiags=TRUE;
if (boot_arg & DB_NMI) panicDebugging=TRUE;
if (boot_arg & DB_LOG_PI_SCRN) logPanicDataToScreen=TRUE;
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("nvram_paniclog", &commit_paniclog_to_nvram, sizeof (commit_paniclog_to_nvram)))
+ commit_paniclog_to_nvram = 1;
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("vmmforce", &lowGlo.lgVMMforcedFeats, sizeof (lowGlo.lgVMMforcedFeats));
hw_lock_init(&debugger_lock); /* initialize debugger lock */
hw_lock_init(&pbtlock); /* initialize print backtrace lock */
active_debugger =1;
#endif /* MACH_KDB */
- if (PE_parse_boot_arg("preempt", &boot_arg)) {
- extern int default_preemption_rate;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("preempt", &boot_arg, sizeof (boot_arg))) {
default_preemption_rate = boot_arg;
- if (PE_parse_boot_arg("unsafe", &boot_arg)) {
- extern int max_unsafe_quanta;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("unsafe", &boot_arg, sizeof (boot_arg))) {
max_unsafe_quanta = boot_arg;
- if (PE_parse_boot_arg("poll", &boot_arg)) {
- extern int max_poll_quanta;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("poll", &boot_arg, sizeof (boot_arg))) {
max_poll_quanta = boot_arg;
- if (PE_parse_boot_arg("yield", &boot_arg)) {
- extern int sched_poll_yield_shift;
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("yield", &boot_arg, sizeof (boot_arg))) {
sched_poll_yield_shift = boot_arg;
- ml_thrm_init(); /* Start thermal monitoring on this processor */
- * Start the system.
+ * Kick off the kernel bootstrap.
- setup_main();
- /* Should never return */
+ kernel_bootstrap();
char *
- char *buf,
- vm_size_t size)
+machine_boot_info(__unused char *buf, __unused vm_size_t size)
- machine_info.max_cpus = NCPUS;
- machine_info.avail_cpus = 1;
- machine_info.memory_size = mem_size;
+ machine_info.memory_size = mem_size; /* Note that this will be 2 GB for >= 2 GB machines */
+ debug_log_init();
+/* Note that we must initialize the stepper tables AFTER the clock is configured!!!!! */
+ if(pmsExperimental & 1) pmsCPUConf(); /* (EXPERIMENTAL) Initialize the stepper tables */
+ perfmon_init();
+ return;
-void slave_machine_init(void)
+slave_machine_init(__unused void *param)
- (void) ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE); /* Make sure we are disabled */
- clock_init(); /* Init the clock */
cpu_machine_init(); /* Initialize the processor */
+ clock_init(); /* Init the clock */
* Machine-dependent routine to fill in an array with up to callstack_max
* levels of return pc information.
-void machine_callstack(
- natural_t *buf,
- vm_size_t callstack_max)
+machine_callstack(__unused natural_t *buf, __unused vm_size_t callstack_max)
#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
print_backtrace(struct savearea *ssp)
- unsigned int stackptr, *raddr, *rstack, trans, fence;
- int i, frames_cnt, skip_top_frames, frames_max;
- unsigned int store[8]; /* Buffer for real storage reads */
- vm_offset_t backtrace_entries[32];
- thread_act_t *act;
- savearea *sv, *svssp;
- int cpu;
+ unsigned int stackptr, fence;
+ struct savearea *sv, *svssp, *psv;
+ unsigned int cpu;
* We need this lock to make sure we don't hang up when we double panic on an MP.
