/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "assym.s" #if HAS_BP_RET /* * void set_bp_ret(void) * Helper function to enable branch predictor state retention * across ACC sleep */ .align 2 .globl EXT(set_bp_ret) LEXT(set_bp_ret) // Load bpret boot-arg adrp x14, EXT(bp_ret)@page add x14, x14, EXT(bp_ret)@pageoff ldr w14, [x14] mrs x13, ARM64_REG_ACC_CFG and x13, x13, (~(ARM64_REG_ACC_CFG_bpSlp_mask << ARM64_REG_ACC_CFG_bpSlp_shift)) and x14, x14, #(ARM64_REG_ACC_CFG_bpSlp_mask) orr x13, x13, x14, lsl #(ARM64_REG_ACC_CFG_bpSlp_shift) msr ARM64_REG_ACC_CFG, x13 ret #endif // HAS_BP_RET #if HAS_NEX_PG .align 2 .globl EXT(set_nex_pg) LEXT(set_nex_pg) mrs x14, MPIDR_EL1 // Skip if this isn't a p-core; NEX powergating isn't available for e-cores and x14, x14, #(MPIDR_PNE) cbz x14, Lnex_pg_done // Set the SEG-recommended value of 12 additional reset cycles HID_INSERT_BITS ARM64_REG_HID13, ARM64_REG_HID13_RstCyc_mask, ARM64_REG_HID13_RstCyc_val, x13 HID_SET_BITS ARM64_REG_HID14, ARM64_REG_HID14_NexPwgEn, x13 Lnex_pg_done: ret #endif // HAS_NEX_PG /* uint32_t get_fpscr(void): * Returns (FPSR | FPCR). */ .align 2 .globl EXT(get_fpscr) LEXT(get_fpscr) #if __ARM_VFP__ mrs x1, FPSR // Grab FPSR mov x4, #(FPSR_MASK & 0xFFFF) mov x5, #(FPSR_MASK & 0xFFFF0000) orr x0, x4, x5 and x1, x1, x0 // Be paranoid, and clear bits we expect to // be clear mrs x2, FPCR // Grab FPCR mov x4, #(FPCR_MASK & 0xFFFF) mov x5, #(FPCR_MASK & 0xFFFF0000) orr x0, x4, x5 and x2, x2, x0 // Be paranoid, and clear bits we expect to // be clear orr x0, x1, x2 // OR them to get FPSCR equivalent state #else mov x0, #0 #endif ret .align 2 .globl EXT(set_fpscr) /* void set_fpscr(uint32_t value): * Set the FPCR and FPSR registers, based on the given value; a * noteworthy point is that unlike 32-bit mode, 64-bit mode FPSR * and FPCR are not responsible for condition codes. */ LEXT(set_fpscr) #if __ARM_VFP__ mov x4, #(FPSR_MASK & 0xFFFF) mov x5, #(FPSR_MASK & 0xFFFF0000) orr x1, x4, x5 and x1, x1, x0 // Clear the bits that don't apply to FPSR mov x4, #(FPCR_MASK & 0xFFFF) mov x5, #(FPCR_MASK & 0xFFFF0000) orr x2, x4, x5 and x2, x2, x0 // Clear the bits that don't apply to FPCR msr FPSR, x1 // Write FPCR msr FPCR, x2 // Write FPSR dsb ish // FPCR requires synchronization #endif ret /* * void update_mdscr(unsigned long clear, unsigned long set) * Clears and sets the specified bits in MDSCR_EL1. * * Setting breakpoints in EL1 is effectively a KTRR bypass. The ability to do so is * controlled by MDSCR.KDE. The MSR to set MDSCR must be present to allow * self-hosted user mode debug. Any checks before the MRS can be skipped with ROP, * so we need to put the checks after the MRS where they can't be skipped. That * still leaves a small window if a breakpoint is set on the instruction * immediately after the MRS. To handle that, we also do a check and then set of * the breakpoint control registers. This allows us to guarantee that a given * core will never have both KDE set and a breakpoint targeting EL1. * * If KDE gets set, unset it and then panic */ .align 2 .globl EXT(update_mdscr) LEXT(update_mdscr) mov x4, #0 mrs x2, MDSCR_EL1 bic x2, x2, x0 orr x2, x2, x1 1: bic x2, x2, #0x2000 msr MDSCR_EL1, x2 #if defined(CONFIG_KERNEL_INTEGRITY) /* * verify KDE didn't get set (including via ROP) * If set, clear it and then panic */ ands x3, x2, #0x2000 orr x4, x4, x3 bne 1b cmp x4, xzr b.ne Lupdate_mdscr_panic #endif ret Lupdate_mdscr_panic: adrp x0, Lupdate_mdscr_panic_str@page add x0, x0, Lupdate_mdscr_panic_str@pageoff b EXT(panic) b . Lupdate_mdscr_panic_str: .asciz "MDSCR.KDE was set" /* * Set MMU Translation Table Base Alternate */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(set_mmu_ttb_alternate) LEXT(set_mmu_ttb_alternate) dsb sy #if defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) mov x1, lr bl EXT(pinst_set_ttbr1) mov lr, x1 #else #if defined(HAS_VMSA_LOCK) #if DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT mrs x1, ARM64_REG_VMSA_LOCK_EL1 and x1, x1, #(VMSA_LOCK_TTBR1_EL1) cbnz