- * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
#include <vm/pmap.h>
#include <vm/vm_kern.h> /* for kernel_map */
#include <i386/ipl.h>
-#include <i386/pit.h>
-#include <i386/pio.h>
+#include <architecture/i386/pio.h>
#include <i386/misc_protos.h>
#include <i386/proc_reg.h>
#include <i386/machine_cpu.h>
#include <i386/cpu_threads.h>
#include <i386/perfmon.h>
#include <i386/machine_routines.h>
-#include <i386/AT386/bbclock_entries.h>
#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
#include <machine/limits.h>
#include <machine/commpage.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
-#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
-#define MIN(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(b):(a))
+#include <i386/tsc.h>
+#include <i386/hpet.h>
+#include <i386/rtclock.h>
#define NSEC_PER_HZ (NSEC_PER_SEC / 100) /* nsec per tick */
-int sysclk_config(void);
-int sysclk_init(void);
-kern_return_t sysclk_gettime(
- mach_timespec_t *cur_time);
-kern_return_t sysclk_getattr(
- clock_flavor_t flavor,
- clock_attr_t attr,
- mach_msg_type_number_t *count);
-void sysclk_setalarm(
- mach_timespec_t *alarm_time);
- * Lists of clock routines.
- */
-struct clock_ops sysclk_ops = {
- sysclk_config, sysclk_init,
- sysclk_gettime, 0,
- sysclk_getattr, 0,
- sysclk_setalarm,
-int calend_config(void);
-int calend_init(void);
-kern_return_t calend_gettime(
- mach_timespec_t *cur_time);
-kern_return_t calend_getattr(
- clock_flavor_t flavor,
- clock_attr_t attr,
- mach_msg_type_number_t *count);
+int rtclock_config(void);
-struct clock_ops calend_ops = {
- calend_config, calend_init,
- calend_gettime, 0,
- calend_getattr, 0,
- 0,
+int rtclock_init(void);
-/* local data declarations */
+uint64_t rtc_decrementer_min;
-static clock_timer_func_t rtclock_timer_expire;
-static timer_call_data_t rtclock_alarm_timer;
-static void rtclock_alarm_expire(
- timer_call_param_t p0,
- timer_call_param_t p1);
-struct {
- mach_timespec_t calend_offset;
- boolean_t calend_is_set;
- int64_t calend_adjtotal;
- int32_t calend_adjdelta;
- uint32_t boottime;
- mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase_const;
- decl_simple_lock_data(,lock) /* real-time clock device lock */
-} rtclock;
-boolean_t rtc_initialized = FALSE;
-clock_res_t rtc_intr_nsec = NSEC_PER_HZ; /* interrupt res */
-uint64_t rtc_cycle_count; /* clocks in 1/20th second */
-uint64_t rtc_cyc_per_sec; /* processor cycles per sec */
-uint32_t rtc_boot_frequency; /* provided by 1st speed-step */
-uint32_t rtc_quant_scale; /* clock to nanos multiplier */
-uint32_t rtc_quant_shift; /* clock to nanos right shift */
-uint64_t rtc_decrementer_min;
-static mach_timebase_info_data_t rtc_lapic_scale; /* nsec to lapic count */
- * Macros to lock/unlock real-time clock data.
- */
-#define RTC_INTRS_OFF(s) \
- (s) = splclock()
+void rtclock_intr(x86_saved_state_t *regs);
+static uint64_t maxDec; /* longest interval our hardware timer can handle (nsec) */
-#define RTC_INTRS_ON(s) \
- splx(s)
+/* XXX this should really be in a header somewhere */
+extern clock_timer_func_t rtclock_timer_expire;
-#define RTC_LOCK(s) \
- simple_lock(&rtclock.lock); \
+static void rtc_set_timescale(uint64_t cycles);
+static uint64_t rtc_export_speed(uint64_t cycles);
-#define RTC_UNLOCK(s) \
- simple_unlock(&rtclock.lock); \
- RTC_INTRS_ON(s); \
+extern void _rtc_nanotime_store(
+ uint64_t tsc,
+ uint64_t nsec,
+ uint32_t scale,
+ uint32_t shift,
+ rtc_nanotime_t *dst);
- * i8254 control. ** MONUMENT **
- *
- * The i8254 is a traditional PC device with some arbitrary characteristics.
- * Basically, it is a register that counts at a fixed rate and can be
- * programmed to generate an interrupt every N counts. The count rate is
- * clknum counts per sec (see pit.h), historically 1193167=14.318MHz/12
- * but the more accurate value is 1193182=14.31818MHz/12. [14.31818 MHz being
- * the master crystal oscillator reference frequency since the very first PC.]
- * Various constants are computed based on this value, and we calculate
- * them at init time for execution efficiency. To obtain sufficient
- * accuracy, some of the calculation are most easily done in floating
- * point and then converted to int.
- *
- */
+extern uint64_t _rtc_nanotime_read(
+ rtc_nanotime_t *rntp,
+ int slow );
- * Forward decl.
- */
+rtc_nanotime_t rtc_nanotime_info = {0,0,0,0,1,0};
-static uint64_t rtc_set_cyc_per_sec(uint64_t cycles);
-uint64_t rtc_nanotime_read(void);
- * create_mul_quant_GHZ
- * create a constant used to multiply the TSC by to convert to nanoseconds.
- * This is a 32 bit number and the TSC *MUST* have a frequency higher than
- * 1000Mhz for this routine to work.
- *
- * The theory here is that we know how many TSCs-per-sec the processor runs at.
- * Normally to convert this to nanoseconds you would multiply the current
- * timestamp by 1000000000 (a billion) then divide by TSCs-per-sec.
- * Unfortunatly the TSC is 64 bits which would leave us with 96 bit intermediate
- * results from the multiply that must be divided by.
- * Usually thats
- * uint96 = tsc * numer
- * nanos = uint96 / denom
- * Instead, we create this quant constant and it becomes the numerator,
- * the denominator can then be 0x100000000 which makes our division as simple as
- * forgetting the lower 32 bits of the result. We can also pass this number to
- * user space as the numer and pass 0xFFFFFFFF (RTC_FAST_DENOM) as the denom to
- * convert raw counts * to nanos. The difference is so small as to be
- * undetectable by anything.