cpu = cpu_number(); /* Just who are we anyways? */
if(pbtcpu != cpu) { /* Allow recursion */
- hw_atomic_add(&pbtcnt, 1); /* Remember we are trying */
+ (void)hw_atomic_add(&pbtcnt, 1); /* Remember we are trying */
while(!hw_lock_try(&pbtlock)); /* Spin here until we can get in. If we never do, well, we're crashing anyhow... */
pbtcpu = cpu; /* Mark it as us */
- svssp = (savearea *)ssp; /* Make this easier */
- sv = 0;
- if(current_thread()) sv = (savearea *)current_act()->mact.pcb; /* Find most current savearea if system has started */
+ svssp = (struct savearea *)ssp; /* Make this easier */
+ sv = NULL;
+ if(current_thread())
+ sv = (struct savearea *)current_thread()->machine.pcb; /* Find most current savearea if system has started */
fence = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Show we go all the way */
- if(sv) fence = sv->save_r1; /* Stop at previous exception point */
+ if(sv) fence = (unsigned int)sv->save_r1; /* Stop at previous exception point */
if(!svssp) { /* Should we start from stack? */
kdb_printf("Latest stack backtrace for cpu %d:\n", cpu_number());
__asm__ volatile("mr %0,r1" : "=r" (stackptr)); /* Get current stack */
- dump_backtrace(stackptr, fence); /* Dump the backtrace */
+ dump_backtrace((struct savearea *)0,stackptr, fence); /* Dump the backtrace */
if(!sv) { /* Leave if no saveareas */
- kdb_printf("\nKernel version:\n%s\n",version); /* Print kernel version */
hw_lock_unlock(&pbtlock); /* Allow another back trace to happen */
- return;
+ goto pbt_exit;
else { /* Were we passed an exception? */
fence = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Show we go all the way */
if(svssp->save_hdr.save_prev) {
- if((svssp->save_hdr.save_prev <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS) && ((unsigned int)LRA(PPC_SID_KERNEL, (void *)svssp->save_hdr.save_prev))) { /* Valid address? */
- fence = svssp->save_hdr.save_prev->save_r1; /* Stop at previous exception point */
+ if((svssp->save_hdr.save_prev <= vm_last_addr) && ((unsigned int)pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)svssp->save_hdr.save_prev))) { /* Valid address? */
+ psv = (struct savearea *)((unsigned int)svssp->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Get the 64-bit back chain converted to a regualr pointer */
+ fence = (unsigned int)psv->save_r1; /* Stop at previous exception point */
kdb_printf("Latest crash info for cpu %d:\n", cpu_number());
- kdb_printf(" Exception state (sv=0x%08X)\n", sv);
+ kdb_printf(" Exception state (sv=%p)\n", svssp);
dump_savearea(svssp, fence); /* Dump this savearea */
if(!sv) { /* Leave if no saveareas */
- kdb_printf("\nKernel version:\n%s\n",version); /* Print kernel version */
hw_lock_unlock(&pbtlock); /* Allow another back trace to happen */
- return;
+ goto pbt_exit;
kdb_printf("Proceeding back via exception chain:\n");
while(sv) { /* Do them all... */
- if(!((sv <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS) && (unsigned int)LRA(PPC_SID_KERNEL, (void *)sv))) { /* Valid address? */
- kdb_printf(" Exception state (sv=0x%08X) Not mapped or invalid. stopping...\n", sv);
+ if(!(((addr64_t)((uintptr_t)sv) <= vm_last_addr) &&
+ (unsigned int)pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)((uintptr_t)sv)))) { /* Valid address? */
+ kdb_printf(" Exception state (sv=%p) Not mapped or invalid. stopping...\n", sv);
- kdb_printf(" Exception state (sv=0x%08X)\n", sv);
+ kdb_printf(" Exception state (sv=%p)\n", sv);
if(sv == svssp) { /* Did we dump it already? */
kdb_printf(" previously dumped as \"Latest\" state. skipping...\n");
else {
fence = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Show we go all the way */
