- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
* This file contains firmware code.
-#include <cpus.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <mach_vm_debug.h>
#include <db_machine_commands.h>
#include <ppc/proc_reg.h>
#include <ppc/mem.h>
#include <ppc/pmap.h>
-#include <ppc/pmap_internals.h>
#include <ppc/new_screen.h>
#include <ppc/Firmware.h>
#include <ppc/mappings.h>
-//#include <pexpert/ppc/powermac.h>
#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
#include <ddb/db_output.h>
-extern Boot_Video boot_video_info;
Boot_Video dgVideo;
-extern GDWorkArea GratefulDebWork[];
+extern GDWorkArea GratefulDebWork[];
-typedef struct RuptCtr { /* Counts hardware interrupts */
- struct GDpos { /* Screen position for Grateful Deb display */
- unsigned short col; /* Column (-1 means no display) */
- unsigned short row; /* Row */
+struct RuptCtr { /* Counts hardware interrupts */
+ struct GDpos { /* Screen position for Grateful Deb display */
+ unsigned short col; /* Column (-1 means no display) */
+ unsigned short row; /* Row */
} GDpos;
- unsigned int count; /* Count of interrupt */
- unsigned int timed; /* If set, count updates at timed rate */
- unsigned int lasttime; /* Low of timebase when last updated */
-} RuptCtr;
-/* Window layout for Grateful Deb:
- *
- * 0 9
+ unsigned int count; /* Count of interrupt */
+ unsigned int timed; /* If set, count updates at timed rate */
+ unsigned int lasttime; /* Low of timebase when last updated */
+/* Window layout for Grateful Deb:
- * 0 Total Decrimenter
- * 1 DSI ISI
- * 2 System call External
- * 3 SIGP Floating point
- * 4 Program Alignment
+ * 0 9
+ *
+ * 0 Total Decrimenter
+ * 1 DSI ISI
+ * 2 System call External
+ * 3 SIGP Floating point
+ * 4 Program Alignment
+struct RuptCtr RuptCtrs[96] = {
+ { /* Total interruptions */
+ .GDpos = {
+ .col = 0,
+ .row = 0,
+ },
+ .count = 0,
+ .timed = 1,
+ },
+ { /* Reset */
+ .GDpos = {
+ .col = -1,
+ .row = -1,
+ },
+ .count = 0,
+ .timed = 0,
+ },
+ { /* Machine check */
+ .GDpos = {
+ .col = -1,
+ .row = -1,
+ },
+ .count = 0,
+ .timed = 0,
+ },
+ { /* DSIs */
+ .GDpos = {
+ .col = 0,
+ .row = 1,
+ },
+ .count = 0,
+ .timed = 1},
+ { /* ISIs */
+ .GDpos = {
+ .col = 1,
+ .row = 1,
+ },
+ .count = 0,
+ .timed = 1,
+ },
+ { /* Externals */
+ .GDpos = {
+ .col = 1,
+ .row = 2,
+ },
+ .count = 0,
+ .timed = 1,
+ },
+ { /* Alignment */
+ .GDpos = {
+ .col = 1,
+ .row = 4,
+ },
+ .count = 0,
+ .timed = 0,
+ },
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 0,.row = 4},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Program */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 1,.row = 3},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Floating point */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 1,.row = 0},.count = 0,.timed = 1}, /* Decrementer */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* I/O error */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 0,.row = 2},.count = 0,.timed = 1}, /* System call */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Trace */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Floating point assist */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Performance monitor */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* VMX */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Instruction breakpoint */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* System management */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Trace */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 0,.row = 3},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* SIGP */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Preemption */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Context switch */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Special, update frequency controls */
+ /*Start of second processor counts */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 0,.row = 0},.count = 0,.timed = 1}, /* Total interruptions */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reset */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Machine check */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 0,.row = 1},.count = 0,.timed = 1}, /* DSIs */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 1,.row = 1},.count = 0,.timed = 1}, /* ISIs */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 1,.row = 2},.count = 0,.timed = 1}, /* Externals */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 1,.row = 4},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Alignment */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 0,.row = 