/* * compiler/core/parse-asn1.y * * yacc source for ASN.1 '88 Parser * As interpreted from Appendix II of CCITT recomendation X.208 * * Parses ASN.1 into a monster data structure * * Some old versions of yacc will croak due the length * of some of the symbols (use -Nc10000 with other versions) * * Mike Sample * 90/05/03 * 91/09/02 Rewritten with "ASN.1" generated data struct * * Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992 Michael Sample * and the University of British Columbia * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * $Header: /cvs/Darwin/Security/SecuritySNACCRuntime/compiler/core/parse-asn1.y,v 1.1 2001/06/20 21:27:58 dmitch Exp $ * $Log: parse-asn1.y,v $ * Revision 1.1 2001/06/20 21:27:58 dmitch * Adding missing snacc compiler files. * * Revision 1999/03/16 18:06:51 aram * Originals from SMIME Free Library. * * Revision 1.11 1997/08/28 09:46:41 wan * Reworked number range checking, only gives warning now. * * Revision 1.10 1997/06/19 09:17:17 wan * Added isPdu flag to tables. Added value range checks during parsing. * * Revision 1.9 1997/03/13 14:48:28 wan * Parsed SEQUENCE SIZE(..) OF as SET, corrected. * * Revision 1.8 1997/03/03 11:58:34 wan * Final pre-delivery stuff (I hope). * * Revision 1.7 1997/02/28 13:39:55 wan * Modifications collected for new version 1.3: Bug fixes, tk4.2. * * Revision 1.6 1995/07/25 19:17:55 rj * use memzero that is defined in .../snacc.h to use either memset or bzero. * * changed `_' to `-' in file names. * * Revision 1.5 1995/02/18 12:52:21 rj * portablity fix (string(s).h) * * Revision 1.4 1995/02/17 20:13:21 rj * portablity fix (string(s).h) * * Revision 1.3 1994/10/08 03:42:46 rj * renamed the FLEX cpp define to FLEX_SCANNER since that's what flex defines. * * Revision 1.2 1994/09/01 00:42:03 rj * snacc_config.h removed. * * Revision 1.1 1994/08/28 09:49:29 rj * first check-in. for a list of changes to the snacc-1.1 distribution please refer to the ChangeLog. * */ %{ #include "snacc.h" #if STDC_HEADERS || HAVE_STRING_H #include #else #include #endif #include #include "asn-incl.h" #include "mem.h" #include "asn1module.h" #include "lib-types.h" #include "snacc-util.h" #include "exports.h" #include "parser.h" #include "lex-stuff.h" /* * smallErrG * used for small errors that should prevent code generation but not * prevent the later error checking passes */ int smallErrG = FALSE; /* * firstTimeThroughG * used incase the asn1.lex was compiled with flex in which * case the lexical analyzer must be reset for every ASN.1 file * parsed, except the first */ static int firstTimeThroughG = TRUE; /* * modulePtrG * used to hold the parsed value. The root of the parse tree. */ Module *modulePtrG; /* * oidElmtValDefsG * used to hold integer values that are defined as arc numbers * the modules object identifiers. * eg. FOO-MODULE { joint-iso-ccitt dod (2) foo (2) 3 2 } DEFINITIONS ::= * would put dod/2 and foo/2 in the oidElmtValDefsG list * Note: only some oid's (modules name/import list module names) * are parsed by the yacc code. The rest are parsed later * due to ambiguities that arise without type info. */ ValueDefList *oidElmtValDefsG = NULL; /* * ApplTag * used to hold APPLICATION tags that have been defined in * a module. This permits checking for the the error of * using the same APPLICATION tag in 1 module. The * ApplTags list (appTagsG) is emptied for each module. */ typedef struct ApplTag { unsigned long int lineNo; unsigned long int tagCode; struct ApplTag *next; } ApplTag; ApplTag *applTagsG = NULL; /* * Protos for ApplTag related stuff. These are defined at the * end of this file */ void PushApplTag PROTO ((unsigned long int tagCode, unsigned long int lineNo)); void FreeApplTags(); /* * the following are globals to simplify disparity between * productions and produced data structure */ /* * these are used in the ValueRange subtype production */ static int valueRangeUpperEndInclusiveG; static int valueRangeLowerEndInclusiveG; /* * used to set exports flag in Type/value defs * exportListG holds the explicitly exported elements. * see SetExports routine in export.c */ ExportElmt *exportListG = NULL; int exportsParsedG; /* * globals for the APPLICATION-CONTEXT macro productions */ static ValueList *rosAcSymmetricAsesG; static ValueList *rosAcResponderConsumerOfG; static ValueList *rosAcInitiatorConsumerOfG; /* * used with MTSAS Extension macro * set to NULL for the initial parse. */ static AsnBool *mtsasCriticalForSubmissionG = NULL; static AsnBool *mtsasCriticalForTransferG = NULL; static AsnBool *mtsasCriticalForDeliveryG = NULL; /* * Asn PORT macro globals */ static TypeOrValueList *asnConsumerG; static TypeOrValueList *asnSupplierG; /* * parseErrCountG * used to prevent too many cascade errors */ int parseErrCountG = 0; #define MAX_ERR 50 #define PARSE_ERROR()\ parseErrCountG++;\ modulePtrG->status = MOD_ERROR;\ if (parseErrCountG > MAX_ERR)\ {\ fprintf (stderr, "Ackkkkk! too many errors - bye!\n");\ exit (1);\ } %} /* * Union structure. A terminal or non-terminal can have * one of these type values. */ %union { int intVal; unsigned int uintVal; char *charPtr; Type *typePtr; NamedType *namedTypePtr; NamedTypeList *namedTypeListPtr; Value *valuePtr; NamedValue *namedValuePtr; SubtypeValue *subtypeValuePtr; Subtype *subtypePtr; ModuleId *moduleId; OID *oidPtr; OidList *oidListPtr; TypeDef *typeDefPtr; TypeDefList *typeDefListPtr; ValueDef *valueDefPtr; ValueDefList *valueDefListPtr; ExportElmt *exportList; ImportModule *importModulePtr; ImportModuleList *importModuleListPtr; ImportElmt *importElmtPtr; ImportElmtList *importElmtListPtr; Tag *tagPtr; TagList *tagListPtr; Constraint *constraintPtr; ConstraintList *constraintListPtr; InnerSubtype *innerSubtypePtr; ValueList *valueListPtr; TypeOrValueList *typeOrValueListPtr; TypeOrValue *typeOrValuePtr; AsnPort *asnPortPtr; AsnPortList *asnPortListPtr; AttributeList *attrList; } /* * Terminals. Definitions can be found in input.lex. */ /* * these tokens (literals) have attributes (set in asn1.lex) */ %token BSTRING_SYM HSTRING_SYM CSTRING_SYM UCASEFIRST_IDENT_SYM LCASEFIRST_IDENT_SYM NAMEDMACRO_SYM MACRODEFBODY_SYM BRACEBAL_SYM NUMBER_ERANGE %token NUMBER_SYM %token SNACC_ATTRIBUTES /* * these tokens have no attributes */ %token DOT_SYM COMMA_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM RIGHTBRACE_SYM LEFTPAREN_SYM RIGHTPAREN_SYM LEFTBRACKET_SYM RIGHTBRACKET_SYM LESSTHAN_SYM MINUS_SYM GETS_SYM BAR_SYM TAGS_SYM BOOLEAN_SYM INTEGER_SYM BIT_SYM STRING_SYM OCTET_SYM NULL_SYM SEQUENCE_SYM OF_SYM SET_SYM IMPLICIT_SYM CHOICE_SYM ANY_SYM OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_SYM OPTIONAL_SYM DEFAULT_SYM COMPONENTS_SYM UNIVERSAL_SYM APPLICATION_SYM PRIVATE_SYM TRUE_SYM FALSE_SYM BEGIN_SYM END_SYM DEFINITIONS_SYM EXPLICIT_SYM ENUMERATED_SYM EXPORTS_SYM IMPORTS_SYM REAL_SYM INCLUDES_SYM MIN_SYM MAX_SYM SIZE_SYM FROM_SYM WITH_SYM COMPONENT_SYM PRESENT_SYM ABSENT_SYM DEFINED_SYM BY_SYM PLUS_INFINITY_SYM MINUS_INFINITY_SYM SEMI_COLON_SYM IA5STRING_SYM PRINTABLESTRING_SYM NUMERICSTRING_SYM TELETEXSTRING_SYM T61STRING_SYM VIDEOTEXSTRING_SYM VISIBLESTRING_SYM ISO646STRING_SYM GRAPHICSTRING_SYM GENERALSTRING_SYM GENERALIZEDTIME_SYM UTCTIME_SYM EXTERNAL_SYM OBJECTDESCRIPTOR_SYM /* the following are used in macros */ OPERATION_SYM ARGUMENT_SYM RESULT_SYM ERRORS_SYM LINKED_SYM ERROR_SYM PARAMETER_SYM BIND_SYM BINDERROR_SYM UNBIND_SYM UNBINDERROR_SYM ASE_SYM OPERATIONS_SYM CONSUMERINVOKES_SYM SUPPLIERINVOKES_SYM AC_SYM ASES_SYM REMOTE_SYM INITIATOR_SYM RESPONDER_SYM ABSTRACTSYNTAXES_SYM CONSUMER_SYM EXTENSIONS_SYM CHOSEN_SYM EXTENSION_SYM CRITICAL_SYM FOR_SYM DELIVERY_SYM SUBMISSION_SYM TRANSFER_SYM EXTENSIONATTRIBUTE_SYM TOKEN_SYM TOKENDATA_SYM SECURITYCATEGORY_SYM OBJECT_SYM PORTS_SYM BOXC_SYM BOXS_SYM PORT_SYM ABSTRACTOPS_SYM REFINE_SYM AS_SYM RECURRING_SYM VISIBLE_SYM PAIRED_SYM