if(sv->save_hdr.save_prev) {
- if((sv->save_hdr.save_prev <= VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS) && ((unsigned int)LRA(PPC_SID_KERNEL, (void *)sv->save_hdr.save_prev))) { /* Valid address? */
- fence = sv->save_hdr.save_prev->save_r1; /* Stop at previous exception point */
+ if((sv->save_hdr.save_prev <= vm_last_addr) && ((unsigned int)pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)sv->save_hdr.save_prev))) { /* Valid address? */
+ psv = (struct savearea *)((unsigned int)sv->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Get the 64-bit back chain converted to a regualr pointer */
+ fence = (unsigned int)psv->save_r1; /* Stop at previous exception point */
dump_savearea(sv, fence); /* Dump this savearea */
- sv = sv->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Back chain */
+ sv = CAST_DOWN(struct savearea *, sv->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Back chain */
- kdb_printf("\nKernel version:\n%s\n",version); /* Print kernel version */
pbtcpu = -1; /* Mark as unowned */
hw_lock_unlock(&pbtlock); /* Allow another back trace to happen */
- hw_atomic_sub(&pbtcnt, 1); /* Show we are done */
+ (void)hw_atomic_sub(&pbtcnt, 1); /* Show we are done */
while(pbtcnt); /* Wait for completion */
- return;
+ panic_display_system_configuration();
+ return;
-void dump_savearea(savearea *sv, unsigned int fence) {
- char *xcode;
+dump_savearea(struct savearea *sv, unsigned int fence)
+ const char *xcode;
- if(sv->save_exception > T_MAX) xcode = invxcption; /* Too big for table */
- else xcode = trap_type[sv->save_exception / 4]; /* Point to the type */
+ if(sv->save_exception > T_MAX)
+ xcode = invxcption; /* Too big for table */
+ else
+ xcode = trap_type[sv->save_exception / 4]; /* Point to the type */
kdb_printf(" PC=0x%08X; MSR=0x%08X; DAR=0x%08X; DSISR=0x%08X; LR=0x%08X; R1=0x%08X; XCP=0x%08X (%s)\n",
- sv->save_srr0, sv->save_srr1, sv->save_dar, sv->save_dsisr,
- sv->save_lr, sv->save_r1, sv->save_exception, xcode);
+ (unsigned int)sv->save_srr0, (unsigned int)sv->save_srr1, (unsigned int)sv->save_dar, sv->save_dsisr,
+ (unsigned int)sv->save_lr, (unsigned int)sv->save_r1, sv->save_exception, xcode);
if(!(sv->save_srr1 & MASK(MSR_PR))) { /* Are we in the kernel? */
- dump_backtrace(sv->save_r1, fence); /* Dump the stack back trace from here if not user state */
+ dump_backtrace(sv, (unsigned int)sv->save_r1, fence); /* Dump the stack back trace from here if not user state */
-#define DUMPFRAMES 32
+#define DUMPFRAMES 34
#define LRindex 2
-void dump_backtrace(unsigned int stackptr, unsigned int fence) {
+void dump_backtrace(struct savearea *sv, unsigned int stackptr, unsigned int fence) {
unsigned int bframes[DUMPFRAMES];
unsigned int sframe[8], raddr, dumbo;
- int i;
+ int i, index=0;
+// char syminfo[80];
kdb_printf(" Backtrace:\n");
- for(i = 0; i < DUMPFRAMES; i++) { /* Dump up to max frames */
+ if (sv != (struct savearea *)0) {
+ bframes[0] = (unsigned int)sv->save_srr0;
+ bframes[1] = (unsigned int)sv->save_lr;
+ index = 2;
+ }
+ for(i = index; i < DUMPFRAMES; i++) { /* Dump up to max frames */
if(!stackptr || (stackptr == fence)) break; /* Hit stop point or end... */
- if(stackptr & 0x0000000f) { /* Is stack pointer valid? */
+ if(stackptr & 0x0000000F) { /* Is stack pointer valid? */
kdb_printf("\n backtrace terminated - unaligned frame address: 0x%08X\n", stackptr); /* No, tell 'em */
- raddr = (unsigned int)LRA(PPC_SID_KERNEL, (void *)stackptr); /* Get physical frame address */
- if(!raddr || (stackptr > VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS)) { /* Is it mapped? */
