- * Copyright (c) 2009,2012-2014,2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2009,2012-2014,2018-2019 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
/* SecCertificate Strings */
#define SEC_NULL_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("<NULL>", "Certificate", 0, "<NULL>", "Value of a field if its length is 0")
-#define SEC_OID_TOO_LONG_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("OID too long", "Certificate", 0, "OID too long", "value of an OID field if it's length is more than what we allow for oids")
-#define SEC_UNPARSED_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Unparsed %@", "Certificate", 0, "Unparsed %@", "Label of a value is printed into this string if the data can not been parsed according to it's type")
+#define SEC_OID_TOO_LONG_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("OID too long", "Certificate", 0, "OID too long", "value of an OID field if its length is more than what we allow for OIDs")
+#define SEC_UNPARSED_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Unparsed %@", "Certificate", 0, "Unparsed %@", "Label of a value is printed into this string if the data can not been parsed according to its type")
#define SEC_INVALID_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Invalid %@", "Certificate", 0, "Invalid %@", "Label of a value is printed into this string if the data is not valid")
-#define SEC_ALGORITHM_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Algorithm", "Certificate", 0, "Algorithm", "Label of the algorithm sub-field of an AlgorithmIdentifer")
-#define SEC_PARAMETERS_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Parameters", "Certificate", 0, "Parameters", "Label of the parameters sub-field of an AlgorithmIdentifer")
+#define SEC_ALGORITHM_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Algorithm", "Certificate", 0, "Algorithm", "Label of the algorithm sub-field of an AlgorithmIdentifier")
+#define SEC_PARAMETERS_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Parameters", "Certificate", 0, "Parameters", "Label of the parameters sub-field of an AlgorithmIdentifier")
#define SEC_NONE_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("none", "Certificate", 0, "none", "field value of parameters field when no parameters are present")
#define SEC_BLOB_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("%@; %d %@; data = %@", "Certificate", 0, "%@; %d %@; data = %@", "Format string for encoded field data (e.g. Sequence; 128 bytes; data = 00 00 ...)")
#define SEC_BYTE_STRING_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Byte string", "Certificate", 0, "Byte string", "First argument to SEC_BLOB_KEY format string for a Byte string")
#define SEC_CK_TID_DAYS SecStringWithDefaultValue("days", "CloudKeychain", 0, "days", "More than one day")
#define SEC_CK_PWD_REQUIRED_TITLE SecStringWithDefaultValue("Apple ID Password Required", "CloudKeychain", 0, "Apple ID Password Required", "Title for alert when iCloud keychain was disabled or reset")
-#define SEC_CK_PWD_REQUIRED_BODY_OSX SecStringWithDefaultValue("Enter your password in iCloud Preferences.", "CloudKeychain", 0, "Enter your password in iCloud Preferences.", "macOS alert text when iCloud keychain was disabled or reset")
+#define SEC_CK_PWD_REQUIRED_BODY_OSX SecStringWithDefaultValue("Enter your password in Apple ID Preferences.", "CloudKeychain", 0, "Enter your password in Apple ID Preferences.", "macOS alert text when iCloud keychain was disabled or reset")
#define SEC_CK_PWD_REQUIRED_BODY_IOS SecStringWithDefaultValue("Enter your password in iCloud Settings.", "CloudKeychain", 0, "Enter your password in iCloud Settings.", "iOS alert text when iCloud keychain was disabled or reset")
#define SEC_CK_CR_REASON_INTERNAL SecStringWithDefaultValue(" (AppleInternal: departure reason %s)", "CloudKeychain", 0, " (AppleInternal: departure reason %s)", "Display departure reason code on internal devices")
#define SEC_CK_CONTINUE SecStringWithDefaultValue("Continue", "CloudKeychain", 0, "Continue", "Button text to continue to iCloud settings (iOS)")
#define SEC_CK_REMINDER_BUTTON_OK SecStringWithDefaultValue("OK", "CloudKeychain", 0, "OK", "Button label to acknowledge/dismiss reminder alert without further action")
/* Trust errors */
-#define SEC_INVALID_LINKAGE_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Invalid certificate chain linkage.", "Certificate", 0, "Invalid certificate chain linkage.", "")
-#define SEC_BAD_CRIT_EXTN_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("One or more unsupported critical extensions found.", "Certificate", 0, "One or more unsupported critical extensions found.", "")
-#define SEC_ROOT_UNTRUSTED_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Root certificate is not trusted.", "Certificate", 0, "Root certificate is not trusted.", "")
