- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
- * Revision 1998/09/22 21:05:32 wsanchez
- * Import of Mac OS X kernel (~semeria)
- *
- * Revision 1998/03/07 02:25:57 wsanchez
- * Import of OSF Mach kernel (~mburg)
- *
- * Revision 1997/09/22 17:41:21 barbou
- * MP+RT: protect cpu_number() usage against preemption.
- * [97/09/16 barbou]
- *
- * Revision 1996/07/31 09:56:06 paire
- * Merged with nmk20b7_shared (
- * [96/06/10 paire]
- *
- * Revision 1996/04/15 14:35:12 bernadat
- * Keep interrupts disabled while accessing XPR_TIMESTAMP.
- * [96/04/12 bernadat]
- *
- * Revision 1995/02/24 15:22:42 alanl
- * DIPC: Merge from nmk17b2 to nmk18b8.
- * Notes: Restore portable locks package, derived from nmk17b2.
- * [95/02/07 alanl]
- *
- * Revision 1994/12/09 22:25:16 dwm
- * mk6 CR801 - merge up from nmk18b4 to nmk18b7
- * * Rev 1994/10/21 18:30:41 joe
- * Added ETAP support
- * [1994/12/09 21:10:59 dwm]
- *
- * Revision 1994/11/10 06:15:29 dwm
- * mk6 CR764 - s/spinlock/simple_lock/ (name change only)
- * [1994/11/10 05:58:48 dwm]
- *
- * Revision 1994/11/04 10:10:56 dwm
- * mk6 CR668 - 1.3b26 merge
- * * Revision 1994/05/06 18:54:13 tmt
- * Merge in DEC Alpha changes to osc1.3b19.
- * include <mach/machine/vm_types.h>
- * 64 bit cleanup.
- * * End1.3merge
- * [1994/11/04 09:39:17 dwm]
- *
- * Revision 1994/09/23 02:32:39 ezf
- * change marker to not FREE
- * [1994/09/22 21:38:29 ezf]
- *
- * Revision 1994/06/09 14:14:11 dswartz
- * Preemption merge.
- * [1994/06/09 14:08:38 dswartz]
- *
- * Revision 1993/08/12 20:16:51 bernard
- * Last pass for ANSI prototypes - CR#9523
- * [1993/08/12 15:43:24 bernard]
- *
- * Revision 1993/08/02 17:26:05 rod
- * ANSI prototypes: zap explicit include of machine/setjmp.h. CR #9523.
- * [1993/08/01 13:36:31 rod]
- *
- * Revision 1993/07/27 18:09:05 rod
- * Add ANSI prototypes. CR #9523.
- * [1993/07/27 14:33:23 rod]
- *
- * Revision 1993/06/09 02:39:13 gm
- * CR9176 - ANSI C violations: trailing tokens on CPP
- * directives, extra semicolons after decl_ ..., asm keywords
- * [1993/06/07 19:07:51 jeffc]
- *
- * Added to OSF/1 R1.3 from NMK15.0.
- * [1993/06/02 21:15:13 jeffc]
- *
- * Revision 1.2 1993/04/19 16:31:21 devrcs
- * Added void to fcns that still needed it.
- * [93/02/05 bruel]
- *
- * Revision 1.1 1992/09/30 02:10:39 robert
- * Initial revision
- *
- * $EndLog$
- */
-/* CMU_HIST */
- * Revision 92/03/03 16:20:57 jeffreyh
- * Fix Log.
- * [92/02/24 13:24:44 jeffreyh]
- *
- * Revision 92/02/18 19:13:03 jeffreyh
- * Added an xpr_search function to which you can give
- * a selection function.
- * [92/02/11 08:13:23 bernadat]
- *
- * Revision 92/02/13 18:53:47 jeffreyh
- * Added an xpr_search function to which you can give
- * a selection function.
- * [92/02/11 08:13:23 bernadat]
- *
- * Revision 92/02/11 17:19:59 jeffreyh
- * Added an xpr_search function to which you can give
- * a selection function.
- * [92/02/11 08:13:23 bernadat]
- *
- * Revision 92/02/11 08:13:23 bernadat
- * Added an xpr_search function to which you can give
- * a selection function.
- *
- *
- * Revision 2.9 91/10/09 16:11:50 af
- * Removed xpr_save. Modified xpr_dump to make it useful
- * for dumping xpr buffers in user space tasks.
- * [91/09/20 rpd]
- *
- * Turned on xprenable by default. xprbootstrap now preserves
- * the original contents of the buffer if xprenable is off.
- * [91/09/18 rpd]
- *
- * Revision 2.8 91/08/28 11:14:56 jsb
- * Fixed xprbootstrap to zero the allocate memory.
- * [91/08/18 rpd]
- *
- * Revision 2.7 91/05/18 14:34:37 rpd
- * Added xprenable and other minor changes so that the xpr buffer
- * may be examined after a spontaneous reboot.
- * [91/05/03 rpd]
- * Fixed the initialization check in xpr.
- * Fixed xpr_dump.
- * [91/04/02 rpd]
- *
- * Revision 2.6 91/05/14 16:50:09 mrt
- * Correcting copyright
- *
- * Revision 2.5 91/03/16 14:53:24 rpd
- * Updated for new kmem_alloc interface.
- * [91/03/03 rpd]
- *
- * Revision 2.4 91/02/05 17:31:13 mrt
- * Changed to new Mach copyright
- * [91/02/01 16:21:17 mrt]
- *
- * Revision 2.3 90/09/09 14:33:04 rpd
- * Use decl_simple_lock_data.