+ * tsc_to_nanoseconds:
- * Unfortunatly we can not do this for sub GHZ processors. In this case, all
- * we do is pass the CPU speed in raw as the denom and we pass in 1000000000
- * as the numerator. No short cuts allowed
+ * Basic routine to convert a raw 64 bit TSC value to a
+ * 64 bit nanosecond value. The conversion is implemented
+ * based on the scale factor and an implicit 32 bit shift.
-inline static uint32_t
-create_mul_quant_GHZ(int shift, uint32_t quant)
- return (uint32_t)((((uint64_t)NSEC_PER_SEC/20) << shift) / quant);
- * This routine takes a value of raw TSC ticks and applies the passed mul_quant
- * generated by create_mul_quant() This is our internal routine for creating
- * nanoseconds.
- * Since we don't really have uint96_t this routine basically does this....
- * uint96_t intermediate = (*value) * scale
- * return (intermediate >> 32)
- */
-inline static uint64_t
-fast_get_nano_from_abs(uint64_t value, int scale)
- asm (" movl %%edx,%%esi \n\t"
- " mull %%ecx \n\t"
- " movl %%edx,%%edi \n\t"
- " movl %%esi,%%eax \n\t"
- " mull %%ecx \n\t"
- " xorl %%ecx,%%ecx \n\t"
- " addl %%edi,%%eax \n\t"
- " adcl %%ecx,%%edx "
- : "+A" (value)
- : "c" (scale)
- : "%esi", "%edi");
- return value;
- * This routine basically does this...
- * ts.tv_sec = nanos / 1000000000; create seconds
- * ts.tv_nsec = nanos % 1000000000; create remainder nanos
- */
-inline static mach_timespec_t
-nanos_to_timespec(uint64_t nanos)
- union {
- mach_timespec_t ts;
- uint64_t u64;
- } ret;
- ret.u64 = nanos;
- asm volatile("divl %1" : "+A" (ret.u64) : "r" (NSEC_PER_SEC));
- return ret.ts;
- * The following two routines perform the 96 bit arithmetic we need to
- * convert generic absolute<->nanoseconds
- * The multiply routine takes a uint64_t and a uint32_t and returns the result
- * in a uint32_t[3] array.
- * The divide routine takes this uint32_t[3] array and divides it by a uint32_t
- * returning a uint64_t
- */
-inline static void
-longmul(uint64_t *abstime, uint32_t multiplicand, uint32_t *result)
- asm volatile(
- " pushl %%ebx \n\t"
- " movl %%eax,%%ebx \n\t"
- " movl (%%eax),%%eax \n\t"
- " mull %%ecx \n\t"
- " xchg %%eax,%%ebx \n\t"
- " pushl %%edx \n\t"
- " movl 4(%%eax),%%eax \n\t"
- " mull %%ecx \n\t"
- " movl %2,%%ecx \n\t"
- " movl %%ebx,(%%ecx) \n\t"
- " popl %%ebx \n\t"
- " addl %%ebx,%%eax \n\t"
- " popl %%ebx \n\t"
- " movl %%eax,4(%%ecx) \n\t"
- " adcl $0,%%edx \n\t"
- " movl %%edx,8(%%ecx) // and save it"
- : : "a"(abstime), "c"(multiplicand), "m"(result));
-inline static uint64_t
-longdiv(uint32_t *numer, uint32_t denom)
- uint64_t result;
- asm volatile(
- " pushl %%ebx \n\t"
- " movl %%eax,%%ebx \n\t"
- " movl 8(%%eax),%%edx \n\t"
- " movl 4(%%eax),%%eax \n\t"
- " divl %%ecx \n\t"
- " xchg %%ebx,%%eax \n\t"
- " movl (%%eax),%%eax \n\t"
- " divl %%ecx \n\t"
- " xchg %%ebx,%%edx \n\t"
- " popl %%ebx \n\t"
- : "=A"(result) : "a"(numer),"c"(denom));
- return result;
- * Enable or disable timer 2.
- * Port 0x61 controls timer 2:
- * bit 0 gates the clock,
- * bit 1 gates output to speaker.
- */
-inline static void
- asm volatile(
- " inb $0x61,%%al \n\t"
- " and $0xFC,%%al \n\t"
- " or $1,%%al \n\t"
- " outb %%al,$0x61 \n\t"
- : : : "%al" );
-inline static void
- asm volatile(
- " inb $0x61,%%al \n\t"
- " and $0xFC,%%al \n\t"
- " outb %%al,$0x61 \n\t"
- : : : "%al" );
-inline static void
-set_PIT2(int value)
- * First, tell the clock we are going to write 16 bits to the counter
- * and enable one-shot mode (command 0xB8 to port 0x43)
- * Then write the two bytes into the PIT2 clock register (port 0x42).
- * Loop until the value is "realized" in the clock,
- * this happens on the next tick.
- */
- asm volatile(
- " movb $0xB8,%%al \n\t"
- " outb %%al,$0x43 \n\t"
- " movb %%dl,%%al \n\t"
- " outb %%al,$0x42 \n\t"
- " movb %%dh,%%al \n\t"
- " outb %%al,$0x42 \n"
-"1: inb $0x42,%%al \n\t"
- " inb $0x42,%%al \n\t"
- " cmp %%al,%%dh \n\t"
- " jne 1b"
- : : "d"(value) : "%al");
-inline static uint64_t
-get_PIT2(unsigned int *value)
- register uint64_t result;
- * This routine first latches the time (command 0x80 to port 0x43),
- * then gets the time stamp so we know how long the read will take later.
- * Read (from port 0x42) and return the current value of the timer.
- */
- asm volatile(
- " xorl %%ecx,%%ecx \n\t"
- " movb $0x80,%%al \n\t"
- " outb %%al,$0x43 \n\t"
- " rdtsc \n\t"
- " pushl %%eax \n\t"
- " inb $0x42,%%al \n\t"
- " movb %%al,%%cl \n\t"
- " inb $0x42,%%al \n\t"
- " movb %%al,%%ch \n\t"
- " popl %%eax "
- : "=A"(result), "=c"(*value));
- return result;
- * timeRDTSC()
- * This routine sets up PIT counter 2 to count down 1/20 of a second.
