2 * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the
10 * License may not be used to create, or enable the creation or
11 * redistribution of, unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating
12 * system, or to circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or
13 * violation of, any terms of an Apple operating system software license
16 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
17 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
20 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
21 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
25 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
26 * limitations under the License.
30 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
33 ** C routines that we are adding to the MacOS X kernel.
35 -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
37 #include <ppc/exception.h>
39 #ifndef _VEMULATION_H_
40 #define _VEMULATION_H_
42 /*************************************************************************************
43 External Emulation Types
44 **************************************************************************************/
46 typedef union vmm_vector_register_t
50 } vmm_vector_register_t
52 typedef union vmm_fp_register_t
60 typedef struct vmm_regs32_t
62 unsigned long ppcPC
; /* 000 */
63 unsigned long ppcMSR
; /* 004 */
65 unsigned long ppcGPRs
[32]; /* 008 */
67 unsigned long ppcCR
; /* 088 */
68 unsigned long ppcXER
; /* 08C */
69 unsigned long ppcLR
; /* 090 */
70 unsigned long ppcCTR
; /* 094 */
71 unsigned long ppcMQ
; /* 098 - Obsolete */
72 unsigned long ppcVRSave
; /* 09C */
73 unsigned long ppcRsrvd0A0
[40]; /* 0A0 */
77 #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
78 typedef struct vmm_regs64_t
80 unsigned long long ppcPC
; /* 000 */
81 unsigned long long ppcMSR
; /* 008 */
83 unsigned long long ppcGPRs
[32]; /* 010 */
85 unsigned long long ppcXER
; /* 110 */
86 unsigned long long ppcLR
; /* 118 */
87 unsigned long long ppcCTR
; /* 120 */
88 unsigned long ppcCR
; /* 128 */
89 unsigned long ppcVRSave
; /* 12C */
90 unsigned long ppcRsvd130
[4]; /* 130 */
96 #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
97 typedef union vmm_regs_t
98 vmm_regs32_t ppcRegs32
99 vmm_regs64_t ppcRegs64
103 #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
104 typedef struct vmm_processor_state_t
106 vmm_regs_t ppcRegs
; /* Define registers areas */
108 /* We must be 16-byte aligned here */
110 vmm_vector_register_t ppcVRs
[32]; /* These are only valid after a kVmmGetVectorState */
111 vmm_vector_register_t ppcVSCR
; /* This is always loaded/saved at host/guest transition */
113 /* We must be 8-byte aligned here */
115 vmm_fp_register_t ppcFPRs
[32]; /* These are only valid after a kVmmGetFloatState */
116 vmm_fp_register_t ppcFPSCR
; /* This is always loaded/saved at host/guest transition */
117 unsigned long ppcReserved2
[2]; /* Pad out to multiple of 16 bytes */
118 } vmm_processor_state_t
121 typedef unsigned long vmm_return_code_t
123 typedef unsigned long vmm_thread_index_t
124 #define vmmTInum 0x000000FF
125 #define vmmTIadsp 0x0000FF00
126 typedef unsigned long vmm_adsp_id_t
129 kVmmCurMajorVersion
= 0x0001,
130 kVmmCurMinorVersion
= 0x0007,
131 kVmmMinMajorVersion
= 0x0001,
133 #define kVmmCurrentVersion ((kVmmCurMajorVersion << 16) | kVmmCurMinorVersion)
135 typedef unsigned long vmm_features_t
137 kVmmFeature_LittleEndian
= 0x00000001,
138 kVmmFeature_Stop
= 0x00000002,
139 kVmmFeature_ExtendedMapping
= 0x00000004,
140 kVmmFeature_ListMapping
= 0x00000008,
141 kVmmFeature_FastAssist
= 0x00000010,
142 kVmmFeature_XA
= 0x00000020,
143 kVmmFeature_SixtyFourBit
= 0x00000040,
