.\" Copyright (c) 2000, Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. .\" .Dd March 28, 2000 .Dt FS_USAGE 1 .Os "Mac OS X" .Sh NAME .Nm fs_usage .Nd reports system calls and page faults related to filesystem activity in real-time. .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm fs_usage [-e] [-w] [ pid|cmd [pid|cmd] ...] .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm fs_usage presents an ongoing display of system call usage information pertaining to filesystem activity. By default this includes all system processes except the running fs_usage process, Terminal, telnetd, sshd, rlogind, tcsh, csh and sh. These defaluts can be overridden such that output is limited to include or exclude a list of processes specified by the user. .Pp The output presented by .Nm fs_usage is formatted according to the size of your window. A narrow window will display fewer columns of data. Use a wide window for maximum data display. You may override the window formatting restrictions by forcing a wide display with the .Fl w option. In this case, the data displayed will wrap when the window is not wide enough. .Pp The options are as follows: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Fl e Specifying the .Fl e option generates output that excludes sampling of the running fs_usage tool. If a list of process ids or commands is also given, then those processes are also excluded from the sampled output. .It Fl w Specifying the .Fl w option forces a wider, more detailed output, regardless of the window size. .It pid | cmd The sampled data can be limited to a list of process ids or commands. When a command name is given, all processes with that name will be sampled. Using the .Fl e option has the opposite effect, excluding sampled data relating to the given list of process ids or commands. .El .Pp If "/tmp/FileTracing" is present when a Carbon Application is launched, then the high level Carbon FileManager calls will be displayed bracketing the system calls that they are built on. .Pp The data columns displayed are as follows: .Bl -tag -width TIME_INTERVALWWWW -compact .Pp .It TIMESTAMP TOD when call occurred. Wide mode will have millesecond granularity. .It CALL the name of the filesystem call or page-in. .It FILE DESCRIPTOR Of the form F=x, x is a file descriptor. Depending on the type of system call, this will be either an input value or a return value. .It BYTE COUNT Of the form B=x, x is the number of bytes requested by the call. .It [ERRNO] On error, the errno is displayed in brackets. .It PATHNAME Pathname of the file accessed (up to the last 28 bytes). .It FAULT ADDRESS Of the form A=0xnnnnnnnn, where 0xnnnnnnnn is the address being faulted. .It TIME INTERVAL(W) The elapsed time spent in the system call. A 'W' after the elapsed time indicates the process was scheduled out during this file activity. In this case, the elapsed time includes the wait time. .It PROCESS NAME The process that made the system call. .El .Pp .Sh SAMPLE USAGE .Pp fs_usage -w telnetd .Pp .Nm fs_usage will report file system usage data for all instances of processes named telnetd. Maximum data output will be displayed in the window. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr top 1 .Xr sc_usage 1 .Xr latency 1