X-Git-Url: https://git.saurik.com/apple/icu.git/blobdiff_plain/374ca955a76ecab1204ca8bfa63ff9238d998416..340931cb2e044a2141d11567dd0f782524e32994:/icuSources/data/locales/nl.txt diff --git a/icuSources/data/locales/nl.txt b/icuSources/data/locales/nl.txt index c5b7d13c..ccf985e9 100644 --- a/icuSources/data/locales/nl.txt +++ b/icuSources/data/locales/nl.txt @@ -1,2363 +1,7067 @@ -// *************************************************************************** -// * -// * Copyright (C) 2005 International Business Machines -// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. -// * Tool: com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.cldr.LDML2ICUConverter.java -// * Source File: ../../../locale/common/main/nl.xml -// * -// *************************************************************************** -/** - * ICU source: ../../../locale/icu/main/nl.xml - */ +// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. +// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License nl{ - Countries{ - AD{"Andorra"} - AE{"Verenigde Arabische Emiraten"} - AF{"Afghanistan"} - AG{"Antigua en Barbuda"} - AI{"Anguilla"} - AL{"Albanië"} - AM{"Armenië"} - AN{"Nederlandse Antillen"} - AO{"Angola"} - AQ{"Antarctica"} - AR{"Argentinië"} - AS{"Amerikaans Samoa"} - AT{"Oostenrijk"} - AU{"Australië"} - AW{"Aruba"} - AZ{"Azerbeidzjan"} - BA{"Bosnië Herzegovina"} - BB{"Barbados"} - BD{"Bangladesh"} - BE{"België"} - BF{"Burkina Faso"} - BG{"Bulgarije"} - BH{"Bahrein"} - BI{"Burundi"} - BJ{"Benin"} - BM{"Bermuda"} - BN{"Brunei Darussalam"} - BO{"Bolivia"} - BR{"Brazilië"} - BS{"Bahama’s"} - BT{"Bhutan"} - BV{"Bouveteiland"} - BW{"Botswana"} - BY{"Wit-Rusland"} - BZ{"Belize"} - CA{"Canada"} - CC{"Cocoseilanden"} - CD{"Congo, Democratische Republiek"} - CF{"Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek"} - CG{"Congo"} - CH{"Zwitserland"} - CI{"Ivoorkust"} - CK{"Cookeilanden"} - CL{"Chili"} - CM{"Kameroen"} - CN{"China"} - CO{"Colombia"} - CR{"Costa Rica"} - CU{"Cuba"} - CV{"Kaapverdië"} - CX{"Christmaseiland"} - CY{"Cyprus"} - CZ{"Tsjechië"} - DE{"Duitsland"} - DJ{"Djibouti"} - DK{"Denemarken"} - DM{"Dominica"} - DO{"Dominicaanse Republiek"} - DZ{"Algerije"} - EC{"Ecuador"} - EE{"Estland"} - EG{"Egypte"} - EH{"West-Sahara"} - ER{"Eritrea"} - ES{"Spanje"} - ET{"Ethiopië"} - FI{"Finland"} - FJ{"Fiji"} - FK{"Falklandeilanden"} - FM{"Micronesia, Federale Staten van"} - FO{"Faeröer"} - FR{"Frankrijk"} - GA{"Gabon"} - GB{"Verenigd Koninkrijk"} - GD{"Grenada"} - GE{"Georgië"} - GF{"Frans-Guyana"} - GH{"Ghana"} - GI{"Gibraltar"} - GL{"Groenland"} - GM{"Gambia"} - GN{"Guinea"} - GP{"Guadeloupe"} - GQ{"Equatoriaal-Guinea"} - GR{"Griekenland"} - GS{"Zuid-Georgië en Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden"} - GT{"Guatemala"} - GU{"Guam"} - GW{"Guinee-Bissau"} - GY{"Guyana"} - HK{"Hongkong S.A.R. van China"} - HM{"Heardeiland