// This is the configuration file for building XPC's executables' development // support bundle, which houses code that we want to be able to use internally // in certain tools, but we don't want to ship externally. #include "executable.xcconfig" SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = macosx iphoneos iphonesimulator appletvos appletvsimulator watchos watchsimulator VALID_ARCHS[sdk=macosx*] = i386 x86_64 XPC_SUPPORT_INSTALL_PATH = /usr/local/lib/xpc OTHER_CFLAGS = $(XPC_EXECUTABLE_OTHER_CFLAGS) -D__XPC_BUILDING_XPCDEVELOPMENT__=1 HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = $(XPC_BUILD_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS) $(PROJECT_DIR)/development // This is a bundle, which is not stamped by our version-stamping script, so we // expand the build variables in the Info.plist. INFOPLIST_EXPAND_BUILD_SETTINGS = YES INFOPLIST_FILE = development/Info.plist GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC = unsupported // <rdar://problem/16129315> GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC[sdk=macosx*] = supported // Deployment and linking. MACH_O_TYPE = mh_bundle PRODUCT_NAME = development WRAPPER_EXTENSION = bundle INSTALL_PATH_ACTUAL = $(XPC_SUPPORT_INSTALL_PATH) OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(XPC_EXECUTABLE_OTHER_LDFLAGS) STRIP_STYLE = non-global