+ raddr = (unsigned int)pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)stackptr); /* Get physical frame address */
+ if(!raddr || (stackptr > vm_last_addr)) { /* Is it mapped? */
kdb_printf("\n backtrace terminated - frame not mapped or invalid: 0x%08X\n", stackptr); /* No, tell 'em */
- if(raddr >= mem_actual) { /* Is it within physical RAM? */
+ if(!mapping_phys_lookup(raddr, &dumbo)) { /* Is it within physical RAM? */
kdb_printf("\n backtrace terminated - frame outside of RAM: v=0x%08X, p=%08X\n", stackptr, raddr); /* No, tell 'em */
- ReadReal(raddr, &sframe[0]); /* Fetch the stack frame */
+ ReadReal((addr64_t)((raddr << 12) | (stackptr & 4095)), &sframe[0]); /* Fetch the stack frame */
bframes[i] = sframe[LRindex]; /* Save the link register */
+// syms_formataddr((vm_offset_t)bframes[i], syminfo, sizeof (syminfo));
+// kdb_printf(" %s\n", syminfo);
if(!i) kdb_printf(" "); /* Indent first time */
else if(!(i & 7)) kdb_printf("\n "); /* Skip to new line every 8 */
kdb_printf("0x%08X ", bframes[i]); /* Dump the link register */
if(i >= DUMPFRAMES) kdb_printf(" backtrace continues...\n"); /* Say we terminated early */
- if(i) kmod_dump((vm_offset_t *)&bframes[0], i); /* Show what kmods are in trace */
+ if(i) kmod_panic_dump((vm_offset_t *)&bframes[0], i); /* Show what kmods are in trace */
+void commit_paniclog(void) {
+ unsigned long pi_size = 0;
+ if (debug_buf_size > 0) {
+ if (commit_paniclog_to_nvram) {
+ unsigned int bufpos;
+ /* XXX Consider using the WKdm compressor in the
+ * future, rather than just packing - would need to
+ * be co-ordinated with crashreporter, which decodes
+ * this post-restart. The compressor should be
+ * capable of in-place compression.
+ */
+ bufpos = packA(debug_buf, (unsigned) (debug_buf_ptr - debug_buf), debug_buf_size);
+ /* If compression was successful,
+ * use the compressed length
+ */
+ pi_size = bufpos ? bufpos : (unsigned) (debug_buf_ptr - debug_buf);
+ /* Truncate if the buffer is larger than a
+ * certain magic size - this really ought to
+ * be some appropriate fraction of the NVRAM
+ * image buffer, and is best done in the
+ * savePanicInfo() or PESavePanicInfo() calls
+ * This call must save data synchronously,
+ * since we can subsequently halt the system.
+ */
+ kprintf("Attempting to commit panic log to NVRAM\n");
+ /* N.B.: This routine (currently an IOKit wrapper that
+ * calls through to the appropriate platform NVRAM
+ * driver, must be panic context safe, i.e.
+ * acquire no locks or require kernel services.
+ * This does not appear to be the case currently
+ * on some platforms, unfortunately (the driver
+ * on command gate serialization).
+ */
+ pi_size = PESavePanicInfo((unsigned char *)debug_buf,
+ ((pi_size > 2040) ? 2040 : pi_size));
+ /* Uncompress in-place, to allow debuggers to examine
+ * the panic log.
+ */
+ if (bufpos)
+ unpackA(debug_buf, bufpos);
+ }
+ }
Debugger(const char *message) {
- int i;
- unsigned int store[8];
- unsigned long pi_size = 0;
spl_t spl;
spl = splhigh(); /* No interruptions from here on */
- if (debug_mode && debugger_active[cpu_number()]) { /* Are we already on debugger on this processor? */
+ if (debug_mode && getPerProc()->debugger_active) { /* Are we already on debugger on this processor? */
return; /* Yeah, don't do it again... */
if ( panicstr != (char *)0 )
- /* diable kernel preemptions */
- /* everything should be printed now so copy to NVRAM
- */
- if( debug_buf_size > 0)
- pi_size = PESavePanicInfo( debug_buf, debug_buf_ptr - debug_buf);
- if( !panicDebugging && (pi_size != 0) ) {
- int my_cpu, debugger_cpu;
- int tcpu;
+ /* Commit the panic log buffer to NVRAM, unless otherwise
+ * specified via a boot-arg.
