#!/bin/csh # Attempt to find the architecture. # First look through the command line args. set arch=unknown set link_cmd=(`cat link_command`) while ( $#link_cmd > 0 ) if ( "$link_cmd[1]" == "-arch" ) then set arch=$link_cmd[2] endif shift link_cmd end # look for an explicit arch file if ( "$arch" == "unknown" ) then if ( -e arch ) then set arch=`cat arch` endif endif if ( "$arch" == "unknown" ) then echo "***** Unable to determine architecture." exit 1 endif # Create .dylibs for each file in the dylib_stubs directory. if ( -e dylib_stubs ) then set files=`cd dylib_stubs ; echo *` mkdir -p dylibs foreach file ($files) if ( ! -e dylibs/$file ) then clang -arch $arch -c -fno-builtin -o tmp_object.o -x c dylib_stubs/$file ld -arch $arch -dylib -macosx_version_min 10.1 -no_version_load_command -o dylibs/$file tmp_object.o endif end endif # Create .frameworks for each file in the framework_stubs directory. if ( -e framework_stubs ) then set files=`cd framework_stubs ; echo *` foreach file ($files) if ( ! -e frameworks/$file.framework ) then clang -arch $arch -c -fno-builtin -o tmp_object.o -x c framework_stubs/$file mkdir -p frameworks/$file.framework ld -arch $arch -dylib -macosx_version_min 10.1 -no_version_load_command -o frameworks/$file.framework/$file tmp_object.o endif end endif # Clean up. rm -f tmp_object.o