- * It pauses until the value is latched in the counter
- * and then reads the time stamp counter to return to the caller.
- */
-static uint64_t
- int attempts = 0;
- uint64_t latchTime;
- uint64_t saveTime,intermediate;
- unsigned int timerValue, lastValue;
- boolean_t int_enabled;
- /*
- * Table of correction factors to account for
- * - timer counter quantization errors, and
- * - undercounts 0..5
- */
-#define SAMPLE_CLKS_EXACT (((double) CLKNUM) / 20.0)
-#define SAMPLE_CLKS_INT ((int) CLKNUM / 20)
-#define SAMPLE_NSECS (2000000000LL)
-#define ROUND64(x) ((uint64_t)((x) + 0.5))
- uint64_t scale[6] = {
- };
- int_enabled = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);
- if (attempts >= 2)
- panic("timeRDTSC() calibation failed with %d attempts\n", attempts);
- attempts++;
- enable_PIT2(); // turn on PIT2
- set_PIT2(0); // reset timer 2 to be zero
- latchTime = rdtsc64(); // get the time stamp to time
- latchTime = get_PIT2(&timerValue) - latchTime; // time how long this takes
- set_PIT2(SAMPLE_CLKS_INT); // set up the timer for (almost) 1/20th a second
- saveTime = rdtsc64(); // now time how long a 20th a second is...
- get_PIT2(&lastValue);
- get_PIT2(&lastValue); // read twice, first value may be unreliable
- do {
- intermediate = get_PIT2(&timerValue);
- if (timerValue > lastValue) {
- printf("Hey we are going backwards! %u -> %u, restarting timing\n",
- timerValue,lastValue);
- set_PIT2(0);
- disable_PIT2();
- goto restart;
- }
- lastValue = timerValue;
- } while (timerValue > 5);
- kprintf("timerValue %d\n",timerValue);
- kprintf("intermediate 0x%016llx\n",intermediate);
- kprintf("saveTime 0x%016llx\n",saveTime);
- intermediate -= saveTime; // raw count for about 1/20 second
- intermediate *= scale[timerValue]; // rescale measured time spent
- intermediate /= SAMPLE_NSECS; // so its exactly 1/20 a second
- intermediate += latchTime; // add on our save fudge
- set_PIT2(0); // reset timer 2 to be zero
- disable_PIT2(); // turn off PIT 2
- ml_set_interrupts_enabled(int_enabled);
- return intermediate;
-static uint64_t
-tsc_to_nanoseconds(uint64_t abstime)
+static inline uint64_t
+_tsc_to_nanoseconds(uint64_t value)
- uint32_t numer;
- uint32_t denom;
- uint32_t intermediate[3];
- numer = rtclock.timebase_const.numer;
- denom = rtclock.timebase_const.denom;
- if (denom == RTC_FAST_DENOM) {
- abstime = fast_get_nano_from_abs(abstime, numer);
- } else {
- longmul(&abstime, numer, intermediate);
- abstime = longdiv(intermediate, denom);
- }
- return abstime;
+ asm volatile("movl %%edx,%%esi ;"
+ "mull %%ecx ;"
+ "movl %%edx,%%edi ;"
+ "movl %%esi,%%eax ;"
+ "mull %%ecx ;"
+ "addl %%edi,%%eax ;"
+ "adcl $0,%%edx "
+ : "+A" (value) : "c" (rtc_nanotime_info.scale) : "esi", "edi");
-inline static mach_timespec_t
- uint64_t currNanos;
- currNanos = rtc_nanotime_read();
- return nanos_to_timespec(currNanos);
+ return (value);
static uint32_t
uint64_t deadline,
return rtc_decrementer_min;
else {
delta = deadline - now;
- return MIN(MAX(rtc_decrementer_min,delta),DECREMENTER_MAX);
+ return MIN(MAX(rtc_decrementer_min,delta),maxDec);
-static inline uint64_t
-lapic_time_countdown(uint32_t initial_count)
- boolean_t state;
- uint64_t start_time;
- uint64_t stop_time;
- lapic_timer_count_t count;
- state = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);
- lapic_set_timer(FALSE, one_shot, divide_by_1, initial_count);
- start_time = rdtsc64();
- do {
- lapic_get_timer(NULL, NULL, NULL, &count);
- } while (count > 0);
- stop_time = rdtsc64();
- ml_set_interrupts_enabled(state);
- return tsc_to_nanoseconds(stop_time - start_time);
-static void
- uint32_t nsecs;
- uint64_t countdown;
- if (!(cpuid_features() & CPUID_FEATURE_APIC))
- return;
+ x86_lcpu_t *lcpu = x86_lcpu();
- * Set the local apic timer counting down to zero without an interrupt.
- * Use the timestamp to calculate how long this takes.
- */
- nsecs = (uint32_t) lapic_time_countdown(rtc_intr_nsec);
- /*
- * Compute a countdown ratio for a given time in nanoseconds.
- * That is, countdown = time * numer / denom.
+ * Force a complete re-evaluation of timer deadlines.