144 kVmmFeature_MultAddrSpace
= 0x00000080,
145 kVmmFeature_GuestShadowAssist
= 0x00000100, /* Guest->physical shadow hash table */
146 kVmmFeature_GlobalMappingAssist
= 0x00000200, /* Global shadow mapping support */
147 kVmmFeature_HostShadowAssist
= 0x00000400, /* Linear shadow mapping of an area of
148 host virtual as guest physical */
149 kVmmFeature_MultAddrSpaceAssist
= 0x00000800, /* Expanded pool of guest virtual
152 #define kVmmCurrentFeatures (kVmmFeature_LittleEndian | kVmmFeature_Stop | kVmmFeature_ExtendedMapping \
153 | kVmmFeature_ListMapping | kVmmFeature_FastAssist | kVmmFeature_XA \
154 | kVmmFeature_GuestShadowAssist)
157 vmm64Bit
= 0x80000000, /* Make guest 64-bit */
158 vmmGSA
= 0x40000000, /* Enable guest shadow assist (GSA) */
159 vmmGMA
= 0x20000000, /* Enable global shadow mapping assist (GMA) */
162 #define kVmmSupportedSetXA (vmm64Bit | vmmGSA | vmmGMA)
164 typedef unsigned long vmm_version_t
166 typedef struct vmm_ret_parms32_t
167 unsigned long return_params
170 typedef struct vmm_ret_parms64_t
171 unsigned long long return_params
174 #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
175 typedef union vmm_ret_parms_t
176 vmm_ret_parms64_t vmmrp64
; /* 64-bit flavor */
177 vmm_ret_parms32_t vmmrp32
; /* 32-bit flavor */
178 unsigned int retgas
[11]; /* Force this to be 11 words long */
182 #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
183 typedef struct vmm_fastassist_state32_t
184 unsigned long fastassist_dispatch
185 unsigned long fastassist_refcon
187 unsigned long fastassist_dispatch_code
188 unsigned long fastassist_parameter
190 unsigned long guest_register
192 unsigned long guest_pc
193 unsigned long guest_msr
195 unsigned long fastassist_intercepts
196 unsigned long fastassist_reserved1
197 } vmm_fastassist_state32_t
199 typedef struct vmm_fastassist_state64_t
200 unsigned long long fastassist_dispatch
201 unsigned long long fastassist_refcon
203 unsigned long long fastassist_dispatch_code
204 unsigned long long fastassist_parameter
206 unsigned long long guest_register
208 unsigned long long guest_pc
209 unsigned long long guest_msr
211 unsigned long fastassist_intercepts
212 unsigned long fastassist_reserved1
213 } vmm_fastassist_state64_t
215 typedef union vmm_fastassist_state_t
216 vmm_fastassist_state64_t vmmfs64
; /* 64-bit flavor */
217 vmm_fastassist_state32_t vmmfs32
; /* 32-bit flavor */
218 } vmm_fastassist_state_t
221 #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
222 typedef struct vmm_state_page_t
223 /* This structure must remain below 4Kb (one page) in size */
224 vmm_version_t interface_version
225 vmm_thread_index_t thread_index
226 unsigned int vmmStat
; /* Note: this field is identical to vmmFlags in vmmCntrlEntry */
227 unsigned int vmmCntrl
228 #define vmmFloatLoad 0x80000000
229 #define vmmFloatLoadb 0
230 #define vmmVectLoad 0x40000000
231 #define vmmVectLoadb 1
232 #define vmmVectVRall 0x20000000
233 #define vmmVectVRallb 2
234 #define vmmVectVAss 0x10000000
235 #define vmmVectVAssb 3
236 #define vmmXStart 0x08000000
238 #define vmmKey 0x04000000
240 #define vmmFamEna 0x02000000
242 #define vmmFamSet 0x01000000
245 vmm_return_code_t return_code
246 vmm_ret_parms_t vmmRet
248 /* The next portion of the structure must remain 32-byte aligned */
249 vmm_processor_state_t vmm_proc_state
251 /* The next portion of the structure must remain 16-byte aligned */
252 vmm_fastassist_state_t vmm_fastassist_state
257 #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
258 typedef struct vmm_comm_page_t
260 vmm_state_page_t vmcpState
; /* Reserve area for state */
261 unsigned int vmcpPad
[768]; /* Reserve space for 3/4 page state area */