4},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Program */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 1,.row = 3},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Floating point */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 1,.row = 0},.count = 0,.timed = 1}, /* Decrementer */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* I/O error */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 0,.row = 2},.count = 0,.timed = 1}, /* System call */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Trace */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Floating point assist */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Performance monitor */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* VMX */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Instruction breakpoint */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* System management */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Trace */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = 0,.row = 3},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* SIGP */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Preemption */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Context switch */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Reserved */
+ {.GDpos = {.col = -1,.row = -1},.count = 0,.timed = 0}, /* Special, update frequency controls */
-RuptCtr RuptCtrs[96] = {
- { { 0, 0}, 0, 1 }, /* Total interruptions */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reset */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Machine check */
- { { 0, 1}, 0, 1 }, /* DSIs */
- { { 1, 1}, 0, 1 }, /* ISIs */
- { { 1, 2}, 0, 1 }, /* Externals */
- { { 1, 4}, 0, 0 }, /* Alignment */
- { { 0, 4}, 0, 0 }, /* Program */
- { { 1, 3}, 0, 0 }, /* Floating point */
- { { 1, 0}, 0, 1 }, /* Decrementer */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* I/O error */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { { 0, 2}, 0, 1 }, /* System call */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Trace */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Floating point assist */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Performance monitor */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* VMX */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Instruction breakpoint */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* System management */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Trace */
- { { 0, 3}, 0, 0 }, /* SIGP */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Preemption */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Context switch */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Special, update frequency controls */
-/* Start of second processor counts */
- { { 0, 0}, 0, 1 }, /* Total interruptions */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reset */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Machine check */
- { { 0, 1}, 0, 1 }, /* DSIs */
- { { 1, 1}, 0, 1 }, /* ISIs */
- { { 1, 2}, 0, 1 }, /* Externals */
- { { 1, 4}, 0, 0 }, /* Alignment */
- { { 0, 4}, 0, 0 }, /* Program */
- { { 1, 3}, 0, 0 }, /* Floating point */
- { { 1, 0}, 0, 1 }, /* Decrementer */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* I/O error */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { { 0, 2}, 0, 1 }, /* System call */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Trace */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Floating point assist */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Performance monitor */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* VMX */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Instruction breakpoint */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* System management */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Trace */
- { { 0, 3}, 0, 0 }, /* SIGP */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Preemption */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Context switch */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 }, /* Reserved */
- { {-1, -1}, 0, 0 } /* Special, update frequency controls */
- };
-void GratefulDebInit(bootBumbleC *boot_video_info) { /* Initialize the video debugger */
+GratefulDebInit(bootBumbleC *boot_video_info)
+{ /* Initialize the video debugger */
unsigned int fillframe[256];
- unsigned int startpos, startbyte, windowleft, newwidth, i, j, startword, oldwidth, nrmlgn;
+ unsigned int startpos, startbyte, windowleft, newwidth, i, j, startword,
+ oldwidth, nrmlgn;
unsigned int nwords, *byteleft, lstlgn, pixlgn, bytelgn;
- if(!boot_video_info) { /* Are we disabling it?