-#define SEC_HOSTNAME_MISMATCH_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Hostname mismatch.", "Certificate", 0, "Hostname mismatch.", "")
-#define SEC_POLICY__REQ_NOT_MET_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Policy requirements not met.", "Certificate", 0, "Policy requirements not met.", "")
-#define SEC_CHAIN_VALIDITY_ERR_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("One or more certificates have expired or are not valid yet.", "Certificate", 0, "One or more certificates have expired or are not valid yet.", "")
-#define SEC_WEAK_KEY_ERR_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("One or more certificates is using a weak key size.", "Certificate", 0, "One or more certificates is using a weak key size.", "")
+#define SEC_INVALID_LINKAGE_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Invalid certificate chain linkage.", "Certificate", 0, "Invalid certificate chain linkage.", "")
+#define SEC_BAD_CRIT_EXTN_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("One or more unsupported critical extensions found.", "Certificate", 0, "One or more unsupported critical extensions found.", "")
+#define SEC_ROOT_UNTRUSTED_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Root certificate is not trusted.", "Certificate", 0, "Root certificate is not trusted.", "")
+#define SEC_HOSTNAME_MISMATCH_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Hostname mismatch.", "Certificate", 0, "Hostname mismatch.", "")
+#define SEC_POLICY__REQ_NOT_MET_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Policy requirements not met.", "Certificate", 0, "Policy requirements not met.", "")
+#define SEC_CHAIN_VALIDITY_ERR_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("One or more certificates have expired or are not valid yet.", "Certificate", 0, "One or more certificates have expired or are not valid yet.", "")
+#define SEC_WEAK_KEY_ERR_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("One or more certificates is using a weak key size.", "Certificate", 0, "One or more certificates is using a weak key size.", "")
+#define SEC_MISSING_INTERMEDIATE_KEY SecStringWithDefaultValue("Unable to build chain to root certificate.", "Certificate", 0, "Unable to build chain to root certificate.", "")
#define SEC_TRUST_CERTIFICATE_ERROR SecStringWithDefaultValue("Certificate %ld “%@” has errors: ", "Trust", 0, "Certificate %ld “%@” has errors: ", "Preface for per-certificate errors")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SUBTYPE_BLOCKED SecStringWithDefaultValue("“%@” certificate is blocked", "Trust", 0, "“%@” certificate is blocked", "Error for blocked certificates")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SUBTYPE_REVOKED SecStringWithDefaultValue("“%@” certificate is revoked", "Trust", 0, "“%@” certificate is revoked", "Error for revoked certificates")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SUBTYPE_KEYSIZE SecStringWithDefaultValue("“%@” certificate is using a broken key size", "Trust", 0, "“%@” certificate is using a broken key size", "Error for certificates with weak key sizes")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SUBTYPE_WEAKHASH SecStringWithDefaultValue("“%@” certificate is using a broken signature algorithm", "Trust", 0, "“%@” certificate is using a broken signature algorithm", "Error for certificates with weak signature algorithms")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SUBTYPE_NAME SecStringWithDefaultValue("“%@” certificate name does not match input", "Trust", 0, "“%@” certificate name does not match input", "Error for certificates whose names do not match the policy")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SUBTYPE_USAGE SecStringWithDefaultValue("“%@” certificate is not permitted for this usage", "Trust", 0, "“%@” certificate is not permitted for this usage", "Error for certificates whose usages do not match the policy")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SUBTYPE_PINNING SecStringWithDefaultValue("%@ certificates do not meet pinning requirements", "Trust", 0, "%@ certificates do not meet pinning requirements", "Error for certificates that do not meet pinning requirements")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SUBTYPE_ISSUER SecStringWithDefaultValue("“%@” certificate does not meet issuer constraints", "Trust", 0, "“%@” certificate does not meet issuer constraints", "Error for certificates which violate constraints set on their issuer")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SUBTYPE_INVALID SecStringWithDefaultValue("Unknown trust error for “%@” certificate", "Trust", 0, "Unknown trust error for “%@” certificate", "Error for unknown error")