+ */
+ commit_paniclog();
+ if(!panicDebugging) {
+ unsigned int my_cpu, tcpu;
my_cpu = cpu_number();
debugger_cpu = my_cpu;
- hw_atomic_add(&debug_mode, 1);
- debugger_active[my_cpu]++;
+ (void)hw_atomic_add(&debug_mode, 1);
+ PerProcTable[my_cpu].ppe_vaddr->debugger_active++;
- for(tcpu = 0; tcpu < NCPUS; tcpu++) {
+ for(tcpu = 0; tcpu < real_ncpus; tcpu++) {
if(tcpu == my_cpu) continue;
- hw_atomic_add(&debugger_sync, 1);
+ (void)hw_atomic_add(&debugger_sync, 1);
(void)cpu_signal(tcpu, SIGPdebug, 0 ,0);
(void)hw_cpu_sync(&debugger_sync, LockTimeOut);
- if( !panicDebugging && (pi_size != 0))
+ if(!panicDebugging) {
+ PEHaltRestart(kPEPanicRestartCPU);
PEHaltRestart( kPEHangCPU );
+ }
if ((current_debugger != NO_CUR_DB)) { /* If there is a debugger configured, enter it */
printf("Debugger(%s)\n", message);
* save_r3 contains the failure reason code.
-void SysChoked(int type, savearea *sv) { /* The system is bad dead */
+SysChoked(unsigned int type, struct savearea *sv)
unsigned int failcode;
+ const char * const pmsg = "System Failure: cpu=%d; code=%08X (%s)\n";
- disableDebugOuput = FALSE;
+ disable_debug_output = FALSE;
debug_mode = TRUE;
- failcode = sv->save_r3; /* Get the failure code */
+ failcode = (unsigned int)sv->save_r3; /* Get the failure code */
if(failcode > failUnknown) failcode = failUnknown; /* Set unknown code code */
- kprintf("System Failure: cpu=%d; code=%08X (%s)\n", cpu_number(), sv->save_r3, failNames[failcode]);
- kdb_printf("System Failure: cpu=%d; code=%08X (%s)\n", cpu_number(), sv->save_r3, failNames[failcode]);
+ kprintf(pmsg, cpu_number(), (unsigned int)sv->save_r3, failNames[failcode]);
+ kdb_printf(pmsg, cpu_number(), (unsigned int)sv->save_r3, failNames[failcode]);
print_backtrace(sv); /* Attempt to print backtrace */
- Call_DebuggerC(type, sv); /* Attempt to get into debugger */
- if ((current_debugger != NO_CUR_DB)) Call_DebuggerC(type, sv); /* Attempt to get into debugger */
+ /* Commit the panic log buffer to NVRAM, unless otherwise
+ * specified via a boot-arg. For certain types of panics
+ * which result in a "choke" exception, this may well
+ * be inadvisable, and setting the nvram_paniclog=0
+ * boot-arg may be useful.
