Project mDNSResponder RadarComponents Name mDNSResponder Version all Tests TestName GAIPerf Advanced Description Tests correctness of resolving hostnames via DNS using the GAIPerf Advanced test suite. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 600 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test gaiperf --suite advanced --format json --appendNewLine --skipPathEval TestName mDNS Discovery 1-1-1 Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of one service instance with a one-byte TXT record and one pair of A and AAAA records. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 1 --txtSize 1 --browseTime 3 --countA 1 --countAAAA 1 --ipv4 --ipv6 --format json --appendNewLine --flushCache TestName mDNS Discovery 1-1-1 (No Additionals) Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of one service instance with a one-byte TXT record and one pair of A and AAAA records. Responses from mdnsreplier contain no additional answers. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 1 --txtSize 1 --browseTime 3 --countA 1 --countAAAA 1 --ipv4 --ipv6 --format json --appendNewLine --noAdditionals --flushCache TestName mDNS Discovery 10-100-2 Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of ten service instances with 100-byte TXT records and two pairs of A and AAAA records. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 10 --txtSize 100 --browseTime 3 --countA 2 --countAAAA 2 --ipv4 --ipv6 --format json --appendNewLine --flushCache TestName mDNS Discovery 10-100-2 (No Additionals) Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of ten service instances with 100-byte TXT records and two pairs of A and AAAA records. Responses from mdnsreplier contain no additonal answers. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 10 --txtSize 100 --browseTime 3 --countA 2 --countAAAA 2 --ipv4 --ipv6 --format json --appendNewLine --noAdditionals --flushCache TestName mDNS Discovery 100-500-5 Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of 100 service instances with 500-byte TXT records and five pairs of A and AAAA records. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 100 --txtSize 500 --browseTime 5 --countA 5 --countAAAA 5 --ipv4 --ipv6 --format json --appendNewLine --flushCache TestName mDNS Discovery 100-500-5 (No Additionals) Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of 100 service instances with 500-byte TXT records and five pairs of A and AAAA records. Responses from mdnsreplier contain no additonal answers. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 100 --txtSize 500 --browseTime 5 --countA 5 --countAAAA 5 --ipv4 --ipv6 --noAdditionals --format json --appendNewLine --flushCache TestName mDNS Discovery 1-1-1 (No Cache Flush) Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of one service instance with a one-byte TXT record and one pair of A and AAAA records. Cache is not flushed beforehand. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 1 --txtSize 1 --browseTime 3 --countA 1 --countAAAA 1 --ipv4 --ipv6 --format json --appendNewLine TestName mDNS Discovery 1-1-1 (No Cache Flush, No Additionals) Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of one service instance with a one-byte TXT record and one pair of A and AAAA records. Cache is not flushed beforehand. Responses from mdnsreplier contain no additional answers. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 1 --txtSize 1 --browseTime 3 --countA 1 --countAAAA 1 --ipv4 --ipv6 --format json --appendNewLine --noAdditionals TestName mDNS Discovery 10-100-2 (No Cache Flush) Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of ten service instances with 100-byte TXT records and two pairs of A and AAAA records. Cache is not flushed beforehand. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 10 --txtSize 100 --browseTime 3 --countA 2 --countAAAA 2 --ipv4 --ipv6 --format json --appendNewLine TestName mDNS Discovery 10-100-2 (No Cache Flush, No Additionals) Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of ten service instances with 100-byte TXT records and two pairs of A and AAAA records. Cache is not flushed beforehand. Responses from mdnsreplier contain no additional answers. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 10 --txtSize 100 --browseTime 3 --countA 2 --countAAAA 2 --ipv4 --ipv6 --format json --appendNewLine --noAdditionals TestName mDNS Discovery 100-500-5 (No Cache Flush) Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of 100 service instances with 500-byte TXT records and five pairs of A and AAAA records. Cache is not flushed beforehand. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 100 --txtSize 500 --browseTime 5 --countA 5 --countAAAA 5 --ipv4 --ipv6 --format json --appendNewLine TestName mDNS Discovery 100-500-5 (No Cache Flush, No Additionals) Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of 100 service instances with 500-byte TXT records and five pairs of A and AAAA records. Cache is not flushed beforehand. Responses from mdnsreplier contain no additional answers. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 100 --txtSize 500 --browseTime 5 --countA 5 --countAAAA 5 --ipv4 --ipv6 --noAdditionals --format json --appendNewLine TestName mDNS Discovery w/Packet Drops 10 Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of ten service instances with 100-byte TXT records and two pairs of A and AAAA records. The first three responses per service instance are subject to a 0.5 probability of being dropped to test query retries. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 30 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 10 --txtSize 100 --browseTime 16 --countA 2 --countAAAA 2 --ipv6 --udrop 0.5 --mdrop 0.5 --maxDropCount 3 --format json --appendNewLine --flushCache TestName mDNS Discovery w/Packet Drops 100 Description Tests mDNS discovery and resolution of 100 service instances with 100-byte TXT records and two pairs of A and AAAA records. The first three responses per service instance are subject to a 0.5 probability of being dropped to test query retries. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 30 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test mdnsdiscovery --instanceCount 100 --txtSize 100 --browseTime 18 --countA 2 --countAAAA 2 --ipv6 --udrop 0.5 --mdrop 0.5 --maxDropCount 3 --format json --appendNewLine --flushCache TestName DotLocal Queries Description Tests DNS and mDNS queries for domain names in the local domain. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 40 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test dotlocal --format json --appendNewLine TestName TCP Fallback Description Tests mDNSResponder's TCP fallback mechanism, which is triggered by UDP responses with invalid message IDs that would otherwise be acceptable. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 60 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/local/bin/dnssdutil test gaiperf --suite basic --format json --appendNewLine --skipPathEval --badUDPMode TestName mDNSResponder Leaks Description Checks mDNSResponder for memory leaks. AsRoot RequiresWiFi Timeout 10 IgnoreOutput Command /usr/bin/leaks mDNSResponder