x1, L_set_locked_reg_panic #endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */ #endif /* defined(HAS_VMSA_LOCK) */ msr TTBR1_EL1, x0 #endif /* defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) */ isb sy ret #if XNU_MONITOR .section __PPLTEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions #else .text #endif .align 2 .globl EXT(set_mmu_ttb) LEXT(set_mmu_ttb) #if __ARM_KERNEL_PROTECT__ /* All EL1-mode ASIDs are odd. */ orr x0, x0, #(1 << TTBR_ASID_SHIFT) #endif /* __ARM_KERNEL_PROTECT__ */ dsb ish msr TTBR0_EL1, x0 isb sy ret #if XNU_MONITOR .text .align 2 .globl EXT(ml_get_ppl_cpu_data) LEXT(ml_get_ppl_cpu_data) LOAD_PMAP_CPU_DATA x0, x1, x2 ret #endif /* * set AUX control register */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(set_aux_control) LEXT(set_aux_control) msr ACTLR_EL1, x0 // Synchronize system isb sy ret #if __ARM_KERNEL_PROTECT__ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(set_vbar_el1) LEXT(set_vbar_el1) #if defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) b EXT(pinst_set_vbar) #else msr VBAR_EL1, x0 ret #endif #endif /* __ARM_KERNEL_PROTECT__ */ #if defined(HAS_VMSA_LOCK) .text .align 2 .globl EXT(vmsa_lock) LEXT(vmsa_lock) isb sy mov x1, #(VMSA_LOCK_SCTLR_M_BIT) #if __ARM_MIXED_PAGE_SIZE__ mov x0, #(VMSA_LOCK_TTBR1_EL1 | VMSA_LOCK_VBAR_EL1) #else mov x0, #(VMSA_LOCK_TTBR1_EL1 | VMSA_LOCK_TCR_EL1 | VMSA_LOCK_VBAR_EL1) #endif orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_VMSA_LOCK_EL1, x0 isb sy ret #endif /* defined(HAS_VMSA_LOCK) */ /* * set translation control register */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(set_tcr) LEXT(set_tcr) #if defined(APPLE_ARM64_ARCH_FAMILY) #if DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT // Assert that T0Z is always equal to T1Z eor x1, x0, x0, lsr #(TCR_T1SZ_SHIFT - TCR_T0SZ_SHIFT) and x1, x1, #(TCR_TSZ_MASK << TCR_T0SZ_SHIFT) cbnz x1, L_set_tcr_panic #endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */ #endif /* defined(APPLE_ARM64_ARCH_FAMILY) */ #if defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) mov x1, lr bl EXT(pinst_set_tcr) mov lr, x1 #else #if defined(HAS_VMSA_LOCK) #if DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT // assert TCR unlocked mrs x1, ARM64_REG_VMSA_LOCK_EL1 and x1, x1, #(VMSA_LOCK_TCR_EL1) cbnz x1, L_set_locked_reg_panic #endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */ #endif /* defined(HAS_VMSA_LOCK) */ msr TCR_EL1, x0 #endif /* defined(KERNEL_INTRITY_KTRR) */ isb sy ret #if DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT L_set_tcr_panic: PUSH_FRAME sub sp, sp, #16 str x0, [sp] adr x0, L_set_tcr_panic_str BRANCH_EXTERN panic L_set_locked_reg_panic: PUSH_FRAME sub sp, sp, #16 str x0, [sp] adr x0, L_set_locked_reg_panic_str BRANCH_EXTERN panic b . L_set_tcr_panic_str: .asciz "set_tcr: t0sz, t1sz not equal (%llx)\n" L_set_locked_reg_panic_str: .asciz "attempt to set locked register: (%llx)\n" #endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */ /* * MMU kernel virtual to physical address translation */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(mmu_kvtop) LEXT(mmu_kvtop) mrs x2, DAIF // Load current DAIF msr DAIFSet, #(DAIFSC_IRQF | DAIFSC_FIQF) // Disable IRQ at s1e1r, x0 // Translation Stage 1 EL1 isb sy mrs x1, PAR_EL1 // Read result msr DAIF, x2 // Restore interrupt state tbnz x1, #0, L_mmu_kvtop_invalid // Test Translation not valid bfm x1, x0, #0, #11 // Add page offset and x0, x1, #0x0000ffffffffffff // Clear non-address bits ret L_mmu_kvtop_invalid: mov x0, #0 // Return invalid ret /* * MMU user virtual to physical address translation */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(mmu_uvtop) LEXT(mmu_uvtop) lsr x8, x0, #56 // Extract top byte cbnz x8, L_mmu_uvtop_invalid // Tagged pointers are invalid mrs x2, DAIF // Load current DAIF msr DAIFSet, #(DAIFSC_IRQF | DAIFSC_FIQF) // Disable IRQ at s1e0r, x0 // Translation Stage 1 EL0 isb sy mrs x1, PAR_EL1 // Read result msr DAIF, x2 // Restore interrupt state