- GratefulDebWork[0].GDready = 0; /* Disable output */
+ if (!boot_video_info) { /* Are we disabling it? */
+ GratefulDebWork[0].GDready = 0; /* Disable output */
nrmlgn = (9 * GDfontsize) * (boot_video_info->v_depth / 8); /* Get the normal column size in bytes */
lstlgn = (((8 * GDfontsize) + (GDfontsize >> 1)) * boot_video_info->v_depth) / 8; /* Same as normal, but with 1/2 character space */
- nrmlgn = (nrmlgn + 31) & -32; /* Round to a line */
- bytelgn = (nrmlgn * (GDdispcols - 1)) + lstlgn; /* Length in bytes */
+ nrmlgn = (nrmlgn + 31) & -32; /* Round to a line */
+ bytelgn = (nrmlgn * (GDdispcols - 1)) + lstlgn; /* Length in bytes */
pixlgn = bytelgn / (boot_video_info->v_depth / 8); /* Number of pixels wide */
startbyte = (boot_video_info->v_width * (boot_video_info->v_depth / 8)) - bytelgn; /* Get the starting byte unaligned */
- startpos = boot_video_info->v_width - pixlgn; /* Starting pixel position */
+ startpos = boot_video_info->v_width - pixlgn; /* Starting pixel position */
startbyte += (unsigned int)boot_video_info->v_baseAddr & 31; /* Add the extra to cache boundary in frame buffer */
- startbyte &= -32; /* Make sure it's on a cache line for speed */
+ startbyte &= -32; /* Make sure it's on a cache line for speed */
startbyte += (unsigned int)boot_video_info->v_baseAddr & 31; /* Subtract the extra to cache boundary in frame buffer */
windowleft = startbyte - (((GDfontsize / 2) * boot_video_info->v_depth) / 8); /* Back up a half character */
- windowleft &= -4; /* Make sure it is on a word boundary */
+ windowleft &= -4; /* Make sure it is on a word boundary */
newwidth = windowleft / (boot_video_info->v_depth / 8); /* Get the new pixel width of screen */
- oldwidth = boot_video_info->v_width; /* Save the old width */
-// boot_video_info->v_width = newwidth; /* Set the new width */
- nwords = oldwidth - newwidth; /* See how much to fill in pixels */
+ oldwidth = boot_video_info->v_width; /* Save the old width */
+// boot_video_info->v_width = newwidth; /* Set the new width */
+ nwords = oldwidth - newwidth; /* See how much to fill in pixels */
nwords = nwords / (32 / boot_video_info->v_depth); /* Get that in bytes */
- startword = (newwidth + 3) / 4; /* Where does it start? */
+ startword = (newwidth + 3) / 4; /* Where does it start? */
byteleft = (unsigned int *)(boot_video_info->v_baseAddr + windowleft); /* Starting place */
- for (i=0; i < nwords; i++) byteleft[i] = 0; /* Set the row to all black */
+ for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++)
+ byteleft[i] = 0; /* Set the row to all black */
byteleft = (unsigned int *)(boot_video_info->v_baseAddr + windowleft + (boot_video_info->v_rowBytes * 1)); /* Starting place */
- for (i=0; i < nwords; i++) byteleft[i] = 0; /* Set the row to all black */
- byteleft = (unsigned int *)(boot_video_info->v_baseAddr + windowleft +
- (boot_video_info->v_rowBytes * (boot_video_info->v_height - 2))); /* Starting place */
- for (i=0; i < nwords; i++) byteleft[i] = 0; /* Set the row to all black */
- byteleft = (unsigned int *)(boot_video_info->v_baseAddr + windowleft +
- (boot_video_info->v_rowBytes * (boot_video_info->v_height - 1))); /* Starting place */
- for (i=0; i < nwords; i++) byteleft[i] = 0; /* Set the row to all black */
- for (i=0; i < nwords; i++) fillframe[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Set the row to all white */
- if(boot_video_info->v_depth == 8) { /* See if 8 bits a pixel */
- fillframe[0] = 0x0000FFFF; /* Make left border */
- fillframe[nwords - 1] = 0xFFFF0000; /* Make right border */
- }
- else if(boot_video_info->v_depth == 16) { /* See if 16 bits a pixel */
- fillframe[0] = 0x00000000; /* Make left border */
- fillframe[nwords - 1] = 0x00000000; /* Make right border */
- }
- else {
- fillframe[0] = 0x00000000; /* Make left border */
- fillframe[1] = 0x00000000; /* Make left border */
- fillframe[nwords - 1] = 0x00000000; /* Make right border */
- fillframe[nwords - 2] = 0x00000000; /* Make right border */
+ for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++)
+ byteleft[i] = 0; /* Set the row to all black */
+ byteleft = (unsigned int *)(boot_video_info->v_baseAddr + windowleft + (boot_video_info->v_rowBytes * (boot_video_info->v_height - 2))); /* Starting place */