+ */
+ if (panicDebugging)
+ commit_paniclog();
+ Call_DebuggerC(type, sv); /* Attempt to get into debugger */
+ if ((current_debugger != NO_CUR_DB))
+ Call_DebuggerC(type, sv); /* Attempt to get into debugger */
+ panic_plain(pmsg, cpu_number(), (unsigned int)sv->save_r3, failNames[failcode]);
* Never, ever, ever, ever enable interruptions from here on
-int Call_DebuggerC(
- int type,
- struct savearea *saved_state)
+Call_DebuggerC(unsigned int type, struct savearea *saved_state)
int directcall, wait;
- vm_offset_t instr_ptr;
- unsigned int instr;
- int my_cpu, tcpu;
+ addr64_t instr_ptr = 0ULL;
+ ppnum_t instr_pp;
+ unsigned int instr, tcpu, my_cpu;
+ int wasdebugger;
my_cpu = cpu_number(); /* Get our CPU */
if((debugger_cpu == my_cpu) && /* Do we already own debugger? */
- debugger_active[my_cpu] && /* and are we really active? */
+ PerProcTable[my_cpu].ppe_vaddr->debugger_active && /* and are we really active? */
db_recover && /* and have we set up recovery? */
(current_debugger == KDB_CUR_DB)) { /* and are we in KDB (only it handles recovery) */
kdb_trap(type, saved_state); /* Then reenter it... */
- hw_atomic_add(&debug_mode, 1); /* Indicate we are in debugger */
- debugger_active[my_cpu]++; /* Show active on our CPU */
+ (void)hw_atomic_add(&debug_mode, 1); /* Indicate we are in debugger */
+ PerProcTable[my_cpu].ppe_vaddr->debugger_active++; /* Show active on our CPU */
lock_debugger(); /* Insure that only one CPU is in debugger */
if(db_im_stepping == my_cpu) { /* Are we just back from a step? */
if (debugger_debug) {
#if 0
- kprintf("Call_DebuggerC(%d): %08X %08X, debact = %d\n", my_cpu, type, saved_state, debug_mode); /* (TEST/DEBUG) */
+ kprintf("Call_DebuggerC(%d): %08X %08X, debact = %d\n", my_cpu, type, (uint32_t)saved_state, debug_mode); /* (TEST/DEBUG) */
- printf("Call_Debugger: enter - cpu %d, is_slave %d, debugger_cpu %d, pc %08X\n",
- my_cpu, debugger_is_slave[my_cpu], debugger_cpu, saved_state->save_srr0);
+ printf("Call_Debugger: enter - cpu %d, is_slave %d, debugger_cpu %d, pc %08llX\n",
+ my_cpu, PerProcTable[my_cpu].ppe_vaddr->debugger_is_slave, debugger_cpu, saved_state->save_srr0);
- if (instr_ptr = (vm_offset_t)LRA(PPC_SID_KERNEL, (void *)(saved_state->save_srr0))) {
- instr = ml_phys_read(instr_ptr); /* Get the trap that caused entry */
+ instr_pp = (vm_offset_t)pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)(saved_state->save_srr0));
+ if (instr_pp) {
+ instr_ptr = (addr64_t)(((addr64_t)instr_pp << 12) | (saved_state->save_srr0 & 0xFFF)); /* Make physical address */
+ instr = ml_phys_read_64(instr_ptr); /* Get the trap that caused entry */
else instr = 0;
#if 0
- if (debugger_debug) kprintf("Call_DebuggerC(%d): instr_ptr = %08X, instr = %08X\n", my_cpu, instr_ptr, instr); /* (TEST/DEBUG) */
+ if (debugger_debug) kprintf("Call_DebuggerC(%d): instr_pp = %08X, instr_ptr = %016llX, instr = %08X\n", my_cpu, instr_pp, instr_ptr, instr); /* (TEST/DEBUG) */
if (db_breakpoints_inserted) cpus_holding_bkpts++; /* Bump up the holding count */
- if (debugger_cpu == -1 && !debugger_is_slave[my_cpu]) {
+ if ((debugger_cpu == (unsigned)-1) &&
+ !PerProcTable[my_cpu].ppe_vaddr->debugger_is_slave) {
#if 0
if (debugger_debug) kprintf("Call_DebuggerC(%d): lasttrace = %08X\n", my_cpu, lastTrace); /* (TEST/DEBUG) */
debugger_cpu = my_cpu; /* Show that we are debugger */
lastTrace = LLTraceSet(0); /* Disable low-level tracing */
- for(tcpu = 0; tcpu < NCPUS; tcpu++) { /* Stop all the other guys */
+ for(tcpu = 0; tcpu < real_ncpus; tcpu++) { /* Stop all the other guys */