en McDonaldeiland"} - HN{"Honduras"} - HR{"Kroatië"} - HT{"Haïti"} - HU{"Hongarije"} - ID{"Indonesië"} - IE{"Ierland"} - IL{"Israël"} - IN{"India"} - IO{"Brits Territorium in de Indische Oceaan"} - IQ{"Irak"} - IR{"Iran"} - IS{"IJsland"} - IT{"Italië"} - JM{"Jamaica"} - JO{"Jordanië"} - JP{"Japan"} - KE{"Kenia"} - KG{"Kirgizstan"} - KH{"Cambodja"} - KI{"Kiribati"} - KM{"Comoren"} - KN{"Saint Kitts en Nevis"} - KP{"Noord-Korea"} - KR{"Zuid-Korea"} - KW{"Koeweit"} - KY{"Caymaneilanden"} - KZ{"Kazachstan"} - LA{"Laos"} - LB{"Libanon"} - LC{"Saint Lucia"} - LI{"Liechtenstein"} - LK{"Sri Lanka"} - LR{"Liberia"} - LS{"Lesotho"} - LT{"Litouwen"} - LU{"Luxemburg"} - LV{"Letland"} - LY{"Libië"} - MA{"Marokko"} - MC{"Monaco"} - MD{"Republiek Moldavië"} - MG{"Madagaskar"} - MH{"Marshalleilanden"} - MK{"Macedonië, Republiek"} - ML{"Mali"} - MM{"Myanmar"} - MN{"Mongolië"} - MO{"Macao S.A.R. van China"} - MP{"Noordelijke Marianeneilanden"} - MQ{"Martinique"} - MR{"Mauritanië"} - MS{"Montserrat"} - MT{"Malta"} - MU{"Mauritius"} - MV{"Maldiven"} - MW{"Malawi"} - MX{"Mexico"} - MY{"Maleisië"} - MZ{"Mozambique"} - NA{"Namibië"} - NC{"Nieuw-Caledonië"} - NE{"Niger"} - NF{"Norfolkeiland"} - NG{"Nigeria"} - NI{"Nicaragua"} - NL{"Nederland"} - NO{"Noorwegen"} - NP{"Nepal"} - NR{"Nauru"} - NU{"Niue"} - NZ{"Nieuw-Zeeland"} - OM{"Oman"} - PA{"Panama"} - PE{"Peru"} - PF{"Frans-Polynesië"} - PG{"Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea"} - PH{"Filipijnen"} - PK{"Pakistan"} - PL{"Polen"} - PM{"Saint Pierre en Miquelon"} - PN{"Pitcairn"} - PR{"Puerto Rico"} - PS{"Palestijns Gebied"} - PT{"Portugal"} - PW{"Palau"} - PY{"Paraguay"} - QA{"Qatar"} - RE{"Réunion"} - RO{"Roemenië"} - RU{"Russische Federatie"} - RW{"Rwanda"} - SA{"Saoedi-Arabië"} - SB{"Salomonseilanden"} - SC{"Seychellen"} - SD{"Soedan"} - SE{"Zweden"} - SG{"Singapore"} - SH{"Saint Helena"} - SI{"Slovenië"} - SJ{"Svalbard en Jan Mayen"} - SK{"Slowakije"} - SL{"Sierra Leone"} - SM{"San Marino"} - SN{"Senegal"} - SO{"Somalië"} - SP{"Servië"} - SR{"Suriname"} - ST{"Sao Tomé en Principe"} - SV{"El Salvador"} - SY{"Syrië"} - SZ{"Swaziland"} - TC{"Turks- en Caicoseilanden"} - TD{"Tsjaad"} - TF{"Franse Gebieden in de zuidelijke Indische Oceaan"} - TG{"Togo"} - TH{"Thailand"} - TJ{"Tadzjikistan"} - TK{"Tokelau"} - TL{"Oost-Timor"} - TM{"Turkmenistan"} - TN{"Tunesië"} - TO{"Tonga"} - TR{"Turkije"} - TT{"Trinidad en Tobago"} - TV{"Tuvalu"} - TW{"Taiwan"} - TZ{"Tanzania"} - UA{"Oekraïne"} - UG{"Oeganda"} - UM{"Amerikaanse ondergeschikte afgelegen eilanden"} - US{"Verenigde Staten"} - UY{"Uruguay"} - UZ{"Oezbekistan"} - VA{"Vaticaanstad"} - VC{"Saint Vincent en de Grenadines"} - VE{"Venezuela"} - VG{"Britse Maagdeneilanden"} - VI{"Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden"} - VN{"Vietnam"} - VU{"Vanuatu"} - WF{"Wallis en