* Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
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* This file is used to maintain the virtual to real mappings for a PowerPC machine.
void mapping_verify(void);
void mapping_phys_unused(ppnum_t pa);
+int nx_enabled = 0; /* enable no-execute protection */
* ppc_prot translates Mach's representation of protections to that of the PPC hardware.
* For Virtual Machines (VMM), we also provide translation entries where the output is
* 8 table entries; direct translations are placed in the range 8..16, so they fall into
* the second half of the table.
- * ***NOTE*** I've commented out the Mach->PPC translations that would set page-level
- * no-execute, pending updates to the VM layer that will properly enable its
- * use. Bob Abeles 08.02.04
-//unsigned char ppc_prot[16] = { 4, 7, 6, 6, 3, 3, 2, 2, /* Mach -> PPC translations */
-unsigned char ppc_prot[16] = { 0, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, /* Mach -> PPC translations */
+unsigned char ppc_prot[16] = { 4, 7, 6, 6, 3, 3, 2, 2, /* Mach -> PPC translations */
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; /* VMM direct translations */
+vm_prot_t getProtPPC(int key, boolean_t disable_NX) {
+ vm_prot_t prot;
+ prot = ppc_prot[key & 0xF];
+ if (key <= 7 && disable_NX == TRUE)
+ prot &= ~mpN;
+ return (prot);
* About PPC VSID generation:
* perm Mapping is permanent
* cache inhibited Cache inhibited (used if use attribute or block set )
* guarded Guarded access (used if use attribute or block set )
- * size size of block (not used if not block)
+ * size size of block in pages - 1 (not used if not block)
* prot VM protection bits
* attr Cachability/Guardedness
unsigned int pindex, mflags, pattr, wimg, rc;
phys_entry_t *physent;
int nlists, pcf;
+ boolean_t disable_NX = FALSE;
pindex = 0;
pattr = flags & (mmFlgCInhib | mmFlgGuarded); /* Use requested attributes */
mflags |= mpBlock; /* Show that this is a block */
+ if(size > pmapSmallBlock) { /* Is it one? */
+ if(size & 0x00001FFF) return mapRtBadSz; /* Fail if bigger than 256MB and not a 32MB multiple */
+ size = size >> 13; /* Convert to 32MB chunks */
+ mflags = mflags | mpBSu; /* Show 32MB basic size unit */
+ }
wimg = 0x2; /* Set basic PPC wimg to 0b0010 - Coherent */
if(flags & mmFlgPerm) mflags |= mpPerm; /* Set permanent mapping */
size = size - 1; /* Change size to offset */
- if(size > 0xFFFF) return 1; /* Leave if size is too big */
+ if(size > 0xFFFF) return mapRtBadSz; /* Leave if size is too big */
nlists = mapSetLists(pmap); /* Set number of lists this will be on */
mp->u.mpBSize = size; /* Set the size */
mp->mpPte = 0; /* Set the PTE invalid */
mp->mpPAddr = pa; /* Set the physical page number */
- mp->mpVAddr = (va & ~mpHWFlags) | (wimg << 3) /* Add the protection and attributes to the field */
- | ((PerProcTable[0].ppe_vaddr->pf.Available & pf64Bit)?
