(RCS control information is at the end of this file.) C Simple Example README ----------------------- This directory should have 8 files in it: README - this file genber.c - C source code for a program that creates and encodes a PersonnelRecord value to a file. expbuf_ex.c - C source code for a program that calls the generated PersonnelRecord encoder and decoder routines using the ExpBuf buffer type minbuf_ex.c - C source code for program that calls the generated PersonnelRecord encoder and decoder routines using the MinBuf buffer type sbuf_ex.c - C source code for a program that calls the generated PersonnelRecord encoder and decoder routines using the MinBuf buffer type makefile - compiles the example programs good_pr.ber - BER encoding of a Personnel Record (all definite lengths) Type "make" to generate the 7 example programs: genber expbuf_def expbuf_indef minbuf_def minbuf_indef sbuf_def sbuf_indef snacc is called from the makefile on snacc/asn1specs/p_rec.asn1 to generate the following files: p_rec.h - C data structs for PersonnelRecord and prototypes for the generated encode, decode, print and free routines. p_rec.c - C source code for the PersonnelRecord encode, decode, print, and free routines. These source files are then compiled with *_ex.c and genber.c files to make 7 programs. Each program takes 1 argument (except genber), the name of a file containing an BER encoded PersonnelRecord value. Try the following: (or use the makefile's `check' phony target) eg% ./genber # create a file called pr.ber eg% ./sbuf_indef good_pr.ber > indef_pr.ber eg% ./sbuf_def indef_pr.ber > def_pr.ber eg% diff good_pr.ber def_pr.ber # should be no differences The above commands decode the BER value in "good_pr.ber" and indef_pr.ber respectively and then re-encode then to stdout. Both programs will decode any valid BER representation of a PersonnelRecord value but, the sbuf_def program will re-encode the given data using only the definite length BER format and the sbuf_indef program will re-encode the given data using only the indefinite length BER format. Compare the lengths of the def_pr.ber and indef_pr.ber files, indefinite length encodings are usually larger. Things to Note -------------- Look at genber.c to see how to build a C value and then encode it. look at the *_ex.c files to see the different types of buffer manipulation. Read the comments in the code. It should be relatively simple to change the memory and buffer management to fit your target environment. (see snacc/c_include/asn_config.h.) Snacc ASN.1 comment commands Notice the special "--snacc" ASN.1 comment in snacc/asn1specs/p_rec.asn1. PersonnelRecord ::= --snacc isPdu:"TRUE" -- [APPLICATION 0] IMPLICIT SET { ... etc. ... } The "isPdu" flag tells snacc that the PersonnelRecord is a PDU type that you will be calling the encoding and decoding routines directly from your code. This causes snacc to generate the "BEncPersonnelRecord" and "BDecPersonnelRecord" routines in addition to the standard "BEncPersonnelRecordContent" and "BDecPersonnelRecordContent". The Content encoding and decoding routines only deal with the content of the type, ignoring all of the tag and length pairs on the given type (in this case the APPLICATION (CONSTRUCTED) 0 tag and the length for the SET). The "BEncPersonnelRecord" and "BDecPersonnelRecord" routines do encode the APPLICATION tag and the SET's length. This design is motivated by IMPLICIT tagging. The compiler generated routines generally only call the content oriented routines except in the case of ANY and ANY DEFINED BY types. For ANY and ANY DEFINED BY types the PDU form of the rouine is called since the tags are not known by the containing type. Length formats Each pair of *_def and *_indef programs were generated from the same source file, *_ex.c. Indefinite length encoders can be created by giving the -DUSE_INDEF_LEN flag to the C compiler when compiling. Currently the indefinite/definite length encoder choice is made a compile time. To change this to a run-time decision, a simple solution would be to modify BerEncodeConsLen and BerEncodeEocIfNec macros in snacc/c_lib/asn_len.h to check a global flag. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Header: /cvs/Darwin/src/live/Security/SecuritySNACCRuntime/c-examples/simple/README,v 2001/05/18 23:14:07 mb Exp $ # $Log: README,v $ # Revision 2001/05/18 23:14:07 mb # Move from private repository to open source repository # # Revision 1999/03/16 18:06:09 aram # Originals from SMIME Free Library. # # Revision 1.2 1995/02/17 16:17:24 rj # reflect the test script's integration into the makefile. # # Revision 1.1 1994/08/31 08:46:22 rj # first check-in. for a list of changes to the snacc-1.1 distribution please refer to the ChangeLog. #