Breadcrumbs =========== simple defintions: old password new password K = random 16 byte key EK = Encrypted K EKold = ECB(PBKDF2(password_old), K) EKnew = ECB(PBKDF2(password_new), K) Breadcrumb = AES-GCM(K, old password) Breadcrumbs are to make life easier when using AppleID password as local password by allowing upgrade of keychains from old password to new password. When changing the password on one machine, the keychains for the user are still encrypted (AES-GCM, key derived using PBKDF2) with the old password on all machines. This happens for one machine when changing password on the webpage. An EK is stored on the apple server. Each machine have its own EK stored on the web server. When user change the password on the website, the web server will unwrap the key K with the old password and then rewrap it with the new password. unwrap(EKold, old password) -> K wrap(K, new password) -> EKnew This means that if the user changes password more then ones, the computer can still upgrade the keychain to the current password since K will be the same until a new EK is uploaded the the computer. PKDF2 is used to avoid prebuilt lists of string2key tables attacks on the breadcrumb + encryptedKey if the attacker possesses both. Breadcrumb contain current password that encrypts the keychain. The breadcrumb itself is encrypted with a machine-specific key K. The breadcrumb is stored on the local machine and never leaves the local machine. When the computer have upgrade keychain to the current password and new K, EK, and breadcrumb is generated. Format ====== K = Random 16 byte EK = ECB(PBKDF2(pw), key K) (16byte) | pbkdf-salt (20byte) | 4byte int network order of pbdf-iter Breadcrumb = version (1) 1byte | AES-GCM-ENC(key K, password length (4byte, network order) | password | pad ) | tag The encrypted key (EK) is a PKDF2 salt + iteration count + random AES-128 key (K) encrypted with ECB of the PKDF2(salt, iteration, password). There is no integrity on this encryption on purpose since that would make the EK an verifier. The format of the EncryptedKey is ECB(PBKDF2(pw), key K) (16byte) | pbkdf-salt (20byte) | 4byte int network order of pbdf-iter The random key (K) is used to encrypt a breadcrumb that is stored locally on the machine. The breadcrumb allows you to recover the old password if you know the new password and have the encrypted key. The client machine encrypts the password with AES-GCM using key K. The data is padded to 256 bytes to no tell password length. The format of the breadcrumb version (1) 1byte | AES-GCM-ENC(key K, password length (4byte, network order) | password | pad ) | tag tag is the 16 byte GCM tag key is the key (K) from the EncryptedKey (EK) assoc data i AES-GCM covers version byte Password length including up to pad is encrypted with AES-GCM Password is padded to paddingSize (256) to avoid exposing length of password. The PBKDF2 function is PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256. Updating the Encrypted Key (EK) on server ========================================= When a user update the password on the apple id server the server updates the breadcrumb for each machine that the user have associsated with the account. 1. The server takes the old password generates a the key using PBKDF2 using the salt and interation count. 2. The server takes the new password generates a the key using PBKDF2 using the same salt and interation count. 3. Decrypts the first block with the key of old password and re-encrypt with the key of new password.