tbnz x1, #0, L_mmu_uvtop_invalid // Test Translation not valid bfm x1, x0, #0, #11 // Add page offset and x0, x1, #0x0000ffffffffffff // Clear non-address bits ret L_mmu_uvtop_invalid: mov x0, #0 // Return invalid ret /* * MMU kernel virtual to physical address preflight write access */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(mmu_kvtop_wpreflight) LEXT(mmu_kvtop_wpreflight) mrs x2, DAIF // Load current DAIF msr DAIFSet, #(DAIFSC_IRQF | DAIFSC_FIQF) // Disable IRQ at s1e1w, x0 // Translation Stage 1 EL1 mrs x1, PAR_EL1 // Read result msr DAIF, x2 // Restore interrupt state tbnz x1, #0, L_mmu_kvtop_wpreflight_invalid // Test Translation not valid bfm x1, x0, #0, #11 // Add page offset and x0, x1, #0x0000ffffffffffff // Clear non-address bits ret L_mmu_kvtop_wpreflight_invalid: mov x0, #0 // Return invalid ret /* * SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER * * Sets up a page fault recovery handler. This macro clobbers x16 and x17. * * label - recovery label * tpidr - persisted thread pointer * old_handler - persisted recovery handler * label_in_adr_range - whether \label is within 1 MB of PC */ .macro SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER label, tpidr=x16, old_handler=x10, label_in_adr_range=0 // Note: x16 and x17 are designated for use as temporaries in // interruptible PAC routines. DO NOT CHANGE THESE REGISTER ASSIGNMENTS. .if \label_in_adr_range==1 // Load the recovery handler address adr x17, \label .else adrp x17, \label@page add x17, x17, \label@pageoff .endif #if defined(HAS_APPLE_PAC) mrs x16, TPIDR_EL1 add x16, x16, TH_RECOVER movk x16, #PAC_DISCRIMINATOR_RECOVER, lsl 48 pacia x17, x16 // Sign with IAKey + blended discriminator #endif mrs \tpidr, TPIDR_EL1 // Load thread pointer ldr \old_handler, [\tpidr, TH_RECOVER] // Save previous recovery handler str x17, [\tpidr, TH_RECOVER] // Set new signed recovery handler .endmacro /* * CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER * * Clears page fault handler set by SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER * * tpidr - thread pointer saved by SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER * old_handler - old recovery handler saved by SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER */ .macro CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER tpidr=x16, old_handler=x10 str \old_handler, [\tpidr, TH_RECOVER] // Restore the previous recovery handler .endmacro .text .align 2 copyio_error: CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER mov x0, #EFAULT // Return an EFAULT error POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG /* * int _bcopyin(const char *src, char *dst, vm_size_t len) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(_bcopyin) LEXT(_bcopyin) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER copyio_error /* If len is less than 16 bytes, just do a bytewise copy */ cmp x2, #16 b.lt 2f sub x2, x2, #16 1: /* 16 bytes at a time */ ldp x3, x4, [x0], #16 stp x3, x4, [x1], #16 subs x2, x2, #16 b.ge 1b /* Fixup the len and test for completion */ adds x2, x2, #16 b.eq 3f 2: /* Bytewise */ subs x2, x2, #1 ldrb w3, [x0], #1 strb w3, [x1], #1 b.hi 2b 3: CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER mov x0, #0 POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG /* * int _copyin_atomic32(const char *src, uint32_t *dst) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(_copyin_atomic32) LEXT(_copyin_atomic32) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER copyio_error ldr w8, [x0] str w8, [x1] mov x0, #0 CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG /* * int _copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals(const char *src, uint32_t value) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(_copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals) LEXT(_copyin_atomic32_wait_if_equals) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER copyio_error ldxr w8, [x0] cmp w8, w1 mov x0, ESTALE b.ne 1f mov x0, #0 wfe 1: clrex CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG /* * int _copyin_atomic64(const char *src, uint32_t *dst) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(_copyin_atomic64) LEXT(_copyin_atomic64) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER copyio_error ldr x8, [x0] str x8, [x1] mov x0, #0 CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG /* * int _copyout_atomic32(uint32_t value, char *dst) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(_copyout_atomic32) LEXT(_copyout_atomic32) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER copyio_error str w0, [x1] mov x0, #0 CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG /* * int _copyout_atomic64(uint64_t value, char *dst) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(_copyout_atomic64) LEXT(_copyout_atomic64) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER copyio_error str x0, [x1] mov x0, #0 CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG /* * int _bcopyout(const char *src, char *dst, vm_size_t len) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(_bcopyout) LEXT(_bcopyout) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER copyio_error /* If len is less than 16 bytes, just do a bytewise copy */ cmp x2, #16 b.lt 2f sub x2, x2, #16 1: /* 16 bytes at a time */ ldp x3, x4, [x0], #16 stp x3, x4, [x1], #16 subs x2, x2, #16 b.ge 1b /* Fixup the len and test for completion */ adds x2, x2, #16 b.eq 3f 2: /* Bytewise */ subs x2, x2, #1 ldrb w3, [x0], #1 strb w3, [x1], #1 b.hi 2b 3: CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER mov x0, #0 POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG /* * int _bcopyinstr( * const user_addr_t user_addr, * char *kernel_addr, * vm_size_t max, * vm_size_t *actual) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(_bcopyinstr) LEXT(_bcopyinstr) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER Lcopyinstr_error, label_in_adr_range=1 mov x4, #0 // x4 - total bytes copied Lcopyinstr_loop: ldrb w5, [x0], #1 // Load a byte from the user source strb w5, [x1], #1 // Store a byte to the kernel dest add x4, x4, #1 // Increment bytes copied cbz x5, Lcopyinstr_done // If this byte is null, we're done cmp x4, x2 // If we're out of space, return an error b.ne Lcopyinstr_loop Lcopyinstr_too_long: mov x5, #ENAMETOOLONG // Set current byte to error code for later return Lcopyinstr_done: str x4, [x3] // Return number of bytes copied mov x0, x5 // Set error code (0 on success, ENAMETOOLONG on failure) b Lcopyinstr_exit Lcopyinstr_error: mov x0, #EFAULT // Return EFAULT on error Lcopyinstr_exit: CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG /* * int copyinframe(const vm_address_t frame_addr, char *kernel_addr, bool is64bit) * * Safely copy sixteen bytes (the fixed top of an ARM64 frame) from * either user or kernel memory, or 8 bytes (AArch32) from user only. * * x0 : address of frame to copy. * x1 : kernel address at which to store data. * w2 : whether to copy an AArch32 or AArch64 frame. * x3 : temp * x5 : temp (kernel virtual base) * x9 : temp * x10 : old recovery function (set by SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER) * x12, x13 : backtrace data * x16 : thread pointer (set by SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER) * */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(copyinframe) LEXT(copyinframe) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME SET_RECOVERY_HANDLER copyio_error cbnz w2, Lcopyinframe64 // Check frame size adrp x5, EXT(gVirtBase)@page // For 32-bit frame, make sure we're not trying to copy from kernel add x5, x5, EXT(gVirtBase)@pageoff ldr x5, [x5] cmp x5, x0 // See if address is in kernel virtual range b.hi Lcopyinframe32 // If below kernel virtual range, proceed. mov w0, #EFAULT // Should never have a 32-bit frame in kernel virtual range b Lcopyinframe_done Lcopyinframe32: ldr x12, [x0] // Copy 8 bytes str x12, [x1] mov w0, #0 // Success b Lcopyinframe_done Lcopyinframe64: mov x3, VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS // Check if kernel address orr x9, x0, TBI_MASK // Hide tags in address comparison cmp x9, x3 // If in kernel address range, skip tag test b.hs Lcopyinframe_valid tst x0, TBI_MASK // Detect tagged pointers b.eq Lcopyinframe_valid mov w0, #EFAULT // Tagged address, fail b Lcopyinframe_done Lcopyinframe_valid: ldp x12, x13, [x0] // Copy 16 bytes stp x12, x13, [x1] mov w0, #0 // Success Lcopyinframe_done: CLEAR_RECOVERY_HANDLER POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG /* * uint32_t arm_debug_read_dscr(void) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(arm_debug_read_dscr) LEXT(arm_debug_read_dscr) PANIC_UNIMPLEMENTED /* * void arm_debug_set_cp14(arm_debug_state_t *debug_state) * * Set debug registers to match the current thread state * (NULL to disable). Assume 6 breakpoints and 2 * watchpoints, since that has been the case in all cores * thus far. */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(arm_debug_set_cp14) LEXT(arm_debug_set_cp14) PANIC_UNIMPLEMENTED #if defined(APPLE_ARM64_ARCH_FAMILY) /* * Note: still have to ISB before executing wfi! */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(arm64_prepare_for_sleep) LEXT(arm64_prepare_for_sleep) PUSH_FRAME #if defined(APPLETYPHOON) // HID_SET_BITS ARM64_REG_HID2, ARM64_REG_HID2_disMMUmtlbPrefetch, x9 dsb sy isb sy #endif #if HAS_CLUSTER cbnz x0, 1f // Skip if deep_sleep == true // Mask FIQ and IRQ to avoid spurious wakeups mrs x9, ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD and x9, x9, #(~(ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD_irq_mask | ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD_fiq_mask)) mov x10, #(ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD_irq_disable | ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD_fiq_disable) orr x9, x9, x10 msr ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD, x9 isb 1: #endif cbz x0, 1f // Skip if deep_sleep == false #if __ARM_GLOBAL_SLEEP_BIT__ // Enable deep sleep mrs x1, ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD orr x1, x1, #(ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD_enDeepSleep) and x1, x1, #(~(ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD_disL2Flush4AccSlp_mask)) orr x1, x1, #( ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD_disL2Flush4AccSlp_deepsleep) and x1, x1, #(~(ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD_ok2PwrDnSRM_mask)) orr x1, x1, #( ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD_ok2PwrDnSRM_deepsleep) and x1, x1, #(~(ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD_ok2TrDnLnk_mask)) orr x1, x1, #( ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD_ok2TrDnLnk_deepsleep) and x1, x1, #(~(ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD_ok2PwrDnCPM_mask)) orr x1, x1, #( ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD_ok2PwrDnCPM_deepsleep) #if HAS_RETENTION_STATE orr x1, x1, #(ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD_disPioOnWfiCpu) #endif msr ARM64_REG_ACC_OVRD, x1 #else // Enable deep sleep mov x1, ARM64_REG_CYC_CFG_deepSleep msr ARM64_REG_CYC_CFG, x1 #endif 1: // Set "OK to power down" () mrs x9, ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD orr x9, x9, #(ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD_ok2pwrdn_force_down) #if HAS_RETENTION_STATE orr x9, x9, #(ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD_disWfiRetn) #endif msr ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD, x9 #if defined(APPLEMONSOON) || defined(APPLEVORTEX) ARM64_IS_PCORE x9 cbz x9, Lwfi_inst // skip if not p-core /* : Flush the GUPS prefetcher prior to * wfi. A Skye HW bug can cause the GUPS prefetcher on p-cores * to be left with valid entries that fail to drain if a * subsequent wfi is issued. This can prevent the core from * power-gating. For the idle case that is recoverable, but * for the deep-sleep (S2R) case in which cores MUST power-gate, * it can lead to a hang. This can be prevented by disabling * and re-enabling GUPS, which