dotMacRequest notes 8/21/05 Request with live server now working. Use a real paid account. To request a cert dotMacRequest i -u dmitch77 -k dotMacKeychain.keychain -Z << mac password here>> To revoke, go to, log in, click your account name in upper right, authenticate again, click "Secure iChat" in lower right, revoke the cert. You have to log out and log back in each time you do this in order to see a newly generated cert after you revoke one. 7/25/05 Request and renew work as of 7/25/05. Renew requires the same key pair as the original, so: -- renew only works when your current cert really is still current -- run with -p (pick key pair) to select correct key pair -- must delete old/current cert before running since the old and new certs have the same DB attrs.