ABSTRACTBIND_SYM ABSTRACTUNBIND_SYM TO_SYM ABSTRACTERROR_SYM ABSTRACTOPERATION_SYM ALGORITHM_SYM ENCRYPTED_SYM SIGNED_SYM SIGNATURE_SYM PROTECTED_SYM OBJECTTYPE_SYM SYNTAX_SYM ACCESS_SYM STATUS_SYM DESCRIPTION_SYM REFERENCE_SYM INDEX_SYM DEFVAL_SYM /* * Type definitions of non-terminal symbols */ %type LineNo SetOpening SequenceOpening %type TagDefault %type SymbolList %type SymbolsFromModuleList %type SymbolsFromModule %type TypeAssignment %type ValueAssignment %type BinaryString HexString CharString %type number Class %type SignedNumber %type modulereference typereference identifier Symbol %type ExternalValueReference %type Value DefinedValue BuiltinValue BooleanValue NullValue SpecialRealValue %type NamedValue %type ModuleIdentifier %type ObjectIdentifierValue AssignedIdentifier ObjIdComponent NumberForm NameAndNumberForm ObjIdComponentList %type NameForm %type BuiltinType DefinedType Subtype BooleanType IntegerType BitStringType NullType SequenceType SequenceOfType SetType SetOfType ChoiceType SelectionType TaggedType AnyType ObjectIdentifierType EnumeratedType RealType Type ExternalTypeReference %type NamedType ElementType %type AlternativeTypes AlternativeTypeList ElementTypes ElementTypeList %type SubtypeValueSet SingleValue ContainedSubtype ValueRange PermittedAlphabet SizeConstraint InnerTypeConstraints %type SubtypeSpec SubtypeValueSetList %type NamedConstraint Constraint %type TypeConstraints %type FullSpecification PartialSpecification SingleTypeConstraint MultipleTypeConstraints %type LowerEndPoint UpperEndPoint LowerEndValue UpperEndValue %type PresenceConstraint %type ValueConstraint %type ExportSymbolList %type NamedNumber %type NamedNumberList NamedBitList %type Tag ClassNumber %type SnaccAttributes SnaccAttributeCommentList %type DefinedMacroName MacroReference %type DefinedMacroType %type PossiblyEmptyValueList ValueList %type PossiblyEmptyTypeOrValueList TypeOrValueList %type TypeOrValue %type RosOperationMacroType RosOperationMacroBody RosErrorMacroType RosBindMacroType RosUnbindMacroType RosAseMacroType RosAcMacroType %type RosOpArgument RosOpResult RosOpResultType %type RosOpErrors RosOpLinkedOps %type RosErrParameter %type RosBindArgument RosBindResult RosBindError RosUnbindError %type RosAseSymmetricAse RosAseConsumerInvokes RosAseSupplierInvokes RosAseOperationList %type RosAcNonRoElements %type RosAcRoElements %type OidList RosAcAbstractSyntaxes %type MtsasExtensionsMacroType MtsasExtensionMacroType MtsasExtensionAttributeMacroType MtsasTokenMacroType MtsasTokenDataMacroType MtsasSecurityCategoryMacroType %type MtsasExtDefaultVal %type AsnObjectMacroType AsnPortMacroType AsnRefineMacroType AsnAbstractBindMacroType AsnAbstractUnbindMacroType AsnAbstractOperationMacroType AsnAbstractErrorMacroType %type AsnPorts AsnPortList %type AsnPort %type AsnPortType %type AsnObject AsnObjectList AsnPortSpec AsnPortSpecList AsnObjectSpec AsnComponent AsnComponentList %type AsnOperations AsnConsumer AsnSupplier %type AsnAbstractBindPorts AsnAbstractUnbindPorts %type AfAlgorithmMacroType AfEncryptedMacroType AfSignedMacroType AfSignatureMacroType AfProtectedMacroType %type SnmpObjectTypeMacroType %type SnmpStatus SnmpAccess %type SnmpDescrPart SnmpReferPart SnmpDefValPart %type SnmpIndexPart %start ModuleDefinition %% /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Module def/import/export productions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LineNo: { $$ = myLineNoG; } ModuleDefinition: ModuleIdentifier DEFINITIONS_SYM TagDefault { modulePtrG->tagDefault = $3; } GETS_SYM BEGIN_SYM ModuleBody END_SYM { modulePtrG->modId = $1; /* * Set exported flags in type/value defs as appropriate */ SetExports (modulePtrG, exportListG, exportsParsedG); /* clean up */ /* Free Application tag list */ FreeApplTags(); /* * Add values defined in any parsed object identifiers. * Only the Module name and some macro oids have been parsed, * the rest are just "{...}" strings at this point * (they will be parsed in later) */ modulePtrG->valueDefs = AsnListConcat (modulePtrG->valueDefs, oidElmtValDefsG); /* * free list head only */ Free (oidElmtValDefsG); } ; TagDefault: EXPLICIT_SYM TAGS_SYM { $$ = EXPLICIT_TAGS; } | IMPLICIT_SYM TAGS_SYM { $$ = IMPLICIT_TAGS; } | empty { /* default is EXPLICIT TAGS */ $$ = EXPLICIT_TAGS; } ; ModuleIdentifier: modulereference AssignedIdentifier { $$ = MT (ModuleId); $$->name = $1; $$->oid = $2; } ; AssignedIdentifier: ObjectIdentifierValue | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; ModuleBody: Exports Imports AssignmentList | empty ; Exports: EXPORTS_SYM SymbolsExported SEMI_COLON_SYM { /* * allows differentiation between "EXPORTS;" * (in which no exports allowed) * and when the EXPORTS symbol does not appear * (then all are exported) */ exportsParsedG = TRUE; } | EXPORTS_SYM error SEMI_COLON_SYM { PARSE_ERROR(); exportsParsedG = FALSE; exportListG = NULL; yyerrok; } | empty { exportsParsedG = FALSE; } ; SymbolsExported: ExportSymbolList { exportListG = $1; } | empty { exportListG = NULL; } ; ExportSymbolList: Symbol { $$ = MT (ExportElmt); $$->name = $1; $$->lineNo = myLineNoG; $$->next = NULL; } | ExportSymbolList COMMA_SYM LineNo Symbol { $$ = MT (ExportElmt); $$->name = $4; $$->next = $1; $$->lineNo = $3; } ; Imports: IMPORTS_SYM SymbolsImported SEMI_COLON_SYM | IMPORTS_SYM error SEMI_COLON_SYM { PARSE_ERROR(); yyerrok; } | empty ; SymbolsImported: SymbolsFromModuleList { modulePtrG->imports = $1; } | empty ; SymbolsFromModuleList: SymbolsFromModuleList SymbolsFromModule { APPEND ($2,$1); } | SymbolsFromModule { $$ = NEWLIST(); APPEND ($1, $$); } ; SymbolsFromModule: SymbolList FROM_SYM LineNo ModuleIdentifier { $$ = MT (ImportModule); $$->modId = $4; $$->lineNo = $3; $$->importElmts = $1; } ; SymbolList: SymbolList COMMA_SYM Symbol { ImportElmt *ie; ie = MT (ImportElmt); ie->name = $3; ie->lineNo = myLineNoG; APPEND (ie, $1); $$ = $1; } | Symbol { ImportElmt *ie; /* called for the first element only, so create list head */ $$ = NEWLIST(); ie = MT (ImportElmt); ie->name = $1; ie->lineNo = myLineNoG; APPEND (ie, $$); } ; Symbol: typereference | identifier | DefinedMacroName /* This solves macro "keyword" problem */ { /* * hack to make DefinedMacroNames "freeable" * like idents and typeref */ $$ = Malloc (strlen ($1)+1); strcpy ($$, $1); } ; AssignmentList: AssignmentList AssignmentOrError | AssignmentOrError ; AssignmentOrError: Assignment | Assignment SEMI_COLON_SYM | error SEMI_COLON_SYM { PARSE_ERROR(); yyerrok; } ; Assignment: TypeAssignment { /* * a macro may produce a null type */ if ($1 != NULL) { /* * add to head of type def list */ APPEND ($1, modulePtrG->typeDefs); } } | ValueAssignment { /* * a macro may produce a null value */ if ($1 != NULL) { /* * add to head of value def list */ APPEND ($1, modulePtrG->valueDefs); } } | NAMEDMACRO_SYM GETS_SYM BEGIN_SYM LineNo { LexBeginMacroDefContext(); } MACRODEFBODY_SYM { TypeDef *tmpTypeDef; /* * LEXICAL TIE IN!! * create macro type to eliminate import resolution * errors msgs from other modules importing the macro. * (hopefully) Only the import list will link with * these type defs. * keeps macro def around incase of future processing needs * * NOTE: MACRODEFBODY_SYM returns the macro def body with * with "BEGIN" at the begininning and "END" at the end */ /* * put lexical analyzer back in normal state */ /* BEGIN (INITIAL); */ LexBeginInitialContext(); tmpTypeDef = MT (TypeDef); SetupType (&tmpTypeDef->type, BASICTYPE_MACRODEF, $4); tmpTypeDef->definedName = $1; /* * keeps the macro def body * (all text between & including the BEGIN and END) * as a simple string - incase you want to fart around with * it. */ tmpTypeDef->type->basicType->a.macroDef = $6; /* * put in type list */ APPEND (tmpTypeDef, modulePtrG->typeDefs); } | NAMEDMACRO_SYM GETS_SYM MacroReference { TypeDef *tmpTypeDef; tmpTypeDef = MT (TypeDef); SetupType (&tmpTypeDef->type, BASICTYPE_MACRODEF, myLineNoG); tmpTypeDef->definedName = $1; tmpTypeDef->type->basicType->a.macroDef = $3; /* * put in type list */ APPEND (tmpTypeDef, modulePtrG->typeDefs); } | NAMEDMACRO_SYM GETS_SYM modulereference DOT_SYM MacroReference { TypeDef *tmpTypeDef; tmpTypeDef = MT (TypeDef); SetupType (&tmpTypeDef->type, BASICTYPE_MACRODEF, myLineNoG); tmpTypeDef->definedName = $1; tmpTypeDef->type->basicType->a.macroDef = (MyString) Malloc (strlen ($3) + strlen ($5) + 2); strcpy (tmpTypeDef->type->basicType->a.macroDef, $3); strcat (tmpTypeDef->type->basicType->a.macroDef, "."); strcat (tmpTypeDef->type->basicType->a.macroDef, $5); /* * put in type list */ APPEND (tmpTypeDef, modulePtrG->typeDefs); Free ($3); Free ($5); } ; MacroReference: typereference | DefinedMacroName ; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Type Notation Productions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TypeAssignment: typereference GETS_SYM SnaccAttributes LineNo Type SnaccAttributes { /* * a macro type may produce a null type */ if ($5 != NULL) { $$ = MT (TypeDef); $$->type = $5; $$->type->lineNo = $4; $$->type->attrList = $6; $$->definedName = $1; $$->attrList = $3; } else $$ = NULL; } ; ExternalTypeReference: modulereference DOT_SYM LineNo typereference { /* allocate a Type with basic type of ImportTypeRef */ SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_IMPORTTYPEREF, $3); $$->basicType->a.importTypeRef = MT (TypeRef); $$->basicType->a.importTypeRef->typeName = $4; $$->basicType->a.importTypeRef->moduleName = $1; /* add entry to this module's import list */ AddPrivateImportElmt (modulePtrG, $4, $1, $3); } ; DefinedType: /* could by CharacterString or Useful types too */ ExternalTypeReference { $$ = $1; } | typereference { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_LOCALTYPEREF, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.localTypeRef = MT (TypeRef); $$->basicType->a.localTypeRef->typeName = $1; } ; Type: DefinedMacroType | BuiltinType | DefinedType | Subtype ; BuiltinType: BooleanType | IntegerType | BitStringType | NullType | SequenceType | SequenceOfType | SetType | SetOfType | ChoiceType | SelectionType | TaggedType | AnyType | ObjectIdentifierType | EnumeratedType | RealType | OCTET_SYM STRING_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_OCTETSTRING, myLineNoG); } ; NamedType: identifier Type { $$ = MT (NamedType); $$->type = $2; $$->fieldName = $1; } | Type /* this handles selectionType as well */ { $$ = MT (NamedType); $$->type = $1; } ; BooleanType: BOOLEAN_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_BOOLEAN, myLineNoG); } ; IntegerType: INTEGER_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_INTEGER, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.integer = NEWLIST(); /* empty list */ } | INTEGER_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM NamedNumberList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_INTEGER, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.integer = $3; } ; NamedNumberList: NamedNumber { $$ = NEWLIST(); APPEND ($1, $$); } | NamedNumberList COMMA_SYM NamedNumber { APPEND ($3,$1); $$ = $1; } ; NamedNumber: identifier LEFTPAREN_SYM SignedNumber RIGHTPAREN_SYM { $$ = MT (ValueDef); $$->definedName = $1; SetupValue (&$$->value, BASICVALUE_INTEGER, myLineNoG); $$->value->basicValue->a.integer = $3; } | identifier LEFTPAREN_SYM DefinedValue RIGHTPAREN_SYM { $$ = MT (ValueDef); $$->definedName = $1; $$->value = $3; } ; SignedNumber: NUMBER_SYM { if ($1>0x7FFFFFFF) { yyerror("Warning: positive signed number out of range"); $$ = 0x7FFFFFFF; } } | NUMBER_ERANGE { yyerror ("Warning: positive signed number out of range"); $$ = 0x7FFFFFFF; /* modulePtrG->status = MOD_ERROR; */ } | MINUS_SYM NUMBER_SYM { if ($2>0x80000000) { yyerror("Warning: negative signed number out of range"); $$ = -0x80000000; } else if ($2==0x80000000) { $$ = -0x80000000; } else { $$ = -$2; } } | MINUS_SYM NUMBER_ERANGE { yyerror ("Warning: negative signed number out of range"); $$ = -0x80000000; /* modulePtrG->status = MOD_ERROR; */ } ; EnumeratedType: ENUMERATED_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM NamedNumberList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_ENUMERATED, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.enumerated = $3; } ; RealType: REAL_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_REAL, myLineNoG); } ; BitStringType: BIT_SYM STRING_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_BITSTRING, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.bitString = NEWLIST(); /* empty list */ } | BIT_SYM STRING_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM NamedBitList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_BITSTRING, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.bitString = $4; } ; NamedBitList: NamedNumberList ; NullType: NULL_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_NULL, myLineNoG); } ; SequenceOpening: SEQUENCE_SYM LineNo LEFTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $2; } ; SequenceType: SequenceOpening ElementTypes RIGHTBRACE_SYM { NamedType *n; SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_SEQUENCE, $1); if (AsnListCount ((AsnList*)$2) != 0) { n = (NamedType*) FIRST_LIST_ELMT ((AsnList*)$2); n->type->lineNo = $1; } $$->basicType->a.sequence = $2; } | SequenceOpening RIGHTBRACE_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_SEQUENCE, $1); /* set up empty list for SEQ with no elmts */ $$->basicType->a.sequence = AsnListNew (sizeof (void*)); } /* | SEQUENCE_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM error RIGHTBRACE_SYM { PARSE_ERROR(); yyerrok; } */ ; ElementTypes: ElementTypeList SnaccAttributes { NamedType *lastElmt; if ($2 != NULL) { lastElmt = (NamedType*)LAST_LIST_ELMT ($1); lastElmt->type->attrList = $2; } $$ = $1; } ; ElementTypeList: ElementType { $$ = NEWLIST(); APPEND ($1,$$); } | ElementTypeList COMMA_SYM SnaccAttributes LineNo ElementType { NamedType *lastElmt; if ($3 != NULL) { lastElmt = (NamedType*)LAST_LIST_ELMT ($1); lastElmt->type->attrList = $3; } APPEND ($5, $1); lastElmt = (NamedType*)LAST_LIST_ELMT ($1); lastElmt->type->lineNo = $4; $$ = $1; } ; ElementType: NamedType | NamedType OPTIONAL_SYM { $$ = $1; $$->type->optional = TRUE; } | NamedType DEFAULT_SYM NamedValue { /* * this rules uses NamedValue instead of Value * for the stupid choice value syntax (fieldname value) * it should be like a set/seq value (ie with * enclosing { } */ $$ = $1; $$->type->defaultVal = $3; /* * could link value to the elmt type here (done in link_types.c) */ } | COMPONENTS_SYM OF_SYM Type { $$ = MT (NamedType); SetupType (&$$->type, BASICTYPE_COMPONENTSOF, myLineNoG); $$->type->basicType->a.componentsOf = $3; } | identifier COMPONENTS_SYM OF_SYM Type { $$ = MT (NamedType); SetupType (&$$->type, BASICTYPE_COMPONENTSOF, myLineNoG); $$->fieldName = $1; $$->type->basicType->a.componentsOf = $4; } ; SequenceOfType: SEQUENCE_SYM OF_SYM Type { NamedType *n; /* does not use SEQUENCE == SEQ OF ANY abrev*/ SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_SEQUENCEOF, myLineNoG); /* grab line number from first elmt */ if ($3 != NULL) $$->lineNo = $3->lineNo - 1; $$->basicType->a.sequenceOf = $3; } ; SetOpening: SET_SYM LineNo LEFTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $2; } ; SetType: SetOpening ElementTypes RIGHTBRACE_SYM { NamedType *n; SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_SET, $1); /* reset first elmt's line number */ if (AsnListCount ((AsnList*)$2) != 0) { n = (NamedType*)FIRST_LIST_ELMT ((AsnList*)$2); n->type->lineNo = $1; } $$->basicType->a.set = $2; } | SetOpening RIGHTBRACE_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_SET, $1); /* set up empty elmt list for SET */ $$->basicType->a.set = AsnListNew (sizeof (void*)); } /* | SET_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM error RIGHTBRACE_SYM { PARSE_ERROR(); yyerrok; } */ ; SetOfType: SET_SYM OF_SYM Type { /* does not allow SET == SET OF ANY Abrev */ SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_SETOF, myLineNoG); if ($3 != NULL) $$->lineNo = $3->lineNo; $$->basicType->a.setOf = $3; } ; ChoiceType: CHOICE_SYM LineNo LEFTBRACE_SYM AlternativeTypes RIGHTBRACE_SYM { NamedType *n; SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_CHOICE, $2); $$->basicType->a.choice = $4; if (AsnListCount ($4) != 0) { n = (NamedType*)FIRST_LIST_ELMT ($4); n->type->lineNo = $2; } } ; AlternativeTypes: AlternativeTypeList SnaccAttributes { NamedType *lastElmt; if ($2 != NULL) { lastElmt = (NamedType*)LAST_LIST_ELMT ($1); lastElmt->type->attrList = $2; } $$ = $1; } ; AlternativeTypeList: NamedType { $$ = NEWLIST(); APPEND ($1, $$); } | AlternativeTypeList COMMA_SYM SnaccAttributes NamedType { NamedType *lastElmt; if ($3 != NULL) { lastElmt = (NamedType*)LAST_LIST_ELMT ($1); lastElmt->type->attrList = $3; } APPEND ($4,$1); $$ = $1; } ; SelectionType: identifier LESSTHAN_SYM Type { /* * the selection type should be replaced after * link with actual type */ SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_SELECTION, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.selection = MT (SelectionType); $$->basicType->a.selection->typeRef = $3; $$->basicType->a.selection->fieldName = $1; } ; TaggedType: Tag Type { Tag *tag; /* remove next tag if any && IMPLICIT_TAGS */ if ((modulePtrG->tagDefault == IMPLICIT_TAGS) && ($2->tags != NULL) && !LIST_EMPTY ($2->tags)) { tag = (Tag*)FIRST_LIST_ELMT ($2->tags); /* set curr to first */ AsnListFirst ($2->tags); /* set curr to first elmt */ AsnListRemove ($2->tags); /* remove first elmt */ /* * set implicit if implicitly tagged built in type (ie not ref) * (this simplifies the module ASN.1 printer (print.c)) */ if (tag->tclass == UNIV) $2->implicit = TRUE; Free (tag); } PREPEND ($1, $2->tags); $$ = $2; } | Tag IMPLICIT_SYM Type { Tag *tag; /* remove next tag if any */ if (($3->tags != NULL) && !LIST_EMPTY ($3->tags)) { tag = (Tag*)FIRST_LIST_ELMT ($3->tags); /* set curr to first */ AsnListFirst ($3->tags); /* set curr to first elmt */ AsnListRemove ($3->tags); /* remove first elmt */ if (tag->tclass == UNIV) $3->implicit = TRUE; Free (tag); } /* * must check after linking that implicitly tagged * local/import type refs are not untagged choice/any etc */ else if (($3->basicType->choiceId == BASICTYPE_IMPORTTYPEREF) || ($3->basicType->choiceId == BASICTYPE_LOCALTYPEREF) || ($3->basicType->choiceId == BASICTYPE_SELECTION)) $3->implicit = TRUE; /* * all other implicitly tagable types should have tags * to remove - if this else clause fires then it is * probably a CHOICE or ANY type */ else { PrintErrLoc (modulePtrG->asn1SrcFileName, $3->lineNo); fprintf (stderr, "ERROR - attempt to implicitly reference untagged type\n"); smallErrG = 1; } PREPEND ($1, $3->tags); $$ = $3; } | Tag EXPLICIT_SYM Type { /* insert tag at head of list */ $1->explicit = TRUE; PREPEND ($1, $3->tags); $$ = $3; } ; Tag: LEFTBRACKET_SYM Class ClassNumber RIGHTBRACKET_SYM { $$ = $3; $$->tclass = $2; $$->explicit = FALSE; /* default to false */ /* * keep track of APPLICATION Tags per module * should only be used once */ if ($2 == APPL) { PushApplTag ($$->code, myLineNoG); } } ; ClassNumber: number { $$ = MT (Tag); $$->code = $1; } | DefinedValue { $$ = MT (Tag); $$->code = NO_TAG_CODE; $$->valueRef = $1; } ; Class: UNIVERSAL_SYM { $$ = UNIV; } | APPLICATION_SYM { $$ = APPL; } | PRIVATE_SYM { $$ = PRIV; } | empty { $$ = CNTX; } ; AnyType: ANY_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_ANY, myLineNoG); } | ANY_SYM DEFINED_SYM BY_SYM identifier { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_ANYDEFINEDBY, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.anyDefinedBy = MT (AnyDefinedByType); $$->basicType->a.anyDefinedBy->fieldName = $4; } ; ObjectIdentifierType: OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_SYM { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_OID, myLineNoG); } ; Subtype: Type SubtypeSpec { /* * append new subtype list to existing one (s) if any * with AND relation */ AppendSubtype (&$1->subtypes, $2, SUBTYPE_AND); $$ = $1; } | SET_SYM SizeConstraint OF_SYM Type { Subtype *s; SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_SETOF, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.setOf = $4; /* add size constraint */ s = MT (Subtype); s->choiceId = SUBTYPE_SINGLE; s->a.single = $2; AppendSubtype (&$$->subtypes, s, SUBTYPE_AND); } | SEQUENCE_SYM SizeConstraint OF_SYM Type { Subtype *s; SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_SEQUENCEOF, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.sequenceOf = $4; /* add size constraint */ s = MT (Subtype); s->choiceId = SUBTYPE_SINGLE; s->a.single = $2; AppendSubtype (&$$->subtypes, s, SUBTYPE_AND); } ; SubtypeSpec: LEFTPAREN_SYM SubtypeValueSetList RIGHTPAREN_SYM { $$ = $2; } ; SubtypeValueSetList: SubtypeValueSet { Subtype *s; /* OR relation between all elmts of in ValueSetList */ $$ = MT (Subtype); $$->choiceId = SUBTYPE_OR; $$->a.or = NEWLIST(); s = MT (Subtype); s->choiceId = SUBTYPE_SINGLE; s->a.single = $1; APPEND (s, $$->a.or); } | SubtypeValueSetList BAR_SYM SubtypeValueSet { Subtype *s; s = MT (Subtype); s->choiceId = SUBTYPE_SINGLE; s->a.single = $3; APPEND (s, $1->a.or); $$ = $1; } ; SubtypeValueSet: SingleValue | ContainedSubtype | ValueRange | PermittedAlphabet | SizeConstraint | InnerTypeConstraints ; SingleValue: Value { $$ = MT (SubtypeValue); $$->choiceId = SUBTYPEVALUE_SINGLEVALUE; $$->a.singleValue = $1; } ContainedSubtype: INCLUDES_SYM Type { $$ = MT (SubtypeValue); $$->choiceId = SUBTYPEVALUE_CONTAINED; $$->a.contained = $2; } ; ValueRange: LowerEndPoint DOT_SYM DOT_SYM UpperEndPoint { $$ = MT (SubtypeValue); $$->choiceId = SUBTYPEVALUE_VALUERANGE; $$->a.valueRange = MT (ValueRangeSubtype); $$->a.valueRange->lowerEndInclusive = valueRangeLowerEndInclusiveG; $$->a.valueRange->upperEndInclusive = valueRangeUpperEndInclusiveG; $$->a.valueRange->lowerEndValue = $1; $$->a.valueRange->upperEndValue = $4; } ; LowerEndPoint: LowerEndValue { $$ = $1; valueRangeLowerEndInclusiveG = TRUE; } | LowerEndValue LESSTHAN_SYM { $$ = $1; valueRangeLowerEndInclusiveG = FALSE; } ; UpperEndPoint: UpperEndValue { $$ = $1; valueRangeUpperEndInclusiveG = TRUE; } | LESSTHAN_SYM UpperEndValue { $$ = $2; valueRangeUpperEndInclusiveG = FALSE; } ; LowerEndValue: Value { $$ = $1; } | MIN_SYM { SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_SPECIALINTEGER, myLineNoG); $$->basicValue->a.specialInteger = MIN_INT; } ; UpperEndValue: Value { $$ = $1; } | MAX_SYM { SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_SPECIALINTEGER, myLineNoG); $$->basicValue->a.specialInteger = MAX_INT; } ; SizeConstraint: SIZE_SYM SubtypeSpec { $$ = MT (SubtypeValue); $$->choiceId = SUBTYPEVALUE_SIZECONSTRAINT; $$->a.sizeConstraint = $2; } ; PermittedAlphabet: FROM_SYM SubtypeSpec { $$ = MT (SubtypeValue); $$->choiceId = SUBTYPEVALUE_PERMITTEDALPHABET; $$->a.permittedAlphabet = $2; } ; InnerTypeConstraints: WITH_SYM COMPONENT_SYM SingleTypeConstraint { $$ = MT (SubtypeValue); $$->choiceId = SUBTYPEVALUE_INNERSUBTYPE; $$->a.innerSubtype = $3; } | WITH_SYM COMPONENTS_SYM MultipleTypeConstraints { $$ = MT (SubtypeValue); $$->choiceId = SUBTYPEVALUE_INNERSUBTYPE; $$->a.innerSubtype = $3; } ; SingleTypeConstraint: SubtypeSpec { Constraint *constraint; /* this constrains the elmt of setof or seq of */ $$ = MT (InnerSubtype); $$->constraintType = SINGLE_CT; $$->constraints = NEWLIST(); constraint = MT (Constraint); APPEND (constraint, $$->constraints); constraint->valueConstraints = $1; } ; MultipleTypeConstraints: FullSpecification | PartialSpecification ; FullSpecification: LEFTBRACE_SYM TypeConstraints RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = MT (InnerSubtype); $$->constraintType = FULL_CT; $$->constraints = $2; } ; PartialSpecification: LEFTBRACE_SYM DOT_SYM DOT_SYM DOT_SYM COMMA_SYM TypeConstraints RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = MT (InnerSubtype); $$->constraintType = PARTIAL_CT; $$->constraints = $6; } ; TypeConstraints: NamedConstraint { $$ = NEWLIST(); APPEND ($1, $$); } | TypeConstraints COMMA_SYM NamedConstraint { APPEND ($3, $1); $$ = $1; } ; NamedConstraint: identifier Constraint { $$ = $2; $$->fieldRef = $1; } | Constraint ; Constraint: ValueConstraint PresenceConstraint { $$ = MT (Constraint); $$->presenceConstraint = $2; $$->valueConstraints = $1; } ; ValueConstraint: SubtypeSpec { $$ = $1; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; PresenceConstraint: PRESENT_SYM { $$ = PRESENT_CT; } | ABSENT_SYM { $$ = ABSENT_CT; } | empty { $$ = EMPTY_CT; } | OPTIONAL_SYM { $$ = OPTIONAL_CT; } ; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Value Notation Productions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ValueAssignment: identifier Type GETS_SYM LineNo Value { $$ = MT (ValueDef); $$->definedName = $1; $$->value = $5; $$->value->lineNo = $4; $$->value->type = $2; } ; Value: BuiltinValue | DefinedValue ; DefinedValue: ExternalValueReference { $$ = $1; } | identifier /* a defined value or a named elmt ref */ { /* * for parse, may be set to BASICVALUE_IMPORTEDTYPEREF * by linker */ SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_LOCALVALUEREF, myLineNoG); $$->basicValue->a.localValueRef = MT (ValueRef); $$->basicValue->a.localValueRef->valueName = $1; $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; } ; ExternalValueReference: modulereference DOT_SYM LineNo identifier { /* Alloc value with basicValue of importValueRef */ SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_IMPORTVALUEREF, $3); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; $$->basicValue->a.importValueRef = MT (ValueRef); $$->basicValue->a.importValueRef->valueName = $4; $$->basicValue->a.importValueRef->moduleName = $1; /* add entry to this module's import list */ AddPrivateImportElmt (modulePtrG, $4, $1, $3); } ; BuiltinValue: BooleanValue | NullValue | SpecialRealValue | SignedNumber /* IntegerValue or "0" real val*/ { SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_INTEGER, myLineNoG); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; $$->basicValue->a.integer = $1; } | HexString /* OctetStringValue or BinaryStringValue */ { SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_ASCIIHEX, myLineNoG); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; $$->basicValue->a.asciiHex = MT (AsnOcts); $$->basicValue->a.asciiHex->octs = $1; $$->basicValue->a.asciiHex->octetLen = strlen ($1); } | BinaryString /* BinaryStringValue */ { SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_ASCIIBITSTRING, myLineNoG); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; $$->basicValue->a.asciiBitString = MT (AsnOcts); $$->basicValue->a.asciiBitString->octs = $1; $$->basicValue->a.asciiBitString->octetLen = strlen ($1); } | CharString { SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_ASCIITEXT, myLineNoG); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; $$->basicValue->a.asciiText = MT (AsnOcts); $$->basicValue->a.asciiText->octs = $1; $$->basicValue->a.asciiText->octetLen = strlen ($1); } | LEFTBRACE_SYM { LexBeginBraceBalContext(); } BRACEBAL_SYM { /* * LEXICAL TIE IN!! * string returned by BRACEBAL_SYM has * the $1 '{' prepended and includes everything * upto and including '}' that balances $1 */ LexBeginInitialContext(); SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_VALUENOTATION, myLineNoG); $$->basicValue->a.valueNotation = MT (AsnOcts); $$->basicValue->a.valueNotation->octs = $3; $$->basicValue->a.valueNotation->octetLen = strlen ($3); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; } ; BooleanValue: TRUE_SYM { SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_BOOLEAN, myLineNoG); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; $$->basicValue->a.boolean = TRUE; } | FALSE_SYM { SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_BOOLEAN, myLineNoG); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; $$->basicValue->a.boolean = FALSE; } ; SpecialRealValue: PLUS_INFINITY_SYM { SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_SPECIALREAL, myLineNoG); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; $$->basicValue->a.specialReal = PLUS_INFINITY_REAL; } | MINUS_INFINITY_SYM { SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_SPECIALREAL, myLineNoG); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; $$->basicValue->a.specialReal = MINUS_INFINITY_REAL; } ; NullValue: NULL_SYM { /* create a NULL value */ SetupValue (&$$, BASICVALUE_NULL, myLineNoG); $$->valueType = BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN; } ; NamedValue: Value { $$ = MT (NamedValue); $$->value = $1; } | identifier Value { $$ = MT (NamedValue); $$->value = $2; $$->fieldName = $1; } ; ObjectIdentifierValue: LEFTBRACE_SYM ObjIdComponentList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { /* * example OID setup * * for { ccitt foo (1) bar bell (bunt) 2 } * * ccitt * - arcnum is set to number from oid table (oid.c) * foo (1) * - sets up a new value def foo defined as 1 * - makes oid valueref a value ref to foo (doesn't link it tho) * bar * - makes oid valueref a value ref to bar (doesn't link it tho) * bell (bunt) * - sets up a new value def bell defined as a val ref to bunt * - makes oid valueref a value ref to bell (doesn't link it tho) * 2 * - arcnum is set to 2 */ $$ = $2; } ; ObjIdComponentList: ObjIdComponentList ObjIdComponent { OID *o; /* append component */ for (o = $1; o->next != NULL; o = o->next) ; o->next = $2; $$ = $1; } | ObjIdComponent ; ObjIdComponent: NumberForm | NameForm { Value *newVal; /* * if the arcName is a defined arc name like * ccitt or iso etc, fill in the arc number. * otherwise make a value ref to that named value */ $$ = MT (OID); $$->arcNum = OidArcNameToNum ($1); if ($$->arcNum == NULL_OID_ARCNUM) { /* set up value ref to named value */ SetupValue (&newVal, BASICVALUE_LOCALVALUEREF, myLineNoG); newVal->basicValue->a.localValueRef = MT (ValueRef); newVal->valueType = BASICTYPE_INTEGER; newVal->basicValue->a.localValueRef->valueName = $1; $$->valueRef = newVal; } } | NameAndNumberForm ; NumberForm: number { $$ = MT (OID); $$->arcNum = $1; } ; NameForm: identifier ; NameAndNumberForm: identifier LEFTPAREN_SYM NumberForm RIGHTPAREN_SYM { Value *newVal; $$ = $3; /* shared refs to named numbers name */ SetupValue (&newVal, BASICVALUE_INTEGER, myLineNoG); newVal->basicValue->a.integer = $$->arcNum; newVal->valueType = BASICTYPE_INTEGER; AddNewValueDef (oidElmtValDefsG, $1, newVal); SetupValue (&newVal, BASICVALUE_LOCALVALUEREF, myLineNoG); newVal->basicValue->a.localValueRef = MT (ValueRef); newVal->basicValue->a.localValueRef->valueName = $1; $$->valueRef = newVal; } | identifier LEFTPAREN_SYM DefinedValue RIGHTPAREN_SYM { Value *newVal; /* shared refs to named numbers name */ $$ = MT (OID); $$->arcNum = NULL_OID_ARCNUM; AddNewValueDef (oidElmtValDefsG, $1, $3); SetupValue (&newVal, BASICVALUE_LOCALVALUEREF, myLineNoG); newVal->basicValue->a.localValueRef = MT (ValueRef); newVal->basicValue->a.localValueRef->valueName = $1; $$->valueRef = newVal; } ; BinaryString: BSTRING_SYM ; HexString: HSTRING_SYM ; CharString: CSTRING_SYM ; number: NUMBER_SYM { if ($1>0x7FFFFFFF) { yyerror("Warning: number out of range"); $$ = 0x7FFFFFFF; } } | NUMBER_ERANGE { yyerror ("Warning: number out of range"); $$ = 0x7FFFFFFF; /* modulePtrG->status = MOD_ERROR; */ } ; identifier: LCASEFIRST_IDENT_SYM ; modulereference: UCASEFIRST_IDENT_SYM ; typereference: UCASEFIRST_IDENT_SYM ; empty: ; /* Snacc attributes/extra type info * - encapsulated in special comments */ SnaccAttributes: SnaccAttributeCommentList | empty {$$ = NULL;} ; SnaccAttributeCommentList: SNACC_ATTRIBUTES { $$ = NEWLIST(); APPEND ($1,$$); } | SnaccAttributeCommentList SNACC_ATTRIBUTES { APPEND ($2,$1); $$ = $1; } ; /* * Macro Syntax definitions **************************/ DefinedMacroType: RosOperationMacroType | RosErrorMacroType | RosBindMacroType | RosUnbindMacroType | RosAseMacroType | RosAcMacroType | MtsasExtensionMacroType | MtsasExtensionsMacroType | MtsasExtensionAttributeMacroType | MtsasTokenMacroType | MtsasTokenDataMacroType | MtsasSecurityCategoryMacroType | AsnObjectMacroType | AsnPortMacroType | AsnRefineMacroType | AsnAbstractBindMacroType | AsnAbstractUnbindMacroType | AsnAbstractOperationMacroType | AsnAbstractErrorMacroType | AfAlgorithmMacroType | AfEncryptedMacroType | AfProtectedMacroType | AfSignatureMacroType | AfSignedMacroType | SnmpObjectTypeMacroType ; DefinedMacroName: OPERATION_SYM { $$ = "OPERATION"; } | ERROR_SYM { $$ = "ERROR"; } | BIND_SYM { $$ = "BIND"; } | UNBIND_SYM { $$ = "UNBIND"; } | ASE_SYM { $$ = "APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT"; } | AC_SYM { $$ = "APPLICATION-CONTEXT"; } | EXTENSION_SYM { $$ = "EXTENSION"; } | EXTENSIONS_SYM { $$ = "EXTENSIONS"; } | EXTENSIONATTRIBUTE_SYM { $$ = "EXTENSION-ATTRIBUTE"; } | TOKEN_SYM { $$ = "TOKEN"; } | TOKENDATA_SYM { $$ = "TOKEN-DATA"; } | SECURITYCATEGORY_SYM { $$ = "SECURITY-CATEGORY"; } | OBJECT_SYM { $$ = "OBJECT"; } | PORT_SYM { $$ = "PORT"; } | REFINE_SYM { $$ = "REFINE"; } | ABSTRACTBIND_SYM { $$ = "ABSTRACT-BIND"; } | ABSTRACTUNBIND_SYM { $$ = "ABSTRACT-UNBIND"; } | ABSTRACTOPERATION_SYM { $$ = "ABSTRACT-OPERATION"; } | ABSTRACTERROR_SYM { $$ = "ABSTRACT-ERROR"; } | ALGORITHM_SYM { $$ = "ALGORITHM"; } | ENCRYPTED_SYM { $$ = "ENCRYPTED"; } | SIGNED_SYM { $$ = "SIGNED"; } | SIGNATURE_SYM { $$ = "SIGNATURE"; } | PROTECTED_SYM { $$ = "PROTECTED"; } | OBJECTTYPE_SYM { $$ = "OBJECT-TYPE"; } ; /* * Operation Macro (ROS) added by MS 91/08/27 */ RosOperationMacroType: OPERATION_SYM RosOperationMacroBody { $$ = $2; } ; RosOperationMacroBody: RosOpArgument RosOpResult RosOpErrors RosOpLinkedOps { RosOperationMacroType *r; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ROSOPERATION, myLineNoG); r = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.rosOperation = MT (RosOperationMacroType); r->arguments = $1; r->result = $2; r->errors = $3; r->linkedOps = $4; } ; RosOpArgument: ARGUMENT_SYM NamedType { $$ = $2; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; RosOpResult: RESULT_SYM RosOpResultType { $$ = $2; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; RosOpResultType: NamedType | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; RosOpErrors: ERRORS_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM PossiblyEmptyTypeOrValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; RosOpLinkedOps: LINKED_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM PossiblyEmptyTypeOrValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; /* * ROS ERROR macro - ms 91/08/27 */ RosErrorMacroType: ERROR_SYM RosErrParameter { RosErrorMacroType *r; /* * defines error macro type */ SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ROSERROR, myLineNoG); r = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.rosError = MT (RosErrorMacroType); r->parameter = $2; } ; RosErrParameter: PARAMETER_SYM NamedType { $$ = $2; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; /* * ROS BIND macro - ms 91/09/13 */ RosBindMacroType: BIND_SYM RosBindArgument RosBindResult RosBindError { RosBindMacroType *r; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ROSBIND, myLineNoG); r = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.rosBind = MT (RosBindMacroType); r->argument = $2; r->result = $3; r->error = $4; } ; RosBindArgument: ARGUMENT_SYM NamedType { $$ = $2; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; RosBindResult: RESULT_SYM NamedType { $$ = $2; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; RosBindError: BINDERROR_SYM NamedType { $$ = $2; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; /* * ROS UNBIND ms 91/09/13 */ RosUnbindMacroType: UNBIND_SYM RosBindArgument RosBindResult RosUnbindError { RosBindMacroType *r; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ROSUNBIND, myLineNoG); r = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.rosUnbind = MT (RosBindMacroType); r->argument = $2; r->result = $3; r->error = $4; } ; RosUnbindError: UNBINDERROR_SYM NamedType { $$ = $2; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; /* * ROS APPLICATION-SERVICE-ELEMENT macro ms 91/09/13 */ RosAseMacroType: ASE_SYM RosAseSymmetricAse { RosAseMacroType *r; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ROSASE, myLineNoG); r = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.rosAse = MT (RosAseMacroType); r->operations = $2; } | ASE_SYM RosAseConsumerInvokes RosAseSupplierInvokes { RosAseMacroType *r; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ROSASE, myLineNoG); r = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.rosAse = MT (RosAseMacroType); r->consumerInvokes = $2; r->supplierInvokes = $3; } ; RosAseSymmetricAse: OPERATIONS_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM RosAseOperationList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } ; RosAseConsumerInvokes: CONSUMERINVOKES_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM RosAseOperationList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; RosAseSupplierInvokes: SUPPLIERINVOKES_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM RosAseOperationList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; RosAseOperationList: ValueList ; /* * ROS APPLICATION-CONTEXT macro ms 91/09/13 */ RosAcMacroType: AC_SYM RosAcNonRoElements BIND_SYM Type UNBIND_SYM Type RosAcRoElements RosAcAbstractSyntaxes { RosAcMacroType *r; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ROSAC, myLineNoG); r = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.rosAc = MT (RosAcMacroType); r->nonRoElements = $2; r->bindMacroType = $4; r->unbindMacroType = $6; r->remoteOperations = $7; r->operationsOf = rosAcSymmetricAsesG; r->initiatorConsumerOf = rosAcInitiatorConsumerOfG; r->responderConsumerOf = rosAcResponderConsumerOfG; r->abstractSyntaxes = $8; } ; RosAcNonRoElements: ASES_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM ValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } ; RosAcRoElements: REMOTE_SYM OPERATIONS_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM Value RIGHTBRACE_SYM RosAcSymmetricAses RosAcAsymmetricAses { $$ = $4; } | empty { $$ = NULL; rosAcSymmetricAsesG = NULL; rosAcInitiatorConsumerOfG = NULL; rosAcResponderConsumerOfG = NULL; } ; RosAcSymmetricAses: OPERATIONS_SYM OF_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM ValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { rosAcSymmetricAsesG = $4; } | empty { rosAcSymmetricAsesG = NULL; } ; RosAcAsymmetricAses: RosAcInitiatorConsumerOf RosAcResponderConsumerOf ; RosAcInitiatorConsumerOf: INITIATOR_SYM CONSUMER_SYM OF_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM ValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { rosAcInitiatorConsumerOfG = $5; } | empty { rosAcInitiatorConsumerOfG = NULL; } ; RosAcResponderConsumerOf: RESPONDER_SYM CONSUMER_SYM OF_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM ValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { rosAcResponderConsumerOfG = $5; } | empty { rosAcResponderConsumerOfG = NULL; } ; RosAcAbstractSyntaxes: ABSTRACTSYNTAXES_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM OidList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; OidList: ObjectIdentifierValue { $$ = NEWLIST(); APPEND ($1,$$); } | OidList COMMA_SYM ObjectIdentifierValue { APPEND ($3, $1); $$ = $1; } ; /* * MTSAbstractSvc EXTENSIONS macro */ MtsasExtensionsMacroType: EXTENSIONS_SYM CHOSEN_SYM FROM_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM PossiblyEmptyValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { MtsasExtensionsMacroType *m; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASEXTENSIONS, myLineNoG); m = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasExtensions = MT (MtsasExtensionsMacroType); m->extensions = $5; } ; PossiblyEmptyValueList: ValueList | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; ValueList: Value { $$ = NEWLIST(); APPEND ($1, $$); } | ValueList COMMA_SYM Value { APPEND ($3,$1); $$ = $1; } ; PossiblyEmptyTypeOrValueList: TypeOrValueList | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; TypeOrValueList: TypeOrValue { $$ = NEWLIST(); APPEND ($1, $$); } | TypeOrValueList COMMA_SYM TypeOrValue { APPEND ($3,$1); $$ = $1; } ; TypeOrValue: Type { $$ = MT (TypeOrValue); $$->choiceId = TYPEORVALUE_TYPE; $$->a.type = $1; } | Value { $$ = MT (TypeOrValue); $$->choiceId = TYPEORVALUE_VALUE; $$->a.value = $1; } ; /* * MTSAbstractSvc EXTENSION macro */ MtsasExtensionMacroType: EXTENSION_SYM NamedType MtsasExtDefaultVal MtsasExtCritical { MtsasExtensionMacroType *m; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASEXTENSION, myLineNoG); m = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasExtension = MT (MtsasExtensionMacroType); m->elmtType = $2; m->defaultValue = $3; m->criticalForSubmission = mtsasCriticalForSubmissionG; m->criticalForTransfer = mtsasCriticalForTransferG; m->criticalForDelivery = mtsasCriticalForDeliveryG; mtsasCriticalForSubmissionG = NULL; /* set up for next parse */ mtsasCriticalForTransferG = NULL; mtsasCriticalForDeliveryG = NULL; } | EXTENSION_SYM { SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASEXTENSION, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasExtension = MT (MtsasExtensionMacroType); /* * all fields are NULL in the MtsasExtensionsMacroType * for this production */ } ; MtsasExtDefaultVal: DEFAULT_SYM Value { $$ = $2; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; MtsasExtCritical: CRITICAL_SYM FOR_SYM MtsasExtCriticalityList | empty ; MtsasExtCriticalityList: MtsasExtCriticality | MtsasExtCriticalityList COMMA_SYM MtsasExtCriticality ; MtsasExtCriticality: SUBMISSION_SYM { mtsasCriticalForSubmissionG = MT (AsnBool); *mtsasCriticalForSubmissionG = TRUE; } | TRANSFER_SYM { mtsasCriticalForTransferG = MT (AsnBool); *mtsasCriticalForTransferG = TRUE; } | DELIVERY_SYM { mtsasCriticalForDeliveryG = MT (AsnBool); *mtsasCriticalForDeliveryG = TRUE; } ; /* * MTSAbstractSvc X.411 EXTENSION-ATTRIBUTE macro */ MtsasExtensionAttributeMacroType: EXTENSIONATTRIBUTE_SYM { MtsasExtensionAttributeMacroType *m; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASEXTENSIONATTRIBUTE, myLineNoG); m = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasExtensionAttribute = MT (MtsasExtensionAttributeMacroType); m->type = NULL; } | EXTENSIONATTRIBUTE_SYM Type { MtsasExtensionAttributeMacroType *m; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASEXTENSIONATTRIBUTE, myLineNoG); m = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasExtensionAttribute = MT (MtsasExtensionAttributeMacroType); m->type = $2; } ; /* * X.411 MTSAbstractSvc TOKEN macro */ MtsasTokenMacroType: TOKEN_SYM { MtsasTokenMacroType *m; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASTOKEN, myLineNoG); m = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasToken = MT (MtsasTokenMacroType); m->type = NULL; } | TOKEN_SYM Type { MtsasTokenMacroType *m; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASTOKEN, myLineNoG); m = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasToken = MT (MtsasTokenMacroType); m->type = $2; } ; /* * X.411 MTSAS TOKEN-DATA macro type */ MtsasTokenDataMacroType: TOKENDATA_SYM { MtsasTokenDataMacroType *m; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASTOKENDATA, myLineNoG); m = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasTokenData = MT (MtsasTokenDataMacroType); m->type = NULL; } | TOKENDATA_SYM Type { MtsasTokenDataMacroType *m; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASTOKENDATA, myLineNoG); m = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasTokenData = MT (MtsasTokenDataMacroType); m->type = $2; } ; /* * X.411 MTSAS SECURITY-CATEGORY */ MtsasSecurityCategoryMacroType: SECURITYCATEGORY_SYM { MtsasSecurityCategoryMacroType *m; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASSECURITYCATEGORY, myLineNoG); m = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasSecurityCategory = MT (MtsasSecurityCategoryMacroType); m->type = NULL; } | SECURITYCATEGORY_SYM Type { MtsasSecurityCategoryMacroType *m; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_MTSASSECURITYCATEGORY, myLineNoG); m = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.mtsasSecurityCategory = MT (MtsasSecurityCategoryMacroType); m->type = $2; } ; /* * X.407 Abstract Service Notation Macro Type productions * MS 91/09/14 */ /* * OBJECT Macro X.407 */ AsnObjectMacroType: OBJECT_SYM AsnPorts { AsnObjectMacroType *a; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ASNOBJECT, myLineNoG); a = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.asnObject = MT (AsnObjectMacroType); a->ports = $2; } ; AsnPorts: PORTS_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM AsnPortList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; AsnPortList: AsnPort { $$ = NEWLIST(); APPEND ($1, $$); } | AsnPortList COMMA_SYM AsnPort { APPEND ($3, $1); $$ = $1; } ; AsnPort: Value AsnPortType { $$ = MT (AsnPort); $$->portValue = $1; $$->portType = $2; } ; AsnPortType: BOXC_SYM { /* [C] consumer */ $$ = CONSUMER_PORT; } | BOXS_SYM { /* [S] supplier */ $$ = SUPPLIER_PORT; } | empty { /* symmetric */ $$ = SYMMETRIC_PORT; } ; /* * PORT Macro X.407 */ AsnPortMacroType: PORT_SYM AsnOperations { AsnPortMacroType *a; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ASNPORT, myLineNoG); a = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.asnPort = MT (AsnPortMacroType); a->abstractOps = $2; a->consumerInvokes = asnConsumerG; a->supplierInvokes = asnSupplierG; } | PORT_SYM { SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ASNPORT, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.asnPort = MT (AsnPortMacroType); } ; AsnOperations: ABSTRACTOPS_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM TypeOrValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | AsnConsumer { $$ = NULL; asnConsumerG = $1; asnSupplierG = NULL; } | AsnSupplier { $$ = NULL; asnConsumerG = $1; asnSupplierG = NULL; } | AsnConsumer AsnSupplier { $$ = NULL; asnConsumerG = $1; asnSupplierG = NULL; } | AsnSupplier AsnConsumer { $$ = NULL; asnConsumerG = $1; asnSupplierG = NULL; } ; AsnConsumer: CONSUMERINVOKES_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM TypeOrValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } ; AsnSupplier: SUPPLIERINVOKES_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM TypeOrValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } ; /* * REFINE Macro X.407 * * just parse it - don't keep any info at the moment */ AsnRefineMacroType: REFINE_SYM AsnObject AS_SYM AsnComponentList { SetupType (&$$, BASICTYPE_UNKNOWN, myLineNoG); } ; AsnComponentList: AsnComponent | AsnComponentList COMMA_SYM AsnComponent ; AsnComponent: AsnObjectSpec AsnPortSpecList ; AsnObjectSpec: AsnObject | AsnObject RECURRING_SYM ; AsnPortSpecList: AsnPortSpec | AsnPortSpecList COMMA_SYM AsnPortSpec ; AsnPortSpec: Value AsnPortType AsnPortStatus { $$ = 0; /* just to quiet yacc warning */ } ; AsnPortStatus: VISIBLE_SYM | PAIRED_SYM WITH_SYM AsnObjectList ; AsnObjectList: AsnObject | AsnObjectList COMMA_SYM AsnObject ; AsnObject: Value { $$ = 0; /* just to quiet yacc warning */ } ; /* * ABSTRACT-BIND Macro X.407 */ AsnAbstractBindMacroType: ABSTRACTBIND_SYM AsnAbstractBindPorts { AsnAbstractBindMacroType *a; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ASNABSTRACTBIND, myLineNoG); a = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.asnAbstractBind = MT (AsnAbstractBindMacroType); a->ports = $2; } | ABSTRACTBIND_SYM AsnAbstractBindPorts Type { AsnAbstractBindMacroType *a; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ASNABSTRACTBIND, myLineNoG); a = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.asnAbstractBind = MT (AsnAbstractBindMacroType); a->ports = $2; a->type = $3; } ; AsnAbstractBindPorts: TO_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM AsnPortList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; /* * ABSTRACT-UNBIND Macro X.407 */ AsnAbstractUnbindMacroType: ABSTRACTUNBIND_SYM AsnAbstractUnbindPorts { AsnAbstractBindMacroType *a; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ASNABSTRACTUNBIND, myLineNoG); a = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.asnAbstractUnbind = MT (AsnAbstractBindMacroType); a->ports = $2; } | ABSTRACTUNBIND_SYM AsnAbstractUnbindPorts Type { AsnAbstractBindMacroType *a; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ASNABSTRACTUNBIND, myLineNoG); a = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.asnAbstractUnbind = MT (AsnAbstractBindMacroType); a->ports = $2; a->type = $3; } ; AsnAbstractUnbindPorts: FROM_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM AsnPortList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | empty { $$ = NULL; } ; /* * ABSTRACT-OPERATION Macro X.407 (same as ROS Operation) */ AsnAbstractOperationMacroType: ABSTRACTOPERATION_SYM RosOperationMacroBody { $$ = $2; $2->basicType->a.macroType->choiceId = MACROTYPE_ASNABSTRACTOPERATION; } ; /* * ABSTRACT-ERROR Macro X.407 (same as ROS Error) */ AsnAbstractErrorMacroType: ABSTRACTERROR_SYM RosErrParameter { SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_ASNABSTRACTERROR, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.asnAbstractError = MT (RosErrorMacroType); $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.asnAbstractError->parameter = $2; } ; /* * X.509 Authentication Framework ALGORITHM macro type */ AfAlgorithmMacroType: ALGORITHM_SYM PARAMETER_SYM Type { SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_AFALGORITHM, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.afAlgorithm = $3; } ; /* * X.509 Authentication Framework ENCRYPTED macro type */ AfEncryptedMacroType: ENCRYPTED_SYM Type { SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_AFENCRYPTED, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.afEncrypted = $2; } ; /* * X.509 Authentication Framework SIGNED macro type */ AfSignedMacroType: SIGNED_SYM Type { SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_AFSIGNED, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.afSigned = $2; } ; /* * X.509 Authentication Framework SIGNATURE macro type */ AfSignatureMacroType: SIGNATURE_SYM Type { SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_AFSIGNATURE, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.afSignature = $2; } ; /* * X.509 Authentication Framework PROTECTED macro type * (same as SIGNATURE except for key word) */ AfProtectedMacroType: PROTECTED_SYM Type { SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_AFPROTECTED, myLineNoG); $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.afProtected = $2; } ; SnmpObjectTypeMacroType: OBJECTTYPE_SYM SYNTAX_SYM Type ACCESS_SYM SnmpAccess STATUS_SYM SnmpStatus SnmpDescrPart SnmpReferPart SnmpIndexPart SnmpDefValPart { SnmpObjectTypeMacroType *s; SetupMacroType (&$$, MACROTYPE_SNMPOBJECTTYPE, myLineNoG); s = $$->basicType->a.macroType->a.snmpObjectType = MT (SnmpObjectTypeMacroType); s->syntax = $3; s->access = $5; s->status = $7; s->description = $8; s->reference = $9; s->index = $10; s->defVal = $11; } ; SnmpAccess: identifier { if (strcmp ($1, "read-only") == 0) $$ = SNMP_READ_ONLY; else if (strcmp ($1, "read-write") == 0) $$ = SNMP_READ_WRITE; else if (strcmp ($1, "write-only") == 0) $$ = SNMP_WRITE_ONLY; else if (strcmp ($1, "not-accessible") == 0) $$ = SNMP_NOT_ACCESSIBLE; else { yyerror ("ACCESS field of SNMP OBJECT-TYPE MACRO can only be one of \"read-write\", \"write-only\" or \"not-accessible\""); $$ = -1; modulePtrG->status = MOD_ERROR; } Free ($1); } ; SnmpStatus: identifier { if (strcmp ($1, "mandatory") == 0) $$ = SNMP_MANDATORY; else if (strcmp ($1, "optional") == 0) $$ = SNMP_OPTIONAL; else if (strcmp ($1, "obsolete") == 0) $$ = SNMP_OBSOLETE; else if (strcmp ($1, "deprecated") == 0) $$ = SNMP_DEPRECATED; else { yyerror ("STATUS field of SNMP OBJECT-TYPE MACRO can only be one of \"optional\", \"obsolete\" or \"deprecated\""); $$ = -1; modulePtrG->status = MOD_ERROR; } Free ($1); } ; SnmpDescrPart: DESCRIPTION_SYM Value { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; SnmpReferPart: REFERENCE_SYM Value { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; SnmpIndexPart: INDEX_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM TypeOrValueList RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; SnmpDefValPart: DEFVAL_SYM LEFTBRACE_SYM Value RIGHTBRACE_SYM { $$ = $3; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; %% yyerror (s) char*s; { fprintf (stderr,"file \"%s\", line %d: %s at symbol \"%s\"\n\n", modulePtrG->asn1SrcFileName, myLineNoG, s, yytext); } /* * given a Module*, the file name associated witht the open * FILE *fPtr, InitAsn1Parser sets up the yacc/lex parser * to parse an ASN.1 module read from fPtr and write the * parse results into the given Module *mod. */ int InitAsn1Parser PARAMS ((mod, fileName, fPtr), Module *mod _AND_ char *fileName _AND_ FILE *fPtr) { yyin = fPtr; /* * reset lexical analyzer input file ptr * (only do this on succesive calls ow yyrestart seg faults */ #ifdef FLEX_IN_USE if (!firstTimeThroughG) yyrestart (fPtr); firstTimeThroughG = FALSE; #endif /* * init modulePtr */ memzero (mod, sizeof (Module)); modulePtrG = mod; mod->asn1SrcFileName = fileName; mod->status = MOD_NOT_LINKED; mod->hasAnys = FALSE; /* init lists to empty */ mod->typeDefs = AsnListNew (sizeof (void*)); mod->valueDefs = AsnListNew (sizeof (void*)); /* * init export list stuff */ exportListG = NULL; exportsParsedG = FALSE; /* * reset line number to 1 */ myLineNoG = 1; /* * reset error count */ parseErrCountG = 0; /* * set up list to hold values defined in parsed oids */ oidElmtValDefsG = AsnListNew (sizeof (void *)); smallErrG = 0; return 0; } /* InitAsn1Parser */ /* * puts the applicatin tag code, tagCode, and line number it was * parsed at into the applTagsG list. If the APPLICATION tag code * is already in the applTagsG list then an error is printed. * and the smallErrG flag set to prevent code production. */ void PushApplTag PARAMS ((tagCode, lineNo), unsigned long int tagCode _AND_ unsigned long int lineNo) { ApplTag *l; ApplTag *new; int wasDefined = 0; /* make sure not already in list */ for (l = applTagsG; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (l->tagCode == tagCode) { PrintErrLoc (modulePtrG->asn1SrcFileName, lineNo); fprintf (stderr,"ERROR - APPLICATION tags can be used only once per ASN.1 module. The tag \"[APPLICATION %d]\" was previously used on line %d.\n", tagCode, l->lineNo); wasDefined = 1; smallErrG = 1; } } if (!wasDefined) { new = MT (ApplTag); new->lineNo = lineNo; new->tagCode = tagCode; new->next = applTagsG; applTagsG = new; } } /* PushApplTag */ /* * Empties the applTagsG list. Usually done between modules. */ void FreeApplTags() { ApplTag *l; ApplTag *lTmp; for (l = applTagsG; l != NULL; ) { lTmp = l->next; Free (l); l = lTmp; } applTagsG = NULL; } /* FreeApplTags */