- countdown = (uint64_t)rtc_intr_nsec * (uint64_t)rtc_intr_nsec / nsecs;
- nsecs = (uint32_t) lapic_time_countdown((uint32_t) countdown);
- rtc_lapic_scale.numer = countdown;
- rtc_lapic_scale.denom = nsecs;
- kprintf("rtc_lapic_timer_calibrate() scale: %d/%d\n",
- (uint32_t) countdown, nsecs);
-static void
- uint32_t interval)
- uint64_t count;
- assert(rtc_lapic_scale.denom);
- count = interval * (uint64_t) rtc_lapic_scale.numer;
- count /= rtc_lapic_scale.denom;
- lapic_set_timer(TRUE, one_shot, divide_by_1, (uint32_t) count);
-static void
- uint64_t abstime;
- uint64_t first_tick;
- uint64_t decr;
- abstime = mach_absolute_time();
- first_tick = abstime + NSEC_PER_HZ;
- current_cpu_datap()->cpu_rtc_tick_deadline = first_tick;
- decr = deadline_to_decrementer(first_tick, abstime);
- rtc_lapic_set_timer(decr);
+ lcpu->rtcPop = EndOfAllTime;
+ etimer_resync_deadlines();
- mp_disable_preemption();
- if (cpu_number() != master_cpu) {
- mp_enable_preemption();
- return(1);
- }
- mp_enable_preemption();
- timer_call_setup(&rtclock_alarm_timer, rtclock_alarm_expire, NULL);
- simple_lock_init(&rtclock.lock, 0);
+ /* nothing to do */
return (1);
* Nanotime/mach_absolutime_time
* -----------------------------
- * The timestamp counter (tsc) - which counts cpu clock cycles and can be read
- * efficient by the kernel and in userspace - is the reference for all timing.
- * However, the cpu clock rate is not only platform-dependent but can change
- * (speed-step) dynamically. Hence tsc is converted into nanoseconds which is
- * identical to mach_absolute_time. The conversion to tsc to nanoseconds is
- * encapsulated by nanotime.
+ * The timestamp counter (TSC) - which counts cpu clock cycles and can be read
+ * efficiently by the kernel and in userspace - is the reference for all timing.
+ * The cpu clock rate is platform-dependent and may stop or be reset when the
+ * processor is napped/slept. As a result, nanotime is the software abstraction
+ * used to maintain a monotonic clock, adjusted from an outside reference as needed.
* The kernel maintains nanotime information recording:
- * - the current ratio of tsc to nanoseconds
+ * - the ratio of tsc to nanoseconds
* with this ratio expressed as a 32-bit scale and shift
* (power of 2 divider);
- * - the tsc (step_tsc) and nanotime (step_ns) at which the current
- * ratio (clock speed) began.
- * So a tsc value can be converted to nanotime by:
- *
- * nanotime = (((tsc - step_tsc)*scale) >> shift) + step_ns
+ * - { tsc_base, ns_base } pair of corresponding timestamps.
- * In general, (tsc - step_tsc) is a 64-bit quantity with the scaling
- * involving a 96-bit intermediate value. However, by saving the converted
- * values at each tick (or at any intervening speed-step) - base_tsc and
- * base_ns - we can perform conversions relative to these and be assured that
- * (tsc - tick_tsc) is 32-bits. Hence:
+ * The tuple {tsc_base, ns_base, scale, shift} is exported in the commpage
+ * for the userspace nanotime routine to read.
- * fast_nanotime = (((tsc - base_tsc)*scale) >> shift) + base_ns
- *
- * The tuple {base_tsc, base_ns, scale, shift} is exported in the commpage
- * for the userspace nanotime routine to read. A duplicate check_tsc is
- * appended so that the consistency of the read can be verified. Note that
- * this scheme is essential for MP systems in which the commpage is updated
- * by the master cpu but may be read concurrently by other cpus.
- *
+ * All of the routines which update the nanotime data are non-reentrant. This must
+ * be guaranteed by the caller.
static inline void
rtc_nanotime_set_commpage(rtc_nanotime_t *rntp)
- commpage_nanotime_t cp_nanotime;
- /* Only the master cpu updates the commpage */
- if (cpu_number() != master_cpu)
- return;
- cp_nanotime.nt_base_tsc = rntp->rnt_tsc;
- cp_nanotime.nt_base_ns = rntp->rnt_nanos;
- cp_nanotime.nt_scale = rntp->rnt_scale;
- cp_nanotime.nt_shift = rntp->rnt_shift;
- commpage_set_nanotime(&cp_nanotime);
-static void
- rtc_nanotime_t *rntp = ¤t_cpu_datap()->cpu_rtc_nanotime;
- rtc_nanotime_t *master_rntp = &cpu_datap(master_cpu)->cpu_rtc_nanotime;
- if (cpu_number() == master_cpu) {
- rntp->rnt_tsc = rdtsc64();
- rntp->rnt_nanos = tsc_to_nanoseconds(rntp->rnt_tsc);
- rntp->rnt_scale = rtc_quant_scale;
- rntp->rnt_shift = rtc_quant_shift;
- rntp->rnt_step_tsc = 0ULL;
- rntp->rnt_step_nanos = 0ULL;
- } else {
- /*
- * Copy master processor's nanotime info.
- * Loop required in case this changes while copying.
- */
- do {
- *rntp = *master_rntp;
- } while (rntp->rnt_tsc != master_rntp->rnt_tsc);
- }
+ commpage_set_nanotime(rntp->tsc_base, rntp->ns_base, rntp->scale, rntp->shift);
+ * rtc_nanotime_init:
+ *
+ * Intialize the nanotime info from the base time.
+ */
static inline void
-_rtc_nanotime_update(rtc_nanotime_t *rntp, uint64_t tsc)
+_rtc_nanotime_init(rtc_nanotime_t *rntp, uint64_t base)
- uint64_t tsc_delta;
- uint64_t ns_delta;
+ uint64_t tsc = rdtsc64();
- tsc_delta = tsc - rntp->rnt_step_tsc;
- ns_delta = tsc_to_nanoseconds(tsc_delta);
- rntp->rnt_nanos = rntp->rnt_step_nanos + ns_delta;
- rntp->rnt_tsc = tsc;
+ _rtc_nanotime_store(tsc, base, rntp->scale, rntp->shift, rntp);
static void
+rtc_nanotime_init(uint64_t base)
- rtc_nanotime_t *rntp = ¤t_cpu_datap()->cpu_rtc_nanotime;
+ rtc_nanotime_t *rntp = &rtc_nanotime_info;
- assert(get_preemption_level() > 0);
- assert(!ml_get_interrupts_enabled());
- _rtc_nanotime_update(rntp, rdtsc64());
+ _rtc_nanotime_init(rntp, base);
-static void
+ * rtc_nanotime_init_commpage:
+ *
+ * Call back from the commpage initialization to
+ * cause the commpage data to be filled in once the
+ * commpages have been created.
