.\"Portions Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights .\"Reserved. .\" .\"This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code .\"as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License .\"Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in .\"compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at .\"http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this .\"file. .\" .\"The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are .\"distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER .\"EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, .\"INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, .\"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. .\"Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and .\"limitations under the License. .\" .\" @(#)sadc.8 .Dd Jul 25, 2003 \" DATE .Dt sar 1 \" Program name and manual section number .Os "Mac OS X" .Sh NAME \" Section Header - required - don't modify .Nm sar .Nd system activity reporter .Sh SYNOPSIS \" Section Header - required - don't modify .Nm sar .Op Fl dgpu \" [-dgpu] .Op Fl n Ar mode \" [-n mode] .Op Fl o Ar filename \" [-o filename] t \" t .Op Ar n \" [ n ] .Nm sar .Op Fl dgpu \" [-dgpu] .Op Fl n Ar mode \" [-n mode] .Op Fl e Ar time \" [-e time] .Op Fl f Ar filename \" [-f filename] .Op Fl i Ar seconds \" [-i seconds] .Op Fl s Ar time \" [-s time] .Sh DESCRIPTION \" Section Header - required - don't modify The .Nm sar command is used to sample and report various cumulative statistic counters maintained by the operating system. It can be invoked in two different ways. .Pp In the first usage instance, .Ar n samples are reported at .Ar t second intervals. If .Ar n is not specified, only one sample will be captured. When the -o option is specified, .Nm sar will write the binary sampling data to the output file specified by .Ar filename . .Pp In the second usage instance, there is no on-going sample interval to specify. This is because the sampling input comes from a previously recorded, binary activity file. The binary activity file can be specified using the .Fl f Ar filename option. When the .Fl f option isn't used, .Nm sar attempts to open a default binary activity file, /var/log/sa/sadd, where .Ar dd represents the current day of the month. .Pp The starting and ending time of the report can be restricted using the .Fl e and .Fl s options. Here, the .Ar time field is specified in the form hh[:mm[:ss]]. .Pp Finally, the .Fl i option can be used to select the sampling interval. Only records at least .Ar seconds apart will be reported. When the .Fl i option is not used, all of the previously recorded interval samples are reported. .Pp Due to the nature of on-going sample collection, the data is reported in a verbose mode when more than one sampling option is specified. Column headers are printed at the beginning of the report; averages are printed when the .Nm sar command terminates. .Sh OPTIONS The following options restrict the sample set that .Nm sar reports. .Pp \" Inserts a space .Bl -tag -width -indent \" Differs from above in tag removed .It Fl d Report disk activity. .Pp .Bl -tag -width -indent \" Begins a tagged list .It device The BSD name of the device. .It r+w/s The number of reads and writes per second. .It blks/s Number of blocks (in device's default blocksize) transferred to a device per second. .El .It Fl g Report page-out activity. .Pp .Bl -tag -width -indent \" Begins a tagged list .It pgout/s The number of pages paged out per second. .El .It Fl p Report page-in and page fault activity .Pp .Bl -tag -width -indent \" Begins a tagged list .It pgin/s The number of pages paged in per second. .It pflts/s The number of faults that caused a page to be copied in per second. .It vflts/s The number of times vm_fault routine has been called. .El .It Fl n Ar mode Report network activity with modes .Ar DEV , .Ar EDEV , or .Ar PPP . Multiple network modes can be specified. .Pp .Bl -tag -width -indent \" Begins a tagged list .It DEV The .Ar DEV mode reports network device statistics. The following information is displayed for each interface. .Pp .Bl -tag -width "Obytes/s" \" Begins a tagged list .It IFACE The network interface name. .It Ipkts/s The number of packets received per second. .It Ibytes/s The number of bytes received per second. .It Opkts/s The number of packets sent per second. .It Obytes/s The number of bytes sent per second. .El .It EDEV The .Ar EDEV mode reports network device error statistics. The following information is displayed for each interface. .Pp .Bl -tag -width "Drops/s" \" Begins a tagged list .It IFACE The interface name. .It Ierrs/s The input errors per second. .It Oerrs/s The output errors per second. .It Coll/s The collisions that occurred per second. .It Drops/s The number of dropped packets per second. .El .It PPP The .Ar PPP mode must be specified in order to display ppp connections in the network statistics. This will also turn on the PPP modify mode in .Ar sadc (8) when sampling data is not being read from a file. By default, both the collection and reporting of ppp statistics is turned off. See .Ar sadc (8). .El .Pp .It Fl u Report CPU activity (default) .Pp %usr, %sys, and %idle .Pp These report the percentage of time running in user mode, system mode and idle. .El .Sh FILES \" File used or created by the topic of the man page .Bl -tag -width "/var/log/sa/sadd" -compact .It Pa /var/log/sa/sadd Default daily activity file that holds the binary sampling data. .Ar dd are digits that represent the day of the month. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .\" List links in ascending order by section, alphabetically within a section. .Xr fs_usage 1 , .Xr netstat 1 , .Xr sc_usage 1 , .Xr top 1 , .Xr vm_stat 1 , .Xr iostat 8 , .Xr sa1 8 , .Xr sa2 8 , .Xr sadc 8 .\" .Sh BUGS \" Document known, unremedied bugs