+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
Change History (most recent first):
$Log: mDNSDebug.h,v $
+Revision 1.23 2004/05/18 23:51:25 cheshire
+Tidy up all checkin comments to use consistent "<rdar://problem/xxxxxxx>" format for bug numbers
+Revision 1.22 2004/04/22 04:27:42 cheshire
+Spacing tidyup
+Revision 1.21 2004/04/14 23:21:41 ksekar
+Removed accidental checkin of MALLOC_DEBUGING flag in 1.20
+Revision 1.20 2004/04/14 23:09:28 ksekar
+Support for TSIG signed dynamic updates.
+Revision 1.19 2004/03/15 18:57:59 cheshire
+Undo last checkin that accidentally made verbose debugging the default for all targets
+Revision 1.18 2004/03/13 01:57:33 ksekar
+<rdar://problem/3192546>: DynDNS: Dynamic update of service records
+Revision 1.17 2004/01/28 21:14:23 cheshire
+Reconcile debug_mode and gDebugLogging into a single flag (mDNS_DebugMode)
+Revision 1.16 2003/12/09 01:30:06 rpantos
+Fix usage of ARGS... macros to build properly on Windows.
+Revision 1.15 2003/12/08 20:55:26 rpantos
+Move some definitions here from mDNSMacOSX.h.
Revision 1.14 2003/08/12 19:56:24 cheshire
Update to APSL 2.0
// Set MDNS_DEBUGMSGS to 1 to generate normal debugging messages
// Set MDNS_DEBUGMSGS to 2 to generate verbose debugging messages
// MDNS_DEBUGMSGS is normally set in the project options (or makefile) but can also be set here if desired
+// (If you edit the file here to turn on MDNS_DEBUGMSGS while you're debugging some code, be careful
+// not to accidentally check-in that change by mistake when you check in your other changes.)
//#define MDNS_DEBUGMSGS 2
#define debugf debugf_
extern void debugf_(const char *format, ...) IS_A_PRINTF_STYLE_FUNCTION(1,2);
#else // If debug breaks are off, use a preprocessor trick to optimize those calls out of the code
- #if( defined( __GNUC__ ) )
+ #if (defined(__GNUC__))
#define debugf( ARGS... ) ((void)0)
- #elif( defined( __MWERKS__ ) )
+ #elif (defined(__MWERKS__))
#define debugf( ... )
#define debugf 1 ? ((void)0) : (void)
#define verbosedebugf verbosedebugf_
extern void verbosedebugf_(const char *format, ...) IS_A_PRINTF_STYLE_FUNCTION(1,2);
- #if( defined( __GNUC__ ) )
+ #if (defined(__GNUC__))
#define verbosedebugf( ARGS... ) ((void)0)
- #elif( defined( __MWERKS__ ) )
+ #elif (defined(__MWERKS__))
#define verbosedebugf( ... )
#define verbosedebugf 1 ? ((void)0) : (void)
// LogMsg is used even in shipping code, to write truly serious error messages to syslog (or equivalent)
+extern int mDNS_DebugMode; // If non-zero, LogMsg() writes to stderr instead of syslog
extern void LogMsg(const char *format, ...) IS_A_PRINTF_STYLE_FUNCTION(1,2);
+extern void LogMsgIdent(const char *ident, const char *format, ...);
+extern void LogMsgNoIdent(const char *format, ...);
+// Set this symbol to 1 to do extra debug checks on malloc() and free()
+// Set this symbol to 2 to write a log message for every malloc() and free()
+extern void *mallocL(char *msg, unsigned int size);
+extern void freeL(char *msg, void *x);
+#define mallocL(X,Y) malloc(Y)
+#define freeL(X,Y) free(Y)
+#define LogMalloc LogMsg
+ #if (defined( __GNUC__ ))
+ #define LogMalloc(ARGS...) ((void)0)
+ #elif (defined( __MWERKS__ ))
+ #define LogMalloc( ... )
+ #else
+ #define LogMalloc 1 ? ((void)0) : (void)
+ #endif
+#define LogAllOperations 0
+#if LogAllOperations
+#define LogOperation LogMsg
+#define LogOperation debugf
#ifdef __cplusplus