-/*! @function IOSetProcessorCacheMode
- @abstract Sets the processor cache mode for mapped memory.
- @discussion This function sets the cache mode of an already mapped & wired memory range. Note this may not be supported on I/O mappings or shared memory - it is far preferable to set the cache mode as mappings are created with the IOMemoryDescriptor::map method.
- @param task Task the memory is mapped into.
- @param address Virtual address of the memory.
- @param length Length of the range to set.
- @param cacheMode A constant from IOTypes.h, <br>
- kIOMapDefaultCache to inhibit the cache in I/O areas, kIOMapCopybackCache in general purpose RAM.<br>
- kIOMapInhibitCache, kIOMapWriteThruCache, kIOMapCopybackCache to set the appropriate caching.<br>
- @result An IOReturn code.*/