Function - Read a sequence of bytes "inband" from a device object.
#include<device/device.h> kern_return_t device_read_inband (mach_port_t device, dev_mode_t mode, recnum_t recnum, io_buf_len_t bytes_wanted, io_buf_ptr_inband_t data, mach_msg_type_number_t *data_count); #include<device/device_request.h> kern_return_t device_read_request_inband (mach_port_t device, mach_port_t reply_port, dev_mode_t mode, recnum_t recnum, io_buf_len_t bytes_wanted); kern_return_t ds_device_read_reply_inband (mach_port_t reply_port, kern_return_t return_code, io_buf_ptr_inband_t data, mach_msg_type_number_t data_count);
The device_read_inband function reads a sequence of bytes from a device object. The meaning of recnum as well as the specific operation performed is device dependent. This call differs from device_read in that the returned bytes are returned "inband" in the reply IPC message.
Only generic errors apply.
Functions: device_read, device_read_overwrite, device_reply_server.