Futuna"} - WS{"Samoa"} - YE{"Jemen"} - YT{"Mayotte"} - YU{"Joegoslavië"} - ZA{"Zuid-Afrika"} - ZM{"Zambia"} - ZW{"Zimbabwe"} + AuxExemplarCharacters{"[à â å ã æ ç è ê î ñ ô ø œ ù û ÿ]"} + ExemplarCharacters{ + "[a á ä b c d e é ë f g h i í ï {ij} {íj\u0301} j k l m n o ó ö p q r s t u ú" + " ü v w x y z]" } - Currencies{ - ADD{ - "ADD", - "Andorrese diner", - } - ADP{ - "ADP", - "Andorrese peseta", - } - AED{ - "AED", - "Verenigde Arabische Emiraten-dirham", - } - AFA{ - "AFA", - "Afghani (1927-2002)", - } - AFN{ - "Af", - "Afghani", - } - AIF{ - "AIF", - "Affars en Issas-franc", - } - ALK{ - "ALK", - "Albanese lek (1946-1961)", - } - ALL{ - "lek", - "Albanese lek", - } - ALV{ - "ALV", - "Albanese lek valute", - } - ALX{ - "ALX", - "Albanese dollarwisselcertificaten", - } - AMD{ - "dram", - "Armeense dram", - } - ANG{ - "NA f.", - "Nederlands-Antilliaanse gulden", - } - AOA{ - "AOA", - "Angolese kwanza", - } - AOK{ - "AOK", - "Angolese kwanza (1977-1990)", - } - AON{ - "AON", - "Angolese nieuwe kwanza (1990-2000)", - } - AOR{ - "AOR", - "Angolese kwanza reajustado (1995-1999)", - } - AOS{ - "AOS", - "Angolese escudo", - } - ARA{ - "ARA", - "Argentijnse austral", - } - ARM{ - "ARM", - "Argentijnse peso moneda nacional", - } - ARP{ - "ARP", - "Argentijnse peso (1983-1985)", - } - ARS{ - "Arg$", - "Argentijnse peso", - } - ATS{ - "ATS", - "Oostenrijkse schilling", - } - AUD{ - "$A", - "Australische dollar", - } - AUP{ - "AUP", - "Australisch pond", - } - AWG{ - "AWG", - "Arubaanse gulden", - } - AZM{ - "AZM", - "Azerbeidzjaanse manat", - } - BAD{ - "BAD", - "Bosnische dinar", - } - BAM{ - "KM", - "Bosnische convertibele mark", - } - BAN{ - "BAN", - "Bosnische nieuwe dinar", + ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]"} + ExemplarCharactersNumbers{"[\\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]"} + ExemplarCharactersPunctuation{ + "[\\- ‐ ‑ – — , ; \\: ! ? . … ' ‘ ’ \u0022 “ ” ( ) \\[ \\] § @ * / \\& # † ‡ " + "′ ″]" + } + NumberElements{ + arab{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤"} + currencyFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0 %"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{"٫"} + exponential{"اس"} + group{"٬"} + infinity{"∞"} + list{"؛"} + minusSign{"؜-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"؉"} + percentSign{"٪؜"} + plusSign{"؜+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BBD{ - "BDS$", - "Barbadaanse dollar", + arabext{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{"٫"} + exponential{"×۱۰^"} + group{"٬"} + infinity{"∞"} + list{"؛"} + minusSign{"‎-‎"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"؉"} + percentSign{"٪"} + plusSign{"‎+‎"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{"٫"} + } } - BDT{ - "Tk", - "Bengalese taka", + bali{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BEC{ - "BEC", - "Belgische frank (convertibel)", + beng{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BEF{ - "BF", - "Belgische frank", + brah{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BEL{ - "BEL", - "Belgische frank (financieel)", + cakm{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BGL{ - "lev", - "Bulgaarse harde lev", + cham{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BGM{ - "BGM", - "Bulgaarse socialistische lev", + default{"latn"} + deva{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BGN{ - "BGN", - "Bulgaarse nieuwe lev", + fullwide{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BGO{ - "BGO", - "Bulgaarse lev (1879-1952)", + gong{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BGX{ - "BGX", - "Bulgaarse levwisselcertificaten", + gonm{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BHD{ - "BD", - "Bahreinse dinar", + gujr{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BIF{ - "Fbu", - "Burundese franc", + guru{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BMD{ - "Ber$", - "Bermuda-dollar", + hanidec{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BMP{ - "BMP", - "Bermuda-pond", + java{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BND{ - "BND", - "Bruneise dollar", + kali{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BOB{ - "Bs", - "Boliviano", + khmr{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BOL{ - "BOL", - "Boliviano (1863-1962)", + knda{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BOP{ - "BOP", - "Boliviaanse peso", + lana{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BOV{ - "BOV", - "Boliviaanse mvdol", + lanatham{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BRB{ - "BRB", - "Braziliaanse cruzeiro novo (1967-1986)", + laoo{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BRC{ - "BRC", - "Braziliaanse cruzado", + latn{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + patternsLong{ + decimalFormat{ + 1000{ + one{"0 duizend"} + other{"0 duizend"} + } + 10000{ + one{"00 duizend"} + other{"00 duizend"} + } + 100000{ + one{"000 duizend"} + other{"000 duizend"} + } + 1000000{ + one{"0 miljoen"} + other{"0 miljoen"} + } + 10000000{ + one{"00 miljoen"} + other{"00 miljoen"} + } + 100000000{ + one{"000 miljoen"} + other{"000 miljoen"} + } + 1000000000{ + one{"0 miljard"} + other{"0 miljard"} + } + 10000000000{ + one{"00 miljard"} + other{"00 miljard"} + } + 100000000000{ + one{"000 miljard"} + other{"000 miljard"} + } + 1000000000000{ + one{"0 biljoen"} + other{"0 biljoen"} + } + 10000000000000{ + one{"00 biljoen"} + other{"00 biljoen"} + } + 100000000000000{ + one{"000 biljoen"} + other{"000 biljoen"} + } + } + } + patternsShort{ + currencyFormat{ + 1000{ + one{"¤ 0K"} + other{"¤ 0K"} + } + 10000{ + one{"¤ 00K"} + other{"¤ 00K"} + } + 100000{ + one{"¤ 000K"} + other{"¤ 000K"} + } + 1000000{ + one{"¤ 0 mln'.'"} + other{"¤ 0 mln'.'"