- * Copyright (c) 1997-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
/* file name: cbiditst.cpp
static void testGetBaseDirection(void);
+static void testContext(void);
+static void doTailTest(void);
/* new BIDI API */
static void testReorderingMode(void);
static void testReorderRunsOnly(void);
addTest(root, testReorderRunsOnly, "complex/bidi/TestReorderRunsOnly");
addTest(root, testStreaming, "complex/bidi/TestStreaming");
addTest(root, testClassOverride, "complex/bidi/TestClassOverride");
+ addTest(root, testGetBaseDirection, "complex/bidi/testGetBaseDirection");
+ addTest(root, testContext, "complex/bidi/testContext");
addTest(root, doArabicShapingTest, "complex/arabic-shaping/ArabicShapingTest");
addTest(root, doLamAlefSpecialVLTRArabicShapingTest, "complex/arabic-shaping/lamalef");
addTest(root, doTashkeelSpecialVLTRArabicShapingTest, "complex/arabic-shaping/tashkeel");
addTest(root, doLOGICALArabicDeShapingTest, "complex/arabic-shaping/unshaping");
addTest(root, doArabicShapingTestForBug5421, "complex/arabic-shaping/bug-5421");
- addTest(root, testGetBaseDirection, "complex/bidi/testGetBaseDirection");
+ addTest(root, doTailTest, "complex/arabic-shaping/tailtest");
static void
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
output[i] = pseudoToUChar[(uint8_t)input[i]];
+ output[length] = 0;
return length;
for(i=0; i<LENGTHOF(testCases); ++i) {
dir = ubidi_getBaseDirection(testCases[i].s, testCases[i].length );
log_verbose("Testing case %d\tReceived dir %d\n", i, dir);
- if (dir != expectedDir[i])
- log_err("\nFailed getBaseDirection case %d Expected %d \tReceived %d\n",
+ if (dir != expectedDir[i])
+ log_err("\nFailed getBaseDirection case %d Expected %d \tReceived %d\n",
i, expectedDir[i], dir);
+static void
+doTailTest(void) {
+ static const UChar src[] = { 0x0020, 0x0633, 0 };
+ static const UChar dst_old[] = { 0xFEB1, 0x200B,0 };
+ static const UChar dst_new[] = { 0xFEB1, 0xFE73,0 };
+ UChar dst[3] = { 0x0000, 0x0000,0 };
+ int32_t length;
+ UErrorCode status;
+ log_verbose("SRC: U+%04X U+%04X\n", src[0],src[1]);
+ log_verbose("Trying old tail\n");
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ length = u_shapeArabic(src, -1, dst, LENGTHOF(dst),
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_err("Fail: status %s\n", u_errorName(status));
+ } else if(length!=2) {
+ log_err("Fail: len %d expected 3\n", length);
+ } else if(u_strncmp(dst,dst_old,LENGTHOF(dst))) {
+ log_err("Fail: got U+%04X U+%04X expected U+%04X U+%04X\n",
+ dst[0],dst[1],dst_old[0],dst_old[1]);
+ } else {
+ log_verbose("OK: U+%04X U+%04X len %d err %s\n",
+ dst[0],dst[1],length,u_errorName(status));
+ }
+ log_verbose("Trying new tail\n");
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ length = u_shapeArabic(src, -1, dst, LENGTHOF(dst),
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_err("Fail: status %s\n", u_errorName(status));
+ } else if(length!=2) {
+ log_err("Fail: len %d expected 3\n", length);
+ } else if(u_strncmp(dst,dst_new,LENGTHOF(dst))) {
+ log_err("Fail: got U+%04X U+%04X expected U+%04X U+%04X\n",
+ dst[0],dst[1],dst_new[0],dst_new[1]);
+ } else {
+ log_verbose("OK: U+%04X U+%04X len %d err %s\n",
+ dst[0],dst[1],length,u_errorName(status));
+ }
static void
doArabicShapingTestForBug5421(void) {
static const UChar
return testOK;
+static UBool
+assertIllegalArgument(const char* message, UErrorCode* rc) {
+ log_err("%s() failed with error %s.\n", message, myErrorName(*rc));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+typedef struct {
+ const char* prologue;
+ const char* source;
+ const char* epilogue;
+ const char* expected;
+ UBiDiLevel paraLevel;
+} contextCase;
+static const contextCase contextData[] = {
+ /*00*/ {"", "", "", "", UBIDI_LTR},
+ /*01*/ {"", ".-=JKL-+*", "", ".-=LKJ-+*", UBIDI_LTR},
+ /*02*/ {" ", ".-=JKL-+*", " ", ".-=LKJ-+*", UBIDI_LTR},
+ /*03*/ {"a", ".-=JKL-+*", "b", ".-=LKJ-+*", UBIDI_LTR},
+ /*04*/ {"D", ".-=JKL-+*", "", "LKJ=-.-+*", UBIDI_LTR},
+ /*05*/ {"", ".-=JKL-+*", " D", ".-=*+-LKJ", UBIDI_LTR},
+ /*06*/ {"", ".-=JKL-+*", " 2", ".-=*+-LKJ", UBIDI_LTR},
+ /*07*/ {"", ".-=JKL-+*", " 7", ".-=*+-LKJ", UBIDI_LTR},
+ /*08*/ {" G 1", ".-=JKL-+*", " H", "*+-LKJ=-.", UBIDI_LTR},
+ /*09*/ {"7", ".-=JKL-+*", " H", ".-=*+-LKJ", UBIDI_LTR},
+ /*10*/ {"", ".-=abc-+*", "", "*+-abc=-.", UBIDI_RTL},
+ /*11*/ {" ", ".-=abc-+*", " ", "*+-abc=-.", UBIDI_RTL},