+ */
- rtc_nanotime_t *rntp = ¤t_cpu_datap()->cpu_rtc_nanotime;
- uint64_t tsc = rdtsc64();
+ spl_t s = splclock();
- assert(!ml_get_interrupts_enabled());
- /*
- * Update time based on past scale.
- */
- _rtc_nanotime_update(rntp, tsc);
+ rtc_nanotime_set_commpage(&rtc_nanotime_info);
- /*
- * Update scale and timestamp this update.
- */
- rntp->rnt_scale = rtc_quant_scale;
- rntp->rnt_shift = rtc_quant_shift;
- rntp->rnt_step_tsc = rntp->rnt_tsc;
- rntp->rnt_step_nanos = rntp->rnt_nanos;
- /* Export update to userland */
- rtc_nanotime_set_commpage(rntp);
+ splx(s);
-static uint64_t
+ * rtc_nanotime_read:
+ *
+ * Returns the current nanotime value, accessable from any
+ * context.
+ */
+static inline uint64_t
- rtc_nanotime_t *rntp = ¤t_cpu_datap()->cpu_rtc_nanotime;
- uint64_t rnt_tsc;
- uint32_t rnt_scale;
- uint32_t rnt_shift;
- uint64_t rnt_nanos;
- uint64_t tsc;
- uint64_t tsc_delta;
- rnt_scale = rntp->rnt_scale;
- if (rnt_scale == 0)
- return 0ULL;
- rnt_shift = rntp->rnt_shift;
- rnt_nanos = rntp->rnt_nanos;
- rnt_tsc = rntp->rnt_tsc;
- tsc = rdtsc64();
- tsc_delta = tsc - rnt_tsc;
- if ((tsc_delta >> 32) != 0)
- return rnt_nanos + tsc_to_nanoseconds(tsc_delta);
- /* Let the compiler optimize(?): */
- if (rnt_shift == 32)
- return rnt_nanos + ((tsc_delta * rnt_scale) >> 32);
- else
- return rnt_nanos + ((tsc_delta * rnt_scale) >> rnt_shift);
+ if (gPEClockFrequencyInfo.timebase_frequency_hz > SLOW_TSC_THRESHOLD)
+ return _rtc_nanotime_read( &rtc_nanotime_info, 1 ); /* slow processor */
+ else
+ return _rtc_nanotime_read( &rtc_nanotime_info, 0 ); /* assume fast processor */
+ * rtc_clock_napped:
+ *
+ * Invoked from power management when we exit from a low C-State (>= C4)
+ * and the TSC has stopped counting. The nanotime data is updated according
+ * to the provided value which represents the new value for nanotime.
+ */
+rtc_clock_napped(uint64_t base, uint64_t tsc_base)
- uint64_t result;
- uint64_t rnt_tsc;
- rtc_nanotime_t *rntp = ¤t_cpu_datap()->cpu_rtc_nanotime;
+ rtc_nanotime_t *rntp = &rtc_nanotime_info;
+ uint64_t oldnsecs;
+ uint64_t newnsecs;
+ uint64_t tsc;
+ assert(!ml_get_interrupts_enabled());
+ tsc = rdtsc64();
+ oldnsecs = rntp->ns_base + _tsc_to_nanoseconds(tsc - rntp->tsc_base);
+ newnsecs = base + _tsc_to_nanoseconds(tsc - tsc_base);
- * Use timestamp to ensure the uptime record isn't changed.
- * This avoids disabling interrupts.
- * And not this is a per-cpu structure hence no locking.
+ * Only update the base values if time using the new base values
+ * is later than the time using the old base values.
- do {
- rnt_tsc = rntp->rnt_tsc;
- result = _rtc_nanotime_read();
- } while (rnt_tsc != rntp->rnt_tsc);
- return result;
+ if (oldnsecs < newnsecs) {
+ _rtc_nanotime_store(tsc_base, base, rntp->scale, rntp->shift, rntp);
+ rtc_nanotime_set_commpage(rntp);
+ }
- * This function is called by the speed-step driver when a
- * change of cpu clock frequency is about to occur.
- * The scale is not changed until rtc_clock_stepped() is called.
- * Between these times there is an uncertainty is exactly when
- * the change takes effect. FIXME: by using another timing source
- * we could eliminate this error.
- */
rtc_clock_stepping(__unused uint32_t new_frequency,
__unused uint32_t old_frequency)
- boolean_t istate;
- istate = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);
- rtc_nanotime_scale_update();
- ml_set_interrupts_enabled(istate);
+ panic("rtc_clock_stepping unsupported");
- * This function is called by the speed-step driver when a
- * change of cpu clock frequency has just occured. This change
- * is expressed as a ratio relative to the boot clock rate.
- */
-rtc_clock_stepped(uint32_t new_frequency, uint32_t old_frequency)
+rtc_clock_stepped(__unused uint32_t new_frequency,
+ __unused uint32_t old_frequency)
- boolean_t istate;
- istate = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);
- if (rtc_boot_frequency == 0) {
- /*
- * At the first ever stepping, old frequency is the real
- * initial clock rate. This step and all others are based
- * relative to this initial frequency at which the tsc
- * calibration was made. Hence we must remember this base
- * frequency as reference.
- */
- rtc_boot_frequency = old_frequency;
- }
- rtc_set_cyc_per_sec(rtc_cycle_count * new_frequency /
- rtc_boot_frequency);
- rtc_nanotime_scale_update();
- ml_set_interrupts_enabled(istate);
+ panic("rtc_clock_stepped unsupported");
- * rtc_sleep_wakeup() is called from acpi on awakening from a S3 sleep
+ * rtc_sleep_wakeup:
+ *
+ * Invoked from power manageent when we have awoken from a sleep (S3)
+ * and the TSC has been reset. The nanotime data is updated based on
+ * the passed in value.
+ *
+ * The caller must guarantee non-reentrancy.
+ uint64_t base)
- rtc_nanotime_t *rntp = ¤t_cpu_datap()->cpu_rtc_nanotime;
- boolean_t istate;
- istate = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);
* Reset nanotime.
