/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include "assym.s" /* * save_vfp_registers * * Expects a pointer to the VFP save area in r3; saves the callee-saved registers to that save area. * Clobbers r2 and r3. */ .macro save_vfp_registers #if __ARM_VFP__ fmrx r2, fpscr // Get the current FPSCR... str r2, [r3, VSS_FPSCR] // ...and save it to the save area add r3, r3, #64 // Only s16-s31 are callee-saved #if (__ARM_VFP__ >= 3) vstmia.64 r3!, {d8-d11} vstmia.64 r3!, {d12-d15} #else fstmias r3!, {s16-s31} #endif /* __ARM_VFP__ >= 3 */ #endif /* __ARM_VFP__ */ .endmacro /* * load_vfp_registers * * Expects a pointer to the VFP save area in r3; loads the callee-saved registers from that save area. * Clobbers r2 and r3. */ .macro load_vfp_registers #if __ARM_VFP__ add r2, r3, #64 // Only s16-s31 are callee-saved #if (__ARM_VFP__ >= 3) vldmia.64 r2!, {d8-d11} vldmia.64 r2!, {d12-d15} #else fldmias r2!, {s16-s31} #endif /* __ARM_VFP__ >= 3 */ ldr r3, [r3, VSS_FPSCR] // Get our saved FPSCR value... fmxr fpscr, r3 // ...and restore it #endif /* __ARM_VFP__ */ .endmacro /* * void machine_load_context(thread_t thread) * * Load the context for the first thread to run on a * cpu, and go. */ .syntax unified .text .align 2 .globl EXT(machine_load_context) LEXT(machine_load_context) mcr p15, 0, r0, c13, c0, 4 // Write TPIDRPRW ldr r1, [r0, TH_CTH_SELF] mrc p15, 0, r2, c13, c0, 3 // Read TPIDRURO and r2, r2, #3 // Extract cpu number orr r1, r1, r2 // mcr p15, 0, r1, c13, c0, 3 // Write TPIDRURO mov r1, #0 mcr p15, 0, r1, c13, c0, 2 // Write TPIDRURW mov r7, #0 // Clear frame pointer ldr r3, [r0, TH_KSTACKPTR] // Get kernel stack top mov r0, #0 // no param add r3, r3, SS_R4 ldmia r3!, {r4-r14} // Load thread status bx lr // Return /* * typedef void (*thread_continue_t)(void *param, wait_result_t) * * void Call_continuation( thread_continue_t continuation, * void *param, * wait_result_t wresult, * bool enable interrupts) */ .text .align 5 .globl EXT(Call_continuation) LEXT(Call_continuation) mrc p15, 0, r9, c13, c0, 4 // Read TPIDRPRW ldr sp, [r9, TH_KSTACKPTR] // Set stack pointer mov r7, #0 // Clear frame pointer mov r4,r0 // Load continuation mov r5,r1 // continuation parameter mov r6,r2 // Set wait result arg teq r3, #0 beq 1f mov r0, #1 bl _ml_set_interrupts_enabled 1: mov r0,r5 // Set first parameter mov r1,r6 // Set wait result arg blx r4 // Branch to continuation mrc p15, 0, r0, c13, c0, 4 // Read TPIDRPRW LOAD_ADDR_PC(thread_terminate) b . // Not reach /* * thread_t Switch_context(thread_t old, * void (*cont)(void), * thread_t new) */ .text .align 5 .globl EXT(Switch_context) LEXT(Switch_context) teq r1, #0 // Test if blocking on continuaton bne switch_threads // No need to save GPR/NEON state if we are #if __ARM_VFP__ mov r1, r2 // r2 will be clobbered by the save, so preserve it ldr r3, [r0, TH_KSTACKPTR] // Get old kernel stack top add r3, r3, SS_KVFP // Get the kernel VFP save area for the old thread... save_vfp_registers // ...and save our VFP state to it mov r2, r1 // Restore r2 (the new thread pointer) #endif /* __ARM_VFP__ */ ldr r3, [r0, TH_KSTACKPTR] // Get old kernel stack top add r3, r3, SS_R4 stmia r3!, {r4-r14} // Save general registers to pcb switch_threads: ldr r3, [r2, TH_KSTACKPTR] // get kernel stack top mcr p15, 0, r2, c13, c0, 4 // Write TPIDRPRW ldr r6, [r2, TH_CTH_SELF] mrc p15, 0, r5, c13, c0, 3 // Read TPIDRURO and r5, r5, #3 // Extract cpu number orr r6, r6, r5 mcr p15, 0, r6, c13, c0, 3 // Write TPIDRURO mov r6, #0 mcr p15, 0, r6, c13, c0, 2 // Write TPIDRURW