- u_int32_t so_flags; /* Flags */
-#define SOF_NOSIGPIPE 0x1
-#define SOF_NOADDRAVAIL 0x2 /* EADDRNOTAVAIL if src addr is gone */
-#define SOF_PCBCLEARING 0x4 /* pru_disconnect done; don't call pru_detach */
-#define SOF_DEFUNCT 0x8 /* socket marked as inactive */
-#define SOF_CLOSEWAIT 0x10 /* blocked in close awaiting some events */
- for multiple so_uid */
-#define SOF_MULTIPAGES 0x80 /* jumbo clusters may be used for sosend */
-#define SOF_ABORTED 0x100 /* soabort was already called once */
-#define SOF_OVERFLOW 0x200 /* socket was dropped as overflow of listen q */
-#define SOF_NOTIFYCONFLICT 0x400 /* notify that a bind was done on a
- port already in use */
-#define SOF_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT 0x800 /* block close until upcall returns */
-#define SOF_BINDRANDOMPORT 0x1000 /* Randomized port number for bind */
-#define SOF_NPX_SETOPTSHUT 0x2000 /* Non POSIX extension to allow
- setsockopt(2) after shut down */
-#define SOF_RECV_TRAFFIC_CLASS 0x4000 /* Receive TC as ancillary data */
-#define SOF_NODEFUNCT 0x8000 /* socket cannot be defunct'd */
-#define SOF_PRIVILEGED_TRAFFIC_CLASS 0x10000 /* traffic class is privileged */
-#define SOF_SUSPENDED 0x20000 /* i/f output queue is suspended */
-#define SOF_INCOMP_INPROGRESS 0x40000 /* incomp socket is being processed */
-#define SOF_NOTSENT_LOWAT 0x80000 /* A different lowat on not sent
- data has been set */
-#define SOF_KNOTE 0x100000 /* socket is on the EV_SOCK klist */
-#define SOF_USELRO 0x200000 /* TCP must use LRO on these sockets */
-#define SOF_ENABLE_MSGS 0x400000 /* TCP must enable message delivery */
-#define SOF_FLOW_DIVERT 0x800000 /* Flow Divert is enabled */
-#define SOF_MP_SUBFLOW 0x1000000 /* is a multipath subflow socket */
-#define SOF_MPTCP_TRUE 0x2000000 /* Established e2e MPTCP connection */
-#define SOF_MPTCP_CLIENT 0x4000000 /* Only client starts addtnal flows */
-#define SOF_MP_SEC_SUBFLOW 0x8000000 /* Set up secondary flow */
-#define SOF_MP_TRYFAILOVER 0x10000000 /* Failing subflow */
+ u_int32_t so_flags; /* Flags */
+#define SOF_NOSIGPIPE 0x00000001
+#define SOF_NOADDRAVAIL 0x00000002 /* EADDRNOTAVAIL if src addr is gone */
+#define SOF_PCBCLEARING 0x00000004 /* pru_disconnect done; don't
+ call pru_detach */
+#define SOF_DEFUNCT 0x00000008 /* socket marked as inactive */
+#define SOF_CLOSEWAIT 0x00000010 /* blocked in close awaiting some events */
+ for multiple so_uid */
+#define SOF_MULTIPAGES 0x00000080 /* jumbo clusters may be used for sosend */
+#define SOF_ABORTED 0x00000100 /* soabort was already called once */
+#define SOF_OVERFLOW 0x00000200 /* socket was dropped as overflow of
+ listen q */
+#define SOF_NOTIFYCONFLICT 0x00000400 /* notify that a bind was done on a
+ port already in use */
+#define SOF_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT 0x00000800 /* block close until upcall returns */
+#define SOF_BINDRANDOMPORT 0x00001000 /* Randomized port number for bind */
+#define SOF_NPX_SETOPTSHUT 0x00002000 /* Non POSIX extension to allow
+ setsockopt(2) after shut down */
+#define SOF_RECV_TRAFFIC_CLASS 0x00004000 /* Receive TC as ancillary data */
+#define SOF_NODEFUNCT 0x00008000 /* socket cannot be defunct'd */
+#define SOF_PRIVILEGED_TRAFFIC_CLASS 0x00010000 /* traffic class is privileged */
+#define SOF_SUSPENDED 0x00020000 /* i/f output queue is suspended */
+#define SOF_INCOMP_INPROGRESS 0x00040000 /* incomp socket is being processed */
+#define SOF_NOTSENT_LOWAT 0x00080000 /* A different lowat on not sent
+ data has been set */
+#define SOF_KNOTE 0x00100000 /* socket is on the EV_SOCK klist */
+#define SOF_USELRO 0x00200000 /* TCP must use LRO on these sockets */
+#define SOF_ENABLE_MSGS 0x00400000 /* TCP must enable message delivery */
+#define SOF_FLOW_DIVERT 0x00800000 /* Flow Divert is enabled */
+#define SOF_MP_SUBFLOW 0x01000000 /* is a multipath subflow socket */
+#define SOF_MPTCP_TRUE 0x02000000 /* Established e2e MPTCP connection */
+#define SOF_MPTCP_CLIENT 0x04000000 /* Only client starts addtnal flows */
+#define SOF_MP_SEC_SUBFLOW 0x08000000 /* Set up secondary flow */
+#define SOF_MP_TRYFAILOVER 0x10000000 /* Failing subflow */