263 unsigned int vmcpComm
[256]; /* Define last 1024 bytes as a communications area - function specific */
268 /* Function Indices (passed in r3) */
269 kVmmGetVersion
= 0, /* Get VMM system version */
270 kVmmvGetFeatures
, /* Get VMM supported features */
271 kVmmInitContext
, /* Initialize a context */
272 kVmmTearDownContext
, /* Destroy a context */
273 kVmmTearDownAll
, /* Destory all contexts */
274 kVmmMapPage
, /* Map a host to guest address space */
275 kVmmGetPageMapping
, /* Get host address of a guest page */
276 kVmmUnmapPage
, /* Unmap a guest page */
277 kVmmUnmapAllPages
, /* Unmap all pages in a guest address space */
278 kVmmGetPageDirtyFlag
, /* Check if guest page modified */
279 kVmmGetFloatState
, /* Retrieve guest floating point context */
280 kVmmGetVectorState
, /* Retrieve guest vector context */
281 kVmmSetTimer
, /* Set a guest timer */
282 kVmmGetTimer
, /* Get a guest timer */
283 kVmmExecuteVM
, /* Launch a guest */
284 kVmmProtectPage
, /* Set protection attributes for a guest page */
285 kVmmMapExecute
, /* Map guest page and launch */
286 kVmmProtectExecute
, /* Set prot attributes and launch */
287 kVmmMapList
, /* Map a list of pages into guest address spaces */
288 kVmmUnmapList
, /* Unmap a list of pages from guest address spaces */
289 kvmmExitToHost
, /* Exit from FAM to host -- fast-path syscall */
290 kvmmResumeGuest
, /* Resume guest from FAM -- fast-path syscall */
291 kvmmGetGuestRegister
, /* Get guest register from FAM -- fast-path syscall */
292 kvmmSetGuestRegister
, /* Set guest register from FAM -- fast-path syscall */
294 kVmmActivateXA
, /* Activate extended architecture features for a VM */
295 kVmmDeactivateXA
, /* Deactivate extended architecture features for a VM */
296 kVmmGetXA
, /* Get extended architecture features from a VM */
298 kVmmMapPage64
, /* Map a host to guest address space - supports 64-bit */
299 kVmmGetPageMapping64
, /* Get host address of a guest page - supports 64-bit */
300 kVmmUnmapPage64
, /* Unmap a guest page - supports 64-bit */
301 kVmmGetPageDirtyFlag64
, /* Check if guest page modified - supports 64-bit */
302 kVmmProtectPage64
, /* Set protection attributes for a guest page - supports 64-bit */
303 kVmmMapExecute64
, /* Map guest page and launch - supports 64-bit */
304 kVmmProtectExecute64
, /* Set prot attributes and launch - supports 64-bit */
305 kVmmMapList64
, /* Map a list of pages into guest address spaces - supports 64-bit */
306 kVmmUnmapList64
, /* Unmap a list of pages from guest address spaces - supports 64-bit */
307 kVmmMaxAddr
, /* Returns the maximum virtual address that is mappable */
309 kVmmSetGuestMemory
, /* Sets base and extent of guest physical memory in host address space */
310 kVmmPurgeLocal
, /* Purges all non-global mappings for a given guest address space */
313 #define kVmmReturnNull 0
314 #define kVmmBogusContext 1
315 #define kVmmStopped 2
316 #define kVmmReturnDataPageFault 3
317 #define kVmmReturnInstrPageFault 4
318 #define kVmmReturnAlignmentFault 6
319 #define kVmmReturnProgramException 7
320 #define kVmmReturnSystemCall 12
321 #define kVmmReturnTraceException 13
322 #define kVmmAltivecAssist 22
323 #define kVmmInvalidAddress 0x1000
324 #define kVmmInvalidAdSpace 0x1001
327 * Notes on guest address spaces.
329 * Address spaces are loosely coupled to virtual machines. The default is for
330 * a guest with an index of 1 to use address space 1, 2 to use 2, etc. However,
331 * any guest may be launched using any address space and any address space may be the
332 * target for a map or unmap function. Note that the (un)map list functions may pass in
333 * an address space ID on a page-by-page basis.