* The timestamp counter will have been reset
* but nanotime (uptime) marches onward.
- * We assume that we're still at the former cpu frequency.
- rntp->rnt_tsc = rdtsc64();
- rntp->rnt_step_tsc = 0ULL;
- rntp->rnt_step_nanos = rntp->rnt_nanos;
- rtc_nanotime_set_commpage(rntp);
- /* Restart tick interrupts from the LAPIC timer */
- rtc_lapic_start_ticking();
- ml_set_interrupts_enabled(istate);
+ rtc_nanotime_init(base);
* In addition, various variables used to support the clock are initialized.
uint64_t cycles;
- mp_disable_preemption();
+ assert(!ml_get_interrupts_enabled());
if (cpu_number() == master_cpu) {
+ assert(tscFreq);
+ rtc_set_timescale(tscFreq);
- * Perform calibration.
- * The PIT is used as the reference to compute how many
- * TCS counts (cpu clock cycles) occur per second.
+ * Adjust and set the exported cpu speed.
- rtc_cycle_count = timeRDTSC();
- cycles = rtc_set_cyc_per_sec(rtc_cycle_count);
+ cycles = rtc_export_speed(tscFreq);
* Set min/max to actual.
* ACPI may update these later if speed-stepping is detected.
- gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_frequency_min_hz = cycles;
- gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_frequency_max_hz = cycles;
- printf("[RTCLOCK] frequency %llu (%llu)\n",
- cycles, rtc_cyc_per_sec);
+ gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_frequency_min_hz = cycles;
+ gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_frequency_max_hz = cycles;
- rtc_lapic_timer_calibrate();
+ /*
+ * Compute the longest interval we can represent.
+ */
+ maxDec = tmrCvt(0x7fffffffULL, busFCvtt2n);
+ kprintf("maxDec: %lld\n", maxDec);
/* Minimum interval is 1usec */
- rtc_decrementer_min = deadline_to_decrementer(NSEC_PER_USEC,
- 0ULL);
+ rtc_decrementer_min = deadline_to_decrementer(NSEC_PER_USEC, 0ULL);
/* Point LAPIC interrupts to hardclock() */
lapic_set_timer_func((i386_intr_func_t) rtclock_intr);
- rtc_initialized = TRUE;
+ ml_init_lock_timeout();
- rtc_nanotime_init();
- mp_enable_preemption();
return (1);
- * Get the clock device time. This routine is responsible
- * for converting the device's machine dependent time value
- * into a canonical mach_timespec_t value.
- */
-static kern_return_t
- mach_timespec_t *cur_time) /* OUT */
- *cur_time = tsc_to_timespec();
- return (KERN_SUCCESS);
+// utility routine
+// Code to calculate how many processor cycles are in a second...
- mach_timespec_t *cur_time) /* OUT */
+static void
+rtc_set_timescale(uint64_t cycles)
- return sysclk_gettime_internal(cur_time);
+ rtc_nanotime_info.scale = ((uint64_t)NSEC_PER_SEC << 32) / cycles;
- mach_timespec_t *cur_time) /* OUT */
- (void) sysclk_gettime_internal(cur_time);
+ if (cycles <= SLOW_TSC_THRESHOLD)
+ rtc_nanotime_info.shift = cycles;
+ else
+ rtc_nanotime_info.shift = 32;
-// utility routine
-// Code to calculate how many processor cycles are in a second...
+ rtc_nanotime_init(0);
static uint64_t
-rtc_set_cyc_per_sec(uint64_t cycles)
+rtc_export_speed(uint64_t cyc_per_sec)
+ uint64_t cycles;
- if (cycles > (NSEC_PER_SEC/20)) {
- // we can use just a "fast" multiply to get nanos
- rtc_quant_shift = 32;
- rtc_quant_scale = create_mul_quant_GHZ(rtc_quant_shift, cycles);
- rtclock.timebase_const.numer = rtc_quant_scale; // timeRDTSC is 1/20
- rtclock.timebase_const.denom = RTC_FAST_DENOM;
- } else {
- rtc_quant_shift = 26;
- rtc_quant_scale = create_mul_quant_GHZ(rtc_quant_shift, cycles);
- rtclock.timebase_const.numer = NSEC_PER_SEC/20; // timeRDTSC is 1/20
- rtclock.timebase_const.denom = cycles;
- }
- rtc_cyc_per_sec = cycles*20; // multiply it by 20 and we are done..
- // BUT we also want to calculate...
- cycles = ((rtc_cyc_per_sec + (UI_CPUFREQ_ROUNDING_FACTOR/2))
+ /* Round: */
+ cycles = ((cyc_per_sec + (UI_CPUFREQ_ROUNDING_FACTOR/2))
gPEClockFrequencyInfo.cpu_frequency_hz = cycles;
- kprintf("[RTCLOCK] frequency %llu (%llu)\n", cycles, rtc_cyc_per_sec);
+ kprintf("[RTCLOCK] frequency %llu (%llu)\n", cycles, cyc_per_sec);
uint32_t *secs,
uint32_t *microsecs)
- mach_timespec_t now;
- (void) sysclk_gettime_internal(&now);
+ uint64_t now = rtc_nanotime_read();
+ uint32_t remain;
- *secs = now.tv_sec;
- *microsecs = now.tv_nsec / NSEC_PER_USEC;
+ asm volatile(
+ "divl %3"
+ : "=a" (*secs), "=d" (remain)
+ : "A" (now), "r" (NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ asm volatile(
+ "divl %3"
+ : "=a" (*microsecs)
+ : "0" (remain), "d" (0), "r" (NSEC_PER_USEC));
uint32_t *secs,
uint32_t *nanosecs)
- mach_timespec_t now;
- (void) sysclk_gettime_internal(&now);
- *secs = now.tv_sec;
- *nanosecs = now.tv_nsec;
- * Get clock device attributes.
