# Main keywords. @begin mainTable 47 # Types. null NULLTOKEN true TRUETOKEN false FALSETOKEN # Keywords. break BREAK case CASE catch CATCH class CLASSTOKEN const CONSTTOKEN default DEFAULT extends EXTENDS finally FINALLY for FOR instanceof INSTANCEOF new NEW var VAR continue CONTINUE function FUNCTION return RETURN void VOIDTOKEN delete DELETETOKEN if IF this THISTOKEN do DO while WHILE else ELSE in INTOKEN super SUPER switch SWITCH throw THROW try TRY typeof TYPEOF with WITH debugger DEBUGGER # Reserved for future use. enum RESERVED export RESERVED import RESERVED # Reserved for future use in strict code. implements RESERVED_IF_STRICT interface RESERVED_IF_STRICT let RESERVED_IF_STRICT package RESERVED_IF_STRICT private RESERVED_IF_STRICT protected RESERVED_IF_STRICT public RESERVED_IF_STRICT static RESERVED_IF_STRICT yield RESERVED_IF_STRICT @end