335 * An address space is instantiated either explicitly by mapping something into it, or
336 * implicitly by launching a guest with it.
338 * An address space is destroyed explicitly by kVmmTearDownAll or kVmmUnmapAllPages. It is
339 * destroyed implicitly by kVmmTearDownContext. The latter is done in order to remain
340 * backwards compatible with the previous implementation, which does not have decoupled
341 * guests and address spaces.
343 * An address space supports the maximum virtual address supported by the processor.
344 * The 64-bit variant of the mapping functions can be used on non-64-bit machines. If an
345 * unmappable address (e.g., an address larger than 4GB-1 on a 32-bit machine) is requested,
346 * the operation fails with a kVmmInvalidAddress return code.
348 * Note that for 64-bit calls, both host and guest are specified at 64-bit values.
356 * Storage Extended Protection modes
358 * To keep compatibility, vmmKey and the PPC key have reversed meanings,
359 * i.e., vmmKey 0 is PPC key 1 and vice versa.
364 * kVmmProtNARW not accessible read/write VM_PROT_NONE (not settable via VM calls)
365 * kVmmProtRORW read only read/write
366 * kVmmProtRWRW read/write read/write VM_PROT_WRITE or (VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_READ)
367 * kVmmProtRORO read only read only VM_PROT_READ
371 #define kVmmProtXtnd 0x00000008
372 #define kVmmProtNARW (kVmmProtXtnd | 0x00000000)
373 #define kVmmProtRORW (kVmmProtXtnd | 0x00000001)
374 #define kVmmProtRWRW (kVmmProtXtnd | 0x00000002)
375 #define kVmmProtRORO (kVmmProtXtnd | 0x00000003)
379 * The last 12 bits in the guest virtual address is used as flags as follows:
380 * 0x007 - for the map calls, this is the key to set
381 * 0x3F0 - for both map and unmap, this is the address space ID upon which to operate.
382 * Note that if 0, the address space ID from the function call is used instead.
385 typedef struct vmmMList
386 unsigned int vmlva
; /* Virtual address in host address space */
387 unsigned int vmlava
; /* Virtual address in guest address space */
390 typedef struct vmmMList64
391 unsigned long long vmlva
; /* Virtual address in host address space */
392 unsigned long long vmlava
; /* Virtual address in guest address space */
395 typedef struct vmmUMList
396 unsigned int vmlava
; /* Virtual address in guest address space */
399 typedef struct vmmUMList64
400 unsigned long long vmlava
; /* Virtual address in guest address space */
403 #define vmmlFlgs 0x00000FFF /* Flags passed in in vmlava low order 12 bits */
404 #define vmmlProt 0x00000007 /* Protection flags for the page */
405 #define vmmlAdID 0x000003F0 /* Guest address space ID - used only if non-zero */
406 #define vmmlGlob 0x00000400 /* Mapping is global */
407 #define vmmlRsvd 0x00000800 /* Reserved for future */
409 /*************************************************************************************
410 Internal Emulation Types
411 **************************************************************************************/
413 #define kVmmMaxContexts 32
414 #define kVmmMaxUnmapPages 64
415 #define kVmmMaxMapPages 64
417 #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
418 typedef struct vmmCntrlEntry
{ /* Virtual Machine Monitor control table entry */
419 unsigned int vmmFlags
; /* Assorted control flags */
420 #define vmmInUse 0x80000000
422 #define vmmFloatCngd 0x40000000
423 #define vmmFloatCngdb 1
424 #define vmmVectCngd 0x20000000
425 #define vmmVectCngdb 2
426 #define vmmTimerPop 0x10000000
427 #define vmmTimerPopb 3
428 #define vmmFAMmode 0x04000000
429 #define vmmFAMmodeb 5
430 #define vmmXStop 0x00800000
432 #define vmmSpfSave 0x000000FF
433 #define vmmSpfSaveb 24
434 unsigned int vmmXAFlgs
; /* Extended Architecture flags */
435 vmm_state_page_t
; /* Kernel address of context communications area */
436 ppnum_t vmmContextPhys
; /* Physical address of context communications area */
437 vmm_state_page_t
; /* User address of context communications area */
438 facility_context vmmFacCtx
; /* Header for vector and floating point contexts */
439 pmap_t vmmPmap
