-# Reverse Rules.
-## -------------------------------------------------
-# LB 9 Combining Marks.
-# Stick together any combining sequences that don't match other rules.
-^$CM+ $CAN_CM?;
-# Sequences of the form (shown forwards)
-# [CANT_CM] <break> [CM] [whatever]
-# The CM needs to behave as an AL
-$AL_FOLLOW $CM+ / (
- [$BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW {eof}] |
- $SP+ $CM+ $SP |
- $SP+ $CM* ([^$OP $CM $SP] | [$AL {eof}])); # if LB 14 will match, need to surpress this break.
- # LB14 says OP SP* x .
- # becomes OP SP* x AL
- # becomes OP SP* x CM+ AL_FOLLOW
- #
- # Further note: the $AL in [$AL {eof}] is only to work around
- # a rule compiler bug which complains about
- # empty sets otherwise.
-# LB 4, 5, 6
-$LB4Breaks [$LB4NonBreaks-$CM];
-$LB4Breaks $CM+ $CAN_CM;
-$LF $CR;
-# LB 7 x SP
-# x ZW
-[$SP $ZW] [$LB4NonBreaks-$CM];
-[$SP $ZW] $CM+ $CAN_CM;
-# LB 8 ZW SP* <break>
-# TODO: to implement this, we need more than one look-ahead hard break in play at a time.
-# Requires an engine enhancement.
-# / $SP* $ZW
-# LB 8a ZWJ x (ID | Extended_Pict | EmojiNRK)
-($ID | $Extended_Pict | $EmojiNRK) $ZWJ $CM* $CAN_CM?;
-# LB 9,10 Combining marks.
-# X $CM needs to behave like X, where X is not $SP or controls.
-# $CM not covered by the above needs to behave like $AL
-# Stick together any combining sequences that don't match other rules.
-^$CM+ $CAN_CM;
-# LB 11
-$WJ $CM* $CAN_CM;
-$WJ [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
- $CANT_CM $CM* $WJ;
-$CAN_CM $CM* $WJ;
-# LB 12a
-# [^SP BA HY] x GL
-$GL $CM* [$LB8NonBreaks-[$CM $SP $BA $BAX $HY]];
-# LB 12
-# GL x
-$CAN_CM $CM* $GL;
-# LB 13
-$CL $CM+ $CAN_CM;
-$CP $CM+ $CAN_CM;
-$EX $CM+ $CAN_CM;
-$IS $CM+ $CAN_CM;
-$SY $CM+ $CAN_CM;
-$CL [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
-$CP [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
-$EX [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
-$IS [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
-$SY [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
-# LB 14 OP SP* x
-. $SP* $CM* $OP;
-$AL_FOLLOW? $CM+ $SP+ $CM* $OP; # by LB 10, behaves like $AL_FOLLOW? $AL $SP+ $CM* $OP
-# LB 15
-$OP $SP* $CM* $QU;
-# LB 16
-# Don't include $NSX here
-$NS $SP* $CM* ($CL | $CP);
-# LB 17
-$B2 $SP* $CM* $B2;
-# LB 18 break after spaces
-# Nothing explicit needed here.
-# LB 19
-$QU $CM* $CAN_CM; # . x QU
-$QU $LB18NonBreaks;
-$CAN_CM $CM* $QU; # QU x .
- $CANT_CM $CM* $QU;
-# LB 20 Break before and after CB.
-# nothing needed here.
-# LB 21
-# Don't include $BAX or $NSX here
-($BA | $HY | $NS) $CM* [$LB20NonBreaks-$CM]; # . x (BA | HY | NS)
-[$LB20NonBreaks-$CM] $CM* $BB; # BB x .
-[^$CB] $CM* $BB; #
-# LB21a Don't break after Hebrew + Hyphen.