+ for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++)
+ byteleft[i] = 0; /* Set the row to all black */
+ byteleft = (unsigned int *)(boot_video_info->v_baseAddr + windowleft + (boot_video_info->v_rowBytes * (boot_video_info->v_height - 1))); /* Starting place */
+ for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++)
+ byteleft[i] = 0; /* Set the row to all black */
+ for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++)
+ fillframe[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Set the row to all white */
+ if (boot_video_info->v_depth == 8) { /* See if 8 bits a pixel */
+ fillframe[0] = 0x0000FFFF; /* Make left border */
+ fillframe[nwords - 1] = 0xFFFF0000; /* Make right border */
+ } else if (boot_video_info->v_depth == 16) { /* See if 16 bits a pixel */
+ fillframe[0] = 0x00000000; /* Make left border */
+ fillframe[nwords - 1] = 0x00000000; /* Make right border */
+ } else {
+ fillframe[0] = 0x00000000; /* Make left border */
+ fillframe[1] = 0x00000000; /* Make left border */
+ fillframe[nwords - 1] = 0x00000000; /* Make right border */
+ fillframe[nwords - 2] = 0x00000000; /* Make right border */
byteleft = (unsigned int *)(boot_video_info->v_baseAddr + windowleft + (boot_video_info->v_rowBytes * 2)); /* Place to start filling */
- for(i=2; i < (boot_video_info->v_height - 2); i++) { /* Fill the rest */
- for(j=0; j<nwords; j++) byteleft[j] = fillframe[j]; /* Fill the row */
+ for (i = 2; i < (boot_video_info->v_height - 2); i++) { /* Fill the rest */
+ for (j = 0; j < nwords; j++)
+ byteleft[j] = fillframe[j]; /* Fill the row */
byteleft = (unsigned int *)((unsigned int)byteleft + boot_video_info->v_rowBytes); /* Next row */
- for(i=0; i<2; i++) { /* Initialize both (for now) processor areas */
- GratefulDebWork[i].GDtop = 2 + (GDfontsize / 2) + (i * 18 * GDfontsize);
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* Initialize both (for now) processor areas */
+ GratefulDebWork[i].GDtop =
+ 2 + (GDfontsize / 2) + (i * 18 * GDfontsize);
GratefulDebWork[i].GDleft = 2 + startpos + (GDfontsize / 2);
- GratefulDebWork[i].GDtopleft = boot_video_info->v_baseAddr + startbyte +
- (GratefulDebWork[i].GDtop * boot_video_info->v_rowBytes);
+ GratefulDebWork[i].GDtopleft =
+ boot_video_info->v_baseAddr + startbyte +
+ (GratefulDebWork[i].GDtop * boot_video_info->v_rowBytes);
GratefulDebWork[i].GDrowbytes = boot_video_info->v_rowBytes;
- GratefulDebWork[i].GDrowchar = boot_video_info->v_rowBytes * (GDfontsize + (GDfontsize / 4));
+ GratefulDebWork[i].GDrowchar =
+ boot_video_info->v_rowBytes * (GDfontsize +
+ (GDfontsize / 4));
GratefulDebWork[i].GDdepth = boot_video_info->v_depth;
GratefulDebWork[i].GDcollgn = nrmlgn;
-// RuptCtrs[(48*i)+47].timed = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz >> 4; /* (Update every 16th of a second (16 fps) */
- RuptCtrs[(48*i)+47].timed = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz >> 3; /* (Update every 8th of a second (8 fps) */
-// RuptCtrs[(48*i)+47].timed = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz >> 2; /* (Update every 4th of a second (4 fps) */
-// RuptCtrs[(48*i)+47].timed = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz >> 1; /* (Update every 2th of a second (2 fps) */
-// RuptCtrs[(48*i)+47].timed = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz >> 0; /* (Update every 1 second (1 fps) */
+// RuptCtrs[(48*i)+47].timed = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz >> 4; /* (Update every 16th of a second (16 fps) */
+ RuptCtrs[(48 * i) + 47].timed = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz >> 3; /* (Update every 8th of a second (8 fps) */
+// RuptCtrs[(48*i)+47].timed = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz >> 2; /* (Update every 4th of a second (4 fps) */
+// RuptCtrs[(48*i)+47].timed = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz >> 1; /* (Update every 2th of a second (2 fps) */
+// RuptCtrs[(48*i)+47].timed = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz >> 0; /* (Update every 1 second (1 fps) */
- GratefulDebWork[i].GDready = 1; /* This one's all ready */
- }
+ GratefulDebWork[i].GDready = 1; /* This one's all ready */
+ }
+void debugNoop(void);
+{ /* This does absolutely nothing */