//Note the the following errors do not follow the casing conventions of the above so that they can be used with POLICYCHECKMACRO
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_LeafMarkersProdAndQA SecStringWithDefaultValue("Missing project-specific extension OID", "Trust", 0, "Missing project-specific extension OID", "Error for leaf marker OID allowing prod or QA")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_BlackListedLeaf SecStringWithDefaultValue("Certificate is blocked", "Trust", 0, "Certificate is blocked", "Error for blocklisted certificates")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_GrayListedLeaf SecStringWithDefaultValue("Certificate is listed as untrusted", "Trust", 0, "Certificate is listed as untrusted", "Error for graylisted certificates")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_LeafSPKISHA256 SecStringWithDefaultValue("Public key does not match pinned value", "Trust", 0, "Public key does not match pinned value", "Error for leaf public key pin")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_NotCA SecStringWithDefaultValue("Leaf certificate is a CA", "Trust", 0, "Leaf certificate is a CA", "Error for leaf CA")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_IssuerCommonName SecStringWithDefaultValue("Common Name does not match expected name", "Trust", 0, "Common Name does not match expected name", "Error for issuer common name mismatch")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_BasicConstraints SecStringWithDefaultValue("Basic constraints are required but missing", "Trust", 0, "Basic constraints are required but missing", "Error for missing basic constraints")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_BasicConstraintsCA SecStringWithDefaultValue("Non-CA certificate used as a CA", "Trust", 0, "Non-CA certificate used as a CA", "Error for CA basic constraints")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_BasicConstraintsPathLen SecStringWithDefaultValue("Chain exceeded constrained path length", "Trust", 0, "Chain exceeded constrained path length", "Error for path length basic constraints")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_IntermediateSPKISHA256 SecStringWithDefaultValue("Public key does not match pinned value", "Trust", 0, "Public key does not match pinned value", "Error for intermediate public key pin")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_CAspkiSHA256 SecStringWithDefaultValue("Public key does not match pinned value", "Trust", 0, "Public key does not match pinned value", "Error for CA public key pin")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_IntermediateEKU SecStringWithDefaultValue("Extended key usage does not match pinned value", "Trust", 0, "Extended key usage does not match pinned value", "Error for intermediate extended key usage pin")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_IntermediateMarkerOid SecStringWithDefaultValue("Missing issuer-specific extension OID", "Trust", 0, "Missing issuer-specific extension OID", "Error for intermediate marker OID")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_IntermediateMarkerOidWithoutValueCheck SecStringWithDefaultValue("Missing issuer-specific extension OID", "Trust", 0, "Missing issuer-specific extension OID", "Error for intermediate marker OID")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_IntermediateOrganization SecStringWithDefaultValue("Organization does not match expected name", "Trust", 0, "Organization does not match expected name", "Error for issuer organization mismatch")
-#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_IntermediateCountry SecStringWithDefaultValue("Country does not match expected name", "Trust", 0, "Country does not match expected name", "Error for issuer country mismatch")
-#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_AnchorSHA1 SecStringWithDefaultValue("Anchor does not match pinned fingerprint", "Trust", 0, "Anchor does not match pinned fingerprint", "Error for anchor SHA-1 fingerprint pin")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_IntermediateCountry SecStringWithDefaultValue("Country or Region does not match expected name", "Trust", 0, "Country or Region does not match expected name", "Error for issuer country mismatch")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_AnchorSHA256 SecStringWithDefaultValue("Anchor does not match pinned fingerprint", "Trust", 0, "Anchor does not match pinned fingerprint", "Error for anchor SHA-256 fingerprint pin")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_AnchorTrusted SecStringWithDefaultValue("Root is not trusted", "Trust", 0, "Root is not trusted", "Error for untrusted root")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_MissingIntermediate