if(tcpu == my_cpu) continue; /* Don't diddle ourselves */
- hw_atomic_add(&debugger_sync, 1); /* Count signal sent */
+ (void)hw_atomic_add(&debugger_sync, 1); /* Count signal sent */
(void)cpu_signal(tcpu, SIGPdebug, 0 ,0); /* Tell 'em to enter debugger */
(void)hw_cpu_sync(&debugger_sync, LockTimeOut); /* Wait for the other processors to enter debug */
if (instr == TRAP_DIRECT_INST) {
- disableDebugOuput = FALSE;
+ disable_debug_output = FALSE;
if ((instr == TRAP_DEBUGGER_INST) || /* Did we trap to enter debugger? */
(instr == TRAP_DIRECT_INST)) saved_state->save_srr0 += TRAP_INST_SIZE; /* Yes, point past trap */
- if(debugger_cpu == my_cpu) LLTraceSet(lastTrace); /* Enable tracing on the way out if we are debugger */
+ wasdebugger = 0; /* Assume not debugger */
+ if(debugger_cpu == my_cpu) { /* Are the debugger processor? */
+ wasdebugger = 1; /* Remember that we were the debugger */
+ LLTraceSet(lastTrace); /* Enable tracing on the way out if we are debugger */
+ }
wait = FALSE; /* Assume we are not going to wait */
if (db_run_mode == STEP_CONTINUE) { /* Are we going to run? */
wait = TRUE; /* Yeah, remember to wait for breakpoints to clear */
debugger_cpu = -1; /* Release other processor's debuggers */
- debugger_pending[0] = 0; /* Release request (this is a HACK) */
- debugger_pending[1] = 0; /* Release request (this is a HACK) */
+ for(tcpu = 0; tcpu < real_ncpus; tcpu++)
+ PerProcTable[tcpu].ppe_vaddr->debugger_pending = 0; /* Release request (this is a HACK) */
NMIss = 0; /* Let NMI bounce */
if (db_breakpoints_inserted) cpus_holding_bkpts--; /* If any breakpoints, back off count */
- if (debugger_is_slave[my_cpu]) debugger_is_slave[my_cpu]--; /* If we were a slove, uncount us */
+ if (PerProcTable[my_cpu].ppe_vaddr->debugger_is_slave) PerProcTable[my_cpu].ppe_vaddr->debugger_is_slave--; /* If we were a slove, uncount us */
if (debugger_debug)
printf("Call_Debugger: exit - cpu %d, debugger_cpu %d, run_mode %d holds %d\n",
my_cpu, debugger_cpu, db_run_mode,
unlock_debugger(); /* Release the lock */
- debugger_active[my_cpu]--; /* Say we aren't active anymore */
+ PerProcTable[my_cpu].ppe_vaddr->debugger_active--; /* Say we aren't active anymore */
if (wait) while(cpus_holding_bkpts); /* Wait for breakpoints to clear */
- hw_atomic_sub(&debug_mode, 1); /* Set out of debug now */
+ (void)hw_atomic_sub(&debug_mode, 1); /* Set out of debug now */
return(1); /* Exit debugger normally */
if(db_run_mode != STEP_ONCE) enable_preemption_no_check(); /* Enable preemption, but don't preempt here */
- hw_atomic_sub(&debug_mode, 1); /* Set out of debug now */
+ (void)hw_atomic_sub(&debug_mode, 1); /* Set out of debug now */
return(0); /* Return in shame... */
-void lock_debugger(void) {
- int my_cpu;
- register int i;
+ unsigned int my_cpu;
my_cpu = cpu_number(); /* Get our CPU number */
- while(1) { /* Check until we get it */
- if (debugger_cpu != -1 && debugger_cpu != my_cpu) continue; /* Someone, not us, is debugger... */
- if (hw_lock_try(&debugger_lock)) { /* Get the debug lock */
- if (debugger_cpu == -1 || debugger_cpu == my_cpu) break; /* Is it us? */
- hw_lock_unlock(&debugger_lock); /* Not us, release lock */
+ while(1) { /* Check until we get it */
+ if (debugger_cpu != (unsigned)-1 && debugger_cpu != my_cpu)
+ continue; /* Someone, not us, is debugger... */
+ if (hw_lock_try(&debugger_lock)) { /* Get the debug lock */
+ if (debugger_cpu == (unsigned)-1 || debugger_cpu == my_cpu)
+ break; /* Is it us? */
+ hw_lock_unlock(&debugger_lock); /* Not us, release lock */
