- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
+ * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
+ * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
- * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
- * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
- *
- * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
- * limitations under the License.
+ * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+ * under the License.
#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h>
+class IOPMWorkArbiter;
class IOPMPowerStateQueue;
class RootDomainUserClient;
-#define kRootDomainSupportedFeatures "Supported Features"
enum {
kRootDomainSleepNotSupported = 0x00000000,
kRootDomainSleepSupported = 0x00000001,
kPCICantSleep = 0x00000004
+#define kRootDomainSupportedFeatures "Supported Features"
+// Supported Feature bitfields for IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature()
+enum {
+ kIOPMSupportedOnAC = 1<<0,
+ kIOPMSupportedOnBatt = 1<<1,
+ kIOPMSupportedOnUPS = 1<<2
+typedef IOReturn (*IOPMSettingControllerCallback) \
+ (OSObject *target, const OSSymbol *type, \
+ OSObject *val, uintptr_t refcon);
extern "C"
- IONotifier * registerSleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler, void *, void * = 0);
- IONotifier * registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler handler, void * self, void * ref = 0);
- IOReturn acknowledgeSleepWakeNotification(void * );
- IOReturn vetoSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon);
- IOReturn rootDomainRestart ( void );
- IOReturn rootDomainShutdown ( void );
+ IONotifier * registerSleepWakeInterest(
+ IOServiceInterestHandler, void *, void * = 0);
+ IONotifier * registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest(
+ IOServiceInterestHandler handler,
+ void * self, void * ref = 0);
+ IOReturn acknowledgeSleepWakeNotification(void * );
+ IOReturn vetoSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon);
+ IOReturn rootDomainRestart ( void );
+ IOReturn rootDomainShutdown ( void );
class IOService * wrangler; // we tickle the wrangler on button presses, etc
+ IOPMWorkArbiter * getPMArbiter(void);
static IOPMrootDomain * construct( void );
virtual bool start( IOService * provider );
void stopIgnoringClamshellEventsDuringWakeup ( void );
void wakeFromDoze( void );
void broadcast_it (unsigned long, unsigned long );
+ // KEXT driver announces support of power management feature
void publishFeature( const char *feature );
+ // KEXT driver announces support of power management feature
+ // And specifies power sources with kIOPMSupportedOn{AC/Batt/UPS} bitfield.
+ // Returns a unique uint32_t identifier for later removing support for this
+ // feature.
+ // NULL is acceptable for uniqueFeatureID for kexts without plans to unload.
+ void publishFeature( const char *feature,
+ uint32_t supportedWhere,
+ uint32_t *uniqueFeatureID);
+ // KEXT driver announces removal of a previously published power management
+ // feature. Pass 'uniqueFeatureID' returned from publishFeature()
+ IOReturn removePublishedFeature( uint32_t removeFeatureID );
void unIdleDevice( IOService *, unsigned long );
void announcePowerSourceChange( void );
// Override of these methods for logging purposes.
virtual IOReturn changePowerStateTo ( unsigned long ordinal );
virtual IOReturn changePowerStateToPriv ( unsigned long ordinal );
+/*! @function copyPMSetting
+ @abstract Copy the current value for a PM setting. Returns OSNumber or
+ OSData depending on the setting.
+ @param whichSetting Name of the desired setting.
+ @result OSObject *value if valid, NULL otherwise. */
+ OSObject *copyPMSetting(OSSymbol *whichSetting);
+/*! @function registerPMSettingController
+ @abstract Register for callbacks on changes to certain PM settings.
+ @param settings NULL terminated array of C strings, each string for a PM
+ setting that the caller is interested in and wants to get callbacks for.
+ @param callout C function ptr or member function cast as such.
+ @param target The target of the callback, usually 'this'
+ @param refcon Will be passed to caller in callback; for caller's use.
+ @param handle Caller should keep the OSObject * returned here. If non-NULL,
+ handle will have a retain count of 1 on return. To deregister, pass to
+ unregisterPMSettingController()
+ @result kIOReturnSuccess on success. */
+ IOReturn registerPMSettingController(
+ const OSSymbol *settings[],
+ IOPMSettingControllerCallback callout,
+ OSObject *target,
+ uintptr_t refcon,
+ OSObject **handle); // out param
+/*! @function registerPMSettingController
+ @abstract Register for callbacks on changes to certain PM settings.