SecStringWithDefaultValue("Unable to build chain to root (possible missing intermediate)", "Trust", 0, "Unable to build chain to root (possible missing intermediate)", "Error for missing intermediates")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_UsageConstraints SecStringWithDefaultValue("User or administrator set certificate as distrusted", "Trust", 0, "User or administrator set certificate as distrusted", "Error for certificates with deny trust settings")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SystemTrustedWeakHash SecStringWithDefaultValue("Signature hash algorithm is not permitted for this use", "Trust", 0, "Signature hash algorithm is not permitted for this use", "Error for system-trust hash algorithm")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SystemTrustedWeakKey SecStringWithDefaultValue("Key size is not permitted for this use", "Trust", 0, "Key size is not permitted for this use", "Error for system-trust key size")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_SystemTrustedCTRequired SecStringWithDefaultValue("Certificate Transparency validation required for this use", "Trust", 0, "Certificate Transparency validation required for this use", "Error for system-trust CT requirement")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_PinningRequired SecStringWithDefaultValue("Pinning required but not used", "Trust", 0, "Pinning required but not used", "Error for required pinning")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_Revocation SecStringWithDefaultValue("Certificate is revoked", "Trust", 0, "Certificate is revoked", "Error for revocation")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_RevocationResponseRequired SecStringWithDefaultValue("Failed to check revocation", "Trust", 0, "Failed to check revocation", "Error for revocation required")
-#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_CTRequired SecStringWithDefaultValue("CT validation required but missing", "Trust", 0, "CT validation required but missing", "Error for missing Certificate Transparency validation")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_CTRequired SecStringWithDefaultValue("Certificate Transparency validation required but missing", "Trust", 0, "Certificate Transparency validation required but missing", "Error for missing Certificate Transparency validation")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_NoNetworkAccess SecStringWithDefaultValue("Unexpected error detail", "Trust", 0, "Unexpected error detail", "Error for unexpected error details")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_ExtendedValidation SecStringWithDefaultValue("Unexpected error detail", "Trust", 0, "Unexpected error detail", "Error for unexpected error details")
#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_RevocationOnline SecStringWithDefaultValue("Unexpected error detail", "Trust", 0, "Unexpected error detail", "Error for unexpected error details")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_RevocationIfTrusted SecStringWithDefaultValue("Unexpected error detail", "Trust", 0, "Unexpected error detail", "Error for unexpected error details")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_IssuerPolicyConstraints SecStringWithDefaultValue("Certificate violates issuer policy constraints", "Trust", 0, "Certificate violates issuer policy constraints", "Error for certificates which violate policy constraints set on their issuer")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_IssuerNameConstraints SecStringWithDefaultValue("Certificate violates issuer name constraints", "Trust", 0, "Certificate violates issuer name constraints", "Error for certificates which violate name constraints set on their issuer")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_ValidityPeriodMaximums SecStringWithDefaultValue("Certificate exceeds maximum temporal validity period", "Trust", 0, "Certificate exceeds maximum temporal validity period", "Error for certificates that exceed the system's maximum temporal validity")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_ServerAuthEKU SecStringWithDefaultValue("Extended key usage does not match certificate usage", "Trust", 0, "Extended key usage does not match certificate usage", "Error for extended key usage mismatch")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_UnparseableExtension SecStringWithDefaultValue("Unable to parse known extension", "Trust", 0, "Unable to parse known extension", "Error for unparseable known extensions")
+#define SEC_TRUST_ERROR_NonTlsCTRequired SecStringWithDefaultValue("Certificate Transparency validation required but missing", "Trust", 0, "Certificate Transparency validation required but missing", "Error for missing Certificate Transparency validation")