} + } + 10000000{ + one{"¤ 00 mln'.'"} + other{"¤ 00 mln'.'"} + } + 100000000{ + one{"¤ 000 mln'.'"} + other{"¤ 000 mln'.'"} + } + 1000000000{ + one{"¤ 0 mld'.'"} + other{"¤ 0 mld'.'"} + } + 10000000000{ + one{"¤ 00 mld'.'"} + other{"¤ 00 mld'.'"} + } + 100000000000{ + one{"¤ 000 mld'.'"} + other{"¤ 000 mld'.'"} + } + 1000000000000{ + one{"¤ 0 bln'.'"} + other{"¤ 0 bln'.'"} + } + 10000000000000{ + one{"¤ 00 bln'.'"} + other{"¤ 00 bln'.'"} + } + 100000000000000{ + one{"¤ 000 bln'.'"} + other{"¤ 000 bln'.'"} + } + } + decimalFormat{ + 1000{ + one{"0K"} + other{"0K"} + } + 10000{ + one{"00K"} + other{"00K"} + } + 100000{ + one{"000K"} + other{"000K"} + } + 1000000{ + one{"0 mln'.'"} + other{"0 mln'.'"} + } + 10000000{ + one{"00 mln'.'"} + other{"00 mln'.'"} + } + 100000000{ + one{"000 mln'.'"} + other{"000 mln'.'"} + } + 1000000000{ + one{"0 mld'.'"} + other{"0 mld'.'"} + } + 10000000000{ + one{"00 mld'.'"} + other{"00 mld'.'"} + } + 100000000000{ + one{"000 mld'.'"} + other{"000 mld'.'"} + } + 1000000000000{ + one{"0 bln'.'"} + other{"0 bln'.'"} + } + 10000000000000{ + one{"00 bln'.'"} + other{"00 bln'.'"} + } + 100000000000000{ + one{"000 bln'.'"} + other{"000 bln'.'"} + } + } + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BRE{ - "BRE", - "Braziliaanse cruzeiro (1990-1993)", + lepc{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BRL{ - "R$", - "Braziliaanse real", + limb{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BRN{ - "BRN", - "Braziliaanse cruzado novo", + minimalPairs{ + ordinal{ + other{"Neem de {0}e afslag rechts."} + } + plural{ + one{"{0} dag"} + other{"{0} dagen"} + } } - BRR{ - "BRR", - "Braziliaanse cruzeiro", + minimumGroupingDigits{"1"} + mlym{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BRZ{ - "BRZ", - "Braziliaanse cruzeiro (1942-1967)", + mong{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BSD{ - "BSD", - "Bahamaanse dollar", + mtei{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BSP{ - "BSP", - "Bahamaans pond", + mymr{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BTN{ - "Nu", - "Bhutaanse ngultrum", + mymrshan{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BTR{ - "BTR", - "Bhutaanse rupee", + native{"latn"} + nkoo{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BUK{ - "BUK", - "Birmese kyat", + olck{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BUR{ - "BUR", - "Birmese rupee", + orya{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BWP{ - "BWP", - "Botswaanse pula", + osma{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BYB{ - "BYB", - "Wit-Russische nieuwe roebel (1994-1999)", + rohg{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BYL{ - "BYL", - "Wit-Russische roebel (1992-1994)", + saur{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BYR{ - "Rbl", - "Wit-Russische roebel", + shrd{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BZD{ - "BZ$", - "Belizaanse dollar", + sora{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - BZH{ - "BZH", - "Brits-Hondurese dollar", + sund{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - CAD{ - "Can$", - "Canadese dollar", + takr{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - CDF{ - "CDF", - "Congolese franc congolais", + talu{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - CDG{ - "CDG", - "Congolese franc", + tamldec{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - CDL{ - "CDL", - "Congolese zaïre", + telu{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - CFF{ - "CFF", - "Centraal-Afrikaanse CFA-franc", + thai{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - CHF{ - "SwF", - "Zwitserse franc", + tibt{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - CKD{ - "CKD", - "Cookeilandse dollar", + vaii{ + miscPatterns{ + approximately{"~{0}"} + atLeast{"{0}+"} + atMost{"≤{0}"} + range{"{0}-{1}"} + } + patterns{ + accountingFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)"} + currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00"} + decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"} + percentFormat{"#,##0%"} + scientificFormat{"#E0"} + } + symbols{ + decimal{","} + exponential{"E"} + group{"."} + infinity{"∞"} + list{";"} + minusSign{"-"} + nan{"NaN"} + perMille{"‰"} + percentSign{"%"} + plusSign{"+"} + superscriptingExponent{"×"} + timeSeparator{":"} + } } - CLC{ - "CLC", - "Chileense condor", + } + Version{"36.1"} + calendar{ + buddhist{ + DateTimePatterns{ + "HH:mm:ss zzzz", + "HH:mm:ss z", + "HH:mm:ss", + "HH:mm", + "EEEE d MMMM y G", + "d MMMM y G", + "d MMM y G", + "dd-MM-yy GGGGG", + "{1} {0}", + "{1} 'om' {0}", + "{1} 'om' {0}", + "{1} {0}", + "{1} {0}", + } + availableFormats{ + E{"ccc"} + Ed{"E d"} + Gy{"y G"} + GyMMM{"MMM y G"} + GyMMMEd{"E d MMM y G"} + GyMMMd{"d MMM y G"} + M{"L"} + MEd{"E d-M"} + MMM{"LLL"} + MMMEd{"E d MMM"} + MMMMd{"d MMMM"} + MMMd{"d MMM"} + Md{"d-M"} + d{"d"} + y{"y G"} + yyyy{"y G"} + yyyyM{"M-y GGGGG"} + yyyyMEd{"E d-M-y GGGGG"} + yyyyMMM{"MMM y G"} + yyyyMMMEd{"E d MMM y G"} + yyyyMMMM{"MMMM y G"} + yyyyMMMd{"d MMM y G"} + yyyyMd{"d-M-y GGGGG"} + yyyyQQQ{"QQQ y G"} + yyyyQQQQ{"QQQQ y G"} + } + eras{ + abbreviated{ + "BE", + } + narrow{ + "BE", + } + wide{ + "BE", + } + } + intervalFormats{ + Bh{ + B{"h B – h B"} + h{"h–h B"} + } + Bhm{ + B{"h:mm B – h:mm B"} + h{"h:mm–h:mm B"} + m{"h:mm–h:mm B"} + } + Gy{ + G{"y G – y G"} + y{"y – y G"} + } + GyM{ + G{"M-y GGGGG – M-y GGGGG"} + M{"M-y – M-y GGGGG"} + y{"M-y – M-y GGGGG"} + } + GyMEd{ + G{"E d-M-y GGGGG – E d-M-y GGGGG"} + M{"E d-M-y – E d-M-y GGGGG"} + d{"E d-M-y – E d-M-y GGGGG"} + y{"E d-M-y – E d-M-y GGGGG"} + } + GyMMM{ + G{"MMM y G – MMM y G"} + M{"MMM – MMM y G"} + y{"MMM y – MMM y G"} + } + GyMMMEd{ + G{"E d MMM y G – E d MMM y G"} + M{"E d MMM – E d MMM y G"} + d{"E d MMM – E d MMM y G"} + y{"E d MMM y – E d MMM y G"} + } + GyMMMd{ + G{"d MMM y G – d MMM y G"} + M{"d MMM – d MMM y G"} + d{"d–d MMM y G"} + y{"d MMM y – d MMM y G"} + } + GyMd{ + G{"d-M-y GGGGG – d-M-y GGGGG"} + M{"d-M-y – d-M-y GGGGG"} + d{"d-M-y – d-M-y GGGGG"} + y{"d-M-y – d-M-y GGGGG"} + } + H{ + H{"HH–HH"} + } + Hm{ + H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"} + m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"} + } + Hmv{ + H{"HH:mm–HH:mm v"} + m{"HH:mm–HH:mm v"} + } + Hv{ + H{"HH–HH v"} + } + M{ + M{"M–M"} + } + MEd{ + M{"E dd-MM – E dd-MM"} + d{"E dd-MM – E dd-MM"} + } + MMM{ + M{"MMM–MMM"} + } + MMMEd{ + M{"E d MMM – E d MMM"} + d{"E d – E d MMM"} + } + MMMM{ + M{"MMMM–MMMM"} + } + MMMd{ + M{"d MMM – d MMM"} + d{"d–d MMM"} + } + Md{ + M{"dd-MM – dd-MM"} + d{"dd-MM – dd-MM"} + } + d{ + d{"d–d"} + } + fallback{"{0} - {1}"} + h{ + a{"h a – h a"} + h{"h–h a"} + } + hm{ + a{"h:mm a – h:mm a"} + h{"h:mm–h:mm a"} + m{"h:mm–h:mm a"} + } + hmv{ + a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"} + h{"h:mm–h:mm a v"} + m{"h:mm–h:mm a v"} + } + hv{ + a{"h a – h a v"} + h{"h–h a v"} + } + y{ + y{"y–y G"} + } + yM{ + M{"MM-y – MM-y G"} + y{"MM-y – MM-y G"} + } + yMEd{ + M{"E dd-MM-y – E dd-MM-y G"} + d{"E dd-MM-y – E dd-MM-y G"} + y{"E dd-MM-y – E dd-MM-y G"} + } + yMMM{ + M{"MMM–MMM y G"} + y{"MMM y – MMM y G"} + } + yMMMEd{ + M{"E d MMM – E d MMM y G"} + d{"E d – E d MMM y G"} + y{"E d MMM y – E d MMM y G"} + } + yMMMM{ + M{"MMMM–MMMM y G"} + y{"MMMM y – MMMM y G"} + } + yMMMd{ + M{"d MMM – d MMM y G"} + d{"d–d MMM y G"} + y{"d MMM y – d MMM y G"} + } + yMd{ + M{"dd-MM-y – dd-MM-y G"} + d{"dd-MM-y – dd-MM-y G"} + y{"dd-MM-y – dd-MM-y G"} + } + } } - CLE{ - "CLE", - "Chileense escudo", - } - CLF{ - "CLF", - "Chileense unidades de fomento", - } - CLP{ - "Ch$", - "Chileense peso", - } - CMF{ - "CMF", - "Kameroense CFA-franc", - } - CNP{ - "CNP", - "Chinese jen min piao yuan", - } - CNX{ - "CNX", - "Chinese Amerikaanse-dollarwisselcertificaten", - } - CNY{ - "Y", - "Chinese yuan renminbi", - } - COB{ - "COB", - "Colombiaanse papieren peso", - } - COF{ - "COF", - "Congolese CFA-franc", - } - COP{ - "Col$", - "Colombiaanse peso", - } - CRC{ - "C", - "Costaricaanse colón", - } - CSC{ - "CSC", - "Tsjechoslowaakse koruna", - } - CSK{ - "CSK", - "Tsjechoslowaakse harde koruna", - } - CUP{ - "CUP", - "Cubaanse peso", - } - CUX{ - "CUX", - "Cubaanse wisselcertificaten", - } - CVE{ - "CVEsc", - "Kaapverdische escudo", - } - CWG{ - "CWG", - "Curaçao-gulden", - } - CYP{ - "£C", - "Cyprisch pond", - } - CZK{ - "CZK", - "Tsjechische koruna", - } - DDM{ - "DDM", - "Oost-Duitse ostmark", - } - DEM{ - "DEM", - "Duitse mark", - } - DES{ - "DES", - "Duitse sperrmark", - } - DJF{ - "DF", - "Djiboutiaanse franc", - } - DKK{ - "DKr", - "Deense kroon", - } - DOP{ - "RD$", - "Dominicaanse