- boot_args *args = (boot_args *)_args;
- if (PE_state.initialized == FALSE) {
- PE_state.initialized = TRUE;
- // New EFI-style
- PE_state.bootArgs = _args;
- PE_state.deviceTreeHead = args->deviceTreeP;
- PE_state.video.v_baseAddr = args->Video.v_baseAddr;
- PE_state.video.v_rowBytes = args->Video.v_rowBytes;
- PE_state.video.v_width = args->Video.v_width;
- PE_state.video.v_height = args->Video.v_height;
- PE_state.video.v_depth = args->Video.v_depth;
- PE_state.video.v_display = args->Video.v_display;
- strcpy( PE_state.video.v_pixelFormat, "PPPPPPPP");
- }
- if (!vm_initialized) {
- /* Hack! FIXME.. */
- outb(0x21, 0xff); /* Maskout all interrupts Pic1 */
- outb(0xa1, 0xff); /* Maskout all interrupts Pic2 */
- if (PE_state.deviceTreeHead) {
- DTInit(PE_state.deviceTreeHead);
- }
- pe_identify_machine(args);
- } else {
- DTEntry entry;
- void *ptr;
- uint32_t size;
- pe_init_debug();
- }
+ boot_args *args = (boot_args *)_args;
+ if (PE_state.initialized == FALSE) {
+ PE_state.initialized = TRUE;
+ // New EFI-style
+ PE_state.bootArgs = _args;
+ PE_state.deviceTreeHead = (void *) ml_static_ptovirt(args->deviceTreeP);
+ PE_state.deviceTreeSize = args->deviceTreeLength;
+ if (args->Video.v_baseAddr) {
+ PE_state.video.v_baseAddr = args->Video.v_baseAddr;// remains physical address
+ PE_state.video.v_rowBytes = args->Video.v_rowBytes;
+ PE_state.video.v_depth = args->Video.v_depth;
+ PE_state.video.v_display = args->Video.v_display;
+ PE_state.video.v_rotate = args->Video.v_rotate;
+ /* EFI doesn't have a good way of describing rotation internally,
+ * so it flips width and height in portrait mode. We flip it back. */
+ if (PE_state.video.v_rotate == kDataRotate90 ||
+ PE_state.video.v_rotate == kDataRotate270) {
+ PE_state.video.v_width = args->Video.v_height;
+ PE_state.video.v_height = args->Video.v_width;
+ } else {
+ PE_state.video.v_width = args->Video.v_width;
+ PE_state.video.v_height = args->Video.v_height;
+ }
+ strlcpy(PE_state.video.v_pixelFormat, "PPPPPPPP",
+ sizeof(PE_state.video.v_pixelFormat));
+ } else {
+ PE_state.video.v_baseAddr = args->VideoV1.v_baseAddr;// remains physical address
+ PE_state.video.v_rowBytes = args->VideoV1.v_rowBytes;
+ PE_state.video.v_width = args->VideoV1.v_width;
+ PE_state.video.v_height = args->VideoV1.v_height;
+ PE_state.video.v_depth = args->VideoV1.v_depth;
+ PE_state.video.v_display = args->VideoV1.v_display;
+ PE_state.video.v_rotate = kDataRotate0; /* no room for rotation info */
+ strlcpy(PE_state.video.v_pixelFormat, "PPPPPPPP",
+ sizeof(PE_state.video.v_pixelFormat));
+ }
+#ifdef kBootArgsFlagHiDPI
+ if (args->flags & kBootArgsFlagHiDPI) {
+ PE_state.video.v_scale = kPEScaleFactor2x;
+ } else {
+ PE_state.video.v_scale = kPEScaleFactor1x;
+ }
+ PE_state.video.v_scale = kPEScaleFactor1x;
+ }
+ if (!vm_initialized) {
+ if (PE_state.deviceTreeHead) {
+ SecureDTInit(PE_state.deviceTreeHead, PE_state.deviceTreeSize);
+ }
+ pe_identify_machine(args);
+ pe_init_debug();
+ }