forces the prefetch queue to * drain. This should be done as close to wfi as possible, i.e. * at the very end of arm64_prepare_for_sleep(). */ #if defined(APPLEVORTEX) /* : Cyprus A0/A1 parts have a similar * bug in the HSP prefetcher that can be worked around through * the same method mentioned above for Skye. */ mrs x9, MIDR_EL1 EXEC_COREALL_REVLO CPU_VERSION_B0, x9, x10 #endif mrs x9, ARM64_REG_HID10 orr x9, x9, #(ARM64_REG_HID10_DisHwpGups) msr ARM64_REG_HID10, x9 isb sy and x9, x9, #(~(ARM64_REG_HID10_DisHwpGups)) msr ARM64_REG_HID10, x9 isb sy #endif EXEC_END Lwfi_inst: dsb sy isb sy wfi b Lwfi_inst /* * Force WFI to use clock gating only * */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(arm64_force_wfi_clock_gate) LEXT(arm64_force_wfi_clock_gate) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME mrs x0, ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD orr x0, x0, #(ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD_ok2pwrdn_force_up) msr ARM64_REG_CYC_OVRD, x0 POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG #if HAS_RETENTION_STATE .text .align 2 .globl EXT(arm64_retention_wfi) LEXT(arm64_retention_wfi) wfi cbz lr, Lwfi_retention // If lr is 0, we entered retention state and lost all GPRs except sp and pc ret // Otherwise just return to cpu_idle() Lwfi_retention: mov x0, #1 bl EXT(ClearIdlePop) mov x0, #0 bl EXT(cpu_idle_exit) // cpu_idle_exit(from_reset = FALSE) b . // cpu_idle_exit() should never return #endif #if defined(APPLETYPHOON) .text .align 2 .globl EXT(typhoon_prepare_for_wfi) LEXT(typhoon_prepare_for_wfi) PUSH_FRAME // HID_SET_BITS ARM64_REG_HID2, ARM64_REG_HID2_disMMUmtlbPrefetch, x0 dsb sy isb sy POP_FRAME ret .text .align 2 .globl EXT(typhoon_return_from_wfi) LEXT(typhoon_return_from_wfi) PUSH_FRAME // HID_CLEAR_BITS ARM64_REG_HID2, ARM64_REG_HID2_disMMUmtlbPrefetch, x0 dsb sy isb sy POP_FRAME ret #endif #ifdef APPLETYPHOON #define HID0_DEFEATURES_1 0x0000a0c000064010ULL #define HID1_DEFEATURES_1 0x000000004005bf20ULL #define HID2_DEFEATURES_1 0x0000000000102074ULL #define HID3_DEFEATURES_1 0x0000000000400003ULL #define HID4_DEFEATURES_1 0x83ff00e100000268ULL #define HID7_DEFEATURES_1 0x000000000000000eULL #define HID0_DEFEATURES_2 0x0000a1c000020010ULL #define HID1_DEFEATURES_2 0x000000000005d720ULL #define HID2_DEFEATURES_2 0x0000000000002074ULL #define HID3_DEFEATURES_2 0x0000000000400001ULL #define HID4_DEFEATURES_2 0x8390000200000208ULL #define HID7_DEFEATURES_2 0x0000000000000000ULL /* arg0 = target register arg1 = 64-bit constant */ .macro LOAD_UINT64 movz $0, #(($1 >> 48) & 0xffff), lsl #48 movk $0, #(($1 >> 32) & 0xffff), lsl #32 movk $0, #(($1 >> 16) & 0xffff), lsl #16 movk $0, #(($1) & 0xffff) .endmacro .text .align 2 .globl EXT(cpu_defeatures_set) LEXT(cpu_defeatures_set) PUSH_FRAME cmp x0, #2 b.eq cpu_defeatures_set_2 cmp x0, #1 b.ne cpu_defeatures_set_ret LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID0_DEFEATURES_1 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID0 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID0, x0 LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID1_DEFEATURES_1 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID1 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID1, x0 LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID2_DEFEATURES_1 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID2 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID2, x0 LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID3_DEFEATURES_1 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID3 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID3, x0 LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID4_DEFEATURES_1 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID4 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID4, x0 LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID7_DEFEATURES_1 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID7 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID7, x0 dsb sy