- */
- clock_flavor_t flavor,
- clock_attr_t attr, /* OUT */
- mach_msg_type_number_t *count) /* IN/OUT */
- if (*count != 1)
- return (KERN_FAILURE);
- switch (flavor) {
- case CLOCK_GET_TIME_RES: /* >0 res */
- *(clock_res_t *) attr = rtc_intr_nsec;
- break;
- case CLOCK_ALARM_CURRES: /* =0 no alarm */
- *(clock_res_t *) attr = 0;
- break;
- default:
- }
- return (KERN_SUCCESS);
- * Set next alarm time for the clock device. This call
- * always resets the time to deliver an alarm for the
- * clock.
- */
- mach_timespec_t *alarm_time)
- timer_call_enter(&rtclock_alarm_timer,
- (uint64_t) alarm_time->tv_sec * NSEC_PER_SEC
- + alarm_time->tv_nsec);
+ uint64_t now = rtc_nanotime_read();
- * Configure the calendar clock.
- */
- return bbc_config();
- * Initialize calendar clock.
- */
- return (1);
- * Get the current clock time.
- */
- mach_timespec_t *cur_time) /* OUT */
- spl_t s;
- RTC_LOCK(s);
- if (!rtclock.calend_is_set) {
- return (KERN_FAILURE);
- }
- (void) sysclk_gettime_internal(cur_time);
- ADD_MACH_TIMESPEC(cur_time, &rtclock.calend_offset);
- return (KERN_SUCCESS);
- uint32_t *secs,
- uint32_t *microsecs)
- mach_timespec_t now;
- calend_gettime(&now);
- *secs = now.tv_sec;
- *microsecs = now.tv_nsec / NSEC_PER_USEC;
- uint32_t *secs,
- uint32_t *nanosecs)
- mach_timespec_t now;
- calend_gettime(&now);
- *secs = now.tv_sec;
- *nanosecs = now.tv_nsec;
+ asm volatile(
+ "divl %3"
+ : "=a" (*secs), "=d" (*nanosecs)
+ : "A" (now), "r" (NSEC_PER_SEC));
- uint32_t secs,
- uint32_t microsecs)
- mach_timespec_t new_time, curr_time;
- uint32_t old_offset;
- spl_t s;
- new_time.tv_sec = secs;
- new_time.tv_nsec = microsecs * NSEC_PER_USEC;
- RTC_LOCK(s);
- old_offset = rtclock.calend_offset.tv_sec;
- (void) sysclk_gettime_internal(&curr_time);
- rtclock.calend_offset = new_time;
- SUB_MACH_TIMESPEC(&rtclock.calend_offset, &curr_time);
- rtclock.boottime += rtclock.calend_offset.tv_sec - old_offset;
- rtclock.calend_is_set = TRUE;
- (void) bbc_settime(&new_time);
- host_notify_calendar_change();
- * Get clock device attributes.
- */
- clock_flavor_t flavor,
- clock_attr_t attr, /* OUT */
- mach_msg_type_number_t *count) /* IN/OUT */
- if (*count != 1)
- return (KERN_FAILURE);
- switch (flavor) {
- case CLOCK_GET_TIME_RES: /* >0 res */
- *(clock_res_t *) attr = rtc_intr_nsec;
- break;
- case CLOCK_ALARM_CURRES: /* =0 no alarm */
- *(clock_res_t *) attr = 0;
- break;
- default:
- }
- return (KERN_SUCCESS);
-#define tickadj (40*NSEC_PER_USEC) /* "standard" skew, ns / tick */
-#define bigadj (NSEC_PER_SEC) /* use 10x skew above bigadj ns */
- int32_t *secs,
- int32_t *microsecs)
- int64_t total, ototal;
- uint32_t interval = 0;
- spl_t s;
- total = (int64_t)*secs * NSEC_PER_SEC + *microsecs * NSEC_PER_USEC;
- RTC_LOCK(s);
- ototal = rtclock.calend_adjtotal;
- if (total != 0) {
- int32_t delta = tickadj;
- if (total > 0) {
- if (total > bigadj)
- delta *= 10;
- if (delta > total)
- delta = total;
- }
- else {
- if (total < -bigadj)
- delta *= 10;
- delta = -delta;
- if (delta < total)
- delta = total;
- }
- rtclock.calend_adjtotal = total;
- rtclock.calend_adjdelta = delta;
- interval = NSEC_PER_HZ;
- }
- else
- rtclock.calend_adjdelta = rtclock.calend_adjtotal = 0;
- if (ototal == 0)
- *secs = *microsecs = 0;
- else {
- *secs = ototal / NSEC_PER_SEC;
- *microsecs = ototal % NSEC_PER_SEC;
- }
- return (interval);
- uint32_t interval = 0;
- int32_t delta;
- spl_t s;
- RTC_LOCK(s);
- delta = rtclock.calend_adjdelta;
- ADD_MACH_TIMESPEC_NSEC(&rtclock.calend_offset, delta);
- rtclock.calend_adjtotal -= delta;
- if (delta > 0) {
- if (delta > rtclock.calend_adjtotal)
- rtclock.calend_adjdelta = rtclock.calend_adjtotal;
- }
- else
- if (delta < 0) {
- if (delta < rtclock.calend_adjtotal)
- rtclock.calend_adjdelta = rtclock.calend_adjtotal;
- }
- if (rtclock.calend_adjdelta != 0)
- interval = NSEC_PER_HZ;
+ uint64_t abstime,
+ uint64_t epoch,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ uint32_t *secs,
+ uint32_t *microsecs)
+ uint64_t now = abstime;
+ uint32_t remain;
+ now += offset;
- return (interval);
+ asm volatile(
+ "divl %3"
+ : "=a" (*secs), "=d" (remain)
+ : "A" (now), "r" (NSEC_PER_SEC));
+ asm volatile(
+ "divl %3"
+ : "=a" (*microsecs)
+ : "0" (remain), "d" (0), "r" (NSEC_PER_USEC));
- mach_timespec_t bbc_time, curr_time;
- spl_t s;
- if (bbc_gettime(&bbc_time) != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return;
- RTC_LOCK(s);
- if (rtclock.boottime == 0)
- rtclock.boottime = bbc_time.tv_sec;
- (void) sysclk_gettime_internal(&curr_time);
- rtclock.calend_offset = bbc_time;
- SUB_MACH_TIMESPEC(&rtclock.calend_offset, &curr_time);
- rtclock.calend_is_set = TRUE;
- host_notify_calendar_change();
+ *secs += epoch;
- uint32_t *secs,
- uint32_t *nanosecs)
- *secs = rtclock.boottime;
- *nanosecs = 0;
+ commpage_set_timestamp(abstime - remain, *secs);
info->numer = info->denom = 1;
- uint64_t deadline)
- spl_t s;
- cpu_data_t *pp = current_cpu_datap();
- rtclock_timer_t *mytimer = &pp->cpu_rtc_timer;
- uint64_t abstime;
- uint64_t decr;
- assert(get_preemption_level() > 0);
- assert(rtclock_timer_expire);
- mytimer->deadline = deadline;
- mytimer->is_set = TRUE;
- if (!mytimer->has_expired) {
- abstime = mach_absolute_time();
- if (mytimer->deadline < pp->cpu_rtc_tick_deadline) {
- decr = deadline_to_decrementer(mytimer->deadline,
- abstime);
- rtc_lapic_set_timer(decr);
- pp->cpu_rtc_intr_deadline = mytimer->deadline;
- DBG_FUNC_NONE, decr, 2, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
clock_timer_func_t func)
* Real-time clock device interrupt.
