This program, certChain, demonstrates how to use the SecTrust object to obtain a constructed, ordered, verified certificate chain given a single subject cert. It's a command-line program, with one argument - the filename of the subject cert. The contents of all certs in the resulting cert chain will be displayed, along with possible errors detected while attempting to create the cert chain. Intermediate certs can be in any of the current user's keychains. They do not have to be in the default or login keychain. The chain must verify back to one of the system-wide trusted roots in /System/Library/Keychains/X509Anchors. To build the program just cd to its directory and type 'make'. Included in the directory are several certs illustrating the operation of certChain. If you run % ./certChain amazon_v3.100.cer will get an ordered cert chain of length 2 - one for the subject cert, and one for the root (which came from the system-wide X509Anchors). Now try this one: % ./certChain keybank_v3.100.cer You'll get cert chain of length 1, with the error message ***Can not verify to a root cert Now add the intermediate cert keybank_v3.101.cer to one of your keychains (using Keychain or /usr/bin/certtool). Try evaluating the cert again % ./certChain keybank_v3.100.cer You now get a fully verified cert chain with three certs in it: -- the subject cert, keybank_v3.100.cer, which you passed as a cmd line argument. -- the intermediate cert, keybank_v3.101.cer, which was obtained from one of your keychains. -- the root cert, which came from the system-wide X509Anchors.