isb sy b cpu_defeatures_set_ret cpu_defeatures_set_2: LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID0_DEFEATURES_2 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID0 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID0, x0 LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID1_DEFEATURES_2 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID1 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID1, x0 LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID2_DEFEATURES_2 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID2 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID2, x0 LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID3_DEFEATURES_2 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID3 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID3, x0 LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID4_DEFEATURES_2 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID4 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID4, x0 LOAD_UINT64 x1, HID7_DEFEATURES_2 mrs x0, ARM64_REG_HID7 orr x0, x0, x1 msr ARM64_REG_HID7, x0 dsb sy isb sy b cpu_defeatures_set_ret cpu_defeatures_set_ret: POP_FRAME ret #endif #else /* !defined(APPLE_ARM64_ARCH_FAMILY) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(arm64_prepare_for_sleep) LEXT(arm64_prepare_for_sleep) PUSH_FRAME Lwfi_inst: dsb sy isb sy wfi b Lwfi_inst /* * Force WFI to use clock gating only * Note: for non-Apple device, do nothing. */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(arm64_force_wfi_clock_gate) LEXT(arm64_force_wfi_clock_gate) PUSH_FRAME nop POP_FRAME #endif /* defined(APPLE_ARM64_ARCH_FAMILY) */ /* * void arm64_replace_bootstack(cpu_data_t *cpu_data) * * This must be called from a kernel thread context running on the boot CPU, * after setting up new exception stacks in per-CPU data. That will guarantee * that the stack(s) we're trying to replace aren't currently in use. For * KTRR-protected devices, this must also be called prior to VM prot finalization * and lockdown, as updating SP1 requires a sensitive instruction. */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(arm64_replace_bootstack) LEXT(arm64_replace_bootstack) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME // Set the exception stack pointer ldr x0, [x0, CPU_EXCEPSTACK_TOP] mrs x4, DAIF // Load current DAIF; use x4 as pinst may trash x1-x3 msr DAIFSet, #(DAIFSC_IRQF | DAIFSC_FIQF | DAIFSC_ASYNCF) // Disable IRQ/FIQ/serror // Set SP_EL1 to exception stack #if defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_KTRR) || defined(KERNEL_INTEGRITY_CTRR) mov x1, lr bl EXT(pinst_spsel_1) mov lr, x1 #else msr SPSel, #1 #endif mov sp, x0 msr SPSel, #0 msr DAIF, x4 // Restore interrupt state POP_FRAME ARM64_STACK_EPILOG #ifdef MONITOR /* * unsigned long monitor_call(uintptr_t callnum, uintptr_t arg1, uintptr_t arg2, uintptr_t arg3) * * Call the EL3 monitor with 4 arguments in registers * The monitor interface maintains the same ABI as the C function call standard. Callee-saved * registers are preserved, temporary registers are not. Parameters and results are passed in * the usual manner. */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(monitor_call) LEXT(monitor_call) smc 0x11 ret #endif #ifdef HAS_APPLE_PAC /* * SIGN_THREAD_STATE * * Macro that signs thread state. * $0 - Offset in arm_saved_state to store JOPHASH value. */ .macro SIGN_THREAD_STATE pacga x1, x1, x0 /* PC hash (gkey + &arm_saved_state) */ /* * Mask off the carry flag so we don't need to re-sign when that flag is * touched by the system call return path. */ bic x2, x2, PSR_CF pacga x1, x2, x1 /* SPSR hash (gkey + pc hash) */ pacga x1, x3, x1 /* LR Hash (gkey + spsr hash) */ pacga x1, x4, x1 /* X16 hash (gkey + lr hash) */ pacga x1, x5, x1 /* X17 hash (gkey + x16 hash) */ str x1, [x0, $0] #if DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT mrs x1, DAIF tbz x1, #DAIF_IRQF_SHIFT, Lintr_enabled_panic #endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */ .endmacro /* * CHECK_SIGNED_STATE * * Macro that checks signed thread state. * $0 - Offset in arm_saved_state to to read the JOPHASH value from. * $1 - Label to jump to when check is unsuccessful. */ .macro CHECK_SIGNED_STATE pacga x1, x1, x0 /* PC hash (gkey + &arm_saved_state) */ /* * Mask off the carry flag so we don't need to re-sign when that flag is * touched by the system call return path. */ bic x2, x2, PSR_CF pacga x1, x2, x1 /* SPSR hash (gkey + pc hash) */ pacga x1, x3, x1 /* LR Hash (gkey + spsr hash) */ pacga x1, x4, x1 /* X16 hash (gkey + lr hash) */ pacga x1, x5, x1 /* X17 hash (gkey + x16 hash) */ ldr x2, [x0, $0] cmp x1, x2 b.ne $1 #if DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT mrs x1, DAIF tbz x1, #DAIF_IRQF_SHIFT, Lintr_enabled_panic #endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */ .endmacro /** * void ml_sign_thread_state(arm_saved_state_t *ss, uint64_t pc, * uint32_t cpsr, uint64_t lr, uint64_t x16, * uint64_t x17) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(ml_sign_thread_state) LEXT(ml_sign_thread_state) SIGN_THREAD_STATE SS64_JOPHASH ret /** * void ml_sign_kernel_thread_state(arm_kernel_saved_state *ss, uint64_t pc, * uint32_t cpsr, uint64_t lr, uint64_t x16, * uint64_t x17) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(ml_sign_kernel_thread_state) LEXT(ml_sign_kernel_thread_state) SIGN_THREAD_STATE SS64_KERNEL_JOPHASH ret /** * void ml_check_signed_state(arm_saved_state_t *ss, uint64_t pc, * uint32_t cpsr, uint64_t lr, uint64_t x16, * uint64_t x17) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(ml_check_signed_state) LEXT(ml_check_signed_state) CHECK_SIGNED_STATE SS64_JOPHASH, Lcheck_hash_panic ret Lcheck_hash_panic: /* * ml_check_signed_state normally doesn't set up a stack frame, since it * needs to work in the face of attackers that can modify the stack. * However we lazily create one in the panic path: at this point we're * *only* using the stack frame for unwinding purposes, and without one * we'd be missing information about the caller. */ ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME mov x1, x0 adr x0, Lcheck_hash_str CALL_EXTERN panic_with_thread_kernel_state /** * void ml_check_kernel_signed_state(arm_kernel_saved_state *ss, uint64_t pc, * uint32_t cpsr, uint64_t lr, uint64_t x16, * uint64_t x17) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(ml_check_kernel_signed_state) LEXT(ml_check_kernel_signed_state) CHECK_SIGNED_STATE SS64_KERNEL_JOPHASH, Lcheck_kernel_hash_panic ret Lcheck_kernel_hash_panic: ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME adr x0, Lcheck_hash_str CALL_EXTERN panic Lcheck_hash_str: .asciz "JOP Hash Mismatch Detected (PC, CPSR, or LR corruption)" #if DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT Lintr_enabled_panic: ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME adr x0, Lintr_enabled_str CALL_EXTERN panic Lintr_enabled_str: /* * Please see the "Signing spilled register state" section of doc/pac.md * for an explanation of why this is bad and how it should be fixed. */ .asciz "Signed thread state manipulated with interrupts enabled" #endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */ /** * void ml_auth_thread_state_invalid_cpsr(arm_saved_state_t *ss) * * Panics due to an invalid CPSR value in ss. */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(ml_auth_thread_state_invalid_cpsr) LEXT(ml_auth_thread_state_invalid_cpsr) ARM64_STACK_PROLOG PUSH_FRAME mov x1, x0 adr x0, Linvalid_cpsr_str CALL_EXTERN panic_with_thread_kernel_state Linvalid_cpsr_str: .asciz "Thread state corruption detected (PE mode == 0)" #endif /* HAS_APPLE_PAC */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(fill32_dczva) LEXT(fill32_dczva) 0: dc zva, x0 add x0, x0, #64 subs x1, x1, #64 b.hi 0b ret .text .align 2 .globl EXT(fill32_nt) LEXT(fill32_nt) dup.4s v0, w2 0: stnp q0, q0, [x0] stnp q0, q0, [x0, #0x20] stnp q0, q0, [x0, #0x40] stnp q0, q0, [x0, #0x60] add x0, x0, #128 subs x1, x1, #128 b.hi 0b ret /* vim: set sw=4 ts=4: */