+ @param settings NULL terminated array of C strings, each string for a PM
+ setting that the caller is interested in and wants to get callbacks for.
+ @param supportedPowerSources bitfield indicating which power sources these
+ settings are supported for (kIOPMSupportedOnAC, etc.)
+ @param callout C function ptr or member function cast as such.
+ @param target The target of the callback, usually 'this'
+ @param refcon Will be passed to caller in callback; for caller's use.
+ @param handle Caller should keep the OSObject * returned here. If non-NULL,
+ handle will have a retain count of 1 on return. To deregister, pass to
+ unregisterPMSettingController()
+ @result kIOReturnSuccess on success. */
+ IOReturn registerPMSettingController(
+ const OSSymbol *settings[],
+ uint32_t supportedPowerSources,
+ IOPMSettingControllerCallback callout,
+ OSObject *target,
+ uintptr_t refcon,
+ OSObject **handle); // out param
- class IORootParent * patriarch; // points to our parent
- long sleepSlider; // pref: idle time before idle sleep
- long longestNonSleepSlider; // pref: longest of other idle times
- long extraSleepDelay; // sleepSlider - longestNonSleepSlider
- thread_call_t extraSleepTimer; // used to wait between say display idle and system idle
- thread_call_t clamshellWakeupIgnore; // Used to ignore clamshell close events while we're waking from sleep
+ // Points to our parent
+ class IORootParent * patriarch;
+ // Pref: idle time before idle sleep
+ long sleepSlider;
+ // Pref: longest of other idle times (disk and display)
+ long longestNonSleepSlider;
+ // Difference between sleepSlider and longestNonSleepSlider
+ long extraSleepDelay;
+ // Used to wait between say display idle and system idle
+ thread_call_t extraSleepTimer;
+ // Used to ignore clamshell close events while we're waking from sleep
+ thread_call_t clamshellWakeupIgnore;
virtual void powerChangeDone ( unsigned long );
virtual void command_received ( void *, void * , void * , void *);
static bool displayWranglerPublished( void * target, void * refCon,
IOService * newService);
+ static bool batteryPublished( void * target, void * refCon,
+ IOService * resourceService );
+ void adjustPowerState ( void );
void setQuickSpinDownTimeout ( void );
- void adjustPowerState( void );
void restoreUserSpinDownTimeout ( void );
+ bool shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed (void );
+ void sendClientClamshellNotification ( void );
+ IOLock *featuresDictLock; // guards supportedFeatures
IOPMPowerStateQueue *pmPowerStateQueue;
+ IOWorkLoop *arbiterWorkLoop;
+ IOPMWorkArbiter *pmArbiter;
unsigned int user_spindown; // User's selected disk spindown value
unsigned int systemBooting:1;
+ unsigned int systemShutdown:1;
unsigned int ignoringClamshell:1;
unsigned int allowSleep:1;
unsigned int sleepIsSupported:1;
unsigned int acAdaptorConnect:1;
unsigned int ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup:1;
- unsigned int reservedA:6;
+ unsigned int clamshellIsClosed:1;
+ unsigned int clamshellExists:1;
+ unsigned int reservedA:4;
unsigned char reservedB[3];
+ OSArray *allowedPMSettings;
+ // Settings controller info
+ IORecursiveLock *settingsCtrlLock;
+ OSDictionary *settingsCallbacks;
+ OSDictionary *fPMSettingsDict;
+ IOReturn setPMSetting(const OSSymbol *, OSObject *);
+ thread_call_t diskSyncCalloutEntry;
+ IONotifier *_batteryPublishNotifier;
+ IONotifier *_displayWranglerNotifier;
- thread_call_t diskSyncCalloutEntry;
+ struct ExpansionData {
+ };
+ ExpansionData *_reserved;
IOOptionBits platformSleepSupport;
+ friend class PMSettingObject;
class IORootParent: public IOService
+ virtual IOReturn changePowerStateToPriv ( unsigned long ordinal );
bool start ( IOService * nub );
void shutDownSystem ( void );
void restartSystem ( void );