-rtclock_intr(struct i386_interrupt_state *regs)
+ x86_saved_state_t *tregs)
+ uint64_t rip;
+ boolean_t user_mode = FALSE;
uint64_t abstime;
uint32_t latency;
- uint64_t decr;
- uint64_t decr_tick;
- uint64_t decr_timer;
- cpu_data_t *pp = current_cpu_datap();
- rtclock_timer_t *mytimer = &pp->cpu_rtc_timer;
+ x86_lcpu_t *lcpu = x86_lcpu();
assert(get_preemption_level() > 0);
- abstime = _rtc_nanotime_read();
- latency = (uint32_t) abstime - pp->cpu_rtc_intr_deadline;
- if (pp->cpu_rtc_tick_deadline <= abstime) {
- rtc_nanotime_update();
- clock_deadline_for_periodic_event(
- NSEC_PER_HZ, abstime, &pp->cpu_rtc_tick_deadline);
- hertz_tick(
- (regs->efl & EFL_VM) || ((regs->cs & 0x03) != 0),
- regs->eip);
- }
+ abstime = rtc_nanotime_read();
+ latency = (uint32_t)(abstime - lcpu->rtcDeadline);
+ if (abstime < lcpu->rtcDeadline)
+ latency = 1;
- abstime = _rtc_nanotime_read();
- if (mytimer->is_set && mytimer->deadline <= abstime) {
- mytimer->has_expired = TRUE;
- mytimer->is_set = FALSE;
- (*rtclock_timer_expire)(abstime);
- assert(!ml_get_interrupts_enabled());
- mytimer->has_expired = FALSE;
- }
+ if (is_saved_state64(tregs) == TRUE) {
+ x86_saved_state64_t *regs;
+ regs = saved_state64(tregs);
- /* Log the interrupt service latency (-ve value expected by tool) */
- -latency, (uint32_t)regs->eip, 0, 0, 0);
+ user_mode = TRUE;
+ rip = regs->isf.rip;
+ } else {
+ x86_saved_state32_t *regs;
- abstime = _rtc_nanotime_read();
- decr_tick = deadline_to_decrementer(pp->cpu_rtc_tick_deadline, abstime);
- decr_timer = (mytimer->is_set) ?
- deadline_to_decrementer(mytimer->deadline, abstime) :
- decr = MIN(decr_tick, decr_timer);
- pp->cpu_rtc_intr_deadline = abstime + decr;
+ regs = saved_state32(tregs);
- rtc_lapic_set_timer(decr);
+ if (regs->cs & 0x03)
+ user_mode = TRUE;
+ rip = regs->eip;
+ }
- /* Log the new decrementer value */
+ /* Log the interrupt service latency (-ve value expected by tool) */
- decr, 3, 0, 0, 0);
+ -latency, (uint32_t)rip, user_mode, 0, 0);
+ /* call the generic etimer */
+ etimer_intr(user_mode, rip);
-static void
- __unused timer_call_param_t p0,
- __unused timer_call_param_t p1)
+ * Request timer pop from the hardware
+ */
+ uint64_t time)
- mach_timespec_t clock_time;
+ uint64_t now;
+ uint32_t decr;
+ uint64_t count;
+ now = rtc_nanotime_read(); /* The time in nanoseconds */
+ decr = deadline_to_decrementer(time, now);
- (void) sysclk_gettime_internal(&clock_time);
+ count = tmrCvt(decr, busFCvtn2t);
+ lapic_set_timer(TRUE, one_shot, divide_by_1, (uint32_t) count);
- clock_alarm_intr(SYSTEM_CLOCK, &clock_time);
+ return decr; /* Pass back what we set */
- uint64_t *result)
- *result = rtc_nanotime_read();
- return rtc_nanotime_read();
+ return rtc_nanotime_read();
+ uint32_t interval,
+ uint32_t scale_factor,
+ uint64_t *result)
+ *result = (uint64_t)interval * scale_factor;
- uint32_t interval,
- uint32_t scale_factor,
- uint64_t *result)
- uint64_t abstime;
- clock_get_uptime(result);
- clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval(interval, scale_factor, &abstime);
- *result += abstime;
- uint32_t interval,
- uint32_t scale_factor,
- uint64_t *result)
+ uint64_t abstime,
+ uint32_t *secs,
+ uint32_t *nanosecs)
- *result = (uint64_t)interval * scale_factor;
+ asm volatile(
+ "divl %3"
+ : "=a" (*secs), "=d" (*nanosecs)
+ : "A" (abstime), "r" (NSEC_PER_SEC));
- uint64_t abstime,
- uint64_t *result)
+ uint32_t secs,
+ uint32_t nanosecs,
+ uint64_t *result)
- clock_get_uptime(result);
- *result += abstime;
+ *result = ((uint64_t)secs * NSEC_PER_SEC) + nanosecs;