+ /*12*/ {"D", ".-=abc-+*", "G", "*+-abc=-.", UBIDI_RTL},
+ /*13*/ {"x", ".-=abc-+*", "", "*+-.-=abc", UBIDI_RTL},
+ /*14*/ {"", ".-=abc-+*", " y", "abc-+*=-.", UBIDI_RTL},
+ /*15*/ {"", ".-=abc-+*", " 2", "abc-+*=-.", UBIDI_RTL},
+ /*16*/ {" x 1", ".-=abc-+*", " 2", ".-=abc-+*", UBIDI_RTL},
+ /*17*/ {" x 7", ".-=abc-+*", " 8", "*+-.-=abc", UBIDI_RTL},
+ /*18*/ {"x|", ".-=abc-+*", " 8", "*+-abc=-.", UBIDI_RTL},
+ /*19*/ {"G|y", ".-=abc-+*", " 8", "*+-.-=abc", UBIDI_RTL},
+ /*20*/ {"", ".-=", "", ".-=", UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR},
+ /*21*/ {"D", ".-=", "", "=-.", UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR},
+ /*22*/ {"G", ".-=", "", "=-.", UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR},
+ /*23*/ {"xG", ".-=", "", ".-=", UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR},
+ /*24*/ {"x|G", ".-=", "", "=-.", UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR},
+ /*25*/ {"x|G", ".-=|-+*", "", "=-.|-+*", UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR},
+#define CONTEXT_COUNT LENGTHOF(contextData)
+static void
+testContext(void) {
+ UChar prologue[MAXLEN], epilogue[MAXLEN], src[MAXLEN], dest[MAXLEN];
+ char destChars[MAXLEN];
+ UBiDi *pBiDi = NULL;
+ UErrorCode rc;
+ int32_t proLength, epiLength, srcLen, destLen, tc;
+ contextCase cc;
+ UBool testOK = TRUE;
+ log_verbose("\nEntering TestContext \n\n");
+ /* test null BiDi object */
+ rc = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ubidi_setContext(pBiDi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &rc);
+ testOK &= assertIllegalArgument("Error when BiDi object is null", &rc);
+ pBiDi = getBiDiObject();
+ ubidi_orderParagraphsLTR(pBiDi, TRUE);
+ /* test proLength < -1 */
+ rc = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ubidi_setContext(pBiDi, NULL, -2, NULL, 0, &rc);
+ testOK &= assertIllegalArgument("Error when proLength < -1", &rc);
+ /* test epiLength < -1 */
+ rc = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ubidi_setContext(pBiDi, NULL, 0, NULL, -2, &rc);
+ testOK &= assertIllegalArgument("Error when epiLength < -1", &rc);
+ /* test prologue == NULL */
+ rc = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ubidi_setContext(pBiDi, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, &rc);
+ testOK &= assertIllegalArgument("Prologue is NULL", &rc);
+ /* test epilogue == NULL */
+ rc = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ubidi_setContext(pBiDi, NULL, 0, NULL, 4, &rc);
+ testOK &= assertIllegalArgument("Epilogue is NULL", &rc);
+ for (tc = 0; tc < CONTEXT_COUNT; tc++) {
+ cc = contextData[tc];
+ proLength = strlen(cc.prologue);
+ pseudoToU16(proLength, cc.prologue, prologue);
+ epiLength = strlen(cc.epilogue);
+ pseudoToU16(epiLength, cc.epilogue, epilogue);
+ /* in the call below, prologue and epilogue are swapped to show
+ that the next call will override this call */
+ rc = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ubidi_setContext(pBiDi, epilogue, epiLength, prologue, proLength, &rc);
+ testOK &= assertSuccessful("swapped ubidi_setContext", &rc);
+ ubidi_setContext(pBiDi, prologue, -1, epilogue, -1, &rc);
+ testOK &= assertSuccessful("regular ubidi_setContext", &rc);
+ srcLen = strlen(cc.source);
+ pseudoToU16(srcLen, cc.source, src);
+ ubidi_setPara(pBiDi, src, srcLen, cc.paraLevel, NULL, &rc);
+ testOK &= assertSuccessful("ubidi_setPara", &rc);
+ destLen = ubidi_writeReordered(pBiDi, dest, MAXLEN, UBIDI_DO_MIRRORING, &rc);
+ assertSuccessful("ubidi_writeReordered", &rc);
+ u16ToPseudo(destLen, dest, destChars);
+ if (uprv_strcmp(cc.expected, destChars)) {
+ char formatChars[MAXLEN];
+ log_err("\nActual and expected output mismatch on case %d.\n"
+ "%20s %s\n%20s %s\n%20s %s\n%20s %s\n%20s %s\n%20s %s\n%20s %d\n%20s %u\n%20s %d\n",
+ tc,
+ "Prologue:", cc.prologue,
+ "Input:", cc.source,
+ "Epilogue:", cc.epilogue,
+ "Expected output:", cc.expected,
+ "Actual output:", destChars,
+ "Levels:", formatLevels(pBiDi, formatChars),
+ "Reordering mode:", ubidi_getReorderingMode(pBiDi),
+ "Paragraph level:", ubidi_getParaLevel(pBiDi),
+ "Reordering option:", ubidi_getReorderingOptions(pBiDi));
+ testOK = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (testOK == TRUE) {
+ log_verbose("\nContext test OK\n");
+ }
+ ubidi_close(pBiDi);
+ log_verbose("\nExiting TestContext \n\n");