+int patchInst(task_t task, addr64_t vaddr, uint32_t inst);
+int patchInst(task_t task, addr64_t vaddr, uint32_t inst)
+ vm_map_t map;
+ addr64_t paddr;
+ uint32_t instr, nestingDepth;
+ kern_return_t ret;
+ vm_region_submap_short_info_data_64_t info;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t count;
+ mach_vm_address_t address;
+ mach_vm_size_t sizeOfRegion;
+ vm_prot_t reprotect;
+ if(task == TASK_NULL) return -1; /* Leave if task is bogus... */
+ task_lock(task); /* Make sure the task doesn't go anywhaere */
+ if (!task->active) { /* Is is alive? */
+ task_unlock(task); /* Nope, unlock */
+ return -1; /* Not a active task, fail... */
+ }
+ map = task->map; /* Get his map */
+ vm_map_reference_swap(map); /* Don't let it go away */
+ task_unlock(task); /* Unleash the task */
+ /* Find the memory permissions. */
+ nestingDepth=999999; /* Limit recursion */
+ address = (mach_vm_address_t)vaddr;
+ sizeOfRegion = (mach_vm_size_t)4;
+ ret = mach_vm_region_recurse(map, &address, &sizeOfRegion, &nestingDepth, (vm_region_recurse_info_t)&info, &count);
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) { /* Leave if it didn't work */
+ vm_map_deallocate(map); /* Drop reference on map */
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ * We need to check if there could be a problem if the dtrace probes are being removed and the code is being
+ * executed at the same time. This sequence may leave us with no-execute turned on temporarily when we execute
+ * through it.
+ */
+ if (!(info.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE)) {
+ /* Save the original protection values for restoration later */
+ reprotect = info.protection;
+ if (info.max_protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) {
+ /* The memory is not currently writable, but can be made writable. */
+ ret = mach_vm_protect(map, (mach_vm_offset_t)vaddr, (mach_vm_size_t)4, 0, reprotect | VM_PROT_WRITE);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * The memory is not currently writable, and cannot be made writable. We need to COW this memory.
+ *
+ * Strange, we can't just say "reprotect | VM_PROT_COPY", that fails.
+ */
+ ret = mach_vm_protect(map, (mach_vm_offset_t)vaddr, (mach_vm_size_t)4, 0, VM_PROT_COPY | VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE);
+ }
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ vm_map_deallocate(map); /* Drop reference on map */
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* The memory was already writable. */
+ reprotect = VM_PROT_NONE;
+ }
+ instr = inst; /* Place instruction in local memory */
+ ret = vm_map_write_user(map, &inst, (vm_map_address_t)vaddr, (vm_size_t)4); /* Write the instruction */
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) { /* Leave if it didn't work */
+ if (reprotect != VM_PROT_NONE) {
+ ret = mach_vm_protect (map, (mach_vm_offset_t)vaddr, (mach_vm_size_t)4, 0, reprotect);
+ }
+ vm_map_deallocate(map); /* Drop reference on map */
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ paddr = (addr64_t)pmap_find_phys(map->pmap, vaddr) << 12; /* Find the physical address of the patched address */
+ if(!paddr) { /* Is address mapped now? */
+ vm_map_deallocate(map); /* Drop reference on map */
+ return 0; /* Leave... */
+ }
+ paddr = paddr | (vaddr & 4095); /* Construct physical address */
+ invalidate_icache64(paddr, 4, 1); /* Flush out the instruction cache here */
+ if (reprotect != VM_PROT_NONE) {
+ ret = mach_vm_protect(map, (mach_vm_offset_t)vaddr, (mach_vm_size_t)4, 0, reprotect);
+ }
+ vm_map_deallocate(map);
+ return (0);