-([^$CB] $CM*)? ($HY | $BA | $BAX) $CM* $HL;
-# LB21b (reverse)
-$HL $CM* $SY;
-# LB 22
-$IN $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
-$IN $CM* $EX;
-$IN $CM* ($ID | $EB | $EM);
-$IN $CM* $IN;
-$IN $CM* $NU;
-# LB 23
-$NU $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
-($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* $NU;
-# LB23a
-($ID | $EB | $EM) $CM* $PR;
-$PO $CM* ($ID | $EB | $EM);
-# LB 24
-($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* ($PR | $PO);
-($PR | $PO) $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
-# LB 25
-($CM* ($PR | $PO))? ($CM* ($CL | $CP))? ($CM* ($NU | $IS | $SY))* $CM* $NU ($CM* ($OP | $HY))? ($CM* ($PR | $PO))?;
-# LB 26
-($H3 | $H2 | $JV | $JL) $CM* $JL;
-($JT | $JV) $CM* ($H2 | $JV);
-$JT $CM* ($H3 | $JT);
-# LB 27
-$IN $CM* ($H3 | $H2 | $JT | $JV | $JL);
-$PO $CM* ($H3 | $H2 | $JT | $JV | $JL);
- ($H3 | $H2 | $JT | $JV | $JL) $CM* $PR;
-# LB 28
-($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
-# LB 29
-($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* $IS;
-# LB 30
-$OP $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL | $NU);
-($ALPlus | $HL | $NU) $CM* $CP;
-# LB 30a
-# Pairs of Regional Indicators.
-# The following two rules are nearly identical. The first matches only sequences with an odd number of adjacent RIs,
-# the second with an even number. Stripping away the cruft they look like
-# [^RI] RI / (RI RI)+ ^RI;
-# [^RI] RI RI / (RI RI)+ ^RI;
-[{bof} $NS $HY $BA $QU $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $WJ $GL $ZW $SP $BK $CR $LF $NL $ZWJ] $CM* $RI / ($CM* $RI $CM* $RI)+ $CM* [{eof}[^$RI $CM]];
-[{bof} $NS $HY $BA $QU $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $WJ $GL $ZW $SP $BK $CR $LF $NL $ZWJ] $CM* $RI $CM* $RI / ($CM* $RI $CM* $RI)+ $CM* [{eof}[^$RI $CM]];
-# In general, adjacent RIs stay together. The hard-break rules, above, overide this, forcing in the boundaries between pairs.
-$RI $CM* $RI;
-# WJ, GL, QU, etc. are classes with rules like "WJ x " which includes "WJ x RI".
-$RI $CM* ([$WJ $GL $QU $BB] | (($HY | $BA)$CM* $HL));
-# LB 30b Do not break between an Emoji Base and an Emoji Modifier
-$EM $CM* $EB;
-## -------------------------------------------------
-# LB 9
-^$CM+ [^$CM $BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW $SP];
-^$CM+ $SP / .;
-# LB 14
-$SP+ $CM* $OP;
-# LB 15
-$SP+ $CM* $QU;
-# LB 16
-$SP+ $CM* ($CL | $CP);
-# LB 17
-$SP+ $CM* $B2;
-# LB 21
-$CM* ($HY | $BA | $BAX) $CM* $HL;
-# LB 25
-($CM* ($IS | $SY))+ $CM* $NU;
-($CL | $CP) $CM* ($NU | $IS | $SY);
-# LB 30
-($CM* $RI)+;
-# For dictionary-based break
-$dictionary $dictionary;
-## -------------------------------------------------
-# Skip forward over all character classes that are involved in
-# rules containing patterns with possibly more than one char
-# of context.
-# It might be slightly more efficient to have specific rules
-# instead of one generic one, but only if we could
-# turn off rule chaining. We don't want to move more
-# than necessary.
-^[$CM $OP $QU $CL $CP $B2 $PR $HY $BA $BAX $SP $RI $ZWJ $dictionary]+ [^$CM $OP $QU $CL $CP $B2 $PR $HY $BA $BAX $RI $ZWJ $dictionary];
-$dictionary $dictionary;