-// ***************************************************************************
+// ***************************************************************************
// *
-// * Copyright (C) 2001-2003, International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Copyright (C) 2010 International Business Machines
+// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Tool: com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.cldr.LDML2ICUConverter.java
+// * Source File:<path>/common/main/so_ET.xml
// *
// ***************************************************************************
-// * Somali language locale for Ethiopia.
-// * Contributed by :
-// * Daniel Yacob <yacob@geez.org>, Ge'ez Frontier Foundation
-// * Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi <diriyeam@magellan.umontreal.ca>
-// * Department of Linguistics and Translation, Universite de Montreal, Montreal
-so_ET {
- Version{ "2.0" }
- // Measurement { "Metric" }
-// NumberElements {
-// ".",
-// ",",
-// ";",
-// "%",
-// "0",
-// "#",
-// "-",
-// "E",
-// "\u2030",
-// "\u221E",
-// "\uFFFD",
-// }
- NumberPatterns {
- "#,##0.###;-#,##0.###",
- "\u00A4#,##0.00;-\u00A4#,##0.00",
- "#,##0%",
- "#E0",
- }
- // PaperSize {
- // Height { "297" }
- // Width { "210" }
- // Units { "mm" }
- // }
- // Currency display names
- Currencies {
- ETB { "$", "ETB" }
+ Version{""}
+ calendar{
+ gregorian{
+ DateTimeElements:intvector{
+ 7,
+ 4,
+ }
+ }
- }