peso", - } - DZD{ - "DA", - "Algerijnse dinar", - } - DZF{ - "DZF", - "Algerijnse nieuwe franc", - } - DZG{ - "DZG", - "Algerijnse franc germinal", - } - ECS{ - "ECS", - "Ecuadoraanse sucre", - } - ECV{ - "ECV", - "Ecuadoraanse unidad de valor constante (UVC)", - } - EEK{ - "EEK", - "Estlandse kroon", - } - EGP{ - "EGP", - "Egyptisch pond", - } - ERN{ - "ERN", - "Eritrese nakfa", - } - ESP{ - "ESP", - "Spaanse peseta", - } - ETB{ - "Br", - "Ethiopische birr", - } - ETD{ - "ETD", - "Ethiopische dollar", - } - EUR{ - "€", - "Euro", - } - FIM{ - "FIM", - "Finse markka", - } - FIN{ - "FIN", - "Finse markka (1860-1962)", - } - FJD{ - "F$", - "Fijische dollar", - } - FJP{ - "FJP", - "Fijisch pond", - } - FKP{ - "FKP", - "Falklandeilands pond", - } - FOK{ - "FOK", - "Faeröerse kroon", - } - FRF{ - "FRF", - "Franse franc", - } - FRG{ - "FRG", - "Franse franc germinal/franc poincare", - } - GAF{ - "GAF", - "Gabonese CFA-franc", - } - GBP{ - "£", - "Brits pond sterling", - } - GEK{ - "GEK", - "Georgische kupon larit", - } - GEL{ - "lari", - "Georgische lari", - } - GHC{ - "GHC", - "Ghanese cedi", - } - GHO{ - "GHO", - "Ghanese oude cedi", - } - GHP{ - "GHP", - "Ghanees pond", - } - GHR{ - "GHR", - "Ghanese hergewaardeerde cedi", - } - GIP{ - "GIP", - "Gibraltarees pond", - } - GLK{ - "GLK", - "Groenlandse kroon", - } - GMD{ - "GMD", - "Gambiaanse dalasi", - } - GMP{ - "GMP", - "Gambiaans pond", - } - GNF{ - "GF", - "Guinese franc", - } - GNI{ - "GNI", - "Guinese franc (1960-1972)", - } - GNS{ - "GNS", - "Guinese syli", - } - GPF{ - "GPF", - "Guadeloupse franc", - } - GQE{ - "GQE", - "Equatoriaal-Guinese ekwele guineana", - } - GQF{ - "GQF", - "Equatoriaal-Guinese franco", - } - GQP{ - "GQP", - "Equatoriaal-Guinese peseta puineana", - } - GRD{ - "GRD", - "Griekse drachme", - } - GRN{ - "GRN", - "Griekse nieuwe drachme", - } - GTQ{ - "Q", - "Guatemalteekse quetzal", - } - GUF{ - "GUF", - "Frans-Guyaanse franc guiana", - } - GWE{ - "GWE", - "Portuguees-Guinese escudo", - } - GWM{ - "GWM", - "Portuguees-Guinese mil reis", - } - GWP{ - "GWP", - "Guinee-Bissause peso", - } - GYD{ - "G$", - "Guyaanse dollar", - } - HKD{ - "HK$", - "Hongkongse dollar", - } - HNL{ - "L", - "Hodurese lempira", - } - HRD{ - "HRD", - "Kroatische dinar", - } - HRK{ - "HRK", - "Kroatische kuna", - } - HTG{ - "HTG", - "Haïtiaanse gourde", - } - HUF{ - "Ft", - "Hongaarse forint", - } - IBP{ - "IBP", - "Noord-Iers pond", - } - IDG{ - "IDG", - "Indonesische nica-gulden", - } - IDJ{ - "IDJ", - "Indonesische Java-rupiah", - } - IDN{ - "IDN", - "Indonesische nieuwe rupiah", - } - IDR{ - "Rp", - "Indonesische rupiah", - } - IEP{ - "IR£", - "Iers pond", - } - ILL{ - "ILL", - "Israëlische shekel", - } - ILP{ - "ILP", - "Israëlisch pond", - } - ILS{ - "ILS", - "Israëlische nieuwe shekel", - } - IMP{ - "IMP", - "Isle of Man pond sterling", - } - INR{ - "=0#Rs.|1#Re.|1