; /* Last dispatched pmap */
440 uint64_t vmmTimer
; /* Last set timer value. Zero means unset */
441 unsigned int vmmFAMintercept
; /* FAM intercepted exceptions */
445 #pragma pack(4) /* Make sure the structure stays as we defined it */
446 typedef struct vmmCntrlTable
{ /* Virtual Machine Monitor Control table */
447 unsigned int vmmGFlags
; /* Global flags */
448 #define vmmLastAdSp 0xFF /* Remember the address space that was mapped last */
449 addr64_t vmmLastMap
; /* Last vaddr mapping made */
450 vmmCntrlEntry vmmc
]; /* One entry for each possible Virtual Machine Monitor context */
451 pmap_t vmmAdsp
]; /* Guest address space pmaps */
455 /* function decls for kernel level routines... */
456 extern void vmm_execute_vm(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
457 extern kern_return_t
vmm_tear_down_context(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
458 extern kern_return_t
vmm_get_float_state(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
459 extern kern_return_t
vmm_get_vector_state(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
460 extern kern_return_t
vmm_set_timer(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
, unsigned int timerhi
, unsigned int timerlo
461 extern kern_return_t
vmm_get_timer(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
462 extern void vmm_tear_down_all(thread_t act
463 extern kern_return_t
vmm_map_page(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t hindex
, addr64_t cva
464 addr64_t ava
, vm_prot_t prot
465 extern vmm_return_code_t
vmm_map_execute(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t hindex
, addr64_t cva
466 addr64_t ava
, vm_prot_t prot
467 extern kern_return_t
vmm_protect_page(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t hindex
, addr64_t va
469 extern vmm_return_code_t
vmm_protect_execute(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t hindex
, addr64_t va
471 extern addr64_t
vmm_get_page_mapping(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
473 extern kern_return_t
vmm_unmap_page(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
, addr64_t va
474 extern void vmm_unmap_all_pages(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
475 extern boolean_t
vmm_get_page_dirty_flag(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
476 addr64_t va
, unsigned int reset
477 extern kern_return_t
vmm_activate_XA(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
, unsigned int xaflags
478 extern kern_return_t
vmm_deactivate_XA(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
, unsigned int xaflags
479 extern unsigned int vmm_get_XA(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
480 extern int vmm_get_features(struct savearea
481 extern int vmm_get_version(struct savearea
482 extern int vmm_init_context(struct savearea
483 extern int vmm_dispatch(struct savearea
484 extern int vmm_exit(thread_t act
, struct savearea
485 extern void vmm_force_exit(thread_t act
, struct savearea
486 extern int vmm_stop_vm(struct savearea
487 extern void vmm_timer_pop(thread_t act
488 extern void vmm_interrupt(ReturnHandler
, thread_t act
489 extern kern_return_t
vmm_map_list(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
, unsigned int cnt
, unsigned int flavor
490 extern kern_return_t
vmm_unmap_list(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
, unsigned int cnt
, unsigned int flavor
491 extern vmm_return_code_t
vmm_resume_guest(vmm_thread_index_t index
, unsigned long pc
492 unsigned long vmmCntrl
, unsigned long vmmCntrMaskl
493 extern vmm_return_code_t
vmm_exit_to_host(vmm_thread_index_t index
494 extern unsigned long vmm_get_guest_register(vmm_thread_index_t index
, unsigned long reg_index
495 extern vmm_return_code_t
vmm_set_guest_register(vmm_thread_index_t index
, unsigned long reg_index
, unsigned long reg_value
496 extern addr64_t
vmm_max_addr(thread_t act
497 extern kern_return_t
vmm_set_guest_memory(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index
, addr64_t base
, addr64_t extent
498 extern kern_return_t
vmm_purge_local(thread_t act
, vmm_thread_index_t index