objc4 test suite README To run the tests: `make` in this directory, or `make test` in the top-level directory Correct test output consists of 'PASS: testname' for each test. No other output should be seen. Other options: `make` tests the installed libobjc `make buildit` tests the libobjc in /tmp/objc4-roots/objc4~sym/ `make local` tests the libobjc in .. `make GC=YES` runs with garbage collection on `make ARCHS=cpu` tests with the specified architecture (only one allowed) `make VALGRIND=YES` runs with valgrind on (memcheck and leak detection) `make GUARDMALLOC=YES` runs with GuardMalloc on `make OBJC_LIB=/path/to/libobjc.A.dylib` tests a specific objc4 build `make OTHER_CFLAGS=x` tests with specified flags `make VERBOSE=` logs progress of some tests