#!/usr/bin/python # # gkrecord - record Gatekeeper rejection activity # # gkrecord filename # import sys import os import signal import errno import subprocess import tempfile import plistlib # # Usage and fail # def usage(): print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: %s outputfile" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(2) def fail(whatever): print >>sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], whatever) sys.exit(1) # # Argument processing # if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() outputfile = sys.argv[1] # # If the output file already exists, bail # if os.path.exists(outputfile): fail("already exists: %s" % outputfile) # # Places and things # collect = "/tmp/gke/" # must be root if os.getuid() != 0: fail("Must have root privileges") # # Make sure Gatekeeper is disabled # subprocess.check_call(["/usr/sbin/spctl", "--master-disable"]) # # make sure we have a fresh syspolicyd and get its pid # subprocess.check_call(["/usr/sbin/spctl", "--assess", "--ignore-cache", "/bin/ls"]) try: psax = subprocess.check_output("ps ax|grep syspolicyd|grep -v grep", shell=True).split("\n") if len(psax) != 2: # [ found_syspolicyd, '' ] fail("Cannot find syspolicyd") spd_pid = int(psax[0].split()[0]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: fail("Cannot find syspolicyd") # # run collector dtrace script until dtrace dies. # recorder_mode arguments are (path, type, label, cdhash, flags) # DSCRIPT = ''' syspolicy$1:::recorder_mode { printf("RECORD;%d;%d", arg1, arg4); } self unsigned char *cdhash; syspolicy$1:::recorder_mode { self->cdhash = copyin(arg3, 20); printf(";%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x%02.2x", self->cdhash[0], self->cdhash[1], self->cdhash[2], self->cdhash[3], self->cdhash[4], self->cdhash[5], self->cdhash[6], self->cdhash[7], self->cdhash[8], self->cdhash[9], self->cdhash[10], self->cdhash[11], self->cdhash[12], self->cdhash[13], self->cdhash[14], self->cdhash[15], self->cdhash[16], self->cdhash[17], self->cdhash[18], self->cdhash[19]); printf(";%s\\n", copyinstr(arg0)); } syspolicy$1:::recorder_mode_adhoc_path { printf("SIGNATURE;%d;%s;%s\\n", arg1, copyinstr(arg2), copyinstr(arg0)); } syspolicy$1:::assess-outcome-unsigned { printf("UNSIGNED;%d;%s\\n", arg1, copyinstr(arg0)); } syspolicy$1:::assess-outcome-broken { printf("BROKEN;%d;%d;%s\\n", arg1, arg2, copyinstr(arg0)); } ''' def sigint(sig, ctx): os.kill(spd_pid, signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint) (authfd, authfile) = tempfile.mkstemp() dtrace = subprocess.Popen(["dtrace", "-qs", "/dev/stdin", str(spd_pid)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=authfd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print "Exercise the programs to be whitelisted now. Interrupt this script (^C) when you are done." (stdout, stderr) = dtrace.communicate(input=DSCRIPT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if stderr: fail("dtrace failed: %s" % stderr) os.lseek(authfd, os.SEEK_SET, 0) # rewind # # Collect all the data into dicts # auth = { } sigs = { } unsigned = { } badsigned = { } errors = { } file = os.fdopen(authfd, "r") for line in file: (cmd, s, args) = line.strip().partition(";") if s != ";": continue # spurious # print cmd, "--->", args if cmd == "RECORD": (type, status, cdhash, path) = args.split(";", 3) auth[path] = dict( path=path, type=type, status=status, cdhash=cdhash ) elif cmd == "SIGNATURE": (type, sigpath, path) = args.split(";", 2) with open(sigpath, "r") as sigfile: sigdata = sigfile.read() sigs[path] = dict( path=path, type=type, signature=plistlib.Data(sigdata) ) elif cmd == "UNSIGNED": (type, path) = args.split(";", 1) unsigned[path] = dict( path=path, type=type ) elif cmd == "BROKEN": (type, exception, path) = args.split(";", 2) badsigned[path] = dict( path=path, type=type, exception=exception ) # unsigned code that had a good detached signature recorded is okay for rec in sigs: if rec in unsigned: del unsigned[rec] # # Pack them up as a single output (plist) file # gkedict = dict( authority = auth, signatures = sigs ) plistlib.writePlist(gkedict, outputfile) # # Report on any problems found # for rec in unsigned.values(): print >>sys.stderr, "PROBLEM: unsigned type %d object not whitelisted: %s" % (rec["type"], rec["path"]) for rec in badsigned.values(): print >>sys.stderr, "PROBLEM: broken code signature; object not whitelisted: %s" % rec["path"] # # Done # print "Recorded %d authorization(s), %d signature(s) in %s" % (len(auth), len(sigs), outputfile) sys.exit(0)