/* * @OSF_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: err_kern.sub * Author: Douglas Orr, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: Mar, 1988 * * error codes for Mach and Unix kernels */ static const char * err_codes_kern[] = { "(os/kern) successful", /* 0 */ "(os/kern) invalid address", "(os/kern) protection failure", "(os/kern) no space available", "(os/kern) invalid argument", "(os/kern) failure", /* 5 */ "(os/kern) resource shortage", "(os/kern) not receiver", "(os/kern) no access", "(os/kern) memory failure", "(os/kern) memory error", /* 10 */ "(os/kern) already in set", "(os/kern) not in set", "(os/kern) name exists", "(os/kern) aborted", "(os/kern) invalid name", /* 15 */ "(os/kern) invalid task", "(os/kern) invalid right", "(os/kern) invalid value", "(os/kern) urefs overflow", "(os/kern) invalid capability", /* 20 */ "(os/kern) right exists", "(os/kern) invalid host", "(os/kern) memory present", "(os/kern) memory data moved", "(os/kern) memory restart copy", /* 25 */ "(os/kern) invalid processor set", "(os/kern) policy limit", "(os/kern) invalid policy", "(os/kern) invalid object", "(os/kern) already waiting", /* 30 */ "(os/kern) default set", "(os/kern) exception protected", "(os/kern) invalid ledger", "(os/kern) invalid memory control", "(os/kern) invalid security", /* 35 */ "(os/kern) not depressed", "(os/kern) object terminated", "(os/kern) lock set destroyed", "(os/kern) lock unstable", "(os/kern) lock owned by another", /* 40 */ "(os/kern) lock owned by self", "(os/kern) semaphore destroyed", "(os/kern) RPC terminated", "(os/kern) terminate orphan", "(os/kern) let orphan continue", /* 45 */ "(os/kern) service not supported", "(os/kern) remote node down", }; static const char * err_codes_unix[] = { NO_SUCH_ERROR, "(os/unix) no rights to object", "(os/unix) file or directory does not exist", "(os/unix) no such process", "(os/unix) interrupted system call", "(os/unix) i/o error", "(os/unix) device does not exist", "(os/unix) argument list is too long", "(os/unix) invalid executable object format", "(os/unix) bad file descriptor number", "(os/unix) no child processes are present", "(os/unix) no more processes are available", "(os/unix) insufficient memory", "(os/unix) access denied", "(os/unix) memory access fault", "(os/unix) block device required for operation", "(os/unix) mount device busy", "(os/unix) file already exists", "(os/unix) cross device link", "(os/unix) device does not exist", "(os/unix) object is not a directory", "(os/unix) object is a directory", "(os/unix) invalid argument", "(os/unix) internal file table overflow", "(os/unix) maximum number of open files reached", "(os/unix) object is not a tty-like device", "(os/unix) executable object is in use", "(os/unix) file is too large", "(os/unix) no space is left on device", "(os/unix) illegal seek attempt", "(os/unix) read-only file system", "(os/unix) too many links", "(os/unix) broken pipe", "(os/unix) argument is too large", "(os/unix) result is out of range", "(os/unix) operation on device would block", "(os/unix) operation is now in progress", "(os/unix) operation is already in progress", "(os/unix) socket operation attempted on non-socket object", "(os/unix) destination address is required", "(os/unix) message is too long", "(os/unix) protocol type is incorrect for socket", "(os/unix) protocol type is not availaible", "(os/unix) protocol type is not supported", "(os/unix) socket type is not supported", "(os/unix) operation is not supported on sockets", "(os/unix) protocol family is not supported", "(os/unix) address family is not supported by protocol family", "(os/unix) address is already in use", "(os/unix) can't assign requested address", "(os/unix) network is down", "(os/unix) network is unreachable", "(os/unix) network dropped connection on reset", "(os/unix) software aborted connection", "(os/unix) connection reset by peer", "(os/unix) no buffer space is available", "(os/unix) socket is already connected", "(os/unix) socket is not connected", "(os/unix) can't send after socket shutdown", "(os/unix) too many references; can't splice", "(os/unix) connection timed out", "(os/unix) connection was refused", "(os/unix) too many levels of symbolic links", "(os/unix) file name exceeds system maximum limit", "(os/unix) host is down", "(os/unix) there is no route to host", "(os/unix) directory is not empty", "(os/unix) quota on number of processes exceeded", "(os/unix) quota on number of users exceeded", "(os/unix) quota on available disk space exceeded", }; static const struct error_subsystem err_os_sub[] = { { "(os/kern)", errlib_count(err_codes_kern), err_codes_kern, }, { "(os/?)", 0, }, { "(os/?)", 0, }, { "(os/unix)", errlib_count(err_codes_unix), err_codes_unix, }, };