- getProtPPC(prot) : (getProtPPC(prot) & 0x3)); /* Mask off no-execute control for 32-bit machines */
+ if ( !nx_enabled || (pmap->pmapFlags & pmapNXdisabled) )
+ disable_NX = TRUE;
+ mp->mpVAddr = (va & ~mpHWFlags) | (wimg << 3) | getProtPPC(prot, disable_NX); /* Add the protection and attributes to the field */
while(1) { /* Keep trying... */
colladdr = hw_add_map(pmap, mp); /* Go add the mapping to the pmap */
rc = colladdr & mapRetCode; /* Separate return code */
switch (rc) {
case mapRtOK:
- return 0; /* Mapping added successfully */
+ return mapRtOK; /* Mapping added successfully */
case mapRtRemove: /* Remove in progress */
(void)mapping_remove(pmap, colladdr); /* Lend a helping hand to another CPU doing block removal */
case mapRtMapDup: /* Identical mapping already present */
mapping_free(mp); /* Free duplicate mapping */
- return 0; /* Return success */
+ return mapRtOK; /* Return success */
case mapRtSmash: /* Mapping already present but does not match new mapping */
mapping_free(mp); /* Free duplicate mapping */
- return (colladdr | 1); /* Return colliding address, with some dirt added to avoid
- confusion if effective address is 0 */
+ return (colladdr | mapRtSmash); /* Return colliding address, with some dirt added to avoid
+ confusion if effective address is 0 */
panic("mapping_make: hw_add_map failed - collision addr = %016llX, code = %02X, pmap = %08X, va = %016llX, mapping = %08X\n",
colladdr, rc, pmap, va, mp); /* Die dead */
mapping_protect(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va, vm_prot_t prot, addr64_t *nextva) { /* Change protection of a virtual page */
int ret;
- ret = hw_protect(pmap, va, getProtPPC(prot), nextva); /* Try to change the protect here */
+ boolean_t disable_NX = FALSE;
+ if ( !nx_enabled || (pmap->pmapFlags & pmapNXdisabled) )
+ disable_NX = TRUE;
+ ret = hw_protect(pmap, va, getProtPPC(prot, disable_NX), nextva); /* Try to change the protect here */
switch (ret) { /* Decode return code */
* This routine takes a physical entry and runs through all mappings attached to it and changes
* the protection. If there are PTEs associated with the mappings, they will be invalidated before
- * the protection is changed. There is no limitation on changes, e.g.,
- * higher to lower, lower to higher.
+ * the protection is changed. There is no limitation on changes, e.g., higher to lower, lower to
+ * higher; however, changes to execute protection are ignored.
* Any mapping that is marked permanent is not changed
unsigned int pindex;
phys_entry_t *physent;
physent = mapping_phys_lookup(pa, &pindex); /* Get physical entry */
if(!physent) { /* Did we find the physical page? */
panic("mapping_protect_phys: invalid physical page %08X\n", pa);
hw_walk_phys(physent, hwpNoop, hwpSPrtMap, hwpNoop,
- getProtPPC(prot), hwpPurgePTE); /* Set the new protection for page and mappings */
+ getProtPPC(prot, FALSE), hwpPurgePTE); /* Set the new protection for page and mappings */
- return; /* Leave... */
+ return; /* Leave... */
- * phystokv(addr)
- *
- * Convert a physical address to a kernel virtual address if
- * there is a mapping, otherwise return NULL
- */
-vm_offset_t phystokv(vm_offset_t pa) {
- addr64_t va;
- ppnum_t pp;
- pp = pa >> 12; /* Convert to a page number */
- if(!(va = mapping_p2v(kernel_pmap, pp))) {
- return 0; /* Can't find it, return 0... */
- }
- return (va | (pa & (PAGE_SIZE - 1))); /* Build and return VADDR... */
* kvtophys(addr)
* Convert a kernel virtual address to a physical address
-vm_offset_t kvtophys(vm_offset_t va) {
+addr64_t kvtophys(vm_offset_t va) {
return pmap_extract(kernel_pmap, va); /* Find mapping and lock the physical entry for this mapping */
return; /* Return the result or 0... */
+ * nop in current ppc implementation
+ */
+void inval_copy_windows(__unused thread_t t)
* Copies data between a physical page and a virtual page, or 2 physical. This is used to
+void mapping_hibernate_flush(void)
+ int bank;
+ unsigned int page;
+ struct phys_entry * entry;
+ for (bank = 0; bank < pmap_mem_regions_count; bank++)
+ {
+ entry = (struct phys_entry *) pmap_mem_regions[bank].mrPhysTab;
+ for (page = pmap_mem_regions[bank].mrStart; page <= pmap_mem_regions[bank].mrEnd; page++)
+ {
+ hw_walk_phys(entry, hwpNoop, hwpNoop, hwpNoop, 0, hwpPurgePTE);
+ entry++;
+ }
+ }