System Trap - Read a sequence of bytes from a device object into the caller's
kern_return_t device_read_overwrite_async (mach_port_t device, mach_port_t queue, mach_port_t request_id, dev_mode_t mode, recnum_t recnum, io_buf_len_t bytes_wanted, io_buf_ptr_t buffer);
The device_read_overwrite system trap enqueues a read operation for a sequence of bytes from a device object to be placed directly into the caller's address space. The meaning of recnum as well as the specific operation performed is device dependent.
device_read_overwrite_async returns only invalid parameter errors.
Functions: device_read_async, device_read_async_inband, device_write_async, device_write_async_inband, io_done_queue_create.