load_reg: add r3, r3, SS_R4 ldmia r3!, {r4-r14} // Restore new thread status #if __ARM_VFP__ ldr r3, [r2, TH_KSTACKPTR] // get kernel stack top add r3, r3, SS_KVFP // Get the kernel VFP save area for the new thread... load_vfp_registers // ...and load the saved state #endif /* __ARM_VFP__ */ bx lr // Return /* * thread_t Shutdown_context(void (*doshutdown)(processor_t), processor_t processor) * */ .text .align 5 .globl EXT(Shutdown_context) LEXT(Shutdown_context) mrc p15, 0, r9, c13, c0, 4 // Read TPIDRPRW #if __ARM_VFP__ ldr r3, [r9, TH_KSTACKPTR] // get kernel stack top add r3, r3, SS_KVFP // Get the kernel VFP save area for the current thread... save_vfp_registers // ...and save our VFP state to it #endif ldr r3, [r9, TH_KSTACKPTR] // Get kernel stack top add r3, r3, SS_R4 stmia r3!, {r4-r14} // Save general registers to pcb cpsid if // Disable FIQ IRQ ldr r12, [r9, ACT_CPUDATAP] // Get current cpu ldr sp, [r12, CPU_ISTACKPTR] // Switch to interrupt stack LOAD_ADDR_PC(cpu_doshutdown) /* * thread_t Idle_context(void) * */ .text .align 5 .globl EXT(Idle_context) LEXT(Idle_context) mrc p15, 0, r9, c13, c0, 4 // Read TPIDRPRW #if __ARM_VFP__ ldr r3, [r9, TH_KSTACKPTR] // get kernel stack top add r3, r3, SS_KVFP // Get the kernel VFP save area for the current thread... save_vfp_registers // ...and save our VFP state to it #endif ldr r3, [r9, TH_KSTACKPTR] // Get kernel stack top add r3, r3, SS_R4 stmia r3!, {r4-r14} // Save general registers to pcb ldr r12, [r9, ACT_CPUDATAP] // Get current cpu ldr sp, [r12, CPU_ISTACKPTR] // Switch to interrupt stack LOAD_ADDR_PC(cpu_idle) /* * thread_t Idle_context(void) * */ .text .align 5 .globl EXT(Idle_load_context) LEXT(Idle_load_context) mrc p15, 0, r12, c13, c0, 4 // Read TPIDRPRW ldr r3, [r12, TH_KSTACKPTR] // Get kernel stack top add r3, r3, SS_R4 ldmia r3!, {r4-r14} // Restore new thread status #if __ARM_VFP__ ldr r3, [r9, TH_KSTACKPTR] // get kernel stack top add r3, r3, SS_KVFP // Get the kernel VFP save area for the current thread... load_vfp_registers // ...and load the saved state #endif bx lr // Return /* * void vfp_save(struct arm_vfpsaved_state *vfp_ss) */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(vfp_save) LEXT(vfp_save) #if __ARM_VFP__ fmrx r1, fpscr // Get the current FPSCR... str r1, [r0, VSS_FPSCR] // ...and save it to the save area #if (__ARM_VFP__ >= 3) vstmia.64 r0!, {d0-d3} // Save vfp registers vstmia.64 r0!, {d4-d7} vstmia.64 r0!, {d8-d11} vstmia.64 r0!, {d12-d15} vstmia.64 r0!, {d16-d19} vstmia.64 r0!, {d20-d23} vstmia.64 r0!, {d24-d27} vstmia.64 r0!, {d28-d31} #else fstmias r0!, {s0-s31} // Save vfp registers #endif #endif /* __ARM_VFP__ */ bx lr // Return /* * void vfp_load(struct arm_vfpsaved_state *vfp_ss) * * Loads the state in vfp_ss into the VFP registers. */ .text .align 2 .globl EXT(vfp_load) LEXT(vfp_load) #if __ARM_VFP__ /* r0: vfp_ss, r1: unused, r2: unused, r3: unused */ mov r1, r0 #if (__ARM_VFP__ >= 3) vldmia.64 r0!, {d0-d3} // Restore vfp registers vldmia.64 r0!, {d4-d7} vldmia.64 r0!, {d8-d11} vldmia.64 r0!, {d12-d15} vldmia.64 r0!, {d16-d19} vldmia.64 r0!, {d20-d23} vldmia.64 r0!, {d24-d27} vldmia.64 r0!, {d28-d31} #else fldmias r0!, {s0-s31} // Restore vfp registers #endif /* __ARM_VFP__ >= 3 */ ldr r1, [r1, VSS_FPSCR] // Get fpscr from the save state... fmxr fpscr, r1 // ...and load it into the register #endif /* __ARM_VFP__ */ bx lr // Return #include "globals_asm.h" LOAD_ADDR_GEN_DEF(thread_terminate) LOAD_ADDR_GEN_DEF(cpu_doshutdown) LOAD_ADDR_GEN_DEF(cpu_idle) /* vim: set ts=4: */