# # Top level makefile for Build & Integration. # # This file is used to facilitate checking the mDNSResponder project # directly out of CVS and submitting to B&I at Apple. # # The various platform directories contain makefiles or projects # specific to that platform. # # B&I builds must respect the following target: # install: # installsrc: # installhdrs: # clean: # include $(MAKEFILEPATH)/pb_makefiles/platform.make MVERS = "mDNSResponder-379.38.1" DDNSWRITECONFIG = "$(DSTROOT)/Library/Application Support/Bonjour/ddnswriteconfig" VER = ifneq ($(strip $(GCC_VERSION)),) VER = -- GCC_VERSION=$(GCC_VERSION) endif echo "VER = $(VER)" installSome: cd "$(SRCROOT)/mDNSMacOSX"; xcodebuild install OBJROOT=$(OBJROOT) SYMROOT=$(SYMROOT) DSTROOT=$(DSTROOT) MVERS=$(MVERS) SDKROOT=$(SDKROOT) -target Build\ Some $(VER) SystemLibraries: cd "$(SRCROOT)/mDNSMacOSX"; xcodebuild install OBJROOT=$(OBJROOT) SYMROOT=$(SYMROOT) DSTROOT=$(DSTROOT) MVERS=$(MVERS) SDKROOT=$(SDKROOT) -target SystemLibraries $(VER) install: cd "$(SRCROOT)/mDNSMacOSX"; xcodebuild install OBJROOT=$(OBJROOT) SYMROOT=$(SYMROOT) DSTROOT=$(DSTROOT) MVERS=$(MVERS) SDKROOT=$(SDKROOT) $(VER) # Make sure ddnswriteconfig is owned by root:wheel, then make it setuid root executable if test -e $(DDNSWRITECONFIG) ; then chown 0:80 $(DDNSWRITECONFIG) ; chmod 4555 $(DDNSWRITECONFIG) ; fi installsrc: ditto . "$(SRCROOT)" installhdrs:: cd "$(SRCROOT)/mDNSMacOSX"; xcodebuild installhdrs OBJROOT=$(OBJROOT) SYMROOT=$(SYMROOT) DSTROOT=$(DSTROOT) MVERS=$(MVERS) SDKROOT=$(SDKROOT) -target SystemLibraries $(VER) clean:: echo clean