- * [90/08/30 rpd]
- *
- * Revision 2.2 89/11/29 14:09:21 af
- * Added xpr_dump() to print on console the content of the buffer,
- * only valid for KDB usage.
- * [89/11/12 af]
- *
- * MACH_KERNEL: include sys/cpu_number.h instead of machine/cpu.h.
- * Clean up comments.
- * [88/12/19 dbg]
- *
- * Revision 2.1 89/08/03 15:49:11 rwd
- * Created.
- *
- * Revision 2.2 88/12/19 02:48:30 mwyoung
- * Fix include file references.
- * [88/11/22 02:17:01 mwyoung]
- *
- * Separate initialization into two phases.
- * [88/11/22 01:13:11 mwyoung]
- *
- * 6-Jan-88 Michael Young (mwyoung) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- * Eliminate use of arg6 in order to allow a more shapely event structure.
- *
- * 30-Dec-87 David Golub (dbg) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- * Delinted.
- *
- * 7-Dec-87 Richard Sanzi (sanzi) at Carnegie-Mellon University
- * Added xpr_save() routine.
- *
- */
* Mach Operating System
* Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988,1987 Carnegie Mellon University
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
* the rights to redistribute these changes.
-#include <mach_kdb.h>
* xpr silent tracing circular buffer.
-#include <cpus.h>
#include <mach/machine/vm_types.h>
#include <kern/xpr.h>
#include <kern/lock.h>
- char *msg,
- long arg1,
- long arg2,
- long arg3,
- long arg4,
- long arg5)
+ const char *msg,
+ long arg1,
+ long arg2,
+ long arg3,
+ long arg4,
+ long arg5)
spl_t s;
register struct xprbuf *x;
- vm_offset_t addr;
- vm_size_t size;
- kern_return_t kr;
- simple_lock_init(&xprlock, ETAP_MISC_XPR);
- if (nxprbufs == 0)
- return; /* assume XPR support not desired */
- /* leave room at the end for a saved copy of xprptr */
- size = nxprbufs * sizeof(struct xprbuf) + sizeof xprptr;
- kr = kmem_alloc_wired(kernel_map, &addr, size);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("xprbootstrap");
- if (xprenable) {
- /*
- * If xprenable is set (the default) then we zero
- * the buffer so xpr_dump doesn't encounter bad pointers.
- * If xprenable isn't set, then we preserve
- * the original contents of the buffer. This is useful
- * if memory survives reboots, so xpr_dump can show
- * the previous buffer contents.
- */
- (void) memset((void *) addr, 0, size);
- }
- xprbase = (struct xprbuf *) addr;
- xprlast = &xprbase[nxprbufs];
- xprptr = xprbase; /* setting xprptr enables tracing */
-int xprinitial = 0;
- xprflags |= xprinitial;
-#include <ddb/db_output.h>
- * Prototypes for functions called from the debugger
- */
- struct xprbuf *base,
- int nbufs);
- int arg_index,
- int value);
-extern jmp_buf_t *db_recover;
- * Print current content of xpr buffers (KDB's sake)
- * Use stack order to make it understandable.
- *
- * Called as "!xpr_dump" this dumps the kernel's xpr buffer.
- * Called with arguments, it can dump xpr buffers in user tasks,
- * assuming they use the same format as the kernel.
- */
- struct xprbuf *base,
- int nbufs)
- jmp_buf_t db_jmpbuf;
- jmp_buf_t *prev;
- struct xprbuf *last, *ptr;
- register struct xprbuf *x;
- int i;
- spl_t s;
- if (base == 0) {
- base = xprbase;
- nbufs = nxprbufs;
- }
- if (nbufs == 0)
- return;
- if (base == xprbase) {
- s = splhigh();
- simple_lock(&xprlock);
- }
- last = base + nbufs;
- ptr = * (struct xprbuf **) last;
- prev = db_recover;
- if (_setjmp(db_recover = &db_jmpbuf) == 0)
- for (x = ptr, i = 0; i < nbufs; i++) {
- if (--x < base)
- x = last - 1;
- if (x->msg == 0)
- break;
- db_printf("<%d:%x:%x> ", x - base, x->cpuinfo, x->timestamp);
- db_printf(x->msg, x->arg1,x->arg2,x->arg3,x->arg4,x->arg5);
- }
- db_recover = prev;
- if (base == xprbase) {
- simple_unlock(&xprlock);
- splx(s);
- }
- * dump xpr table with a selection criteria.
- * argument number "arg_index" must equal "value"
- */
- int arg_index,
- int value)
- jmp_buf_t db_jmpbuf;
- jmp_buf_t *prev;
- register struct xprbuf *x;
- spl_t s;
- int n;
- if (!nxprbufs)
- return;
- n = nxprbufs;
- s = splhigh();
- simple_lock(&xprlock);
- prev = db_recover;
- if (_setjmp(db_recover = &db_jmpbuf) == 0)
- for (x = *(struct xprbuf **)xprlast ; n--; ) {
- if (--x < xprbase)
- x = xprlast - 1;
- if (x->msg == 0) {
- break;
- }
- if (*((&x->arg1)+arg_index) != value)
- continue;
- db_printf("<%d:%d:%x> ", x - xprbase,
- x->cpuinfo, x->timestamp);
- db_printf(x->msg, x->arg1,x->arg2,x->arg3,x->arg4,x->arg5);
- }
- db_recover = prev;
- simple_unlock(&xprlock);
- splx(s);
-#endif /* MACH_KDB */